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''"Now then, before we go into the specifics of the accord, please allow me a moment to slip into something a bit more... comfortable."''
A character from [[A_Date_with_Destiny]]

*'''Veil-Winged Shrike'''
*'''Veil-Winged Shrike'''
*Caste: Eclipse
*Caste: Eclipse
*Concept: Kung-fu Dancing Diplomat
*Concept: Queen of Death and Beauty
*Veil-Winged Shrike is one of the premier beauties of the Scavenger Lands, appearing to be a young woman in her early 20s, although she is by now almost 30. Her beauty is as brilliant and harsh as sunlight reflecting off the edge of a drawn blade. Her build is actually substantially more trim and athletic than her usually-languorous demeanor might suggest: slim-hipped, long-legged. She moves with an inhuman grace, the slightest movement suggestive of a sublime dance. She usually dresses to make the most of her beauty, clad in the barest minimum necessary to preserve her modesty, accentuated by the addition of dozens of fluttering veils that shift with the breeze and her own movements. Her long, red-highlighted golden hair, in contrast with her bronzed skin, is usually left in a series of long, thin braids, each one tied with a ribbon and a tiny bell; Shrike jingles softly as she walks, the music of her hair answered by the matching bells on her bangles and anklets.
*Veil-Winged Shrike is one of the premier beauties of the Scavenger Lands, as brilliant and harsh as sunlight reflecting off the edge of a drawn blade. Her build is actually substantially more trim and athletic than her usually-languorous demeanor might suggest: slim-hipped, long-legged. She moves with an inhuman grace, the slightest movement suggestive of a sublime dance. She used to dress to make the most of her beauty, clad in the barest minimum necessary to preserve her modesty, accentuated by the addition of dozens of fluttering veils that shift with the breeze and her own movements. Lately, she has favoured a more conservative, magisterial mode of dress to match her high office. Her long, red-highlighted golden hair, in contrast with her bronzed skin, is usually left in a series of long, thin braids, each one tied with a ribbon and a tiny bell; Shrike jingles softly as she walks, the music of her hair answered by the matching bells on her bangles and anklets.
*Anima: Wings of golden light unfold from her back, and ethereal streamers flap and flow from her wrists, elbows, knees and ankles. Each pennant is a prayer-strip, inked in an exquisite gold calligraphy, each one a prayer extolling Shrike's beauty, majesty, and inevitable victory, although the wording changes depending on the situation.
* Liberate Thorns
* Promote beauty and harmony
** Care for Killing Frost, my mate (from True Love)
** Destroy the Deathlords (from Road of Hatred Stone)
* destroying the Deathlords and Abyssal Exalted (fierce hatred)
* the Deathlords and their servants (fierce hatred)
* being the best dancer (vanity)
* art and beauty (vanity)
* Mari (love)
* Mari (affection)
* The liberation of Thorns
* the people of Thorns (commitment)
* reluctance to be straightforward (coy)
* her Circle (trust and duty)
* Wrath of Fallen Kings (respect for prowess)
* freedom from oppression (idealism)
* Determination of Mountains (fondness)
* Killing Frost (love)
* Wind of Lament (wary attraction)
* the duty of the Exalted to protect mortals (stoic)
* Killing Frost (Solar bond)
* Rika (fondness)
* resisting mental influence (love of own autonomy) '''Elusive Dream Defence'''
As a Quicksilver Falcon, Shrike's anima power enables her to make oaths binding. For the cost of 10m 1wp, she may sanctify an oath she is witness or party to by touching the hands of those involved. Anyone who breaks the oath (including Shrike herself) will suffer 4 botches at critical actions. Heaven itself will act to ruin those who are forsworn. Shrike is also protected by ancient pacts, granting her and her companions diplomatic immunity when treating with the spirit world, demons, and the Fair Folk. Finally, Shrike may learn non-Solar Charms for twice their experience cost and +2m to their activation cost.
As a Quicksilver Falcon, she can bind oaths, penalising oath breakers with '''5''' botches. She has diplomatic privileges when treating with the spirits, the gods, and the raksha. She can learn non-Solar, non-Native Charms for 16xp.
*Strength 2+3
*Strength 4
*Dexterity 5+3
*Dexterity 8
*Stamina 2+3
*Stamina 4
*Charisma 3
*Charisma 3
*Manipulation 3
*Manipulation 3
*Appearance 5
*Appearance 5
*Perception 3
*Perception 2
*Intelligence 2
*Intelligence 2
*Wits 4
*Wits 3
=Abilities and Charms=
Bureaucracy <br>
* Bureaucracy 5
Linguistics 4 (Flametongue (Native), Old Realm, High Realm, Low Realm, Riverspeak) <br>
** Second Excellency
Ride 3 <br>
** Immanent Solar Glory x2 (permanent: expand Peripheral pool by 10, only regenerates when attending to an organisation or via extraordinary mote-regeneration measures)
Sail <br>
Socialise <br>

*Linguistics 5 (languages: Rivertongue (native), Leaftongue, Old Realm, High Realm, Low Realm, Claw-speak)
Martial Arts 5 (+3 defensive fighting)<br>
** First Excellency
Presence 5 <br>
** Whirling Brush Method (4m, Supplemental, Instant, Combo-OK: Write 100x as fast without tools. Automatically translates to any language Shrike understands)
Performance 5 (dance +1, oratory +1)<br>
** Sunrise Inkwell Spirit (TDO) (Permanent: modifies above)
Athletics 3<br>
** Flawless Brush Discipline (8m, Simple, Instant, Combo-OK, Emotion: +5 to Linguistics-as-Appearance; Cha+Performance creates UMI to impose love of Shrike; 3WP to resist or 1WP/scene)
Integrity 5<br>
** Letter-within-a-Letter (6m, Simple, Instant, Combo-OK: conceal a work within another written work. Only the intended targets can perceive it. It can establish surprise. +5 to Socialise roll to take charge)
Occult 3<br>
** Twisted Words Technique ( 6m 1wip, Supplemental, Instant, Combo-OK, Illusion, Emotion: 3WP or instant commitment)
Medicine 3<br>
** Sagacious Reading of Intent (3m, Reflexive, Instant, Combo-OK, Social: perfectly identifies intention behind any statement, negates any social attack hostile to Shrike or her Motivation)
** Poetic Expression Style (3m, Reflexive, Instant, Combo-OK. Communicate simple concepts despite language barrier)
** Unbreakable Fascination Method (10m 1wp, Simple, Instant, Combo-OK, Obvious: flare anima to 16+m level; exerts UMI on all listeners, automatic success unless opposed by a defensive Charm; Cha+Ling vs MDV, failure to resist forces targets to go into hysterics; resistance requires either a Temperance success or 1WP/action, to a max of 5WP/scene.)
** Excellent Emissary's Tongue (Permanent: while using a Linguistics Excellency and trying to communicate in a language she doesn't know, she can make an Int+Ling roll for every five long ticks of conversation or written page; difficulty 5 if few days' study, 7 if a scene's study, 10 if a few words' study)

*Socialise 5
Lore 3<br>
** First Excellency
Resistance 2<br>
** Taboo-Inflicting Diatribe (3m 1wp, Simple, Instant, Combo-OK, Compulsion: Cha/Man+Socialise to make a society shun a particular behaviour)
Awareness 5<br>
** Mastery of Small Manners (1m, Reflexive, Action, Combo-OK, Social: treat social groups as -1 Magnitude; increase effective Appearance by 1; understand basic motivations of everyone present at threshold 3; personal qualities become perfectly inscrutable, can perfectly lie without being detected)
Investigation 4<br>
** Golden Courtier Infallibility (HFE) (Permanent: enhances MSM)
** Edict-Affirming Overseer Method (custom) (Permanent: infallibly knows when someone flouts one of her taboos, knows when and where but not who; +1 automatic successes to all attempts to discover identity of lawbreaker; if she punishes the lawbreaker, she either loses 1 Limit or counts it as one scene spent reinforcing any existing Intimacies of loyalty that anyone may have towards her)
** Heartfelt Honorific Opportunity (MoEP: Abyssals) (3m 1wp, Supplemental, Instant, Combo-OK, Social: makes Manipulation-based attacks unblockable and undodgeable)
** Wild Revelry Approach (3m 1wp, Simple, Instant, Emotion, Combo-OK: targets a group she has spent several hours in the past year influencing; Cha/Man+Soc instils a powerful emotion. It costs six Loyalty to resist permanently, or 1 Loyalty/scene)
** Understanding the Court (20m 1wp, Simple, Instant, Combo-OK: Per/Int+Soc +Essence vs difficulty 1, deduct successes equal to (Man+Soc+Mag)/2; creates a profile of a social environment as long as motes are committed; profile reduces external penalties by up to her Essence; only one profile per environment is possible.)

