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'''Good Human Rogue'''
'''Good Male Human Rogue'''

Level 1
Level 1
Line 14: Line 15:
Intelligence 12 (+1) [+1]
Intelligence 12 (+1) [+1]

Wisdom 12 (+1) [+1]
Wisdom 13 (+1) [+1]

Charisma 14 (+2) [+2]
Charisma 14 (+2) [+2]
Line 81: Line 82:

= Feats =
= Feats =
Armor Proficiency (Cloth, Leather)

Human Perseverance
Human Perseverance
Weapon Proficiency (Dagger, Hand Crossbow, Shuriken, Sling, Short Sword)

= Racial Features =
= Racial Features =
Line 117: Line 122:

=== Encounter ===
=== Encounter ===
Positioning Strike (1)

=== Daily ===
=== Daily ===
Handspring Assault (1)

= Gear =
= Gear =
Adventurer's Kit
Thieves' Tools
Climber's Kit
Leather Armor
Shuriken (5)

=== Rituals ===
Short Sword
26 gp

= Languages =
= Languages =
Common, Goblin

= Background =
= Background =
Political Rebel
Caleb grew up as the second son of a poor tenant farmer, one of four children. His childhood was humble but happy, and his parents raised him to believe in honor, justice, and respect for one's betters. When Caleb was in his early teens, the lord of the estate died under mysterious circumstances, and his place was taken by his corrupt and cruel eldest son. Abusing his authority, the new lord took what he wanted from his subjects and taxed them greatly. Caleb's father struggled to keep his farm going, straining his heart and body to their limits. He came down with an illness suddenly one year and died shortly after, leaving Caleb's mother to support the family. She got a job as a servant in the lord's palace, and Caleb found himself working as a stable boy.
As a first hand witness to the depredations of the lord, Caleb's ideals began to change. He no longer believed that birth entitled one to dominion, and he decided that power had to be held accountable to the people. Caleb made the mistake of proclaiming these ideas to servants loyal to the lord, and he was quickly thrown into thrown into the palace dungeon. Here he met a former lieutenant of the old lord named Barnet. Barnet had spoken against the corrupt nobility that now ruled, and as punishment for his crime, he had been blinded and imprisoned. Barnet encouraged Caleb, taught him, and helped him to ultimately escape from the dungeon.

= Appearance =
Caleb fled to a large city, finding a place in the underworld to escape detection by the lord's agents. He has survived by his wits and some of the tricks Barnet taught him. He ultimately plans on returning to his home and usurping the evil lord and his lackeys, but he realizes he first must make some kind of living and build a support network. It is in this way that he's more or less stumbled into the life of an adventurer.
= Appearance and Behavior =

= Allies =
= Allies =
[[Riyah Endforsworn]]:  I have no idea what its like to be a divine incarnation that's seen countless lives. I guess its not really in me to think about things on the cosmic scale; I prefer to focus on what I can see and experience and deal with here in the regular old material plane. I'm also pretty sure I'm only going to get one go around, unlike Riyah.
Y'know, she seems to be pretty happy and cheerful most of the time, considering what she's been through. I don't know if this is because she knows something we don't or if its some way of compensating. Not really any of my business. I do know that she has to work for a goddess, and not the most warm and welcoming one. I don't envy her. I've already had my fill of slaving away for the powers that be. Those divine lightning bolts sure come in handy, though.
[[Felaim Elswin]]:  I have some associates who tell me that working with Felaim makes me a sellout. They tell me that he represents authority, he represents oppression, he represents the very things we're fighting against. I don't pay much attention to these people. They don't get it. I'm not fighting to abolish the rule of law, much less to get even with the city watch.
Felaim is a good guy, in the best sense of the word. He believes in something and he backs it up with action. I suppose we might not see eye to eye on every point, and my methods are not his methods, but when it comes down to it, I think we're after the same thing; justice.
[[Dross]]:  There are dark powers in the world, shadowy, arcane, and infernal. They give birth to malevolent spirits who are a blasphemy upon the face of creation. They tinker with sinister compacts and work against everything that's decent and good. They are fire and blackness and hate.
Then there's Dross.
Dross is about as sinister and malevolent as an alley cat, and probably about as reputable. He's good company, and there's a nice kind of directness about his motives. Frankly, it'd be a boring world without blasphemies like him around. I know he's got some sort of dark secret in his past, but you could say the same about anybody nowadays, myself included.
[[Asheth Barkeep]]:  I like to think of myself as driven, as dedicated to a goal. I've occasionally been accused of being fanatical about my ideals, but I prefer the word "zealous". Aseth, however, is a better example of that word than I'll ever be. He's given himself over wholly to one thing; seeing every last rat bastard demon and devil destroyed, from the lowliest imp to the lordliest archdemon. Its an insane sort of thing to pursue, maybe even self-destructive, but I respect his desire for some sort of accounting for what he's suffered. Wrongs have to be addressed, whatever shape they come in. I just hope he doesn't forget who he is along the way.
= Links =
[[John Galt runs "Scales of War"]]

Latest revision as of 19:11, 5 April 2009 Good Male Human Rogue

Level 1

Paragon Path: Master Infiltrator/Master Spy

Ability Scores[edit]

Strength 13 (+1) [+1]

Constitution 12 (+1) [+1]

Dexterity 16 (+3) [+3]

Intelligence 12 (+1) [+1]

Wisdom 13 (+1) [+1]

