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[[Category:Player_Character|Jarred Nemo]]
Game: [[Once_more_with_feeling|Once More, With Feeling!]].
Game: [[Once_more_with_feeling|Once More, With Feeling!]].

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Archery 5<br>
Archery 5<br>
Resistance 5<br>
Resistance 5<br>
Presence 2<br>
Presence 4<br>
Investigation 5<br>
Investigation 5<br>
Socialize 2<br>
Socialize 2<br>

Latest revision as of 17:11, 28 September 2014

Game: Once More, With Feeling!.

Jarred Nemo
Night Caste Solar
Concept: Amnesiac on the run Experience:2 Total Experience:18


Appearing as a long and scraggly haired unkempt, unshaven man in his early thirties, Jarred is not what most people think of when they hear the word Exalt. His clothes, while not rags, definitely gives off a 'lower-class' vibe. His green eyes have dark bags under them, and his short black hair hangs untidily just above his shoulders. When he walks, he has a habit of constantly looking left and right, his eyes darting from dark alcove to curtained window. The only thing in good condition about his clothes are hhis boots; they seem very well made and maintained, though well-worn. At his side is a holster, carrying what looks to be an alchemical fire pistol, though bullet chambers cannot be seen.


Jarred doesn't remember anything about who or what he was prior to waking up underneath a pile of rubble in Nexus, not even his moment of Exaltation. He does remember a few bits and pieces of days and events long past, though he does not care much for them. Something within him does, however, and by the way that cruel, callous voice he hears keeps using revelation as a threat, Jarred isn't sure he wants to know. All he knows is that he's Exalted, and that he's being hunted. By who, and why, he doesn't know.


Find out who he is


  • Finding out who he was
  • His Circle
  • The voices (negative)


A slow, soothing choral arrangement, accompanied by sweet-smelling incense smoke- which abruptly changes to terrified, pained screaming, mad laughter and malevolent pipe organ music at the 16+ mote range.


Strength XXXX
Dexterity XXXXX
Stamina XXXXX

Perception XXXX
Intelligence XXXX

Charisma XXX
Manipulation XXXX
Appearance XXX


Athletics 5
Awareness 4
Dodge 5
Larceny 1 (Disguise +3)
Stealth 3
Archery 5
Resistance 5
Presence 4
Investigation 5
Socialize 2
Linguistics 2 (Old Realm, Riverspeak)
Integrity 4 (Solar Charms +1, Sidereal Charms +1, Dragon-Blooded Charms +1)


Transformative Clothing: Artifact ••[edit]

Though it currently has a form similar to lower-class clothing, Jarred's clothes can shapeshift into anything he can imagine. he... knows that he obtained these to help him disguise himself, to eacape, and that's all. Why he's escaping, and who from, is yet another thing his memories have held back.

Excellent Solar Revolver: Artifact •••[edit]

(Counts as Mountain Folk Onslaught Crossbow) This ancient pistol was once nothing more than a sidearm of the First Age, but is a truly mighty weapon now. It runs off a hearthstone chambered in the middle of the weapon, and can fire bolts of Essence in a semi-auto mode.

Hearthstone Implant: Artifact •[edit]

Directly over Jarred's heart is a strange, circular device. In place of the bone directly above Jarred's heart is an orichalcum implant, holding a hearthstone.

Manse ••••[edit]

Said hearthstone is one of the fables Gems of Masks, its constantly shifting rainbow surface marked with dull areas. Jarred knows this assists him in shifting his form, though once again, the reasons behind his obtaining such a powerful stone, or even the location of the manse it is attuned to, are unknown to him.

Manse ••[edit]

Another stone, this one chambered in Jarred's pistol, is a Stone of Hearth's Fire. Not lost on Jarred is the fact that this tone can easily be used to halp one survive in the harshest of climes.


Merit x2: Hidden Manse 2[edit]

Thankfully, the locations of Jarred's manses are not just hidden from his own mind.

