Editing Twelve Deadly Gods

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'''Genai:''' ''Lawful Evil Human Male (Dustborn) Swordsage 11/Master of Nine 7''
'''Genai:''' ''Lawful Evil Human Male (Dustborn) Swordsage 10/Master of Nine 6''
Genai is a figure whom is arguably the greatest Swordsman currently alive in Eberron.  Humbled by one of the Lords of Dust, he's taken to the philosophy that was taught to him by his Demonic Master.  Genai is blessed with a peculiar sense of honor but believes life is pointless except for seeking death in the most grandiose manner possible.
Genai is a figure whom is arguably the greatest Swordsman currently alive in Eberron.  Humbled by one of the Lords of Dust, he's taken to the philosophy that was taught to him by his Demonic Master.  Genai is blessed with a peculiar sense of honor but believes life is pointless except for seeking death in the most grandiose manner possible.
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It is noteworthy that Genai doesn't actually 'count' as a member of the Twelve Deadly Gods, so their number is actually Thirteen.
It is noteworthy that Genai doesn't actually 'count' as a member of the Twelve Deadly Gods, so their number is actually Thirteen.
== Current Members ==
== Current Members ==
1. '''Keltis Dorran''' ''Neutral Evil Dwarven Male Warblade 10/Deepstone Sentinel 4''
1. '''Kaela:''''' Lawful Evil Half-Elf Female Monk 10''
Genai's daughter and one of the most fearsome of the Twelve Deadly Gods, her mother died long ago and she's been molded by her father into a perfect killing machine.  Oddly, she's never really been exposed to concepts outside of the select brotherhood she lives in and is emotionally unprepared for dealing with them.  Some of the causal cruelty that she performs is mostly immitative since she has no real joy in it.
2. '''Keltis Dorran''' ''Neutral Evil Dwarven Male Warblade 10/Deepstone Sentinel 2''
Keltis Dorran was once the greatest champion of the Mror Holds and a mighty veteran of many Karrnath Campaigns.  Then, his brother Korram's village was destroyed by the Karrnath army in order to steal food to feed itself.  Outraged, he butchered most of them himself and abandoned the cause.  When many dwarves tried to avenge the insult, he destroyed his honor completely by slaughtering them.  From that point on, he killed everyone he encountered until Genai defeated him and gave him a new life.
Keltis Dorran was once the greatest champion of the Mror Holds and a mighty veteran of many Karrnath Campaigns.  Then, his brother Korram's village was destroyed by the Karrnath army in order to steal food to feed itself.  Outraged, he butchered most of them himself and abandoned the cause.  When many dwarves tried to avenge the insult, he destroyed his honor completely by slaughtering them.  From that point on, he killed everyone he encountered until Genai defeated him and gave him a new life.
3. '''The Beast''' ''Chaotic Evil Human Male Monk 15th Level Monk''
Formerly, one of the greatest unarmed fighters that ever lived.  The Beast fell from the Monks of the Quivering Flame after discovering that he loved killing more than he loved serving the cause of good.  Despite losing his capacity as a Monk, he has somehow managed to continue advancing in skill despite his undisciplined nature.  Unlike most of the 12 Deadly Gods, the Beast is aware that the purpose of the organization is to serve the greater ends of the Lords of Dust by killing the greatest mortal heroes alive.  He just doesn't care.
2. '''Beren Raven-Whisperer''' ''CG Male Seren (Bear Shifter) 8th level Beserker/4th level Weretouched Master''
The Beast is, unquestionably, the second most powerful member of the evil organization.
4. '''Alexia''' ''N Valenar Elven Female Ranger 6/Sorcerer 1/Arcane Archer 5''
Beren Raven-Whisperer is a rare creature in the 12 Deadly Gods in that he's a fairly noble human being and attempts to mitigate the tremendous damage that the others doHe came to kill his Raven-shifter wife, whom had betrayed the clan for the secrets of becoming a greater swordswoman than she had beenHaving already joined the 12 Deadly Gods, he accepted her position when he killed her in fair combat by breaking her neck.  He is now haunted by her ghost that exists in a flock of ravens that follow him.
