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Cybercop PL 17 (255PP)

Init +13; 55ft (Run); Defense 27/17 (7 Base, 4 Dex, 1 Dodge, 5 Powers); BAB +9; +13 Melee (9S Punch), +14 Ranged (13S/L Laser Pistol); SV Dmg +11 (5 Protection), Fort +4, Ref +11, Will +1; Str 18, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 20, Wis 12, Cha 10 (Total 77PP)

Skills: Balance 4/+8, Pilot 4/+8, Move Silently 4/+8, KS: Tactics 4/+19, Spot 3/+19, Search 4/+24, Listen 3/+19 (Total 26PP)

Feats: Quick Draw, Attack Focus (Laser), Dodge, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Construct Immunities (18PP), Durability, Point Blank Shot, Rapid shot, Precise Shot, Far Shot, Darkvision, All Around Sight, Evasion (Total 42PP)


Laser Pistol (Weapon) +13 (Source: Technology; Extras: Stun Attack; Stunts: Duel Damage, Penetrating Attack) (Cost 2 / Total 26+4PP) Super Dexterity +5 (Source: Technology; Extras: Super Strength, Protection, Running, Super Senses) (Cost 8 / Total 40PP) Super Intelligence +10 (Source: Technology; Extra: Super Senses, Telescopic Sight, Datalink; Flaw: Device [Computer Backpack]) (Cost 4 / Total 40PP)