DnD4eCM: Difference between revisions

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DarkSir (talk | contribs)
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(163 intermediate revisions by 93 users not shown)
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** Hit points (including temporary)
** Hit points (including temporary)
** Power-expenditure (including recharge rolls)
** Power-expenditure (including recharge rolls)
** Daily Item Usage
** Lingering Effects
** Lingering Effects
** Saving Throws
** Saving Throws
** Healing Surges

==On Facebook==
==On Facebook==
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==Current Version==
==Current Version==
[http://www.fortsackville.com/DnD4e%20Combat%20Manager%20v1.7.4.zip DnD4e Combat Manager v1.7.4]
===Version 1.8.4===
New version available, featuring fixes from grantemsley:
Webserver updates
Surge updates
Sorry for the delay in getting it released

===Version 1.7.4===
* Added a bit more information to the powers as they are imported for PCs. 


(accurate as of v1.7.2.1)
(accurate as of v1.7.4)

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==Version History==
==Version History==

===Version 1.8===
===Version 1.8.3===
* Import from Monster Builder! Finally got this feature added.
* Several small bug fixes
===Version 1.8.2===
* New effect preset: Damage Penalty
* Fixed: Status effects not disappearing correctly when source dies.
* Fixed: Extra healing surges now go away after a short rest, and will fully heal the pc if they have more surges than their max.
* Better handling of companions (during rests, and display on the secondary display)
* Monsters that are revived from death no longer still show as dead on the secondary display.
* Import monsters from compendium.  This is a "sorta" import.  There's no good way to try to import actual abilities from the compendium, because there are too many different formats.  They've changed the display format several times, but not updated the older entries.  What this does is pull in the important information:  Name, Level, Role, Secondary Role, Hit Points, Experience, etc.  Then pulls everything else in as a "note" which is displayed instead of the regular sheet.  Works for pulling quick default monsters in, but isn't as featured as an actual monster created in the edit screen or imported from the old monster builder. ted from the old monster builder.
===Version 1.8.1===
* Traits no longer display twice.  They show up under Traits, where they're supposed to, and not at the bottom of the statblock.
* Death Saves now track properly until a short or extended rest.
* Action points now accumulate properly after Milestones (and go away at an extended rest)
* Support for Companion Characters
* Extra coloring for Companions and Traps in the Init List
* Added a coloring option that will show monsters on a white background instead of a red background, unless they're bloodied.  This feature is off by default.
* Added the ability to modify the max healing surges (goes away at extended rest) -- This will allow the Blood Drinker Encounter Power to give a Vampire PC another healing surge.
* If the ongoing damage option is selected, and the combatant has an effect that contains the string "regen", a Regeneration popup reminder will come up at the beginning of their turn.
* Added a permanent effect type.  This does NOT go away between fights.  Minor drawback:  It may only be removed while there is an ongoing encounter.  I'll try to clean this up in the future.
* Status effects may now be hidden from the secondary display.  There is a toggle on the Effect screen, as well as the preset effects section.
* Hidden characters and Status Effects show up in light grey text on the primary display instead of white text.
* Several minor fixes for the secondary display, as well as an updated HTML template that was given to me, that works a LOT better than the one included previously. (Thanks to Jeff P.)
And last but certainly not least:
* Added a Copy button to the Statblock Library. Will overwrite the old creature if you don't change either the name, level or one of the role pulldowns.  Otherwise, copy monster. :)
===Version 1.8.0===
====New Features====
*Secondary Display via any web browser (default port 9000). 
**Heavily configurable Initiative Listing can be displayed on any device on the network (or anywhere, if you set up port forwarding on your router or firewall).  Some configuration options can be set in the new Options > Configuration > Secondary Display screen, including the HTTP Port to listen on, whether or not to display hit point values for Heroes and/or NPCs, Inititave Value Display, Current Round Display.
**Look and Feel modifiable in the index.html file that is included, via the stylesheet.
**Display name for individual combatants can be changed by right-clicking on any combatant, or changing the name above the center panel.
**Individual Combatants can be hidden via the context menu, as well.
**Note:  I am not completely happy with the webserver itself.  It occasionally stops working, and occasionally has trouble stopping (both when stopped manually and when closing the program).  I may have to rewrite it completely, but I wanted you all to be aware that I know it's not perfect.
*Support for Traps, Hazards and Puzzles.
**Rolls added for Blaster, Obstacle, Puzzle and Warder.
**Tab added to allow for Descriptions, as well as the Trap, Hazard and Puzzle lines of the statcard.
====Bug Fixes====
*Settings now persist from one use of the application to the next.
*Combatants who are Delayed will now automatically re-enter the initiative list in their old position, if they do not act before their position comes around again.
===Version 1.7===
===Version 1.7===
===Version 1.7.5===
* Added AC, Fort, Reflex, and Will to the Initiave List panel, so defenses can be seen without switching combatants.
* Corrected Surge values for Dragonborn.  Now adds their constitution modifier.
* Made the Initiative Tab the default, rather than Stats.
* Surprise Round is now off by default.  It can be selected before combat in the Options menu.
* Auto-displaying of power descriptions is also now an optional setting (default Off).  If on, it will auto-display the compendium entry of a power when clicked in the power list.
* Added the ability to right-click a power and select it as that combatant's "active stance".  Only one can be set per combatant at a time, and the new one will overwrite the old.  This can be done with Any power, as the character file doesn't distinguish stances from other powers.
* Leader class healing powers (class features, such as Healing Word, Healing Spirit, or Inspiring Word) now auto-duplicate or triplicate when you import.  This adds multiples of the powers to be used during an encounter.
===Version 1.7.4===
* Added a bit more information to the powers as they are imported for PCs.
===Version 1.7.3===
===Version 1.7.3===
Several Updates
Several Updates
Line 75: Line 137:

