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''Most importantly, the Argent response would lead to the assured, painful and violent death of '''Hungry-for-Battle''', the Ascendancy general in charge of the assault. That Blood Dragon had duelled with '''Voice of Reason''' no less than one hundred and fifty years ago, and left a nasty claw-scar on the Solar's left cheek. It had taken a lot of work to see the Blood Dragon moved up the list of generals to lead this raid, to assure that the Ascendancy force would be inadequate for the job, to make sure that the Argent had a pathological hatred of Blood Dragons and to position the surrounding factions so that the Ascendancy would be cut off from retreat after this attack. It had been a lot of work, but it had been worth every iota of effort.''
''Most importantly, the Argent response would lead to the assured, painful and violent death of '''Hungry-for-Battle''', the Ascendancy general in charge of the assault. That Blood Dragon had duelled with '''Voice of Reason''' no less than one hundred and fifty years ago, and left a nasty claw-scar on the Solar's left cheek. It had taken a lot of work to see the Blood Dragon moved up the list of generals to lead this raid, to assure that the Ascendancy force would be inadequate for the job, to make sure that the Argent had a pathological hatred of Blood Dragons and to position the surrounding factions so that the Ascendancy would be cut off from retreat after this attack. It had been a lot of work, but it had been worth every iota of effort.''

''Negotiation, persuasion and the art of manipulation - these were the tools and weapons of this Ambassador-Courtier, and as '''Hungry-Claw''' would soon discover, words could cut far deeper than claws.''
''Negotiation, persuasion and the art of manipulation - these were the tools and weapons of this Ambassador-Courtier, and as '''Hungry-for-Battle''' would soon discover, words could cut far deeper than claws.''

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Whereas a human might be pleased to persuade an adversary to adopt a certain course of action for the next year, or to socially outmanoeuvre someone in court, Dragons play out their social conflicts on far greater levels. With words in the right places, a dragon can cause kingdoms to topple or enemies to be ostracised from society. They can smear the most loved hero as a traitor, or bring the most unlikely allies into the fold. Likewise, a Dragon will happily work over much larger timescales to achieve his goals, recognising that a major victory that takes one hundred and fifty years is likely worth a lot more than one hundred and fifty trivial victories that take a year each.
Whereas a human might be pleased to persuade an adversary to adopt a certain course of action for the next year, or to socially outmanoeuvre someone in court, Dragons play out their social conflicts on far greater levels. With words in the right places, a dragon can cause kingdoms to topple or enemies to be ostracised from society. They can smear the most loved hero as a traitor, or bring the most unlikely allies into the fold. Likewise, a Dragon will happily work over much larger timescales to achieve his goals, recognising that a major victory that takes one hundred and fifty years is likely worth a lot more than one hundred and fifty trivial victories that take a year each.

===Courtier's Charm===

This ''Lifepath Skill'' adds the Dragon's ''Arete'' in ''Ambassador-Courtier'' when calculating ''Technique'' for the following types of tasks:
* Most aspects of spoken conversations, negotiation, persuasion, seduction, intimidation, diplomacy.
* Written communications, subtle finesse and technique with regards to this.
* Manipulating others in conversation or in writing. Preventing being manipulated yourself.
* Maintaining composure in face of social strategies, defending yourself against social manipulation, intimidation and trickery of all sorts.

===Charisma of Kings===

=Lifepath Powers=
This ''Lifepath Skill'' adds the Dragon's ''Arete'' in ''Ambassador-Courtier'' when calculating ''Technique'' for the following types of tasks:
* Addressing crowds, oratory, working the morale of armies or groups of soldiers.
* Inspiring courage, loyalty or excellence in those under your command.
* Appearing majestic, regal or noble. Playing on your reputation, or defending your honour.

==The Connected Web of Breath (Experience Rating: 1 or Less)==
===Political Intrigue===

''At this stage the Ambassador-Courtier has begun mastery of the fundamentals of his craft, exploring the power of words and diplomacy, and learning the ways of influence and intrigue. He begins to perceive that every spoken word has consequences, and that society consists of a connected web of breath. He gains the following powers:''
This ''Lifepath Skill'' adds the Dragon's ''Arete'' in ''Ambassador-Courtier'' when calculating ''Technique'' for the following types of tasks:
* Understanding politics, bureaucracy and webs of intrigue.
* Working blackmail, indirect manipulation, information management and the like.  
* Being subtle, cunning or indirect in social and political arenas. Defending yourself against the intrigues of others.

