Editing Talk:Heaven's Mandate

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1/2 pt: Half page of flavor, or moderate structural changes.  Great for filling in entries on people and places, but doesn't require a lot of thought or creativity.<br>
1/2 pt: Half page of flavor, or moderate structural changes.  Great for filling in entries on people and places, but doesn't require a lot of thought or creativity.<br>
1 pt: One or two pages of flavor.  Usually more labor intensive, requiring cross-referencing, and they add new information to the setting.<br>
1 pt: One or two pages of flavor.  Usually more labor intensive, requiring cross-referencing, and they add new information to the setting.<br>
2( ?) pts: 3 or more pages.  These entries are really adventures in themselves, and go beyond character exploration into character development.<br><br>
2(+?) pts: 3 or more pages.  These entries are really adventures in themselves, and go beyond character exploration into character development.<br><br>
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# Updated: [[The Fivefold Chronology]] - Fixed the broken links, and added commentary about the ordering scheme.  Added a link off of the main page.
# Updated: [[The Fivefold Chronology]] - Fixed the broken links, and added commentary about the ordering scheme.  Added a link off of the main page.
(2/11) Meanwhile... (Darkening Skies)
(2/11) Meanwhile... (Session after "Wind in the Doorway")
# New: [[The Second Southern Expedition]] - Added Part 1: "Not One Tiger Warrior"
# New: [[The Second Southern Expedition]] - Added Part 1: "Not One Tiger Warrior"
# Updated: [[The Second Southern Expedition]] - Added "A Conspiracy of Virtue"
# Updated: [[The Second Southern Expedition]] - Added "A Conspiracy of Virtue"
# Updated: [[The Second Southern Expedition]] - Added "No Man's Land".  I'm tempted break this tale into multiple pages, in which case "No Man's Land" will probably be reclassified as "Daybringers Gaiden 7.5: What Might have Been".  If for no reason other than to goad David into finishing DB8. Curse you Hans!
# Updated: [[The Second Southern Expedition]] - Added "No Man's Land".  I'm tempted break this tale into multiple pages, in which case "No Man's Land" will probably be reclassified as "Daybringers Gaiden 7.5: What Might have Been".  If for no reason other than to goad David into finishing DB8.
# The Chronology-monkeys have been busy; the Second Southern Expedition has been split into [[Not One Tiger Warrior]], [[A Conspiracy of Virtue]], and [[Gaiden 7.5]], with more coming soon.
(2/17) Meanwhile... (Sapphire's Bad Day)
# New: [[Sha Yan Shi and the Mandate of Heaven]] - Best. Topic. Title. EVAR.
# New: [[Powder Kegs (and other delicate matters)]]
# New: [[Divine Intervention]] - Fun with evil, evil, evil cliffhangers;  You are a horrible, horrible man, Hans Christian Andersen. :)  -  JK
# New: [[Hurry Home, Sweet Voice]] - The funny part is, Jason, there was only a ninety-minute window of truly-evil cliffhanger-dom before I posted this next part.  Not that there's any real resolution, but still.
# New: [[Sha Yan Shi and the Law of the Pack]] - The problem with being a half-caste in a full-moon world is that you have to deal with... another Evil, Evil, Cliffhanger!  Mwa ha ha! ''She '''''did not''''' just say "In the name of the Moon, I will punish you"...?! -mac''
# New: [[Sha Yan Shi and the Long Dark Night]] - What?  No cliffhanger?  Inconceivable!
# New: [[Agathon's Findings]] - I wrote this ages ago to explore the events that brought Agathon into disgrace in Lookshy, but forgot to post it.  With Marta's wedding and Soho's impending trial, it's suddenly quite relevant.  ''You know that nothing links to it right now but this Talk page, right?  :) - JK''  (''Yeah, posted it this morning before work.  Haven't yet decided the best place to put it... okay, Agathon's entry links to it now. - HCA'')
# Updated:  [[The Fivefold Chronology]] - Added the last several sessions' worth of entries.  The simian scribes were uncertain of the timing of some of them, particularly Jason's works.
