Editing Character:Dhiren

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Game: [[Once_more_with_feeling]].
Game: [[Once_more_with_feeling]].
'''Natalzu Chandra Dhiren'''<br>
'''Natalzu Chandra Dhiren'''<br>
[[Image:Dhiren3.png|frame|<div style="text-align: center;"> Claws of the Silver Moon </div>]]
[[Image:Dhiren2.png|frame|<div style="text-align: center;"> with his sky-klaves </div>]]
Caste: Casteless<br>
Caste: Casteless<br>
Concept: Farmboy Rescued from Slavery<br>
Concept: Farmboy Rescued from Slavery<br>
''A boy on the cusp of manhood, one can already predict Dhiren's build - tall, with broad, powerful shoulders. His light brown hair is long, shaggy, and tipped with silver. Dhiren usually wears it in a ponytail, but it has a tendency to escape and fall forward, so he's continually having to brush it back from his face and out of his warm brown eyes. He dresses in well-made but simple farmer's clothes. He carries no weapons, but is accompanied by a young bear cub nearly everywhere he goes.''
''A boy on the cusp of manhood, one can already predict Dhiren's build - tall, with broad, powerful shoulders. His light brown hair is long, shaggy, and tipped with silver. Dhiren usually wears it in a ponytail, but it has a tendency to escape and fall forward, so he's continually having to brush it back from his face and out of his warm brown eyes. He dresses in well-made but simple farmer's clothes, and has lately taken to wearing his buff jacket nearly all the time. He carries no weapons, but is accompanied by a young bear cub nearly everywhere he goes.''
Character Song: [http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1030890399539911654&ei=X9ZCSvv0FYjblQeGyMSmBw&q Men of Harlech]
Line 19: Line 17:
*[[Character:Nuwa|Nuwa]] (Solar Mate, True Love) (+)
*[[Character:Nuwa|Nuwa]] (Solar Mate, True Love) (+)
*Cult of the Illuminated (+)
*Cult of the Illuminated (+)
*The People from Natalzu (+)
*Natalzu (+)
*Protect Creation with Anshu, Radiance, Nuwa, Salamander, and the others (+)
*Protect Creation with Anshu, Radiance, Nuwa, Salamander, and the others (+)
*[[Character:Solitary_Talon_of_the_Veiled_Silverhawk_Lady|Solitary Talon]] (-)
*[[Character:Solitary_Talon_of_the_Veiled_Silverhawk_Lady|Solitary Talon]] (-)
*[[Character:Dhiren/Mahon|Mahon]] (+)
*[[Character:Dhiren/Mahon|Mahon]] (+)
*Denandsor (+)
*Discussion and Compromise (2/3 scenes built) (+)
Line 37: Line 33:
''Favored Attributes''<br>
''Favored Attributes''<br>
PHYSICAL: ''Strength'' 5, ''Dexterity'' 6 (Dodge +3, Martial Arts +3, Thrown +3), ''Stamina'' 4<br>
PHYSICAL: ''Strength'' 5, ''Dexterity'' 5 (Dodge +3, Melee +3, Thrown +3), ''Stamina'' 4<br>
SOCIAL: Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Appearance 4<br>
SOCIAL: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 4<br>
MENTAL: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4<br>
MENTAL: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4<br>
Line 54: Line 50:
Dodge 5<br>
Dodge 5<br>
Linguistics 1 (''Riverspeak'', Forest-tongue)<br>
Linguistics 1 (''Riverspeak'', Forest-tongue)<br>
Lore 4<br>
Martial Arts 5<br>
Martial Arts 5<br>
Medicine 4<br>
Medicine 4<br>
Line 67: Line 62:
===Artifact •• (moonsilver hearthstone bracers)===
===Resources •••===
Attune Cost: 4m<br>
As the child of a fairly wealthy farming family, Dhiren has a good enough line of credit to buy even rather expensive items, even if he doesn't have the money with him then and there.
Holds Farmer's Stone
===Artifact •• (moonsilver skin-mount amulet)===
===Artifact •••===
Holds Iron Soul Stone
This pair of jade daiklaves can also be thrown as if they were sky-cutters. The base attunement cost is 6 motes.