===Version 1.6===
===Version 1.6===
===Version 1.6.1c===
Gee whiz, and I tohuhgt this would be hard to find out.
* Fixed a Monster Builder import glitch with monsters who had non-aura Traits.
* Added "Mark Until Source's Next Turn" to the context menu for the combatant list.
* Reformatted the combatant list so the numbers are appended a bit more uniformly.  Example "Hill Giant-1" is now "Hill Giant - 01" .  This will keep large numbers of monsters from being sorted improperly, if there are 10 or more of them.
* Recharge powers now show up with the dice symbols, rather than "Recharge 4" or "Recharge 6".
====Version 1.6.1b====
* Fixes (hopefully) the recent changes to Adventure Tools.  Please see the discussion page in the section marked 1.6.1b for details on how to report errors.
====Version 1.6.1a====
* Fixes a recent change to Character Builder that modified the format of the .dnd4e XML file.  Fixed and compiled by DarkSir, until Mortaneus's return.
====Version 1.6.1====
* When saving, all PC status information will be saved, regardless of out-of-combat status
====Version 1.6.0====
* Added a tabbed section to the Statblock-edit window to give more room for data.
* You can now manually preset effects that a PC or Monster can generate, and they will appear on the 'Add Effect' window.  These must be manually set up on the Statblock-edit window on one of the new tabs, and will be saved normally.  This will allow commonly created effects to be pre-entered for the major combatants of an encounter, saving the GM some typing time when adding effects during play.
* 'Notes' tab has been added to the Statblock-edit window for entry of Tactics, Monster Knowledge, etc.  It will appear in the statblock summary, and is saved as normal.
* When 'Save Encounter' is used on a currently active encounter, all combat data is now saved.
* Added Right-Click menu to the main initiative list for quick access of Move-to-Top, Ready, and Delay options.
* Improved parsing of Aura powers from rich text (mainly to handle weird formats, such as the Kyuss monsters)
* Fixed a bug with adding effects to PCs before combat begins
===Version 1.5===
====Version 1.5.3====
* PC hit points will no longer automatically refresh when the fight is done
* Added 'Party' Menu with new Short/Extended Rest options
* Added 'Select Current' hotkey to quickly pick the currently active fighter
* Modified hotkeys for quicker access
* Unlocked some frame-separators to allow for more customization of the main window
====Version 1.5.2====
* Updated for new version of Monster Builder
:: Please note that the monster-type keywords (such as Undead, Fey, etc) will be missing.  The new monster builder does not include these in the Rich Text, so they will be missing when pasted to this application. 
* Added support for multiple-file-select when opening encounters, and when importing from Character Builder from the Library screen.  The 'CB Import' button on the actual StatBlock-edit window is still only single-file-select, for obvious reasons.
====Version 1.5.1====
* Corrected problem when importing certain beholders eye-powers
* Negative skill totals should now correctly import without +- problem
* Fixed a problem with certain older Character Builder formats (the "(" in an XML name problem)
* "End of Source's Next Turn" effects should now properly end if the source delays
* Modified settings to attempt to account for increased system-font size (this may or may not fix the problem)
====Version 1.5.0====
* Importing from Character Builder now active!
:: (look for the CB Load button the library window and on the StatBlock edit window)
* Cleaned up the Damage/Healing number-box logic
* Second Wind and Action Point will now automatically appear as powers for PCs/Heroes

