Editing Zal'Kazzir's Response to His Family being murdered

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"I would also humbly submit, my Lord, my intention to seek audience with our Master under the Shadow, the Grand Legate. My wife and son were sister-in-law and nephew to my sister, and the Lady Zalma is at least Krell's equal in the Dark Lord's heirarchy; the attack on my family was an attack on both servants of the church and servants of the state.''
"I would also humbly submit, my Lord, my intention to seek audience with our Master under the Shadow, the Grand Legate. My wife and son were sister-in-law and nephew to my sister, and the Lady Zalma is at least Krell's equal in the Dark Lord's heirarchy; the attack on my family was an attack on both servants of the church and servants of the state.''
== Sussar Shanduz ==
== Sussar Shanduz ==
'''''"... you'll have your time with the Master of the District, 'Kazzir... Now SIT let us speak like masters in the luxury of my home..."'''''
Prince Shanduz takes no time to make himself at home. Walking with you toward his open 'office', a small writing table overfilled with papers, fruits and meats crowd his way as he sits and offers Zal'Kazzir his own pillows to lounge on.
'''''"...SHARE-cropping???  What do you think we are 'Kazz?  Farmers?!?!"'''''  the man says with a jest in his voice.  <br> '''''"...no... of course I will aid you in this time of grief brother.  As he has taken great interest in the misfortune that's befallen your family, I have asked Master Zerith Danibel to attend care of the details of your estate's service to my landholders.  With the tensions that cast you in a good place to deal, may the Sahi give rest to your family's souls, I have seen to it that he will offer you a good boon.  Zerith will take on your lands for the next three cycles or until they've repaid the profit for which you take abroad with you, if the yeilds are particularly good in the coming seasons.  <br> Payment of the mercenaries that you spoke of retaining should be somewhere in the nature of 1300 Mezims (gold-minted Sharuun coins) if you wrangle a coral of 20 Beeshi mercenaries at 2 Mezims a day for salary and feed the overture accounting for supplies.  <br> Do you plan to have them bring their mounts? <br> This will increase your expense to a good 6 Mezims a day.  For the arc that'd come in around nearly 200 Mezims a head for 4,000 Mezims for the stable of 20 per arc.  <br> How does that sound?"'''''   
'''''"...SHARE-cropping???  What do you think we are 'Kazz?  Farmers?!?!"'''''  the man says with a jest in his voice.  <br> '''''"...no... of course I will aid you in this time of grief brother.  As he has taken great interest in the misfortune that's befallen your family, I have asked Master Zerith Danibel to attend care of the details of your estate's service to my landholders.  With the tensions that cast you in a good place to deal, may the Sahi give rest to your family's souls, I have seen to it that he will offer you a good boon.  Zerith will take on your lands for the next three cycles or until they've repaid the profit for which you take abroad with you, if the yeilds are particularly good in the coming seasons.  <br> Payment of the mercenaries that you spoke of retaining should be somewhere in the nature of 1300 Mezims (gold-minted Sharuun coins) if you wrangle a coral of 20 Beeshi mercenaries at 2 Mezims a day for salary and feed the overture accounting for supplies.  <br> Do you plan to have them bring their mounts? <br> This will increase your expense to a good 6 Mezims a day.  For the arc that'd come in around nearly 200 Mezims a head for 4,000 Mezims for the stable of 20 per arc.  <br> How does that sound?"'''''   
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'''''"...remember... this is a boon that I offer out of kindness and memory for your lost 'Kazzir.  I hate like the Demons that your lovely wife and only boy had to die in this.  But as you will understand, future issuances will require favors...  <br>  I cannot claim full acknowledgement of your whereabouts, and your troupe for which YOU assign papers to are of your own accounting.  Under these papers you will not shame me I trust...?"'''''   
'''''"...remember... this is a boon that I offer out of kindness and memory for your lost 'Kazzir.  I hate like the Demons that your lovely wife and only boy had to die in this.  But as you will understand, future issuances will require favors...  <br>  I cannot claim full acknowledgement of your whereabouts, and your troupe for which YOU assign papers to are of your own accounting.  Under these papers you will not shame me I trust...?"'''''   
