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Species: Raptor

Height: 3'6

Weight: Unknown

Physical Description: A tiny, chicken like beast at first. Yuutsume's sharp talons, gnashing claws and huge coverage of blue plumed feathers seem to indicate that he looks more like a cross between a bird and a lizard than an actual dinosaur. However his eyes belay a human level intellect and the blue Yukkata he wears along with the long (by his standards) Katanna give him a vaguely more characterized edge over most discovery channel raptors.

Personality: Calm, decisive and ultimately to the point. Yuutsume's biggest attribute thus far is lasyness. Mostly because after finally gaining the map home he has yet to actually do so and rather take a look at everyone else's problems. He's not one to raise a sword to problems not his own. But he's one to try and help with a few choice words at the right moment.

Background: Unknown.

Trailblazing Intrepid Mystery Explorers