===Version 1.4===
===Version 1.4===
Line 147: Line 156:
* Removed 'Roll Initiatives' and 'Reset Encounter' buttons from main screen.  They are menu options under the 'Combat' menu, and don't need to be front-and-center, since they're only accessed twice a fight.
* Removed 'Roll Initiatives' and 'Reset Encounter' buttons from main screen.  They are menu options under the 'Combat' menu, and don't need to be front-and-center, since they're only accessed twice a fight.

====Version 1.4.1====
Holy concsie data batman. Lol!
* Added dropdown on Effect screen with pre-loaded effect names
* Effects with the name 'Marked' are now unique per target. Adding a new one will overlay a prexisting one.
* Inactive combatants will no longer prompt to recharge powers
* Reworked the Rich Text import logic for more accurate checking of what it is reading. For example, the Skeleton power Speed of the Dead will no longer get eaten by the Speed line.
* Fixed a few problems with the updating logic for the power list on the individual statblock window.
* Bloody condition will now show on equal to or less than Bloody value, rather than less than.

====Version 1.4.0====
====Version 1.4.0====
Line 197: Line 200:
* Modified tab-order on Statblock screen to account for PC checkbox.
* Modified tab-order on Statblock screen to account for PC checkbox.

====Version 1.2.1====
reinforced with tdbtiis of supporting research, and a few of them suggest ways to take advantage of the new Facebook Page features. (For example tip #7: Like other pages as a
* Corrected problem with changes on Library screen, cased by 1.2 fix: "Added edit message to prevent overwrite of other entries when changing names"

====Version 1.2.0====
====Version 1.2.0====
Line 221: Line 223:

===Version 1.1===
There is a critical shrtoage of informative articles like this.
* Main Screen
** Changed 'Compendium' to 'Library'
** Unified Damage and Healing # field
** Removed 'Encounter Name' from main screen - was buggy and not worth fixing
* Library Screen
** Added Level-range filters
** Redid 'Add to Battle' display, added encounter XP readouts for added entries
** Added multi-select/delete capability

===Version 1.0===
===Version 1.0===
* Original Public Release
* Original Public Release
[[Category:D&D 4e]]

Latest revision as of 16:01, 21 January 2014


Hey, everyone! Mortaneus here.

I've been running a 4e game for a while now, and I use my laptop as my GM screen.

As such, I've spent a decent amount of time examining the various digital assistant offerings out there. I've mainly been using Virtual Combat Cards, Masterplan, and OneNote to do what I want to do.

All are excellent offerings. However, none of them have exactly the feature set I want while running a fight. Since I prefer to fix rather than complain, I went about writing my own (being a programmer myself).

