MTH:Powers A-H: Difference between revisions

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m FORCE FIELD: Added ballistic armor since receiving damage from guns or arrows and such is considered as a physical attack. If the "physical attack" written here is referring to close range attacks, please change it to melee instead of physical.
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Class: Beta
Class: Alpha
Cost: --

Cost: Varies
Dice Pool: N/A

Dice Pool: Stamina + (Survival) + Absorption
Range: 1 yard

Action: Reflexive
Area: N/A

Range: Self
Duration: Permanent

Area: N/A
Effect: The character's blood is a highly corrosive substance, and opponents who strike the character in melee risk being burned by his blood. Whenever a character comes in contact with this character's blood (such as by dealing at least one level of lethal or aggravated damage to the character), the character takes bashing damage equal to the in this power. This is not an optional effect. The attackers's Defense does not apply to this effect, but armor does. Nearby objects may also be affected.

Duration: See below
Extras: Potent Acid - The Acid deals lethal damage. This Extra can be taken twice, making it a Gamma Power, and dealing aggravated.

Effect: The character is able to absorb the damage from either physical or energy-based attacks (chosen when the power is purchased). Whenever the character takes damage from the appropriate source, she may spend one Verve and make an activation roll; each success absorbs one level of damage, reducing the amount of damage dealt by the attack by one.  In addition, the character gains one dot of Strength, Dexterity or Stamina (chosen when the power is purchased) for every two levels of damage absorbed (bashing, lethal, or aggravated).  Characters who can absorb energy-based attacks may also drain power from other sources, such as electrical appliances, and the Storyteller is the final arbiter of how much Strength, Dexterity or Stamina a character can gain from any given source.  In any case, the maximum amount by which a character may increase her physical Attributes is equal to the number of dots in Absorption the character possesses.  Additional dots in Strength, Dexterity or Stamina gained from Absorption last for one scene.
Blood Spurt - The character's blood pressure spikes when damaged. The spurt deals Acid Blood + Power Level in damage.

Extras: Energy Magnet - (As an instant action, the character may actively absorb energy from sources up to [Power Level + Absorption] x 5 yards away; only characters who can absorb energy-based attacks may use this Extra), Versatile - (Character may absorb damage from both physical and energy-based attacks).
Class: Beta

Cost: 1 Verve
Class: Alpha

Cost: --
Dice Pool: Dexterity + (Brawl) + Afflict – (Power Level + armor)

Dice Pool: N/A
Action: Instant

Range: Self
Range: Touch

Area: N/A
Area: N/A

Duration: Permanent
Duration: (Afflict - target's Stamina) turns, minimum 1
Effect: The character is able to fundamentally weaken living things. Every 2 successes on the activation roll incurs a -1 penalty to the target's physical actions and Speed for the duration. These penalties can be removed by any effect that removes bashing damage on a 1:1 basis. Multiple uses of Afflict do not fully stack, but increase the previous affliction by 1 and reset the duration. Non-living targets are unaffected.

Effect: The character's blood is a highly corrosive substance, and opponents who strike the character in melee risk being burned by his blood.  Whenever a target character comes in contact with this character's blood (such as by dealing at least one level of lethal or aggravated damage to the character with a melee or point-blank ranged attack, or by attempting to perform surgery on this character), this character ''must'' make an immediate Stamina + Acid Blood roll, with each success dealing one level of lethal damage to the target.  It is up to the Storyteller to determine whether or not the target's Defense applies to a given Acid Blood attack.  The Stamina + Acid Blood roll should also be made for objects that pierce or cut the character's flesh, and at the Storyteller's discretion, other nearby objects or characters may also be affected.
Extras: Distance - The Range increment becomes (Power Level x 5) yards

Class: Beta
Class: Beta

Cost: --
Cost: N/A

Dice Pool: N/A
Dice Pool: N/A
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Duration: Permanent
Duration: Permanent

Effect: The character is covered in layers of chitin or scales, or his flesh is simply incredibly resistant to damage.  Each dot in Armor gives the character +1/+1 armor.
Effect: The character is covered in layers of chitin or scales, or his flesh is simply incredibly resistant to damage.  When damaged, each dot in Armor downgrades one level of damage one category.
Extras: Bulletproof - (The character’s armor downgrades lethal damage from attacks made with firearms to bashing damage), Superheavy Armor - (The character may spend Verve as an instant action to fortify his armor; for every point of Verve the character spends, up to a maximum of his Armor rating, he gains +1/+1 armor and takes a –1 penalty to Initiative and Speed for the duration of the scene).
Class: Beta
Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: N/A
If the player wishes to be able to switch Armor on or off at the start of the character's turn, this can be arranged, but he always starts a scene with Armor off, making him vulnerable to surprise attacks.

Action: Instant

Range: Self
Bulletproof - The character's armor reduces damage levels as opposed to downgrading them.

Area: N/A
Alternate Rule: In more lethal chronicles, the Storyteller may decide the Bulletproof extra adds the character's dots in Armor to his armor stat, in addition to downgrading damage but instead of reducing damage. If the player wants this power to reduce damage, that's an extra named Impervious and counts as two extras.

Duration: One scene

Effect: The character is able to temporarily increase one of his Attributes, selected when the power is bought.  When this power is activated, the character gains one dot in the selected Attribute for every dot he has in Boost.  This is a direct increase to the Attribute in question, and as such may affect the character’s derived stats (such as Speed or Willpower).  A character is allowed to benefit from only one use of Boost for a given Attribute at a time; for example, a character with Boost (Strength) 3 would not be able to activate it twice per scene to gain +6 Strength.
Bypass - This power does not apply to one category of damage (physical, mental, energy or magic) which must be relatively common.

Extras: Extra Attribute - (Power increases two Attributes simultaneously instead of one), Mega-Boost - (The character is allowed to activate and gain benefit from Boost a number of times per scene equal to his effective Stamina before using Boost).

Class: Alpha
Class: Alpha

Cost: 1 Verve
Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: N/A
Dice Pool: Intelligence + (Occult) + Banishment

Action: Reflexive
Action: Instant or Extended

Range: Self
Range: (Power Level + Banishment) x 2 yards

Area: N/A
Area: N/A

Duration: One scene
Duration: N/A
Effect: The character attempts to send a being not of this world back to where it belongs. To do so the character needs to achieve successes equal to the Rank of the spirit or the Summoning Rating of a corporeal being. This can be done as an instant or extended action, as needed. Any character with an occult rating equal to the target number required may participate in the ritual if it is an extended action.
Only beings which have a Summoning Rating or which are spirits may be subject to Banishment.