Charisma 14 (+2) [+2]


HP 24

Bloodied 12

Surge Value 6

Healing Surges 7

Senses and Movement[edit]

Initiative +3

Passive Insight 11

Passive Perception 16

Move 6


AC 15

Fortitude 12

Reflex 16

Will 13


Acrobatics +8

Arcana +1

Athletics +6

Bluff +2

Diplomacy +8

Dungeoneering +1

Endurance +1

Heal +1

History +1

Insight +1

Intimidate +2

Nature +1

Perception +6

Religion +1

Stealth +8

Streetwise +8

Thievery +8


Armor Proficiency (Cloth, Leather)


Human Perseverance

Weapon Proficiency (Dagger, Hand Crossbow, Shuriken, Sling, Short Sword)

Racial Features[edit]

Bonus At-Will Power

Bonus Feat

Bonus Skill

Human Defense Bonuses

Class Features[edit]

First Strike

Rogue Tactics: Artful Dodger

Rogue Weapon Talent

Sneak Attack



Melee Basic Attack: Dagger (+5 vs. AC, 1d4+1 damage), Short Sword (+4 vs. AC, 1d6+1 damage)

Ranged Basic Attack: Dagger (+7 vs. AC, 1d4+3 damage, range 5/10), Shuriken (+6 vs. AC, 1d6+1 damage, range 6/12)

Deft Strike (1)

Piercing Strike (1)

Sly Flourish (1)


Positioning Strike (1)


Handspring Assault (1)


Adventurer's Kit

Thieves' Tools

Climber's Kit

Leather Armor


Shuriken (5)

Short Sword

26 gp


Common, Goblin


Political Rebel

Caleb grew up as the second son of a poor tenant farmer, one of four children. His childhood was humble but happy, and his parents raised him to believe in honor, justice, and respect for one's betters. When Caleb was in his early teens, the lord of the estate died under mysterious circumstances, and his place was taken by his corrupt and cruel eldest son. Abusing his authority, the new lord took what he wanted from his subjects and taxed them greatly. Caleb's father struggled to keep his farm going, straining his heart and body to their limits. He came down with an illness suddenly one year and died shortly after, leaving Caleb's mother to support the family. She got a job as a servant in the lord's palace, and Caleb found himself working as a stable boy.

As a first hand witness to the depredations of the lord, Caleb's ideals began to change. He no longer believed that birth entitled one to dominion, and he decided that power had to be held accountable to the people. Caleb made the mistake of proclaiming these ideas to servants loyal to the lord, and he was quickly thrown into thrown into the palace dungeon. Here he met a former lieutenant of the old lord named Barnet. Barnet had spoken against the corrupt nobility that now ruled, and as punishment for his crime, he had been blinded and imprisoned. Barnet encouraged Caleb, taught him, and helped him to ultimately escape from the dungeon.

Caleb fled to a large city, finding a place in the underworld to escape detection by the lord's agents. He has survived by his wits and some of the tricks Barnet taught him. He ultimately plans on returning to his home and usurping the evil lord and his lackeys, but he realizes he first must make some kind of living and build a support network. It is in this way that he's more or less stumbled into the life of an adventurer.

Appearance and Behavior[edit]


Riyah Endforsworn: I have no idea what its like to be a divine incarnation that's seen countless lives. I guess its not really in me to think about things on the cosmic scale; I prefer to focus on what I can see and experience and deal with here in the regular old material plane. I'm also pretty sure I'm only going to get one go around, unlike Riyah.

Y'know, she seems to be pretty happy and cheerful most of the time, considering what she's been through. I don't know if this is because she knows something we don't or if its some way of compensating. Not really any of my business. I do know that she has to work for a goddess, and not the most warm and welcoming one. I don't envy her. I've already had my fill of slaving away for the powers that be. Those divine lightning bolts sure come in handy, though.

Felaim Elswin: I have some associates who tell me that working with Felaim makes me a sellout. They tell me that he represents authority, he represents oppression, he represents the very things we're fighting against. I don't pay much attention to these people. They don't get it. I'm not fighting to abolish the rule of law, much less to get even with the city watch.

Felaim is a good guy, in the best sense of the word. He believes in something and he backs it up with action. I suppose we might not see eye to eye on every point, and my methods are not his methods, but when it comes down to it, I think we're after the same thing; justice.

Dross: There are dark powers in the world, shadowy, arcane, and infernal. They give birth to malevolent spirits who are a blasphemy upon the face of creation. They tinker with sinister compacts and work against everything that's decent and good. They are fire and blackness and hate.

Then there's Dross.

Dross is about as sinister and malevolent as an alley cat, and probably about as reputable. He's good company, and there's a nice kind of directness about his motives. Frankly, it'd be a boring world without blasphemies like him around. I know he's got some sort of dark secret in his past, but you could say the same about anybody nowadays, myself included.

Asheth Barkeep: I like to think of myself as driven, as dedicated to a goal. I've occasionally been accused of being fanatical about my ideals, but I prefer the word "zealous". Aseth, however, is a better example of that word than I'll ever be. He's given himself over wholly to one thing; seeing every last rat bastard demon and devil destroyed, from the lowliest imp to the lordliest archdemon. Its an insane sort of thing to pursue, maybe even self-destructive, but I respect his desire for some sort of accounting for what he's suffered. Wrongs have to be addressed, whatever shape they come in. I just hope he doesn't forget who he is along the way.


John Galt runs "Scales of War"