Alexia is a member of the Valenar warrior code that has broken with tradition due to the fact that she has surpassed all of her known ancestors as an Archer and HorsewomanFeeling utterly depressed and alone in this world, Alexia has since joined with the Deadly Gods in search of new challenges.  This has made her an outcast amongst her race since she considers the Deadly Gods to be greater warriors than the vast majority of Valenar warriors in living or ancient history.  Her capability with Arrows is, frankly, ridiculousUnlike most of the Deadly Gods, Alex is not a raving psychopath and is uncomfortable with many of their deeds.
Beren senses the evil of the Lords of Dust and hopes to someday drive it out by protecting the less malevolent members or eventually challenging and killing their leaderIn the meantime, he participates in only about half their battles and tries to dissaude them from rampant slaughterBeren has an odd fondness for Cannith technology and drives a military Lightning Fortress while wielding a Cannith wand.
5. '''Valek D'Vol''' ''CE Aerenal Male (Deathless) Elf Warblade 10/Blood Storm Blade 4''
Valek is one of the rarest of creatures in Aerenal, an outcast from the Undying Courts.  Valek earned his place in the Undying Court by serving as an assassin during the war against the Dragons.  Older than even Erandis D'Vol, Valek slowly grew insane with guilt and self-loathing from the slaughter of every member of his family by him and other members of the Undying CourtExiling himself, Valek fell to murder and slaughter to appease his inner spiritValek has no real loyalty to the Twelve Deadly Gods but finds it an amusing way to pass the time while he continues his endless life of murder. 
On some level, Valek seeks death but refuses to die at the hands of anyone but someone who has defeated him in fair combat.  Thus far, the Deadly Gods seem to be the only ones capable of bringing it about.
3. '''Alexia''' ''N Valenar Elven Female Ranger 6/Sorcerer 1/Arcane Archer 6''
6.'''Schneider''' ''CE Tiefling Male Swordsage 8/Aberrant Blade 4''
Alexia is a member of the Valenar warrior code that has broken with tradition due to the fact that she has surpassed all of her known ancestors as an Archer and Horsewoman. Feeling utterly depressed and alone in this world, Alexia has since joined with the Deadly Gods in search of new challenges. This has made her an outcast amongst her race since she considers the Deadly Gods to be greater warriors than the vast majority of Valenar warriors in living or ancient history.  Her capability with Arrows is, frankly, ridiculous. Unlike most of the Deadly Gods, Alex is not a raving psychopath and is uncomfortable with many of their deeds.
Schneider is the bastard son of Genai and the older half-brother of Kaela. Born in the Demon Wastes to the twin sister of Xavier, a half-fiend harlot, whom had Genai slept with out of boredom. He grew up alone in the Demon Wastes, where he developed a fighting style that merged the use of his demonic heritage and Aberrant Dragonmark of Flame. Towards the end of the last war he assaulted and razed a Church of the Silver Flame, killed Cardinal Krozen's family, and slaughtered all the members of the Order Palatine guarding them including Richard Ferdinand, Kyle's older brother. After Garuum's defeat and renouncing of the Deadly Gods, Schneider took Garuum's place.
4. '''Jezebel''' ''NE Female Tiefling Druid 5/Blighter 5/Planar Shepard 5''
7. '''Jezebel''' ''NE Female Tiefling Druid 5/Blighter 5/Planar Shepard 3''
If you discount the black pools for eyes and the claws, Jezebel seems like any other Elf you'd run into. A former member of the Wardens of the Woods, she fell when an investigation into the Gloaming went horribly wrong. The twisted energy of the area awakened the Demonic blood sleeping in her, causing her to go berzerk and murder her companions.
If you discount the black pools for eyes and the claws, Jezebel seems like any other Elf you'd run into. A former member of the Wardens of the Woods, she fell when an investigation into the Gloaming went horribly wrong. The twisted energy of the area awakened the Demonic blood sleeping in her, causing her to go berzerk and murder her companions.
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In battle, she is ruthless and can reduce any living creature to a dessicated husk in mere moments. She has fully embraced Genai's Philosophy, posthumously reagarding anything that falls to her destructive urges to have been unworthy of the life she stole.
In battle, she is ruthless and can reduce any living creature to a dessicated husk in mere moments. She has fully embraced Genai's Philosophy, posthumously reagarding anything that falls to her destructive urges to have been unworthy of the life she stole.