Effect: The character is able to leap a far greater distance than would normally be expected. All of the character's final jumping distances are multiplied by the character's (Power Level + Bounding Leap); EG, a Size 5 character with Power Level 2 and Bounding Leap 2, who makes a running broad jump and scores three successes on the Strength + Athletics roll, would travel a grand total of [5 + (4 x 3)] x (4) = 68 feet.
Creating a ritual area, with whatever trappings are appropriate to the character's mystic style, aids in extended rituals of this type. Assume each 1/2 hour of effort put in to preparation of the ritual adds one die to the roll, up to the character's Power Level.

Extras: None.
At the STs discretion, some beings may require special materials to be obtained or situations to arise before they can be banished.

Class: Alpha
Class: Beta

Cost: 1 Verve
Cost: 1 Verve
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Dice Pool: N/A
Dice Pool: N/A

Action: Reflexive
Action: Simple (takes an action to perform)

Range: Self
Range: Self
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Duration: One scene
Duration: One scene

Effect: The character can extrude sharp claws from her fingertips, turn her fists to sharp-edged stone, summon a nimbus of deadly energy around her hands, or else enhance her unarmed attacks in some way. Each dot in Claws adds +1 damage to a character’s Brawl attacks while the claws are active; Brawl attacks made with claws deal lethal damageClaws also give a +2 bonus per dot to all climbing-related checks while they are active. The Verve cost is for the scene; once it has been paid, the character may extend and retract her claws at will.
Effect: The character is able to temporarily increase one of his Attributes, selected when the power is bought. When this power is activated, the character gains one dot in the selected Attribute for every dot he has in BoostThis is an unnatural effect, and so will not affect the character’s derived stats (such as Speed or Willpower). A character is allowed to benefit from only one use of Boost for a given Attribute at a time; for example, a character with Boost (Strength) 3 would not be able to activate it twice per scene to gain +6 Strength.

Extras: Kinetic Discharge - (The character's Claws rating also adds to Weaponry attacks, and upgrades bashing weapon damage to lethal; by spending one additional Verve per attack, the character may also add her Claws rating to thrown or Firearms attacks), Extended Reach - (While the character's Claws are active, she may make melee attacks at a range equal to her [Power Level + Claws] yards).

Extra Attribute - Power increases two Attributes simultaneously instead of one.
Class: Gamma

Cost: Varies
Mega-Boost - The effect can be activated cumulatively, stacking up to once per Power Level.

Dice Pool: N/A
Boost Other - The character may use this power on other people they are currently touching. One activation covers one person. Alternatively, the character can take this ability in place of being able to boost themselves. This alternative does not count as an Extra.

Action: Instant

Range: Self
Specific - The effect increases a Skill instead of an Attribute.

Area: N/A
Highly Specific - The effect increases a Specialty instead of an Attribute, but unlike other specialties, this specialty can go above 1 dot.

Duration: One scene
Conditional Activation - The effect can only be activated when the character has a specific Condition on them (You wouldn't like me when I am angry...).

Effect: The character creates multiple duplicates of herself, at a cost of one Verve per clone.  Each clone is an almost-identical copy of the originating character, with the same Attributes, Skills, powers, clothing and equipment, etc.  However, the clones are not as powerful as the original character; each clone suffers a –1 penalty to all dice pools for each clone created in a single action, and each clone has a Power Level equal to the original character’s Power Level minus the number of clones created, to a minimum of 1.  For example, if a character with Power Level 6 created 5 clones in one action, each clone would suffer a –5 penalty to all dice pools and have a Power Level of 1.  Note that, if a character uses multiple actions to create multiple clones of herself, these penalties are NOT cumulative.  In addition, a character’s clones do not possess the Clone power themselves.  Clones share no mental link with each other or with the originating character, and must communicate as normal.  A clone lasts until the end of the scene or until the originating character wills it out of existence.  Clones have half the amount of Verve their creator had (after activation of this power), minus one for each clone created at the same time, to a minimum of zero. 
Class: Alpha

Clones act on the same initiative.
Cost: 0 Verve

This power is similar to the Duplicate power.  Players considering Clone for their character may wish to look over the Duplicate power as well.
Dice Pool: N/A

Extras: None.
Action: Reflexive

Range: Self
Class: Gamma

Cost: Varies
Area: N/A

Dice Pool: Varies
Duration: One scene

Action: Varies
Effect: The character is able to leap a far greater distance than would normally be expected. The character can jump equally well running as not, and equally well vertically as horizontally. The character can jump 10ft on a simple success on a normal jumping roll (Strength + Athletics + equipment). For each additional 10ft the character wishes to jump, apply a -1 modifier to the roll.

Range: Varies
For each dot in this power, after the first, the increment adds 10ft. Thus at three dots the character can jump 30ft with a simple success, or 150ft with a -5 penalty.

Area: Varies
Extras: None.

Duration: Varies
Class: Beta

Effect: The character is able to manipulate computers and technology.  The character knows one of the following techniques for each dot in Cyberkinesis she possesses; she may attempt to use a technique that she does not specifically know, but doing so increases the Verve cost of the technique by one and imposes a –1 penalty to the activation roll (if any).
Cost: 1+ Verve

Extras: None.
Dice Pool: N/A

Action: Instant
Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: Intelligence + (Computer) + Cyberkinesis
Range: (Power Level + Clone) yards

Action: Extended
Area: N/A

Range: Touch
Duration: One scene

Area: N/A
Effect: The character creates multiple copies of herself within range, up to her dots in Clone + 1 at once, at a cost of at least one Verve per clone, and taking one turn. Each clone is an almost-identical copy of the originating character, with the same Attributes, Skills, powers, clothing and equipment, etc. (The player may opt to give her clones a distinct appearance to suit the rationale for this power, but gains no mechanical benefit in exchange.)

Duration: Instant
The clones are not as powerful as the original character; each clone suffers a -2 penalty to all dice pools, and possess no super powers themselves. Clones have no Health, and disappear if they take any damage. Clones share no mental link with each other or the originating character, and must communicate normally. It is assumed that the clones have the same memories and agenda as the character and thus act in accordance (unless the player says otherwise, which would indicate the character being torn on the issue in question). A clone lasts until the end of the scene or until the originating character wills it out of existence. Clones have no verve or willpower.

Effect: The character is able to alter, insert, or delete data on a computer disk.  As a rule of thumb, each success on the activation roll allows the character to alter one gigabyte of data.  Deletion of data takes only one turn per gigabyte, insertion and alteration may take considerably longer.  The Storyteller should the amount and specificity of the data to determine the number of successes necessary to complete any given task, and assign penalties to the activation roll depending on how well-protected the files are (for example, a typical home computer with no firewall would impose no penalty, while a corporate mainframe protected by multiple layers of encryption and intrusion countermeasures would impose a –5 penalty).
Clones act on the same initiative, but may not act on the turn they are created.  

