Yoritomo Uji

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Yoritomo Uji and Yoritomo Wakou were born to Yoritomo Gosuta, member of the Storm Legion. From birth, the two shared a connection that none could explain, seeming to be able to know the others thoughts without words, the two were inseparable. The other aspect that the two used to their advantage was they were identical except for in one respect - Uji is left-handed while Wakou was right. The two were raised primarily on Shima no Koshinryo, with Wakou having the talent and drive to wield weapons and Uji having the mark that showed his potential for becoming a powerful shugenja.

The brothers trained close to each other, kept in close contact and even found time to train with each other. One day, Wakou brought two masks to their meet-up, one for himself and one for Uji, each with their elements and kanji on them. That same day, they received word that their father was killed, leaving Zokusei, their mother, the only parent. Others in the family assisted when needed, but the two would always remain closest to their mother, second to each other.

Time came for the two to prove their worth to become adults and embark on the gempukku. The two were each given a kama, blindfolded, stowed in a dark room and brought to an island after a day of travel. In order to pass, they must survive and return home in one month of their own accord. The two fared well, working together they made camp, found food, water, everything they needed, including finding two friendly monkeys that they took on as pets. All was great until the day before they were to leave. In the early morning, a pair of large bears came upon their camp. The two were still asleep, being woken by the sound of the bears clamoring through their supplies. The cave where they made their home was great and very defensive unless something was actually inside of it, then they were cornered. Wakou was the first to jump in, armed with only his kama, he tried to fight off the bears. Uji was able to push one of them out of the cave with his spell, but it made the floors very slick. As Uji turned to help his brother, he saw him slip on the now wet stone, chipping his kama on the cave wall, and opening himself up to a lethal paw swipe from the bear. The next hing Uji remembered is that he was on top f the now shredded bear, holding his and his bother's kamas, covered in blood. Unable to leave his brother's body there, Uji cared him to the handmade boat and rowed back home with him.

That was less than a month ago, Uji still is contending with the lose of Wakou. He must move on, but he will never forget. Since his brother's death, he has not felt like a whole person, as if half his soul died with his brother. Now, he must live a life that not only brings honor and glory to him and his family name, but also live a life that Wakou would live.

Personal Data[edit]

  • Age: 13
  • Birthday: 1st day of the Month of the Horse
  • Wakou Birthday: 28th day of the Month of the Serpent
  • Wakou Death: 13th day of the Month of the Dragon
  • Height: 5' 4" / 1.6256 meters
  • Weight: 112 lbs / 50.8 kg
  • Eyes: Deep Brown, almost Black
  • Hair: Right half is shaved to the skin; the left side is a bit past shoulder length

Rings / Traits[edit]

Air 2:

  • Reflexes 2
  • Awareness 2

Earth 2:

  • Stamina 3
  • Willpower 2

Fire 2:

  • Agility 2
  • Intelligence 3

Water 3:

  • Strength 3
  • Perception 3

Void: 2

Honour: 4.5

Glory: 1.1

Status: 1.0

Insight: 128

Rank: 1

Exp Spent/Earned: 0/0

Yoritomo Shugenja School[edit]

Child of the Sea - The family line of the Yoritomo who possess the talent for magic have a strong bond with the sea and with weather as a whole. You may expend one spell slot to alter the wind conditions in your current location by one degree. If you also spend a Void Point, you may instead shift the entire weather status one degree. You may expend a maximum combined total of spell slots and/or Void Points equal to your School Rank each Round to enact these shifts. These shifts affect an area a number of miles equal to your School Rank in all directions from your current location. You also gain a Free Raise on all spells with the Thunder keyword.

School Skills[edit]

  • Athletics (Str) 1
  • Calligraphy (Int) 1
  • Knives (Agi) 2
  • Lore: Theology (Int) 1
  • Meditation (Void) 1
  • Sailing (Navigation) 1
  • Spellcraft (Int) 1

Non-School Skills[edit]

  • Animal Handling (Awa) 1
  • Chain Weapons (Agi) 2
  • Divination (Int) 2
  • Defense (Ref) 2
  • Etiquette (Awa) 1
  • Investigate (Per) 1
  • Lore: Heraldry (Int) 1


  • Blood of Osano-Wo: Immune to penalties from weather; reduce damage by 1k1 for spells damage caused from weather
  • Friendly Kami [Water]: +1k1 with common spells cast for Water
  • Friend of the Elements [Water]: Free Raise with Strength & Perception


  • Lost Love: No bond was greater than Uji's to his twin brother Wakou
  • Momoku: In the literal sense, Uji was the Fire and Water, Wajou the Earth and Air. Since hie death, Uji has only been half a person, spiritually


Affinity: Water

Deficiency: Earth

  • Common: Sense, Commune, Summon
  • Water: Ebbing Strength, Path to Inner Peace, The Swell of the Storm
  • Fire: Extinguish, Fury of Osano-Wo*
  • Air: Voice of the Wind


  • Robes
  • Ashigaru Armor (+3 TN/ Reduction 1); no helmet
  • Wakizashi (2k2)
  • Kusarigama (0k2/0k1)
  • 2 Kama (1 has the tip broken) (0k2)
  • Scroll Satchel
  • Traveling Pack: Blanket, Brazier, Bucket, Mismatched Chopsticks, Divination Kit (kawaru coins), Fan, Flint and Tinder, Mask, Pot, Spare Kimono and Sandals, Two Sake cups, Small Knife, Tatami Mat, Small Tent, Whetstone
  • Worn Items: Mask, Wide-brimmed Straw Hat, Coin Purse
  • Twin Pet Monkeys (Ryo and Ren)

Money: 1 koku, 4 bu, 3 zeni

Rewards and Penalties[edit]


  • Starting: 4.5


  • Starting: 1.0


  • Starting: 1.0