* '''Improved Social Evasion'''
===Consummate Traveller===
During Social Conflicts, an Ambassador-Courtier can use the Strategy ''Evasion'' on spotting 4+ Pneuma dice, instead of the usual 5+.

* '''Improved Social Focus'''
This ''Lifepath Skill'' adds the Dragon's ''Arete'' in ''Ambassador-Courtier'' when calculating ''Technique'' for the following types of tasks:
During Social Conflicts, an Ambassador-Courtier can use the Strategy ''Focus'' on spotting 4+ Pneuma dice, instead of the usual 5+.
* Learning new languages, or mastery of known languages.
* Knowledge of foreign cultures and also of the manifold subcultures of your own region.
* Absorbing foreign cultures and fitting in with them.


==A Veteran of Hard Words (Experience Rating: 2 or Less)==
This ''Lifepath'' does not have any special ''Powers'' associated with it.

''With passing time the Ambassador-Courtier is hardened by his experiences and others will find it far harder to sway him. He is not only more wilful, but also cannier and wilier, more able to deflect the manipulations of others. He gains the following powers:''
===The Lore of Words===

* '''Mode of Argument'''
The Lore of Words concerns itself with understanding and perceiving the magic inherent in language. Magics of communication and of naming are within the reach of lesser magi and with increasing mastery the lore allows for subtle magics that influence the speech or thoughts of others. Wiht increasing mastery, the Lore becomes less subtle, taking words and infusing them with the celestial power of the draconic elder. These suspires use words like swords, cutting deep into the conscious mind.
During Social Conflicts, an Ambassador-Courtier who deals at least one point of Mental Resilience damage during a turn regains 1 point of Mental Resilience himself at the end of that turn.

* '''Barrier of Wits and Suspicion'''
* '''Arete 1+: Perception and Protection'''
The Ambassador-Courtier has a ''passive social defence value'' equal to half his current Experience Rating, rounded down. As his Experience Rating increases, so too does this passive defence value.
The dragon can now use his suspires to tell truth from lies, to translate words spoken or written in any language, to spot the unintentional truths hidden behind spoken words, and to recognise spoken magics in all their forms. He can also now shield his mind and those of his colleagues to render them immune to the effects of the Lore of Words. He can use his spells to break existing magical influences on others.

* '''Arete 11+: Communication and Naming'''
With a spell the dragon can send his words to a distant message recepient, with the message travelling as fast as the wind is blowing. The dragon cab also cast spells to name a creature within line of sight, immediately learning the calling name that the creature identifies himself with. Other magics might make your words heard above any background noises, or using mirrors or crystal globes to facilitate long distance conversations. He can also turn his spoken words into writing (by speaking over a prepared book or scroll), and he can make written words speak out loud.

==Suspires of Words and Binding (Experience Rating: 4 or Less)==
* '''Arete 21+: Subtle Influences'''
A dragon can now bind a target to speak only truth, though he cannot force a target to speak. He can make a target remember his words whether he wants to or not. He can make the words of another sound beguiling or discordant. He can make others feel a surge of emotion, though he can't force them to act on that emotion.

''To gain an edge over his opposition, the Ambassador-Courtier may learn a handful of suspires that will improve and supplement his skills.''
* '''Arete 31+: Strong Influences'''
A dragon can now force a target to silence, or force him to answer a question that is asked of him, while bound to truth. He can empower his words so they have the weight of magic behind them, dramatically increasing his powers of persuasion.

* '''Suspires: Lesser Lore of Words'''
* '''Arete 51+: Invasive Magics'''
The Ambassador-Courtier may learn suspires from the ''Lesser Lore of Words'', which concerns itself with the magic of names and language. Knowledge of these spells must be acquired in-game.
The dragon can now get straight into a target's mind with nothing but words. He can mind control, giving orders that cannot be refused. He can speaks mad words to inflict temporary insanity. He can shape someone's perceptions or memories by describing images to them. He can create written works that are so fascinating that the weak willed cannot do anything else till they are done reading.