Assume one gig of data can be worked on at a time, and making alterations to that data, while it uses Intelligence + Computer + Cyberkinesis, is not an activation roll (it does not require further Verve).  Copying data from an available source, without alteration, takes one turn per gig.  Altering data specifically, such as going line by line changing addresses in a contact listing, takes as long as it would entering the data manually, divided by the character's Power Level.
The character may only have a number of clones at a time equal to twice her dots in Clone.

If a more detailed frame of reference is needed, assume a character with a Dexterity + Computers pool of 1 can compose a page of typed information in about 20 turns.  For pools higher then one (meaning just about anyone's) divide that time by the number of dice in the poolThis may mean that higher die pools can type exceedingly fast, but remember, this is a game about people who are More Than Human.
This power is similar to the Duplicate powerPlayers considering Clone for their character may wish to look over the Duplicate power as well.

Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: Manipulation + (Computer) + Cyberkinesis
Haste - The clones may act on the turn they are created.

Action: Instant
Hive Mind - The clones share thoughts and senses with the originating character.

Range: (Power Level + Cyberkinesis) x 5 yards
Robust - Each clone has health levels equal to their Stamina.

Area: N/A

Duration: Concentration
==CONDITIONING (Condition)==

Effect: The character can take control of any device with mechanical, hydraulic, or electronic parts.  A single success is all that’s required for the character to control a given piece of technology; if another character wishes to take control away from the cyberkineticist, the opponent must make an appropriate contested roll (such as Strength + Drive, Dexterity + Drive, or Intelligence + Computer) and score more successes than the character scored on her initial activation roll.
Class: Alpha

Cost: 1 Verve
Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: Manipulation + (Computer) + Cyberkinesis
Dice Pool: Varies

Action: Instant
Action: Instant

Range: (Power Level + Cyberkinesis) x 5 yards
Range: (Power Level + Power) yards

Area: N/A
Area: N/A

Duration: Concentration
Duration: Until Resolved
Effect: This is a catch-all power description for a power whose sole effect is to create a specific Condition in the target. Choose a Condition upon taking the power. A rational for how the Condition is created must be supplied by the player, and that rational should be used to determine the die pool. It is assumed to be a temporary Condition. The Condition cannot be use to generate beats for any given character more than once a story unless the ST says otherwise.
If appropriate, a variation of this power "Tilting (Tilt)" can be taken for a given Tilt.

Effect: The character can plant false images and readings in surveillance equipment or communications devices.  In order to use this technique, the character must succeed on an activation roll, with a negative modifier based on the complexity and reliability of the device in question: a typical security camera would probably not impose any modifier, while a multi-spectrum surveillance system and motion tracker powered by its own AI might impose a penalty of –4 or –5.  Success on this roll allows the character to control the information recorded or transmitted by the device.  For example, a security camera might be made to transmit a false image, a tape recorder could record a conversation that never happened, or either of these machines could be made to record nothing but static.  Another character examining such altered information may attempt to see through this illusion; to do so, the opposing character must roll Wits + Resolve and score more successes on the roll than the cyberkinetic scored on the activation roll.
Class: Beta

Cost: 1 Verve
Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: Intelligence + (Computer) + Cyberkinesis
Dice Pool: Composure + (Computer) + Cyberkinesis

Action: Instant
Action: Instant
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Range: (Power Level + Cyberkinesis) x 5 yards
Range: (Power Level + Cyberkinesis) x 5 yards

Area: N/A
Duration: Concentration
Duration: Varies
Effect: The character is able to shut down mechanical and electronic devices.  On a successful activation roll, the target device is rendered inoperable for the duration of the scene; on an exceptional success, the device breaks permanently and will not work until it is repaired.  Well-made or highly reliable devices may impose a penalty on the activation roll, at the Storyteller’s discretion.
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: Intelligence + (Computer) + Cyberkinesis
Action: Extended
Range: Touch
Area: N/A
Duration: Instant
Effect: The character is able to rewrite the code of a computer’s operating system or software, changing the way the software functions.  The Storyteller should determine how many successes are needed to effect any given change on a computer’s software, and impose a difficulty penalty based on the complexity of the software being rewritten; altering the OS of a typical desktop or laptop would impose no penalty, while attempting to reprogram a complex supercomputer or AI would impose a -5 penalty.  Using Reprogram is an extended action; the character may make a maximum number of rolls equal to her Computer + Cyberkinesis.  Each roll takes one turn.
Cost: See below
Dice Pool: N/A
Action: N/A

Range: See below
Effect: The character is able to manipulate computers and technology. The character can take control of any device with mechanical, or electronic parts.  A single success is all that’s required for the character to control a given piece of technology; if another character wishes to take control away from the cyberkineticist, the opponent must make an appropriate contested roll (such as Strength + Drive, Dexterity + Drive, or Intelligence + Computer) and score more successes than the character scored on her initial activation roll.

Area: N/A
While under the character's control the piece of technology can take any action it could logically take if a person who was trained in it's use was using it to do. If the character wishes to make an attack with the item, the base pool is Wits + Cyberkinesis. The Storyteller may well want to impose penalties due to the appropriateness of the item being used (generally it would have to at least be mobile, as this power doesn't make things fly that can't under their own power). Likewise the object's damage modifier, if any, is up to the ST.

Duration: Permanent
If the piece of technoligy requires power to function, the system in question must be powered on to use this power effectively. An activation roll of the power can be used to power up the device if it has access to a power source though (usually meaning it's plugged in), and without a roll.

Effect: The character is able to project her consciousness into a computer network or the Internet, allowing her to exercise her other Cyberkinesis techniques on any computer or device she can reach through a network connection.  Using a Cyberkinesis technique in this manner increases the technique’s activation cost by one Verve.  The Storyteller may impose penalties on the character’s activation rolls based on the distance to the target device and the strength of the connection; for example, reprogramming a computer on the other side of a college campus through the university’s T1 network would probably impose no penalty at all, while trying to do the same to a computer on the other side of the world through a spotty 56k connection would impose a penalty of –5.
Cyberkinesis has an associated [[MTH:Power_Trees|Power Tree]].

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Duration: One scene
Duration: One scene

Effect: The character may either increase OR decrease his density (chosen when the power is purchased).  If the character is increasing his density, each success gained on the activation roll doubles the character’s weight and grants the character +1/+1 armor and +1 effective Strength for the purposes of lifting objects and close combat attacks (note that this bonus Strength does not affect the character’s Speed and has no effect on the character’s ability to jump, climb, swim, or anything else where his increased weight would be a problem).  If the character is decreasing his density, the number of successes gained on the activation roll is compared to the chart below to determine the effects.
Effect: The character may increase or decrease his density.  If the character is increasing his density, each success gained on the activation roll doubles the character’s weight and grants the character +1/+1 armor.  
* One success: the character gains +1 Defense.  He may ooze through cracks or tiny openings at a rate of one inch per turn.

