Zerr, Exploratrix Majoris
Magos Zerr is a diminutive woman with bizarre features. When she was a Skitarii her Fabricator turned her into a catgirl: retractable claws, ears, tail, needle teeth, the works. She looks just human enough to be disturbing, and her facial motors seem deliberately programed to be a split second too slow making all her facial expressions seem staged.
Character Aspects[edit]
Defining - Vaguely Heretikal Catgirl Cyborg
Hotshot Skitarii Pilot
Deep in the Uncanny Valley
Engineseer Faction Leader
Doesn't Really Give a Damn
Physical (5 Stress)
Agility 4, Endurance 3, Perception 2, Strength 2
Mental (6 Stress)
Craft 4, Knowledge 3, Reasoning 3, Willpower 3
Social (3 Stress)
Empathy -1, Deception 0, Persuasion 0, Resources 3
Affinity (8 Stress)
Machine 4
Skill | Rating | Skill | Rating | Skill | Rating | Skill | Rating |
Assault | 0 | Firefight | 2 | Might | 1 | Athletics | 4 |
Strategy | 1 | Pilot | 4 | Navigation | 0 | Wilderness | 0 |
Tech | 5 | Demolition | 2 | Science | 4 | Lore | 2 |
Wealth | 3 | Politics | 0 | Charm | 0 | Commerce | 0 |
Will | 2 | Divination | 0 | Telekinesis | 0 | Telepathy | 0 |
Stress | Boxes |
Health | 3 |
Composure | 3 |
Status | 3 |
Flygirl: +1 to Pilot small craft
Engineer: +1 Tech to repair tests
Mechanicus Implants: (Tech) Implants
The Flesh is Weak: Swap Tech for Physical resistance, + 1 Implant
Ferric Summons: Swap Science for telekinesis to affect metal, +1 Implant
Armored Bodyglove
Mechanicus Robes (never worn)
Vanaheim Assault Shotgun
Bolt Pistol
Cyber-panther familiar
Bionics and Implants[edit]
Calculus Logi Upgrade
Memorance Implant
Retractable Utility and Optical Mechadendrites
BQ Mind Interface Unit