Zem Chalke, Gambler and General Loser

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Zem Chalk[edit]

Game Info: Human Commoner 2 (CR1)


Zem is a small, hunched man with lank black hair and several days unshaved stubble on his chin. He looks older than he actually is as his face is heavily lined and he has bags under his eyes. He is softly spoken and generally quiet with a furtive gleam in his eyes. His movements are quick and shuffling and he tends to squint at people.


A coward and an opportunist, Zem tends to bumble through life, taking advantage of opportunities that happen upon him, rather than making his own. He’s not to bright or quick on the uptake and this has often landed him in trouble as he is one of the last to realise when a situation is potentially volaile or dangerous. He is a shifty character, difficult to pin down on anything.


Zem’s story is the same as many others out there. The son of a drunken prostitute and a nameless pirate, he was left to his own devices as a child and joined up with a street gang. Since then he has gone around, attaching himself to various different groups at one time or another and just generally going where that morning’s mood takes him. He always had a weakness for gambling and, after several bad experiences with debt and organised crime he now tends to move around a lot, just in case anyone should be looking for him.