This is the result. Enjoy!

Main Features

  • Paste Monsters directly from the WotC Monster Builder using the Copy-to-Rich Text option
  • Load PCs directly from Character Builder Files
  • Shows full stat-blocks for every combatant on the main screen
  • Automatically saves a library of every entered monster/PC to speed preparation
  • Load and Save encounter rosters to save time at the table
  • Tracks most combat data for the GM:
    • Initiative order
    • Hit points (including temporary)
    • Power-expenditure (including recharge rolls)
    • Daily Item Usage
    • Lingering Effects
    • Saving Throws
    • Healing Surges

On Facebook

Our Facebook Page

Current Version


Version 1.8.4

New version available, featuring fixes from grantemsley:

Webserver updates Surge updates

Sorry for the delay in getting it released



(accurate as of v1.7.4)


  • Windows XP and later only
  • Requires .NET Framework 3.5 or later (if you have the Character Builder or Monster Builder installed, you have this)

Version History

Version 1.8

Version 1.8.3

  • Import from Monster Builder! Finally got this feature added.
  • Several small bug fixes

Version 1.8.2

  • New effect preset: Damage Penalty
  • Fixed: Status effects not disappearing correctly when source dies.
  • Fixed: Extra healing surges now go away after a short rest, and will fully heal the pc if they have more surges than their max.
  • Better handling of companions (during rests, and display on the secondary display)
  • Monsters that are revived from death no longer still show as dead on the secondary display.
  • Import monsters from compendium. This is a "sorta" import. There's no good way to try to import actual abilities from the compendium, because there are too many different formats. They've changed the display format several times, but not updated the older entries. What this does is pull in the important information: Name, Level, Role, Secondary Role, Hit Points, Experience, etc. Then pulls everything else in as a "note" which is displayed instead of the regular sheet. Works for pulling quick default monsters in, but isn't as featured as an actual monster created in the edit screen or imported from the old monster builder. ted from the old monster builder.

Version 1.8.1

  • Traits no longer display twice. They show up under Traits, where they're supposed to, and not at the bottom of the statblock.
  • Death Saves now track properly until a short or extended rest.
  • Action points now accumulate properly after Milestones (and go away at an extended rest)
  • Support for Companion Characters
  • Extra coloring for Companions and Traps in the Init List
  • Added a coloring option that will show monsters on a white background instead of a red background, unless they're bloodied. This feature is off by default.
  • Added the ability to modify the max healing surges (goes away at extended rest) -- This will allow the Blood Drinker Encounter Power to give a Vampire PC another healing surge.
  • If the ongoing damage option is selected, and the combatant has an effect that contains the string "regen", a Regeneration popup reminder will come up at the beginning of their turn.
  • Added a permanent effect type. This does NOT go away between fights. Minor drawback: It may only be removed while there is an ongoing encounter. I'll try to clean this up in the future.
  • Status effects may now be hidden from the secondary display. There is a toggle on the Effect screen, as well as the preset effects section.
  • Hidden characters and Status Effects show up in light grey text on the primary display instead of white text.
  • Several minor fixes for the secondary display, as well as an updated HTML template that was given to me, that works a LOT better than the one included previously. (Thanks to Jeff P.)

And last but certainly not least:

  • Added a Copy button to the Statblock Library. Will overwrite the old creature if you don't change either the name, level or one of the role pulldowns. Otherwise, copy monster. :)

Version 1.8.0

New Features

  • Secondary Display via any web browser (default port 9000).
    • Heavily configurable Initiative Listing can be displayed on any device on the network (or anywhere, if you set up port forwarding on your router or firewall). Some configuration options can be set in the new Options > Configuration > Secondary Display screen, including the HTTP Port to listen on, whether or not to display hit point values for Heroes and/or NPCs, Inititave Value Display, Current Round Display.
    • Look and Feel modifiable in the index.html file that is included, via the stylesheet.
    • Display name for individual combatants can be changed by right-clicking on any combatant, or changing the name above the center panel.
    • Individual Combatants can be hidden via the context menu, as well.
    • Note: I am not completely happy with the webserver itself. It occasionally stops working, and occasionally has trouble stopping (both when stopped manually and when closing the program). I may have to rewrite it completely, but I wanted you all to be aware that I know it's not perfect.
  • Support for Traps, Hazards and Puzzles.
    • Rolls added for Blaster, Obstacle, Puzzle and Warder.
    • Tab added to allow for Descriptions, as well as the Trap, Hazard and Puzzle lines of the statcard.