* Two successes: the character gains +2 Defense, but his Health decreases by one (treat this as though the character had lost a single temporary Health level).  The damage dealt to the character by physical attacks, as well as the damage dealt by the character’s own close combat and thrown physical attacks, is halved, with fractional successes rounding up (IE if a gunshot deals five points of damage to the character, he only takes three levels of lethal damage).  The character may flow through cracks or tiny openings at a rate of one yard per turn.
If the character is decreasing his density, every two successes increases their Defense by 1. In addition, a less dense character has an easier time slipping through cracks and getting through tight openings. For every two successes, lower their effective size by one for the purposes of moving through spaces only.
* Three successes: the character gains +3 Defense, but his Health decreases by two.  The character is completely intangible; physical attacks deal no damage to him (energy and attacks affecting the mind or senses function as normal), and he is unable to physically interact with his environment at all.  The character may move in all three dimensions unaffected by gravity and pass through physical barriers (walls, ceilings, floors) at his normal movement rate.  Note that the character is normally not able to breathe if his head or chest is passing through any substance other than air, so the length of time he can spend passing through a substance is limited by how long he is able to hold his breath.
* Four successes: as three successes, except that the character only takes half damage from energy-based sources (such as force blasts or fire).
* Five or more successes: as three successes, except that the character also takes no damage from energy-based sources.  By spending a point of Verve, the character may solidify part or all of his body for one turn; such a body part may be used for physical interaction (using tools, attacking etc.), but may also be targeted as per the normal rules for targeting body parts, taking damage as normal.
Using Density Control is an extended action, and the character may roll and gain successes a number of times per scene up to his effective Stamina.  Each roll takes one turn.  Returning to normal density is a reflexive action and does not require a Verve expenditure.
'''Alternate Version of Density Control''' (''note: I amalagated 1 & 2 successes in to level 1, to bring this power more in line with other Class 2 powers'')
'''Density Increase:''' If the character is increasing his density, each level in this power doubles the character’s weight and grants the character +1/+1 armor and +1 effective Strength for the purposes of lifting objects and close combat attacks (note that this bonus Strength does not affect the character’s Speed and has no effect on the character’s ability to jump, climb, swim, or anything else where his increased weight would be a problem). 
'''Density Decrease:''' If the character is decreasing his density, consult the following power descriptions:
* '''1 Level:''' Purchasing 1 level in Density Control gives the character +2 Defense, but his Health decreases by one (treat this as though the character had lost a single temporary Health level). The damage dealt to the character by physical attacks, as well as the damage dealt by the character’s own close combat and thrown physical attacks, is halved, with fractional successes rounding up (IE if a gunshot deals five points of damage to the character, he only takes three levels of lethal damage).  The character may flow through cracks or tiny openings at a rate of one yard per turn.
* '''2 Levels:''' Purchasing 2 levels in Density Control gives the character +3 Defense, but his Health decreases by two.  The character is completely intangible; physical attacks deal no damage to him (energy and attacks affecting the mind or senses function as normal), and he is unable to physically interact with his environment at all.  The character may move in all three dimensions unaffected by gravity and pass through physical barriers (walls, ceilings, floors) at his normal movement rate.  Note that the character is normally not able to breathe if his head or chest is passing through any substance other than air, so the length of time he can spend passing through a substance is limited by how long he is able to hold his breath.
* '''3 Levels:''' Purchasing 3 level in Density Control gives the character the same abilities as 2 levels, except that the character now only takes half damage from energy-based sources (such as force blasts or fire).
* '''4 Levels:''' as 3 Levels, except that the character now takes no damage from energy-based sources. 
* '''5 Levels:''' as 4 levels, except that by spending a point of Verve, the character may solidify part or all of his body for one turn; such a body part may be used for physical interaction (using tools, attacking etc.), but may also be targeted as per the normal rules for targeting body parts, taking damage as normal.
Extras (for both versions): Full Control - (Character may both increase and decrease density).

Class: Beta
Class: Alpha

Cost: 1 Verve
Cost: 1 Verve
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Action: Instant
Action: Instant

Range: (Power Level + Disrupt) x 5 yards
Range: Touch

Area: N/A
Area: N/A
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Duration: One scene
Duration: One scene

Effect: The character is able to disrupt other characters' superpowers. Each success on the activation roll negates one dot in one of a target character's superpowers; if all of the target character's dots in a particular superpower are negated in this manner, the target character may not use that superpower at all until the effects of Disrupt end.  The character may not reduce any one of her target's superpowers by more dots than she has dots in Disrupt; for example, if a character has Disrupt 3 and scores five successes on the activation roll, she could reduce one of her target's superpowers by three dots and another by two dots, or five of her target's superpowers by one dot each, but she could not reduce a single superpower by five dots. The Storyteller decides which resistance Attribute applies as a penalty to the activation roll; generally, if the power being disrupted has an activation roll itself, the resistance Attribute should be in the same category (Mental, Physical, or Social) as the Attribute used in the disrupted power's activation roll.
Effect: The character is able to disrupt other characters' superpowers, of the same type. If this power is bought as a Mystic power it disrupts Mystic Powers for example.
Each success on the activation roll creates one point of disruption which rests on one superpower the target has. The character must know the target has the specific power to target it. Each time the target rolls to activate that power they have one success negated for each point of disruption on that power, and one point of disruption is removed from the pool. Powers that do not need to roll to activate are unaffected. The pool of disruption fades at the end of the scene.
The resistance trait applied is whichever one is appropriate for the activation roll for the power (Stamina for physical attributed powers for example).

Extras: None.

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Duration: See below
Duration: See below

