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[http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/DnD_Desert_Raiders_Campaign back]

== Death ==
Amon was not a vestige that was known for waiting. under his influence You! did not see the point in resting so he could heal his wounds. Seeing a enemy take his time was to much for him, near-dead and out of fire-breath there was only one choice left; to show the enemy the full power of Amon's powerful horns........ that was until he slipped the moment made he attacked. <br>
If you ever wondered how a scorpion laughs in total confusion, you should have been there.  <br>
There are very few goblins so brave, now there is 1 less.
(Out of game. You! had 5 hp left of the 32 and had used his fire breath to kill another enemy. Then charged a scorpion. Rolled  a 5 and missed by 1 point. The scorpion was next and dropped him to bleeding. You! never stabilised.)

== Background ==
== Background ==
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Unknown to the common world, binding to a vestige, it is considered an evil act. To a goblin however it’s the strongest bully in the playground and a good companion.

He you! That’s how it all started. It seems like a lifetime ago when they found me in the ruins of a small town. I tried adopting a new name one in a while. But it doesn’t work if you’re the only one using it.  
I am called You! And have been binding with vestige since I can remember. Not that this means anything since I can hardly remember anything at all. I tried adopting a new name one in a while. But it doesn’t work if you’re the only one using it.

They where a small group of nomadic desert goblin.  It was said among the group that this was because that has been the way of their ancestors, it was not said that it was because larger creatures didn’t like goblins on their land.
All I knows is that every now and then a vestige goes a bit overboard and I ends up alone in a strange place.  

I lived a good live among them, as good as a goblin can get it. There was ofcors the constant picking because unlike them I wasn’t a desert creature that could stand the ever burning sun and the freezing nights.  But that was often balanced by them cowering in a corner when one of my protectors came.
The last group I was with was a group of noble nomad desert goblins.<br>
I’m not sure what my age is, but for one of my people I am pretty old.  
It was said among the group that this was because that has been the way of their ancestors, it was not said that it was because larger creatures didn’t like goblins on their land.  

All went well till we raided a small dwarven settlement. They where a noble race and they had strange habits. One of the, to my dismay, was that they never attack without speaking there name.  
All went well till we raided a small dwarven settlement. They were a noble race and they had strange habits. One of these, to my dismay, was that they never attack without speaking their name. I feel like Aym was influencing me, but maybe it was just something I really needed to do. But every time a dwarf spoke his name I bowed to him and handed him a coin. This didn’t sit to well with either the goblins or the dwarfs and I woke up a while later in the ruins of the dwarven settlement.  
I feel like Aym was influencing me, but maybe it was just something I really needed to do. But every time a dwarf spoke his name I went to him and handed him a coin.  
This didn’t sit to well with eider the goblins or the dwarfs and I woke up a while later in the runes of the dwarven settlement.

As I pull the goblin arrow out of my leg I see a quarry on the horizon. Being in dire need of food and water all the time I go there.  
As I pull the goblin arrow out of my leg I see a quarry on the horizon. Being in dire need of food and water all the time I go there. The people of the quarry where so desperate for workers that they even hired an old-timer like myself.  
The people of the quarry where so desperate for workers that they even hired an old-timer like myself.  

That night people came. The took all the attention to themselves as they raided the quarry. Something inside me just couldn’t allow that. This was probably Naberius, one of my protectors. So I jumped on top of some rocks and started to address the raiders on the top of my voice.  
That night people came. The took all the attention to themselves as they raided the quarry. Something inside me just couldn’t allow that. This was probably Naberius, one of my protectors. So I jumped on top of some rocks and started to address the raiders at the top of my voice.  

Waking up I wonder if I have some nomadic blood myself, I seem to get around quite a bit.  
Waking up I wonder if I have some nomadic blood myself, I seem to get around quite a bit. As I look to see what is biting my ear I spot a human child. “bring it on Destiny” is what I say to myself as I get up to check my surroundings.  
As I look to see what is biting my ear I spot a human child.  
“bring it on Destiny” is what I say to myself as I get up to check my surroundings.