8. '''The 'Talenta Kid' Jimmith Bluesummers''' ''CE Halfling Male Martial Adept 7/Pistoleer 5''
5. '''The 'Talenta Kid' Jimmith Bluesummers''' ''CE Halfling Male Martial Adept 7/Pistoleer 7''
Jimmith Bluesummers was left to die by his tribe because the Shaman of the Great Lawgiver (Aurreon) predicted he would bring great suffering to the world.  The boy was then adopted by a couple who had lost their children in the Last War.  By the time he was twelve, he'd killed them by burning down their farm and apprenticed himself to a House Deneith crossbowman.
Jimmith Bluesummers was left to die by his tribe because the Shaman of the Great Lawgiver (Aurreon) predicted he would bring great suffering to the world.  The boy was then adopted by a couple who had lost their children in the Last War.  By the time he was twelve, he'd killed them by burning down their farm and apprenticed himself to a House Deneith crossbowman.
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Jimmith is congenial, pleasant, and a wonderful guy....but deeply f-ed up.  At times, he believes he's taken over by the spirits of his victims who crave the deaths of the living.  This leads to cross-dressing and psychotic killing sprees.  Jim's not actually possessed, he's just got more neuroses than one could possily imagine.  Jimmith's preferred weapons are twin action crossbows with six micro-bolts each.  His article is here [[Jimmy]] A.K.A. "The Talenta Kid."
Jimmith is congenial, pleasant, and a wonderful guy....but deeply f-ed up.  At times, he believes he's taken over by the spirits of his victims who crave the deaths of the living.  This leads to cross-dressing and psychotic killing sprees.  Jim's not actually possessed, he's just got more neuroses than one could possily imagine.  Jimmith's preferred weapons are twin action crossbows with six micro-bolts each.  His article is here [[Jimmy]] A.K.A. "The Talenta Kid."
9. '''Volarun''' ''LE Male Kalashtar Psychic Warrior 6/War Mind 6''
6. '''Volarun a.k.a The Beast''' ''LE Male Kalashtar Psychic Warrior 7/War Mind 10''
Like so many Kalashtar, he was raised in a monastary in Adar. Also like others, he was educated in the ways of the Path of Light and the coming of Il-Yannah, about the evil of the Quori and their Inspired puppets, how to use his mind as a weapon to bring about the Turning of the Age, etc.
Like so many Kalashtar, he was raised in a monastary in Adar. Also like others, he was educated in the ways of the Path of Light and the coming of Il-Yannah, about the evil of the Quori and their Inspired puppets, how to use his mind as a weapon to bring about the Turning of the Age, etc.
Only problem was, unbeknownst to his parents or teachers, he'd been corrupted by Ulakhun, the soul of Riedra's greatest Inspired General trapped deep within the monastery he studied in:Kasshta Keep. It goes without saying that, because of it's influence, Volarun developed less...honorable attitudes. Soon after he was chosen to study the ways of the Talariic Codex, he killed several fellow students, stole the Codex, and fled.
Only problem was, unbeknownst to his parents or teachers, he'd been corrupted by Ulakhun, the soul of Riedra's greatest Inspired General trapped deep within the monastery he studied in:Kasshta Keep. It goes without saying that, because of it's influence, Volarun developed less...honorable attitudes. Soon after he was chosen to study the ways of the Talariic Codex, he killed several fellow students, stole the Codex, and fled.
Making his way to Khorvaire after finding no welcome by the Riedrians, he wandered the fields of battle, honing his skills before encountering Genai. The man's appreciation for the true path of the warrior led him to join the Deadly Gods, if only to enhance his already formidable skills. Both he and Genai know he will eventually challenge the esteemed leader to a duel for control of the group, and each eagerly awaits that day.
Making his way to Khorvaire after finding no welcome by the Riedrians, he wandered the fields of battle, honing his skills before encountering Genai. The man's appreciation for the true path of the warrior led him to join the Deadly Gods, if only to enhance his already formidable skills. Both he and Genai know he will eventually challenge the esteemed leader to a duel for control of the group, and each eagerly awaits that day.