== Zal'Kazzir ==  
== Zal'Kazzir ==  
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== Sussar Shanduz ==
== Sussar Shanduz ==
'''''"no no... you misunderstand my intent 'Kazzir..."'''''
Going over the notes the Prince suggested regarding number and prices of said mercenaries, Zal'Kazzir can quickly see that the notes he has finished writing is an 'order' that Prince Shanduz would offer you to GIVE to his contact in the Bluff...  '''[contact to come later, unless you know of or read of a GOOD one from the Under the Shadow book that you can offer Adam]'''
''Reaching into his boot, Farah pulls out his family crested ring.  One his finger he wears a false ring, to cause alert to anyone using the authority of Farah not granted in goodwill.  He stamps the parchment in wax with a droplet of his blood pricked from his middle finger. Looking up to hand you the materials he continues...''
''Reaching into his boot, Farah pulls out his family crested ring.  One his finger he wears a false ring, to cause alert to anyone using the authority of Farah not granted in goodwill.  He stamps the parchment in wax with a droplet of his blood pricked from his middle finger. Looking up to hand you the materials he continues...''
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== Zal'Kazzir ==  
== Zal'Kazzir ==  
"Again, my sincerest gratitude, my Lord Sussar. I worked long and tirelessly to earn the loyalty and devotion of my Beeshi and Asara, and it is my responsibility to protect them."
"Again, my sincerest gratitude, my Lord Sussar. I worked long and tirelessly to earn the loyalty and devotion of my Beeshi and Asara, and it is my responsibility to protect them."
== Sussar Shanduz ==
Lurching back into his great thrown, that is more plush pillow than wood and steel from all you can see - Prince Shanduz slips his ring back into his boot and pushes his old frame to a stand.  He stretches his hand and arm out to post it on Zal'Kazzir's shoulder.  Much like the old Prince is squaring up a high-strung stallion, he looks into Zal's eyes...
'''''"...brother... friend... sharu... If you take anything of my influence and advice with you beyond our friendly borders - take this.  Watch yourself.  That which is beyond our land can sometimes be beyond OUR ways.  The bastard Baden is not as...... diplomatic... in his ways as you or I.  His city is not like our Sharuun, it smells of the old world - just as dangerous as the southlands were back in the years before our hand's 'shadow' laid down the rule of law.  The Bluff and those that seek it out are of the wild wild west up there 'Kazzir.  So consider how you ... appreciate... that which they take offense to.  If there is one phrase that old Baden and the Legates that walk the streets of the Bluff might have it's 'status quo'.  They live for the day, and live to keep it that way.  Be careful old son of the south.  Be careful old friend..."'''''
As the Prince smirks and pulls his arms down turning slightly to see you to his door he pats you on the back ushering you out with good will...
'''''"Ride well Zal'Kazzir Ghulvenne.  Sit straight in your saddle and remember that your family still looks to the same stars that your shy shares, no matter where you are in this blasted world...  Ride well 'Kazzir..."'''''
The silk curtains fall behind you as he speaks moving back and forth you can see the Prince smile for a moment before barking out to his man for the '''''"NEXT APPOINTMENT!"'''''...
==The Fortress-Villa of Mazish Mezim, Greater legate of the Sharuun District==
==The Fortress-Villa of Mazish Mezim, Greater legate of the Sharuun District==
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"Hail noble Templars, and well met in the name of the Most Holy Lord of All Shadows. I seek audience with our master under the shadow, the most pious Lord Mezim.; I believe he has word of my coming."
"Hail noble Templars, and well met in the name of the Most Holy Lord of All Shadows. I seek audience with our master under the shadow, the most pious Lord Mezim.; I believe he has word of my coming."
==the Knights of the Dark Templar==
the master horsemen acknowledge the Sarcosan's obiediant nods...  Stopped abreast of the highway the third to Zal'Kazzir's left speaks up, nudging his helm point that crowns down across his nose up just a bit adjusting in his saddle and finally tugging tightly down on his tunic straightening the silk layered over armor.