=== Personal Quest  ===
You! is sick, he can not control his vestiges and he is unable to stop himself from summoning him. Now hes looking for a cure to his disease. the problem is that binding is considered evil by most cleric and is therefor keeped secret. the only way to get more information on how to fight this disease is to search ancient and forgotten sides of an civilization now long forgotten.
on his path to salvation he will find the names of new vestiges that he can summon. unable to stop himself he calls them up, hoping that he might be able to control one of them till he finds a cure. 

== Sheet ==
== Sheet ==


== Abilities ==
== Abilities ==

*Soul binding (su) (1 vestige)

Soul binding (1 vestige)
*Simple weapons proficiency
*Light armor proficiency
*pact augmentation x2
*suppress sign (given up with storyline)
*bonus feat

== Vestige ==
== Vestige ==

DC supernatural ability’s (10+1/2 effective binder level+ cha) = 12
DC supernatural ability’s (10+1/2 effective binder level+ cha) = 13
===past ===
*Dahlver-Nar (the distracted)

*Aym (the greedy)
Pack lvl 1 DC 20<br>
'''Manifestation:''' Amon manifests in a burst of black smoke, howling foul curses at his summoner. He possesses a black wolf’s body with a ram’s head and a serpent for a tai. His mouth is filled with sharp teeth, and fire escapes it when he speaks.
Sign: You grow a ram’s curling horns.<br>
'''Influence:''' Amon’s influence makes you surly and irritable. In addition, since Amon despises living deities of fire, sun and law he forces you to resist even beneficial spells cast by those devoted to such powers. You must make a saving throw to resist such spell if one is allowed; failure allows you to gain the benefit. <br>
'''Granted Ability:'''<br>
'''Darkvision:''' you gain darkvision out to 60 feet.<br>
'''Fire breath:''' you can vomit forth a line of fire as a standard action. The line extends 10feet per effective binder level. (Maximum 50ft) and deasl 1d6 points of fire damage per binder level to every creature in its area. A successful Reflex save haves this damage. Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 rounds.<br>
'''Ram Attack:''' you can use the ram’s horns that you gain from Amon’s sign as a natural weapon that deas 1d6 points of damage (plus 1-1/2 your strenght bonus). When you charge a foe with your ram attack, you can deal an extra 1d8 points of damage on a succesful hit. You cannot use this ability if you do not show Amon’s sign.

*Savnok (the brave)

*Focalor, Prince of Tears (the sad)

