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From this [http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?t=453831 thread], creating a 16 by 12 hex sandbox campaign setting.  This wikipage collects the entries and the  map:
From this [http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?t=453831 thread], creating a 16 by 12 hex sandbox campaign setting.  This wikipage collects the entries and the  map:
Map is created using [http://inkwellideas.com/?page_id=160 Hexographer] using this [[Hex_by_Hex:mapsource|source data]]
Right now, the hexes are organized by column.
==Siren Tower==
==Unclaimed 1==
Siren Tower was home of the mermaids until Serina died from a back-stabbing air-creature. It's five floors above water and five floors below water--not counting the sea-level floor.
==Unclaimed 2==
==Unclaimed 3==
The air-creature is a Harpy named Khersa. She's been using the tower has home while looking for treasures. Khersa was the one that killed Serina.
==Unclaimed 4==
==Pirate's Island==
Pirate's Island is located here. It's been a haven for pirates since the beginning of the time. Pirate's Island's present pirate is the half-dragon: Capt. Zakira Oryekini.
==Pirate's Alley==
A bit of ocean that pirates always use to attack ships.
==Andaur bay==
The sleepy fishing village of Andaur lies in the shelter of Andaur bay, where the Feyline hills meet the sea. The bay has a gently sloped beach of brown sand and forms a natural harbour, but submerged rocks at the entrance make it suitable only for small boats.
Smugglers wanting to avoid Windhook's taxes and harbour fees land here from time to time, welcomed by the locals for the silver they spend on poteen (a spirit made from potato or other root vegetables).
Outside the bay, in deep water, lies the shipwreck of the Yellow Rose.
==Unclaimed 5==
==Unclaimed 5==
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Kortoniara appears to a shining example of dragonkind. She appears to a very large female dragon. Unlike most female dragon, she doesn't have a temper. Kortoniara has protected her home with the following monsters: succumbs, water elements, skeletons of dead sirens, a tribe of drows, and two beholders who in charge of her home's monster.
Kortoniara appears to a shining example of dragonkind. She appears to a very large female dragon. Unlike most female dragon, she doesn't have a temper. Kortoniara has protected her home with the following monsters: succumbs, water elements, skeletons of dead sirens, a tribe of drows, and two beholders who in charge of her home's monster.
Khersa has attacked this place many times--but the forces send her back.
==Siren's Dam==
==Siren's Dam==
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Recently, a new sort of pelt, that seems to be actual gold, has been trickling in to the markets and the first few have just arrived to the south, to the delight of all involved.
Recently, a new sort of pelt, that seems to be actual gold, has been trickling in to the markets and the first few have just arrived to the south, to the delight of all involved.
Half of Khersa's attacks had use the help of the werewolf and his skeleton pals.
==Unclaimed 4==
==Feyline hills==
A dirt track known in Bachmaur as the coast road connects Bachmaur in the east with Andaur bay in the west. Travellers should beware of wolves that roam the area.
==Unclaimed 5==
==Unclaimed 5==
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==Unclaimed 3==
==Unclaimed 3==
==Kalim's ferry==
==Unclaimed 4==
The Bachmaur coast road, a grand name for what is a mule track through the hills, encounters the river Feyline here. One Mr Kalim Useferos runs a ferry service and riverboat repairs. His fares are 1 copper penny per passenger, 5 pennies for a mule, and a silver crown for a horse. His family live in a nearby cottage and have a small vegetable plot, chickens and a milking cow.
==Feyline Rapids==
==Feyline Rapids==
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At night some people say you can hear the wails of pain and agony of the towns residence crying out for vengeance. Nearly everywhere else the adventurers are hailed as true heroes for "killing" the Dragon.
At night some people say you can hear the wails of pain and agony of the towns residence crying out for vengeance. Nearly everywhere else the adventurers are hailed as true heroes for "killing" the Dragon.
==Silent Fens==
==Unclaimed 9==
These wetlands are eerily quiet.  Periodically the foolishly adventurous try to uncover ruins or other items of value from it.  Most come away with disease one expects from digging about in muck and nothing more.
==Unclaimed 10==
==Gormok's Lair==
Among the many hazrds of the desert, the Brown Dragon Gormok can now be counted amongst them. as wth much of his kind, Gormok is a gourmand, ever watchful for new and undiscovered tastes, and to this end has chosen his lair (hidden benath the sand and gravel where desert meets wasteland) for its proximity to the drake fissure.
For Now, Gormok hunts the beasts of the fissure and desert, with the occaissional bullywug from the silent fens and things sent by his 'neighbors' from Crownfall. for the long term, Gormok is considering becoming the patron of Freetowns by granting their caravans safe passage through his territory (IE: a one-hex radius of his lair) toand from windhook, providing they give him proper tribute (IE: food from windhook or foolish adventurrs sent to their doom).
For his part, Osminiath is well aware of this potential rival encroaching on his hunting grounds, but his current condition (and Gormok's obliviousness towards the true value of the fens past the texture of pickled bullywugs) has led the elder wyrm to take a 'wait and see' approach for the time being.
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==Ruins of Pillar of Kort==
==Unclaimed 1==
Centuries ago, this item kept Onsamiath in check by keeping him in check. Somehow, a group of heroes had a battle with some owlbears here - the result of the the wreck of this pillar.