* '''Suspires: Lesser Lore of Binding'''
===The Lore of Binding===
The Ambassador-Courtier may learn suspires from the ''Lesser Lore of Binding'', which concerns itself with the magic of agreements, contracts and pacts. Knowledge of these spells must be acquired in-game.

The Lore of Binding is the sorcery of social contracts and traditions. This Lore is considered weak by some sorcerers, as so much of it depends on the agreement and consent of all effected by it spells. Ambassador-Courtiers know better: agreement and consent are nebulous things, easily manipulated by a wily courtier, and the spells themselves enforce civilised behaviour with arcane power. With increasing mastery, a Binder can manipulate the celestial laws, working on agreements made by the gods and primordial forces.

==Master of Intrigue (Experience Rating: 6 or Less)==
* '''Arete 1+: Perception and Protection'''
The Dragon can now perceive Contract Marks wherever they may be, and can interpret them to reveal exactly what bindings are in place. The Dragon can also shield himself and allies to ensure that they are protected from being marked against their will, and can never be affected by Binding magics unless he agrees.

''By this stage the dragon is a weaver of intricate webs of intrigue, working almost subtly and invisibly to attain his goals. He is instinctively and intellectually aware of the larger social context of every utterance, and is able to track the repercussions and echoes of the smallest whispered word.''
* '''Arete 11+: Consensual Bindings / Minor Punishments'''
The Dragon can now work with consensual contracts of all sort - he can turn a spoken word into an arcane oath, or a promise into a binding geas. Common effects include oaths of brotherhood, oaths of enmity and claims of hospitality. Those who transgress against such bindings are punished by the magics with minor effects - for example, visible and permanent brandings as an oathbreaker, being prevented from flying for a year or suffering moderate injuries. With magic of this level the parties must vocally agree to the conditions of the binding in the dragon's presence. Critically though, they need not be sincere in their agreement, or aware that magical enforcement is going to be placed. A would be poisoner who offers hospitality to his guests can be bound, even if he offered it with the plan to later break his word.

* '''Pulled Strings'''
* '''Arete 21+: Negation and Modification'''
The Ambassador-Courtier no longer needs spies and servants to work his will at a distance - he simply twists any lesser beings in the vicinity into being his unwitting agents. In social conflict, he is always assumed to have the resources and connections to be able to make ''indirect attacks'', even if he is completely new to the area and seemingly without any support. Also, he can use the ''focus'' strategy at any range he is able to attack (rather than being limited to close range as normal).
The Dragon can now undo or adjust pre-existing bindings, though this usually requires a contest of arcane strength against the magus who first placed them.

* '''A Subtle Knife'''
* '''Arete 31+: Forced Bindings  / Major Punishments'''
The dragon can attack someone socially without them realising who is attacking them. When making an attack during a social conflict, the dragon can spot three 5+ Pneuma dice in order to conceal his identity. If he does so, then any mental resilience damage done to a target that turn will seemingly be without source - the target will either think that the weakening of his position is due to the vagaries of fate and fortune, or will randomly blame someone else.
The dragon can now force bindings on a target, for example forbidding them to enter a certain area, forcing them to obey a geas given to them or demanding hospitality where none is offered. Such effects generally require a contest of arcane power, however.
The dragon can also append major punishments to any bindings he creates - for example, permanent blindness, severe injury, crippled flight or infertility. Needless to say, dragons do not force bindings on each other lightly... doing so is as harsh a crime as physical assault.  

* '''Arete 51+: Primordial Law  / Divine Punishments'''
The dragon can now make judgments against those who have sinned against primordial law, and can hand out powerful and severe punishments. Crimes in the eyes of primordial law include kinslaying, the murder of hatchlings and sexual intercourse outside of Breed, as well as "lesser" crimes such as betrayal of hospitality and breaking sworn oaths. It is up the GM to deem what can be deemed a crime against Primordial Law, but it should be noted that it is not affected by te subjetcive judgment or morality of either the mage or the perpetrator. Against the lawbreakers, the mage can now inflict terrible punishments, including curses that are handed down through the generations, condemnation of the soul to hell, or infliction of madness or crippling disability.