Bug Fixes

  • Settings now persist from one use of the application to the next.
  • Combatants who are Delayed will now automatically re-enter the initiative list in their old position, if they do not act before their position comes around again.

Version 1.7

Version 1.7.5

  • Added AC, Fort, Reflex, and Will to the Initiave List panel, so defenses can be seen without switching combatants.
  • Corrected Surge values for Dragonborn. Now adds their constitution modifier.
  • Made the Initiative Tab the default, rather than Stats.
  • Surprise Round is now off by default. It can be selected before combat in the Options menu.
  • Auto-displaying of power descriptions is also now an optional setting (default Off). If on, it will auto-display the compendium entry of a power when clicked in the power list.
  • Added the ability to right-click a power and select it as that combatant's "active stance". Only one can be set per combatant at a time, and the new one will overwrite the old. This can be done with Any power, as the character file doesn't distinguish stances from other powers.
  • Leader class healing powers (class features, such as Healing Word, Healing Spirit, or Inspiring Word) now auto-duplicate or triplicate when you import. This adds multiples of the powers to be used during an encounter.

Version 1.7.4

  • Added a bit more information to the powers as they are imported for PCs.

Version 1.7.3

Several Updates

  • Added healing surge tracking. Note: Using the "Surge" button does not actually expend a surge.
  • Adjusted the size minimums of the windows to fit mini PCs.
  • Completely replaced the RTF Statblock windows with HTML displays, to allow an "authentic" statblock view.
  • Added an embedded power-view panel. The power-view panel is the one in the bottom right-hand corner. It'll only work on player powers and items, and only after you log into your D&D Insider account (in the embedded window)

Version 1.7.2

Minor bugfix update, until Character Builder adds export capabilities.

  • Fixed the URLs not importing in powers that disappeared from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1
  • Fixed issue of combatants dying during their own turn not triggering next turn properly.

Version 1.7.1

This is primarily a bugfix release. Some items weren't wanting to import properly. There are a lot of features I want to add that I've not been able to yet. There are a couple of minor changes, though.

  • Right-click -> Remove Fighter from Combat
  • Right-click -> Marks -- This currently contains Mark until end of source's next turn and mark until end of encounter. I'm going to try to add some functionality for Striker marks in here, but each one behaves a little differently, like Assassin Shrouds.

Version 1.7.0

  • Badly formed monster powers in Adventure Tools could cause Combat Manager to crash. This isn't guaranteeing that they're all fixed, but I did fix a couple of glaring ones.
  • Power Points for Psionic PCs that will work much like Action Points. These will import from the Character Builder file, and can also be added to any entry in the library. This may change in the future to not take up so much space in the Powers List.
  • Ongoing damage pop-up. At the beginning of any turn that has an effect with the word "Ongoing" in it, it will pop up, reminding you to apply ongoing damage. This feature can be disabled in the Options.
  • Fix equipment naming on import. Magic Weapons currently show as "Dagger Lifedrinker Weapon +1" or Leather Armor Magic Armor +1" These will now show as "Lifedrinker Dagger +1" or "Magic Leather Armor +1"
  • Magic Equipment now shows in the Powers List, and can be disabled/enabled like other powers.
  • Right-click > enable and right-click > disable for powers in the power list.
  • Right-click > View Compendium Entry for powers and items on characters imported after 1.7.0. Only works if you're logged into your D&D Insider account.
  • Copy initiative list to clipboard from the Encounter menu.
  • Stopped the Short Rest from resetting action points.
  • Added a Short Rest with Milestone that WILL reset action points.

