Magica Mima Umbra Puella:Tomoe: Difference between revisions

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== Details ==
'''Name:''' Oda Tomoe
'''Name:''' Oda Tomoe

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'''Game:''' [[Magica Mima Umbra Puella|Magica Mima Umbra Puella]]
'''Game:''' [[Magica Mima Umbra Puella|Magica Mima Umbra Puella]]

== Current Status ==
'''Age:''' 15
'''Age:''' 15

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'''Quote:''' "Well, I'd like to raise an army to conquer Japan, but since that's not possible, I'll just have to become Meijin instead."
'''Quote:''' "Well, I'd like to raise an army to conquer Japan, but since that's not possible, I'll just have to become Meijin instead."

'''Crisis:''' Kirika from the Shogi Club didn't turn up to school today, a major tournament is just round the corner, and Kirika is on the school team. There's no available substitute, and the pride of the club is at stake! Although Tomoe doesn't know it yet, this is no ordinary absence. Kirika has become lost in a Nightmare, and if Tomoe doesn't do something, she will be lost forever.
'''Character Song:''' [ ''Silly Go-Round'']

'''Physical description:''' Slightly above average height, short but messy hair, vaguely disorganised, doesn't wear glasses, would probably be described as a tomboy if she were at all physically active. Short school skirt, because she's been wearing it for two years and she can't be bothered to get a new one when she'll have to get another new one next year.
=== Crisis ===
Kirika from the Shogi Club didn't turn up to school today, a major tournament is just round the corner, and Kirika is on the school team. There's no available substitute, and the pride of the club is at stake! Although Tomoe doesn't know it yet, this is no ordinary absence. Kirika has become lost in a Nightmare, and if Tomoe doesn't do something, she will be lost forever.

'''Character:''' Tomoe is a perfectly ordinary girl with no apparent magical powers, or inkling that magic exists. Furthermore, she's a rationalist who doesn't believe in fortune telling or superstitions. Her most notable trait is her interest in Shogi, a game which she plays seriously and competitively. She has an amateur rank of 3-Dan, and aims to become a professional player, though she has yet to join the [''Shoureikai'']. She is Captain of the school Shogi team, a position which she takes great pride in and regards as a great responsibility. She does well enough at school without making any noticeable effort to study, and gets on fairly well with her classmates, although she spends too much time studying Shogi to see her classmates much outside of school. She has some interest in history, is a fan of Oda Nobunaga, and sometimes jokingly describes herself as his reincarnation or his successor. Some of the references she makes indicates that she sees a lot of anime, but this is unlikely. Where would she find the time?
=== Physical description ===
Slightly above average height, short but messy hair, kind of skinny, vaguely disorganised, doesn't wear glasses, would probably be described as a tomboy if she were at all physically active. Short school skirt, because she's been wearing it for two years and she can't be bothered to get a new one when she'll have to get another new one next year. Outside school, typically wears jeans and hoodies in winter and t-shirts and plain skirts in summer.

'''History:''' For as long as Tomoe can remember, Shogi has been a part of her life. She was taught to play by her [[Magica Mima Umbra Puella:NPCs#Non-Relationship_NPCs|father]], and played it often with her [[Magica Mima Umbra Puella:NPCs#Family_Members_of_Magical_Girls|brother]] and his friends as she grew up. She was 10 years old when she decided that she wanted to be a professional Shogi player and started studying it seriously. When the time came to go to Middle School, instead of following her brother and her friends to the local public Middle School, she chose a private school where she knew that the Shogi Club had a brilliant advisor, her uncle [[Magica Mima Umbra Puella:NPCs#The_Shogi_Club|Nobuyasu]]. To Tomoe's disappointment, Nobuyasu proved to be too busy with his young children to act as the mentor she desired. However, she did meet [[Magica Mima Umbra Puella:Chizuru|Rika Chizuru]], who she became fast friends with, and through the Shogi Club she became friends with Chizuru's rival, [[Magica Mima Umbra Puella:Miyuki|Kawai Miyuki]]. Outside of school, Tomoe continued an email correspondence with her brother's best friend, [[Magica Mima Umbra Puella:NPCs#Classmates_of_Hoshiko|Youichi]], developed the habit of confiding in him, and fell in love with him. She didn't act on her feelings, however, and was devastated when he emailed her with the news that he was going out with his childhood friend [[Magica Mima Umbra Puella:Hoshiko|Yamada Hoshiko]]. Lately, their correspondence has grown more infrequent, and Tomoe has finally resolved to put the past behind her and seek her happiness elsewhere.
=== Character ===
Tomoe was, until just recently, a perfectly ordinary girl with no apparent magical powers, or inkling that magic exists. Furthermore, she's a rationalist who doesn't believe in fortune telling or superstitions. Her most notable trait is her interest in Shogi, a game which she plays seriously and competitively. She has an amateur rank of 3-Dan, and aims to become a professional player, though she has yet to join the [''Shoureikai'']. She is Captain of the school Shogi team, a position which she takes great pride in and regards as a great responsibility. She does well enough at school without making any noticeable effort to study, and gets on fairly well with her classmates, although she spends too much time studying Shogi to see her classmates much outside of school. She has some interest in history, is a fan of Oda Nobunaga, and sometimes jokingly describes herself as his reincarnation or his successor. Some of the references she makes indicates that she sees a lot of anime, but this is unlikely. Where would she find the time? She has now contracted with Aikireikinu and become a Magical Girl, although she half-thinks she'll regret it.