===Artifact ••• (moonsilver skyklaves)===
Attune Cost: 6m<br>
This pair of moonsilver daiklaves can also be thrown as if they were sky-cutters.
===Artifact •••• (moonsilver perfected kata bracers)===
Attune Cost: 8m<br>
Perfected kata bracers are prayer strips crafted of a single magical material and curled into bracers. The strips’ sutras are starmetal engravings. When the character activates a Form-type Charm, the sutras inscribed on the bracers glow and lift from the artifact to engulf the character in light for a brief moment. For the rest of the scene, he gains several benefits.
He adds her Essence to the accuracy, damage and defense of her unarmed attacks and of attacks made with the active Form-type Charm’s particular weapons. He may choose to inflict bashing or lethal damage at will and he may parry lethal attacks unarmed. In addition, moonsilver bracers provide him additional flexibility, so he ignores cover and shields.
===Backing ••••• (Denandsor Council)===
===Contacts ••••• (Denandsor Council)===
===Familiar •••===
===Familiar •••===
Dhiren rescued this God-blooded grizzly bear cub from a circus in Nexus and named it [[Character:Mahon|Mahon]].
Dhiren rescued this God-blooded grizzly bear cub from a circus in Nexus and named it [[Character:Mahon|Mahon]].
===Influence ••••• (Denandsor Council)===
===Manse • (Farmer's Stone)===
Any crops tended by the owner of this angular, pale blue spindle grow and bear unusually well. If these crops receive at least minimal water and care, they yield an unusually abundant and early harvest despite poor soil or weather. This hearthstone affects any size of farm, so long as the bearer regularly helps to tend it.
The bearer may also aid a farm that he does not normally work by spending one full day tending it shortly after planting has taken place. When used in this fashion, the stone aids up to (bearer’s Essence) square miles. In either case, the stone only protects the crops from natural problems such as droughts, flooding, insects or blights. It provides no protection against armies burning or trampling the fields, although the stone would help the fields recover more rapidly than normal.
The manse is called [[Once_more_with_feeling/Custom_Manses#The_Last_Homely_Home_.E2.88.82|The Last Homely Home]].
===Manse ••••• (Iron Soul Stone)===
This smooth, rounded gray stone looks like an ordinary rock with no special properties. However, it protects its bearer and everything he wears or carries from all effects of the Wyld. It also inflicts one level of aggravated damage every 5 ticks to any Wyld-touched creature (including the Fair Folk and mortals assimilated by the Wyld) who comes within five yards of the bearer. Wyld creatures killed by this deadly power vanish in a puff of fine dust.
All creatures associated with the Wyld can sense the stone’s deadly cold from 15 yards away. Also, all Fair Folk within a mile instantly sense if the bearer brings this stone into any portion of the Wyld deeper than the Bordermarches. Nearby Fair Folk may attempt to destroy the stone and its bearer, drive the bearer out of the Wyld, or simply flee, as they judge their strength compared to the stone’s bearer’s.
The manse is called [[Once_more_with_feeling/Custom_Manses#Ebon_Obsidian_Redoubt_.E2.88.82|The Ebon Obsidian Redoubt]].
===Mentor ••===
[[Character: Li Jin Gang |'''Li Jin Gang''']]
===Past Lives •••••===
===Past Lives •••••===
Line 134: Line 97:
If Dhiren ever rolls a botch after applying bonus dice from this background, or if Dhiren rolls more successes than his Dodge MDV on a roll augmented by this background,  roll a d10; depending on the result, one of his past personalities will become dominant for 5 hours, or a number of hours equal to the number of threshold successes (over Dhiren's Dodge MDV), whichever is a shorter period of time.
If Dhiren ever rolls a botch after applying bonus dice from this background, or if Dhiren rolls more successes than his Dodge MDV on a roll augmented by this background,  roll a d10; depending on the result, one of his past personalities will become dominant for 5 hours, or a number of hours equal to the number of threshold successes (over Dhiren's Dodge MDV), whichever is a shorter period of time.
===Resources •••===
As the child of a fairly wealthy farming family, Dhiren has a good enough line of credit to buy even rather expensive items, even if he doesn't have the money with him then and there.