Disguised as a elf, Onsamiath analyzed it - and make a similar on for Kortoniara at 3.2.
==Unclaimed 2==
==Unclaimed 2==
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While the skinning focuses on conventional animals in the area, the town is well aware of how to skin and tan far more exotic creatures.
While the skinning focuses on conventional animals in the area, the town is well aware of how to skin and tan far more exotic creatures.
==Bachmaur woods==
==Unclaimed 4==
Open woods, mostly oak and birch. It is a good place for hunting boar and collecting mushrooms. Recently dire boar have moved into the area, making hunting a more dangerous proposition than it used to be.
==Unclaimed 5==
The woods thicken into a forest choked with bramble and firethorn bushes. The trees are gnarled oaks, ash and hornbeams. In the depths of this forest lies the citadel of Thornhold, now overgrown but the stonework is in good condition.
Thornhold was the capital of the old kingdom, but has been abandoned and forgotten by the world of men.
Onsamiath or Perrut Dochrum are the only powers in the region who would remember its secrets.
Many of the treasures of Thornhold are cursed with a ''geas'' to restore the royal family.
==Whitewater Junction==
==Whitewater Junction==
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The Stench Fens are home to several Bullywug tribes, including one led by Krebbok, a Tribal Shaman of great power. It is said that Krebbok wears amulets of power recovered from numerous burial mounds that lie beneath the mud and greasy water of the fens.  
The Stench Fens are home to several Bullywug tribes, including one led by Krebbok, a Tribal Shaman of great power. It is said that Krebbok wears amulets of power recovered from numerous burial mounds that lie beneath the mud and greasy water of the fens.  
==black lake==
==Unclaimed 8==
Water stained from the surrounding fens collects in a depression here. The dark brown water is impossible to see deeper than a few inches through. Freshwater crayfish can be caught here, but the mosquitos (normal and giant varieties) like to lay their eggs in these still waters.
==Unclaimed 9==
A tribe of lizardmen inhabit the area.
==Unclaimed 10==
Description: A crater in the midst of barren wasteland. The crater was formed when the golden star that shone in the crown of the constellation of the Conqueror fell from the heavens a century ago. The area was once a marsh and the impact drained it, leaving a dry wasteland behind, and opened a crack into the caverns of the Underdark. The area has been claimed by various evil humanoids throughout the years, though nobody has been able to hold onto it for very long before being swept aside by the new owners.
    * The star is actually an immortal being that grants boons.
    * The star is an ancient artifact weapon, forged by the gods in their war against the primordials.
    * The star is a portal to the Astral Sea.
    * The star is a portal to the Far Realm.
    * The fall of the star coincides with the fall of Nerath.
    * The star was called from the heavens by a powerful star pact warlock.
==Desolate Waste==
Here the land is cracked and broken. Ill suited for nearly any purpose this area is almost completely devoid of life.
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==Unclaimed 3==
==Unclaimed 3==
==Bachmaur South Road==
==Unclaimed 4==
This road heads southeasterly from Bachmaur across the great plains, eventually turning into the King's road in the Quiziyak kingdom.
==Bachmaur South Road==
==Unclaimed 5==
This road heads southeasterly from Bachmaur across the great plains, eventually turning into the King's road in the Quiziyak kingdom.
==Old King's Road Follows River==
==Old King's Road Follows River==
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==Unclaimed 9==
==Unclaimed 9==
==Drake Fissure==
==Unclaimed 10==
Between the thinning desert and the thinning plains, the drake fissure runs from northwest to south east, this area being only the widest and deepest.
==Unclaimed 11==
A great crack in the earth cut not by river or quake, but said to have been carved by a great beast reaching down from the sky in an age long forgotten. Drakes, Wyverns, and lesser creatures of relation to the dragons crawl and fly around and within the shadows of the valley. Some say the fissure itself runs so deep it reaches into the black heart of the world. Even from it's edge, tunnels can be seen down the fissure walls...but no man has seen it's bottom here and lived to tell the tale...now the mad Gnome Walber Nik Hausen is another story. They say he has seen down there, if you can find him you'd have the best wealth of information to forming an expedition.
==The Freetowns==
This lightly hilled grassland on the edge of the desert is home to a collection of small villages styling themselves the "Free Towns". In reality they don't get visits from tax collectors because they have nothing anyone would want. The villages are home to the wretchedly poor, the most degenerate criminals, and a few starry eyed fools.
One such fool is "Mayor" Hilligar, the self styled ruler of "these fine, free peoples". Hilligar has been trying to get a road built to connect the villages but so far every tradesmen or builder he has brought in has been repulsed or murdered. Only the most foolish or desperate merchants will enter the area.
==Heroes' Grave==
==Heroes' Grave==
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A stone tower called Arun Tor rises on a hill overlooking the village, formerly the residence of the local lord. He died a generation ago without an heir, and the tower has been abandoned since.
A stone tower called Arun Tor rises on a hill overlooking the village, formerly the residence of the local lord. He died a generation ago without an heir, and the tower has been abandoned since.
==Grazing Lands==
==Unclaimed 3==
==Driving trail and Grazing Lands==
==Unclaimed 4==
Running through the middle of this large open plain is a major driving trail for the ranchers of Bachmaur. In the middle is a spring-fed lake where the herds are left to winter. This is a peaceful place, but also a prime target for outlaws looking to steal a herd.