'''Normal Attributes:''' Cool 7, Sharp 6, Aggro 5, Social 3. One of Tomoe's main strengths as a Shogi player is her ability to stay calm and unflustered even under immense pressure (she's very resistant to Disrupt moves). She's intelligent, and has the drive of a competitive player. Her low Social score represents her tendency to use humour as a defence mechanism, and the fact that she tends to interact with others at a shallow level.
=== Wish ===
To find a happy ending for everyone

== Relationships ==
== Relationships ==
Line 45: Line 50:
|Best friend. Tomoe thinks Chizuru is the coolest and most interesting person she knows, and could happily talk to her for hours about anything and everything, if only she had the time.
|Best friend. Tomoe thinks Chizuru is the coolest and most interesting person she knows, and could happily talk to her for hours about anything and everything, if only she had the time.
|[[Magica Mima Umbra Puella:NPCs#The Shogi Club|'''The Shogi Club''']]
|[[Magica Mima Umbra Puella:NPCs#The Shogi Club|'''The Shogi Club''']]
Line 56: Line 61:
|Older brother. Tomoe admires her brother for his idealism and passion, and only half wishes he was a little less perfect and a little more sensible.
|Older brother. Tomoe admires her brother for his idealism and passion, and only half wishes he was a little less perfect and a little more sensible.
|[[Magica Mima Umbra Puella:NPCs#Family_Members_of_Magical_Girls|'''Oda Nobuhide''']]
|Tomoe's father.
Line 61: Line 72:
|[[Magica Mima Umbra Puella:Miyuki|'''Kawai Miyuki''']]
|[[Magica Mima Umbra Puella:Miyuki|'''Kawai Miyuki''']]
|Friend, fellow Shogi Club committee member and love interest. Tomoe admires Miyuki for knowing what she wants out of life and going after it, relies on her diplomatic skills to help keep the Shogi Club going, and thinks she's really lucky to have such a kind, beautiful, smart and all-round wonderful friend. She wants to spend her life with Miyuki, and is determined to discover whether Miyuki feels the same way about her.
|Friend, fellow Shogi Club committee member and girlfriend. Tomoe admires Miyuki for knowing what she wants out of life and going after it, relies on her diplomatic skills to help keep the Shogi Club going, and thinks she's really lucky to have such a kind, beautiful, smart and all-round wonderful friend.  
|[[Magica Mima Umbra Puella:NPCs#The Shogi Club|'''Yukimura Kirika''']]
|Tomoe's ex-girlfriend. Has had a personality transplant, and is now very optimistic.
|[[Magica Mima Umbra Puella:NPCs|'''Tomoe's worshippers''']]
| An old man, a Yakuza, a fashionable teenager, and a child, plus some extras.