==Each Background==
*Integrity 5
Resources 5 (vast estates wrung from the grasp of various blackmailed merchant princes)<br>
** Second Excellency
Manse 3 (Stone of Compassion)<br>
** Integrity-Protecting Prana (5m 1wp, Reflexive, 1 day, Combo-OK: perfect defence against Shaping)
Manse 5 (Gem of Perfected Mobility)<br>
** Epic Zeal of Compassion (MoEP: Infernals) (Permanent: Compassion dice are automatic successes)
Artifact 5 (the Crown of Thunders)<br>
** Phoenix Renewal Tactic (Permanent: when recovering a WP, can regain Virtue channel instead)
Artifact 2 (skin-mount amulet)<br>
** '''Sidereal''' Compassionate Essence Replenishment (MoEP: Sidereals) (Permanent: 5/day respire +10m when channeling Compassion or +5m when rolling Performance)
Contact 1 (Rika, taimyo of Lookshy - major contact)<br>
Cult 1
*Presence 5
** First Excellency
** Majestic Radiant Presence (7m, Reflexive, Scene, Obvious, Social: Valour (1) needed to attack Shrike; 3WP to resist)
** Hypnotic Tongue Technique ((target's Essence)m, Simple, Month, Combo-OK, Touch, Social, Stackable: Cha+Pre; instead of 1WP to resist, target pays 5WP immediately attempting defiance)
** Minds Yield to Glory (MoEP: Abyssals) (Permanent: enhances HTT)
** Shining on Dark Realms (IM) (Permanent: any ghosts loyal to Shrike are immune to being bound or summoned; +1 to MDVs vs attempts to undermine loyalty)
** Enemy-Castigating Solar Judgement (2m, Supplemental, Instant, Combo-OK, Holy, Obvious, Social: makes physical attacks deal aggravated damage vs CoD; makes social attacks halve opponents' MDV vs CoD)
** Hastening Night's End (10m, Simple, Dramatic action, Combo-OK, Emotion, Obvious: cures any one derangement; creates in the target an Intimacy to a memory that helps prevent the derangement from returning)
** '''Abyssal''' Killing Words Technique (MoEP: Abyssals) (Permanent: +1wp when activating any social Charm; target pays LHL instead of WP to shake off effects)
*Martial Arts 5 (+1 improvised weapons)
** First Excellency
** Infinite MA Mastery (2m commitment/1m discount)
** Solar Hero Style
*** Fists of Iron Technique (1m, Reflexive, Action, Combo-OK, Enhanced: Acc +1 Damage +2L; parry lethal attacks empty-handed without a stunt; Acc +3 Damage +2L Defence +1 Rate +1 while SHF active)
*** Sledgehammer Fist Punch (1m, Supplemental, Instant, Combo-OK, Enhanced, Obvious: doubles raw damage vs inanimate objects while ignoring soak)
*** Dragon Coil Technique (3m, Reflexive, Action, Combo-OK, Enhanced: +5 dice to inflict/maintain/control clinch, Damage +5L)
*** Solar Hero Form (6m, Simple, Scene, Form-Type, Combo-Basic, Enhanced, Obvious: 1m to double successes on attack for raw damage, +5L/+5B natural soak)
*** Crashing Wave Throw (2m, Reflexive, Instant, Combo-OK: after clinching, throw enemy 35 yds up or 80 yds horizontally; take 1B or 1L damage per yd not travelled if striking hard object)
*** One with the Wave (IM) (5m, Reflexive, Instant, Counterattack Step 9, Combo-OK: when struck, launch clinch counterattack; if successful, 1. throw opponent within 25 yds to deal pre-soak damage of first attack, or 2. throw opponent at second opponent within range with equal base damage; can counterattack physical or energy ranged attacks)
*** Knockout Blow (4m, Supplemental, Instant, Combo-OK, Crippling, Obvious: makes it easier to knock people unconscious)
*** Heaven Thunder Hammer (4m, Supplemental, Instant, Combo-OK: target thrown 3 yards/pt of pre-soak, +25 yards; take 1B or 1L per yd not travelled if striking hard object)
*** Break the Storm (5m, Reflexive, Instant, Counterattack Step 2, Combo-OK: standard counterattack, subtract successes from successes of opponent's attack; apply overflow successes as attack against opponent)

* Occult 5
==Each Merit==
** Second Excellency
Describe the Merit and it's cost
** Terrestrial Circle Sorcery (Permanent: allows Shape Sorcery actions)
** Celestial Circle Sorcery (as above)
==Each Flaw==
** Spirit-Detecting Glance (3m, Scene, Reflexive, Combo-OK: detect dematerialised creatures)
*Describe the Flaw and it's cost
** Spirit-Cutting Attack (1m, Instant, Supplemental, Combo-OK, Obvious: strike dematerialised, aggravated damage to spirits)
** Magic-Shattering Strike (DotFA) (15m, Instant, Supplemental, Combo-OK, Obvious: strike spell or Sorcerous Charm effect (Circle x3 or Min Ess +2 PDV), gain (Circle x4 or Min Ess +2)m if successful)
==Martial Arts==
** All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight (6m, Scene, Reflexive, Combo-OK: Essence Sight)
Snake Style
* Striking Cobra Technique
Solar Hero Style
* Fists of Iron Technique
* Dragon Coil Technique x2
* Sledgehammer Fist Punch
* Solar Hero Form
* Immortal Blade-Deflecting Palm x2
* Eye-for-an-Eye Response
* Crashing Wave Throw
* Orichalcum Fists of Battle
* Tao of the Exuberant Combatant
* Heaven Thunder Hammer

*Resistance 5
* Majestic Radiant Presence
** Second Excellency
* Terrifying Apparition of Glory
** Durability of Oak Meditation (2m, Reflexive, Instant, Combo-OK: +10L/+10B soak)
* Injunction of the Lawgiver
** Spirit Strengthens the Skin (1m per die removed, Reflexive, Instant, Combo-OK, Obvious: reduce post-soak damage by 1 die per mote; cannot reduce damage below 1 die)
** Iron Skin Concentration (2m, Reflexive, Tick, Combo-OK, Obvious: all attacks have minimum damage reduced by 1)
* Heart-Compelling Method
** Adamant Skin Technique (8m, Reflexive, Instant, Combo-OK, Obvious: perfect soak, Conviction flaw)
* Husband-Seducing Demon-Dance
** Essence-Gathering Temper (permanent, Overdrive: 1m for being struck without damage, 2m/B, 3m/L or A; Shrike gains motes at the same rate if she witnesses those she has a Positive Intimacy towards being struck)
* Phantom-Conjuring Performance
* Demon-Wracking Glory
* Infatuation-Gathering Idol Methodology
* (Sidereal) Compassionate Essence Replenishment
* Allure of Divine Beauty
* Memory-Reweaving Discipline

* Integrity-Protecting Prana
* Lore 1
* Temptation-Resisting Stance
* Performance 5 (+3 compelling love)
* Elusive Dream Defence
* Athletics 2
* Epic Zeal of Compassion
* Champion of Compassion Meditation
* Phoenix Renewal Tactic

