Editing Forgotten Freedom:63

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Kanatash floats through Jarlot's wall to find Jarlot hammering furiously at his door.
Kanatash floats through Jarlot's wall to find Jarlot hammering furiously at his door.
Jarlot: Kanatash, thank the gods you're here. What happened? Why can't I open my door? Why is the lock talking in strange language to me?
Jarlot: Kanatash, thank the gods you're here. What happened? Why can't I open my door? Why is the lock talking in strange language to me?
Kanatash: Squishy saw Slip.
Kanatash: Squishy saw Slip.
Jarlot: So?
Jarlot: So?
Kanatash: Well Slip hunted neogi and was rather famous. So when Squishy saw her he did what any responsible neogi would. He locked down the ship. Setting all lock to verbal recognition in seven different languages. All but two of those languages are impossible for elves to pronounce.
Kanatash: Well Slip hunted neogi and was rather famous. So when Squishy saw her he did what any responsible neogi would. He locked down the ship. Setting all lock to verbal recognition in seven different languages. All but two of those languages are impossible for elves to pronounce.
Jarlot: Why don't I know the password for my own room?
Jarlot: Why don't I know the password for my own room?
Kanatash: Squishy naturally only told those he did not consider a liablity.
Kanatash: Squishy naturally only told those he did not consider a liablity.
Jarlot: Who all is out there?
Jarlot: Who all is out there?
Kanatash: Terra, Tabitha, Lisa, Caralot, Sa'vor, Satnak, Levy, Volrath, Kithle, Andrea, Norbaz, Jaela, 13, Erk, and I are allowed free range. Nalfien can come out of his room, but Squishy monitars him at all times. We are begining to like not having you guys around. We might just keep it this way.
Kanatash: Terra, Tabitha, Lisa, Caralot, Sa'vor, Satnak, Levy, Volrath, Kithle, Andrea, Norbaz, Jaela, 13, Erk, and I are allowed free range. Nalfien can come out of his room, but Squishy monitars him at all times. We are begining to like not having you guys around. We might just keep it this way.
Caralot: (from outside the room) Oh Kenny!
Caralot: (from outside the room) Oh Kenny!
Kanatash: Coming darling.
Kanatash: Coming darling.
Jarlot: Wait, you can't just leave me here!
Jarlot: Wait, you can't just leave me here!
Kanatash floats throught the wall leaving Jarlot to suffer, atleast a little more.
Kanatash floats throught the wall leaving Jarlot to suffer, atleast a little more.
Jaela approaches Jarlot as he tries to blow open his door, with comic results.
Jarlot: Ah, Jaela, I don't suppose you could get me in—
Jaela: It will cost you a conversation. (icy stare)
Jarlot: No way!
Jaela: *shrug* Then you can just fall off the wagon.
Jarlot: What?
Jaela: Squishy locked down the ship so tightly that you can't get from here to any liquor.  :devil:
Jarlot: Wha…how…that's not possible.  The entire ship had to comform to the Lyrandar Fire Safety Stan—(looks critically at Jaela's expression)  You did this!  I don't have to take this, I'm the captain!  I order you to help me get in here!
Jaela: I won't, not until you talk to me.  13 made it possible.  Because he can do funny things with time he made sure the ship had doors where there were none before.  And even if you could break through you'd find that you've been sober ever since you took command and do not allow any alchohol on board under penalty of death.
Jarlot: You're bluffing!  Just like you let me think there was something going on between you and 13!
(Flashback to right after Kantash discovers Jaela is Batman.)
Jarlot (holding Jaela's cowl): So you’re Batman?
Jaela: Yeah.
Jarlot: And this whole thing with 13?
Jaela: Every good super-hero needs a cover story.  And on this ship it has to be a truly horrifying one, otherwise every über is poking into your private life.
Jarlot: And the photos?
Jaela: What, a girl can’t have a hobby?
Jarlot: (brain quickly rewinding to avoid melting) You’re Batman?