== After she's contracted ==
== Arcana ==
'''Magical Element:''' Kingship. As the 'reincarnation' of Oda Nobunaga, Tomoe is naturally a figure of great power and authority. This power is interpreted through the lenses of Shogi and the works of Umberto Eco, so that her power is more flavoured by Mediaeval European beliefs in royal magic than you might expect.
'''Costume:''' A short green hakamashita (but no hakama) accented by pieces of armour (sode and the like). On her head she bears a coronet studded with emeralds. When transformed, Tomoe surrounds herself with a small army* of warriors and monsters ready to do battle, which can be identified by their back banners with the Oda mon. It's hard for enemies to make direct attacks on her, but as her warriors are defeated, she loses Resolve. She wields a war fan bearing the motto ''Tenka Fubu'' with which she directs her warriors' attacks, and sometimes sits on a general's stool surrounded by banners.

'''Resolve''' 18/18
'''Magical Weapon: Abulafia (Magic)''' A floating Shogi board which depicts Tomoe, Tomoe's warriors, and any other individuals involved in a fight, Battle Chess style rather than looking like actual shogi pieces. By moving one of her pieces on the board, Tomoe can attack by herself (with her fan) or through one of her warriors. The movement modes of the warriors are fixed as if they were actual Shogi pieces. For instance, most of them can't move backwards. Tomoe herself, as the King General, can be moved in any direction, though not very quickly. The fan serves as a control interface to Abulafia, and usually Tomoe moves the pieces by making commanding gestures with her fan. Looking closely at the piece corresponding to Tomoe will reveal that Tomoe's piece also has a floating shogi board beside it, and that its movements mirror Tomoe's precisely. With supernaturally keen vision, you can see that it's an infinite regress - it's Tomoes with shogi boards all the way down.
'''Magical Power: Shogi Time'''. In stressful situations, Tomoe can take time out to think and plan her next move, as if she were playing a Shogi match. She doesn't have unlimited time to think, merely a pool of 9 hours per encounter followed by one minute per exchange after she runs out of time. During this time she is not capable of any physical action. This power does not function during a Shogi match. All that thinking burns up a lot of mental energy and she usually needs sugar to recover afterwards. When transformed, Tomoe is sometimes attended by a timekeeper with an anachronistic chess clock.
* Currently 7 foot soldiers; 1 promoted foot soldier in gold armour; 2 generals in silver armour; 2 generals in gold armour; 2 warriors in chariots; 1 warrior on horseback; 1 flying junk, the ''Dragon King''; and 1 winged horse. Tomoe has one flying chariot and one incense chariot in hand, available to be dropped.
== Stats ==
'''Resolve''' 26/26

'''Magical Attributes:'''  
'''Magical Attributes:'''  

''Magic 8.'' Tomoe's magic is primarily intellectual and esoteric, involving the conscious manipulation of symbolic correspondences.  
''Magic 10.'' Tomoe's magic is primarily intellectual and esoteric, involving the conscious manipulation of symbolic correspondences.  
:Overcharge. 0
:Overcharge. 0

''Heart 6.'' Her decision to contract will probably be motivated by her desire to protect and assist others.
''Heart 8.'' Her decision to contract was motivated by her desire to protect and assist others.
:Overcharge. 0
:Overcharge. 0

Line 82: Line 115:
:Overcharge. 0
:Overcharge. 0

'''Magical Element:''' Shogi.
'''Normal Attributes:'''
''Cool 7.'' One of Tomoe's main strengths as a Shogi player is her ability to stay calm and unflustered even under immense pressure (she's very resistant to Disrupt moves).
''Sharp 7.'' Tomoe is academically gifted and has a good understanding of Shogi theory.
''Aggro 5.'' Tomoe has the drive of a competitive player.  

'''Costume:''' A short green hakamashita (but no hakama) accented by pieces of armour (sode and the like). On her head she bears a coronet studded with emeralds. When transformed, Tomoe surrounds herself with a small army* of warriors and monsters ready to do battle, which can be identified by their back banners with the Oda mon. It's hard for enemies to make direct attacks on her, but as her warriors are defeated, she loses Resolve. She wields a war fan bearing the motto ''Tenka Fubu'' with which she directs her warriors' attacks, and sometimes sits on a general's stool surrounded by banners.
''Social 4.'' Her low Social score represents her tendency to use humour as a defence mechanism, and the fact that she tends to interact with others at a shallow level. Also, she can be kind of annoying.