==Unclaimed 5==
==Grazing Lands==
==Old Road Diminishes==
==Old Road Diminishes==
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==Unclaimed 8==
==Unclaimed 8==
==Melroth's citadel==
==Unclaimed 9==
A Highland fortress built across one of the canyons leading into Ragnar's Glacier, meant to serve as a bulwark against the raids of frost giants and the monsters of the Drake Fissure.
==Unclaimed 10==
the Citadel was founded by the legendary Dragonborn warrior saint, Melroth Invictus, and the Paladin order he founded is the keep's de facto Authority, despite the Bellacan-appointed lord mayor. unsurprisingly, many dragonborn come here to follow in the footsteps of this hero
==Unclaimed 11==
but a warning to travellers. the fortress city of Melroth is said to be a police state, where the law is as swift and harsh as the mountain cold
High in the Baskan range sits a land that is always covered in ice and snow, deemed "Everfreeze" or "The Land of Ice and Snow" by most people, Sages and Scholars call it is "Ragnar's Glacier."
Whatever it's name it is a harsh place, cruel and punishing to those who don't know it's ways. A tribe of Snow Giants claim dominion over the area and are almost as harsh and cruel as the land they call home. The Great Remorhaz beasts are also a distressingly common sight.
==Dune sea==
Endless, trackless wastes. Here a traveller is confronted with the worst the desert has to offer, endless dunes, scorching heat, no water, and some very fierce beasts.
Recently a young blue dragon has taken up residence in a former Dwarven trading post near the feet of the mighty Baskans and is attracting hardy followers for some purpose. The post served as a stop along a now long defunct "silk road" to the rich south, with the Centaurs serving as middle men.
==Tomb Pass==
==Tomb Pass==
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==Wooded Hills==
==Unclaimed 1==
The rolling hills in this area are still well forested, with plenty of game.
==Unclaimed 2==
==Unclaimed 2==
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==Unclaimed 3==
==Unclaimed 3==
==Grazing Lands==
==Unclaimed 4==
==Grazing Lands==
==Unclaimed 5==
==Unclaimed 6==
==Unclaimed 6==
Line 407: Line 324:
A large stone bridge across the Deinar which used to carry wagons two abreast in ancient times. Crumbling statues of forgotten kings flank it.
A large stone bridge across the Deinar which used to carry wagons two abreast in ancient times. Crumbling statues of forgotten kings flank it.
==Vagabond's Echo==
==Unclaimed 8==
Taller hills than normal for the area rise up here, a final push for the Vagabond mountain range before only hills remain.  Hunting and farming occurs among the hills, with the territory uneasily shared by the locals from various towns and villages.
==Unclaimed 9==
The King's Road passes through the levelest course available in Vagabond's Echo, including an area that looks as if magic were used to carve a clear course.
==Unclaimed 10==
==Farmed Hills==
==Unclaimed 11==
These hills are well farmed, and show old irrigation channels indicating they have been farmed for a great stretch of time.
==Unclaimed 12==
==Ragnar's Peak==
The single tallest peak for thousands of miles Ragnar's peak is named after the famed "King of the High Hills" who reigned here hundreds of years ago. Ragnar is most famous for being the last of the "Great Kings" before the empire begin to rapidly fall apart.
The peak is home to few creatures, some scattered woodsmen and a band of monsters here and there. It is said the peak was once home to a vast Aarakocra aerie.
SECRET: The hero buried at Jaeger's Point is the grandson of King Ragnar.
==Baskan Range==
The Baskan's are a high, inhospitable place. With the exception of Tomb Pass the range is extremely difficult to navigate. Any one brave and hardy enough to face the mountain's will find the mountains home to seemingly countless quarreling tribes of goblinoids. The mountains are also extraordinarily rich in mineral deposits.
Long ago the Range was home to Dwarves, but they are long gone from sight. The ruins of their realm dot the mountains.
==Baskan Range==
The Baskan's are a high, inhospitable place. With the exception of Tomb Pass the range is extremely difficult to navigate. Any one brave and hardy enough to face the mountain's will find the mountains home to seemingly countless quarreling tribes of goblinoids. The mountains are also extraordinarily rich in mineral deposits.
Long ago the Range was home to Dwarves, but they are long gone from sight. The ruins of their realm dot the mountains.
==A Cold Swamp==
==Unclaimed 1==
==Unclaimed 2==
==Unclaimed 2==
==Desolate Fields==
==Unclaimed 3==
The abandoned farm land here begins to give way to resurgent forest.  Wild animals are the major threat here, followed by outlaws passing through to richer pickings.
==Silkweed Plantation==
==Silkweed Plantation==
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==Unclaimed 7==
==Unclaimed 7==
==Unclaimed 8==
Quiziyak is large wall city. It's home to a zillion subject. King Road goes throw it. Some of the landmarks in the city includes the following:
==Unclaimed 9==
Queen Annabelle's Castle
In the center of the wall city is the castle of Queen Annabelle. Annabelle is being getting critics for claiming that hatred is done by magic from the dessert. Annabelle been trying to get adventurers to defeat Al-Jazeera and proof her point. Beside trying to get red of Al-Jazeera, Annabelle is backing Windhook's large taxes--as she believes she's the cousin of the previous king. Baron Tyran Bellicose doesn't believe her story and consider her to a pain in the--for lack of better universe words--"a royal pain in the royal neck."
