Editing Character:The Lady of Verdigris Virtue

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For the rest of the scene, she gains several benefits:
For the rest of the scene, she gains several benefits:
She adds her Essence to the accuracy, damage and defense of her unarmed attacks and of attacks made with the active Form-type Charm’s particular weapons. She may choose to inflict bashing or lethal damage at will and she may parry lethal attacks unarmed. In addition, Starmetal eases the flow of martial Essence, reducing the cost of activating Charms of the same style by two motes (minimum 1).
She adds her Essence to the accuracy, damage and defense of her unarmed attacks and of attacks made
with the active Form-type Charm’s particular weapons. She may choose to inflict bashing or lethal damage
at will and she may parry lethal attacks unarmed. In addition, Corrupted Starmetal bracers eases the flow of martial Essence for Infernals, reducing the cost of activating Charms of the same style by two motes (minimum 1).
===Artifact (***)===
===Artifact (***)===
Corrupted Starmetal Emerald Spider Gauntlets
Corrupted Starmetal Emerald Spider Gauntlets
These gauntlets are forged of articulated starmetal alloyed with green iron and inlaid with swirls of jet and gold filigree. Gently twitching spines jut from each knuckle, while the unnaturally long fingers—seemingly too slender to accommodate the wearer’s hands—are tipped with barbs. By expending two motes as a reflexive action, the bearer induces the gauntlets to ooze a brilliantly hued green venom for the rest of the scene. Attuning a pair of emerald spider gauntlets costs six motes of Essence.
These gauntlets are forged of articulated green iron inlaid with swirls of jet and gold filigree. Gently twitching spines jut from each knuckle, while the unnaturally long fingers—seemingly too slender to accommodate the wearer’s hands—are tipped with barbs. By expending two motes as a reflexive action, the bearer induces the gauntlets to ooze a brilliantly hued green venom for the rest of the scene. Attuning a pair of emerald spider gauntlets costs six motes of Essence.
These particular gauntlets were made for the Lady with a heavy alloying of corrupted starmetal, allowing her to strike devastating blows with the ease of dancing...
These particular gauntlets were made for the Lady with a heavy alloying of corrupted starmetal, allowing her to strike devastating blows with the ease of dancing...
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*First Malfeas Excellency
*Second Malfeas Excellency
*Malfeas Mythos Exultant- Double mote regen from stunts
*Malfeas Inevitability Technique
*Effortless Malfeas Dominance
*So Speaks Malfeas
*By Pain Reforged - 1 health level, Ignore negative effects of all bashing damage suffered for a scene.
*Nightmare Fugue Vigilance - Now ignores all penalties from sleep deprivation and may always choose to stay awake without a roll. When sleeping to recover WP, she suffers a -1 internal penalty to the roll, however.
*By Agony Empowered- Upgrades By Pain Reforged to cover lethal and aggravated damage as well.
*Insignificant Embers Intuition - 0 motes, enhances any standard Perception + Awareness toll to notice sensory details about a target. In addition to all other information, the Lady discerns the strength and aspect of the target's Essence relative to her own. Anyone passing a reflexive Perception + Awareness roll at difficulty 4 notices a momentary green glint in the Lady's eyes.
*Green Sun Nimbus Flare
*Cold Fire Desolation Brand
*Wrath Stoked Bonfire Soul
*Skyfire Seizing Repast
*Sun Heart Furnace Soul
*Rebuking Impudent Arms
*Vitriolic Corona Endowment
*Scar Writ Saga Shield x2 (Bashing Soak=Stamina+Essence, Lethal Soak=Stamina+Essence, Bashing Hardness=Stamina, Lethal Hardness-none)
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*Knowing the Desolate Heart (Infernals, pg 126)- 3 motes and 1 WP, enhances an action spent to understand an observed target's emotions and displayed Intimacies in a social scene. Roll automatically succeeds with twice the required successes. Furthermore, the Infernal understands all Intimacies displayed during the scene and their context toward other present characters. Finally, if the Infernal would have succeeded by any threshold without the charm, she learns what the target believes to be his greatest failure in life is.