===Solar Bond ••••• (With Eternal Vow & True Love)===
===Solar Bond ••••• (With Eternal Vow & True Love)===
Line 173: Line 133:
*Undeniable Might
*Undeniable Might
*Mighty Ram Practice
*Mighty Ram Practice
*Ogre's Loving Caress
Devastating Blow (''Hundredfold Facets'', p. Lu:36)<sup>F</sup>
*Rock-to-Pebbles Attitude
*Birth of Flight
Devastating Blow (''Hundredfold Facets'', p. Lu:36)<sup>F</sup><br>
Claws of the Silver Moon (''Lunars'', p. 144)<sup>G</sup><br>
Golden Tiger Stance (p. 151)<sup>F</sup><br>
Golden Tiger Stance (''Lunars'', p. 151)<sup>F</sup><br>
Wary Swallow Method (p. 151)<br>
Wary Swallow Method (p. 151)<br>
Wind-Dancing Method (p. 151)<br>
Wind-Dancing Method (p. 151)<br>
Flowing Body Evasion (Compassion flaw, p. 151)<br>
Flowing Body Evasion (Compassion flaw, p. 151)<br>
Flowing Body Ascension (''DotFA: Lords'', p. 69)<br>
Wasp-Sting Blur (p. 154)<sup>F</sup><br>
Wasp-Sting Blur (''Lunars'', p. 154)<sup>F</sup><br>
Twin-Fang Technique (p. 154)<br>
Twin-Fang Technique (p. 154)<br>
Octopus and Spider Barrage (p. 154, bought with 10xp)<br>
Octopus and Spider Barrage (p. 154, bought with 10xp)<br>
Leaping Interposition Method ([[Once_more_with_feeling/Custom_Martial_Arts#Leaping_Interposition_Method|OMWF Custom]])<br>
Leaping Interposition Method ([[Once_more_with_feeling/Custom_Charms#Leaping_Interposition_Method|OMWF Custom]])<br>
Pack Mentality Practice ([[Once_more_with_feeling/Custom_Martial_Arts#Pack_Mentality_Practice|OMWF Custom]])<br>
Pack Mentality Practice ([[Once_more_with_feeling/Custom_Charms#Pack_Mentality_Practice|OMWF Custom]])<br>
Wedded Moon Form ([[Once_more_with_feeling/Custom_Martial_Arts#Wedded_Moon_Form|OMWF Custom]])<br>
Wedded Moon Form ([[Once_more_with_feeling/Custom_Charms#Wedded_Moon_Form|OMWF Custom]])<br>
Herding the Sheep Method ([[Once_more_with_feeling/Custom_Martial_Arts#Herding_the_Sheep_Method|OMWF Custom]])<br>
Herding the Sheep Method ([[Once_more_with_feeling/Custom_Charms#Herding_the_Sheep_Method|OMWF Custom]])<br>
<strike>Opportunistic Flanking Practice [[Once_more_with_feeling/Custom_Martial_Arts#Opportunistic_Flanking_Practice|OMWF Custom]])<br>
Bond-Forging Meditation ([[Once_more_with_feeling/Custom_Martial_Arts#Bond-Forging_Meditation|OMWF Custom]])<br>
Glorious Sublimation of the Wedded Moon ([[Once_more_with_feeling/Custom_Martial_Arts#Glorious_Sublimation_of_the_Wedded_Moon|OMWF Custom]])</strike><br>
Line 212: Line 164:
Cat-Face Presentation (p. 172)<br>
Cat-Face Presentation (p. 172)<br>
Labyrinth of the Beast (p. 172)<br>
Labyrinth of the Beast (p. 172)<br>
Commanded to Fly (p. 172, permanent upgrade: automatic success on self-targeted social counterattack)<br>
Commanded to Fly (p. 172)<br>
The Spider's Trap Door (pp. 190-191)<br>
The Spider's Trap Door (pp. 190-191)<br>
Line 225: Line 176:
Essence: 5<br>
Essence: 4<br>
Personal: 11/17<br>
Personal: 2/16<br>
Peripheral: 36/44 + 10 (Skin Mount Amulet)<br>
Peripheral: 10/40<br>
Committed: 18 (from Peripheral)
Committed: 12 (from Peripheral)
Temporary: 0 spent
Temporary: 2 spent
Compassion: 3<br>
Compassion: 3 (1 channel spent)<br>
Conviction: 3<br>
Conviction: 3<br>
Temperance: 2<br>
Temperance: 2<br>
Valor: 3<br>
Valor: 3 (1 channel spent)<br>
===Limit Break: Curse of the Whipped Dog (Compassion)===
===Limit Break: Curse of the Whipped Dog (Compassion)===
Line 244: Line 195:
'''Partial Control:''' The character may choose to flee from a situation immediately rather than deal with the consequences of taking actions, even those proposed by others. He still feels a compulsion to obey, but balances it with concern for what others might think.