Temple of the Planes:
This temple contains portals that lead to many different planes in the universe.
Stergur's Library:
Looking for a book? It doesn't matter if you looking a recent new scroll or some so ancient that it was only written by a god or goddess: Stergur, the most famous wizard has it all.
Eyen's Inn:
The largest inn in city. Eyen, a dragon in human form, is on a mission from a far-away dragon land to study the land. It has a dinner theater room. The theater writes plays. The most recent plays had been the following:
1. "High Death For A Water Creature", which tells how Sirena died
2. "Ona and Kort", which deals with the long feud between Kortoniara & Onsamiath
3. "Anna, the Good Queen", a play about Anna. It's becoming infamous for treating Baron Tyran Bellicose as so dumb that he makes a "dumb orc smart".
==Farmed Hills==
These hills are well farmed, and show old irrigation channels indicating they have been farmed for a great stretch of time.
==Withaive hills==
==Withaive hills==
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SECRET: the recent conflicts are the result of the waves of hatred and paranoia coming from the desert in the west.
SECRET: the recent conflicts are the result of the waves of hatred and paranoia coming from the desert in the west.
==The Southern Gate==
==Unclaimed 11==
A small community remains within the remnants of a walled city.  Primarily made up of traveler services, the Southern Gate is named for the one remaining gate that stands in the wall, facing the Final Road, which sends an offshoot up through this community.
The community is deeply jealous of the mining wealth of its northern neighbors, but lacks the strength to do anything about it.  Most of the able bodied and quick witted children of the Southern Gate leave with travelers and caravans passing through, or head north to work in the mines.
Due to the desperation, the Splendor's influence is strong here, with families offering children to the service of the temple-city and priests given free access to the ruins and the extensive catacombs beneath the community.
==Unclaimed 12==
==Unclaimed 12==
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==Red Woods==
==Unclaimed 1==
This region is a dense needleleaf forest intermixed with bogs. Originally inhabited by small villages of wood elves and shifters, the recent incursion of a covey of hags* and their lycantropic minions have pushed the elves back to Ionavalon. The shifters remain and fight a low intensity war with the hag. The shifters, led by a werebear, are allied with treants, dryads, wood woads and local spirits; while the hags command many plant creatures (shamblers, battlebriars, assassin vines, predatory vines and vine horrors), otyughs, a tribe of werewolves and a group of trolls from the Black Muskeg 8.1, a cold swamp to the west.
==Unclaimed 2==
Secret: Deep below the Red Woods is a bound deity of rot and corruption whom the hags seek to revive.
*Two green hags and an annis.
==Highlands of Erenby==
A spur of small, densely wooded mountains, an offshoot of the Vagabonds, separates the Red Woods and the Heartwood Forest. The source of the Sadhur bubbles up under a lake located on a high plateau here, and falls down towards Ionavalon to the east. (See the description of [[#Ionavalon|10.2]] for more details on the Sadhur.)
A traveller who braves the slopes to find the lake will be struck by the beauty as the sun strikes its crystal waters, casting shimmering light everywhere. It may be this very beauty that caused unknown hands to raise a temple on its shores. Long abandoned, locals can not recall who built it or who it was dedicated to. Wind and rain have obliterated carvings that may have given a clue to the answer, but a single statue remains that retains enough of its form to tell that the deity was at least humanoid in form; all other features -- race, age, gender -- have been since lost to the elements.
==Heartwood Forest, cont==
==Heartwood Forest, cont==
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==Unclaimed 4==
==Unclaimed 4==
==Unclaimed 5==
The forest is thin on these rolling hills, and the river Delnar meanders through the dales.
==Unclaimed 6==
Though sparsely populated, this area has been cleared of major vegetation, and the local inhabitants have made use of the waters of the Delnar in order to provide irrigation for the fields that now cover the landscape.
==Unclaimed 7==
==Unclaimed 7==
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==Unclaimed 8==
==Unclaimed 8==
==Unclaimed 9==
Rolling grasslands broken only occasionally by sparse clumps of trees mark this section of Old Kings' Road.
==Ore Road==
==Ore Road==
Line 568: Line 416:
==The Heartwood==
==Unclaimed 1==
Here the Heartwood is thick and lush, groomed and beautiful. This area is rumored to be under the protection of Unicorn who the Elves of Ionavalon often consult.
Few evil beings dare enter this portion of the forest, but from time to time the Unicorn will be forced to deal harshly with intruders.
Most recently a band of Gnolls, under pay from the Hags in the Red Woods has been causing some head aches, the Unicorn has been considering asking the elves, or perhaps a group of adventurers, for help.
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Though the Bright Elves have dwelt in Heartwood since before the coming of other races, throughout their history they have sought neither to expand their holdings or conquer others, but have been content to merely keep and watch over their small territory. They do not often seek contact with outsiders, but are welcoming to those of good heart who find themselves in the Heartwood.
Though the Bright Elves have dwelt in Heartwood since before the coming of other races, throughout their history they have sought neither to expand their holdings or conquer others, but have been content to merely keep and watch over their small territory. They do not often seek contact with outsiders, but are welcoming to those of good heart who find themselves in the Heartwood.