*Knowing the Desolate Heart (Infernals, pg 126)- 3 motes and 1 WP, enhances an action spent to understand an observed target's emotions and displayed Intimacies in a social scene. Roll automatically succeeds with twice the required successes. Furthermore, the Infernal understands all Intimacies displayed during the scene and their context toward other present characters. Finally, if the Infernal would have succeeded by any threshold without the charm, she learns what the target believes to be his greatest failure in life is.
*Demonic Primacy of Essence (Infernals pg. 124) Whenever a character with this Charm makes a social attack against a native of Malfeas who has a lower Essence rating, the target suffers an MDV penalty equal to the difference between their Essence ratings, and the attack is considered unnatural mental influence. Attacks enhanced this way cost the usual number of Willpower points to resist. Hierarchy works both ways, however. The Infernal suffers the same penalty against the social attacks of Malfean natives with higher Essence (unless they also have this Charm, in which case the DV penalties for both Charms don’t stack), though any natural mental influence remains so.
*Demonic Primacy of Essence (Infernals pg. 124) Whenever a character with this Charm makes a social attack against a native of Malfeas who has a lower Essence rating, the target suffers an MDV penalty equal to the difference between their Essence ratings, and the attack is considered unnatural mental influence. Attacks enhanced this way cost the usual number of Willpower points to resist. Hierarchy works both ways, however. The Infernal suffers the same penalty against the social attacks of Malfean natives with higher Essence (unless they also have this Charm, in which case the DV penalties for both Charms don’t stack), though any natural mental influence remains so.
*[http://forums.white-wolf.com/cs/blogs/freelancers/archive/2010/11/13/ink-monkeys-vol-45-make-a-wish.aspx Miracle Gift Mastery]
===She Who Lives In Her Name===
===She Who Lives In Her Name===
*First Pyrian Excellency
*Second Pyrian Excellency
*Pyrian Mythos Exultant- Double Willpower regen from stunts
*Pyrian Inevitability Technique
*Effortless Pyrian Dominance
*So Speaks SWLIHN
*Factual Determination Analysis (Infernals, pg. 130) - May determine any statement to be either the complete truth.
*Essence Dissecting Stare (Infernals pg. 133) - Duplicates All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight. Cost is 8 - (the lower of Perception or Academics)
*Mind-Hand Manipulation (Infernals pg. 134) -Commit 10 motes to get Telekinesis...
*Unseen Force Application (Infernals pg. 135) - Makes the above not Obvious any more at will.
*Principle Invoking Onslaught (Infernals pg. 135) - 1m + 1 WP, upgrades above attacks from telekinetic force to Shaping effects. If a target dies to such an attack, an appropriate Shaping effect can transmute her corpse  to any other matter with a Resources value less than the Infernal's Essence.
*Will Crushing Force (Infernals pg. 137) - Upgrades Mind Hand Manipulation/ May now drain WP instead of doing 2 or more levels of damage.
*[http://forums.white-wolf.com/cs/blogs/freelancers/archive/2010/03/31/ink-monkeys-vol-7-hell-s-chosen.aspx Orbital Impact Storm] - 5 motes, whirling shield of telekinetic gripped debris orbits the Infernal.
*Constructive Convergence of Principles (Infernals pg. 136) - 20 motes and 1 WP, duplicates Wyld Shaping Technique within a radius of (Essence) miles. Dice pool is Willpower + Essence. May be enhanced with Pyrian Excellencies as though it was an Attribute + Ability pool. (Essence 4- upgraded to also duplicate Wyld Cauldron Technology, Essence 5, may treat Creation as though it were the Bordermarches)
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*Fists of the Old Ones (Infernals, pg. 159) - Whenever the martial artist hits a target with a fierce blow (see Exalted, p. 158) enhanced with God-Smashing Blow, she may use any type of closed-fist striking technique instead of relying solely upon overhand hammer-fists. The opponent flies back in the direction of the blow, so the attacker may choose any remotely plausible vector.