Version 1.6

Gee whiz, and I tohuhgt this would be hard to find out.

Version 1.4

Version 1.4.2

  • Reworked Initiative and Damage tabs to be more distinctive
    • Changed initiative and damage/heal entry boxes to be numeric up-down boxes
    • Added 5 and +5 to damage/heal tab for fast values
    • Added Surge and Maximum to damage/heal tab for fast values
    • Removed Slay button to make room (just hit Max then Damage and it'll do the same thing)
  • Added Feat line to Stat Block
  • Healing Surge value will display in statblock for PCs
  • Altered Ready functionality to conform to the rules (it doesn't remove from the initiative structure anymore, just marks as *Rdy*. This will clear when next turn starts, or is moved to start of list)
  • Several overhauls and cleanups to 'Start of Turn' functionality
  • Changing a statblock in the library will now update current combatants
  • Changed 'Undo Turn' button to 'Back Up', and reworked functionality (still doesn't undo damage/healing dealt)
  • Moved 'Remove Fighter' button to Initiative tab
  • Removed 'Roll Initiatives' and 'Reset Encounter' buttons from main screen. They are menu options under the 'Combat' menu, and don't need to be front-and-center, since they're only accessed twice a fight.

Holy concsie data batman. Lol!

Version 1.4.0

  • Added automated saving throws (will prompt)
  • Added automated power recharge (will prompt)
  • Modified minimum window size to accommodate smaller desktop widths

Version 1.3

Version 1.3.3

  • PCs will no longer drop to the 'Inactive' category, so that proper death save timing will be obvious.
  • Fixed a crashing problem due to the new 'save notes' code.

Version 1.3.2

  • Effects will now automatically drop off targets if they are of the 'Until start/end' variety. (automatic power recharge, saving throws, etc are in the works)
  • Changing the selection on the main list with the arrow keys now works
  • Both Global and Individual notes are now saved with the encounter

Version 1.3.1

  • Now handles 'small font' and 'large font' format of new version of Monster Builder.
  • Propertly imports skills (weren't being copied-to-RTF in previous MB)
  • Properly imports and saves Immunities (weren't included in previous MB)
  • Properly imports and saves Source book info (wasn't included in previous MB)
  • Added functionality to Statblock display to show recharge as dice, as in standard statblocks

Version 1.3.0

  • Layout re-do of the Main screen
  • Added Effect tracking (manual removal, currently)
  • Added Power Usage tracking (also manual, for the moment)
  • Added Global Notes field (not saved)
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes

Version 1.2

Version 1.2.2

  • Added prompt for required information on Statblock screen
  • Modified tab-order on Statblock screen to account for PC checkbox.

reinforced with tdbtiis of supporting research, and a few of them suggest ways to take advantage of the new Facebook Page features. (For example tip #7: Like other pages as a

Version 1.2.0

  • Main Screen
    • Rewrote Initiative List logic for greater consistency
    • Modified XP display on Initiative list to show XP/Lvl for 5 PCs if no PCs present in list
    • Added 'Inactive' section to initiative list
    • Added popup-tooltips to many items
    • Made 'Load Encounter' clear current encounter first, and added 'Import Encounter' to load without clearing
    • Modified Reserve group to sort PCs above NPCs
    • Modified HP display to show HP even on inactive targets
  • Library Screen
    • Added new filter to Library Window for Role
    • Added edit message to prevent overwrite of other entries when changing names
    • Moved PCs to top of list by adding *'s before their names
    • Fixed multiselect problem between main list and add list
    • Placed 'Add to Battle' buttons on top of both lists for ease of use
  • Statblock Screen
    • Added PC checkbox linked to 'Hero' option on Role dropdown

There is a critical shrtoage of informative articles like this.

Version 1.0

  • Original Public Release