'''''"What BUSINESS do you have at 'Hashu'shef' man of the south?  You wear the cloth of the clergy good sir.  What is your rank? And where are your papers?  Present them quickly or pray your mother said her goodbyes to you when last you spoke.  Who gives you time with the Great Lord Mezim?"'''''
Beyond and behind the horsemasters you can see their squires.  One young boy begins to step between the horses.  So masterful the riders are, that one missed command would crush the boy between the mighty steeds.  His master knight has given him a finger twitch and the boy steps between and before the horses toward you.  He bows some 6 feet before Zal'Kazzir and stretches out his hand waiting for the papers...
'''ASSUMING''' Zal gives the papers...
'''''"Ah.  Master Zal'Kazzir Ghulvenne, sharu caste.  Yes.  The Great Lord has been waiting for you to bless him with your pressence.  Come..."'''''
The Knights turn at this command.  The two to the outer edges of the highway hold back and seperate to allow Zal'Kazzir to walk through following the lead horsemaster.  Two in front and two behind.  The squires run a distance behind the parade, scooping up the dung made by the horses. 
Nearly 20 minutes later you can see the fortress.  Spread out across an uprising along the plains.  Horses of the wildest make run freely here.  It's an oasis in the hot lands of Sarcosa.  Before long you find yourself in what might seem like a small village, the homes of the many servants, laborers and spies of the Greater Legate.  Beyond no less than 3 gates up a slow rising glade the Knights part again, rejoining in line abreast formation again behind Zal'Kazzir.  One of the other Knights belts in the Black Tongue...
Looking up quickly before kneeling (as you have before) you quickly glance at the balcony some 50 feet above.  You stand out in front of what must be the abbey-like fortress within the Fortress-Villa of Mazish Mezim, Greater legate of the Sharuun District.  With a slight voice  ''(think Micheal Jackson)''  you here the godling speak...
'''''"Ghulvenne, sharu caste?  Whyyyyyyyyy do you call on me this day?  It is so beautiful a day and I do not wish to be boooored with dry business.  The 'old man' of Sharuun offered a boon returned to me to allow you these ticks of sand falling in my timer now.  So speak Ghulvenne of the sharu caste...  My time is more valuable than you know....."'''''
== Adam/Zal'Kazzir ==
[Kev, you scared the living crap out of me here. '''"Avatar"!?''' I seriously hope Sunalael is not here. I've never seen him, and I've only ever heard the titles 'Avatar' and 'godling' used to describe Night Kings. I would be both exceedingly badass, and exceedingly bad if this were the case and he were here.] 
==At Quadira's Shop==
==At Quadira's Shop==
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The little Shadow minion means well, he's smarter than he lets on - Colonial is his second language, it's hard for his sharp teeth to get around the tongues.  But his help has always been solid.  (Any questions, talk with Lakz?)
The little Shadow minion means well, he's smarter than he lets on - Colonial is his second language, it's hard for his sharp teeth to get around the tongues.  But his help has always been solid.  (Any questions, talk with Lakz?)
== Adam/Zal'Kazzir ==
''*Zal will use tongues here (pathwalker ability) or simply speak black speech, orcish or erenlander (whichever one is his first language) to facilitate conversation.*''
"Lakz my friend!" ''*Zal'Kazzir smiles broadly and genuinely*'' I had feared for your safety, but I should've known you would've been to crafty for them! And you are speaking my language, my old friend; thank you for the reccomendation, and I'll seek out your friend Sdob. I think a little Goblin cleverness is just what the situation requires."
''*Zal'Kazzir's tone becomes more somber, and he begins to speak again very earnestly and with obvious concern*''
"Do you know if your people were able to escape? Or did the bastard Asama'han take them as well? If he did, I will do all in my power to see them returned; they were my people as much as any of the others, and more loyal than many."
with the tongues in place the broken colonial that little Lakz spoke clears up nicely.  His speach, while not on pare with the likes of men, elf, princes and godlings that Zal'Kazzir has spoken with recently -  it is clear and more intelligent than others of his kind.