==Master Magus of Words and Binding (Experience Rating: 8 or Less)==

''The Ambassador-Courtier's skill in his chosen sorceries grows, and he attains command of draconic sorceries of great potency.''
This ''Lifepath'' does not have any special ''Techniques'' associated with it.
* '''Suspires: Greater Lore of Words'''
The Ambassador-Courtier may learn suspires from the ''Greater Lore of Words'', which concerns itself with the magic of names and language. Knowledge of these spells must be acquired in-game.
* '''Suspires: Greater Lore of Binding'''
The Ambassador-Courtier may learn suspires from the ''Greater Lore of Binding'', which concerns itself with the magic of agreements, contracts and pacts. Knowledge of these spells must be acquired in-game.
==Fruition of the Millennial Seed (Experience Rating: 10 or Less)==
''Over his centuries, the ambassador-courtier has laid a complex web of intrigues, favours and influences all across the entirety of the realm. This web goes beyond geographic borders, across species and factions, and is anywhere and everywhere the dragon wants it to be. The ambassador-courtier need only apply the slightest pressure on this web and he can achieve massive effects. Within a single day the dragon can set into motion any single event that can conceivably be achieved through politics, be it the fall of the Ascendancy, an end to the Dragonwar or the utter destruction of a breed.''
* '''The Millennial Seed'''
This power can only ever be used once by a dragon, as it represents the completion of a lifetime of manoeuvring and subtle planning. The GM and the player should collaborate to discuss exactly how the event will come to pass, and how long it takes (be it weeks, years or millennia). Regardless, the intervention's effects are inevitable and can only be cancelled by another Ambassador-Courtier using this same power to negate the effect.
At the GM's discretion, a Dragon that somehow manages to keep taking his Experience Rating higher and higher may get the chance to "seed" another event - perhaps one for every +5 Experience Rating beyond 10 that he gains.
=Lifepath Resources=
''Knacks are learnt abilities common to this lifepath. As they are internal to the dragon, they are not easily passed on as legacies, but are also hard to take away from the Dragon.''
* '''Unusual Language''' (2 points per Language)
Every dragon speaks the draconic tongue of Essraghai, and even the mentally slowest dragon is likely to be a dab hand at mastering mortal languages with only a week or two of practice. This resource represents knowledge of the more unusual languages that a Dragon might come across - ones for which there are no readily available teachers, or which are too alien to master easily. Each time you buy this resource gain fluency in one unusual language. Example languages might include Kraken-speak, Wyverntongue, Low Daemonic and any others that the story introduces.
* '''Xenoculture Mastery''' (3 points per Xenoculture)
Every dragon is presumed to know his ''own'' culture like a native - it comes with being a native! For example, a Solar Dragon would know about Alliance life, the traditions of the Coastal regions, the history of the Solar Accord, of Coastal slang and colloquialisms and of Solar behavioural mannerisms. On the other hand, a Velvet Dragon wouldn't know about those things at all!
Each time you buy this resource you gain knowledge of one culture, gaining the same degree of intimacy with it as a native would.
''Possessions are actual physical resources which the Ambassador-Courtier has acquired. Possessions are easily acquired and easily lost, but are also convenient legacy resources for a dragon's descendants or proteges.''
* '''Hoard of Gold''' (3 points)
The dragon has accumulated a massive hoard of gold, which is more than sufficient to hire armies, buy thrones and bribe emperors. Other dragons are less impressed by mere wealth, but they see its utility.