10. '''Yiithala Goremi''' ''CN Female Githzerai Bard 7/Dirvish 5''
Genai has quite the reputation. He knows this. However, even ''he'' was surprised when a warrior from the Plane of Chaos came to find his group. Yiithala's speed is without equal, and to even see her blades (much less counter them) is a feat worthy of legend. When Genai did both, she immediately requested to join a man so skilled.
Her style embodies the Plane of her birth, her most deadly asset being her complete unpredictability. She left Kythri in search of new experiences, and seeks only to enhance her prowess.
7. '''Mageddonna''' ''LN Warforged (female personality) Wizard 5/Warblade 5/Jade Phoenix Mage 6''
She carries with her two masterfully crafted Scimitars infused with the essence of Kythri, the energy emanating from them serving to warp the space about her, further bewildering her enemies as they struggle to keep up. To compound the problem, she likes to cast various Bardic spells to confuse her targets. Rarely are their eyes looking in the right direction before she cuts them down.
11. '''Mageddonna''' ''LN Warforged (female personality) Wizard 5/Warblade 5/Jade Phoenix Mage 5''
Mageddonna is a warforged anomaly of unknown origin. Her mithral body is of incredibly draconic design. That alone would place her as unusual, but her flame red hair and incredible magic-like powers truly make her stand out.
Mageddonna is a warforged anomaly of unknown origin. Her mithral body is of incredibly draconic design. That alone would place her as unusual, but her flame red hair and incredible magic-like powers truly make her stand out.
While not one of the most skilled combatants of the Deadly Gods, she is still one of the groups most powerful members. This and her analytic abilities allow her to act as the groups defacto leader when Genai is off on his doing his own thing.
While not one of the most skilled combatants of the Deadly Gods, she is still one of the groups most powerful members. This and her analytic abilities allow her to act as the groups defacto leader when Genai is off on his doing his own thing.
8. (slot open)
9. [[Melissa D'Deneith]] - Genai's daughter and corrupted hero.
10. '''Epee''' ''No personality waforged Swashbuckler 6/Duelist 8'' - A dangerous and masterful warforged duelist with a mysterious past.
11. (slot open)
12. '''Kuzo''' ''Lawful Neutral Half-Elf [Valenar] Fighter 7/Sorcerer 1/Bladesinger 10''
Kuzo is one of Genai's former students, a ruthless and brilliant master of the blades that is arguably the greatest living swordsman currently in Valenar.  Unfortunately, he's also a man that has lost all of his drive now that he's exceeded anything his ancestors had accomplished.  Obsessed with proving his own legend and finding new purpose in life, Kuzo has been enslaved by Genai.  This is despite the fact he's a national hero.
He is now the 2nd most powerful of the 12 Deadly Gods.
== Former Members ==
== Former Members ==
'''Valek D'Vol''' ''CE Aerenal Male (Deathless) Elf Warblade 10/Blood Storm Blade 4'' (Deceased)
'''Garuum''' ''Lawful Good Half-Orc Crusader 8/Bloodclaw Master 2/Priest of the Silver Flame 1''
Valek is one of the rarest of creatures in Aerenal, an outcast from the Undying Courts.  Valek earned his place in the Undying Court by serving as an assassin during the war against the Dragons.  Older than even Erandis D'Vol, Valek slowly grew insane with guilt and self-loathing from the slaughter of every member of his family by him and other members of the Undying Court.  Exiling himself, Valek fell to murder and slaughter to appease his inner spirit.  Valek has no real loyalty to the Twelve Deadly Gods but finds it an amusing way to pass the time while he continues his endless life of murder. 
On some level, Valek seeks death but refuses to die at the hands of anyone but someone who has defeated him in fair combat.  Thus far, the Deadly Gods seem to be the only ones capable of bringing it about.
'''Garuum''' ''Lawful Good Half-Orc Crusader 8/Bloodclaw Master 2/Priest of the Silver Flame 1'' (Deceased)
For years, Garuum traveled outside of the Demon Wastes seeking evil to destroy in the name of the Flame.  The man was hoping to find some secret for helping to end his people's eternal struggle but only grew angry with their arrogance and spoiled natures.  Genai recruited Garuum and they slaughtered countless warriors together as he managed to justify it in the name of the flame.  Then, Garuum confronted Ethan in battle to kill a young girl that Genai had been hired to destroy.  During that battle, he discovered she was the new Keeper and he was shamed to fully recanting of his evil.
