Yip Feng Wen

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Character Name: Yip Feng Wen
Player Name: Haozillima
Profession: RHKP Organised & Serious Crime Bureau Plainclothes Officer
Nationality: Native Hongkonger
Sex (Age): Female (24)
Education: University


Stat Rolls

Score x5 What Others Notice
Strength 10 50
Constitution 13 65 Healhty
Dexterity 13 65 Nimble
Intelligence 9 45
Power 17 85 Radiant
Charisma 16 80 Charming

Derived Attributes[edit]

Maximum Current
Hit Points (HP) 12 12
Willpower (WP) 17 17
Sanity (SAN) 68 68
Breaking Point (BP) 51 51

Damage Bonus: 0

Incidents of SAN loss without going insane[edit]

Violence O O O adapted
Helplessness O O O adapted


My Great-Grandmother Lu Shen 16
Underground Gamblers 16

Motivations and Mental Disorders[edit]

Dissociative Identity Disorder: Local Spirit seeking higher position within the Celestial Bureaucracy.

Gain enough funding and support to continue investigating the paranormal even without PISCE.

Following in my Great-Grandmother footstep.

Keeping any interesting artifact and tome to myself.

Gather information on the PISCE.


Skill Values[edit]

Accounting 10% Pilot 0%
Alertness 60% Firearms 40% Psychotherapy 10%
Anthropology 0% First Aid 10% Ride 10%
Archaeology 0% Forensics 0% Science 0% Art (Gambling) 80% Heavy Weapons 0% Search 50%
Artillery 0% History 10% SIGINT 0%
Athletics 50% ■HUMINT 50% Stealth 10%
Bureaucracy 50% Law 0% Surgery 0%
Computer Science 0% Medicine 0% Survival 10%
Craft 0% Melee Weapons 40% Swim 20%
Criminology 50% Military Science 0% Unarmed Combat 50%
Demolitions 0% Navigate 50% Unnatural 10%
Disguise 30% Occult 50%
Dodge 50% Persuade 40% Heavy Machinery 0%
Drive Auto 40% Pharmacy 0% English 50% Mandarin 20%

Physical Injuries and Ailments[edit]

Has First Aid been attempted since your last injury? If yes, only Medicine, Surgery, or long-term rest can help further

Armor and Equipment[edit]

Kelver Helmet (Motorcycle Helmet): +1 Armor, can't be concealed.

Reinforced Kevlar vest: 4 Armor If worn below outer garments, noticing it requires an Alertness test at +20%.

Motorcyle: 15 HP, Fast.

Basic Camping Gear, Walkie Talkie, Large Flashlight, Handcuff, Ordinary Binocular.


Skill % Base Range Damage Lethality Kill Damage Kill Radius Shots Notes
Colt Detective Special 50% 10 Meter 1D8 6
Peach Wood Sword 40% 1D8

Personal Details, Work Performance, Special Training and Other Notes[edit]

Growing up, Feng Wen family didn't alway have enough money to spend on medicine, clothing, or even food, but they keep on working, hoping their daughter would have a successful life, so they get her the best university they could afford. Her parent get that successful part right, but instead of studying, she mostly wander around town, in a disguise. When she stumble on to Hong Kong underground gambling scene, she didn't have a lot of money or reputation, but desperate for money and bore out of her mind, she decide to play a game of dice, and won several time, luck seem to just be on her side. She continue to come gamble at this underground gambling spot, she decide to join RHKP to protect the various underground gambling scene. She was recruited into PISCE when an agent discover her gambling illegally, but her expertise and help during the mission make her an good asset so they blackmail her into either joining or they will expose her secret.

Damage Veteran: Things Man Was Not Meant to Know[edit]

Feng Wen have a weird childhood, her parent were too busy with work, trying to earn enough money to keep the light on. So she mainly spend her time at her great grandmother place. Listening to her story about how she travel from Shanghai to Hong Kong, the various people she meet on the road, and the tales that she know by heart. She would teach Feng Wen mandarin, and various supernatural creature, how they fit within the ten thousand thing, and how to deal with them. When Feng Wen enter 15th year of life, her great grandmother shown up in her room late at night. Feng Wen could feel that something was off with her great grandmother, she normally radiate warmth, but during this moment she feel POWER radiating off her. Feng Wen could feel it in the air, chocking her, when she see the spark of enlightenment glinting in her great grandmother eyes, that when she realize, she want to become like Lu Shen. Feng Wen train with Lu Shen throughout her highschool years, skipping history and math class to train in martial art and spirit mediumship. On her 20th birthday, Feng Wen does her most sacred ritual, of letting a local god to possessed her, the ritual was a success, she feel her soul lifted out of her body, and see her body moving and dancing, any event that happen after that was hazy, but she remember waking up naked floating in her great grandmother pond. Her great grandmother looking down at her saying she have nothing left to teach, and that she must find her own path in the world.