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(26/10/09 11:25:01) Lilijana: Ahh I see you're awake beloved.
(26/10/09 11:25:59) Shining Lord suddenly forgets the headache and springs up, throwing the priestess off him. I... uh... Lili?
(26/10/09 11:26:13) Aninira: "Eep!"
(26/10/09 11:26:43) Lilijana: i>Who else would it be beloved.
There is a hint of amusement over the bond
(26/10/09 11:28:16) Shining Lord: Um... I was just... surprised, love. The bond is filled with embarrasment, panic and shame.
(26/10/09 11:28:32) Shining Lord: "Sorry!"
(26/10/09 11:29:07) Aninira: "Would sir like me to continue the massage?"
(26/10/09 11:29:31) Lilijana: I did try to contact you earlier, but you were sleeping rather soundly, beloved.
(26/10/09 11:31:06) Shining Lord: Yeah... busy night, you know how it is..."
(26/10/09 11:31:34) Shining Lord: "No... no... not now."
(26/10/09 11:32:07) Aninira: "Very good, sir." Aninira pauses. "Would sir like something to drink?"
(26/10/09 11:32:38) Shining Lord: "Ehm... water... just plain... water."
(26/10/09 11:32:45) Lilijana: Ahh busy? What were you doing that kept you asleep for so long.
(26/10/09 11:34:03) Aninira: "Very good, sir." Aninira quietly moves over to the messenger tube hidden in one wall, and murmurs a request for a pitcher of cold water into it.
(26/10/09 11:34:24) Shining Lord: Oh, you know... out drinking with Antonee... pretty ok guy actually The bond can barely contain the thinly covered shame.
(26/10/09 11:34:50) Aninira waits for a few moments, then takes the tray over to Shining. "Sir's water has arrived."
(26/10/09 11:37:02) Shining Lord looks suprised at Aninira for a second not understanding. "What?... Oh, yes... water." He grabs a glass absentmindedly.
(26/10/09 11:37:15) Lilijana: You got that drunk Beloved? I find that... odd. Again amusement fills the bond Was that all that happened?
(26/10/09 11:40:01) Shining Lord: Yes... he had a couple of bottles that needed drinking. I and Florviet were just up for the job, y'know. Pretty strong wine that...
(26/10/09 11:41:12) Aninira gracefully kneels as Shining takes the glass, holding the tray at exactly the right height for him to replace it.
(26/10/09 11:44:38) Lilijana: It must have been very strong wine beloved, tell me where did you drink all that wine?
(26/10/09 11:47:41) Shining Lord: Oh, over at Antonee's manse, where else?
(26/10/09 11:48:10) Shining Lord finishes the glass in a gulp placing it on the edge of the tray.
(26/10/09 11:48:59) Lilijana: Is that so, and where are you now?
(26/10/09 11:50:13) Shining Lord: Ah... no, we uh... went for a walk and uh... separated.
(26/10/09 11:50:26) Shining Lord sits down again, leaning against the wall.
(26/10/09 11:50:56) Lilijana: So where are you now then?"
(26/10/09 11:51:23) Telarreann: "Is there something wrong, sir?" The Priestess asks solicitously.
(26/10/09 11:52:53) Shining Lord: I... Shining stops, and bites his lip. Closing his eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... he just... dropped me off here and I... I just... I couldn't... went along..."
(26/10/09 11:53:35) Telarreann slides out of the bed, and goes to hold Shining. "There, there. It's okay."
(26/10/09 11:54:26) Lilijana: So you are going to be honest with me." The bond carries a gentle sense of affection. I was wondering how long we were going to keep playing cat and mouse.
(26/10/09 11:58:30) Shining Lord: I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I tried... I wanted to stay true but things just...
(26/10/09 11:58:48) Shining Lord shrugs away from Telarreann
(26/10/09 11:58:57) Telarreann looks hurt. "Sir?"
(26/10/09 12:00:18) Lilijana: Shh.. its okay Beloved I'm not angry with you.
(26/10/09 12:00:42) Solitary Talon walks in, holding Lili and Silveria by the hand. "So, what do you think of the new me, Virtja?"
(26/10/09 12:00:48) Shining Lord: You... you're not? Even though there was two?"
(26/10/09 12:01:34) Lilijana: "I think that yo-" Lilijana stops in mid sentence. Two?
(26/10/09 12:02:43) Shining Lord looks up his eyes widening as he sees Solitary. "You." The word lacks the power he intended caused by the sudden wave of embarrasment of the situation, him seeing Lilijana and the realisation he might have said too much
(26/10/09 12:03:41) Lilijana walks over to shining and puts her arms round him
(26/10/09 12:03:49) Solitary Talon: "Yes. I'm me." Solitary looks puzzled. "What are you doing here?"
(26/10/09 12:04:20) Lilijana: "I guess I should be flattered, but still.." There is a trace of disapointment in her voice.
(26/10/09 12:04:21) Telarreann scrambles away from the woman she presumes to be Shining's bondmate.
(26/10/09 12:04:46) Shining Lord: "I..." Shining says trying to start talking to both Lilijana and Solitary before he runs out of words.
(26/10/09 12:05:41) Solitary Talon: "...You?"
(26/10/09 12:06:18) Shining Lord unsecurely wraps his arms around his bondmate pressing her close.
(26/10/09 12:06:56) Lilijana: "You what beloved?" Lilijana holds her bondmate close glad for the phyiscal contact.
(26/10/09 12:07:53) Shining Lord: "I've missed you so much." He whispers, burrying his face in her hair, his speech resonating over the bond
(26/10/09 12:08:36) Solitary Talon: "Awww. How sweet." Solitary murmurs to her lover.