'''Magical Weapon: Abulafia (Magic)''' A floating Shogi board which depicts Tomoe, Tomoe's warriors, and any other individuals involved in a fight, Battle Chess style rather than looking like actual shogi pieces. By moving one of her pieces on the board, Tomoe can attack by herself (with her fan) or through one of her warriors. The movement modes of the warriors are fixed as if they were actual Shogi pieces. For instance, most of them can't move backwards. Tomoe herself, as the King General, can be moved in any direction, though not very quickly. The fan serves as a control interface to Abulafia, and usually Tomoe moves the pieces by making commanding gestures with her fan. Looking closely at the piece corresponding to Tomoe will reveal that Tomoe's piece also has a floating shogi board beside it, and that its movements mirror Tomoe's precisely. With supernaturally keen vision, you can see that it's an infinite regress - it's Tomoes with shogi boards all the way down.
== Moves ==

'''Magical Power: Shogi Time'''. In stressful situations, Tomoe can take time out to think and plan her next move, as if she were playing a Shogi match. She doesn't have unlimited time to think, merely a pool of 9 hours per encounter followed by one minute per exchange after she runs out of time. During this time she is not capable of any physical action. This power does not function during a Shogi match. All that thinking burns up a lot of mental energy and she usually needs sugar to recover afterwards. When transformed, Tomoe is sometimes attended by a timekeeper with an anachronistic chess clock.
'''Finishing Move'''

'''Finishing Move: Tsumi/Checkmate (Binding Attack - Magic)'''. By surrounding a foe with multiple threats, Tomoe deprives it of freedom of maneouvre.
:'''Tsumi/Checkmate (Binding Attack - Magic)'''. By surrounding a foe with multiple threats, Tomoe deprives it of freedom of maneouvre.

'''Magical Effects'''
'''Magical Effects'''

'''Promotions and Drops (Regeneration):''' In combat, Tomoe can recover Resolve by either promoting her existing pieces to more powerful pieces (this requires getting them near her enemy's starting position) or by "dropping" defeated Minions, Youma, important features of Nightmares, etc. as new warriors under her control.
:'''Magic Shield:''' Tomoe's warriors are skilled defenders.
:'''Promotions and Drops (Regeneration):''' In combat, Tomoe can recover Resolve by either promoting her existing pieces to more powerful pieces (this requires getting them near her enemy's starting position) or by "dropping" defeated Minions, Youma, important features of Nightmares, etc. as new warriors under her control.

'''Swift Action:''' Liberal use of Shogi Time gives Tomoe the ability to make decisions quickly in combat.
:'''Swift Action:''' Liberal use of Shogi Time gives Tomoe the ability to make decisions quickly in combat.

'''Sorcery:''' Outside of combat, Tomoe possesses all the resources that one might expect her illustrious predecessor to possess. She can summon skilful tea masters to brew refreshing tea, beautiful courtesans to entertain or cunning Jesuits learned in all the arts and sciences of the 16th Century. Conceivably, she could summon an army of masons and engineers to build a monumental fortress such as the Azuchi-jou, though the process would take several years. Use of this ability is always blatantly magical and requires transformation. She simply doesn't possess the authority in her regular clothes!
'''Sorcery:''' Outside of combat, Tomoe possesses all the resources that one might expect her illustrious predecessor to possess. She can summon skilful tea masters to brew refreshing tea, beautiful courtesans to entertain or cunning Jesuits learned in all the arts and sciences of the 16th Century. Conceivably, she could summon an army of masons and engineers to build a monumental fortress such as the Azuchi-jou, though the process would take several years. Use of this ability is always blatantly magical and requires transformation. She simply doesn't possess the authority in her regular clothes!

== Experience ==
'''Oblivion Seeds''' 6
'''XP gained:''' 49
'''XP spent:''' 45
'''Advances selected'''
:+1 Normal Attribute (Social)
:+1 Another Normal Attribute (Sharp)
: New Magical Effect: Magic Shield
:+2 Magical Attribute (Heart*2)
:+2 Another Magical Attribute (Magic*2)
:+2 +4 Resolve

* Currently 9 foot soldiers, 2 generals in silver armour, 2 generals in gold armour, 2 warriors in chariots, 2 warriors on horseback, 1 flying chariot carrying several troops, and 1 winged horse
:Heavy Metal Costume (Fury)

Latest revision as of 21:08, 1 February 2013


Name: Oda Tomoe

Player: Katsue

Game: Magica Mima Umbra Puella

Age: 15

School: Currently unnamed middle school, the one attached to Nana Shimai, senior year

Blood Type: That's just meaningless superstition!