'''Partial Control:''' The character may choose to flee from a situation immediately rather than deal with the consequences of taking actions, even those proposed by others. He still feels a compulsion to obey, but balances it with concern for what others might think.
5 Limit
4 Limit
Line 250: Line 201:
Join Battle: 8
Join Battle: 8
'''Jade Sky-klave'''<br>
Melee: Spd 3/Acc +4/Dmg +5L/Def +1/Rate 2<br>
Thrown: Spd 4/Acc +2/Dmg +5L/Rate 2/Range 60
Clinch: Spd 6/Acc +4/Dmg +4B/Def ~/Rate 1<br>
Clinch: Spd 6/Acc +0/Dmg +0B/Def ~/Rate 1<br>
Kick: Spd 5/Acc +4/Dmg +7B/Def +2/Rate 2<br>
Kick: Spd 5/Acc +0/Dmg +3B/Def -2/Rate 2<br>
Punch: Spd 5/Acc +5/Dmg +4B/Def +6/Rate 3<br>
Punch: Spd 5/Acc +1/Dmg +0B/Def +2/Rate 3<br>
'''Claws of the Silver Moon I'''<br>
Clinch: Spd 6/Acc +6/Dmg +9L/Def ~/Rate 1<br>
Kick: Spd 5/Acc +6/Dmg +12L/Def +2/Rate 2<br>
Punch: Spd 5/Acc +7/Dmg +9L/Def +6/Rate 3<br>
'''Claws of the Silver Moon II'''<br>
Clinch: Spd 6/Acc +10/Dmg +9L/Def ~/Rate 1<br>
Kick: Spd 5/Acc +10/Dmg +12L/Def +2/Rate 2<br>
Punch: Spd 5/Acc +11/Dmg +9L/Def +6/Rate 3<br>
'''Claws of the Silver Moon III'''<br>
Clinch: Spd 6/Acc +10/ Dmg +11L/5 /Def ~/Rate 1/O<br>
Kick: Spd 5/Acc +10/ Dmg +14L/5 /Def +2/Rate 2/O<br>
Punch: Spd 5/Acc +11/ Dmg +11L/5 /Def +6/Rate 3/O<br>
'''Bear Claws of the Silver Moon I'''<br>
Kick: Spd 5/Acc +11/Dmg +17L/Def +2/Rate 2<br>
Punch: Spd 5/Acc +11/Dmg +17L/Def +6/Rate 2
'''Bear Claws of the Silver Moon II'''<br>
Kick: Spd 5/Acc +16/Dmg +17L/Def +2/Rate 2<br>
Punch: Spd 5/Acc +16/Dmg +17L/Def +6/Rate 2<br>
'''Bear Claws of the Silver Moon III'''<br>
Kick: Spd 5/Acc +16/Dmg +19L/5 /Def +2/Rate 2/O<br>
Punch: Spd 5/Acc +16/Dmg +19L/5 /Def +6/Rate 2/O<br>
'''Moonsilver Sky-klave'''<br>
Melee: Spd 4/Acc +6/Dmg +4L/Def +3/Rate 2<br>
Thrown: Spd 5/Acc +3/Dmg +5L/Rate 2/Range 70
Dodge DV: 10<br>
Dodge DV: 9<br>
Parry DV: 10 (unarmed/Claws of the Silver Moon, Wedded Moon Form)<br>
Parry DV: 7 (jade sky-klave/unarmed)<br>
Natural Soak: 4B/4L<br>
Natural Soak: 4B/2L<br>
Hide-Toughening Essence: ~<br>
Hide-Toughening Essence: ~<br>
===Health Levels===
===Health Levels===
-0 [ ]<br>
-0 [ ]
-1 [ ][ ]<br>
-1 [ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]<br>
-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-4 [ ]<br>
-4 [ ]
In [ ]<br>
In [ ]
Dy [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]<br>
Dy [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
==Social Combat==
==Social Combat==
Line 307: Line 231:
[[Backstory for Anshu and Dhiren]]<br>
[[Backstory for Anshu and Dhiren]]
[[Dhiren's home and the other kidnapped kids]]
Line 319: Line 242:
==Unspent Experience==
==Unspent Experience==
4 (XP debt -17)