(26/10/09 12:09:00) Silveria smiles and pulls Solitary slightly away.
(26/10/09 12:09:00) Lilijana: You say the sweetest things beloved. The bond is flooded with Lilijana's feelings for Shining
(26/10/09 12:10:39) Solitary Talon: "Yes, cousin?" Solitary murmurs, accepting the tug.
(26/10/09 12:11:35) Shining Lord: "Thank you." Shining is filled with relief.
(26/10/09 12:12:09) Silveria: "They are very happy, no?" She says softly.
(26/10/09 12:12:18) Aninira and Telarreann watch Lilijana worriedly.
(26/10/09 12:12:51) Solitary Talon: "Yes, they do seem to be, don't they?" The Zenith replies in equally soft tones.
(26/10/09 12:13:30) Shining Lord sighs steeling himself. I'm sorry for how I acted in the Council, Love. I spoke with Antonee and he showed me what I'll have to do.
(26/10/09 12:13:58) Lilijana: "So then beloved, what now?" Lilijana reaches one hand up to caress his face
(26/10/09 12:14:07) Shining Lord straightens up, releasing Lilijana and turns to Solitary, ignoring his complete lack of clothes.
(26/10/09 12:14:35) Solitary Talon raises an eyebrow. "Don't you have any clothes, man?"
(26/10/09 12:15:09) Solitary Talon: "I don't exactly want to have you talking to me completely naked."
(26/10/09 12:15:57) Silveria: "No, let him," Silveria tells the young woman softly to her. "It shows his strength and determination."
(26/10/09 12:16:04) Shining Lord resists the urge for a snarky retort and simply states what he wants said. "I must apologize for my previous actions in the council, Solitary Talon. I spoke without a clear mind and I regret the words I said."
(26/10/09 12:18:23) Lilijana: "Thank you beloved" she thanks Shining, the bond carries her support and thanks.
(26/10/09 12:18:56) Solitary Talon: "Apology accepted." Solitary Talon replies, inclining her head politely.
(26/10/09 12:22:43) Shining Lord: "Thank you..." Shining bows his head in answer and grits his teeth. Eyes still on the floor he continues "... however... You have treated my bondmate... with lacking respect during your time as her... mistress." He closes his eyes. "And I cannot accept further treatment along those lines, she... she is... she is my everything."
(26/10/09 12:23:44) Solitary Talon nods. "And I apologised to her in private for those actions."
(26/10/09 12:24:00) Lilijana winces at his next words. Please don't push her too hard, beloved.
(26/10/09 12:26:34) Shining Lord: "I... I see..." He raise his head, looking Solitary in the eyes, his own for once not wholly gold from the charm use. "Thank you." With his left hand he absentmindedly strokes Lilijana's hair I won't, that was all...
(26/10/09 12:37:03) Shining Lord remembers something from the discussions the night before with Antonee. "Actually... there was one more thing..."
(26/10/09 12:37:13) Solitary Talon: "Yes?"
(26/10/09 12:38:15) Shining Lord looks away, clearly ashamed of his question. "I heard from Antonee that you have a couple of First Age transport ships..."
(26/10/09 12:38:44) Solitary Talon looks puzzled. "I don't think I follow you?"
(26/10/09 12:40:32) Shining Lord: "I... I have been away from my home for several years now and... I wish for my family to come here..."
(26/10/09 12:42:09) Solitary Talon: "Ah. I see." Solitary Talon looks thoughtful. "Assuming I granted your request, what would I get out of it?"
(26/10/09 12:44:31) Shining Lord looks up at Solitary again. "I am the most powerful Sorcerer in all of creation, you need but name what you want." He pauses and smiles, "So let us begin at three castings."
(26/10/09 12:48:16) Solitary Talon rolls her eyes. "Three castings seems rather less than sufficient compared to Anshu's payment." The teenager pauses. "But I would suggest that we adjourn this discussion until you are are dressed, and we can conduct it in a more fitting setting."
(26/10/09 12:49:15) Lilijana: "Mistress. May I be as bold as to request some private time with my bondsmate? I belive we have a few things to discuss."
(26/10/09 12:50:19) Solitary Talon: "Hmmmm. Granted. You may have one hour."
(26/10/09 12:51:42) Lilijana: "Thank you mistress."
(26/10/09 12:51:54) Shining Lord looks down at his bondmate, seemingly first now noticing his own lack of clothes... and his face grows redder as the heart starts pumping blood faster, raising the pressure in several body parts
(26/10/09 12:54:31) Lilijana: "Perhaps we should continue our talk elsewhere beloved." Lilijana gently teases shining. "By your leave mistress." She pointedly ignores the two priestess. Perhaps beloved you can show me if you have learned something
(26/10/09 12:55:29) Telarreann: "Er. Does milady Lilijana wish Aninira or I to help milady with anything?"
(26/10/09 12:56:52) Solitary Talon waves a hand negligently. "Why are you still here, Virtja?"
(26/10/09 12:56:58) Lilijana: "I think not, Myself and my bondmate have much to discuss."
(26/10/09 12:57:23) Telarreann: "Very well, milady."
(26/10/09 12:58:58) Telarreann curtsies and leaves the room after gathering up the discarded clothing.
(26/10/09 12:59:27) Shining Lord: "Ah... yes... I think... my manse perhaps?" he smiles taking in Lilijana close. I hope so at least.
(26/10/09 13:02:25) Shining Lord gathers essence around himself, channeling it into golden strands that twirl around the two. I've always wanted to try this application of this spell.