==The Deepening Forest==
==Unclaimed 3==
The forests south of Iovanalon deepen and thicken, blocking out the sun in places. Eventually, the woods grow nearly impenetrable as travelers approach the Skittering Dark.
==Unclaimed 4==
==The Skittering Dark==
==Unclaimed 5==
A section of deep forest no longer traveled by local huntsman and trappers after a wave of disappearances a few years ago. Foresters keep their distance and speak of the unnaturally large insects and spiders which give this area its name.
==Unclaimed 6==
==Unclaimed 7==
Actually it's just spiders. They have multiplied in this area under the influence of a Shrine to Lolth. A Drow priestess emerged from the Underdark to build the shrine here because of ancient magical power in the location. This is due to an ancient temple to a fallen god (or primordial) which resonates with magical power for those who can claim it.
==Unclaimed 8==
After building the shrine, the priestess contracted with Duergar to construct a temple around it. Their hatred for the surface world has made this process painfully slow, but she does not have the means to do the stonework herself. There is a seemingly innocuous forested hill cave in this hex, which is deceptively deep and acts as the highway to the Underdark which brings the Duergar workers to the surface. The path between here and the temple itself has become increasingly well-worn over the years.
Hazards: giant spiders (including demonic variants), duergar parties, the long-buried temple beneath the shrine (now with surrounded by the skeleton of its own temple under construction), a passageway to the Underdark and all that it contains...
==Delnar River==
The Delnar River passes just south of the Skittering Dark.
South of the river is fertile grassland with scattered groups of ranchers and herders being the major occupants. North is the deep ominous forest.
Between the river and the Skittering Dark, however, is a line of imposingly large stone menhirs whose origin is unknown. They are hewn from granite which is obviously not local to the area, and each one weighs several tons, so whoever originally placed them went to a lot of trouble to do so.
Magical runes glow on the menhirs in unpredictable patterns that change as the weather shifts. The monuments otherwise don't appear to actually do anything.
Theories abound as to what they are, who originally placed them, and what purpose they have. Popular stories include: they keep the Delnar river from shifting its course South, they prevent evil things in the Skittering Dark from moving south across the river, and they predict the weather in advance, if only someone knew how to read them.
This part of the forest was never cleared, even though it approaches close to the north of Wheatsea. People often hunt wild animals up to the riverbank, but are superstitious about crossing to the north. Hunters tell tall tales of spiders the size of rats north of the river, but few people believe them in the taverns of Wheatsea.
Situated in the midst of farmland, Wheatsea is a thriving city that enjoys the advantages of its location.
In addition to its sizable human population, Wheatsea hosts a number of elves and half elves.  The elves arrived during the founding of the city, wandering away from a homeland they were cast out of, and agreeing to aid the fledgling city in exchange for a place to live.
Human industry at building and farming combined with elven baking has led to Wheatsea being a valuable strategic resource for the local government.
A supply road runs from Wheatsea to Bellicose Castle.
==Tournament Grounds==
==Hobs Shir==
This area of gently rolling hills and lush grass is empty most of the time but every five years it plays host to the Grand Tournament, a fantastic contest of jousting, melee, archery and nearly every game and competition imaginable. Warriors, fame seekers, and spectators come from nearly every land to take part. Around the Tournament a huge carnival takes place, playing host to every entertainment imaginable. It's a week that people look forward to for years before and talk about for years after.
==UWallach's Fields==
This region was held by Lady Wallach for a time during the Winter Siege; it contains the sites where her armies camped while they laid siege to Castle Bellicose. Though they were ultimately thrown back by the armies of King Bellicose, monuments were erected along the King's Road marking the locations of the various brigades and battalions.
==Hobs Shire==
Named for the infestation of hobgoblins that long ago kept this fertile land from being used, numerous hamlets and villages crowd in to take advantage of the pleasing fruit trees and good growing conditions.
Named for the infestation of hobgoblins that long ago kept this fertile land from being used, numerous hamlets and villages crowd in to take advantage of the pleasing fruit trees and good growing conditions.
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Dangers of Hobs Shire include cults that worship the native gods, including the alien and twisted fertility goddess (and goddess of centipedes and other such creatures) that the hobgoblins once venerated.  There are also a few degenerate communities where human and hobgoblin blood have mixed.
Dangers of Hobs Shire include cults that worship the native gods, including the alien and twisted fertility goddess (and goddess of centipedes and other such creatures) that the hobgoblins once venerated.  There are also a few degenerate communities where human and hobgoblin blood have mixed.
Marisee the Peddlar travels in the rural communities around the shire, and can be found anywhere within 2 hexes of this one. Occasionally, she goes past those boundaries, but never into the bigger cities, such as Splendor. How she has managed to survive alone in these travels for the last decade is unknown, though many an isolated hamlet has appreciated a visit.
==Unclaimed 10==
==Unclaimed 10==
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==Unclaimed 5==
==Unclaimed 5==
==Unclaimed 6==
The Delnar spills out of the hills into fertile plains. Both Wheatsea and Aelwyd graze their herds on the flood plain during summer, and outlying farms of Wheatsea grow arable crops south of the river.
==Unclaimed 7==
==Unclaimed 8==
This entire area is given over to farmland to feed the City of Bellaca. The Farmers in this area are forever annoyed at what they consider low prices of grain in Bellaca. The grumbling has gotten louder of late with some farmers talking about withholding grain or selling it elsewhere.
==Bellicose Castle==
The current Lord of the area, Baron Tyran Bellicose, lives in a mighty fortress overlooking the Old King's Road. He is a iron-fisted Lord in many respects, but fair. He does not tolerate disobedience, dealing harshly with any sort of challenge to his authourity, but he doesn't squeeze the locals mercilessly and deals squarely with all regarding taxes, treaties and the like, so he is generally well respected, if not actively adored, by his subjects.
Recently, however, these subjects have started to adopt a much more aggressive attitude towards the Baron's soldiers and tax-collectors, and in some areas, such as the Withaive hills, they've actually dared to attack them. The Baron grows increasinlgy paranoid that a usurper is working behind the scenes to incite the people against him and remove him from power. Perhaps one of his brothers or maybe his son. His spys are even now keeping tabs on his entire family.
Perhaps he has been too soft on the commoners and needs to visit such destruction on these Winterhaivian rebels so as to leave no doubt about his power and then, maybe, he'll figure out who in his family is responsible for stirring them up and deal with them in turn...
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A crossroads exists here where Old King's Road meets roads leading south towards Splendor and north towards Aerth Aelwyd and the Vagabond Mountains.
A crossroads exists here where Old King's Road meets roads leading south towards Splendor and north towards Aerth Aelwyd and the Vagabond Mountains.
==Unclaimed 10==
East of Hob's Shire, the land is uncultivated grasslands verging on the forests of Ehlonna's Splendor.
==Ehlonna's Splendor==
==Ehlonna's Splendor==
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SECRET: A group of druids died to preserve the natural divinity of this place from a wizard eager for its power.  Their spirits have infused the woods, creating treants, dryads, and other arboreal creatures to continue protecting the slumbering divinity and its power.
SECRET: A group of druids died to preserve the natural divinity of this place from a wizard eager for its power.  Their spirits have infused the woods, creating treants, dryads, and other arboreal creatures to continue protecting the slumbering divinity and its power.
==Delnar Woods==
==Unclaimed 4==
The Delnar Woods thin here, as centuries of logging causes the trees to slowly give way to the rolling hills around Arth Aelwyd.
==Arth Aelwyd, the Hollow Hill Inn==
==Arth Aelwyd, the Hollow Hill Inn==
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The effective capital city of the region is intensely loyal (at least in appearance) to its native son and inheritor to ancestral rule, Baron Tyron Bellicose.  This city is also the edge of the Splendor's influence, with a few priests and representatives sitting on the council of nobles that manage details that the Baron does not care to.
==Unclaimed 8==
Soldiers of the Baron not in his fortress are often here, and there are barracks within the city.  Parades of the soldiers are quite common.
Recently, however, the unrest has come here.  Not in the form of outright rebellion from the citizens, but in mysterious acts of vandalism and petty violence that has set the city on edge against outsiders.
==Bandit Run==
In this hex the Old King's Road travels just past the foothills of the Dragon Back Mountains. Trade along this route is continually hampered by bandit gangs. The many caves that riddle this broken region are perfect for temporary hideouts, making the area chronically lawless.
Merchants rarely travel this route unless absolutely necessary, cutting off most trade to the East, isolating the region and promoting the abandonment of smaller settlements inland of the more bustling regions to the West.
The bandits are virtually immune from the law, but are still kept in check by dwindling targets, inter-gang warfare and occasional raids by goblinoid tribes from the larger mountains extending Southeast. The gangs have become increasingly desperate in recent years and their highway robberies have evolved to murderous, pillaging raids farther afield. Their targets have expanded to small settlements for several hexes around.
==Unclaimed 9==
==Unclaimed 9==
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An unnamed empty meadow. It's lovely, and there are wildflowers.
An unnamed empty meadow. It's lovely, and there are wildflowers.
==Orestes's Pit==
==Unclaimed 12==
Legend tells of the Bard Orestes whose greatest love (a fair maiden of 1 and 20 years) was dying of a terrible disease. Forsaking the world, he built a cabin at the edge of the continent, and sat by her side playing the most beautiful music, desperate to try to soothe her passing. As she wasted away, a passing trader heard his astounding music, and tried to pay him with gold, silver, and gemstones to travel with him and play for his customers - but although Orestes's love told him to leave her and go live his life, he refused.
The trader moved on, heartbroken that he would never hear the bard's music again, and shared this tale of the love sick bard with all he met. It resonated with the people of the nearby towns and cities, and word spread across the realm.
Over the months his love lay dying, Orestes dealt with many more offers, including appointment to the royal court and even his own ship laden with servants and gold to take his music to the next continent. He refused all comers despite his lady's protests, and continued to sit by her side, his music (though still beautiful) becoming sadder and sadder.
Finally, an unholy creature deep in the Underdark heard Orestes singing his sad songs. It found the depth of Orestes's misery to be the most pleasant thing it'd ever heard. The creature appeared before Orestes in smoke and sulfur and offered him a deal - he would save Orestes's lady's life, curing her illness, but Orestes would have to come with him and serve him deep in the Underdark, singing his sad songs forever. To ensure Orestes's eternal grief (and thus his beautiful melancholy music), the creature stipulated that Orestes would never be allowed to see his lady love again.