* Judge's Ear Technique
* Wound-Mending Care Technique
* Surprise Anticipation Method
* Graceful Crane Stance
* Spider-Foot Style
* Spirit-Detecting Glance
* Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
* Emerald Countermagic
Emerald Circle
* Demon of the First Circle
* Demon of the First Circle
* Infallible Messenger
* Invulnerable Skin of Bronze (+6L/+12B)
Sapphire Circle
* Ox-Body Technique x2
* Demon of the Second Circle
* Principle of Motion
==Artifact 5: The Crown of Thunders==
* Dance of Woven Clouds
10m attunement. +3 to all Physical Attributes. She may also hear the prayers directed at her (must meditate to hear everything; otherwise only the most urgent, fervent, or often-repeated ones come through), which increases her effective Cult rating by 1. She may also reply to prayers personally: the worshipper sees a vision of Shrike, her anima flaring at the iconic level, speaking to them in a voice charged with divine authority.<br>
Drifting like a cloud, her sleeves and scarves fluttering like wisps of mist about her, Shrike negligently brushes away attacks with the temerity to target her, and closes with slow, leisurely steps. Opponents find their attacks smothered in defence as yielding and muffling as velvet; they find themselves overwhelmed by attacks like a silken cloud. ''First MA Excellency + Sledgehammer Fist Punch + Dragon Coil Technique + Immortal Blade-Deflecting Palm + Eye-for-an-Eye Response + Solar Hero Form + Graceful Crane Stance + Spider-Foot Style + Surprise-Anticipation Method''
When Shrike unearthed the Crown of Thunders from an ancient ruin and placed the artifact on her brow, she inadvertently, but no less majestically, inaugurated the return of the Solars to true political power, by laying claim once again to the Creation-Ruling Mandate. The Crown would later assist her and her Circlemates in conquering Lookshy and the surrounding regions, founding the first Solar principality since the ending of the Age of Dreams. Since then, it has become part of her royal regalia: a symbol of her power and majesty. While she wears it constantly, she rarely activates its supplementary powers unless making proclamations in public. <br>
''Notes: Except for the physical enhancement, I've scrapped the usual effects of the Crown of Thunders and replaced them with the effects of the Vestments of Holy Vigilance. Balanced by much higher commitment costs than the Vestments.''
==Artifact 5: Celestial Battle Armour==
3 hearthstones setting, requires a rating 3+ hearthstone to supply power, 10m commitment, ''Never needs to be repaired''<br>
Once thought to have been a princely gift by the people of Thorns to their radiant ruler. It was unearthed in the heart of the Noon Shadow Temple, and surrendered to Shrike as her due, and has since become part of her daily wear. She uses the added mobility to take long trips into the countryside surrounding Thorns, sometimes swooping down to chat with or bestow blessings upon random smallfolk. This habit has greatly endeared her to the people.<br>
Almost of its own volition, it revealed itself as a suit of powered armour to her in an hour of need, unfolding filaments of gleaming orichalcum. Feathers spun themselves into delicate circuitry, armoured plates appearing from Elsewhere and riveting themselves to her form.<br>
The suit provides the following generic advantages: +2 Resistance vs poison/disease, 1 hr air supply; +2 Awareness, or Essence sight for 3m/scene; +2 Strength for feats, jumping, and melee damage; x2 movement rate, 10mph marching rate; enhanced natural weapons; +2 Stealth while moving or +3 while stationary.<br>
It also contains the following modular subsystems:
* Voice of Command: acts as a pectoral of resplendent speeches. For 4m, can be audible up to 100 yards away and +4 to all social rolls to audiences of >3 people. For 5m, 100 yards around her becomes absolutely silent and she can be heard up to 200 yards away.
* Essence Wings: 5m to fly at 20 yards/tick for a scene; 6m for 100mph, 5 hr flight which requires a Dex+Ath diff 1 roll to change course
* Glorious Raiment Mode: when not in use, the armour can fold itself through a series of Elsewhere pockets, becoming barely noticeable. The articulated ribs retract and form the setting of what appears to be a large pendant that then spins clothing out of pure Essence, serving as an infinite resplendence amulet (Lords of Creation, 97). Activating this mode costs 5 attuned motes. The motes can be reflexively de-attuned, at which point the armour assumes its usual dimensions.
==Artifact 2: Yasal Crystal==
Given to her by the local spirit courts, that she might draw upon their power in times of need. She usually binds the custodial spirits of her home manse, and generally has access to the following spirit Charms through the crystal: Hurry Home (the central temple of Thorns), Mirror of the Infinite Wardrobe (human forms), Principle of Motion<br>
The spirit enshrined within has pride of place: she wears the crystal set in her Wings of the Raptor, as if it were a hearthstone.
==Cult 4+1: the Bearers of the Golden Word==
+6m/hr, 1WP/6 hrs respiration. <br>
The ascent of the Veil-Winged Shrike to the position of both queen and tutelary goddess, symbolic bride of Thorns' newborn city father, was anticipated by sacred scripture. The ''Rule of the Golden Word'' foretold a coming age of Solar magnificence, the liberation of Thorns from the occupation of the Mask of Winters, and the ascension of 'the Last Daughter of Thorns'. Shrike is venerated not only by the citizens of Thorns -- and its Underworld equivalent -- but also by the oppressed and the aesthetically-inclined all across the Scavenger Lands. This level of metaphysical clout has not only brought her great power and influence, but also the enmity of many members of the Celestial Bureaucracy.<br>
Her priests and priestesses call themselves Wordbearers, in token of the amulets they wear: each one bears an inscription from Shrike's own hand. The carven glyph is usually the bearer's own name, or something else significant to them like 'Duty', but each one also carries a social attack (hidden by Letter-Within-a-Letter Technique) that enforces loyalty and powerful attraction to Shrike.

* Tongue-in-Ear Assault
==Influence 5: Mother of Thorns==
Shrike is not used to taking "no" for an answer. Her manipulative genius has transcended human capability, and her temptations possess a truly supernatural allure. At the same time, while remaining so pliant to the desires of others, she has miraculously managed to retain her core principles, to the point where the blandishments of others hold no sway over her. ''First Performance Excellency + First Presence Excellency + Terrifying Apparition of Glory + Husband-Seducing Demon Dance (modified by Allure of Divine Beauty) + Heart-Compelling Method + Elusive Dream Defence + Memory-Reweaving Discipline''<br>
Shrike is the centre of supernatural power in Thorns, but for the sake of not pointlessly antagonising the Realm and other Immaculate prefectures, she has not actually laid official claim to any sort of title, relying on her celebrity, powerful Cult, and personal charms (and Charms) to affect policy. The living and the dead, the Thorns of sunlight and the Spines of shadow, all bend the knee to her as queen and goddess. She has cemented her reign by ceremonially marrying Thorns' newborn City Father, through him gaining access to the region's spirit courts, many of which acknowledge her as a patron: her Cult allocates feast-days to particularly helpful gods. She serves as the mediatrix between Thorns and Spines, and the latter more than the former owes its continued existence to her. Her state-sponsored ancestor cult has been the main motive force behind the reconstruction efforts in the Underworld. Ghosts arrive daily, to witness the rarest of all things: innovation in the Underworld. For while Stygia remains the centre of political power in the Underworld, and Sijan its busiest 'port', Spines is beginning to be known as its centre of commerce, industry, and culture. <br>
And all this is without reckoning the direct power she wields over the hearts and minds of her people using her potent magic.

* Shadow-Routing Rebuke
==Influence 5: Imperial Regent of the Phoenix Empire==
Blazing with confidence and holy flame, Shrike denounces a creature of darkness as an enemy of Creation and pronounces the judgement of the Unconquered Sun, causing the very fiery elements themselves to strike out against the hated foe. ''First Performance Excellency + Terrifying Apparition of Glory + Demon-Wracking Glory + Heart-Compelling Method + Immortal Blade-Deflecting Palm''
Guardian of Wrath of Fallen King's daughter, Cassa, Shrike assumes the role of Imperial Regent whenever Wrath is away, allowing her to speak with his voice and act in his stead.
==Influence 3: Terrestrial Bureaucracy==
While the jealous gods of the Celestial Bureaucracy might scoff at the returning Solars, their oppressed poor cousins in Creation proper, having long suffered under the yoke of unnatural tyrants like the Mask of Winters, have not forgotten. The spirit courts of the River Province all rejoiced when the Veil-Winged Shrike's Circle retook Thorns and restored the proper way of things: some of them recognise the Crown of Thunders on Shrike's brow and they remember what it means. Her marriage to the city god of Thorns has only enhanced this esteem. She wields powerful influence over the gods of the Scavenger Lands, and many of them accept her as one of their own. It is only a matter of time before Shrike assembles a new pantheon with herself at its head.
==Lunar Bond 5: True Love==
Pool of 10 dice when assisting Frost. +8 to MDV against attempts to turn her against him. -5 to MDV when acting against Frost, -3 when Frost is used against her.<br>
While Shrike's initial encounter with her Lunar mate [[Killing_Frost]] was less than smooth, their relationship has since undergone a gradual blossoming, as she found in him a reliable partner and fierce protector.
==Manse 5: Stone of Loyalty==
Anyone who accepts her authority or has sworn an oath of loyalty to Shrike needs to roll difficulty 5 Conviction to betray her; close friends and allies must roll 3; casual acquaintances and the general public roll 1. -1 if they can justify their actions as assisting her. <br>
Extracted from the heart of Thorns' central Manse - Noon Shadow Temple. Surmounts the Crown of Thunders.<br>
Noon Shadow Temple is a ''Wood-Aspected'' manse and the headquarters of Shrike's Cult, the Bearers of the Golden Word. It has the following characteristics: an ''Otherworld Gate'' to the Underworld; ''Ability Enlightenment'' in the areas of Bureaucracy, Investigation, Medicine, and Presence; the ''Subtle Breath of Sextes Jylis'' that is usually used to keep its environs comfortable regardless of the season or weather, and an autonomous ''Provider'' that ensures its occupants never want for necessities. It requires ''simple maintenance'' which takes a full day and must be performed every month: this duty is assigned according to a roster to its resident clergy.
==Manse 3: Stone of Compassion==
A tranquil lake near Killing Frost's domain gives rise to this hearthstone; the manse itself is a solitary pagoda built in the exact middle of the lake. The Stone enhances Shrike's already keen tendencies towards affection and empathy, providing irrepressible motivation and unwavering certainty. She wears it on the pendant that conceals her Celestial Battle Armour.
==Manse 1: Road of Hatred Stone==
Reinforces an Intimacy of hatred, becoming a second Motivation for social combat, mental influence, and recovering Willpower is concerned.<br>
The first fruits of her development project in Spines. The ghosts of Thorns' Underworld shadow have raised a small manse for her when she chooses to reside there, which produces this unremarkable hearthstone. The matte-black stone, the size and smoothness of a river pebble, is set into the clasp of her Celestial Battle Armour.
==Whispers 5: the Glory of the Neverborn==
Shrike does not speak of what passed between her and the Lover at the Fortress of Crimson Ice. Even Frost does not ask, and even to him she will not tell. But she's heard them now, the Whispers of the Neverborn, echoing out from their hole in the world, the crack in reality caused by their impossible dying. And she can't get them to stop. Sometimes she can close her eyes and tune them out, immersing herself instead in the golden hymns her Cult sings to her, but the Whispers are always waiting for her. Sometimes she gives in to them. Especially when she's tired and confused and frustrated and out of her depth: the Whispers come then, suggesting solutions. Elegant ones. Harmless ones, really, just a little bit unorthodox. That little bit... unusual. Bending numbers using equations she can't quite remember. Flexing muscles she's never bothered to develop. Tapping knowledge she's never acquired, telling stories she's never heard. <br>
Harmless, surely.
==Ward 5 (flaw): Imperial Princess Cassa==
Arynd Kal's Half-Caste daughter.
==Known Anathema: 7==
''"He mentioned the Lady of Thorns! Summon the magistrates!"''<br>
Frustratingly enough, fame has come with its own price, and try as she might, Shrike has found setting up intelligence networks and subversive cells all but impossible due to her notoriety. Indeed, while there are many willing to utter prayers to her effigies or donate to her temples, that's not the same thing as being a paid informant of hers. She has to pay double for Allies, Backing, Contacts, Followers, and Resources.
==Permanent Caste Mark: 2==
''"The Unconquered Sun has laid His hand upon me. Behold the mark of His favour!"'' <br>
Channeling the unsubtle powers that come so easily to her has left Shrike forever branded by the scar of such potent energies. Her Caste mark is permanent and indelible upon her forehead, and cannot be mistaken for anything else.
==Nightmares: 1==
''"She sees me, Frost! She sees me!"''<br>
In public, Shrike basks in the acclaim of having been instrumental in the defeat of two Deathlords. Five years ago, her Circle humbled the combined forces and resource of the Mask of Winters and the Lover Clad in Raiment of Tears. But her brush with the latter Deathlord has instilled a permanent dread of the other woman in her, possibly due to their uncanny similarity. The Lover too appeared to recognise Shrike -- or rather, something about her. The possibility, no matter how remote, that they are more alike than is immediately apparent haunts Shrike in her dreams. She has a 1 in 10 chance of waking screaming from nightmares, forfeiting Willpower recovery that night.

