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<span style="color:#800000"> '''To celebrate our fifth season, we're offering extras with every episode: ''Dialogue to Rewind For'' and other features were applicable.  Enjoy!--Maer'''</span> <br> <br>
<br> <br>
== '''''DIALOGUE TO REWIND FOR''''' ==
'''Part One:'''<br><br>
'''Joshua:''' Kiera. Prep the surgery room in case I need to be a small Chinese man within the next day. <br>
'''Kiera:''' Kneecap a Chinese man? What?<br>
'''Joshua:''' Kneecap a small Chinese man before I become him.<br>
'''Kiera:''' Don’t forget the limp.<br><br>
'''Arden:''' I got the impression they were Marshalls.<br>
'''Joshua:''' Why?<br>
'''Arden:''' I don’t remember why. I just know there’s a reason.<br>
'''Joshua:''' (rolls with it) Okay.<br><br>
'''Joshua:''' So I think the next step is for me to try—I don’t know what our time frame is.  They didn’t get us a timeframe, did they?  They didn’t mention something specific.<br>
'''Beglan:''' Ahh….He did not. He said soon.<br>
'''Joshua:''' Yeah, soon. But he didn’t say exactly when.<br>
'''Kiera:''' Did he say where?<br><br>
'''Joshua:''' Now the question is, is Rina going to do something that destroys any possibility of rescue.<br>
'''Arden:''' It’s not a question.<br>
'''Joshua:''' That is a question.<br>
'''Arden:''' No, it’s a statement.<br><br>
'''Joshua:''' Best judgment, please.<br><br>
'''Li:'''  As long as I don’t make any calls your friend will be fine. <br>
'''Arden:''' And I want to be sure of that. So you won’t make any calls and you don’t go anywhere until she’s better.<br>
'''Li:''' That’s not the way it works.<br>
'''Arden:''' That’s the way it works for me.<br>
'''Li:''' (to Kiera) You know how this works.  ''We don’t stick around''.<br><br>
'''Rina:''' (to self) ''Bozhe moi''.  And I didn’t get to drink any vodka …<br><br>
'''Guard:''' Hey, you’re awake. (a beat) Mostly, the interrogation’s over but I have a question for ya.<br>
'''Rina:''' (narrowly) Yeah?<br>
'''Guard:''' You know how to play chess?<br>
'''Rina:''' You ever go after Reavers?<br>
'''Reich:''' What?! Is there a bounty on Reavers? <br>
'''Rina:''' (moves a piece) There should be.<br><br>
'''Kiera:''' What is it with them and their clothing?<br>
'''Arden:''' Maybe they’re close personal friends.<br><br>
'''Arden:''' So, no abandoned warehouses.<br>
'''Kiera:''' No. He’s a professional. He’s not going to do it in a warehouse.<br><br><br>
'''Part Two:'''<br><br>
'''Man #1:''' This ship was flown by real-life heroes.<br>
'''Kiera:''' Heroes. Oh!<br>
'''Man #1:''' These people ''fed'' the people of Athens during the war.<br>
'''Kiera:''' (wow) Are you serious?<br>
'''Man #1:''' It’s a pity you don’t know the history and don’t care.<br>
'''Arden:''' I don’t know but I do care. That’s why I’m asking!<br>
'''Kiera:''' I care!<br>
'''Man #1:''' (to the others) C’mon guys. These guys don’t know what they’re sittin’ on—<br>
'''Kiera:''' Oh no, no no no no! Don’t leave!<br><br>
'''Kiera:''' Now honey you done made’em mad an’ I could’a found a story. (running after the men) Wait, wait, wait.  I’m interested—! I’m interested. Tell me about our ship.  I love her. She’s purty. She’s a present.<br><br>
'''Man #1:''' Now, no offense. You probably bought it fair and square.<br>
'''Kiera:''' I did.<br>
'''Man #1:''' It doesn’t belong in the hands of … you know, people who don’t know the history of her and don’t care.<br><br>
'''Kiera:''' I appreciate your time. I will have more respect for it. I will research it and see if this really is the ''Exeter''. You’re pretty sure it is?<br>
'''Man #1:''' Oh yeah. It’s got the stamp.<br>
'''Kiera:''' The stamp?<br><br>
'''Kiera:''' You know for a Reader, you really can’t hide an emotion from your face.<br>
'''Joshua:''' I wasn’t trying.<br><br>
'''Joshua:''' I didn’t want to give them his location. ''I just want to know where he is''. It’s a piece of information that’s useful to have. Even if I don’t give it to them, knowing where he is gives us—<br>