''Connections link the dragon to the rest of society. In many ways, these are the true measure of power of an ambassador-courtier. Connections can potentially be passed on to proteges and descendants, though it takes a little work to do so.''
* '''Friend''' (1 point)
If you take this resource, you have a powerful friend. This friend can be anything up to an elder dragon in power level. This friend is your genuine ally, and will go out of his way to protect your best interests, even at cost to himself. This friend may mentor you, trade with you, exchange favours, etc. Of course, friendship is a two way street - if you use your friend over the centuries and offer nothing in return, or if you make it obvious you are manipulating them, then the friendship will likely die.
* '''Mortal Patronage''' (1+ points)
If you take this resource, you are a patron of a group of mortals. This might be a merchant house, or a gang of mercenaries or a cabal of sorcerers. Regardless they see you either as a leader, or as a respected patron. They will likely do anything you ask of them, knowing that you will protect their interests as they protect yours. Alternatively, you could be one of many draconic patrons of a larger organisation (as for example, the Priesthood of the Pure Dragons tend to be for the Temple of the Mother Goddess). By spending more points on this resource you can increase the extent and strength of your influence.
* '''Draconic Influence''' (1+ points)
With this resource, you are a respected member of draconic society. Generally this will apply to either the Ascendancy or the Alliance - membership of one precludes membership of the other. The resource could instead apply to one of the smaller factions, or even just a single breed. You can even by this resource several times to represent influence with multiple factions. Spending more points on this resource increases the influence you hold with that faction.
==The Lesser Lore of Words==
''The Lesser Lore of Words concerns itself with understanding and perceiving the power inherent in language. Magics of communication and of naming are within the lesser lore's scope. The Lesser Lore of Words also allows for subtle magics that influence the speech or thoughts of others, but direct control is beyond it. The below spells are examples of suspires from the lesser lore of words, but scholarly dragons might discover more, either through study or design.''
* '''Wind Whisper''' (1 point) ''(1 Arcane Energy, Expend 5+ on Pneuma Dice)''
This suspire carries the dragon's words to a distant message recepient, with the message travelling as fast as the wind is blowing. This spell allows either ten words of speech per dice expended, to a range of 100 miles per dice expended.
* '''The Naming''' (1 point) ''(1 Arcane Energy, Expend 5+ on Pneuma Dice)''
The dragon casts this spell and examines one creature or person within line of sight. The dragon immediately learns the calling name that the creature identifies himself with.
* '''Call to True Speech''' (1 point) ''(1 Arcane Energy, Expend 5+ on Pneuma Dice)''
To cast this spell successfully, the dragon must expend one 5+ pneuma dice per point of Sophis the target has. If successfully cast, the target is bound to speak truth for the next hour. Not only can he not lie, but he is also forced to fully answer the Ambassador-Courtier's questions.
* '''Death of Words''' (1 point) ''(1 Arcane Energy, Expend 5+ on Pneuma Dice)''
To cast this spell successfully, the dragon must expend one 5+ pneuma dice per point of Sophis the target has. If successfully cast, the target is bound to silence for the next hour. The target cannot speak or vocalise any noises at all, though he is not prevented from making noises with his movements or otherwise. As a side effect, this spell also prevents the target from casting any suspires of any sort for the duration of this spell. Note that using this spell on another dragon is considered to be as bad as physical violence - expect suitable retaliation if you silence another dragon.
==The Greater Lore of Words==
==The Lesser Lore of Binding==
==The Greater Lore of Binding==

