Yarona's Scrapbook

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The Scrapbook is for ideas, thoughts and musings related to Yarona, and the Ten Hidden Orbs campaign generally.


House Cathak Simulacrum (Fact)[edit]

Priding itself on military and technical superiority, House Cathak expects much from its noble members. Each scion is pitted against dozens of 'siblings' in tests designed to measure everything from the comprehension of philosophy to success on simulated battlefields. The upper percentile are accepted as proper members of the house, with the most successful sibling inheriting the name of its lineage. All others are deleted. This environment - while no doubt cruel - is designed to select for a specific sort of individual...one 'worthy' of taking a name with the weight of generations behind it.

  • Prefect: House Cathak are renowned for their military knowledge, and expertise in related endeavours. Prefects can treat their affiliation with the house as a useful Fact relating to warfare, strategy, tactics and the operation/technical specifications of technology related to the pursuit of combat. This Fact is also useful when dealing with soldiers or security personnel. Prefects of House Cathak are particularly skilled at telling friend from foe, and knowing the relative strengths of each side in a conflict.
  • Tribune: a Cathak Tribune is known as a skilled commander. Professional soldiers, veterans of combat, or militia trained in House Cathak doctrine gain a +2 bonus to their Morale score when lead by a Tribune. In addition, their tactics and cohesion will be noticeably better than normal - granting a +1 to-hit bonus when fighting in a mass combat against other military units.
  • Legate: masterminds of military strategy, Legates are capable of upholding House Cathak’s military reputation. Once per battle, the Legate can negate a failed morale check made by any unit under their command. Additionally, this reputation can also count as a Fact when dealing with other Imperial Houses in a military context – leading them, convincing them to follow your strategies, and the like.