Youthful Offenders

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One of the current chill groups on the juve music scene is an underground band called the Youthful Offenders. Lead by Zachary Gale, son of the early teens rock star Damien Gale, the Offenders play loud and offensive covers of already loud and offensive music. While Damien was one of the big stars before the release of Silverhand’s breakthrough album “Clone Wars”, the life of rock & roll excess had left him almost penniless by 2025. Desperate for cash Damien took a job at the media corps. They were trying to create a super group from some of the best rockers of the teens and twenties to sing pro-corporate songs. When Kerry Eurodyne suddenly left the project Damien took the lead spot and the money started rolling in.

Zachary was the product of one of Damien’s many one-night-stands. Damien loved the idea of having a son and was convinced that Zach would carry on the rock & roll legacy. Despite his womanizing, drug use and other shortcomings Damien was a better father than most. He made sure that Zach got the best education that money could buy and spent most of his free time giving Zach the relationship he had always wanted to have with his own father. As money started getting tight Damien did his best to teach his son the value of money in the hopes that he would not repeat Damien’s mistakes. Since it was important to for kids to have friends Damien made sure that Zach hung out with the kids of other RockerBoys. Too late in life Damien learned that he should have never trusted other people with his money. With the bankers about to foreclose on his conapt he swallowed his pride and took a job with the media corps. He doesn’t like what they make him sing but the pay allows him to keep a roof over his son’s head.

Life never seemed that great to young Zachary. He never knew his mother because she was just another nameless notch in his father’s headboard. Instead of living with a loving mother Zach was forced to live with an unfit father who wanted to live out some daddy fantasy. Once Zach was old enough dear old dad handed him off to the tutors. Zach was forced to study all manner of useless subjects just so daddy could parade him in front of his lame friends and say “Look how smart my kid is!”. These torture sessions were always followed up with a few hours of quality “Father Son Time”. All this would have been bearable if his dad was a little looser with the purse strings. Zach was forced to live on a meager $500 a week allowance while he squander the rest of the money. On top of that his dad made him hang out with all the other GlitterKids whose parents gave them whatever they wanted making him look like a joke. Now his dad claims poverty and went and sold out to the media corps. That was the bottom line! Zach decided to put together his own band and make a name for himself. He could speak to the youth of today because he had experienced their pain.

Zach knew he was a better singer that his dad but he couldn’t afford to pay someone to write songs for him or hire talented musicians. Since he didn’t have his father’s connections so he recruited anyone off the street who could play. The kid who plays guitar had potential and the others were okay so he taught them a few old cover songs and figured he could just sing really loud to drowned them out. The name “Youthful Offenders” was meant to tap into the rebellious spirit of the juve population. The first gig they played was in some dive club outside of the corp-zone and was a decent success. Zach gave himself the image of being just another lower class garage rocker trying to make it outside of the corporate machine. After a couple of shows Zach used his fathers home studio to record their first album “RetroLution”. Then he also sweetalked a femjuve Mallbrat into cranking out a few hundred audio slugs of it so they could sell them at their shows. The album has already become an underground hit and Zach is planning on recording another album as soon as he can get some original songs.

Unknown to Zachary the true success of “Youthful Offenders” comes from guitar player Eric Davis. Eric is the son of two lower class corporate zombies who barely even register that they have a child. Despite the fact that neither of them could play a note young Eric is a child prodigy when it came to music. He was born with that certain gift that only comes around once a generation and could quite possibly be the Mozart of this age. Determined to make a better way for himself and his family he saved every dollar he could to by a guitar and try to make it as a rock star. However without any connections he was reduced to playing on street corners for anyone who would hear him. Despite his low social station he could make a guitar sing, cry or cheer depending on what he was playing. This was how Zachary Gale discovered him. It didn’t take long for Eric to realize that Zach was pretty tone deft and could barely sing buy he was the son of a famous rocker and that meant that sooner or later he might get discovered. Right now he is content to play quietly when Zach screams but when the time for the guitar solo comes it is Eric who keeps the crowds attention. If music can touch the soul than Eric Davis can reach into your chest and play your heartstrings like his Fender Excalibur Smartguitar.

Zachary Gale is a 14-year-old Rock Diva in training. Although he is playing up the garage rocker persona its only because he is trying to “play down” to the crowd. He claims to be “trying to make it outside of the machine” when in reality he is just waiting for his ship to come in and then plans to sell out for the true rock & roll lifestyle. While he sings songs about working hard and fighting the machine his manicured hands have never seen a day of hard labor. He dresses like the urban Juves who live outside the corpzone but his denim pants are designer label and have been pre-stained and worn by machines. His boots are the highest quality recreation of army surplus steel toes and his trademark dog tags, supposedly belonging to a soldier who fell in the LatAm conflict, are platinum plated. Even his unkempt brown hair long hair is the product of two hours at a high-class salon. His voice has started becoming a bit raspy of late from all the screaming that he is convinced is singing and any conversations with him will inevitably drift to himself. The sad truth is that Zachary gal only cares about Zachary Gale. He would just assume walk over another juve as he would help them.

Zachary Gale


Blend 3 Go Go 2 St. Fight 4
Fear. Ldr. 4 Jockstuff 4 St. Smart 3
Genspeak 5 Lil Angel 4 Thiefstuff 2
Get a Clue 4 Schoolin 5 Clebrity 6
Preform 4

Equipment: Mirrorshades, Smartcard with $500 on it, Cellular Pocket Phone, Personal V-term, 5 Audio Slugs of “RetroLution”, 5 Solo Demo Slugs, KeyCard to his Dad’s luxury conapt, Designer “grunge” outfit, Chrome plated light auto pistol

Eric Davis is 12 years old and on his way to replacing Silverhand as the voice of the revolution. Despite the fact that his parents are almost never home he cares deeply for them and would take them with him if he ever made it big. He is a bit short and kinda scrawny but most boys are at his age. His hair is dirty blond with natural brown highlights and is usually kept shoulder length with bangs that he is constantly brushing out of his eyes. Despite his 4’8” frame he wields his Fender Excalibur SmartGuitar like he came out of the womb with it. When he plays it is almost like he enters a trance and exist in his private universe with just his guitar. While he plays like a rock god he is rather shy and doesn’t talk much. He’s rather shy about his meager fame especially since most people just know him as “the guitar player in Youthful Offender” (represented by his almost non-existent Celebrity skill). Despite this he is usually in good spirits since he is living his dream and he didn’t have to sell out to do it. Eric is quick to help other juves when he can since he knows what is like to be ignored and stepped on. Eventually Eric hopes to join the CyberRevolution because he knows in his heart that it is the right thing to do even though it means he will never get to be a rich Corporate Rocker. Unlike Zachary, Eric’s grunge cloths are all natural. Wherever he goes he usually wearing a black tee shirt and jeans with a denim vest that he uses to hold guitar picks and other necessities.

Eric Davis


Blend 5 Go Go 3 St. Fight 4
Fear. Ldr. 4 Jockstuff 3 St. Smart 5
Genspeak 5 Lil Angel 5 Thiefstuff 4
Get a Clue 4 Schoolin 2 Celebrity 2
Preform 6

Equipment: Cellular Pocket Phone, Personal V-Term, Aerovector City Scooter, Fender Excalibur SmartGuitar, ZapMan Taser Pistol.