For years, Garuum traveled outside of the Demon Wastes seeking evil to destroy in the name of the Flame.  The man was hoping to find some secret for helping to end his people's eternal struggle but only grew angry with their arrogance and spoiled natures.  Genai recruited Garuum and they slaughtered countless warriors together as he managed to justify it in the name of the flame.  Then, Garuum confronted Ethan in battle to kill a young girl that Genai had been hired to destroy.  During that battle, he discovered she was the new Keeper and he was shamed to fully recanting of his evil.
He's since been replaced in the Twelve Deadly Gods.
He's since been replaced in the Twelve Deadly Gods.
'''Schneider''' ''CE Tiefling Male Swordsage 8/Aberrant Blade 4'' (Deceased)
Schneider is the bastard son of Genai and the older half-brother of Kaela. Born in the Demon Wastes to the twin sister of Xavier, a half-fiend harlot, whom had Genai slept with out of boredom. He grew up alone in the Demon Wastes, where he developed a fighting style that merged the use of his demonic heritage and Aberrant Dragonmark of Flame. Towards the end of the last war he assaulted and razed a Church of the Silver Flame, killed Cardinal Krozen's family, and slaughtered all the members of the Order Palatine guarding them including Richard Ferdinand, Kyle's older brother. After Garuum's defeat and renouncing of the Deadly Gods, Schneider took Garuum's place.
'''Mister Shadow''' ''Race ??? Gender ??? NE 2nd level Fighter, 10th level Blackguard'' (Deceased)
Mister Shadow is the product of the Mourning and no one actually knows what gender or race he/she is.  The name comes from Yithhala whom simply got tired of referring to the cloaked figure as "You."  Mister Shadow seems to be an incarnate darkness that is able to ''Drain Life Energy'' with its touch and has a rapacious need for it. 
It has little care as to who or what it kills, but the upper limits of what it can drain is anyone's guess.  While it prefers to wound opponents to helplessness and drain, it actually drained an entire village of life energy once.  This is likely the product of a some kind of ''Book of Vile Darkness'' ritual of some kind than something it can do naturally....or not.
Mister Shadow is immune to all weapons not +3 or higher and blessed, cold damage, electricity, normal fire, and is able to ''Summon Monster'' in Shadows of his former victims (apparently kept in his cloak somewhere).  Ethan, despite never encountering this creature before, recognizes it as his antithesis in almost all respects.  Mister Shadow speaks in only a whisper but one that causes flowers to wilt and ears to bleed.
'''Kaela:''''' Lawful Evil Half-Elf Female Monk 10'' (Deceased)
Genai's daughter and one of the most fearsome of the Twelve Deadly Gods, her mother died long ago and she's been molded by her father into a perfect killing machine.  Oddly, she's never really been exposed to concepts outside of the select brotherhood she lives in and is emotionally unprepared for dealing with them.  Some of the causal cruelty that she performs is mostly immitative since she has no real joy in it.
[[Carlyle|Trent Carlyle]] - A Berserker that was raised by the 12 Deadly Gods. (deceased)
'''Yiithala Goremi''' ''CN Female Githzerai Bard 7/Dervish 5'' (deceased)
Genai has quite the reputation. He knows this. However, even ''he'' was surprised when a warrior from the Plane of Chaos came to find his group. Yiithala's speed is without equal, and to even see her blades (much less counter them) is a feat worthy of legend. When Genai did both, she immediately requested to join a man so skilled.
Her style embodies the Plane of her birth, her most deadly asset being her complete unpredictability. She left Kythri in search of new experiences, and seeks only to enhance her prowess.
She carries with her two masterfully crafted Scimitars infused with the essence of Kythri, the energy emanating from them serving to warp the space about her, further bewildering her enemies as they struggle to keep up. To compound the problem, she likes to cast various Bardic spells to confuse her targets. Rarely are their eyes looking in the right direction before she cuts them down.