Obsession: Shogi

Other interests: The Sengoku period, especially Oda Nobunaga. Computers, computability and programming (though she's not a good programmer). The works of Umberto Eco.

After school club: Shogi

Self-declared nickname: "The next Demon King"

Quote: "Well, I'd like to raise an army to conquer Japan, but since that's not possible, I'll just have to become Meijin instead."

Character Song: Silly Go-Round


Kirika from the Shogi Club didn't turn up to school today, a major tournament is just round the corner, and Kirika is on the school team. There's no available substitute, and the pride of the club is at stake! Although Tomoe doesn't know it yet, this is no ordinary absence. Kirika has become lost in a Nightmare, and if Tomoe doesn't do something, she will be lost forever.

Physical description[edit]

Slightly above average height, short but messy hair, kind of skinny, vaguely disorganised, doesn't wear glasses, would probably be described as a tomboy if she were at all physically active. Short school skirt, because she's been wearing it for two years and she can't be bothered to get a new one when she'll have to get another new one next year. Outside school, typically wears jeans and hoodies in winter and t-shirts and plain skirts in summer.


Tomoe was, until just recently, a perfectly ordinary girl with no apparent magical powers, or inkling that magic exists. Furthermore, she's a rationalist who doesn't believe in fortune telling or superstitions. Her most notable trait is her interest in Shogi, a game which she plays seriously and competitively. She has an amateur rank of 3-Dan, and aims to become a professional player, though she has yet to join the Shoureikai. She is Captain of the school Shogi team, a position which she takes great pride in and regards as a great responsibility. She does well enough at school without making any noticeable effort to study, and gets on fairly well with her classmates, although she spends too much time studying Shogi to see her classmates much outside of school. She has some interest in history, is a fan of Oda Nobunaga, and sometimes jokingly describes herself as his reincarnation or his successor. Some of the references she makes indicates that she sees a lot of anime, but this is unlikely. Where would she find the time? She has now contracted with Aikireikinu and become a Magical Girl, although she half-thinks she'll regret it.


To find a happy ending for everyone


Name Type Description Strain Charges
Rika Chizuru Heart Best friend. Tomoe thinks Chizuru is the coolest and most interesting person she knows, and could happily talk to her for hours about anything and everything, if only she had the time. 0 0
The Shogi Club Fury The Shogi Club means a great deal to Tomoe, but the work involved in it, and her frequent arguments with Junko, make it the major source of stress in her life. 0 0
Oda Shion Heart Older brother. Tomoe admires her brother for his idealism and passion, and only half wishes he was a little less perfect and a little more sensible. 0 0
Oda Nobuhide Heart Tomoe's father. 0 0
Kawai Miyuki Heart Friend, fellow Shogi Club committee member and girlfriend. Tomoe admires Miyuki for knowing what she wants out of life and going after it, relies on her diplomatic skills to help keep the Shogi Club going, and thinks she's really lucky to have such a kind, beautiful, smart and all-round wonderful friend. 0 1
Yukimura Kirika Heart Tomoe's ex-girlfriend. Has had a personality transplant, and is now very optimistic. 0 0
Tomoe's worshippers Magic An old man, a Yakuza, a fashionable teenager, and a child, plus some extras. 0 0


Magical Element: Kingship. As the 'reincarnation' of Oda Nobunaga, Tomoe is naturally a figure of great power and authority. This power is interpreted through the lenses of Shogi and the works of Umberto Eco, so that her power is more flavoured by Mediaeval European beliefs in royal magic than you might expect.

Costume: A short green hakamashita (but no hakama) accented by pieces of armour (sode and the like). On her head she bears a coronet studded with emeralds. When transformed, Tomoe surrounds herself with a small army* of warriors and monsters ready to do battle, which can be identified by their back banners with the Oda mon. It's hard for enemies to make direct attacks on her, but as her warriors are defeated, she loses Resolve. She wields a war fan bearing the motto Tenka Fubu with which she directs her warriors' attacks, and sometimes sits on a general's stool surrounded by banners.

