The New Disasters: The Transformed: Difference between revisions

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Every bit of plant and fungal matter in the air around Seed informs them about the world. The communication networks of fungi and plants are open to them, as well as all of the inhuman senses that plants and fungi have.
Every bit of plant and fungal matter in the air around Seed informs them about the world. The communication networks of fungi and plants are open to them, as well as all of the inhuman senses that plants and fungi have.
''Insect Control''
Ongoing development of control over the chemical signals produced allows Seed to trigger responses in insects, especially those already primed to receive messages from plants or fungi. The exo-biology of the symbiot allows for more complex signals and a deeper hijacking of natural actions, including artificial swarm creation.
The fuller intermingling of the two source organisms for Seed's body allows rapid reassignment of undamaged tissue to the function of damaged tissue, as well as exploiting the healing / replacement methods of one source when that of the other are more difficult. Tissue clusters of undifferentiated cells also develop throughout their body, which can rapidly reproduce into whatever cell types needed, allowing for nearly instantaneous repair of even massive biomass loss coupled with large separated pieces either seeking to return to the core mass or self destruct as appropriate based on the chemical signals.

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''Guilty'' — -2 to provoke someone or assess the situation.
''Guilty'' — -2 to provoke someone or assess the situation.
''Insecure'' — -2 to stand in defense or reject what others say about you or the world.

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* ([ Opening up after comfort.])
* ([ Opening up after comfort.])
* ([ Option for resist influence.])
* ([ Option for resist influence.])
* Failed to pierce Bad Seed's mask.
'''Advancement One: Two Additional Abilities From Further Mutation'''

Latest revision as of 23:22, 30 October 2017


Seed's body is colonized by a complex exo-organism with fungal and plant qualities. Their affinity with plants and superhuman senses are based mostly on their ability to directly interface with, and control, the Mycorrhizal network. Additionally, spores and pollen transmit information to Seed. On occasion fruiting bodies emerge from Seed, and the interface between the exo-organism and human biology causes Seed to oscillate between masculine and feminine characteristics.


Hero Name: Seed

Real Name: Johnny Boer

Seed no longer uses their real name, but hasn't legally changed it yet.


  • Shifting
  • White
  • Human eyes
  • Alien flesh
  • No Costume


Plant Affinity

The symbiotic entity entwined with Seed has vegetable and fungal properties, including extending something like the Mycorrhizal Network around them. Through this, as well as chemical signals, spores, and pollen Seed can influence plants. In turn, plants can communicate information to Seed. It also means that Seed's body sprouts fruiting bodies on occasion, and has flesh that's a shifting mix of meat and vegetable. Basically, something not unlike a dryad without the benefit of being rendered in paint to smooth over what that means.

Superhuman Senses

Every bit of plant and fungal matter in the air around Seed informs them about the world. The communication networks of fungi and plants are open to them, as well as all of the inhuman senses that plants and fungi have.

Insect Control

Ongoing development of control over the chemical signals produced allows Seed to trigger responses in insects, especially those already primed to receive messages from plants or fungi. The exo-biology of the symbiot allows for more complex signals and a deeper hijacking of natural actions, including artificial swarm creation.


The fuller intermingling of the two source organisms for Seed's body allows rapid reassignment of undamaged tissue to the function of damaged tissue, as well as exploiting the healing / replacement methods of one source when that of the other are more difficult. Tissue clusters of undifferentiated cells also develop throughout their body, which can rapidly reproduce into whatever cell types needed, allowing for nearly instantaneous repair of even massive biomass loss coupled with large separated pieces either seeking to return to the core mass or self destruct as appropriate based on the chemical signals.


Danger Freak Savior Superior Mundane
Starting +1 +3 +1 -1 -1
Current +2 +3 +1 -1 -2


I Am Not My Body

When you take a powerful physical blow, you may roll as if you had two fewer conditions marked. If you do, on a 10+ you must choose to lose control of yourself in a terrible way.

Not Human Enough

When you directly engage a threat in a terrifying fashion, mark a condition to choose an additional option, even on a miss.

Wish I Could Be

When you comfort or support someone, if you tell them what you most envy about them, you can roll + Freak instead of + Mundane.


Who were you before?

A regular fifteen going on sixteen year old who admired heroes but never thought he'd be one of them. And never thought that becoming one of them would cost so much. Johnny Boer did well enough in classes, though it was sometimes a struggle. He had vague plans to become a fighter pilot or something, especially if he never hit his growth spurt.

When did you change? What caused it?"

Around halfway between his fifteenth and sixteenth birthday, not long after school let out for the summer, something plunged into the parkette near Johnny's home. He rushed off to investigate it, hoping it might be a piece of a spaceship or some similar interesting sign of the more interesting side of life. Instead he found a ring of things like a toadstool. As he explored, the toadstools exploded and the spores got everywhere. At first he figured that he was just having an allergic reaction, but soon enough it was clear that there was something unearthly colonizing and transforming his body radically.

Why don’t you just try to hide yourself away?

Going through all of that and then not joining a super team? That's just absurd. Got to get something out of this.

Who, outside of the team, is helping you understand your new body?

Doctor Lillian Demeter, a top exomycologists (well one of the only exomycologists) conducted the initial examination of Seed's body and continues to run checkups and help understand what's going on from a scientific point of view.

Why do you care about the team?

Because being on a team is how to be a superhero and not some weirdo falling into their own weird symbiot driven obsession.


Trigger comforted Seed when they were at their lowest.

Hellion knew Seed before they changed.


Trigger has Influence over Seed.

Melody has Influence over Seed.


Guilty — -2 to provoke someone or assess the situation.

Insecure — -2 to stand in defense or reject what others say about you or the world.


Advancement One: Two Additional Abilities From Further Mutation