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Nuwa: (I figure this would be a few days after the liberation, but before the whole mess with the Infernal ambassadors started)
Nuwa: (I figure this would be a few days after the liberation, but before the whole mess with the Infernal ambassadors started)

Latest revision as of 12:13, 17 October 2009

Back to Once more, with feeling!

Nuwa: (I figure this would be a few days after the liberation, but before the whole mess with the Infernal ambassadors started)

Nuwa: The Dreamspire has assumed the appearance of a middle-sized monastery on a hill. From the open gates of the walls enclosing the grounds a small path winds upward to the entrance where large wooden doors are currently closed. This is quite different from yesterdays appearance - Nuwa must still be experimenting with its different functions.

Dhiren: Dhiren makes his way up the path and pushes lightly on the main doors.

Nuwa: The doors open easily, showing a courtyard where one of the green-skinned, many-armed constructs tending to the manse is doing some arcane task.

Dhiren: (Keepers from Mass Effect?)

Nuwa: (sort of, but walking on two legs. And there's only one of them in truth who projects many copies)

Dhiren: Dhiren walks in, looking around. "Nuwa?" he calls out, with both voice and mind.

Nuwa: Only seconds later Nuwa appears from one of the buildings, clad in loose robes of light, white cloth. That's not the most visible change however. Thin lines of shimmering orichalcum adorn her skin, forming complex designs the meaning of which escapes the mind.

Nuwa: *Hello Dhiren* she thinks, smiling as she approaches.

Dhiren: Dhiren smiles back, very curious about her new tattoos.

Dhiren: *Hello. When did you get the tattoos? And what do they do?*

Nuwa: "I finished just now. Or I would have greeted you at the door."

Dhiren: "You put them on yourself?"

Nuwa: Her greeting is a hug and a quick kiss. "Do you like them?" She looks at Dhiren curiously.

Nuwa: "Yes, I did it myself ... I would have asked one of the others for help, maybe Antonee, but none of them have the necessary skills. I would have asked you, but ..." she blushes slightly. "I wanted to surprise you."

Nuwa: "Maybe I shouldn't have ..."

Dhiren kisses her back and nods. "I do like them. They're just... different. And they go all over your body?" Dhiren imagines Nuwa in the nude - if she's paying attention, she might catch a glimpse of the mental image before he stifles it.

Dhiren: "And what are they for? Solars don't need tattoos to protect them from the Wyld like Lunars do."

Nuwa blushes a little more at the glimpse into Dhiren's mind. "Yes, they are most everywhere." She draws back the wide left sleeve of her robes, showing how they extend up from her hand to her shoulder. "That was easier than I thought. But removing them again ... I'm glad you like them."

Nuwa: "They help me become the best I can be. Show me how I can improve myself. You know how I said that I don't like artifacts because they represent a power that is not rooted in actual skill? It's not like that with these. They ... draw out what abilities I will have, but haven't yet realized. And help me do that."

Nuwa: "I haven't actually figured out what exactly that means for me - the effect is different for everyone - but I think it's a good thing."

Dhiren smiles. "I already know that you're amazing, Nuwa. I'm not sure I can imagine you being even more amazing."

Dhiren: His tone is teasing, but there is a core of sincerity beneath it.

Nuwa: "Careful, or my head will get too big for my own good. And then how would I kiss you?" Nuwa laughs.

Dhiren: "Oh no, that would be bad!" Dhiren grins. "I wonder when Li will have me get my tattoos."

Nuwa: "How will it be when you get your tattoos? Can you chose how they look? I think I can with mine. It could be nice if they were a matched pair, don't you think?"

Dhiren shakes his head. "Our tattoos shift to mirror our souls. No two Lunars have the same pattern."

Nuwa looks thoughtful. "That might be how these work as well. It would explain why I did no more than lay the groundwork. All these designs, it was like they had a will of their own to be made like this."

Nuwa: She looks intently at one of her hands, the tattoos obviously not changing. "Mmmh. Maybe I was wrong. Or I need to do something else. I'll have to ask one of our experts again."

Dhiren: "Were you trying to will them to change?" Dhiren asks, not sure what just happened.

Nuwa: "Yes." Nuwa looks a bit sheepishly. "Was that stupid? I thought ..."

Nuwa: She shakes her head. "But anyway. Did you recognize the place I made here with the manse?"

Dhiren: "Is this what your home looks like?"

Dhiren: "Where you grew up?"

Nuwa: "Yes!" Nuwa beams. "I've spoken about it, but when I realized how this manse works I thought, I might as well show it to you."

Dhiren: "You'll have to come with us when we go to get bring my village here, so I can show you where I grew up."

Nuwa: "Oh, I would like that!"

Dhiren: "And you'll be able to meet my parents. I'm sure they'll like you."

Dhiren: "They're probably really worried about me, with how long I've been gone."

Nuwa: "Yes." Nuwa looks a bit sad for a moment. "The place looks the same, but all the people are not there. It's not the same without them."

Nuwa: "Oh, I forgot all about that. It's been so long ... the poor people."

Dhiren nods. "Well, hopefully it'll start to fill up as we get more people in the city."

Nuwa: (has Dhiren sent them any message?)

Dhiren: (Did we have any sorcerers with the messenger spell with us on the march? He might've if we did)

Nuwa: (Cael - that's what Nuwa would point out now, if he didn't)

Dhiren: (then yes, he would have)

Dhiren: "I had Cael send them a message with sorcery while we were marching, but of course they don't have any way to answer."

Nuwa nods. "They'll know that you're alive and well, though."

Dhiren: "And my brothers and sisters, and the other kids from Natalzu. So at least they won't be worrying quite so much."

Nuwa: "Still, they'll be happy to see all of you again."

Nuwa: After a thoughtful moment Nuwa gestures toward one of the doors going off the courtyard. "Come. I can't introduce you to my father or the other people from home, but I can at least show you the place."

Dhiren: "I'd like that."

Nuwa: Taking Dhiren by the hand Nuwa begins to show him around the dream-crafted simulacrum of the monastery where she grew up, telling little stories of her childhood and her favourite places as they come to them.