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Lawful Good Elf Fighter
'''Lawful Good Male Elf Fighter'''

Level 1
Level 1
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= Ability Scores =
= Ability Scores =
Strength 18 (+4) [+4]

Constitution 12 (+1) [+1]

Dexterity 14 (+2) [+2]

Intelligence 10 (+0) [+0]

Wisdom 14 (+2) [+2]

Charisma 8 (-1) [-1]

= Health =
= Health =
HP 27

Bloodied 13

Surge Value
Surge Value 6

Healing Surges
Healing Surges 10
= Senses and Movement =
Initiative +2
Passive Insight 18
Passive Perception 20
Group Awareness
Low-Light Vision
Speed 6
Wild Step

= Defenses =
= Defenses =
AC 17

Fortitude 16

Reflex 12

Will 12

= Skills =
= Skills =
Acrobatics +2

Arcana +0

Athletics +4

Bluff -1

Diplomacy -1

Dungeoneering +2

Endurance +0

Heal +2

History +0

Insight +8

Intimidate -1

Nature +2

Perception +10

Religion +0

Stealth +2

Streetwise +6

Thievery +2

= Feats =
= Feats =
Armor Proficiency (Cloth, Leather, Hide, Chain, Scale, All Shields)
Opportunistic Accuracy
Weapon Proficiency (All Simple, All Military)

= Racial Features =
= Racial Features =
Fey Origin
Group Awareness
Low-Light Vision
Wild Step

= Class Features =
= Class Features =
Combat Challenge
Combat Superiority
Fighter Weapon Talent (2-handed)

= Powers =
= Powers =

=== At-Will ===
=== At-Will ===
Melee Basic Attack: Glaive (+7 vs. AC, 2d4+4 damage, reach)
Ranged Basic Attack: Javelin (+6 vs. AC, 1d6+4 damage, range 5/10)
Cleave (1)
Reaping Strike (1)

=== Encounter ===
=== Encounter ===
Passing Attack (1)

=== Daily ===
=== Daily ===
Villain's Menace (1)

= Gear =
= Gear =
Adventurer's Kit

=== Rituals ===
Climber's Kit
Scale Armor

= Languages =
= Languages =
Common, Elven

= Background =
= Background =
Auspicious Birth, Detective, Urban Elf

= Appearance =
Felaim is an odd elf. He never much cared for the wilderness and always found it hard to identify with his kindred. For their part, other elves thought he took himself too seriously, not to mention his abnormal hair color, about which many rumors arose questioning his parentage. Even those who didn't believe the rumors considered him an omen, and pressured Felaim into a career in divinity. For these reasons, Felaim left the forest of his birth and sought a living in the city.
He could not leave duty behind, however, and he enlisted in the town watch. A natural born fighter, he excelled in his position, but he also developed other talents. He learned to intuit lies and motives and to ferret out criminals. For his polearm prowess and sharp night senses, his colleagues jokingly called him "the long arm of the owl," but no one was ever sure whether it was safe to say it to his face (Felaim found both the nickname and their hesitation amusing).
Felaim now works independently, making his way in the world on his ability to track and capture criminals.
= Appearance and Behavior =
Felaim has brilliant blue hair which stands in stark contrast to his brisk demeanor. His scale armor is almost unnaturally clean and the blade of his glaive unblemished. Everything about him is sharp and professional (despite his hair) with all the polish of a military dress uniform.

= Allies =
= Allies =
[[Riyah Endforsworn]]:  Riyah may act cheerful and personable, but I can still hear it in her voice: the begrudging obedience, the despair and listlessness. Once upon a time, she may have been naturally happy. Now, however, she must fight for every laugh and smile.
Every time I speak to her, I feel a stab of anger that I have to fight to keep out of my voice. I can’t blame her for this; she has done nothing to me, but she reminds me of me, and in all the wrong ways. She is a student of divinity, conscripted into the service of the Raven Queen. She is everything that I escaped by moving to the city.
It never used to bother me like this. The pressures of the clergy were only one of several annoyances that convinced me to seek my path elsewhere, but what might have happened to me did happen to her, and I can’t help the rage I feel thinking about it.
I owe her better. She is a compatriot and a vital ally, and I must master my emotions if I am to trust her properly.
[[Caleb Paine]]:  Ah, yes, Caleb Paine. I know exactly who he is, even though he’s never told me. I’ve read the reports: dangerous radical, villain, vile revolutionary, foul malcontent, arrest on sight, fight to kill, etc. etc.
I have seen this kind of report before. It always means hysteria, and frequently despotism to boot. Caleb may be an unsavory fellow, but he is not my enemy. He walks the path of truth, and I shall do nothing to impede him.
Many would criticize me, a former city watchman, for colluding with a criminal, but I am not a slave to the laws of mortals. Besides, there is no law when the monarch himself is a criminal.
Someday, he will return to his home. Should he ask, I will readily give my glaive in service.
[[Dross]]:  I know his type. I have met many of them on the night shift. I even killed one or two, a part of my job I’ve always regretted. They seek to drown themselves in alcohol and women. Too often they succeed.
I can tell Dross flees from a great evil in his past. Some would say I am being too harsh on him because he has a real reason to be depressed. They all have a reason to be depressed. That doesn’t change the fact that he is destroying himself.
I can not know what haunts him, but I do know that wine will not chase away the demons; it will only make him drunk when they catch up.
[[Asheth Barkeep]]:  It is cruel that those most strongly drawn to uphold the law are those least suited for it. Asheth has the dedication but he lacks temperance. Were he to join the city watch, he wouldn’t last a year before becoming impatient with our lack of zeal. I fear for him; I fear what he might do in his impatience.
I can tell he likes me. I am the stalwart protector of justice and the dogged pursuer of evil, but, one day, I will disappoint him. One day, I will show mercy to my enemy. One day, I will be insufficiently stalwart or dogged for his liking.
I wonder how he will react.
= Links =
[http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=117076 Character Sheet]
[[John Galt runs "Scales of War"]]