'''Arden:''' He’s somewhere on the planet.<br>
'''Joshua:''' (heavily) Yeah.  I had that figured out.<br><br>
'''Joshua:''' Well, that’s actually option number two to consider.  Not that I particularly believe in calling the authorities since it’s worked so tremendously well for us in the past…  But technically, they have kidnapped someone that they have not, as far as I’m aware—depending on how heavily they’ve drugged her—got a bounty on.  Actually, is there a bounty on her head?<br>
'''Arden:''' I have no idea.<br>
'''Joshua:''' Yeah, I don’t actually know. That’s what I’m saying: it’s possible.<br>
'''Kiera:''' If they found out who she was, there might be a bounty. The reason why I’m asking is if they’ve actually illegally kidnapped a person, this is the one time we might actually be able to do something and do a formal complaint.<br>
'''Joshua:''' Yes, I agree, unless of course she has a bounty on her. In which case, they’re just collecting a bounty, and—<br>
'''Kiera:''' What did you people '''''do''''' before I came aboard?!<br><br>
'''Joshua:''' Well, it’s a pleasure to meet some veterans and—<br>
'''Wysocki:''' You in the war?<br>
'''Joshua:''' No, unfortunately not. Not by choice. And there’s a long story so don’t—too much to tell.<br>
'''Wysocki:''' Everybody’s got a story. There’s no shame in not fightin’.<br>
'''Joshua:''' And I appreciate those who did.<br><br>
'''Joshua:''' It seems like the local Browncoat population is fairly well aware of our ship’s history.<br>
'''Kiera:''' (turning) Oh? Did they come back by again?<br>
'''Joshua:''' (focusing) There was a ''they''? And they ''came back by''?<br>
'''Kiera:''' Well there was a group of them and they were lookin’ at the back of our ship.<br>
'''Arden:''' Surly ones.<br>
'''Kiera:''' (miffed) They were ''not'' surly until ''you were mean to them''. They were friendly. They were not surly.<br><br>
'''Kiera:''' No, I played stupid and bought’em a drink in the bar.<br>
'''Arden:''' I was stupid. I didn’t know what they were talking about.<br>
'''Kiera:''' (annoyed) That’s cuz you ''are'' stupid.<br>
'''Arden:''' I ''said'' that!<br><br>
'''Joshua:''' She’s probably already startin’ to work on a way to get out of it. I’ve never seen her like—she just doesn’t handle imprisonment well. She’s … Like I said, she’s the best, the best engineer I know. (sincerely) She’s my love.  I can’t let her—can’t let them take off with her.<br>
'''Wysocki:''' How long we got to work on this?<br>
'''Joshua:''' I don’t know. I don’t have any, like … ''Soon''. <br><br>
'''Arden:''' Are you doing this hoping it’s going to be Stupid Night?  He can use any gun he wants. I’m going to carry a gun.<br>
'''Joshua:''' Oh, no you’re not. <br>
'''Arden:''' Oh, yes I am.<br><br>
'''Joshua:''' Okay.  ''She’s'' not allowed to carry. <br>
'''Arden:''' She’s what?<br>
'''Joshua:''' I don’t want her carrying.<br>
'''Arden:''' Right. Like that’s gonna happen.<br><br>
'''Reich:''' Hey, can’t we just wait a little bit, Bob?  We’re almost done with the game. (whispers) ''I’ve almost got her … (holds up fingers) … Like, in this many moves …'' <br><br>
'''Reich:''' (friendly) We’ll probably be here a couple’a days if you wanna come back and finish that game. I’ll take a picture of the board.<br>
'''Rina:''' (blinks) ''V’seriozni''?<br>
'''Reich:''' Is that … uh … Chinese? My Chinese ain’t so good.<br><br>
'''Orvis:''' Ma’am, are you all right?<br>
'''Rina:''' Nothing injured but my dignity.  Let’s go.<br>
'''Joshua:''' (evenly) As long as she is safe and sound, that is all I am concerned about.<br><br><br>
'''Part Three:'''<br><br>
'''Jeanne-Christienne:''' I should tell you … (hesitates) … I believe that there are men after me.  That is why I had my eyes done. I worry that if they find me … (small voice) … it will be bad.<br>
'''Nika:''' Yeahhhh, I kinda figured I knew who you were.<br>
'''Jeanne-Christienne:''' You know who I am?<br>
'''Nika:''' Well, at least insofar as the doctor who was doing your eyes was also doing mine and he was unwilling to expose you in any fashion.<br>