(2/24) Secret Teachings of Secret Avalanche (Going to Ground)
# New: [[Gaiden 7.6]]: Soho no baka! - This was going to be the last entry in the Second Southern Expedition, but then it got melodramatic enough that I was forced to reclassify it as Daybringers Gaiden.  Such a shame that I couldn't number it 8.5.  ''(goad, goad!  -HCA)''  Can something really count as Daybringers' Gaiden if it doesn't actually contain any reference to the Daybringers? - JK  (Crap, I *knew* I forgot a crucial detail.  Expect an edit sometime soon.)
# New: [[Peleps Deled's Vault]] - [[Storm of Amber]] is not the only exalt seeking the Third-Arm Glaive...
(3/10) A Long-Awaited Party (?)
# New: [[Shai Mei's Place]] - The Little Tree vanquishes a nasty hangover...
==David Drake==
==David Drake==
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# Edited: Collected gens Amilar under one banner.  The house is at the very least neutral, as its head appears to be.
# Edited: Collected gens Amilar under one banner.  The house is at the very least neutral, as its head appears to be.
--The Righteous Strike Back: 1/13/07--
--The Righteous Strike Back: 1/13/06--
# New: [[Open Skies Above]]: Sorry, you're not invited, but you can still send gifts.  Hearthstones are preferred.
# New: [[Open Skies Above]]: Sorry, you're not invited, but you can still send gifts.  Hearthstones are preferred.
# New: [[Putting Out Fires]]: Rivers and Skies and busting heads.
# New: [[Putting Out Fires]]: Rivers and Skies and busting heads.
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# New: [[The Headless]]: Pity Wu.
# New: [[The Headless]]: Pity Wu.
--Distant Peals of Thunder: 1/20/07--
--Distant Peals of Thunder: 1/20/06--
# New: [[Applications of Enlightenment]]: New page for organizing custom charms, since 1/2 of the players have them.   
# New: [[Applications of Enlightenment]]: New page for organizing custom charms, since 1/2 of the players have them.   
# New: [[Defy the Armor's Dream]]: Posted the one custom charm that I have in full (I don't have the virtue listed for the spirit charms you sent me, Jason.  Sorry!)
# New: [[Defy the Armor's Dream]]: Posted the one custom charm that I have in full (I don't have the virtue listed for the spirit charms you sent me, Jason.  Sorry!)
# Edited: [[The Fivefold Chronology]]: Added dates as far back as I have them recorded as gm.
# Edited: [[The Fivefold Chronology]]: Added dates as far back as I have them recorded as gm.
--Wind in the Doorway: 1/27/07--
--Wind in the Doorway: 1/27/06--
# Expanded: [[Solar-Forged Glories]]: Added a couple of the artifacts from last session.
# Expanded: [[Solar-Forged Glories]]: Added a couple of the artifacts from last session.
# Picture: [[Sun-Blackened Pinions]]: Crane.
# Picture: [[Sun-Blackened Pinions]]: Crane.
# Expanded: [[Rivers Between Us]]: Tossed up his intimacies for funsies.
# Expanded: [[Rivers Between Us]]: Tossed up his intimacies for funsies.
--Darkening Skies: 2/10/07--
# New: [[Secret Avalanche]] gets his own page.  I wish I could have written it... without the crappy writing.
# New: [[Root of the East]], Rivers' trusted advisor.  Poor devil.
--Cloud Break: 3/10/07--
# New: [[Chapter 8]]: At last.  So many double meanings it will take eight fully independent and flurry-able simultaneous actions to shake a stick at them!
--Tree Hunting: 3/17/07--
# Expanded: [[Cerulean Sage]]: Decided he should really be a divinity, and then brought him in to start teaching Rivers.
# Added: [[Outside the Bear's Cave]]: The next story will begin soon.  You are ready.  Are they?
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# (7/31) Added [[Grassfoot]]
# (7/31) Added [[Grassfoot]]
# (7/31) Added [[Amilar Amaki]]
# (7/31) Added [[Amilar Amaki]]
# (8/01) Moved River's Automata on the front page, under the [[Heaven's_Mandate#The_Book_and_the_Sword|Book and the Sword]] heading, since they're created things and not actual characters.   