*Essence: 5
*Essence: 5
*Personal: 25/25
*Personal: 25/25
*Peripheral: 28/31/66
*Peripheral: 27/57
*Committed to Charms: 7 (PoM) 5 (IPP) 5 (EDD)
*ISG: 20/20
*Committed to artifacts: 10 (Crown of Thunders) 8 (Perfected Kata Bracers)
*Overdrive: 0/10
*Willpower: 8/10
*Committed to Charms: 10 (5: Integrity-Protecting Prana, Principle of Motion), (SHF: 6m)
*Anima status: Iconic
*Committed to artifacts: 20 (10: Crown of Thunders, 10: Celestial Battle Armour)
*Willpower: 10/10
*Anima status: Quiescent
*Compassion: 4/5
*Compassion: 5/5
*Conviction: 4
*Conviction: 3
*Temperance: 1  
*Temperance: 1  
*Valor: 2
*Valor: 3
===Limit Break===
===Limit Break===
* Virtue Flaw: Red Rage of Compassion. All the suffering the character has seen fills her with an unquenchable rage. She immediately attacks the most obvious cause, without consideration for herself or the situation. The character’s rage overcomes sense and reason. She is unlikely to perform even simple acts such as putting down objects in her hands or drawing a weapon. However, she does not suffer wound penalties while in this state. Characters without obvi- ous targets enter a terrible rage, moving erratically from area to area, smashing objects without consideration for value and lashing out at anyone foolish enough to interfere.
* Virtue Flaw: Compassionate Martyrdom<br>
* Partial Control: The character must immediately attack any source of suffering, but she can apply her rage effectively, using weapons, Charms and spells normally. Without a nearby target, the character seeks out oppressors she has seen before and does not calm down until she finds one. She will also attack anyone who attempts to stop her. She suffers normal wound penalties in this state.
Overcome with the need to alleviate the suffering she witnesses, Shrike throws herself into helping the victims in the most direct and dramatic fashion possible. If her Limit Breaks while watching an overseer beat slaves, she stands before the whip, allowing blows meant for others to fall upon her instead. She will not resort to violence unless she is attacked or is already in combat.
* Condition: The character sees innocents suffering and is unable to effectively intervene.
* Partial Control: If the character attempts to control the Limit Break, he must still immediately and directly aid those who are suffering. However, he can choose to do so more effectively— including by killing the brutal overseer and freeing the slaves in the above example.
* Duration: One scene in combat or hours equal to Compassion
* Condition: The character sees innocents suffering through no fault of their own.
* Duration: One scene in combat or one day.

*Join Battle: 9
*Join Battle: 3
*Dodge DV: 6
*Dodge DV: 6
*Parry DV: 11
*Parry DV: 8
*Soak (L/B/A): 14/20/12
*Soak (L/B/A): 3/5/- (25L/32B/12A) w SHF and Peronelle, +10L/+10B with Durability of Oak
*Hardness: 8L/8B (w/ CBA)
*Move: 8
*Move: 12
*Dash: 14
*Dash: 22
*Jump: 7 up, 14 across
*Join Debate: 9
*Join Debate: 8
*Dodge MDV: 10
*Dodge MDV: 10
*Parry MDV: 5
*Parry MDV: 5

==Health Levels==
==Health Levels==
*-0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated
*-0, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated
*(wounds are designated as ''bashing'', '''lethal''' or <strike>aggravated</strike>)
*(wounds are designated as ''bashing'', '''lethal''' or <strike>aggravated</strike>)
She wears the Crown of Thunders (with an inset Stone of Compassion, +6m/h, +3 Compassion dice), which increases all her physical attributes by 3 at the cost of 10 motes of attunement. For another 10 motes, she adds 5 dice to all social actions. For yet another 10 dice, all mortals become incapable of attacking her and are compelled to follow her commands. This effect extends to Essence wielders if their MDV is less than her social roll against them, to which she gains 3 automatic successes. If they fail to defend against this unnatural mental influence, they can spend 2 Willpower to become immune for a month and a day. She also wears a Gem of Perfect Mobility (10m/h, halves Speed of all actions, can move twice as fast) in a skin-mount amulet concealed as a navel-piercing.
For combat, she wears a perfect breastplate beneath her robes. When it is necessary or desirable for her to conceal her nature (it is considered fairly alarming to watch a slender lady effortlessly parry daiklave blows with her bare hands) she uses a perfect war fan known as the Wing of the Courting Crane.
Shrike also keeps a number of demonic retainers in her retinue for special occasions. She has an agata for transport, a peronelle (+6L/+12B) which she only dons when she knows a confrontation is unavoidable or at least likely, and a sesselja is in permanent residence in her bowels.
'''Fists of Iron''' (from Fists of Iron Technique)
* Punch Spd 5 Accuracy 19 (+5 PKB, +5 OFoB) Damage 11B/L P (+5 PKB, +5A OFoB) Defence 5 (+5 PKB) Rate 5 Parry DV 13
* Kick Spd 5 Accuracy 19 (+5 PKB, +5 OFoB) Damage 14B/L P (+5 PKB, +5A OFoB) Defence -1 (+5 PKB) Rate 4 Parry DV 10
* Clinch Spd 6 Accuracy 19 (+5 PKB, +5 OFoB) Damage 11B/L P (+5 PKB, +5A OFoB) Defence - Rate 3 Parry DV -
Shrike's natural unarmed attacks count as being orichalcum artifact weapons.<br>
'''Perfect Breastplate'''
* +6L/+4B Mobility 0 Fatigue 0 Cost
'''Wings of the Courting Crane'''
* Spd 5 Accuracy 20 Damage 5L Defence 3 Rate 4 Parry DV 10

=Equipment and aids=
Veil-Winged Shrike was originally born Golden Swallow. Of Southern stock, she grew up in the Scavenger Lands, just one of many children of exotic backgrounds enjoying an otherwise uneventful childhood in the peaceful city of Thorns. Her mother, who when her husband was away would sigh and mutter to herself that she should have never left the desert, taught her the dances of her tribe, which Golden Swallow, named for the brilliant hair she inherited from her father, learned easily. As she grew up, she became renowned for her dancing, and was soon helping her mother earn money during the days of her father's frequent absences by dancing in the marketplace or in taverns. As both her talent and her beauty grew, she became highly sought-after as a person escort, and although her mother disapproved, Swallow would sometimes slip away on assignations. Despite the hurt that brought tears to both their eyes, her mother never asked where the occasional financial windfalls came from.
* Unarmed strikes
Shrike's bare hands have dismayed Deathlords.<br>
'''Fists of Iron Technique''' <br>
''Punch'': Speed 5, Accuracy +4, Damage +2L, Defence +2, Rate 4<br>
''Kick'': Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage +7L, Defence +2, Rate 3<br>
''Clinch'': Speed 6, Accuracy +2, Damage +2L, Defence --, Rate 2, Clinch, Piercing<br>

At one point she caught the eye of a recently-promoted lieutenant in the city's militia, for whose sake she foreswore her occupation. Her mother too was delighted to know that her daughter would have the chance to lead an honest life. Swallow's fiancé doted on her, and Swallow was infatuated with her gallant, loving soldier.
'''Battle Armour Gauntlets''' <br>
''Punch'': Speed 5, Accuracy +3, Damage +7L, Defence +3, Rate 4<br>
''Kick'': Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage +8L, Defence -1, Rate 3<br>

Then the Mask of Winters came, and everything changed. 
* living armour
A summoned perronelle travels with her, and she calls it to layer itself across her body as armour when the situation demands it.<br>
'''Perronelle armour''' <br>
+5L/10B soak, 5L/5B Hardness

