Magica Mima Umbra Puella:Chizuru

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Name: Rika Chizuru

Player: PenguinZero

Age: 15

Appearance: Glasses, long hair in a ponytail, slightly sloppy, with strands of hair always waving free. Short and a little out-of-shape, and never dressed fashionably.

Contract: She has not contracted, though she has gained Deva powers regardless.

Wish: To truly understand how the universe works, and clear away the veil of stories and lies that has enfolded it, bringing it back to its true self.

Magical Element: Truth

Magical Power: Truth Detection. Untruths, deliberate or otherwise, are blatantly obvious to Chizuru. She can instinctively tell if anything someone says (even herself) is the truth, a deliberate lie, or a statement the speaker believes to be true, but isn't. Furthermore, if it's a deliberate lie, she will know what the speaker meant to conceal by it, and whether or not that is the truth.

Magical Effects: Magic Shield (Rejection), Swift Action (Prescient Deduction), Magic Boost (Triumphant Conclusion)

Magical Weapon: Logic. Chizuru has no physical weapon and makes no physical attacks. Instead, if she can make a logical deduction about an enemy, this shakes its Resolve and makes it more likely to capitulate, back down, fall victim to others' attacks, or come to agree with her. (Needless to say, this is highly situational.)

Costume: Chizuru's costume is extremely minimalist, given that she is not actually a magical girl. It takes the form of whatever clothes she was wearing pre-transformation, with a set of small pins or badges on it – a clockwork cog, the archaic kanji for 'Rat' as used for the zodiac animal, a small clear gemstone, and optionally others depending on what is on her mind at the time of transformation.

Normal Attributes: Aggro: 8 Cool: 5 Social: 4 Sharp: 8

Magical Attributes: Magic: 10 Heart: 6 Fury: 6

Base Resolve: 26

Attachment: 1

Finishing Attack: Uncomfortable Truth (Magic Debilitating Attack)


Name Type Description Strain Charges
Oda Tomoe Heart Chizuru's best friend. While they have different approaches to life, Chizuru really respects her intelligence and mastery of a skill Chizuru's no good at, and the two get along very well. 0 0
Kawai Miyuki Fury Intellectual rival. Chizuru recognizes Miyuki's intellect, but is utterly appalled that she's wasting it on social networking. 0 0
Rika Meiko Fury Stifling mother. Meiko is very happy as the perfect housewife, and thinks it's the only thing her daughter should be aspiring to. 0 0
Dr. Rouka Shingo Heart Dr. Rouka has been impressed by Chizuru's intellect, and is giving her a window onto the world of scientific research. 0 0
Koumori Chise Magic Chizuru feels some pity for Chise, and has agreed to help her out by pointing her towards youma she finds. 0 0
Rika Suzume Heart Chizuru's newly-created little sister. Chizuru feels sympathy for her suffering and affection for her, and wants to try to make things right. 0 0
Souka (Frost Flower) Magic A former magical girl who Cursed herself into becoming an object without free will. She once served as Ogami Akemi's sword, but changed allegiances when Ogami became an Asura, and now serves as Chizuru's tool and protector. 0 0

XP total: 5

Chizuru wants to understand the world. She loves math, science, and the act of looking at the inner workings of something to find out just how it works. She's smart, very smart, and proud of it. She also gets very upset when something doesn't make sense – and much to her annoyance, some things just don't. She steers clear of being too social – people are really complicated, and society even more so, and she doesn't pretend to understand how it all works – but she gets most upset at parts of science that she thinks are just wrong. Quantum physics, dark matter, wave-particle dualities – she has this instinctive feeling that these and some other major parts of modern physics are just plain wrong, and that upsets her. And she doesn't know if it's because she's genuinely seeing that modern science is on the wrong track, or because nobody's explained these theories to her in a way that's not just toned-down-for-the-general-public and their true forms would make more sense, or if she's just plain wrong, and not as smart as she thinks she is. And not knowing makes her both a bit scared and a bit mad.

She also gets rather upset when someone tries to push her into a stereotypical feminine mode, as for example her mother is constantly doing. (Dad's a salaryman, Mom's a housewife, and that's all they've ever aspired to be – they're not bad people, but Chizuru really wishes they'd accept there's more to life than what they're pushing on her.)

She's generally fascinated with taking things apart to see how they work. This can be literal (she's got an old pocketwatch her grandfather left her that she loves to take apart and reassemble, and she's always on the lookout for other pure mechanical watches, music boxes, or other clockwork things to work on) or more abstract (she's a big fan of cryptanalysis – breaking codes – and in her spare time she's read a lot about the codemaking and codebreaking of World War II).