[[Image:Cynis_Jesara.png|left|frame|<div style="text-align: center;"> Cynis Jesara,<br>former owner </div>]]
Image:Cynis_Jesara.png|<div style="text-align: center;"> Cynis Jesara,<br>former owner </div>
[[Image:Dhiren3.png|left|frame|<div style="text-align: center;"> Claws of the Silver Moon </div>]]
Image:Cynis_Jesara_M.png|<div style="text-align: center;"> Cynis Jesara,<br>Twin-Faced Hero </div>
[[Image:Dhiren4.png|left|frame|<div style="text-align: center;"> <br>Tattoos & skyklaves </div>]]
Image:Dhiren2.png|<div style="text-align: center;"> <br>with his sky-klaves </div>
[[Image:Dhiren5.png|left|frame|<div style="text-align: center;"> Tattoos & Claws of the Silver Moon </div>]]
Image:Dhiren4.png|<div style="text-align: center;"> <br>Tattoos & skyklaves </div>
[[Image:Dhiren6.png|left|frame|<div style="text-align: center;"> <br>Unarmed </div>]]
Image:Dhiren5.png|<div style="text-align: center;"> Tattoos & Claws of the Silver Moon </div>
[[Image:Dhiren7.png|left|frame|<div style="text-align: center;"> <br>Tattoos & unarmed </div>]]
Image:Dhiren6.png|<div style="text-align: center;"> <br>Unarmed </div>
[[Image:Kaushal_Tahmores.png|left|frame|<div style="text-align: center;"> Kaushal Tahmores,<br>a past life </div>]]
Image:Dhiren7.png|<div style="text-align: center;"> <br>Tattoos & unarmed </div>
[[Image:Dhiren2F.png|left|frame|<div style="text-align: center;"> <br>Female w/skyklaves </div>]]
Image:Kaushal_Tahmores.png|<div style="text-align: center;"> Kaushal Tahmores,<br>a past life </div>
[[Image:Dhiren3F.png|left|frame|<div style="text-align: center;"> <br>Female w/Claws </div>]]
Image:Dhiren2F.png|<div style="text-align: center;"> <br>Female w/skyklaves </div>
[[Image:Dhiren4F.png|left|frame|<div style="text-align: center;"> Female w/tattoos & skyklaves </div>]]
Image:Dhiren3F.png|<div style="text-align: center;"> <br>Female w/Claws </div>
[[Image:Dhiren5F.png|left|frame|<div style="text-align: center;"> Female w/tattoos & Claws </div>]]
Image:Dhiren4F.png|<div style="text-align: center;"> Female w/tattoos & skyklaves </div>
[[Image:Dhiren6F.png|left|frame|<div style="text-align: center;"> <br>Female & unarmed </div>]]
Image:Dhiren5F.png|<div style="text-align: center;"> Female w/tattoos & Claws </div>
[[Image:Dhiren7F.png|left|frame|<div style="text-align: center;"> Female w/tattoos & unarmed </div>]]
Image:Dhiren6F.png|<div style="text-align: center;"> <br>Female & unarmed </div>
[[Image:Tiponya.png|left|frame|<div style="text-align: center;"> Tiponya,<br>a past life </div>]]
Image:Dhiren7F.png|<div style="text-align: center;"> Female w/tattoos & unarmed </div>
Image:Tiponya.png|<div style="text-align: center;"> Tiponya,<br>a past life </div>

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