*Fists of the Old Ones (Infernals, pg. 159) - Whenever the martial artist hits a target with a fierce blow (see Exalted, p. 158) enhanced with God-Smashing Blow, she may use any type of closed-fist striking technique instead of relying solely upon overhand hammer-fists. The opponent flies back in the direction of the blow, so the attacker may choose any remotely plausible vector.
Fists of the Old Ones launches victims (Strength x 5) yards in the chosen direction. Upon landing or striking any barrier in the path of flight, the character suffers falling damage as if he had plummeted straight down by the distance he actually traversed before being interrupted. Unlike conventional falls, victims can’t arrest their momentum with a (Wits + Athletics) roll, although they can mitigate damage by tumbling as normal. A successful roll also keeps characters blasted back into high barriers from bouncing off and falling again for a third round of damage from the attack. All of the usual effects of God-Smashing Blow go into effect at the victim’s final destination point after any bounce. This Charm is subject to the normal limits of falling damage.
Fists of the Old Ones launches victims (Strength x 5) yards in the chosen direction. Upon landing or striking any barrier in the path of flight, the character suffers falling damage as if he had plummeted straight down by the distance he actually traversed before being interrupted. Unlike conventional falls, victims can’t arrest their momentum with a (Wits + Athletics) roll, although they can mitigate damage by tumbling as normal. A successful roll also keeps characters blasted back into high barriers from bouncing off and falling again for a third round of damage from the attack. All of the usual effects of God-Smashing Blow go into effect at the victim’s final destination point after any bounce. This Charm is subject to the normal limits of falling damage.
*World Breaker Grip (Infernals pg. 160) - 5m, 1 WP - This Charm enhances a grapple attack against an opponent light enough to drag around (see sidebar), substituting Martial Arts for Athletics for the feat of strength. The Exalt grapples using a single limb of his choice without any off-hand penalties. If the attack succeeds, he can only hold the opponent and may not break hold or crush with that attack. However, the grapple no longer requires any effort apart from tying up the non-reflexive use of the attacking limb. Consequently, the attacker may defend and fight as if carrying any other large weapon without the usual restrictions placed on
*Crack the Sky (Infernals, pg. 162) This Charm may be activated whenever the character releases an enemy from a clinch by throwing her, provided the Infernal is capable of lifting that enemy’s weight with a feat of strength. The Exalt hefts her up one-armed into the air and slams her with a thunderous punch from his other hand. The opponent flies up to (Martial Arts x 4) miles away over the course of approximately five minutes and plummets back to earth, impacting the land at terminal velocity to suffer the usual damage and inflict the same damage to the impacted surface (see Exalted, pp. 126-127). Everyone within (the Infernal’s Strength x 10) yards of the impact point (including the Infernal) must check for knockdown at a difficulty of (the Infernal’s Strength). Anyone blasted back by this Charm who is stopped prior to reaching maximum distance still suffers all effects of a terminal velocity impact.
grapplers, but he may not make further physical attacks against the foe in hand. He must still roll to maintain control each action, but this roll is reflexive for him, so he always applies his full dice pool regardless of whatever other actions he takes.
Lifted inanimate objects may also be hurled extreme distances with this Charm to the same overall effect.
The Charm immediately ends if the held opponent escapes or if the martial artist uses control of the grapple to do anything
besides hold the enemy to continue the effect. The martial artist can use a held enemy as an improvised one-handed weapon to strike or parry (the restriction on parrying while grappling is lifted for this purpose) using the following statistics: Speed 6; Accuracy -3; Damage (Strength x 2)B + attack successes; Defense -3; Rate 2; Tags: P, R. Whenever a wielded character hits a target or blocks an attack, she suffers (the martial artist’s Strength) dice of piercing damage from the impact. This damage is bashing unless the
*[http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Creation-Swallowing_Hellmouth_Strike Creation Swallowing Hellmouth Strike]
held character is used to block a lethal or aggravated attack. If this punishment kills a held victim, her corpse remains a useful weapon for the rest of the Charm’s duration.