Jaela: Don’t ask me why.  I talked to [[Forgotten_Freedom:Igor|Igor]] about it and he thinks I not only inherited your blood but your inherent crazy existence.
Jarlot: You’re not my daughter.
Jaela: :mad: I am so your daughter.  Why won’t you acknowledge that?
Jarlot: (pulls out a bottle of something) I don’t have to listen to this. (swig) Get out.
(end of flashback)
Jaela: You hide from me in your sea of booze.  Well I’m not letting you escape there until you realize that I am your daughter.  All I want is to get to know my father—
Jarlot: That’s just it.  You’re an alt, so your father’s an alt-me from some other universe.  So you should be tracking him down.
Jaela: I’ve inherited your deep well of craziness.  I have to be your Jaela.
Jarlot: But my daughter is constantly protected by [[Forgotten_Freedom:Aerith|Aerith]] from falling into what you are. (crack appears in conviction) Ho could you be her?
Jaela: I’m a time hiccup.  I’m the exact same Jaela from this Eberron but separate in my own part of the time stream.  Why do you think no one could read my mind to find out the truth?  Because I’m slightly out of phase with everyone else.  13 can do the same thing with itself.
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Adventures in Demon Lording Chapter one: Getting ready for the Trip.
P/Y/R walks in to the library and finds her beloved Volrath and his fire-loving sidekick Nalfein.
P/Y/R:  Hey Hon, Mommy, Chibi-Balor and I are going to go to storm home, I’m just letting you know… but I can see your busy trying to save your side-kicks ass.
Volrath stands up and goes over and kiss P/Y/R, Nalfein starts to make gagging noises.
Volrath: What for good?
P/Y/R: No, don’t be silly we are just going shopping and mommy has to deal with the house of storm… she still has the dragon mark you know.
Nalfein: Can we hurry this up I’m fearing for my life here. And I’m NOT his Sidekick!
P/Y/R stares had him then her body glows and a wave of color washes over Nalfein. * [COLOR=Indigo]Blinding[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen] Color [/COLOR] [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Surge[/COLOR] *
Nalfein: Gah! I’m Blind!
Volrath: You now some times I forget you are a spell caster…
P/Y/R: Just because my spell aren’t all big and flashy doesn’t mean they don’t work. So anyway, I’ll bring you some thing back.
Volrath: Ok Have a fun trip, I’ll miss you… and don’t get any sex cloths you don’t wear them that much.
* * *
Beryl: Now then, I’m Take My daughter and Chibi-Balor for a little vacation. I’m putting you in charge, and that’s why I gave you an up grade… You’ll have to do all you standard duties plus you going to be in charge of gain converts and making the Alcohol.
Chibi-Marilith: Yesss Mistresssss
Beryl: If you do that one more time… I’ll turn you ass in to a Dretch and fine some one else. In addition, I if you mess any of my plans up I’ll make your life one of endless torment; in fact, I’ll give you a ring of regeneration and let Volrath Harvest grafts from your ass! However, if you do well you get to keep this form.
Chibi-Marilith:  Yes Mistress, Thank you Mistress.
* * *
Chibi-Balor: I’m ready.
P/Y/R: Me too.
Beryl: Good Then I’ll just Teleport us there.
*Bamf [Teleport sound] *
Adventures in Demon Lording part the second: Storm Home we hardly knew you… [part 1]
P/Y/R: So… this isn’t much of a city is it.
Chibi-Balor: Nope
Beryl: And that’s the reason why we tried to stay out on a ship as much as possible.
P/Y/R: So why did we come here to shop? I mean I understand that you don’t what to deal with Angels so that why we didn’t go to Sharn but…
Chibi-Balor: Don’t you remember the plan? We only said we where going shopping so no one would try to stop us from trying to drain the power from one of the things bound in Khyber…and then we go shopping.
P/Y/R: oh right sorry… so why are be here then there is no Rajah here.
