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Muchas gracias por la eatdnra, muy esclarecedora. De todos modos, acepto tu invitacif3n final y lanzo un par de cuestiones que no me quedaron muy claras:- Para tener e9xito en la tirada de activar la runa se elige entre la menor de dos puntuaciones, una es Alto Melnibone9, pero bfcue1l es la otra?- Cuando hablas de puntos me1gicos, bfte refieres a los puntos de poder -POD-? Si es ased, bfcf3mo se asignan (basta un punto para activar la runa, cada poder que permita requiere una cantidad de puntos para funcionar o cuantos me1s asignes me1s efectiva se volvere1 la runa).Muchas gracias otra vez!!Pregunta, pregunta, yo encantado de responder  La otra puntuacif3n es el porcentaje en la propia runa a usar. Cada runa se aprende por separado y tiene un porcentaje asociado a la habilidad en su uso. Aunque no lo mencione9, si se apilan varias runas a la vez habre1 que hacer la tirada por cada una de ellas.Un personaje tiene tantos puntos me1gicos totales como el valor de su caracteredstica PODer. Cada runa se activa con una cantidad de puntos me1gicos dependiendo de la potencia del efecto, pero siempre al menos debe gastarse un punto.En el manual se dan indicaciones de la potencia correspondiente por cada punto me1gico gastado para cada una de las runas que vienen de ejemplo. Por ejemplo una runa de mejora subire1 un punto en una caracteredstica por cada punto me1gico gastado o la runa de pureza reduce la potencia de un veneno o aporta inmunidad a e9stos a razf3n de un 20% por punto gastado.De todos modos todos estos costes y efectos quedan a discrecif3n del director de juego.
[[Category:Stormbringer Fifth]]
[[Image:arrows-of-chaos.jpg|frame|right|Young Kingdoms]]
'''Young Kingdoms Adventures''' is intended as a set of story seeds for Chaosium's '''Elric!''' or '''Stormbringer Fifth Edition'''. It includes information on notable people, places, items, and creatures in the kingdoms (and in some cases cities) of the world of Elric! The articles each follow a standard format, and are listed below in a geographic index.
I published the first of these in ''The Chaosium Digest'' in the late 1990s. I've also reformatted some shorter articles from that e-zine. More recently I've started running a new ''Stormbringer'' game for my local group, and I'll be added some of the locales and other background material from that campaign here, as I go along. Material from other folks is of course welcome, though I might edit it.
I'd like to think that the material I'm including here is high enough quality for publication. (I've excerpted some of my other Chaosium Digest material as the basis of a couple of Chaosium books.) However, Chaosium hasn't produced anything for their Stormbringer games in years, so instead I offer this material freely here.
* The Islands
** [[YkAdventures:PurpleTowns|Adventures on the Island of the Purple Towns]]
* The Nothern Continent
** [[YKAdventures:Ilmiora|Adventures in Ilmiora]]
*** [[YKAdventures:Bakshaan|Adventures in Bakshaan]]
** Vilmir
*** [[YKAdventures:Rignariom|Adventures in Rignariom]]
To supplement these articles, I've also put together a listing of printed Stormbringer adventures:
* [[YkAdventures:PrintedAdventures|Printed Adventure List]]

Latest revision as of 22:51, 22 January 2020

Young Kingdoms

Young Kingdoms Adventures is intended as a set of story seeds for Chaosium's Elric! or Stormbringer Fifth Edition. It includes information on notable people, places, items, and creatures in the kingdoms (and in some cases cities) of the world of Elric! The articles each follow a standard format, and are listed below in a geographic index.

I published the first of these in The Chaosium Digest in the late 1990s. I've also reformatted some shorter articles from that e-zine. More recently I've started running a new Stormbringer game for my local group, and I'll be added some of the locales and other background material from that campaign here, as I go along. Material from other folks is of course welcome, though I might edit it.

I'd like to think that the material I'm including here is high enough quality for publication. (I've excerpted some of my other Chaosium Digest material as the basis of a couple of Chaosium books.) However, Chaosium hasn't produced anything for their Stormbringer games in years, so instead I offer this material freely here.

To supplement these articles, I've also put together a listing of printed Stormbringer adventures: