404: Adventure Not Found: Difference between revisions

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(13 intermediate revisions by 6 users not shown)
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|'''[[404_Character_-_1|Character 1]]'''
|'''[[Nevermore | Nevermore]]'''  
| '''Tabaxi/Sorcerer'''
| ''[https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?members/cerulean-lion.5469/ Cerulian Lion]''
! ?
! ?
! ?
! ?
|'''[[Meriweather_Meriweather | Meriweather Meriweather]]'''  
| '''Tiefling/Bard'''  
| '''Tiefling/Bard'''  
| ''[https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?members/strange-behaviour.186867/ strange behaviour]''  
| ''[https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?members/strange-behaviour.186867/ strange behaviour]''  
! ?
! +2
! ?
! 13
! ?
! 24
! ?
! 14
|'''Bixie Heartspindle | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YkO1sj82M46eWX3WpVInjYYtcJgZQbxURST2wGEtheM/edit?usp=sharing'''  
|'''[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YkO1sj82M46eWX3WpVInjYYtcJgZQbxURST2wGEtheM/edit?usp=sharing Bixie Heartspindle]'''  
| '''Gnome/Rogue'''  
| '''Gnome/Rogue'''  
| ''[https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?members/nightgoblyn.56962/ NightGoblyn]''  
| ''[https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?members/nightgoblyn.56962/ NightGoblyn]''  
! ?
! +4
! ?
! 16
! ?
! 27
! ?
! 10
|'''[[404_Character_-_4|Character 4]]'''  
|'''[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XkZqgQOg9GjTzkXd4KkRto6VvqYLSIDMUA4JC0O8jso/edit?usp=sharing Tath Krakscale]'''  
| '''Halfling/Barbarian'''  
| '''Kobold/Barbarian'''  
| ''[https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?members/thorya.156264/ thorya]''  
| ''[https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?members/thorya.156264/ thorya]''  
! ?
! +2
! ?
! 14
! ?
! 39
! ?
! -
|'''[[404_Character_-_5|Character 5]]'''  
|'''[https://docs.google.com/document/d/16-GBUQ2ah_03RkX5eHMfOA6WK9xOQtMu-A4O6q50CNg/edit?usp=sharing Dancer Under a Crescent Moon]'''  
| '''/'''  
| '''Tabaxi/Hexblade'''  
| ''[https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?members/talisman.167661/ Talisman]''  
| ''[https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?members/talisman.167661/ Talisman]''  
! ?
! +2
! ?
! 16
! ?
! 30
! ?
! 14
|'''[[404_Character_-_6|Character 6]]'''  
|'''[[404_Character_-_6|Jalp Roughfang]]'''  
| '''Kobold/Paladin'''  
| '''Kobold/Paladin'''  
| ''[https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?members/archer.10289/ Archer]''  
| ''[https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?members/archer.10289/ Archer]''  
! ?
! +1
! ?
! 17
! ?
! 26
! ?
! 12
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:Development Thread
:[https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/recruitment-d-d-5e-smallfolk-game.914754/ Recruitment Thread]

:OOC Thread
:[https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/d-d5e-smallfolk-404-adventure-not-found.914887/ OOC Thread]

:IC Thread
:[https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/d-d-5e-smallfolk-404-adventure-not-found.914886/ IC Thread]


Latest revision as of 12:17, 4 November 2023

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Character Table[edit]

This is where you link your character sheet for all of us to have access as needed for the purpose of strategizing, shenanigans, and the like. Please, only make updates to your actual character sheet. I will update the table as needed. Feel free to thump my dome via DM or OOC if I forget.

Character Race/Class Player I AC Mx HP Sp DC
Nevermore Tiefling/Bard strange behaviour +2 13 24 14
Bixie Heartspindle Gnome/Rogue NightGoblyn +4 16 27 10
Tath Krakscale Kobold/Barbarian thorya +2 14 39 -
Dancer Under a Crescent Moon Tabaxi/Hexblade Talisman +2 16 30 14
Jalp Roughfang Kobold/Paladin Archer +1 17 26 12
DM Shenanigans brahnamin

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Setting Details[edit]

Explore the people and places of note in the gameworld HERE.

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Character Generation[edit]

All of the rules options available for building your character may be found HERE.

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Metagame Tools[edit]


Recruitment Thread
OOC Thread
IC Thread

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Orokos - Online Dice Roller.
Roll 20 - 5e Online.
Absences Thread - If you can't post for whatever reason let us know here or in OOC.

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Post Frequency

I am asking for a daily posting commitment for this game as a general rule, with the understanding that posting might be less frequent on weekends and holidays. Meatworld being what it is, this generally averages to 3-4 GM updates per week.

Note: if 24-36 hours have gone by since my last GM update, I may post a new update, even if all players have not posted, to maintain momentum.
This is sometimes just the most expedient path forward given the medium and the constraints of communicating over real distances rather than across a table.

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Post Absences

If you will not be able to post, for whatever reason, please ping us in OOC so we know what is going on or post to the Absences Thread (I pretty much check that thing every time it lights up).

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Post Formatting

Please include the following header at the top of each IC Post:

Character Name || AC || HP Current/Max || Spell DC || Inspiration Y/N

Similarly, please observe the following guidelines when composing your IC posts:

  • Please bold your character's name at the top of each IC post or bold the first instance of your character's name in the body of the post. We all game with lots of folk, sometimes with the same players in different games; this just makes it easier to keep track of which character we're addressing.
  • If you are addressing another PC in your post it is helpful to bold their character name as well so it stands out for them.
  • OOC blocks are fine for showing dice rolls and brief OOC comments directly related to a particular post. Please sblock if you need to include large blocks of text related to your IC post. All other OOC content should go in the OOC thread itself.
  • Do not place action statements or dice rolls in the OOC Thread. I know from brutal experience that I will never keep up if you do. All action statements and dice rolls should go in the IC Thread [with dice rolls OOC Blocked].
  • Please link all dice rolls back to your dice roller.

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House Rules[edit]


One of the things that makes D&D tricky to run for PBP games is the importance initiative order can have.

Posting by initiative order (whether rolled or static) can bring a PBP game to a grinding halt, so I don't follow that format.

Ideally, everyone posts their actions (incl. dice rolls - I'd rather you roll and not need it than not roll and need it) as they have time to come online and make a post, and then I roll NPC/Monster actions during the update and sort out who did what when by looking at static initiative bonuses and compose my update around that turn order.

I will also look at what is being declared and make it all work as much in favor of the players as possible. No shenanigans where you lose your turn chopping at an enemy somebody else killed already or having the wizard flamebroil another PC with their fireball for rushing in, etc.

This does rob y'all of the tactical mini-game that having an initiative order encourages, but it keeps the game flowing, and to my mind that alone makes it worth it.

Note: I will do my best to be sure you guys have the necessary information to resolve your own rolls in combat scenes (AC/HP/Saves etc) to enure things go as smooth and hitch free as we can manage.
Note: For those folk who get bonuses for specific initiative-centric builds/feats/etc, I'll work out a satisfactory equivalent with you before play starts.

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Instead of the hoop jumping suggested for this oft forgotten resource, I prefer if inspiration instead just refreshes every short and long rest.

  • You can only ever have one at a time.
  • Players may donate their inspiration to another player who has none if they wish.

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While there is the potential for player vs player conflict in any game, I prefer not to run games that lean heavily to that assumption. Games like that simply do not need a GM, and I would much rather spend my time running games that do need a GM.

For reference, what I consider PVP basically amounts to this: If an action would require dice to affect an NPC, then it counts as PVP to use against a PC.

So disagreements, trash talking, indirect actions that might affect another character but aren't made directly against that character are all potentially on the table with the caveat that if something just makes the game not fun for someone that we respect that and steer clear.

If you want to do something that directly acts against another player's character, proceed based on the following criteria:

Unilateral Permission: The other player agrees to your action. No rolls are needed. Just RP it out.
Limited Permission: The other player doesn't agree that it is an automatic thing, but does agree to let the math rocks decide. Roll it out. If initiative is a concern, I will handle that case by case.
Declined Permission: The other player does not agree to PVP. Move on with something else.

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