Desperate to stop him, she screamed her violent rejections of the creature and the offer, but Orestes mad with love refused her, and agreed to the monster's bargain. The woman immediately felt stronger, breathing clearly she was cured of her illness. With one final look at Orestes of pained anguish, she disappeared from the cabin, spirited to who knows where.
The entirety of the cabin (and many miles of ground surrounding) sunk into the Underdark, creating what has been since known as Orestes's Pit. It is a dark and foreboding sloped hole, honeycombed with tunnels and chambers, and filled with vile servants of the creature. Orestes's melancholy songs reverberate perfectly in this damned echo-chamber, and can be heard from miles around, fainter and fainter as you get further from the source deep at the center. Centuries have passed, and many adventurers have died deep in Orestes's Pit, their belongings scattered by the creatures clamoring to listen to Orestes's music. To this day, unholy creatures of all sorts still make their homes in and around Orestes's Pit, drawn by the music, and vying with each other for deeper homes within the pit.
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In the foothills, the Delnar river spills into a valley lake. The forests reach the north shore, but to the south is open hillside where halfling shepherds can often be seen leading their flocks. The lake itself it flat and calm, almost having a mirror surface except when whipped up by an autumn wind. Near the centre of the lake, a cracked stone spire breaks the surface. The druid Aedelraed knows its history, but is rarely seen these days.
In the foothills, the Delnar river spills into a valley lake. The forests reach the north shore, but to the south is open hillside where halfling shepherds can often be seen leading their flocks. The lake itself it flat and calm, almost having a mirror surface except when whipped up by an autumn wind. Near the centre of the lake, a cracked stone spire breaks the surface. The druid Aedelraed knows its history, but is rarely seen these days.
==Unclaimed 6==
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The King's road connects Broken Cart with the west, although the road has fallen into disrepair and few merchants will risk the bandits to the west.
==Unclaimed 10==
==Unclaimed 10==
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==Unclaimed 11==
==Unclaimed 11==
==Unclaimed 12==
the verdant meadows abruptly give way after 12.11, giving way to rocky highlands, and later badlands formed by the volcanic south.
of particular prominence is a high-walled ravine, where the ancient highway called Tiamat's Gullet starts, marking the safest route through the volcanic southern mountains (eventually hooks up with 15.12).
Belleca is in talks with Splendor to consder linking Tiamat's Gullet to the main roads
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==Unclaimed 4==
==Unclaimed 4==
==Goblin Village==
==Unclaimed 5==
In this area, goblins have cleared some of the woods to build a village where they tend to barely domesticated boars and fend off natural predators from the nearby woods. Their youth occasionally get swept up in war parties, but generally the village keeps to itself. On occasion, human or elven travelers enter the area and spot the village. The goblins deal with these individuals as best they can, fearing revelation.
It is generally known that goblins and such creatures exist in the area, but most aren't aware of the permanent settlement.
==Unclaimed 6==
==Unclaimed 6==
==Haunted Battlefields==
==Unclaimed 7==
Open grassland meadows which are the site of an ancient battle between forces of Good and Evil. The area is constantly shrouded in mist and haunted by the spirits of the slain. Wise travelers avoid this area, but some brave souls do enter seeking to find treasures amongst the restless dead.
==Broken Cart Tavern==
==Broken Cart Tavern==
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This section of the road is treacherous and not as well maintained as it was when the border was more seriously contested.  Away from most settlements, a traveler's tavern provides for the needs of the soldiers and others who come by this way.  The son of the owner is quite handy at repairing the damage done to wagons and other vehicles that pass through this unpleasant stretch of road, while his twin sister is excellent at mending travel worn garments and performing repairs on smaller goods, from knives to ancient books that need to be meticulously pieced together again.
This section of the road is treacherous and not as well maintained as it was when the border was more seriously contested.  Away from most settlements, a traveler's tavern provides for the needs of the soldiers and others who come by this way.  The son of the owner is quite handy at repairing the damage done to wagons and other vehicles that pass through this unpleasant stretch of road, while his twin sister is excellent at mending travel worn garments and performing repairs on smaller goods, from knives to ancient books that need to be meticulously pieced together again.
==Dragon Back Mountains==
==Unclaimed 9==
==Dawn's Shame==
==Unclaimed 10==
This city on a hill is renowned for its delights.  The splendid sunrises are the least of them, and one really seen by the soldiers and adventurers who come to Dawn's Shame.  In addition to ways to spend a day's wage in a few minutes, the city hosts tournaments and bloodsport of all sort.  No impulse is without its outlet at Dawn's Shame.
==Unclaimed 11==
Even those who seek forbidden lore can appease their hunger in the libraries, or delve into the ancient structures the riddle the hills and mountains around the city.
==Unclaimed 12==
The city itself is built on the highest hill, with a few satellite towns and villages that aid in supporting it.
==Basalt Crags==
These mountains are rough black volcanic rock, with many cliffs and loose slopes formed of ash and pumice. Only an experienced mountaineer could cross this region.
==Tiamat's Gullet==
The fissure formed by the volcano at 15.12 cleaves through the basalt crags, making a passable road from east to west.
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*Equvalent metals would be aluminum, nickel, manganese and magnesium.
*Equvalent metals would be aluminum, nickel, manganese and magnesium.