Beryl: because I’m going to break ties with the house before they…
Unknown female voice: Tifa?!  :love:
Beryl: They let her know I’m out of Dread Hold…
Chibi-Balor: Um Mistress who
Then a girl who looks about 15 runs up and tackle hugs Beryl and then kisses her in a manner that makes P/Y/R blush.
Beryl: Can’t breath… let go… get her djfskjfa *kissed again *
P/Y/R: Mommy who is this?
* Chibi-Balor tries to pry the girl off *
Beryl: Get Off me!
*Girl gets up and just stares at Chibi-Balor *
Chibi-Balor: Um… is there some thing wrong?
Girl: She is mine so back off!
Beryl: Acanthi will you stop it; She is my Priestess and loyal follower. And what has mother told you about do stuff like that in Public!
Acanthi: Sorry sister.
P/Y/R: Wow All I have to say is my love life is normal compared to that… and I’m dating a guy who can turn him self in to a mass of throbbing tentacles
Chibi-Balor: Did You have to use the word throbbing…  :yuck:
P/Y/R: Yes  :smirk:  … So I have an aunt then?
Beryl: Yes she is my youngest sister… and she always looked up to me…  :embarrass
Acanthi: Aunt? You slept with some one other then me…  :bigeyes:
Beryl: Yes…
Acanthi:  :weep:  :weep:  :weep:
Beryl: Oh for the love of me… :rolleyes:
Acanthi dragged Beryl and co. to her house. Were she forced them to have tea in the Hall of Family Portraits.
P/Y/R: So I have 8 other Aunts? * is currently in a head lock hug from her aunt *
Acanthi: Yes, you are so cute… But why is my niece old them me?
Beryl: Because in the realm of the Fay time runs slower so even though she is old by my reckoning she is only three and half year old… but because she lived those 3 years in that plane she is now twenty.
Acanthi: That when right over my head
Chibi-Balor: Magic…
Acanthi: Oh. 
Chibi-Balor: So if you don’t mind me asking Mistress… why…
Beryl: Obsession it seems to be a family trait… Our mother became total obsessed with father when she was about five, she was 15 when she conned him in to marring her, she was Sixteen when I came along…
Acanthi: and 25 years latter I came along…
Beryl: Yes I pretty much raised her because mother was busy ferry Thannish soldiers. It seems at this time the whole family beside me converted to Flamers…
Acanthi: Jeala is cute and you shouldn’t call us flamers.
Beryl:  I’ll call you guys whatever I want! Any way that’s why she is Obsessed with me and it seem to me P/Y/R. I think we should get going before any of my other sis…
Another sister: Acanthi I’m Home and I brought Myra and Tyla with me.
Acanthi: Hey Assia, guess what Tifa home to visit
Beryl: If I ever find Murphy I swear by all the powers of Chaos and Evil he will pay so much
Beryl: We are so not going back to the ship until that who mess is over...
P/Y/R: But I wanna see Bishie Volrath...
Chibi-Balor: For the love of Beryl with stop smiting me!
Other sistersI have really gotten to yet who are now wearing magcal girl clothing: NO! For the Flame! Some other total chessey battle cry!
Acanthi:Who Volrath?
P/Y/R: He's my big ball of tenetcal loven  :drool:  :inlove:
Every one else:  :blink:  :shocked:  :OMG!  :twitch:
Norbaz - I here your having trouble finding music for the party?
Levy - OI would you belive the Squirrels have only just set up a bardic college.
Norbaz - Yes considering their civilization is less than a month old.
Levy - That does it next time I need a party set up get an advanced society to do it.
Norbaz - Well Devon can ply pretty well, just for the love of all thats right with the world do not let him sing. The hunter kid has some decent tunes, and Marish is sometimes a bard, her class tends to get revised every time someone asks. Kithle can be just about anything so he probably could play something.
Levy - Well then lets get this party started.
Chalky - Ok who else just got a feeling of impending doom?
Crew - (Raises hands, tentacles, wings, claws, etc.)

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