Latest revision as of 17:33, 6 May 2009

Age Of Dragons: Main Page -> Age Of Dragons: Lifepaths -> Ambassador-Courtier


Words cut deeper than claws[edit]

It had been an interesting month for the Solar Ambassador-Courtier called Voice-of-Reason. He'd convinced a belligerent Argent Dragon to lend his armies to defend the borders of a neighbouring Pure Dragon, and convinced that same self-righteous Pure Dragon to accept that help. In doing so, he'd had to convince both that they were doing him a personal favour, which he in turn would repay by persuading a visiting Ashen Dragon scholar to share the scrolls of lore that he had researched. Of course, this meant giving the Ashen Dragon what he wanted, which was help in getting a pack of Hunter Dragons to lay off harrying his cities. This would be achieved, of course, when the Hunters saw a mass of Argent War Dragons setting up a wayfort on the edge of their sky tribe's territory. Of course, once the Ascendancy threat was dealt with, the Solar could earn a favour off the Hunters by "arranging" for the Argents to go home.

Everyone would benefit, and the only reward for Voice-of-Reason would be the general goodwill of all parties, and the satisfaction of coordinating the war against the Ascendancy. That, of course, and the small measure of wealth that the Solar could earn by having his merchants supply the moving Argent army, the sale of the fort building materials he'd been assidiously stockpiling and the opportunity to converse formally with the Ashen Dragon, and plant some seeds of ideas there to be used and abused in a decade or two once they had time to germinate.

Most importantly, the Argent response would lead to the assured, painful and violent death of Hungry-for-Battle, the Ascendancy general in charge of the assault. That Blood Dragon had duelled with Voice of Reason no less than one hundred and fifty years ago, and left a nasty claw-scar on the Solar's left cheek. It had taken a lot of work to see the Blood Dragon moved up the list of generals to lead this raid, to assure that the Ascendancy force would be inadequate for the job, to make sure that the Argent had a pathological hatred of Blood Dragons and to position the surrounding factions so that the Ascendancy would be cut off from retreat after this attack. It had been a lot of work, but it had been worth every iota of effort.

Negotiation, persuasion and the art of manipulation - these were the tools and weapons of this Ambassador-Courtier, and as Hungry-for-Battle would soon discover, words could cut far deeper than claws.

The Ambassador-Courtier Lifepath[edit]

Dragons are socially adept creatures, with even the most brutish of dragons able to play games of intrigue and manipulation at a level far beyond those of mortals.

Whereas a human might be pleased to persuade an adversary to adopt a certain course of action for the next year, or to socially outmanoeuvre someone in court, Dragons play out their social conflicts on far greater levels. With words in the right places, a dragon can cause kingdoms to topple or enemies to be ostracised from society. They can smear the most loved hero as a traitor, or bring the most unlikely allies into the fold. Likewise, a Dragon will happily work over much larger timescales to achieve his goals, recognising that a major victory that takes one hundred and fifty years is likely worth a lot more than one hundred and fifty trivial victories that take a year each.



Courtier's Charm[edit]

This Lifepath Skill adds the Dragon's Arete in Ambassador-Courtier when calculating Technique for the following types of tasks:

  • Most aspects of spoken conversations, negotiation, persuasion, seduction, intimidation, diplomacy.
  • Written communications, subtle finesse and technique with regards to this.
  • Manipulating others in conversation or in writing. Preventing being manipulated yourself.
  • Maintaining composure in face of social strategies, defending yourself against social manipulation, intimidation and trickery of all sorts.

Charisma of Kings[edit]

This Lifepath Skill adds the Dragon's Arete in Ambassador-Courtier when calculating Technique for the following types of tasks:

  • Addressing crowds, oratory, working the morale of armies or groups of soldiers.
  • Inspiring courage, loyalty or excellence in those under your command.
  • Appearing majestic, regal or noble. Playing on your reputation, or defending your honour.

Political Intrigue[edit]

This Lifepath Skill adds the Dragon's Arete in Ambassador-Courtier when calculating Technique for the following types of tasks:

  • Understanding politics, bureaucracy and webs of intrigue.
  • Working blackmail, indirect manipulation, information management and the like.
  • Being subtle, cunning or indirect in social and political arenas. Defending yourself against the intrigues of others.

Consummate Traveller[edit]

This Lifepath Skill adds the Dragon's Arete in Ambassador-Courtier when calculating Technique for the following types of tasks:

  • Learning new languages, or mastery of known languages.
  • Knowledge of foreign cultures and also of the manifold subcultures of your own region.
  • Absorbing foreign cultures and fitting in with them.


This Lifepath does not have any special Powers associated with it.


The Lore of Words[edit]

The Lore of Words concerns itself with understanding and perceiving the magic inherent in language. Magics of communication and of naming are within the reach of lesser magi and with increasing mastery the lore allows for subtle magics that influence the speech or thoughts of others. Wiht increasing mastery, the Lore becomes less subtle, taking words and infusing them with the celestial power of the draconic elder. These suspires use words like swords, cutting deep into the conscious mind.

  • Arete 1+: Perception and Protection

The dragon can now use his suspires to tell truth from lies, to translate words spoken or written in any language, to spot the unintentional truths hidden behind spoken words, and to recognise spoken magics in all their forms. He can also now shield his mind and those of his colleagues to render them immune to the effects of the Lore of Words. He can use his spells to break existing magical influences on others.