'''Jeanne-Christienne:''' Are you … are you also running from a man?<br><br>
'''Rina:''' (undertone) Yeah, they said the interrogation’s mostly over but what did they ask me?<br>
'''Joshua:''' Well, I don’t know if that went really well or really poorly.<br>
'''Arden:''' Does it really matter?  We’re done.  We’re away.<br>
'''Joshua:''' No, we’re not away. We’re not away yet. Not until we have Nika.<br><br>
'''Beglan:''' Hey! You got Rina!  (racing up) Good to see ya. <br>
'''Rina:''' Yeah.<br>
'''Beglan:''' You look a little shell shocked. You all right?<br>
'''Rina:''' (deep breath) I don’t know.<br><br>
'''Kiera:''' I hope she’s still down in bed, still out, because she shouldn’t be waking up that quick.<br>
'''Joshua:''' Of course she shouldn’t. <br>
'''Rina:''' Yeah, but this is Nika.<br><br>
'''Arden:''' Abseiling?<br>
'''Joshua:''' No, I don’t ''want'' to abseil.<br>
'''Kiera:''' Anybody want coffee?<br><br>
'''Arden:''' (to Rina) Actually I need to look you over first. I need to runs some scans to make sure nothing’s been implanted in her or … <br>
'''Rina:''' Or?<br>
'''Arden:''' (off her look) Not that ''that’s'' ever happened before.<br>
'''Rina:''' In fact, I’m going to insist on that.  (glares) Thank you ''so much'' for bringing it up.<br>
'''Kiera:''' Would you like some coffee?<br>
'''Rina:''' Tell me, Arden. Did you stock a rape kit, while you were at it?<br><br><br>
'''Part Four:'''<br><br>
'''Rina:''' That Reich guy seemed awfully friendly.  I was totally out of it for hours. How much more lucky was he hoping to get?<br><br>
'''Rina:''' What was it doing in there?<br>
'''Arden:''' It was doing whatever a cat does when it wants to hide.<br>
'''Beglan:''' Maybe it was in another dimension?<br>
'''Arden:''' Just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean the cat can’t see them.<br>
'''Kiera:''' Oh, cool. That’s true.<br><br>
'''Williamson:''' Yeah. Pretty good. I might have another job for ya.<br>
'''Arden:''' Let me pass you over to our purser and let her take care of you.<br>
'''Williamson:''' Yeah. Uh … Drake’s not around is he?<br><br>
'''Williamson:''' I’m doin’ excellent, excellent. Listen. I got some cargo.<br>
'''Kiera:''' You do?<br>
'''Williamson:''' Yeahhh.  I wonder if I can get you guys to come back and take it for me.<br>
'''Kiera:''' I would love to. Talk price at me.<br><br>
'''Williamson:''' I don’t want ya to land in any’a the major things—you know, this planet isn’t exactly … friendly.<br>
'''Kiera:''' Ah, ha.  And you’re still going to pay me three hundred.  Hm. You did me dirty.<br>
'''Williamson:''' (wheedling) Oh, now, here’s the deal … I know you gotta heart’a gold here. Now the people here they got a boss and she’s a dragonlady.  She extorts everything …<br><br>
'''Williamson:''' Or she might steal the cargo right from under you. I wouldn’t put it past her. So you gotta come in kinda quiet-like. On the far side of the moon.<br>
'''Kiera:''' You know, would there be possibly be a little bit’a bonus, considerin’?<br>
'''Kiera:''' They might have to cut that commission to make it up for us. We ''are'' going into hostile territory.<br>
'''Williamson:''' All right! Forget it then.<br>
'''Kiera:''' Awww, now come on! Don’t be giving up!<br><br>
'''Williamson:''' If you don’t want this deal, I can—<br>
'''Kiera:''' No don’t be doin’ me dirty. I was flirtin’ with ya and I was playin’.<br>
'''Williamson:''' Find someone else who—<br>
'''Kiera:''' And you just gone off and get serious.<br><br>
'''Arden:''' You okay?!<br>
'''Nika:''' Well, I’m blind.<br>
'''Arden:'''  … Okay? Do we … come get you?<br><br>
'''Arden:''' Uhnnn, I can’t come?<br>
'''Nika:''' No. <br>
'''Arden:''' Why not?<br>
'''Nika:''' Because.<br><br>
'''Arden:''' That’s not good enough. We should be there—(grabs a pad and a pen)—Give me the address.<br>
'''Nika:''' Um, that’s slightly problematic, darling.<br>
'''Arden:''' (lightbulb!) You don’t know where you’re at.<br>
'''Nika:''' No.<br><br>