During the fighting, her fiancé abandoned her post and sought her out, finding her cowering with her mother while screaming civilians ran through the rubble-filled streets. He smuggled the two of them out of the city. He had time to lift a hand in farewell before a passing war ghost casually vivisected him. Swallow's mother had to drag the girl sobbing and cursing away from the doomed city.
* healing companion
She keeps a sesselja in her belly, where it devours the various cocktails poisoners would have her consume.<br>
'''Sesselja stomach-bottle bug'''<br>
typically 10 dice for internal Medicine rolls; casts ''Touch of Grace'' for 12m 1wp max, healing either 4L/12B damage, or removing Crippled/Poisoned/Sickened conditions. <br>
Essence pool: 75 <br>
Willpower: 7

Together, they didn't make it far. Swallow's mother had a weak constitution after living a life of poverty and deprivation, and although Swallow was younger, she remained in a state of comatose grief, refusing to so much as walk under her own power, preferring to stay and share the fate of her beloved. In desperation, her every tortured breath bringing up gobbets of blood as her brief exposure to the rigours of war and to the necrotic Essence of the Mask and his deathknights, her mother did the only thing she could do: she approached a band of slavers who had been scavenging in the wake of the Mask's army, taking refugees as prisoners, and sold her daughter into slavery to keep her alive. She knew that the slavers in question would never risk their lives or their profit by straying too near doomed Thorns, and true enough, after a few more days of savagery, they moved off to Nexus. Swallow's mother watched them leave, their captives crammed together in the back of a wagon. Two nights later, she died of exposure to the elements in a ditch.
* yasal stone resident
Shrike invites various gods to take up residence in her yasal stone, depending on what suite of powers she finds most necessary at any point in time. The city father delegates gods of citizenry to accompany her: these spirits usually provide access to the following Charms: Hurry Home (5m, Simple, Instant: transport to anywhere in Thorns), Measure the Wind (1m, Simple, Instant: detect any ongoing wrongness in Thorns), Principle of Motion (5m 1wp: bank actions equal to WP; release them as if using an Extra Action Charm)

The first few days of captivity were hard for Swallow, but relatively bearable. The slavers were too preoccupied with getting clear of the warzone with their hides and slaves intact to do much other than push their beasts of burden onwards. She remained uncommunicative, not speaking to any of the other captives. They started calling her 'Veil', for the fabric she ripped from her dress and wore at all times as a sign of mourning, which she resolutely refused to remove.  
* major-domo
As the temporal ruler of a city in Creation, the object of veneration of a cult that looks to her for guidance, the patron of an Underworld city, and the consort of a powerful city god with his own court, Shrike has a ''lot'' of administrative twaddle to plague her, and she usually fulfils this responsibility by delegating it to others. Thorns governs itself through a system of guilds and a grand council of masters, rarely requiring her input; she can rely on input from either her own privy council, composed of high-ranking guildsmen, or from the city god himself. She relies on responsible ghosts who have sworn oaths of fealty to her to administer Spines. Her Cult, perhaps her dearest responsibility, is overseen by a chrysogona summoned from Malfeas, who plays the ambitious senior priestesses off against each other.

She arrived in Nexus with her fellow captives, and with little fanfare she was sold to a rich merchant. She was worked hard but not unkindly, although she never spoke or made a sound unless she was unmercifully beaten for her disobedient reticence, which the merchant's steward took for surly rebelliousness. The trouble only started when, four years after she was bought, the master's son came home from his tour of Creation. Time away from home had made the boy confident, and worldly, and cruel. He surrounded himself with friends of advantage, through whom he hoped to gain advancement, and he showered them with his father's wealth in an attempt to ingratiate himself into the inner circles of the powerful. One day, he met at a salon held by a friend a most rare dignitary: a Terrestrial Exalt, a new arrival to Nexus who seemed poised to be one of society's new sensations. He invited the Dragon-Blood to his abode, where the man was waited on by Veil. Perceptive and with tastes the callow youth could not have understood, the Terrestrial realised that beneath her veil and mask of grime, Veil was beautiful, and proceeded to vent his lust on her. At first, Swallow did not struggle, unresisting as he hiked her dress up around her hips and groped her painfully. It was only when he tried to tear the veil from her head that she resisted, battering him uselessly with her small fists as she wept and wailed. That veil was the sole remaining reminder she had of the happiness that she had been robbed of, and she would not surrender it and the memories it stood for without a fight.
The Terrestrial struck her a resounding blow that robbed her of her strength, and tore the scrap of cloth from her head. As he grunted and strained, something inside her broke, flooding her with celestial radiance and a newfound strength. She turned her head and fixed tear-stained eyes, now clear with purpose, on the spectating youth. She commanded him, and he obeyed, drawing the distracted Dynast's sword from its sheath and striking the Terrestrial down.

After that, Veil vanished. The merchant's house suffered swift reprisal from the Dynast's House, of course, but nobody would miss one escaped slave-girl. And nobody survived the wrath of the Dynasts, and so there was no one to remark on the striking similarity of one vanished slave with the new dancing sensation, who called herself Veil-Winged Shrike, and who moved with a sultry confidence and grace that could derange a saint.
* Starting: 18
Shrike is... complicated. While anyone could come to the conclusion that she's a manipulative bitch who sells her body for approval and advancement, very few would realise that the tenderness she exhibits is entirely genuine. At her very heart, Shrike is a softy. She had her childhood and home torn from her, and that provides the only steel she has with which to stiffen her spine in the face of the things she must do in order to enact her vengeance. She is, in some ways, terribly confident - in her beauty, in her skill, in her influence over others. In others, she is terribly insecure. Shrike knows that hers is a glorious and righteous road, even if it leads her by strange ways, but she believes it to be an ultimately solitary one. She knows that one day, when they have had what they needed from her, her allies will leave. Her instruments and minions and servants will leave, bound only by the promise of ambition or profit. She tells herself she is not afraid of the day, that when it comes she would have achieved her purpose and have nothing to regret.
* From Flaws: 10
* Spent: -28
** -11 Abilities
** -9 Charms (3)
** -5 Willpower
** -1 Virtue (Conviction)
** -2 Valour
* Awarded: 10 Background points
** -3 Manse
** -6 Charms (converted)
** -1 Athletics 0 to 1 (converted)

Sometimes she even believes it.
==Each Member==
==Each Circlemate==
* Earned: # 203
* Initial: 260
* Spent: # 203
** Charms (32): 256
** (Charm) Phoenix Renewal Tactic
** Occult 0 to 2: 4
** (Charm) Epic Zeal of Compassion
* Earned: 77
** (Charm) Spider-Foot Style
** Understanding the Court: 8
** (Charm) Phantom-Conjuring Performance
** Wild Revelry: 8
** (Charm) Dragon Coil Technique (Repurchase)
** Bureaucracy 0 to 2: 4
** (Charm) Eye-for-an-Eye Response
** Bureaucracy 2 to 5: 15
** (Charm) Immortal Blade-Deflecting Palm (Conviction flaw)
** Knockout Blow: 8
** (Spell) Infallible Messenger
** Break the Storm: 8
** (Charm) Crashing Wave Throw
** Heaven Thunder Hammer: 8
** (Charm) Champion of Compassion Meditation
** Hastening Night's End: 8
** (Charm, Sidereal) Compassionate Essence Replenishment
** Immanent Solar Glory: 8
** (Background) Contact 1: Rika
** Athletics 1 to 2: 2
** (Charm) Orichalcum Fists of Battle
** (Essence) ESSENCE 5 BITCHES
=Cut Material=
** (Charm, custom) Tao of the Exuberant Combatant
[[Character: Shrike's discarde materials|Shrike's discarded materials]]
** (Charm) Demon-Wracking Glory
** (Combo) Shadow-Routing Rebuke
** (Charm) Immortal Blade-Deflecting Palm (repurchase)
** (Charm) Heaven Thunder Hammer
** (Charm Variant) Tao of the Exuberant Combatant
** (Charm) Allure of Divine Beauty
** (Charm) Memory-Reweaving Discipline
** (Ability) Lore from 2 to 3
** (Background) Cult 1
** (Background) Cult 2
** (Ability) Lore from 3 to 4
* Unspent: 0
==Original Charms==
'''Hands Like Clouds'''
'''Cost''': 4m;
'''Mins''': Martial Arts 3, Essence 2;
'''Type''': Reflexive (Step 1)

'''Keywords''': Combo-OK, Hero

'''Duration''': Instant

'''Prerequisite Charms''': Fists of Iron Technique
The scudding clouds that scour the sky are insubstantial but nonetheless shield the Sun's sight, protecting Sol Invictus from witnessing the gradual ravaging of Creation. Even an ephemeral defence can, if properly used, present a powerful obstacle. This lesson, once internalised by the Lawgiver, enables him to recoup his defences even in the face of overwhelming opposition, making him capable of parrying strikes with the merest drifting wave of a hand. Activating this Charm enables the Lawgiver to ignore all penalties to his PDV for one action.
'''Hero''': The sun's rays reach the farthest points of the world, Sol Invictus' glory shining from the peak of the Imperial Mount to the loneliest hall of fallen Sperimin. This all encompassing reach comes naturally to the Sun's Chosen, while others must strive harder to reach imperfect emulation of the sun's glory. This Charm costs 1m less to activate.
'''Repurchase''': At Martial Arts 5 Essence 3, a Solar who re-dedicates himself to mastering this Charm may, for a 1m surcharge, enhance his parries with some of his preternatural perfection. Activating this Charm lets him add his Martial Arts rating to his PDV.