Effect: The character is able to control the minds of others.  In order to use this power, the character must be able to communicate effectively with her victim, either vocally or through some other means (Telepathy, sign language etc.).  If the character wins the contested activation roll, she may issue a single command that the target must attempt to follow to the best of his ability. The command cannot be longer than 2-3 sentences, and it must be fairly simple: a single, straightforward task ("Purchase a shotgun at the local sporting goods store"), or a single prohibition ("Do not make eye contact with anyone"). Commands that are blatantly impossible ("Count all the grains of sand on this beach") or self-destructive ("Jump off the roof of this building") fail automatically. If the character wins the activation roll with an exceptional success, these requirements are waived; even self-destructive or impossible commands must be followed to the best of the target's ability, and the character may make her commands as long or complex as she desires. If the command takes longer than one minute to perform and is physically or mentally taxing (such as the aforementioned sand-counting command), the target may make a reflexive Resolve + Power Level roll every minute against the character's initial Domination activation roll to attempt to break control.  If following the command would result in direct harm to the target character or his allies, he may make this resistance roll every ''turn''.  So long as the character remains dominated, however, he will resist any attempts to prevent him from following his commands.  A dominated character remains dominated until his task is complete or he successfully breaks the mental control.
Effect: The character is able to control the minds of others.  In order to use this power, the character must be able to communicate effectively with her victim, either vocally or through some other means (Telepathy, sign language etc.).  Mind control works in stages. For each success on the activation roll over the resistance roll, the target may be subjected to one stage of the character's mind control, or freed from one stage of an opposing mind control, but subjecting a target to multiple stages at once costs 1 additional Verve per additional stage.
* Stage 1: The character may issue a single negative command (and don't even think about using double negatives!), such as "don't attack me" or "don't make eye contact with anyone", that the target must not defy, but the target is otherwise free to choose his actions.
* Stage 2: The character may issue a single negative or positive command, such as "purchase a rifle at the local sporting goods store" or "stand perfectly still for one minute", that the target must follow to the best of his ability.
Commands given at stages 1 and 2 cannot be longer than 10 words, cannot be blatantly impossible ("count all the grains of sand on this beach"), cannot pose any apparent danger to the target or his allies ("walk off this cliff"), and cannot end a conflict instantly ("go to the police station and turn yourself in").
* Stage 3: As stage 2, except conflict-ending commands are allowed.
* Stage 4: As stage 3, except impossible or dangerous commands are allowed.
* Stage 5: As stage 4, except the command can be as long and complex as the character wants.
A target can be subjected to any number of stages of mind control beyond 5 to increase the effect's duration.
If the command takes longer than 10 minutes to perform, the target may make a reflexive Resolve roll each 10 minutes to free himself from one stage of mind control, possibly invalidating the command. If the command takes longer than one minute to perform and is physically or mentally taxing (such as the aforementioned sand-counting command), he may make this roll each minute instead.  If following the command would result in direct harm to the target character or his allies, he may make this roll each ''turn'' at the end of his turn instead.  So long as the character remains dominated, however, he will resist any attempts to prevent him from following his commands.  A dominated character remains dominated until his task is complete, until he successfully breaks all stages of mind control, or until the source of his domination issues a different command.

Extras: Telepathic Domination - (The character need not be able to communicate effectively with her target in order to use Domination).

==Dream manipulation==
Mind Blank - The target does not realize it was dominated even after the effect ends.
Class:  3

Cost:  Varies
Telepathic Domination - The character need not be able to communicate effectively with her target in order to use Domination.


Range:  Varies
Cost:  Varies

Area: Varies
Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy + Oneiromancy

Duration:  Varies
Action:  Varies
Effect:  The character is able to manipulate, suppress, fabricate, influence, manifest, sense, and observe Dreams and the Astral Plane.  The character knows one of the following techniques for each dot in Dream Manipulation she possesses; she may attempt to use a technique that she does not specifically know, but doing so increases the Verve cost of the technique by one and imposes a –1 penalty to the activation roll (if any).
Extras: None
===Sense Dream===
Cost:  None
Dice Pool: --

Action: Passive
Range: (Power Level + Oneiromancy) x 10 yards (This refers to the distance between the target and user of this power. Distance within a dream is meaningless.)

RangePower Level + Dream Manipulation

Effect: The character is automatically able to detect a dreaming target in her set radius. She is able to determine the exact mood of the dream within (Example: Nightmare, Night Terror, Good Dream, Passionate Dream, etc.), also automatically. The character is able to discern the duration of the dream thus far, or if the target is near to waking. The physical representation of this skill is up to the player.

Duration:  Permanent
Use of this power does not tell the character where the sleeper is, aside from knowing they are in the radius of the power. Likewise the user of this power does not know what the sleeper looks like in real life, or any other details about them (though they can make inferences as usual). They simply know that, as a dreamer, the individual is active on the astral plane and their general state.

Effect:   The character is able to detect a dreaming target in her set radius.  She is able to determine the exact mood of the dream within (Example: Nightmare, Night Terror, Good Dream, Passionate Dream, etc.)  The character is able to discern the duration of the dream, how long of the dream is left or if the target is near to waking.  The physical representation of this skill is up to the player, and storyteller’s discretion whether it be a mental connection felt by the character, or several blips of color visible to the character.
Oneiromancy has an associated [[MTH:Power_Trees|Power Tree]].

===Fabricate Dream===  

Cost:  1 Verve
Class: Omega
Dice Pool:  Wits + Dream Manipulation + Power Level
Action:  Extended
Range:  Touch
Area:  N/A
Duration:  1 Scene
Effect:  This skill allows the character to manipulate and control down to every minute detail the target’s dream as if they were the dream itself.  The character is simply the atmosphere, creating the world out of independently harmless illusions. (ie. An Architect in Inception)  With this skill alone, the character cannot harm, or physically affect the target beyond their fabricated dream world, however the way the character uses the dream to directly influence the target is greatly flexible.  One can deeply traumatize an enemy by accurately creating a gruesome situation of torture, or bolster the confidence of an ally by temporarily bringing back a lost love one to give a motivational speech.  The character must, in some way, be making physical contact with the target for the skill to work.
Extra:  Architecture from Afar – The character is able to enter and create the dream world without having to be in contact with them physically in the outside world.  To discern the range roll your Power Level + Dream Manipulation.
===Dream Manifestation===
Cost:  1 Verve
Dice Pool:  Manipulation + Dream Manipulation + Power Level
Action:  Contested
Range:  Dream Manipulation + Power level x 5
Area:  N/A
Duration:  1 Scene
Effect:  Similar to Fabricate Dream, with this power the character is able to enter the targets dream, however with this particular skill, instead of becoming, and controlling the dream you become a participant, physically manifesting in the Targets currently existing Dream World, and affecting the Target as if they were in the real world.  Important to note that while in the Dream World they are as susceptible to the environment as the target of the dream.  Although a player can fabricate a dream and then manifest in it they lose all control and are now as susceptible to the environment as if it were their own dream. If the dream that the user enters ends up killing them, they would wake up as if it were their own dream. However if the target of the dream ends up killing or injuring you personally you would take damage as normal.
Class: Gamma