== Associates ==
== Associates ==
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The Twelve Deadly Gods are, specifically, a group of warriors that disdain magic that does not come from their warrior spirit.  However, this does not mean that they are completely lacking in magical backup.  The reputation of the Twelve Deadly Gods has attracted hangars on and followers that are vital to their success as a group of evil doers.
The Twelve Deadly Gods are, specifically, a group of warriors that disdain magic that does not come from their warrior spirit.  However, this does not mean that they are completely lacking in magical backup.  The reputation of the Twelve Deadly Gods has attracted hangars on and followers that are vital to their success as a group of evil doers.
1. '''Mutai Muramasa CXII''', ''LE Male Hobgoblin Artificer 13''
'''Mutai Muramasa CXII''', ''LE Male Hobgoblin Artificer 13''
Mutai Muramasa is a figure that is the last in a lengthy lineage of Goblin Swordsmiths who trace their lineage all the way back to ancient Dhakaani.  Mutai was not satisfied with just mastering the debased teachings of his ancestors, but has done his best to spend much of his time rediscovering the techniques of the old Masters while also studying the pathetic infusions of others.  Though, he states, that his time was not wasted despite the heaps of scorn he has for Cannith weaponry.  Mutai has no real loyalty to Genai's group but believes they're the best warriors on Eberron.  Those who prove equally talented might well find them being made an offer to create weapons of equal value.  Just a chance to examine some of the swords of existing members would also be enough to have him create objects of power for them.
Mutai Muramasa is a figure that is the last in a lengthy lineage of Goblin Swordsmiths who trace their lineage all the way back to ancient Dhakaani.  Mutai was not satisfied with just mastering the debased teachings of his ancestors, but has done his best to spend much of his time rediscovering the techniques of the old Masters while also studying the pathetic infusions of others.  Though, he states, that his time was not wasted despite the heaps of scorn he has for Cannith weaponry.  Mutai has no real loyalty to Genai's group but believes they're the best warriors on Eberron.  Those who prove equally talented might well find them being made an offer to create weapons of equal value.  Just a chance to examine some of the swords of existing members would also be enough to have him create objects of power for them.
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2. '''Mallora''' ''LE Female Outsider (Eriynes), Necromancer 6/Disciple of Asmodeus 6''
'''Mallora''' ''LE Female Outsider (Eriynes), Necromancer 6/Disciple of Asmodeus 6''
Mallora is the second in command of the Lords of Dust that serve the King of the Devils.  She operates directly under the command of Queen Glaysia herself.  Mallora is something of an outsider though, because she is being punished by her mistress by having her beauty removed.  Mallora is a dessicated and hidious old crone that many confuse with being a Ogress or Hag.
Mallora is the second in command of the Lords of Dust that serve the King of the Devils.  She operates directly under the command of Queen Glaysia herself.  Mallora is something of an outsider though, because she is being punished by her mistress by having her beauty removed.  Mallora is a dessicated and hidious old crone that many confuse with being a Ogress or Hag.
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Mallora has the unique ability to create necromantically infused puppets that are exact copies, including levels, of individuals but with evil alignments that obey her utterly.  She has made it a point to harvest hair and blood samples from all worthy foes in eventual hopes of creating an army to serve her.
Mallora has the unique ability to create necromantically infused puppets that are exact copies, including levels, of individuals but with evil alignments that obey her utterly.  She has made it a point to harvest hair and blood samples from all worthy foes in eventual hopes of creating an army to serve her.
3. '''Berezi''' ''CE Male Daelkyr Half-Blood, Cleric of the Dragon Below 2/Sorcerer 4/Fleshwarper 6''
This man is insane. There is no question of that. Some say he has been to Xoriat and returned, others wonder if he's just sat talking with the Dalekyr bound in Khyber way too long. There is no question, however, that he is a master of grafting and the dark arts. He imbues all his work with the twisted energy that flows through his veins, and, depending on the individual, it is sometimes questionable whether the grafts are really the ones in control.
Among the Deadly Gods, he was able to rebuild Keltis Dorran and Jimmith Bluesummers after they sustained terrible wounds in Lycanaton, but they remain firmly in control of the twisted "gifts" this profane surgeon has given them.
4. [[Gurunberd]] ''Adult Male Red Dragon, 8th Level Fighter''
[[Shadows over Cyre]]
[[Shadows over Cyre]]

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