Latest revision as of 01:35, 3 August 2012

A character from A_Date_with_Destiny

  • Veil-Winged Shrike
  • Caste: Eclipse
  • Concept: Queen of Death and Beauty
  • Veil-Winged Shrike is one of the premier beauties of the Scavenger Lands, as brilliant and harsh as sunlight reflecting off the edge of a drawn blade. Her build is actually substantially more trim and athletic than her usually-languorous demeanor might suggest: slim-hipped, long-legged. She moves with an inhuman grace, the slightest movement suggestive of a sublime dance. She used to dress to make the most of her beauty, clad in the barest minimum necessary to preserve her modesty, accentuated by the addition of dozens of fluttering veils that shift with the breeze and her own movements. Lately, she has favoured a more conservative, magisterial mode of dress to match her high office. Her long, red-highlighted golden hair, in contrast with her bronzed skin, is usually left in a series of long, thin braids, each one tied with a ribbon and a tiny bell; Shrike jingles softly as she walks, the music of her hair answered by the matching bells on her bangles and anklets.
  • Anima: Wings of golden light unfold from her back, and ethereal streamers flap and flow from her wrists, elbows, knees and ankles. Each pennant is a prayer-strip, inked in an exquisite gold calligraphy, each one a prayer extolling Shrike's beauty, majesty, and inevitable victory, although the wording changes depending on the situation.


  • Promote beauty and harmony
    • Care for Killing Frost, my mate (from True Love)
    • Destroy the Deathlords (from Road of Hatred Stone)




  • the Deathlords and their servants (fierce hatred)
  • art and beauty (vanity)


  • Mari (affection)
  • the people of Thorns (commitment)
  • her Circle (trust and duty)
  • freedom from oppression (idealism)
  • Killing Frost (love)
  • the duty of the Exalted to protect mortals (stoic)





As a Quicksilver Falcon, she can bind oaths, penalising oath breakers with 5 botches. She has diplomatic privileges when treating with the spirits, the gods, and the raksha. She can learn non-Solar, non-Native Charms for 16xp.


  • Strength 2+3
  • Dexterity 5+3
  • Stamina 2+3


  • Charisma 3
  • Manipulation 3
  • Appearance 5


  • Perception 2
  • Intelligence 2
  • Wits 3

Abilities and Charms[edit]


  • Bureaucracy 5
    • Second Excellency
    • Immanent Solar Glory x2 (permanent: expand Peripheral pool by 10, only regenerates when attending to an organisation or via extraordinary mote-regeneration measures)
  • Linguistics 5 (languages: Rivertongue (native), Leaftongue, Old Realm, High Realm, Low Realm, Claw-speak)
    • First Excellency
    • Whirling Brush Method (4m, Supplemental, Instant, Combo-OK: Write 100x as fast without tools. Automatically translates to any language Shrike understands)
    • Sunrise Inkwell Spirit (TDO) (Permanent: modifies above)
    • Flawless Brush Discipline (8m, Simple, Instant, Combo-OK, Emotion: +5 to Linguistics-as-Appearance; Cha+Performance creates UMI to impose love of Shrike; 3WP to resist or 1WP/scene)
    • Letter-within-a-Letter (6m, Simple, Instant, Combo-OK: conceal a work within another written work. Only the intended targets can perceive it. It can establish surprise. +5 to Socialise roll to take charge)
    • Twisted Words Technique ( 6m 1wip, Supplemental, Instant, Combo-OK, Illusion, Emotion: 3WP or instant commitment)
    • Sagacious Reading of Intent (3m, Reflexive, Instant, Combo-OK, Social: perfectly identifies intention behind any statement, negates any social attack hostile to Shrike or her Motivation)
    • Poetic Expression Style (3m, Reflexive, Instant, Combo-OK. Communicate simple concepts despite language barrier)
    • Unbreakable Fascination Method (10m 1wp, Simple, Instant, Combo-OK, Obvious: flare anima to 16+m level; exerts UMI on all listeners, automatic success unless opposed by a defensive Charm; Cha+Ling vs MDV, failure to resist forces targets to go into hysterics; resistance requires either a Temperance success or 1WP/action, to a max of 5WP/scene.)
    • Excellent Emissary's Tongue (Permanent: while using a Linguistics Excellency and trying to communicate in a language she doesn't know, she can make an Int+Ling roll for every five long ticks of conversation or written page; difficulty 5 if few days' study, 7 if a scene's study, 10 if a few words' study)
  • Socialise 5
    • First Excellency
    • Taboo-Inflicting Diatribe (3m 1wp, Simple, Instant, Combo-OK, Compulsion: Cha/Man+Socialise to make a society shun a particular behaviour)
    • Mastery of Small Manners (1m, Reflexive, Action, Combo-OK, Social: treat social groups as -1 Magnitude; increase effective Appearance by 1; understand basic motivations of everyone present at threshold 3; personal qualities become perfectly inscrutable, can perfectly lie without being detected)
    • Golden Courtier Infallibility (HFE) (Permanent: enhances MSM)
    • Edict-Affirming Overseer Method (custom) (Permanent: infallibly knows when someone flouts one of her taboos, knows when and where but not who; +1 automatic successes to all attempts to discover identity of lawbreaker; if she punishes the lawbreaker, she either loses 1 Limit or counts it as one scene spent reinforcing any existing Intimacies of loyalty that anyone may have towards her)
    • Heartfelt Honorific Opportunity (MoEP: Abyssals) (3m 1wp, Supplemental, Instant, Combo-OK, Social: makes Manipulation-based attacks unblockable and undodgeable)
    • Wild Revelry Approach (3m 1wp, Simple, Instant, Emotion, Combo-OK: targets a group she has spent several hours in the past year influencing; Cha/Man+Soc instils a powerful emotion. It costs six Loyalty to resist permanently, or 1 Loyalty/scene)
    • Understanding the Court (20m 1wp, Simple, Instant, Combo-OK: Per/Int+Soc +Essence vs difficulty 1, deduct successes equal to (Man+Soc+Mag)/2; creates a profile of a social environment as long as motes are committed; profile reduces external penalties by up to her Essence; only one profile per environment is possible.)


  • Integrity 5
    • Second Excellency
    • Integrity-Protecting Prana (5m 1wp, Reflexive, 1 day, Combo-OK: perfect defence against Shaping)
    • Epic Zeal of Compassion (MoEP: Infernals) (Permanent: Compassion dice are automatic successes)
    • Phoenix Renewal Tactic (Permanent: when recovering a WP, can regain Virtue channel instead)
    • Sidereal Compassionate Essence Replenishment (MoEP: Sidereals) (Permanent: 5/day respire +10m when channeling Compassion or +5m when rolling Performance)
  • Presence 5
    • First Excellency
    • Majestic Radiant Presence (7m, Reflexive, Scene, Obvious, Social: Valour (1) needed to attack Shrike; 3WP to resist)
    • Hypnotic Tongue Technique ((target's Essence)m, Simple, Month, Combo-OK, Touch, Social, Stackable: Cha+Pre; instead of 1WP to resist, target pays 5WP immediately attempting defiance)
    • Minds Yield to Glory (MoEP: Abyssals) (Permanent: enhances HTT)
    • Shining on Dark Realms (IM) (Permanent: any ghosts loyal to Shrike are immune to being bound or summoned; +1 to MDVs vs attempts to undermine loyalty)
    • Enemy-Castigating Solar Judgement (2m, Supplemental, Instant, Combo-OK, Holy, Obvious, Social: makes physical attacks deal aggravated damage vs CoD; makes social attacks halve opponents' MDV vs CoD)
    • Hastening Night's End (10m, Simple, Dramatic action, Combo-OK, Emotion, Obvious: cures any one derangement; creates in the target an Intimacy to a memory that helps prevent the derangement from returning)
    • Abyssal Killing Words Technique (MoEP: Abyssals) (Permanent: +1wp when activating any social Charm; target pays LHL instead of WP to shake off effects)
  • Martial Arts 5 (+1 improvised weapons)
    • First Excellency
    • Infinite MA Mastery (2m commitment/1m discount)
    • Solar Hero Style
      • Fists of Iron Technique (1m, Reflexive, Action, Combo-OK, Enhanced: Acc +1 Damage +2L; parry lethal attacks empty-handed without a stunt; Acc +3 Damage +2L Defence +1 Rate +1 while SHF active)
      • Sledgehammer Fist Punch (1m, Supplemental, Instant, Combo-OK, Enhanced, Obvious: doubles raw damage vs inanimate objects while ignoring soak)
      • Dragon Coil Technique (3m, Reflexive, Action, Combo-OK, Enhanced: +5 dice to inflict/maintain/control clinch, Damage +5L)
      • Solar Hero Form (6m, Simple, Scene, Form-Type, Combo-Basic, Enhanced, Obvious: 1m to double successes on attack for raw damage, +5L/+5B natural soak)
      • Crashing Wave Throw (2m, Reflexive, Instant, Combo-OK: after clinching, throw enemy 35 yds up or 80 yds horizontally; take 1B or 1L damage per yd not travelled if striking hard object)
      • One with the Wave (IM) (5m, Reflexive, Instant, Counterattack Step 9, Combo-OK: when struck, launch clinch counterattack; if successful, 1. throw opponent within 25 yds to deal pre-soak damage of first attack, or 2. throw opponent at second opponent within range with equal base damage; can counterattack physical or energy ranged attacks)
      • Knockout Blow (4m, Supplemental, Instant, Combo-OK, Crippling, Obvious: makes it easier to knock people unconscious)
      • Heaven Thunder Hammer (4m, Supplemental, Instant, Combo-OK: target thrown 3 yards/pt of pre-soak, +25 yards; take 1B or 1L per yd not travelled if striking hard object)
      • Break the Storm (5m, Reflexive, Instant, Counterattack Step 2, Combo-OK: standard counterattack, subtract successes from successes of opponent's attack; apply overflow successes as attack against opponent)
  • Occult 5
    • Second Excellency
    • Terrestrial Circle Sorcery (Permanent: allows Shape Sorcery actions)
    • Celestial Circle Sorcery (as above)
    • Spirit-Detecting Glance (3m, Scene, Reflexive, Combo-OK: detect dematerialised creatures)
    • Spirit-Cutting Attack (1m, Instant, Supplemental, Combo-OK, Obvious: strike dematerialised, aggravated damage to spirits)
    • Magic-Shattering Strike (DotFA) (15m, Instant, Supplemental, Combo-OK, Obvious: strike spell or Sorcerous Charm effect (Circle x3 or Min Ess +2 PDV), gain (Circle x4 or Min Ess +2)m if successful)
    • All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight (6m, Scene, Reflexive, Combo-OK: Essence Sight)
  • Resistance 5
    • Second Excellency
    • Durability of Oak Meditation (2m, Reflexive, Instant, Combo-OK: +10L/+10B soak)
    • Spirit Strengthens the Skin (1m per die removed, Reflexive, Instant, Combo-OK, Obvious: reduce post-soak damage by 1 die per mote; cannot reduce damage below 1 die)
    • Iron Skin Concentration (2m, Reflexive, Tick, Combo-OK, Obvious: all attacks have minimum damage reduced by 1)
    • Adamant Skin Technique (8m, Reflexive, Instant, Combo-OK, Obvious: perfect soak, Conviction flaw)
    • Essence-Gathering Temper (permanent, Overdrive: 1m for being struck without damage, 2m/B, 3m/L or A; Shrike gains motes at the same rate if she witnesses those she has a Positive Intimacy towards being struck)


