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'''Values:''' | '''Values:''' | ||
*Duty | *Duty D10: ''It's all on me.'' | ||
*Fame D4: ''Being anonymous is more my style.'' | *Fame D4: ''Being anonymous is more my style.'' | ||
*Fairness D8: ''Fair isn't something that happens to you; it's something you do.'' | *Fairness D8: ''Fair isn't something that happens to you; it's something you do.'' | ||
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'''Musical Range:''' Smoky-Voiced Siren | '''Musical Range:''' Smoky-Voiced Siren | ||
*'''Specialties:''' Folksy "Chick-Rock" D10, Jazz D8 | *'''Specialties:''' Folksy "Chick-Rock" D10, Jazz D8, Pop D8 | ||
*'''Stage Trick:''' ''Guitar Hero'' - Pay a plot point to step up or double a Specialty when playing guitar in a number. | *'''Stage Trick:''' ''Guitar Hero'' - Pay a plot point to step up or double a Specialty when playing guitar in a number. | ||
*'''Stage Trick:''' ''Heart on Her Sleeve'' - Nellie usually manages to keep her emotions on the inside, but really opens up when she's singing. She has a knack for making every single person in the crowd feel like she's making eye contact with them and only them, all at the same time. Pay a Plot Point to step up or double a Specialty when singing a solo. | *'''Stage Trick:''' ''Heart on Her Sleeve'' - Nellie usually manages to keep her emotions on the inside, but really opens up when she's singing. She has a knack for making every single person in the crowd feel like she's making eye contact with them and only them, all at the same time. Pay a Plot Point to step up or double a Specialty when singing a solo. | ||
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'''Schticks:''' | '''Schticks:''' In Sight, Out of Mind: Nellie has an uncanny ability to escape notice. Sounds useful, but really it can be kind of a pain. There are people who've been in the same school with Nellie all their lives, and have no idea who she is. People just don't seem to notice her - they turn out lights when she's still in the room, they talk about her where they think she can't hear (even though she's standing right there), and she sometimes gets marked absent on days she was definitely present in school. | ||
Latest revision as of 05:11, 2 August 2013

- Duty D10: It's all on me.
- Fame D4: Being anonymous is more my style.
- Fairness D8: Fair isn't something that happens to you; it's something you do.
- Love D6: I doubt I'll find it around here
- Popularity D4: Being popular looks exhausting. I've got enough on my plate, thanks.
- Truth D6: Honesty is easy; truth can be a little trickier.
- Leads
- Warren Whitcomb D6: What you see is what you get with Warren
- Adam Chamberlain D4: Adam seems so well-adjusted
- Lauren Gray D6: We could never understand each other's lives
- Ashley Brown D6: We used to be friends, but her life moved on while mine stayed the same
- Amethyst Fitch D4: Fitch isn't interested in making friends
- Fiona Maxwell D6: It's too bad I don't have a chance
- Features
- Larry "Del" DelMasto D6: _
- Mr. Reed: D6 He wouldn't let me give up on myself.
- Sammi Taylor D6: Sammi's lucky I'm not like her.
Musical Range: Smoky-Voiced Siren
- Specialties: Folksy "Chick-Rock" D10, Jazz D8, Pop D8
- Stage Trick: Guitar Hero - Pay a plot point to step up or double a Specialty when playing guitar in a number.
- Stage Trick: Heart on Her Sleeve - Nellie usually manages to keep her emotions on the inside, but really opens up when she's singing. She has a knack for making every single person in the crowd feel like she's making eye contact with them and only them, all at the same time. Pay a Plot Point to step up or double a Specialty when singing a solo.
- Stage Trick: Ear For Harmony - You can automatically add the maximum value of your highest-rolling die to a musical Aid roll by placing a die of equal size in the Drama Pool.
- Limit: Out Here On My Own - Confident and comfortable accompanying herself on the guitar, Nellie feels exposed and tentative without it. Not being able to control the backing music herself causes second-guessing. Step up and Insecure or Afraid dice in the opposing pool.
- Limit: Ick, boys... - The appeal of the male gender is entirely lost on Nellie. She has no problem dealing with boys in every day life, but dancing with them or singing romantic duets is something else entirely. Increase the opposing pool when paired up with a boy for dancing or a duet.