'''Nika:''' You know, you guys dropped me off in the square kinda all by myself. I’m a little concerned that there are guys chasing me so I’d really like it if you could ''hurry.''<br><br>
'''Arden:''' So … the balcony faces the beach, so you can go down the stairs, go around the building and face the beach?<br>
'''Nika:''' Nottttt the best plan, no.<br>
'''Arden:'''  Why?<br>
'''Nika:''' As far as I can tell, ''being '''blind''', Arden'', there are landscaping terraces and I’m not sure how many or how steep.<br><br>
'''Arden:''' You’re being awfully mysterious. But that’s okay. It’s your prerogative.<br>
'''Nika:''' I ''am'' a woman.<br>
'''Arden:''' I’ve noticed.<br><br>
'''Rina:''' And when you pick her up, who’s going to be flying?<br>
'''Kiera:''' I’m still going to be flying.<br>
'''Rina:''' (not liking this) All right.<br>
'''Arden:''' If I can’t go, you can’t go. ''Nyah''.<br><br>
'''Arden:''' (to Kiera) You’re certified to fly this thing, right?<br>
'''Kiera:''' Uh-huh.<br>
'''Arden:''' Okay, just checking to make sure. (a beat) You wouldn’t lie to me would you?<br><br>
'''Arden:''' No. Most people take the bus in this age.<br>
'''Kiera:''' (snorts) ''Poor'' people. (snorts again)<br>
'''Arden:''' Once again, ''most'' people …<br><br>
'''Joshua:''' I can’t wait to say, “Welcome back, Captain.”<br>
'''Arden:''' Just remember, until she’s fully recovered, you’re in charge. But I’m here to make things easier for you.<br>
'''Joshua:''' Always are, Arden. Always are.<br><br>
'''Jeanne-Christienne:''' Do you know of the Tong?<br>
'''Nika:''' (drawling now!) Girl, you really ''did'' step in massive amounts of cow patty, didn’t you?<br>
'''Jeanne-Christienne:''' I … no, I was at my home.  There is no cow patties there.<br><br>
'''Nika:''' You’re a smart girl.  Good job.  You got out. Not too many people do.<br>
'''Jeanne-Christienne:''' You know of others who have had … ?<br>
'''Nika:''' Oh, darlin’. There are women all over the Verse just like you. Only most of’em don’t never get out.  Some day if they’re a '''little bit lucky, after a few years, he kills them. But the not-so-lucky ones live a good long time.<br><br>
'''Nika:''' I can’t help your family’s situation but I can help you. If you want it.<br><br><br>
'''Part Five:'''<br><br>
'''Nika:''' What’s the password?<br>
'''Kiera:''' ''Open the gorram door''.<br><br>
'''Jeanne-Christienne:''' How long do we have?<br>
'''Kiera:''' Like, moments. They’re here. <br><br>
'''Nika:''' They’re going to bring the whole ship in?<br>
'''Kiera:''' Yeah.<br>
'''Nika:''' That’s not going to go well.<br><br>
'''Kiera:''' How are you going—you can’t see to get away.<br>
'''Nika:''' That don’t mean I can’t fight.<br><br>
'''Kiera:''' Lock the door. I’ll give you the pistol.<br>
'''Nika:''' (dryly) Seriously?<br>
'''Kiera:''' I’ll rotate you to the door.<br>
'''Nika:''' (drier still) I know where the door is, thank you.<br>
'''Kiera:''' Well there you go.<br><br>
'''Arden:''' So that sounds like a plan to me.<br>
'''Rina:''' So go. Go!  We got a plan. Go.<br>
'''Joshua:''' Okay, we’re gone.<br><br>
'''Nika:''' Okay, hang in there. We’re almost free.<br><br>
'''Merc:''' Raise your hands up on your head.<br>
'''Kiera:''' The hotel is arresting me?<br><br>
'''Rina:''' '''''Bliaaaaaaaadddddz!'''''<br><br>
'''Kiera:''' They should be in the room.  Although I do admit I told her where to find it. There’s a 50-50 chance that for some odd reason they would have walked that way.<br>
'''Joshua:''' No, no.<br>
'''Arden:''' (grimly) No. There’s more than a 50 percent chance they would have walked that way.<br><br>
'''Arden:''' Our companion fainted and we’re taking her back to our ship. See ya.<br>
'''Henner:''' Can I get a lift?<br><br>
'''Henner:''' You helped somebody steal my shuttle. You can’t even give me a ride back to my ship?<br>
'''Joshua:''' Well … That whole kidnapping the love of my life thing, that did kinda—<br>
'''Henner:''' Who kidnapped whose—Oh, her. That’s the love of your life? We let her go.<br><br>
'''Nika:''' Kiera. Do I want to know what’s going on?<br>