  • Lore 1
  • Performance 5 (+3 compelling love)
  • Athletics 2


Emerald Circle

  • Demon of the First Circle
  • Invulnerable Skin of Bronze (+6L/+12B)

Sapphire Circle

  • Demon of the Second Circle


Artifact 5: The Crown of Thunders[edit]

10m attunement. +3 to all Physical Attributes. She may also hear the prayers directed at her (must meditate to hear everything; otherwise only the most urgent, fervent, or often-repeated ones come through), which increases her effective Cult rating by 1. She may also reply to prayers personally: the worshipper sees a vision of Shrike, her anima flaring at the iconic level, speaking to them in a voice charged with divine authority.
When Shrike unearthed the Crown of Thunders from an ancient ruin and placed the artifact on her brow, she inadvertently, but no less majestically, inaugurated the return of the Solars to true political power, by laying claim once again to the Creation-Ruling Mandate. The Crown would later assist her and her Circlemates in conquering Lookshy and the surrounding regions, founding the first Solar principality since the ending of the Age of Dreams. Since then, it has become part of her royal regalia: a symbol of her power and majesty. While she wears it constantly, she rarely activates its supplementary powers unless making proclamations in public.
Notes: Except for the physical enhancement, I've scrapped the usual effects of the Crown of Thunders and replaced them with the effects of the Vestments of Holy Vigilance. Balanced by much higher commitment costs than the Vestments.

Artifact 5: Celestial Battle Armour[edit]

3 hearthstones setting, requires a rating 3+ hearthstone to supply power, 10m commitment, Never needs to be repaired
Once thought to have been a princely gift by the people of Thorns to their radiant ruler. It was unearthed in the heart of the Noon Shadow Temple, and surrendered to Shrike as her due, and has since become part of her daily wear. She uses the added mobility to take long trips into the countryside surrounding Thorns, sometimes swooping down to chat with or bestow blessings upon random smallfolk. This habit has greatly endeared her to the people.
Almost of its own volition, it revealed itself as a suit of powered armour to her in an hour of need, unfolding filaments of gleaming orichalcum. Feathers spun themselves into delicate circuitry, armoured plates appearing from Elsewhere and riveting themselves to her form.
The suit provides the following generic advantages: +2 Resistance vs poison/disease, 1 hr air supply; +2 Awareness, or Essence sight for 3m/scene; +2 Strength for feats, jumping, and melee damage; x2 movement rate, 10mph marching rate; enhanced natural weapons; +2 Stealth while moving or +3 while stationary.
It also contains the following modular subsystems:

  • Voice of Command: acts as a pectoral of resplendent speeches. For 4m, can be audible up to 100 yards away and +4 to all social rolls to audiences of >3 people. For 5m, 100 yards around her becomes absolutely silent and she can be heard up to 200 yards away.
  • Essence Wings: 5m to fly at 20 yards/tick for a scene; 6m for 100mph, 5 hr flight which requires a Dex+Ath diff 1 roll to change course
  • Glorious Raiment Mode: when not in use, the armour can fold itself through a series of Elsewhere pockets, becoming barely noticeable. The articulated ribs retract and form the setting of what appears to be a large pendant that then spins clothing out of pure Essence, serving as an infinite resplendence amulet (Lords of Creation, 97). Activating this mode costs 5 attuned motes. The motes can be reflexively de-attuned, at which point the armour assumes its usual dimensions.

Artifact 2: Yasal Crystal[edit]

Given to her by the local spirit courts, that she might draw upon their power in times of need. She usually binds the custodial spirits of her home manse, and generally has access to the following spirit Charms through the crystal: Hurry Home (the central temple of Thorns), Mirror of the Infinite Wardrobe (human forms), Principle of Motion
The spirit enshrined within has pride of place: she wears the crystal set in her Wings of the Raptor, as if it were a hearthstone.

Cult 4+1: the Bearers of the Golden Word[edit]

+6m/hr, 1WP/6 hrs respiration.
The ascent of the Veil-Winged Shrike to the position of both queen and tutelary goddess, symbolic bride of Thorns' newborn city father, was anticipated by sacred scripture. The Rule of the Golden Word foretold a coming age of Solar magnificence, the liberation of Thorns from the occupation of the Mask of Winters, and the ascension of 'the Last Daughter of Thorns'. Shrike is venerated not only by the citizens of Thorns -- and its Underworld equivalent -- but also by the oppressed and the aesthetically-inclined all across the Scavenger Lands. This level of metaphysical clout has not only brought her great power and influence, but also the enmity of many members of the Celestial Bureaucracy.
Her priests and priestesses call themselves Wordbearers, in token of the amulets they wear: each one bears an inscription from Shrike's own hand. The carven glyph is usually the bearer's own name, or something else significant to them like 'Duty', but each one also carries a social attack (hidden by Letter-Within-a-Letter Technique) that enforces loyalty and powerful attraction to Shrike.

Influence 5: Mother of Thorns[edit]

Shrike is the centre of supernatural power in Thorns, but for the sake of not pointlessly antagonising the Realm and other Immaculate prefectures, she has not actually laid official claim to any sort of title, relying on her celebrity, powerful Cult, and personal charms (and Charms) to affect policy. The living and the dead, the Thorns of sunlight and the Spines of shadow, all bend the knee to her as queen and goddess. She has cemented her reign by ceremonially marrying Thorns' newborn City Father, through him gaining access to the region's spirit courts, many of which acknowledge her as a patron: her Cult allocates feast-days to particularly helpful gods. She serves as the mediatrix between Thorns and Spines, and the latter more than the former owes its continued existence to her. Her state-sponsored ancestor cult has been the main motive force behind the reconstruction efforts in the Underworld. Ghosts arrive daily, to witness the rarest of all things: innovation in the Underworld. For while Stygia remains the centre of political power in the Underworld, and Sijan its busiest 'port', Spines is beginning to be known as its centre of commerce, industry, and culture.
And all this is without reckoning the direct power she wields over the hearts and minds of her people using her potent magic.

Influence 5: Imperial Regent of the Phoenix Empire[edit]

Guardian of Wrath of Fallen King's daughter, Cassa, Shrike assumes the role of Imperial Regent whenever Wrath is away, allowing her to speak with his voice and act in his stead.

Influence 3: Terrestrial Bureaucracy[edit]

While the jealous gods of the Celestial Bureaucracy might scoff at the returning Solars, their oppressed poor cousins in Creation proper, having long suffered under the yoke of unnatural tyrants like the Mask of Winters, have not forgotten. The spirit courts of the River Province all rejoiced when the Veil-Winged Shrike's Circle retook Thorns and restored the proper way of things: some of them recognise the Crown of Thunders on Shrike's brow and they remember what it means. Her marriage to the city god of Thorns has only enhanced this esteem. She wields powerful influence over the gods of the Scavenger Lands, and many of them accept her as one of their own. It is only a matter of time before Shrike assembles a new pantheon with herself at its head.