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** Personal Motes: 25/25
** Personal Motes: 25/25
** Peripheral Motes: 54/54
** Peripheral Motes: 54/54
** Overdrive Motes: 0/15
Ten Permanent, Ten Temporary
Ten Permanent
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*Kick- Speed 5, Accuracy +0, Damage Str+3B, Rate 2, Tags N
*Kick- Speed 5, Accuracy +0, Damage Str+3B, Rate 2, Tags N
*Clinch- Speed 6, Accuracy +0, Damage Str+0B, Rate 1, Tags C,N,P
*Clinch- Speed 6, Accuracy +0, Damage Str+0B, Rate 1, Tags C,N,P
(The following attacks have Dexterity=Willpower and Strength=Essence)
*Telekinetic Blow - Speed 5, Accuracy +15 (Willpower + Academics), Damage (Essence)5B, Defense +15 (Willpower + Academics), Rate (Essence) 5, Range (Willpower + Essence) 15, Tags N
*Telekinetic Clinch - Speed 6, Accuracy +15, Damage (Essence)5B, Rate (Essence) 5, Tags N
*Telekinetic Blade - Speed 5, Accuracy +15, Damage (Essence)5L, Defense +15 (Willpower + Academics), Rate (Essence) 4, Range (Willpower + Essence) 15, Tags P (Aggravated against creatures of the Wyld)
Emerald Spider Gauntlets
Emerald Spider Gauntlets
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Poison (reflexive, costs two motes, lasts for one scene) Damage 5L, Toxicity 3, Tolerance —/—, Penalty -3
Poison (reflexive, costs two motes, lasts for one scene) Damage 5L, Toxicity 3, Tolerance —/—, Penalty -3
==Combat Stats==
==Combat Stats==
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===Mote and WP Tracker===
===Mote and WP Tracker===
* '''Willpower''' 10/10
* '''Willpower''' 9/10
* '''Personal''' 25/25
* '''Personal''' 25/25
* '''Peripheral''' 20/54 (24 committed)
* '''Peripheral''' 20/54 (24 committed)
* '''Overdrive''' 0/15
* Every morning, the Lady casts Withered Soul Wastes. Having cast Hellscry Chakra once, she only needs to recast it in the event of it being dispelled.
* Every morning, the Lady casts Withered Soul Wastes and commits 10 motes to Mind Hand Manipulation. Having cast Hellscry Chakra once, she only needs to recast it in the event of it being dispelled.
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* None
* None
==Experience 370/374==
==Experience 209/215==
249 XP spent total, recent changes below
*Essence to 5 - 56 XP
*Constructive Convergence of Principles x3, Untouchable Infinitude Reflection, Counter Pronouncement of Enthymemic Law, Will Crushing Force, Principle Invoking Onslaught, Knowing the Desolate Heart, Bestowal of Accursed Fortune, Scoured Perfection of Form, Withered Soul Wastes, Holy Land Infliction, Sands Through Fingers Defense, Fists of the Old Ones, Orbital Impact Storm, God Smashing Blow- 128 XP
*Demonic Primacy of Essence, Demonic Familiar ••• (Agatae)- 17 XP
*Demonic Primacy of Essence, Demonic Familiar ••• (Agatae)- 17 XP
Rage Stoked Inferno Soul - 8 XP
World Breaker Grip - 8 XP
Scar Writ Saga Shield x2 - 16 XP
*[http://forums.white-wolf.com/cs/blogs/freelancers/archive/2010/11/13/ink-monkeys-vol-45-make-a-wish.aspx Miracle Gift Mastery], Crack The Sky, [http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Creation-Swallowing_Hellmouth_Strike Creation Swallowing Hellmouth Strike], Gifts of Greater Glory - 40 XP
Cost Compounding Offering, Killing Clause Largesse, Glory to the Demon Monster, Joyful Cessation of Restraint, Penitents Like Scattered Grains  - 40 XP

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