  • Arete 11+: Communication and Naming

With a spell the dragon can send his words to a distant message recepient, with the message travelling as fast as the wind is blowing. The dragon cab also cast spells to name a creature within line of sight, immediately learning the calling name that the creature identifies himself with. Other magics might make your words heard above any background noises, or using mirrors or crystal globes to facilitate long distance conversations. He can also turn his spoken words into writing (by speaking over a prepared book or scroll), and he can make written words speak out loud.

  • Arete 21+: Subtle Influences

A dragon can now bind a target to speak only truth, though he cannot force a target to speak. He can make a target remember his words whether he wants to or not. He can make the words of another sound beguiling or discordant. He can make others feel a surge of emotion, though he can't force them to act on that emotion.

  • Arete 31+: Strong Influences

A dragon can now force a target to silence, or force him to answer a question that is asked of him, while bound to truth. He can empower his words so they have the weight of magic behind them, dramatically increasing his powers of persuasion.

  • Arete 51+: Invasive Magics

The dragon can now get straight into a target's mind with nothing but words. He can mind control, giving orders that cannot be refused. He can speaks mad words to inflict temporary insanity. He can shape someone's perceptions or memories by describing images to them. He can create written works that are so fascinating that the weak willed cannot do anything else till they are done reading.

The Lore of Binding[edit]

The Lore of Binding is the sorcery of social contracts and traditions. This Lore is considered weak by some sorcerers, as so much of it depends on the agreement and consent of all effected by it spells. Ambassador-Courtiers know better: agreement and consent are nebulous things, easily manipulated by a wily courtier, and the spells themselves enforce civilised behaviour with arcane power. With increasing mastery, a Binder can manipulate the celestial laws, working on agreements made by the gods and primordial forces.

  • Arete 1+: Perception and Protection

The Dragon can now perceive Contract Marks wherever they may be, and can interpret them to reveal exactly what bindings are in place. The Dragon can also shield himself and allies to ensure that they are protected from being marked against their will, and can never be affected by Binding magics unless he agrees.

  • Arete 11+: Consensual Bindings / Minor Punishments

The Dragon can now work with consensual contracts of all sort - he can turn a spoken word into an arcane oath, or a promise into a binding geas. Common effects include oaths of brotherhood, oaths of enmity and claims of hospitality. Those who transgress against such bindings are punished by the magics with minor effects - for example, visible and permanent brandings as an oathbreaker, being prevented from flying for a year or suffering moderate injuries. With magic of this level the parties must vocally agree to the conditions of the binding in the dragon's presence. Critically though, they need not be sincere in their agreement, or aware that magical enforcement is going to be placed. A would be poisoner who offers hospitality to his guests can be bound, even if he offered it with the plan to later break his word.

  • Arete 21+: Negation and Modification

The Dragon can now undo or adjust pre-existing bindings, though this usually requires a contest of arcane strength against the magus who first placed them.

  • Arete 31+: Forced Bindings / Major Punishments

The dragon can now force bindings on a target, for example forbidding them to enter a certain area, forcing them to obey a geas given to them or demanding hospitality where none is offered. Such effects generally require a contest of arcane power, however. The dragon can also append major punishments to any bindings he creates - for example, permanent blindness, severe injury, crippled flight or infertility. Needless to say, dragons do not force bindings on each other lightly... doing so is as harsh a crime as physical assault.

  • Arete 51+: Primordial Law / Divine Punishments

The dragon can now make judgments against those who have sinned against primordial law, and can hand out powerful and severe punishments. Crimes in the eyes of primordial law include kinslaying, the murder of hatchlings and sexual intercourse outside of Breed, as well as "lesser" crimes such as betrayal of hospitality and breaking sworn oaths. It is up the GM to deem what can be deemed a crime against Primordial Law, but it should be noted that it is not affected by te subjetcive judgment or morality of either the mage or the perpetrator. Against the lawbreakers, the mage can now inflict terrible punishments, including curses that are handed down through the generations, condemnation of the soul to hell, or infliction of madness or crippling disability.


This Lifepath does not have any special Techniques associated with it.