==The sheer cliffs==
==Unclaimed 2==
When the caldera was formed in volcanic eruption long ago, a portion of one of the neighboring mountains in the range was split in half, one half crumbling into the lake leaving the other as a sheer face along a long stretch of the Vagabond mountain range. In this region are treacherous mountain passes in the western portion, but in the northern and the eastern portion of the area there is stability. The lake town of Grabben's Shore is the primary source of trade to the hold across the lake, access to this fishing and trade town from the south is through a stable, if sometimes bandit laden, mountain pass that leads into the east Delnar Road.
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==Roamer's Woods==
==Unclaimed 5==
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==Unclaimed 6==
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Potential encounters: border raiders, smugglers, invading armies if the GM so wishes
Potential encounters: border raiders, smugglers, invading armies if the GM so wishes
==Dragon Back Mountains==
==Broken Pass==
A old city called Fangula sits. People who visit it had found nothing but a enough fog to give a dragon a chill. Anyone sent to Fangula at night disappears for ever--never to return!
A well supported pass, complete with arched gates to hold it up, once stood here. Now it is in ruin, with broken statuary and architecture blocking the way through the mountains.
SECRET: Fangula is home town of evil monsters. Count Volexa is the latest monster ruler of this time. He tossed out the last ruler of town a werewolf. Fangula has been plotting on getting rid of all the humans and turning this country into a evil monster--for lack of better words--factory.
==Tiamat's Gullet==
==Unclaimed 11==
A desolate valley road carved along a volcanic mountain range which stretches east to west, eventually joins up with the Dragon Back mountains, with spurs of black rock jutting up like feindish claws, lined with rivers and even 'lakes' of molten lava that flow from the mountains. because of this hellish landscape, both the valley and centuries-old road are named for the Dragon Goddess
==Unclaimed 12==
but perilous as the Gullet is, the depradations of the Orange horde have awoken Algrim The Strong, A dwarven Death Knight. Algrim considers himself the undisputed warlord of the Gullet, and from the volcanic hall that was once his tomb, has begun to assemble an army of his own, bolstered by the walking dead, with wich he shall support his ally, Shan-Yur
It is the hope of interested parties that somebody disrupt this alliance, and turn the two warlords against each other
While it was (until recently) the safest route for pilgrims to reach the Monastery of the Celestial Dragon, the road through Tiamat's Gullet eventually swings north towards Broken Pass (and presumably, Dawn's Shame)
==Vagabond Mountains==
==Unclaimed 1==
It is rumoured that griffins make their homes among the peaks found in this otherwise uninhabited section of the Vagabonds.
==Unclaimed 2==
==The Keeper's Keep==
Atop the highest mountain in the region, and in fact taking up most of the hex is a giant's keep. It has seven sides, one for each era of history plus another three for the eras said to come. The top of the walls are often surrounded by clouds which become more storm-laden the closer someone approaches. The walls are said to be seven miles thick, but no mortal has ever entered or left in known history. It is said that dragons have flown over the walls and have seen what lies in the courtyards and towers within, but they rarely speak of such things (for free). Climbers face many days of vertical ascent through a thunder storm on a wall with no real handholds. Others who have tried to fly over the walls have choked, breathless before reaching the top.
Secret: Dragons, when pressed, will tell that the keep is filled with 'timelessness' and know rumours of unobtainable treasures within.
Secret: The Keeper is a giant who keeps people and things until they are needed at the end of time. The few people who live there cannot die, but they cannot leave.
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==Unclaimed 4==
==Roamer's Woods==
==Unclaimed 5==
==Tower of Thorns==
==Unclaimed 6==
A dense forest starts in this area, extending up in a line of savage woods that civilization has not yet tamed (16.5 and 15.5).  It is known as Roamer's Woods.
Fae creatures and elemental forces gather here, delighting in the mystic power that emanates from the Tower of Thorns: a school of sorcery and primal magic has stood since giants erected it at the behest of its founder.
Roamer's Woods are expansive and confusing, with oddly intelligent animals and passages that lead into faerie worlds.  All of these serve to help conceal the Tower of Thorns from meddlesome fools and enemies.
The Tower of Thorns accepts applicants in two ways.  Anyone with sufficient mystical skill to reach the Tower and gain entry is allowed to study.  It is not uncommon for wizards who have come by their power in more conventional ways to spend several years tutoring less experiences magic users while being instructed in the special spell craft of the Tower.  The other way is to be destined to reach the Tower.  Some who travel in the area seem pushed towards the tower instead of away from it, no matter what the obstacle.  These individuals gain entry by fate's decree and they provide the small classes that learn under the wizards who seek to unlock the secrets woven into the Tower's very structure.
==Unclaimed 7==
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==Unclaimed 10==
A old city called Fangula sits. People who visit it had found nothing but a enough fog to give a dragon a chill. Anyone sent to Fangula at night disappears for ever--never to return!
==Unclaimed 11==
SECRET: Fangula is home town of evil monsters. Count Volexa is the latest monster ruler of this time. He tossed out the last ruler of town a werewolf. Fangula has been plotting on getting rid of all the humans and turning this country into a evil monster--for lack of better words--factory.
==Dragon Back Mountains==
==The Monastery of the Celestial Dragon==
==The Monastery of the Celestial Dragon==

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