Flaw: Amnesia -3[edit]

Jarred has no idea who he is- hell, if it weren't for one of the voices slippinbg up, he wouldn't even have 'Jarred' to call himself by.

Flaw: Derangement -3[edit]

Jarred hears many voices, thought two- one of a sneering, cruel man, and another of a weeping, guilt-invoking child- seem to be the most common.

Flaw: Known Anathema -3[edit]

One thing that is burned clearly into Jarred's mind, however is this- he is being hunted. People know about him, and they're coming for him.



Sagacious Reading Of Intent


Easily Overlooked Presence Method


Body-Mending Meditation
Wound-Mending Purity Stance
Ox Body technique (x2)


Shadow Over Water
Seven Shadows Evasion (Flaw of Valor)
Refinement of Flowing Shadows (Flaw of Conviction)


Graceful Crane Stance
Unparalleled Acumen Meditation (6 motes committed)
Monkey Leap Technique
Foe Vaulting Method
Spider Foot Style


Essence Arrow Attack (1)
Lambent Bolt Of Destruction (1)


Crafty Observation Method (2)
Evidence-Discerning Method (2)
Oracular Magistrate Understanding


Surprise Anticipation Method


(1)Combo manifests at point of impact as an explosion of briefly lived, giant snakes with roughly skinned heads that lash out and bite down on any who manage to ‘dodge’ or parry the blast (cosmetic effect only, mechanics remain the same).
(2)Seen only by Jarred, a latticework of thin golden lines extend from everything in the room/house/city/etc. and start interconnecting, eventually forming a single, large golden path for Jarred to follow.


Compassion XXX
Conviction XXXXX (Emergent Psychopathy*)
Temperance XXX
Valour XXXX
-Willpower 9

  • As Deliberate Cruelty, but with more giggling.


Essence 5
Essence (P) 24
Essence (p) 43 (16 committed)

Questions & Answers[edit]

Hey, No Man. Tell me, how old are you?
I can't remember! I told you that! I... I think I'm 30 years old, though, if that's any help.

"If that's any help". Pft,, you're pathetic. Hey, here's another question- remember your family?
No, I don't- no, what do they have to do with this?! What have you done to them?!

Say, tell me- where are you from?
I don't know! You know I don't know! What about my family! Where are they! What have you done to them?!

Nothing you haven't done *snrk*. So, how was Exaltation? Was it as good for you as it was for me?
What's that supposed to mean?

Oh,nothing. Tell me, what do you think of your new friends.I'd ask how you met, but that'd be pointless.
Uh, well... I think they're all right, but Cael- I don't much like Cael. It's not his fault, but when I see him, I feel... terrible.

Gee, I wonder why, heh. Say, how does having more power than some gods make you feel? How does it make you fear?
It frightens me. I... I know I have done some terrible things, things I would have been too afraid, or too powerless to do, if I didn't have it. But on the other hand- I do feel like I have done good I could not have done otherwise. So there!

what do you think of mortals? Or should I say- survivors?
I have to protect them. I have a resposibility to protect them, to shelter them from the dangers of Creation! I cannot abandon them- my power was given to me for a reason, and I cannot run away from that!

So says the man who chose to live in a sewer to avoid- oh wait, you don't remember that. So, is that what makes you think you're a 'hero'? Your sense of entitlement?
It is NOT entitlement, damn you! It's responsibility! It's doing what's right! It's not abandoning the defenceless to the dark, not while I still shine with the light of the Unconquered Sun!

So you say. Me, I would like to make the observation that the stronger the light, the darker the shadows cast by those who stand before it. But hey, if that light is what you put your faith in, then more power to you- whoops, that might be a bad idea.
There are worse things to place one's faith in. I'm not sure of how I know that, but i'm sure OF that.

And I suppose, it's in defence of your so-called ideals that you would be willing to commit murder? Well, more murder?
Go to hell.

What makes you think we're not there already?