# (8/01) Moved River's Automata on the front page, under the [[Heaven%27s_Mandate#The_Book_and_the_Sword|Book and the Sword]] heading, since they're created things and not actual characters.   
# (8/01) Changed the formatting for [[An Oathsworn Circle]] to make [[River's Contacts]] stand out better.
# (8/01) Changed the formatting for [[An Oathsworn Circle]] to make [[River's Contacts]] stand out better.
# (8/05) Edited David's [[Othoclase]] page, for added evil.
# (8/05) Edited David's [[Othoclase]] page, for added evil.
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'''10/28: Game Day! Insults Answered'''
'''10/28: Game Day! Insults Answered'''
# (10/29) Added [[Perfected Vigilance of Stone]]
# (10/29) Added [[Perfected Vigilance of Stone]]
# (10/29) Reorganized [[Heaven's_Mandate#Records_of_the_Grand_Historian|Records of the Grand Historian]] for clarity; includes moving [[My Town]] to [[Nexus]]
# (10/29) Reorganized [[Heaven%27s_Mandate#Records_of_the_Grand_Historian|Records of the Grand Historian]] for clarity; includes moving [[My Town]] to [[Nexus]]
# (10/29) Added [[War Games]]
# (10/29) Added [[War Games]]
# (10/29) Added [[A Web Spun From Water]]
# (10/29) Added [[A Web Spun From Water]]
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'''1/06: Game Day!  Consequences of Action'''
'''1/06: Game Day!  Consequences of Action'''
# (1/07) Changed [[A Web Spun From Water]] and [[Storm's Eye Hill]] to account for more defined genders/roles in the [[The Xuan Wu Academy]]
# (1/07) Changed [[A Web Spun From Water]] and [[Storm's Eye Hill]] to account for more defined genders/roles in the [[The Xuan Wu Academy]]
# (1/07) Created [[The Soft Breath of Seasons]] and [[Chronicle of the Cycles of Time]] to clear up [[Heaven's_Mandate#Records_of_the_Grand_Historian|Records of the Grand Historian]] on the Main Page
# (1/07) Created [[The Soft Breath of Seasons]] and [[Chronicle of the Cycles of Time]] to clear up [[Heaven%27s_Mandate#Records_of_the_Grand_Historian|Records of the Grand Historian]] on the Main Page
# (1/07) Added [[Nama Bi]]
# (1/07) Added [[Nama Bi]]
# (1/07) Added "In the Dragon's Wake" to [[Storm's Eye Hill]]
# (1/07) Added "In the Dragon's Wake" to [[Storm's Eye Hill]]
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# (2/08) Added "In Mountains, Occupy the Heights" to [[Strategies For Mountains and Valleys]].
# (2/08) Added "In Mountains, Occupy the Heights" to [[Strategies For Mountains and Valleys]].
'''2/10: Game Day! Darkening Skies'''
'''2/10: Game Day! '''
# (2/11) Added "In Valleys, Deploy for Defense" to [[Strategies For Mountains and Valleys]].
# (2/11) Added "In Valleys, Deploy for Defense" to [[Strategies For Mountains and Valleys]].
# (2/11) Added the [[Pearl of Castigation]] to our hearthstones.
# (2/11) Added the [[Pearl of Castigation]] to our hearthstones.
# (2/15) Added [[The Five Changes of Fire]]
'''2/17: Game Day!  Sapphire's Bad Day'''
# (2/17) Added [[Voices Prophesying War]]
# (2/18) Added "The Answer to the Earth" to [[Three Visits For the Brass Lady]]; anyone who gets the joke gets mad props from me.