Schticks: In Sight, Out of Mind: Nellie has an uncanny ability to escape notice. Sounds useful, but really it can be kind of a pain. There are people who've been in the same school with Nellie all their lives, and have no idea who she is. People just don't seem to notice her - they turn out lights when she's still in the room, they talk about her where they think she can't hear (even though she's standing right there), and she sometimes gets marked absent on days she was definitely present in school.
- License to Drive D6 - Nellie was left back a year in school before she figured out how to balance her chaotic home life with schoolwork, thus she's a year older than the rest of the sophomores which is embarrassing, sure, but also means she's the only kid in her year who can drive. Her vehicle is the family mini-van, which should fit the whole group if need be (once child seats are removed), but rarely has an appreciable amount of fuel in it. If you ask Nellie, "E" stands for "Enough," and she knows exactly how many miles she can drive after the warning light comes on.(Roll your License to Drive die when you need transportation, now.)
- D4: Spend a Plot Point to Reveal that you have access to a vehicle that (pick two): is big enough to fit everyone in your group, is located nearby, and has a full tank. Use it as a d8 Useful Detail for the rest of the scene.
- Socially Invisible D8 - Nellie misses everything... dances, football games, every social event is a non-starter for her. Glee club is her first-ever extracurricular, even. She keeps to herself mostly, so a lot of people are only peripherally aware of her existence, except for that anomalous and trying period of time when her baby brother was presumed to be her son, which might even still persist as a rumor. Most of the people who know her at all chiefly remember her from when they were younger and social circles were smaller and less convoluted.(Roll your Socially Invisible die when you don't want to be noticed).
- D4: Earn a Plot Point when you Choose to make yourself the subject of public attention.
- D8: Spend a Plot Point to Reveal that you were there, in a scene, all along.
- Big-Hearted D4 - Nellie, on the rare occasion she's consulted, is always ready to dispense heartfelt and honest helpful advice, and goes out of her way to be kind to people, even those who may not deserve it. (Roll this die when your warm and consoling nature might help, or when the motivation for a brave action is someone other than yourself.)
- D4: Earn a Plot Point when you Choose to buy someone's sob story.
- The Paparteys Clan 2D8: Specialties: Comfort, Motivation, Inspiration, a handy excuse to get out of just about anything
- Dani Shay 2D6: Specialties: Support, Confidence
- Nellie's Loft 2D6: Specialties: Quiet, Comfort, Entertainment
- Origins: Livin' On A Prayer - Nellie is the eldest of nine children. While her father is nominally still in the picture (and her parents are still married), he breezes in to town a couple of times a year and throws everything into chaos before going back out on another tour, and never sends back any money like he always promises to. Mom works nights, which leaves Nellie doing a lot of the grunt work of raising her younger siblings since the only time Mom isn't at work or asleep is when all the kids are at school.
- Added Extra: The Paparteys Clan, representing her brothers and sisters collectively.
- Step up Duty x2.
- Added Musical Range: Smokey-Voiced Siren (Specialty: Folksy "Chick Rock" d8, Limit: Out Here On My Own, Stage Trick: Guitar Hero
- Schtick forthcoming
- New Distinction: License to Drive
- New Distinction: Socially Invisible
- Step Up Relationship, Asset, or Resource: Stepped up The Paparteys Clan to 2d6.
- Upbringing: What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger - What with her dad coming back into town usually for just long enough for her mother to end up pregnant again, life got more demanding for both Nellie and her mother as the years wore on. Nellie had to take on more responsibility as her mother had to work more and more hours to keep everyone fed, clothed and sheltered. Every time her father came back home, the pressure would ease a little bit. Nellie was devastated the first time he left, and elated the first time he came back, and then crushed worse than ever when he left again. Rinse and repeat until the sixth grade, when he promised to come home in three months and take her to the Daddy-Daughter dance at school. She busked with the guitar he'd taught her how to play, and drew caricatures of people on the street for pocket change until she had enough to buy an old prom dress from Goodwill, and then altered it to her size with her mother's ancient sewing machine. She was asleep on the front porch when her mother came home from work in the morning, having waited all night for her father to show. Days later, looking forlornly at the bulletin board full of pictures of other girls enjoying the dance with their fathers, Nellie decided that whether or not life was fair wasn't something that just happened; it was something you had to make happen. The trick was, you couldn't do it for yourself, but only for other people. Up to then, she'd resented the pressure looking after her siblings placed on her, but on that day she resolved never to begrudge them anything they needed or wanted if it was within her power.