*Amon (the impatient)<br>
Pack lvl 1 DC 15<br>
'''Manifestation:''' Aym arises from a coiled heap within the seal. She has two great worms for legs and three heads – one ion, one a female dwarf’s and one a bull’s. Her powerfully muscled torso strains beneath the finery empress, and her fingers glitter with more than a dozen jeweled rings. In one hand she holds a red-hot, star-shaped branding iron and with the other she holds shut the lion head’s mouth.
Aym speaks through her dwarf head, since both animal heads are incapable of speech. She prefers to keep the lion muzzled because if she doesn’t it roars and causes the bull’s head to low in terror making it impossible for her to hear.<br> 
'''Sign:''' While you host Aym you bear a star shaped brand on the palm of your left hand or on your forehead, as you choose at the time you make the pact. <br>
'''Influence:''' under Aym’s influence, you become stingy and greedy, begrudging every coin or item of value that you or your group must give to another. At the same time, she requires that you give a coin (copper, silver, gold or platinum, as you choose) to every dwarf you meet within 10 rounds of learning his name. <br>
'''Granted Ability:''' Aym grants you powers that reflect her dwarven heritage and the ruin she brought to het kingdom. <br>
'''Dwarven step:''' You can move normal speed (without the usual reduction) while wearing medium or heavy armor. <br>  
'''Helo of fire:''' At will you can shroud yourself in a wreath of flame. Any opponent that strikes you in melee takes 1d6 points of fire damage, unless its using a weapon with exceptional reach. You can also deal 1d6 points of fire damage with each melee touch attack you make. Your own flame does not harm you nor does it harm objects unless you will it to do so. <br> 
'''Improved sudder:'''  You gain the benefit of the improved sudder feat.<br>
'''Medium armor proficiency:''' You are proficient with medium armor.<br>
'''Resistance to fire:''' you have resistance to fire 10.<br>
'''Ruinous attack:''' your melee attacks deal double damage to objects. If your effective binder level is at least 10th, your melee attacks are treated as adamantine for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Pack lvl 1 DC 15<br>
'''Special requirement:'''  To summon Leraje, you must break an arrow crafted by an elf while calling out Leraje’s name and title. In addition, Leraje hates Amon for some unknown reason and will not answer your call if you are already bound to him. <br>
'''Manifestation:''' Leraje appears before her summoner as though she had always been there, but camouflaged so well that she cannot be seen, First her dull eyes open , then her yellowed teeth come into view out of seeming nothingness, revealed in a sly smile. As Leraje moves her body takes shape against the background and her clothes and skin change color to reveal her as an elf archer dress in beautiful decorated green leather armor. Although she was clearly beautiful at some point, the ravages of some toxin or disease have made her hair limp, yellowed her eyes and teeth and made her skin pockmarked and shallow. <br>
'''Sign:''' you look sickly and diseased, and your skin becomes sallow and pockmarked. <br>
'''Influence:''' while influenced by Leraje you become quite and unassuming. Leraje still feels considerable guilt about the actions that led her to become a vestige, so she requires that you not attack any elf or creature of elven blood, including halfelves and members of the various elf subraces, such as drow. <br>
'''Granted Abilities:''' You gain supernatural powers related to Leraje’s skills
In life as well as the ability to fire arrows that literally wound your target’s pride.<br> 
'''Hide bonus:''' you gain a +4 competence bonus on hide checks.<br>
'''Low-light vision:''' you gain low-light vision. If you already have it natural, you gain superior low-light vision and can see three times as far as your light source would normally illuminate.<br>
'''Precise shot:''' You gain the benefit of the Precise Shot feat.<br>
'''Ricochot:''' As a standard action, you can make a single ranged attack against two adjusted targets. Make a single attack roll and apply that result to the Armor Class of both targets. Any hit you score deals damage to the target normally.  Extra damage from abilities such as sneak attack or sudden strike apply to only one target, which you must designate prior to making the attack roll. <br>
'''Weapon Proficiency:''' While bound to Leraje, you are proficient with the composite longbow, composite shortbow, longbow and shortbow. If you were already proficient with any of these weapons you instead gain a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls with them.


== Notes ==

'''5 starpoint pyramids''' <br>  
Pack lvl 1 DC 15<br>
4 months north of Alice Springs is a ancient pyramid. it is already robed clean. <br>  
'''Special Requirement:''' Naberius values knowledge, industry and the willingness to deceive.  He manifest only for a summoner with at least 4 ranks in Bluff or in any knowledge or profession skill. <br>  
there migth be information that I am looking for.  <br>
'''Manifestation:''' Naberius’s manifestation begins with a great squawking and flutter of feathers. Moment later, a black crane flier in an agitated fashion over the seal. Then crashes down atop it, apparently dead. Naberius then stalks forward out of invisibility as a three-headed hound to feast upon the crane. He speaks hoarsely from whichever dog head isn’t eating at the moment.  Despite his terrible appearance and raucous voice, Naberius somehow manages to seem amiable and equent.<br>
'''Sign:''' your voice deepens and acquires gravelly, growling tone. <br>
'''Influence:''' while you are influenced by Naberius. You love the sound of your own voice and are constantly pleased by your cleverness. Whenever you are presented with a pulpit, a stage, a talking stick, or any other place or object designed to give a speaker the floor, Naberius requires that you immediately seize the opportunity to speak. Any topic will do, but since Naberius resents others taking control of the discourse, he requires that you either shout them down or mock them. Your speech must last a number of rounds equal to your effective binder level to satisfy Naberius.<br>
'''Granted Abilities:''' Naberius grants you the power to wear any face, swiftly regain lost ability points, use skills of which you have no knowledge, and talk your way through danger. <br>  
'''Disguise Self:''' you can alter the appearance of your form as a standard action. This effect works like the disguise self spell.
Fast Ability Healing: You heal 1 point in each damage ability score every round, and 1 point in all drained ability scores every hour. <br>
'''Naberius’s Skills:''' At the time you make your pack, you can choose a number of skills equal to your Constitution bonus (if any). You choices must be skills that can’t be used untrained and in which you have no ranks. For the duration of the binding, you can make skill checks with your chosen skills even though you are untrained. IF your constitution modifier decreases after you make the pact, you lose the ability to make untrained checks with an equal number of the chosen skills. Lost skills are chosen randomly and they remain inaccessible to you until you make another pact with Naberius.  <br>  
'''Persuasive Words:''' you can direct any verbal command at a single living target within 30ft as if using the command spell. A successful Will save negates the effect. When your effective bidner level reaches 14th, your words become even more presuasive and the ability functions like the suggestion spell. Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 rounds. <br>
'''Silver Toungue:''' you can take 10 on Diplomacy and Bluff checks even if distracted or threatened. In addition you can make a rushed Diplomacy check as a standard action and take no penaltys.
(normally, a rushed Diplomacy check requires a full-round action and imposes a -10 pealty on the check.