'''Kiera:''' I—<br>
'''Arden:''' No.<br><br>
'''Rina:''' (grinning) Good for you, Captain.<br><br>
'''Joshua:''' (to Nika as they board) Actually, giving the blind woman a gun was an excellent idea.<br>
'''Nika:''' Hey, I probably could’a shot better’n you blind.<br>
'''Henner:''' Oh, this is going to be a long trip.<br><br>
'''Henner:''' Well, we’re sorry about holdin’ ya there. We were just … you know.  We were only doin’ it until we could find out some information.<br>
'''Rina:''' What did you ask me?<br><br>
'''Arden:''' If you had ''shared'', we might have been able to ''help''. <br>
'''Henner:''' (dry) Yeah.  You don’t really know about the bounty hunting business too much, do you?<br><br>
'''Nika:''' Well, at least she was nice about it and didn’t steal ''my'' shuttle.<br><br>
'''Nika:''' Somebody tell me we got a cargo.<br>
'''Kiera and Rina together:''' Yes.<br>
'''Arden:''' Sorta.<br><br>
'''Arden:''' We apologize for clipping you.<br>
'''Henner:''' We apologize for kidnapping you.<br><br>
'''Kiera:''' (to Arden) Joshua’s gonna wake up and find her hunched over the box, going “Queen to Knight 11…Check.”<br>
'''Arden:''' (low) That’s how cortex romances start up … <br>
'''Nika:''' I’ve seen worse ways.<br>
'''Kiera:''' Yeah.<br>
'''Joshua:''' I play chess.<br>
'''Nika:''' Too late.<br><br>
'''Kiera:''' That was the most competitive game of chess, ever. (to Joshua) She just had to have satisfaction.<br>
'''Rina:''' Yeah. I did. (shakes Reich’s hand) Thanks.<br><br>
'''Joshua:''' Are you going to ask me?<br>
'''Arden:''' No.<br>
'''Joshua:''' Why not? <br>
'''Arden:''' Because I don’t think we have it.<br>
'''Kiera:''' Actually, we would have it after this coming run.<br>
'''Arden:''' Then I will ask.<br><br>
'''Kiera:''' Dammit, the woman ran off with some of my clothes. The bitch.<br><br>
'''Nika:''' Kiera. (a beat) What color are they?<br><br>
== '''''HOW TO SPEAK CHINESE''''' ==
'''Part 1:''' <br><br>
'''Warning: Fire! Fire! Sealing off cargo deck. Initiating emergency fire operations'''.<br>
''Jǐnggào: Zháohuǒ le! Zháohuǒ la! Fēngsuǒ huòwù jiǎbǎn. Qǐdòng jǐnjí jiùhuǒ xíngdòng''. [http://translate.google.com/?hl=en#en|zh-CN|Warning%3A%20Fire!%20Fire!%20Sealing%20off%20cargo%20deck.%20Initiating%20emergency%20fire%20operations. Sound clip]<br>
警告:着火了!着火啦!封锁货物甲板。启动紧急救火行动。(Simplified Chinese Characters)<br>
'''Part 3:'''<br><br>
'''hēimǎ''' = 黑马 = hey mah = dark horse/fig. unexpected winner  [http://translate.google.com/?hl=en#zh-CN|en|%E9%BB%91%E9%A9%AC Sound clip]<br>
'''lǎo luózi''' = 老骡子 = lah’ow '''loh'''-tzih = old mule [http://translate.google.com/?hl=en#en|zh-CN|Old%20mule Sound clip]<br>
'''gāisǐ de nǐ''' = 該死的你  = '''guy'''-suh deh nee = damn you [http://translate.google.com/?hl=en#en|zh-TW|damn%20you Sound clip]<br><br>
'''Part 4:'''<br><br>
'''lā shǐ''' (or '''shǐ''' ) = 拉屎  =(or 屎) = '''Lah''' shih (or '''shih''') = shit [http://translate.google.com/?hl=en#en|zh-TW|shit Sound clip]<br>
'''tā mā de''' =  他媽的 = tah '''mah''' duh = fucking [http://translate.google.com/?hl=en#en|zh-TW|fucking Sound clip]<br>
'''dìyù''' = 地狱 = dee-yoo = hell/infernal/underworld [http://www.mdbg.net/chindict/chindict.php?page=worddict&wdrst=1&wdqb=%E5%9C%B0%E7%8B%B1 Sound clip]<br>
== '''''HOW TO SPEAK RUSSIAN''''' ==
'''Part 2:''' <br><br>
'''Diermo/Dierma''' = дерьмо = '''dyehr'''-moh/mah = Sh*t, crap, and other terms of that ilk. [http://translate.google.com/?hl=en#ru|en|%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%80%D1%8C%D0%BC%D0%BE Sound clip]<br>
'''Yebat' menya''' = ебать меня = '''yee'''-bahtz men-'''yah''' = F*ck me! (the expletive, not the invitation) [http://translate.google.com/?hl=en#ru|en|%D0%B5%D0%B1%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C%20%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%8F%20 Sound clip]<br>
'''Privyet''' = привет = '''preev'''-yet = Hello (informal) [http://translate.google.com/?hl=en#ru|en|%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%82 Sound clip]<br>
