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Fjord of Queens

Many of the Unconquered Sun's greatest heros did not survive to see the end of the Primordial War. Perhaps the most tragic loss was that of Anwar of the Seven Shallow Rivers' wife, the idiot-savant called Queen in Ebony Veils and a Train of Forgotton Sorrow. Although exalting as a Solar in the early days of the Great War of Balance, some aspect of her Quan was lost when Kaer'jesssrk struck her forehead, furious that she disagreed with him on some teaching. Despite this injury, which reduced to mental and social capabilities to that of a mere mortal, she continued to produce reams of sorcerous literature, which Autocthon used as the basis of his aborted experiment known as Pattern Weaving.

Although Kaer'jesserk's blow has been studied often by savants seeking to cure Anathema of their madness (although with the same futilie results as those trying to use the properties of the Echryistac Tree), the real legacy left by her tale is the Fjord of Queens. When Anwar found her lying unconscious, and all of the Twelve Healers of the Great Ordinal had had their try to heal her, and failed, he entombed her ever-cataconic form in an ebony box and sunk it to the bottom of the Seven Shallow Rivers. There he remained, lost in tears for over a year. It is said that when he finished mourning, his strength had multiplied sevenfold; within a year, the Great War had been practically won, and though he did not survive to see the end, victory was all but accredited to his righteous fury.

Many of those great Solar Queens who died at the hands of the Primordials slipped into the depeths of the Fjord of Queens, their mates (of every kind) entombed in the surrounding cliffs. But two great mysteries remain: One is of the the whereabouts of her tomb. Although records remain of savants searching the Fjord, none ever found her remains despite them finding every other. Ancient parchments found in the underworld say that she found her way into the underworld and later founded Stygia, though no evidence of this has ever been found - and especially impossible as no trace of a shadowland was ever reported in the Fjord of Queens.

The second mystery is that as of today, nobody knows where the Fjord is. Said to have been on an island to the northwest of Luthe, we are unable to find it, just as we are ignorant of what happened to Luthe. Perhaps the same fate fell unto it, some final vengeance in the wake of the Solar Purge. Whatever its fate, we may never know the truth, and speculation will no doubt continue until the days of our great Age come to an end.


Quan Twelve Healers of the Great Ordinal

- Bet of Zagohana, Chuzei to the Bronze Tigress and Interpreter of Ancient Lores