Cost: 1 Verve  
Cost: 1 Verve  
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Duplicates share a Verve pool.  Multiple uses of or replenishment of Verve in the same turn do not stack.  Willpower is shared in the same fashion, and likewise does not stack for the purposes of replenishment or expenditure.  Essentially, the group is treated as one individual for the purposes of gaining or using Verve or Willpower.   
Duplicates share a Verve pool.  Multiple uses of or replenishment of Verve in the same turn do not stack.  Willpower is shared in the same fashion, and likewise does not stack for the purposes of replenishment or expenditure.  Essentially, the group is treated as one individual for the purposes of gaining or using Verve or Willpower.   
Duplicates remain until reabsorbed, which also takes a turn and body contact.  Duplicates merging together take the average wounds of both, rounded up.
Duplicates remain until reabsorbed, which also takes a turn and body contact.  Duplicates merging together take the average wounds of both, rounded up.
Duplicates share no mental link with each other or with the originating character, and must communicate as normal (unless they possess additional powers which would allow otherwise).  Knowledge gained by one is shared by both upon merging.   
Duplicates share no mental link with each other or with the originating character, and must communicate as normal (unless they possess additional powers which would allow otherwise).  Knowledge gained by one is shared by both upon merging.   
This power has the side effect of allowing the character to train multiple traits at once.  One or more duplicates can train while one or more are otherwise active.  Duplicates share an experience pool, but spend the points individually.  Thus if one remains at home while the other travels, either may spend points on a trait increase while the other doesn’t, but only one would get the trait increase until the two merge again.  Should the more learned duplicate die before merging, the experience points are lost.
This power has the side effect of allowing the character to train multiple traits at once.  One or more duplicates can train while one or more are otherwise active.  Duplicates share an experience pool, but spend the points individually.  Thus if one remains at home while the other travels, either may spend points on a trait increase while the other doesn’t, but only one would get the trait increase until the two merge again.  Should the more learned duplicate die before merging, the experience points are lost.

Duplicates act on the same initiative.   
Duplicates act on the same initiative.  The character may have a number of bodies at a time equal to his dots in Duplicate + 1.

Note that this power is very similar to the power Clone.  Players considering this power for their character may also want to consider that power.
Note that this power is very similar to the power Clone.  Players considering this power for their character may also want to consider that power.

Note From Storyteller: This power needs to have a purpose for its Class otherwise everyone will just take Class one. :)
Extras: None
Shared Health - The group is treated as one individual for the purpose of taking damage.

Class: Alpha
Class: Gamma

Cost: --
Cost: --
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Extras: None.
Extras: None.

Class: Gamma
Class: Beta

Cost: Varies
Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: Varies
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Craft + Elemental Mastery

Action: Varies
Action: Instant or Extended

Range: Varies
Range: (Power Level + Elemental Mastery) x 5 yards

Area: Varies
Area: Varies

Duration: Varies
Duration: Scene

Effect: The character is able to control one specific “element,” chosen when this power is purchased.  The Storyteller is the final arbiter of what constitutes a viable “element” for this power; possible examples include the classical Aristotelian and Feng Shui elements (Fire, Air, Water, Wood, and Earth and Metal respectively), ice, electricity, light, darkness, and sound. In order to use this power, the character must have a significant source of the element nearby, unless she has acquired the Elemental Mastery technique; it is up to the player and Storyteller to determine what constitutes "a significant source" and "nearby" for the character (some characters might require nothing more than a candle or a puddle somewhere in the character's line of sight, while others might require a lake or a roaring bonfire within a few dozen feet).  The character knows one of the following techniques for each dot in Elemental Anima she possesses; she may attempt to use a technique that she does not specifically know (with the exception of Elemental Mastery), but doing so increases the Verve cost of the technique by one and imposes a –1 penalty to the activation roll.
Effect: The character is able to control one specific “element,” chosen when this power is purchased.  The Storyteller is the final arbiter of what constitutes a viable “element” for this power; possible examples include the classical Aristotelian and Feng Shui elements (Fire, Air, Water, Wood, and Earth and Metal respectively), ice, electricity, light, darkness, and sound. As a guideline, assume an element must be physical and must be naturally occurring, at least some of the time.

Extras: None.
In order to use this power, the character must have a significant source of the element nearby. It is up to the player and Storyteller to determine what constitutes "a significant source" for the action attempted.

The character cannot manipulate the element if it is part of a living being.
Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: Intelligence + (Science) + Elemental Anima
The basic use of this power allows the character to craft the element without tools and without damaging themselves. Even if the shape the character wishes to leave the element in is unnatural for it the element will remain in that shape until the end of the scene, when normal physics takes over. By spending additional Verve the object may be able to persist. If the character spends a point of Verve at the beginning of each new scene the created item will continue. Normal crafting rules otherwise govern whatever the character is making, except that they use the die pool above.

Action: Instant
The character may give their creation up to (Power Level) Durability.
Range: (Power Level + Elemental Anima) x 5 yards

Area: (Power Level + Elemental Anima) yards
If you are looking to have your character fling the element forward as an attack, see the Force Strike power with the Force Bolt Merit. If you want the character to be able to propel themselves along with the power, use a variant of the flight power.

Duration: One scene
Elemental Mastery has a rather large [[MTH:Power_Trees|Power Tree]] associated with it.

Effect: The character is able to change the ambient temperature of an area.  Each success on the activation roll allows the character to increase or decrease the temperature of an affected area by 10 degrees Celsius.