# How did Patience get wind of our cargoDoes she have land-sats trained on the moon or soemthing?
#Who are these guys shadowing ChuAre they Feds? Are they professional bounty hunters? Rival underworld enforcers? WhoIs their possession of Chempliant rounds significant?
# Was the posse who extorted us even there on Patience's ordersOr were they there on their own initiative to make money unbeknownst their boss--not quite skimming the take, since she didn't send them out the collect the take, but something like.
#Who is Chu’s client? He lets slip it’s a woman but we have no name and no clue as to her whereabouts or the reason she needs Chu.
# The fact that the cargo and the beef experts were even ON Whitefall suggests that there's business to be had outside of Patience's territory, if not her reach.  What other ventures are operating on that moon that she doesn't own or can't directly touch?
#Why are people after Chu’s client?
# And if she's so grabby, why hasn't anyone stomped on her for obstruction/interferance of trade already?
#If people aren’t after Chu’s client, are they after him?
# Nika's eyesight is restored and returning to normal, albeit slowly.  Chu mentioned that there were special helmets that transplantees could wear to retrain their eyes/brains to work properly, but he did not mention where we could get or buy one.  Is it too late to get one for Nika? Is there a narrow window of opportunity before that intervention will no longer work? How much of a risk are we taking by not getting ther that helmet?
#Feeding Rina’s conspiracy theory beast, was Joshua's nightmare a real nightmare or a mental attack leveled against Joshua? If so, who and why?
# Joshua wakes in the middle of the night thinking he's heard our cat meowing.  Following the sound leads him to our female passenger's cabin where he hears her screaming behind her door.  When he busts in to help her, she's alone and she insists she was not screaming at all but sound asleep.  So if she was sound asleep and '''not''' screaming in a nightmare... where did the sound come from?  Was it the cat in the air ducts and did some trick of acoustics make it sound like a human woman screaming?
#Why was Joshua dreaming about his past in Blue Sun? Was the nightmare a real memory of something that actually happened to him or a mishmash of subconscious fears and events?  
# Joshua didn't hear inarticulate screaming either--there were words to the effect: ''No! Don’t hurt me! Nooooo!'' If our passenger did not say these words, who or what did?  And why does it seem that only Joshua heard them?
#What was Chu about to tell Nika when the drugs put her under?
# Questions 6 and 7 suggest that Joshua might have heard the screams with his mind and not with his ears.  He is a Reader and sensitive to psychic residues.  He has constantly said that the passenger deck makes him uncomfortable.  Is this a symptom of his discomfort? Or is this the cause?
#Chu says he’s booked the suite for the week.  Does this mean they’re in a hotel? Or is he lying and are they in a hovel somewhere with roaches and rats crawling across the floor?
# Or is Question 8 too much like science fiction?
#And for the extra-paranoid factor: Did the mercs do anything to Rina while she was under? If so, what? And if they did, would she even remember it when the drugs wear off?
# In our continued search for the ship's cat, we find him stuck in a crawlspace sandwiched between the deck bulkheads, under the bridge off the passenger deck.  In that space we find stuff boxed up for storage by at least two previous owners of the ship: we find receipts and bills--papers and paychecks stuff--from the ''Ion'', and we find a green records book in handwritten Chinese that belonged to Jing Jing Bei.  Why was this stuff squirrelled away on the ship? Why didn't the previous owners take this stuff with them?
# Also found in the crawlspace were trunks of discarded clothing, mostly in the style of the Rim and of mixed genders and sizes.  Where did they come from and why were they kept here?  
# Kiera has Rina take the records book and a shirt from the trunks to Joshua to get a psychometric reading off them.  He gets nothing off the shirt.  Does this mean psychometry is not one of th talents he has? Or does this mean the shirt doesn't have a psychic residue on it to detect?  
# Joshua takes the records book to translate it and it turns into an obsessive project. He finds a pattern of names linked to planets and cities/towns on the planet.  What do they mean?
# Rina takes the box of records from the ''Ion'' and organizes everything in it on the wall of the machine shop, crime-board/A Beautiful Mind style.  What does she hope to find?