Magical Weapon: Abulafia (Magic) A floating Shogi board which depicts Tomoe, Tomoe's warriors, and any other individuals involved in a fight, Battle Chess style rather than looking like actual shogi pieces. By moving one of her pieces on the board, Tomoe can attack by herself (with her fan) or through one of her warriors. The movement modes of the warriors are fixed as if they were actual Shogi pieces. For instance, most of them can't move backwards. Tomoe herself, as the King General, can be moved in any direction, though not very quickly. The fan serves as a control interface to Abulafia, and usually Tomoe moves the pieces by making commanding gestures with her fan. Looking closely at the piece corresponding to Tomoe will reveal that Tomoe's piece also has a floating shogi board beside it, and that its movements mirror Tomoe's precisely. With supernaturally keen vision, you can see that it's an infinite regress - it's Tomoes with shogi boards all the way down.

Magical Power: Shogi Time. In stressful situations, Tomoe can take time out to think and plan her next move, as if she were playing a Shogi match. She doesn't have unlimited time to think, merely a pool of 9 hours per encounter followed by one minute per exchange after she runs out of time. During this time she is not capable of any physical action. This power does not function during a Shogi match. All that thinking burns up a lot of mental energy and she usually needs sugar to recover afterwards. When transformed, Tomoe is sometimes attended by a timekeeper with an anachronistic chess clock.

  • Currently 7 foot soldiers; 1 promoted foot soldier in gold armour; 2 generals in silver armour; 2 generals in gold armour; 2 warriors in chariots; 1 warrior on horseback; 1 flying junk, the Dragon King; and 1 winged horse. Tomoe has one flying chariot and one incense chariot in hand, available to be dropped.


Resolve 26/26

Magical Attributes:

Magic 10. Tomoe's magic is primarily intellectual and esoteric, involving the conscious manipulation of symbolic correspondences.

Overcharge. 0

Heart 8. Her decision to contract was motivated by her desire to protect and assist others.

Overcharge. 0

Fury 4. Tomoe's life before contracting was a happy one, and she has difficulty summoning anger, even in a fight to the death.

Overcharge. 0

Normal Attributes:

Cool 7. One of Tomoe's main strengths as a Shogi player is her ability to stay calm and unflustered even under immense pressure (she's very resistant to Disrupt moves).

Sharp 7. Tomoe is academically gifted and has a good understanding of Shogi theory.

Aggro 5. Tomoe has the drive of a competitive player.

Social 4. Her low Social score represents her tendency to use humour as a defence mechanism, and the fact that she tends to interact with others at a shallow level. Also, she can be kind of annoying.


Finishing Move

Tsumi/Checkmate (Binding Attack - Magic). By surrounding a foe with multiple threats, Tomoe deprives it of freedom of maneouvre.

Magical Effects

Magic Shield: Tomoe's warriors are skilled defenders.
Promotions and Drops (Regeneration): In combat, Tomoe can recover Resolve by either promoting her existing pieces to more powerful pieces (this requires getting them near her enemy's starting position) or by "dropping" defeated Minions, Youma, important features of Nightmares, etc. as new warriors under her control.
Swift Action: Liberal use of Shogi Time gives Tomoe the ability to make decisions quickly in combat.

Sorcery: Outside of combat, Tomoe possesses all the resources that one might expect her illustrious predecessor to possess. She can summon skilful tea masters to brew refreshing tea, beautiful courtesans to entertain or cunning Jesuits learned in all the arts and sciences of the 16th Century. Conceivably, she could summon an army of masons and engineers to build a monumental fortress such as the Azuchi-jou, though the process would take several years. Use of this ability is always blatantly magical and requires transformation. She simply doesn't possess the authority in her regular clothes!


Oblivion Seeds 6

XP gained: 49

XP spent: 45

Advances selected

+1 Normal Attribute (Social)
+1 Another Normal Attribute (Sharp)
New Magical Effect: Magic Shield
+2 Magical Attribute (Heart*2)
+2 Another Magical Attribute (Magic*2)
+2 +4 Resolve


Heavy Metal Costume (Fury)