Narrow Purview - The character can only effect a subset of one of the typical elements (gold or glass instead of earth, saltwater or blood instead of water, etc.) and cannot have Elemental Instantiation (because otherwise this isn't much of a weakness).
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: Manipulation + (Persuasion) + Elemental Anima
Action: Instant
Range: (Power Level + Elemental Anima) x 5 yards
Area: N/A
Duration: One scene
Effect: The character is able to animate a portion of her chosen element, turning it into an automaton.  A single success on the activation roll allows the character to animate up to Size 5 worth of her chosen material, while each additional success increases the maximum possible Size by 5.  The character may split this control up in whatever manner she pleases: for example, a character who scored three successes on the activation roll could control three Size 5 servitors, five Size 3 servitors, a single Size 15 servitor, fifteen Size 1 servitors, or any other combination of Sizes that adds up to 15.  The automata created by this technique each have a number of health levels equal to their Size + the character's dots in Elemental Anima, and have a dice pool of the character's Manipulation + Elemental Anima for any physical actions they attempt to perform.  Automata created by the Animation technique are effectively mindless; they require orders from the character before they will do anything, and once they have begun a task, they will not stop until either the task is completed or they have been destroyed.
Cost: Varies
Dice Pool: Dexterity + (Athletics) + Elemental Anima - target's armor
Action: Instant
Range: (Power Level + Elemental Anima) x 5 yards
Area: N/A
Duration: Instant
Effect: The character is able to lash out at her enemies with her elemental anima: smothering them in darkness, blasting them with fire, hammering them with sonic shockwaves etc.  This power is identical in effect to the Force Blast power, except that the dice pool for the activation roll is the character's Dexterity + (Athletics) + Elemental Anima.
Cost: N/A
Dice Pool: N/A
Action: N/A
Range: N/A
Area: N/A
Duration: Permanent
Effect: The character is not only able to command her chosen element; she can also conjure it from thin air.  A character with this technique no longer requires a significant amount of her chosen element nearby in order to use her Elemental Anima power.
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: Intelligence + (Science) + Elemental Anima
Action: Instant
Range: (Power Level + Elemental Anima) x 5 yards
Area: (Power Level + Elemental Anima) yards
Duration: One scene
Effect: The character is able to increase or decrease the effect of her chosen element in a given area.  This manifests differently for different elements; energetic "elements" such as light, sound, or fire increase and decrease in intensity, while material elements such as earth, water, and air increase or decrease their density or pressure (though the volume of the element in question does not change accordingly).  Each success on the activation roll increases or decreases the element's presence in the affected area by 25%, or by two dice or damage levels in the case of damaging phenomena such as fire.  A character cannot use this power to enhance the effect of her own or another character's elemental powers, but she can ''diminish'' those powers; at the Storyteller's discretion, the character whose powers are being diminished may be allowed a Resolve + Power Level roll to resist.
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: N/A
Action: Reflexive
Range: Self
Area: N/A
Duration: One scene
Effect: The character is able to "ride" her chosen element, allowing her to move at considerable speed.  When using this method of movement, the character has a Speed equal to (Elemental Anima x 10).  Naturally, the exact nature of this movement will vary from element to element; a character whose element is darkness might teleport from shadow to shadow, a character whose element is earth might ride waves of rock or levitating boulders, and a character whose element is fire might soar through the air on flaming wings.
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: Dexterity + (Crafts) + Elemental Anima
Action: Instant
Range: (Power Level + Elemental Anima) x 5 yards
Area: N/A
Duration: One scene
Effect: The character is able to give shape and form to her chosen element.  A single success on the activation roll allows the character to form an amount of her element up to Size 5 into simple shapes, such as geometric forms or a rough humanoid effigy; additional successes on the roll allow the character to either affect more of her chosen element (every additional success on the activation roll increases the maximum Size that can be shaped by +5), or to add an increasing amount of detail or aesthetic appeal to her "sculptures" (note: in situations where the construct is intended solely as an artistic piece, the Storyteller may want to call for Dexterity + (Expression) + Elemental Anima as the activation roll instead).  Sculptures formed with the Shaping ability have the same Durability that the element normally possesses.  Once crafted, the sculpture will stand immobile (or as immobile as possible, in the case of fire- or shadow-sculptures) for a scene unless given movement by the Animation technique.
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: Wits  + (Survival) + Elemental Anima
Action: Instant
Range: Self
Area: N/A
Duration: One scene
Effect: The character calls her chosen element to her, forming it into a protective shield.  Each success on the activation roll increases the character's armor by +1/+1.
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: Stamina + (Athletics) + Elemental Anima
Action: Instant
Range: (Power Level + Elemental Anima) x 5 yards
Area: (Power Level + Elemental Anima) yards
Duration: Concentration
Effect: The character creates a localized storm of her chosen element, such as a tornado, a firestorm, or a localized earthquake.  Targets caught within the storm's area of effect suffer a -1 penalty to all actions involving physical movement or concentration and take one level of bashing damage per turn for every success on the activation roll, up to a maximum of the character's dots in Elemental Anima (at the discretion of the player and Storyteller, Defense and/or armor may apply against the damage dealt by the storm).  If the character spends an additional point of Verve, the storm deals lethal damage instead of bashing.
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: Stamina + (Survival) + Elemental Anima
Action: Instant
Range: (Power Level + Elemental Anima) x 5 yards
Area: See below
Duration: One scene
Effect: The character forms her chosen element into a protective barrier.  A single success on the activation roll allows the character to form a barrier with an area of one square yard; each additional success doubles the size of the barrier.  Any attacks made through the wall suffer a -1 penalty for each dot the activating character possesses in Elemental Anima.  The wall also has an effective Durability equal to the character's dots in Elemental Anima for the purpose of resisting attacks directed against it.  This technique can also be used offensively, in order to trap an opponent in a cage of the character's chosen element; in this case, the target's Defense applies as a penalty to the activation roll.

Class: Beta
Empathic manipulation was removed as it essentially duplicates several Mega Skills and Mega Attributes for a cheaper cost.
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: Manipulation + (Empathy) + Empathic Manipulation vs. target's Composure + Power Level
Action: Contested; resistance is reflexive
Range: (Power Level + Empathic Manipulation) x 5 yards
Area: N/A
Duration: One scene
Effect: The character is able to manipulate the emotions of a target.  If the character wins the contested activation roll, he is able to increase or decrease the intensity of an emotion that the target is already feeling, or instill a mild version of an emotion that the current is not currently feeling: for example, on a successful activation roll, the character could turn passing interest into infatuation or burning anger into mild irritation, or instill a feeling of anxiety into a target who would otherwise have no reason to feel afraid.  On an exceptional success, the character is able to drastically alter the target's emotional state or instill a strong emotion where there was none previously: mild anxiety can turn to paralyzing terror or true love to apathy, or a previously calm and placid individual can suddenly explode into a furious rage.  Note that the character has no control over the target's behavior, only her emotional state, and it is up to the Storyteller to determine how Storyteller characters affected by this power would behave.  The emotional changes wrought by Empathic Manipulation fade at the end of the scene.
Extras: Multiple Emotions - (The character is able to affect multiple emotions at a time, one for every dot in Empathic Manipulation he has).

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Duration: Instant
Duration: Instant

Effect: The character is able to draw energy from other characters in order to fuel her own abilities.  Each success on the activation roll reduces the target's Verve (or the equivalent, IE Essence, Vitae, Mana etc.) total by one, and increases the character's Verve total by one; the character may not increase her Verve total above its allowed maximum in this manner.  If the target character has no Verve remaining, each success on the activation roll instead reduces the character's Willpower point total by one; if the character has no Verve and no Willpower points remaining, each success on the activation roll deals one level of lethal damage to the target.
Effect: The character is able to draw energy from other characters in order to fuel her own abilities.  Each success on the activation roll reduces the target's Verve* total by one, and increases the character's Verve total by one; the character may not increase her Verve total above its allowed maximum in this manner.  If the target character has no Verve remaining, each success on the activation roll instead reduces the character's Willpower point total by one; if the character has no Verve and no Willpower points remaining, each success on the activation roll deals one level of lethal damage to the target.

Extras: Selective - (The character may elect to drain Willpower from a target who still has Verve remaining, or to deal lethal damage to a target who has both Verve and Willpower remaining).
Variant: The character may be able to drain a different fuel stat, such as Mana or Essence, either converting it to Verve or holding it in the same state.