# Beglan fixes the personal robot that Rina shot in a fit of twitchiness.  Though in working order, the robot is not in returnable condition and therefore Joshua is still on the hook for payments.  Is Joshua sending the payements in?  What happens if he misses one or two or three?  Can we expect repo men chasing us across the Verse or the law throwing Joshua into Debtor's Prison?
# Doing business in the Core is more difficult. Ships that do not fly a registration with the Core--going flagless, as it were--are forced to wait in a queue and are subject to boarding 'for inspection'.  Fines are levied and must be paid.  Would it be worth registering for a flag? It requires a special transponder.  Can that transponder be used to track a ship without its knowledge or consent? Or does that transponder simply ping out a signal saying the ship is one registered for expedited/favored access?
# By requiring the flags in order to avoid faintly disguised harrassment, are the Feds trying to 'reverse-engineer' everyone back into the Alliance fold? If one year they require a flag transponder to allow unobstructed travel, what will they demand next?
# We deliver our cargo on Osiris and get a line on another cargo job.  The client is a touch shady and we definitely suspect underworld connections.  But the cargo is going to Red Sun--New Melbourne--and it turns out that it's Naval Medical supplies.  How did the client get the supplies? 
# The destination of the supplies is not with the Alliance Navy, but to some other party? Who?
# There's ''tons'' of medical supplies.  Enough for an army.  Whose army?
# And since it's going to Red Sun, does it mean the 'army' is in Red Sun, too?
# In the last year, two things happened in Red Sun to get the Alliance's attention, even though Red Sun is supposed to be independent from Alliance jurisdiction:
##'''November 16th 2521:''' Terrorists exploded a chemical explosive in the First Allied Union Bank on Paquin. The Blast killed 32 people instantly, and over 100 died in the release of poison gas. No one has claimed responsibility for the blast, but attention has been focused on the independents of New Kalmar.
##'''December 24th 2521:''' Shipworks on Aesir were subject to orbital bombing from the IAV Repulse. The site was obliterated and scores were killed. The UAW claimed that the shipworks were constructing missile carriers designed to attack the Allied fleet, and that they abetted the terrorists who bombed the bank on Paquin.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Therefore: The Alliance reconfigured and redeployed the Navy in September to include a fleet to control the White Sun--Red Sun corridor, could the November incident be an &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;action made in protest to the Alliance presence?  Could the December bombing of Aesir have stepped up the efforts of the New Kalmar to organize resistance to the &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Alliance?  Perhaps by slowly gathering forces for an army or a military ... and hence, an agenda of systematic caching of supplies for that army?  Did we just deliver one of &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;those supply caches?<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;23. What happens to us if we're found carrying these supplies en route to delivery?
Go back to: '''''[[Episode 503: Old Secrets, New Chances|Old Secrets, New Chances]]''''' | Go Foward to '''''[[Episode 504: Ghosts of Jing Jing Bei | Ghosts of Jing Jing Bei]]'''''<br>
Go back to: [[Episode 501: Shakedown Cruise| '''''Shakedown Cruise''''']]<br>
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Back to [[EPISODES]] or [[Mutineers Timeline|TIMELINE]]<br>
Back to [[EPISODES]] or [[Mutineers Timeline|TIMELINE]]<br>

Latest revision as of 17:42, 3 July 2011


  1. How did Patience get wind of our cargo? Does she have land-sats trained on the moon or soemthing?
  2. Was the posse who extorted us even there on Patience's orders? Or were they there on their own initiative to make money unbeknownst their boss--not quite skimming the take, since she didn't send them out the collect the take, but something like.
  3. The fact that the cargo and the beef experts were even ON Whitefall suggests that there's business to be had outside of Patience's territory, if not her reach. What other ventures are operating on that moon that she doesn't own or can't directly touch?
  4. And if she's so grabby, why hasn't anyone stomped on her for obstruction/interferance of trade already?
  5. Nika's eyesight is restored and returning to normal, albeit slowly. Chu mentioned that there were special helmets that transplantees could wear to retrain their eyes/brains to work properly, but he did not mention where we could get or buy one. Is it too late to get one for Nika? Is there a narrow window of opportunity before that intervention will no longer work? How much of a risk are we taking by not getting ther that helmet?
  6. Joshua wakes in the middle of the night thinking he's heard our cat meowing. Following the sound leads him to our female passenger's cabin where he hears her screaming behind her door. When he busts in to help her, she's alone and she insists she was not screaming at all but sound asleep. So if she was sound asleep and not screaming in a nightmare... where did the sound come from? Was it the cat in the air ducts and did some trick of acoustics make it sound like a human woman screaming?