== Feats ==

Improved binding
'''Trippelman Job''' <br>
(teamed up with Raven) get a chest back from a couple of witches <br>

== Journal ==

=== Day 1 ===

Latest revision as of 21:15, 25 December 2009



Amon was not a vestige that was known for waiting. under his influence You! did not see the point in resting so he could heal his wounds. Seeing a enemy take his time was to much for him, near-dead and out of fire-breath there was only one choice left; to show the enemy the full power of Amon's powerful horns........ that was until he slipped the moment made he attacked.
If you ever wondered how a scorpion laughs in total confusion, you should have been there.

There are very few goblins so brave, now there is 1 less.

(Out of game. You! had 5 hp left of the 32 and had used his fire breath to kill another enemy. Then charged a scorpion. Rolled a 5 and missed by 1 point. The scorpion was next and dropped him to bleeding. You! never stabilised.)



Unknown to the common world, binding to a vestige, it is considered an evil act. To a goblin however it’s the strongest bully in the playground and a good companion.

I am called You! And have been binding with vestige since I can remember. Not that this means anything since I can hardly remember anything at all. I tried adopting a new name one in a while. But it doesn’t work if you’re the only one using it.

All I knows is that every now and then a vestige goes a bit overboard and I ends up alone in a strange place.

The last group I was with was a group of noble nomad desert goblins.
It was said among the group that this was because that has been the way of their ancestors, it was not said that it was because larger creatures didn’t like goblins on their land.

All went well till we raided a small dwarven settlement. They were a noble race and they had strange habits. One of these, to my dismay, was that they never attack without speaking their name. I feel like Aym was influencing me, but maybe it was just something I really needed to do. But every time a dwarf spoke his name I bowed to him and handed him a coin. This didn’t sit to well with either the goblins or the dwarfs and I woke up a while later in the ruins of the dwarven settlement.

As I pull the goblin arrow out of my leg I see a quarry on the horizon. Being in dire need of food and water all the time I go there. The people of the quarry where so desperate for workers that they even hired an old-timer like myself.

That night people came. The took all the attention to themselves as they raided the quarry. Something inside me just couldn’t allow that. This was probably Naberius, one of my protectors. So I jumped on top of some rocks and started to address the raiders at the top of my voice.

Waking up I wonder if I have some nomadic blood myself, I seem to get around quite a bit. As I look to see what is biting my ear I spot a human child. “bring it on Destiny” is what I say to myself as I get up to check my surroundings.

Personal Quest[edit]

You! is sick, he can not control his vestiges and he is unable to stop himself from summoning him. Now hes looking for a cure to his disease. the problem is that binding is considered evil by most cleric and is therefor keeped secret. the only way to get more information on how to fight this disease is to search ancient and forgotten sides of an civilization now long forgotten.

on his path to salvation he will find the names of new vestiges that he can summon. unable to stop himself he calls them up, hoping that he might be able to control one of them till he finds a cure.






  • Soul binding (su) (1 vestige)
  • Simple weapons proficiency
  • Light armor proficiency
  • pact augmentation x2
  • suppress sign (given up with storyline)
  • bonus feat



DC supernatural ability’s (10+1/2 effective binder level+ cha) = 13


  • Dahlver-Nar (the distracted)
  • Aym (the greedy)
  • Savnok (the brave)
  • Focalor, Prince of Tears (the sad)
  • Amon (the impatient)



5 starpoint pyramids
4 months north of Alice Springs is a ancient pyramid. it is already robed clean.
there migth be information that I am looking for.

Trippelman Job
(teamed up with Raven) get a chest back from a couple of witches