'''''"hehe... No no Master Zal'Kazzir, you misunderstand.  Sdob Lustbelch, is one of my boys.  Forgive.  How do you say... Son.  Lustbelch is his mother's surname.  He hasn't earned my name as yet.  He's a stout boy though.  He knows the best of 'people'.  He'll be able to help you.  He is a greedy little son of shadow though.  I will say that.  But then again so's his mum.  And well... there's the finders fee as well for me Master Zal'Kazzir.  Perhaps he doesn't come by his need for pay unfairly. hehe.  <br> No, Master Zal'Kazzir, the little bastard is running for the tribe for me.  Him and a few of his mates, took off after them clergy bastards.  Last I heard from Sdob, he's headed up past the Zorgetch.  Just about got himself caught up in a Bugbear Slaver band there he did...  Him and his mates were ta leave word back for me to know if I should give our tribe up for dead.  You'd be able to find their whereabouts by stopping in any one of the villages goblin friendly up the Road of Ruin.  The squire pole at the center of the villages will have the tribe mark noting how long since they've been there.  Shouldn't be difficult to find them were you to care to look -  knowin what to look for 'acourse.  <br>  I thank you for looking out for the tribe.  The tribe will look out for you if we can Master Zal'Kazzir.'''''  (for a price obviously)  '''''Whatchu gonna be doing with all that paper and ink sir?  You done made yourself one of them clergy now that your wife's ashes,  no offense sir?"'''''
The little Lakz hops down and shows you the mark on his upper torso to remind you of his tribe's mark, to know what to look for if you are to find Sdob.  He looks at some of the dried rat hanging from Quadira's pay table.  Looking up at you as if asking you to BUY a bit for him, he goes ahead and snags a bite - offering you the meatiest portion, having ripped it from him naily teeth....
His arm stretches out with the drippy rat head that you're SURE is staring back at you.......
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: Send ''Dream'' messages to Eranon, Durgaz, Kyuad, Mi'sun, Zalma and Ahimia.
* Send ''Dream'' messages to Eranon, Durgaz, Kyuad, Mi'sun, Zalma and Ahimia.
* Cool Into (Camera pan in to the sleeping character, describing location and emotions)
* Odd sensation of hearing a voice (like a lucid dream)
* Realization of what the voice is saying (words, perhaps accompanied by flashed images of scenes)
* Realization of who is speaking/realization of context.
the general content would include:
* What: Family Murdered, Daughter Kidnapped.
** Kyuad = the wife
** Durgaz = the son
** Eranon = the daughter
* Who: Krell
* Why: Retaliation for the murders you committed
* Where: Krell rides for Baden's Bluff, Father and Sister in Baden's Bluff
Also, in the dreams to the PC's, Zal would include that he will rendezvous with the group as soon as possible, but that he may need to drop off Eranon and re-seperate and meet then in Baden's Bluff. The specifics for each person (And I am open to suggestions on others here) would be as follows:
* Kyuad: Nothing specific
* Durgaz: Durgaz is a soldier; I will give him any info I can on Krell's numbers, projected path, stuff like that.
* Eranon: I'll give Eranon the same info as Durgaz. I'll also remind him that I rescued his sister, and remind him to show mine the same kindness should we encounter her. (Intentionally vague, but I feel it wise to begin broaching the subject; we'll need Zalma's help to save Zia)
* Ahimia: Same info as above, plus sincere thanks for her help, and Zal's desire to see her. I'll give her my general strategy, and tell her that I will meed her in Baden's Bluff (I'll give the name of a good inn, or other neutral location where we can meet up.)
* Zalma: Inform her of the news, tell her of my plans, including the sussar and grand legate information, make sure she knows about Ahimia, and make sure she knows to keep an eye open for Krell. I'll also let her know about the letter of credit at the temple, and to use any funds she needs at her discretion. (I need everyone working on this, and if she's already in or close to Baden's Bluff, she can have a warm welcome waiting for Master Asama'han.

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