Lunar Bond 5: True Love[edit]

Pool of 10 dice when assisting Frost. +8 to MDV against attempts to turn her against him. -5 to MDV when acting against Frost, -3 when Frost is used against her.
While Shrike's initial encounter with her Lunar mate Killing_Frost was less than smooth, their relationship has since undergone a gradual blossoming, as she found in him a reliable partner and fierce protector.

Manse 5: Stone of Loyalty[edit]

Anyone who accepts her authority or has sworn an oath of loyalty to Shrike needs to roll difficulty 5 Conviction to betray her; close friends and allies must roll 3; casual acquaintances and the general public roll 1. -1 if they can justify their actions as assisting her.
Extracted from the heart of Thorns' central Manse - Noon Shadow Temple. Surmounts the Crown of Thunders.
Noon Shadow Temple is a Wood-Aspected manse and the headquarters of Shrike's Cult, the Bearers of the Golden Word. It has the following characteristics: an Otherworld Gate to the Underworld; Ability Enlightenment in the areas of Bureaucracy, Investigation, Medicine, and Presence; the Subtle Breath of Sextes Jylis that is usually used to keep its environs comfortable regardless of the season or weather, and an autonomous Provider that ensures its occupants never want for necessities. It requires simple maintenance which takes a full day and must be performed every month: this duty is assigned according to a roster to its resident clergy.

Manse 3: Stone of Compassion[edit]

A tranquil lake near Killing Frost's domain gives rise to this hearthstone; the manse itself is a solitary pagoda built in the exact middle of the lake. The Stone enhances Shrike's already keen tendencies towards affection and empathy, providing irrepressible motivation and unwavering certainty. She wears it on the pendant that conceals her Celestial Battle Armour.

Manse 1: Road of Hatred Stone[edit]

Reinforces an Intimacy of hatred, becoming a second Motivation for social combat, mental influence, and recovering Willpower is concerned.
The first fruits of her development project in Spines. The ghosts of Thorns' Underworld shadow have raised a small manse for her when she chooses to reside there, which produces this unremarkable hearthstone. The matte-black stone, the size and smoothness of a river pebble, is set into the clasp of her Celestial Battle Armour.

Whispers 5: the Glory of the Neverborn[edit]

Shrike does not speak of what passed between her and the Lover at the Fortress of Crimson Ice. Even Frost does not ask, and even to him she will not tell. But she's heard them now, the Whispers of the Neverborn, echoing out from their hole in the world, the crack in reality caused by their impossible dying. And she can't get them to stop. Sometimes she can close her eyes and tune them out, immersing herself instead in the golden hymns her Cult sings to her, but the Whispers are always waiting for her. Sometimes she gives in to them. Especially when she's tired and confused and frustrated and out of her depth: the Whispers come then, suggesting solutions. Elegant ones. Harmless ones, really, just a little bit unorthodox. That little bit... unusual. Bending numbers using equations she can't quite remember. Flexing muscles she's never bothered to develop. Tapping knowledge she's never acquired, telling stories she's never heard.
Harmless, surely.

Ward 5 (flaw): Imperial Princess Cassa[edit]

Arynd Kal's Half-Caste daughter.


Known Anathema: 7[edit]

"He mentioned the Lady of Thorns! Summon the magistrates!"
Frustratingly enough, fame has come with its own price, and try as she might, Shrike has found setting up intelligence networks and subversive cells all but impossible due to her notoriety. Indeed, while there are many willing to utter prayers to her effigies or donate to her temples, that's not the same thing as being a paid informant of hers. She has to pay double for Allies, Backing, Contacts, Followers, and Resources.

Permanent Caste Mark: 2[edit]

"The Unconquered Sun has laid His hand upon me. Behold the mark of His favour!"
Channeling the unsubtle powers that come so easily to her has left Shrike forever branded by the scar of such potent energies. Her Caste mark is permanent and indelible upon her forehead, and cannot be mistaken for anything else.

Nightmares: 1[edit]

"She sees me, Frost! She sees me!"
In public, Shrike basks in the acclaim of having been instrumental in the defeat of two Deathlords. Five years ago, her Circle humbled the combined forces and resource of the Mask of Winters and the Lover Clad in Raiment of Tears. But her brush with the latter Deathlord has instilled a permanent dread of the other woman in her, possibly due to their uncanny similarity. The Lover too appeared to recognise Shrike -- or rather, something about her. The possibility, no matter how remote, that they are more alike than is immediately apparent haunts Shrike in her dreams. She has a 1 in 10 chance of waking screaming from nightmares, forfeiting Willpower recovery that night.


  • Essence: 5
  • Personal: 25/25
  • Peripheral: 27/57
  • ISG: 20/20
  • Overdrive: 0/10
  • Committed to Charms: 10 (5: Integrity-Protecting Prana, Principle of Motion), (SHF: 6m)
  • Committed to artifacts: 20 (10: Crown of Thunders, 10: Celestial Battle Armour)
  • Willpower: 10/10
  • Anima status: Quiescent


  • Compassion: 5/5
  • Conviction: 3
  • Temperance: 1
  • Valor: 3

Limit Break[edit]

  • Virtue Flaw: Compassionate Martyrdom

Overcome with the need to alleviate the suffering she witnesses, Shrike throws herself into helping the victims in the most direct and dramatic fashion possible. If her Limit Breaks while watching an overseer beat slaves, she stands before the whip, allowing blows meant for others to fall upon her instead. She will not resort to violence unless she is attacked or is already in combat.

  • Partial Control: If the character attempts to control the Limit Break, he must still immediately and directly aid those who are suffering. However, he can choose to do so more effectively— including by killing the brutal overseer and freeing the slaves in the above example.
  • Condition: The character sees innocents suffering through no fault of their own.
  • Duration: One scene in combat or one day.



  • Join Battle: 3
  • Dodge DV: 6
  • Parry DV: 8
  • Soak (L/B/A): 3/5/- (25L/32B/12A) w SHF and Peronelle, +10L/+10B with Durability of Oak
  • Hardness: 8L/8B (w/ CBA)


  • Move: 12
  • Dash: 22
  • Jump: 7 up, 14 across


  • Join Debate: 8
  • Dodge MDV: 10
  • Parry MDV: 5

Health Levels[edit]

  • -0, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated
  • (wounds are designated as bashing, lethal or aggravated)

Equipment and aids[edit]

  • Unarmed strikes

Shrike's bare hands have dismayed Deathlords.
Fists of Iron Technique
Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy +4, Damage +2L, Defence +2, Rate 4
Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage +7L, Defence +2, Rate 3
Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy +2, Damage +2L, Defence --, Rate 2, Clinch, Piercing

Battle Armour Gauntlets
Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy +3, Damage +7L, Defence +3, Rate 4
Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage +8L, Defence -1, Rate 3

  • living armour

A summoned perronelle travels with her, and she calls it to layer itself across her body as armour when the situation demands it.
Perronelle armour
+5L/10B soak, 5L/5B Hardness

  • healing companion

She keeps a sesselja in her belly, where it devours the various cocktails poisoners would have her consume.
Sesselja stomach-bottle bug
typically 10 dice for internal Medicine rolls; casts Touch of Grace for 12m 1wp max, healing either 4L/12B damage, or removing Crippled/Poisoned/Sickened conditions.
Essence pool: 75
Willpower: 7

  • yasal stone resident

Shrike invites various gods to take up residence in her yasal stone, depending on what suite of powers she finds most necessary at any point in time. The city father delegates gods of citizenry to accompany her: these spirits usually provide access to the following Charms: Hurry Home (5m, Simple, Instant: transport to anywhere in Thorns), Measure the Wind (1m, Simple, Instant: detect any ongoing wrongness in Thorns), Principle of Motion (5m 1wp: bank actions equal to WP; release them as if using an Extra Action Charm)

  • major-domo

As the temporal ruler of a city in Creation, the object of veneration of a cult that looks to her for guidance, the patron of an Underworld city, and the consort of a powerful city god with his own court, Shrike has a lot of administrative twaddle to plague her, and she usually fulfils this responsibility by delegating it to others. Thorns governs itself through a system of guilds and a grand council of masters, rarely requiring her input; she can rely on input from either her own privy council, composed of high-ranking guildsmen, or from the city god himself. She relies on responsible ghosts who have sworn oaths of fealty to her to administer Spines. Her Cult, perhaps her dearest responsibility, is overseen by a chrysogona summoned from Malfeas, who plays the ambitious senior priestesses off against each other.



  • Starting: 18
  • From Flaws: 10
  • Spent: -28
    • -11 Abilities
    • -9 Charms (3)
    • -5 Willpower
    • -1 Virtue (Conviction)
    • -2 Valour
  • Awarded: 10 Background points
    • -3 Manse
    • -6 Charms (converted)
    • -1 Athletics 0 to 1 (converted)



  • Initial: 260
    • Charms (32): 256
    • Occult 0 to 2: 4
  • Earned: 77
    • Understanding the Court: 8
    • Wild Revelry: 8
    • Bureaucracy 0 to 2: 4
    • Bureaucracy 2 to 5: 15
    • Knockout Blow: 8
    • Break the Storm: 8
    • Heaven Thunder Hammer: 8
    • Hastening Night's End: 8
    • Immanent Solar Glory: 8
    • Athletics 1 to 2: 2

Cut Material[edit]

Shrike's discarded materials