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"Your Excellency! Your Excellency!"

As the deputy burst into the room, the senior bureacrat grimaced and removed his tea kettle from the fire.

"Your Excellency, I must apologize. Had I known you were preparing a Tea Ceremony..."

"...then you would most certainly have refrained from intruding. Put aside your embarrasment, Grey Horizon; it's unbecoming of you."

"Honored Officiant, I must again humbly..."

"... Grey, dearest servant, stop apologizing. Your intentions are sincere, as is your regret. Obsequiousness is unbecoming of one of your station. Besides, my Chaijustu is strong; it shall not be disrupted by so trivial a matter as an interruption." With that, the senior official infused a few leaves of tea with celestial essence, and dropped it into the steaming, swirling water. "You are back sooner than I expected. Was Chokhan Fifteenth Son Shatters the River willing to cooperate, for once"?

"No, your Excellency, his refusal was adamant as always. I do not believe he shares the same respect for the Heirarchy that he once had in life."

"Such a pity."

"Indeed, your Excellency. However, something else has come to my attention." Grey handed the etched piece of willow-bark to his master, who perused it briefly. "Oh ho, this is interesting. What are they up to this time?" He frowned, and read in more detail. "This petition was submitted mere minutes ago; how did you get ahold of it? These take months, even years, given the current state of the bureaucracy."

Grey looked somewhat embarassed, as the fragrant scent of tea filled the study. "Whenever I pass through the Hall Of Petitioners, I always make a point to find whichever spirit is last in line, and demand to see his writ of request. I learn quite a few surprising things that way. It's not exactly policy, true, but..."

"...but you mention my name, and the spirits eyes go wide with fear, and they let you see whatever you want. So that's how it is. Be not embarrased; when I made you my deputy, I meant that you use the authority as you see fit. And in this case, the wood-spirit was willing to let you take posession of the petition?"

"The spirit's name was Soft the Valley's Song, and he struck me as unusually ambitious for a Wood Spider. He seemed all too happy to use unorthodox channels."

"No wonder, with our mutual friend Nameless Ravine cutting his spider-brothers into ribbons not but five minutes ago. The spiders showed poor judgement in trifling with a Perfect Circle... but even so, the spider's anger is understandable. Tell him that our department looks favorably upon his request. In fact, tell him that I will see to his petition personally."

"At once, your Excellency."

As Grey turned to go, his master took the first, deep sip of essence-infused tea. His heart skipped a beat, and his mind becan to whirl. He clutched the table for support.


"Yes, your excellency?"

"Hold a moment." He took a second sip, and once again the room began to spin. "There is to be a change in policy. Burn the petition, and then inform the petitioner that his claim has been denied."

"At once, your excellency."

"And Grey..."

"Yes, your excellency?"

"Once you have done this, consider yourself to be formally dismissed from my service. I henceforth revoke and abjure your role as my deputy."

"But... Your excellency, what... have I..."

The bureaucrat sighed. "You've done nothing *wrong*, Grey. You've been a good friend to me these years. It's just... lately..."


"Lately, whenever you bring me news, the tea turns bitter."

Heaven's Mandate