Latest revision as of 01:35, 5 April 2009

http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa79/Toy_Box/geoffrey.png Lawful Good Male Elf Fighter

Level 1

Paragon Path: Polearm Master

Ability Scores[edit]

Strength 18 (+4) [+4]

Constitution 12 (+1) [+1]

Dexterity 14 (+2) [+2]

Intelligence 10 (+0) [+0]

Wisdom 14 (+2) [+2]

Charisma 8 (-1) [-1]


HP 27

Bloodied 13

Surge Value 6

Healing Surges 10

Senses and Movement[edit]

Initiative +2

Passive Insight 18

Passive Perception 20

Group Awareness

Low-Light Vision

Speed 6

Wild Step


AC 17

Fortitude 16

Reflex 12

Will 12


Acrobatics +2

Arcana +0

Athletics +4

Bluff -1

Diplomacy -1

Dungeoneering +2

Endurance +0

Heal +2

History +0

Insight +8

Intimidate -1

Nature +2

Perception +10

Religion +0

Stealth +2

Streetwise +6

Thievery +2


Armor Proficiency (Cloth, Leather, Hide, Chain, Scale, All Shields)

Opportunistic Accuracy

Weapon Proficiency (All Simple, All Military)

Racial Features[edit]

Fey Origin

Group Awareness

Low-Light Vision

Wild Step

Class Features[edit]

Combat Challenge

Combat Superiority

Fighter Weapon Talent (2-handed)



Melee Basic Attack: Glaive (+7 vs. AC, 2d4+4 damage, reach)

Ranged Basic Attack: Javelin (+6 vs. AC, 1d6+4 damage, range 5/10)

Cleave (1)

Reaping Strike (1)


Passing Attack (1)


Villain's Menace (1)


Adventurer's Kit

Climber's Kit



Scale Armor



Common, Elven


Auspicious Birth, Detective, Urban Elf

Felaim is an odd elf. He never much cared for the wilderness and always found it hard to identify with his kindred. For their part, other elves thought he took himself too seriously, not to mention his abnormal hair color, about which many rumors arose questioning his parentage. Even those who didn't believe the rumors considered him an omen, and pressured Felaim into a career in divinity. For these reasons, Felaim left the forest of his birth and sought a living in the city.

He could not leave duty behind, however, and he enlisted in the town watch. A natural born fighter, he excelled in his position, but he also developed other talents. He learned to intuit lies and motives and to ferret out criminals. For his polearm prowess and sharp night senses, his colleagues jokingly called him "the long arm of the owl," but no one was ever sure whether it was safe to say it to his face (Felaim found both the nickname and their hesitation amusing).

Felaim now works independently, making his way in the world on his ability to track and capture criminals.

Appearance and Behavior[edit]

Felaim has brilliant blue hair which stands in stark contrast to his brisk demeanor. His scale armor is almost unnaturally clean and the blade of his glaive unblemished. Everything about him is sharp and professional (despite his hair) with all the polish of a military dress uniform.


Riyah Endforsworn: Riyah may act cheerful and personable, but I can still hear it in her voice: the begrudging obedience, the despair and listlessness. Once upon a time, she may have been naturally happy. Now, however, she must fight for every laugh and smile.

Every time I speak to her, I feel a stab of anger that I have to fight to keep out of my voice. I can’t blame her for this; she has done nothing to me, but she reminds me of me, and in all the wrong ways. She is a student of divinity, conscripted into the service of the Raven Queen. She is everything that I escaped by moving to the city.

It never used to bother me like this. The pressures of the clergy were only one of several annoyances that convinced me to seek my path elsewhere, but what might have happened to me did happen to her, and I can’t help the rage I feel thinking about it.

I owe her better. She is a compatriot and a vital ally, and I must master my emotions if I am to trust her properly.

Caleb Paine: Ah, yes, Caleb Paine. I know exactly who he is, even though he’s never told me. I’ve read the reports: dangerous radical, villain, vile revolutionary, foul malcontent, arrest on sight, fight to kill, etc. etc.

I have seen this kind of report before. It always means hysteria, and frequently despotism to boot. Caleb may be an unsavory fellow, but he is not my enemy. He walks the path of truth, and I shall do nothing to impede him.

Many would criticize me, a former city watchman, for colluding with a criminal, but I am not a slave to the laws of mortals. Besides, there is no law when the monarch himself is a criminal.

Someday, he will return to his home. Should he ask, I will readily give my glaive in service.

Dross: I know his type. I have met many of them on the night shift. I even killed one or two, a part of my job I’ve always regretted. They seek to drown themselves in alcohol and women. Too often they succeed.

I can tell Dross flees from a great evil in his past. Some would say I am being too harsh on him because he has a real reason to be depressed. They all have a reason to be depressed. That doesn’t change the fact that he is destroying himself.

I can not know what haunts him, but I do know that wine will not chase away the demons; it will only make him drunk when they catch up.

Asheth Barkeep: It is cruel that those most strongly drawn to uphold the law are those least suited for it. Asheth has the dedication but he lacks temperance. Were he to join the city watch, he wouldn’t last a year before becoming impatient with our lack of zeal. I fear for him; I fear what he might do in his impatience.

I can tell he likes me. I am the stalwart protector of justice and the dogged pursuer of evil, but, one day, I will disappoint him. One day, I will show mercy to my enemy. One day, I will be insufficiently stalwart or dogged for his liking.

I wonder how he will react.


Character Sheet

John Galt runs "Scales of War"