- New Location:
- Nellie's Loft: there's a room above the free-standing garage which is more-or-less livable. Historically, it's always been "Dad's room" which was padlocked and forbidden for anyone to enter. This past summer, Nellie decided to claim it as her own and cut the padlock off with a pair of bolt cutters and replaced it with a different one. She claimed all of her dad's stuff that was there and cleared space for an art studio. She goes up there to paint, write songs, or just to get away sometimes. She keeps baby monitor handy in there, in case one of the kids needs her when she's out there, but they know that it's her private space and don't bother her there unless it's important. An understanding neighbor gave her access to their wi-fi connection and remote access to a home server full of movies and tv shows, but it's not easy to take advantage of when you have to share a laptop with eight siblings plus your mother.
- Connect "The Paparteys Clan" to Vincent and Thomas Brown; Gretchen (14) and Johnny (12) are close in age with the Brown boys and are probably friends and maybe there's some kind of crush action going on with Gretchen and one of the boys.
- Step up Fairness to d6.
- Step up License to Drive to d6
- Step up Nellie's Loft to 2d6
- Step up Relationship: Sammi Taylor to d6 (yes I know we don't have an established connection on the map, but their interactions having been well-established in play I figure we could get away with it).
- New Location:
- Attitude: I Won't Give Up - Nellie had significant difficulty figuring out how to balance school, looking after the household, and recreation. Nearly flunking out of school because you were raising a family at 15 and not having any time to do anything fun is a real chore. In an unguarded moment, she confessed to Mr. Reed that she was just counting the days until she turned 16 and could drop out and get a job. He would have none of it, and took her out of a different class every day for a couple of weeks so he could walk her through some time-management skill training and figure out how to make it all work. Now, she gets her schoolwork done, takes care of things at home, and even has some time for herself. She still doesn't get enough sleep, but them's the breaks.
- Step up License to Drive to d8
- Step up Specialty: Folksy "Chick-Rock" to d10
- Step up Relationship: Warren Whitcomb to d6
- New Stage Trick: Heart on Her Sleeve
- New Connection: Nellie to Mr. Reed. "He wouldn't let me give up on myself."
- Ambition: Express Yourself - Nellie spends so much time being stoic and supportive, she bottles everything up until she has a chance to pour it out on paper, on a canvas, or through her guitar and voice. Paradoxically, she's so used to keeping herself to herself that she keeps her art mostly hidden away. Music is the one thing she's been willing to share so far.
- Draw a connection from Sammi Taylor back to Nellie "The Paparteys family: bringing down property values since 1997."
- New Distinction: Big-Hearted
- Step up Big-Hearted to d6
- Life-Changing Event: Summer Lovin - Around the end of the school year last year, this girl named Dani saw through Nellie's smokescreen of anonymity and recognized something they had in common which Nellie had never shared with anyone. It was the beginning of a love affair full of passion, excitement and discovery for both of them, and it lasted almost all summer long. It was a powerful transformative experience for Nellie, to share her deepest secret with someone who accepted and celebrated her sexuality. Eventually, though, they both agreed that it wasn't going to last long-term and each adjusted to the idea that just because each represented to the other the only lesbian peer they had, it took more than that to make love last. They're still the best of friends and close confidants, and comfortable with each other in that way that only former lovers who parted amicably can be, but the bloom is off the rose in terms of having a committed romantic relationship between them.
- Add new Extra: Dani Shay
- Step up Love to d6
- Step up Truth to d6
- Step up Fairness to d8
- New Specialty: Jazz
- Step up Socially Invisible to D8
- Step up Extra: Dani Shay to 2D8
- New Stage Trick: Ear for Harmony
- New Limit: "Ick, boys..."