# (2/18) Added "The Red Queen" to [[Three Visits For the Brass Lady]]
# (2/20) Added "Two Ladies and a Legion of Brass" to [[Three Visits For the Brass Lady]]; feedback especially appreciated on this one, I'm not sure how I feel about the writing. ''I liked it. Although...are you sure you can't work in a truly heinous cliffhanger ending? -mac''
# (2/20) Rewrote ""Two Ladies and a Legion of Brass" on [[Three Visits For the Brass Lady]], for added bureaucracy; I'm much, much happier with this version
# (2/20) Added [[Tactics For Hosts and Guests]], thus initiating the final chapter in the first Choshu Ishi story; tales of his exploits in the south remain to be heard.
# (2/23) Rewrote [[Tactics For Hosts and Guests]].  Sorry, I'm feeling a bit perfectionistic this week.
'''2/24: Game Day!  Going to Ground'''
# (2/25) Added "On Home Ground, Initiate No Action" to [[Tactics For Hosts and Guests]].
# (2/25) Added "On Foreign Ground, Strike Deep" to [[Tactics For Hosts and Guests]].
# (2/27) Added [[Hidden Riches]].  I feel bad for Choshu Ishi.  Really I do.
# (3/02) Added [[Choshu Ishi Versus The Zombies]]
# (3/02) Added "Night of the Living Dead" to [[Choshu Ishi Versus The Zombies]]; in which the Ivory Dragon finally gets some respect.
'''3/03: Game Day! '''
# (3/08) Added [[A Two-Stone Game]]
# (3/09) Added [[The Fate of Flowers in the Mirror]]
'''4/07: Game Day! '''
# (4/12) Added [[Mayhiros Xenon]]
# (4/12) Added [[The Oath of the Glaive]]
'''5/26: Game Day! '''
# (9/16) Added [[Seeking the Stallion-Lord's Shelter]]
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# (10/20) Added Part One (of [[Sapphire River at Midnight]]'s background)
# (10/20) Added Part One (of [[Sapphire River at Midnight]]'s background)
# (10/28) Added Part Two (of [[Sapphire River at Midnight]]'s background)
# (10/28) Added Part Two (of [[Sapphire River at Midnight]]'s background)
'''12/16 Game Day! Messages and Their Bearers'''
'''12/16 Game Day! Messages and Their Bearers'''
# Working on [[The Price You Pay]]
# Working on [[The Price You Pay]]
# Working on Part Three
# Working on Part Three
'''1/20 Game Day! Distant Peals of Thunder'''
'''1/20 Game Day! Distant Peals of Thunder'''
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# Updated: Edited [[Hearthstones]] to add Sapphire's hearthstones
# Updated: Edited [[Hearthstones]] to add Sapphire's hearthstones
# Updated: Edited [[Solar-Forged Glories]] to add Sapphire's artifacts
# Updated: Edited [[Solar-Forged Glories]] to add Sapphire's artifacts
'''2/10 Game Day! Darkening Skies'''
# Updated: Edited [[Sapphire River at Midnight|Sapphire's stats]]
# Updated: Added Charms spreadsheet [http://www.lesleymac.com/ex/exaltcharms.xls here]
# Updated: Part Two of [[Sapphire's Past]] edited extensively
# New: Added Hsuan Lin's [[Hsuan Lin|stats]]
'''2/17 Game Day! Sapphire's Bad Day'''<br/>
''Honestly, sometimes I wonder if anyone likes anything they write.''
<br/>This week, it is my intention to finish at least three articles and add them to the wiki. Wish me luck! and/or mock me mercilessly should I fail.<br/>
# New: it will be called [[Walls and Tall Shadows]]
# New: it will be called [[Sapphire's Bad Day]]
# New: it will be called [[A Gift of Blades]]
# Updated: Finished spending Hsuan Lin's banked exp and updated her [[Hsuan Lin|stats]]
# Updated: Edited several articles, mainly to make character names fit convention
# Updated: Changed the structure of things. "Sapphire's Past" is now located off of her character [[Sapphire River at Midnight|page]]. Also, each section of her past has its own page now. That thing was getting long, and I'm only about half done.
[[Heaven's Mandate]]
[[Heaven's Mandate]]

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