Formerly the IAV Pericles, a Tohoku Class Cruiser, Pericles was transferred to private control during the civil unrest in exchange for a refueling deal with YouGo industries. The deal required the new owner to forfeit its weaponry, but during the transition, the Long Silence occurred. The Director of the Station, Samuels, chose to keep the weaponry, and has held off naval involvement without incident. <br>
Formerly the IAV Pericles, a Tohoku Class Cruiser, Pericles stations has changed hands a number of time throughout its life. Initially it was a capital cruiser. Then after sabotage destroyed its pulse drives, it became a way station for the Alliance Navy. Then it was sold to YouGo Gas and served as a for profit space station. When YouGo dissolved, the Qing Long government of Blue Sun took over. Recently the Alliance Navy took it in a bloody battle (it briefly was a scene of anarchic chaos as some kind of sleeping sickness attacked the station, weakening its crew). <br>
Pericles Station is approximately 2/3 the trip between Blue Sun and White Sun (sitting in the LaGrange point).
Pericles Station is an expensive stop over for most ships, but it boasts considerable services and security. In addition, many ships are not prepared for the long journey from the Core to Blue Sun, and so the stop over is necessary.<br>
*Expect a 25% cost increase for any goods or services on Pericles Station (20 credits/1000tons Docking fee)
'''Debtor Injunction''' - Persons owing money to the Station, or a registered business on the station, may find themselves unable to leave the station. A ''Debtor Injunction'' prohibits the person from booking passage or leaving the station until the obligation is met. Those without means to pay for basic life support (room and board) are moved to settlement sector in the lower decks (the Marina), and prohibited from use of the promenade, hangar and certain other regions of the station, until their debt is paid. The station maintains a staff dedicated to helping the Debtors resolve their status, pay off their obligations, and find work.
Currently it serves the Alliance Navy. Contractors are at work replacing its destroyed engines.<br>
*Many people who fled the Core during the recent chaos came to Pericles Station hoping to find passage to a colony in Blue Sun. Here they ran up debts (lodging, hospital, etc..) and now find themselves below decks in the Marina.
'''Places of Note'''<br>
There is a very large military force on the station. Two brigades of marines and several thousand staff and construction workers. <br>
*The '''Asclepeion''' - Hospital - it is a for profit hospital, but it also serves those who can't afford to pay. It does this in part through charities and other means. Dr. June Carpenter, the Chief Medical Officer has been trying to lure high paying clients to offset some of the costs but it is slow going.
The current chief is Admiral Richard Harliston.<br>
*The '''Marina''' is a section of the ship of Refugees from the Core. This is a large section of former Marines barracks and shops, with makeshift bunks, and cooking equipment in place of the stuff they used to have. People with Debtor's Injunctions cannot leave the station until they'e paid their bills, and so eke out a life in the Marina. Many people in the Marina get by with low paying service jobs, small time crime, and recycling.
XO Commander Genovese Dewey<br>
*The '''Hangar''' is the entrance to the sort of high end of Pericles.
*The '''Loading''' is a supply and fuel oriented docking center that serves the "Lower Decks"
Pericles Station still has over a thousand civilians from Blue Sun and other Independent areas. Their citizenship is not recognized by the Alliance, and they are deemed Displaced Persons. As such they have no rights. They are permitted to live on the station until such a time as they can find passage off. The Alliance assists them in finding a way off, and offers basic services (food, water, healthcare) but they are not permitted to work or freely move about the station. <br>
*The '''Promenade''' is the retooled civil support center. It is now an area of shops and services serving travelers.
Civil rights advocates have decried the conditions of the Displaced Persons, but the Alliance counters that they are treated humanely and safely. And that the safety of the crew and the Alliance depends on the high security of the station<br>
*The '''Travelers’ Aide Society''' is a sort of Chamber of Commerce between Blue Sun and those wishing to do business there.
*The '''Embassy''' is a section of the station leased out to representatives of the Alliance. Currently it is informal, and the people there are visitors. Many believe that Alliance Spies work there.
The displaced persons are allowed some autonomy and have elected themselves a governing body to manage their internal disputes. So long as they pose no danger to the station or its personnel the Alliance welcomes the efforts at self rule and autonomy.
'''Station Security'''<br>
'''Station Armed Security''' (SAS) runs basic shipboard security, they are independently controlled by the Director, but are paid by You-Go. In addition to SAS, the station has several unofficial security groups:
*Space weaponry (ship's weapons, fighters and defenses) is led by the '''PDF'''. Their commander is Cmdr. Evan Rowe a war vet. Rowe tries to balance the two masters, but it is a source of some difficulty.The PDF maintain offices here and have special docking/fueling privileges. Since the PDF protects the space around Pericles, they have some authority here. On duty PDF officers are permitted to carry weapons on the station, The PDF also has extradition rights, and are permitted to pursue warrants on the station.
*The '''VPs''' or Volunteer Posse is a group of private security paid for by merchants mostly in the Promenade, but they deal outside as well, and keep cordial relations with the SAS, they have finagled non-lethal weapons permits.
*The '''Cossacks''' are a group of New Russians, who are hired out for security purposes and help foster Russians. This group does not have weapons permits, however, they seem to have effective techniques of security nonetheless.
*'''Frontier Emergency Services''' is a contract entity providing emergency services, fire detail, EMS, and notably, disease control. In this latter capacity, and others, they has weapons permits that allow them to apprehend, hold or otherwise deal with suspected carriers of disease, and they have weapons permits.
Latest revision as of 17:23, 3 March 2015
Pericles Station
Formerly the IAV Pericles, a Tohoku Class Cruiser, Pericles stations has changed hands a number of time throughout its life. Initially it was a capital cruiser. Then after sabotage destroyed its pulse drives, it became a way station for the Alliance Navy. Then it was sold to YouGo Gas and served as a for profit space station. When YouGo dissolved, the Qing Long government of Blue Sun took over. Recently the Alliance Navy took it in a bloody battle (it briefly was a scene of anarchic chaos as some kind of sleeping sickness attacked the station, weakening its crew).
Currently it serves the Alliance Navy. Contractors are at work replacing its destroyed engines.
There is a very large military force on the station. Two brigades of marines and several thousand staff and construction workers.
The current chief is Admiral Richard Harliston.
XO Commander Genovese Dewey
Pericles Station still has over a thousand civilians from Blue Sun and other Independent areas. Their citizenship is not recognized by the Alliance, and they are deemed Displaced Persons. As such they have no rights. They are permitted to live on the station until such a time as they can find passage off. The Alliance assists them in finding a way off, and offers basic services (food, water, healthcare) but they are not permitted to work or freely move about the station.
Civil rights advocates have decried the conditions of the Displaced Persons, but the Alliance counters that they are treated humanely and safely. And that the safety of the crew and the Alliance depends on the high security of the station
The displaced persons are allowed some autonomy and have elected themselves a governing body to manage their internal disputes. So long as they pose no danger to the station or its personnel the Alliance welcomes the efforts at self rule and autonomy.