  7. Joshua didn't hear inarticulate screaming either--there were words to the effect: No! Don’t hurt me! Nooooo! If our passenger did not say these words, who or what did? And why does it seem that only Joshua heard them?
  8. Questions 6 and 7 suggest that Joshua might have heard the screams with his mind and not with his ears. He is a Reader and sensitive to psychic residues. He has constantly said that the passenger deck makes him uncomfortable. Is this a symptom of his discomfort? Or is this the cause?
  9. Or is Question 8 too much like science fiction?
  10. In our continued search for the ship's cat, we find him stuck in a crawlspace sandwiched between the deck bulkheads, under the bridge off the passenger deck. In that space we find stuff boxed up for storage by at least two previous owners of the ship: we find receipts and bills--papers and paychecks stuff--from the Ion, and we find a green records book in handwritten Chinese that belonged to Jing Jing Bei. Why was this stuff squirrelled away on the ship? Why didn't the previous owners take this stuff with them?
  11. Also found in the crawlspace were trunks of discarded clothing, mostly in the style of the Rim and of mixed genders and sizes. Where did they come from and why were they kept here?
  12. Kiera has Rina take the records book and a shirt from the trunks to Joshua to get a psychometric reading off them. He gets nothing off the shirt. Does this mean psychometry is not one of th talents he has? Or does this mean the shirt doesn't have a psychic residue on it to detect?
  13. Joshua takes the records book to translate it and it turns into an obsessive project. He finds a pattern of names linked to planets and cities/towns on the planet. What do they mean?
  14. Rina takes the box of records from the Ion and organizes everything in it on the wall of the machine shop, crime-board/A Beautiful Mind style. What does she hope to find?
  15. Beglan fixes the personal robot that Rina shot in a fit of twitchiness. Though in working order, the robot is not in returnable condition and therefore Joshua is still on the hook for payments. Is Joshua sending the payements in? What happens if he misses one or two or three? Can we expect repo men chasing us across the Verse or the law throwing Joshua into Debtor's Prison?
  16. Doing business in the Core is more difficult. Ships that do not fly a registration with the Core--going flagless, as it were--are forced to wait in a queue and are subject to boarding 'for inspection'. Fines are levied and must be paid. Would it be worth registering for a flag? It requires a special transponder. Can that transponder be used to track a ship without its knowledge or consent? Or does that transponder simply ping out a signal saying the ship is one registered for expedited/favored access?
  17. By requiring the flags in order to avoid faintly disguised harrassment, are the Feds trying to 'reverse-engineer' everyone back into the Alliance fold? If one year they require a flag transponder to allow unobstructed travel, what will they demand next?
  18. We deliver our cargo on Osiris and get a line on another cargo job. The client is a touch shady and we definitely suspect underworld connections. But the cargo is going to Red Sun--New Melbourne--and it turns out that it's Naval Medical supplies. How did the client get the supplies?
  19. The destination of the supplies is not with the Alliance Navy, but to some other party? Who?
  20. There's tons of medical supplies. Enough for an army. Whose army?
  21. And since it's going to Red Sun, does it mean the 'army' is in Red Sun, too?
  22. In the last year, two things happened in Red Sun to get the Alliance's attention, even though Red Sun is supposed to be independent from Alliance jurisdiction:
    1. November 16th 2521: Terrorists exploded a chemical explosive in the First Allied Union Bank on Paquin. The Blast killed 32 people instantly, and over 100 died in the release of poison gas. No one has claimed responsibility for the blast, but attention has been focused on the independents of New Kalmar.
    2. December 24th 2521: Shipworks on Aesir were subject to orbital bombing from the IAV Repulse. The site was obliterated and scores were killed. The UAW claimed that the shipworks were constructing missile carriers designed to attack the Allied fleet, and that they abetted the terrorists who bombed the bank on Paquin.

                    Therefore: The Alliance reconfigured and redeployed the Navy in September to include a fleet to control the White Sun--Red Sun corridor, could the November incident be an                     action made in protest to the Alliance presence? Could the December bombing of Aesir have stepped up the efforts of the New Kalmar to organize resistance to the                     Alliance? Perhaps by slowly gathering forces for an army or a military ... and hence, an agenda of systematic caching of supplies for that army? Did we just deliver one of                     those supply caches?
   23. What happens to us if we're found carrying these supplies en route to delivery?

Go back to: Old Secrets, New Chances | Go Foward to Ghosts of Jing Jing Bei
Back to: Season Five Special Features.
Back to Season Five: Realignment