Extras: None
Class: Gamma
Cost: Varies
Dice Pool: Varies
Action: Varies
Range: Varies
Area: Varies
Duration: Varies
Effect: The character is able to manipulate entropy and probability. The character knows one of the following techniques for each dot in Entropy Control he possesses; he may attempt to use a technique that he does not specifically know, but doing so increases the Verve cost of the technique by one and imposes a –1 penalty to the activation roll.
Extras: None.
Cost: Varies
Dice Pool: Intelligence + (Medicine) + Entropy Control vs. targets’ Stamina + Power Level
Action: Contested; resistance is reflexive
Range: (Power Level + Entropy Control) x 5 yards
Area: (Power Level + Entropy Control) yards
Duration: Instant
Effect: The character inflicts entropic effects on all biological matter within a given area; when this power manifests, plants wilt and creatures age or develop spontaneous injuries.  By spending one Verve, the character can inflict one level of bashing damage on any living creature (plant or animal) in the affected area for each success achieved on the activation roll; by spending one additional Verve, the character may instead deal lethal damage with this power. Any creature affected by this power may attempt to resist by rolling its Stamina + Power Level as a reflexive action; if the target wins the contested roll, it suffers no damage at all from the power.
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: Intelligence + (Crafts) + Entropy Control
Action: Instant
Range: (Power Level + Entropy Control) x 5 yards
Area: N/A
Duration: Varies
Effect: The character inflicts entropic effects on a mechanical or technological device, causing it to cease functioning as its parts spontaneously wear out or lose power.  In order to be affected by this power, a device must have at least one moving, electric, or electronic part; the Storyteller may impose penalties on the activation roll against particularly simple devices, as it is far easier for something to suddenly go wrong in a computer than it is in a door hinge.  Success on the activation roll causes the targeted device to stop functioning properly for the duration of the scene; on an exceptional success, the device breaks permanently, and will not function properly until it is fixed.
Cost: Varies
Dice Pool: Dexterity + (Athletics) + Entropy Control - target's armor
Action: Instant
Range: (Power Level + Entropy Control) x 5 yards
Duration: Instant
Effect: The character directs the full force of his power against a single target, breaking it down with a wave of entropic force.  Essentially a more concentrated form of Bioentropy Storm, each success on the activation roll deals one level of damage to any target.  An Entropic Blast that deals bashing damage may be fired at no cost, while one that deals lethal damage costs one Verve.
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: Stamina + (Science) + Entropy Control
Action: Extended
Range: Self
Area: N/A
Duration: One scene
Effect: The character projects a field of increased entropy that protects him from harm; bullets develop faults in mid-flight that affect their trajectory, melee attackers stumble or misjudge the distance to him, etc.  Each success gained on the activation roll imposes a –1 penalty to any physical or energy-based that targets the character.  Using Entropic Shield is an extended action, and the character may roll and gain successes a number of times per scene up to his effective Stamina.  Each roll takes one turn.
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: Wits + (Science) + Entropy Control
Action: Instant
Range: (Power Level + Entropy Control) x 5 yards
Area: N/A
Duration: See below
Effect: The character manipulates the forces of entropy relating to his target, either increasing or decreasing the target’s chances of success.  Each success on the activation roll gives either a +1 bonus or a –1 penalty to the target’s next dice action in the scene, whenever that action may be; this power remains in effect until it is triggered or until the end of the scene, whichever comes first.  Also, if the character gains an exceptional success on the activation roll, he may force the target to roll for an action that otherwise would require no roll; he could, for example, force a target walking down the street to make a Dexterity + Athletics roll to avoid tripping and falling over. The Storyteller is the final arbiter of what Attributes or Skills to roll in such a case, and the target’s Power Level may be added as a bonus to the roll.

Class: Beta
Class: Alpha

Cost: N/A
Cost: N/A
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Out of combat, of course, there are a great many benefits to having more than the standard number of hands; the Storyteller is the final arbiter as to what effect this has in-game, but as a general rule, the character should not be able to perform more tasks at once than his Wits or Intelligence (whichever is lower), and only if the tasks are not particularly mentally taxing.
Out of combat, of course, there are a great many benefits to having more than the standard number of hands; the Storyteller is the final arbiter as to what effect this has in-game, but as a general rule, the character should not be able to perform more tasks at once than his Wits or Intelligence (whichever is lower), and only if the tasks are not particularly mentally taxing.

Extras: None.
Note: In this game, there are many ways to increase your chance of escaping a grapple or bypass a grapple entirely, while the grappler relies on Strength alone to prevent escape. Storytellers should consider giving characters with this power higher effective Strength for the purpose of holding a grapple.
Coordinated - As part of an all-out attack using Brawl, the character may add his Extra Arms dots to his dice pool.
Indiscrete - The appendages may not be hidden or unmade when not in use. Otherwise assume they have some convenient means of being hidden.

Class: Beta
Class: Beta

Cost: 1 Verve
Cost: None

Dice Pool: N/A
Dice Pool: N/A
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Effect: The character is able to soar through the air.  She gains a flying Speed equal to her (Flight x 10).  Flight normally requires no dice rolls; however, the Storyteller may require Dexterity + Athletics + Flight rolls in order to successfully perform aerial acrobatics or other stunts.
Effect: The character is able to soar through the air.  She gains a flying Speed equal to her (Flight x 10).  Flight normally requires no dice rolls; however, the Storyteller may require Dexterity + Athletics + Flight rolls in order to successfully perform aerial acrobatics or other stunts.

The character can make a aerial attack provided they can get up to full speed before doing so, slamming their target with their body, or striking them with a limb or weapon.  To get up to this speed, the character must spend one or more turns doing nothing but accelerating. This effectively works like an aiming, except that the character does not need to have a target until the turn in which they attack, and they may 'aim' this kind of attack for a number of turns up to their power's rating plus Power Level. The aerial attack isn't limited to the three bonus dice limit that aiming is, and it does not benefit from rules that further benefit aiming.
When flying, strength isn't useful for lifting. In general, strength requires something to push against. When attempting to lift something while flying, us Flight + Athletics as opposed to Strength + Athletics. The same applies to attacks that would usually use Strength but are being done from the air. Flight + Weaponry or Brawl becomes the appropriate pool.

Extras: None.
The character can make a aerial attack provided they can get up to full speed before doing so, slamming their target with their body, or striking them with a limb or weapon. To get up to this speed, the character must spend one or more turns doing nothing but accelerating. This effectively works like an aiming, except that the character does not need to have a target until the turn in which they attack, and they may 'aim' this kind of attack for a number of turns up to their power's rating plus Power Level. The aerial attack isn't limited to the three bonus dice limit that aiming is, and it does not benefit from rules that further benefit aiming.
Gravitic Grounding - The character's flight method circumvents physics to some degree. They can use Strength in place of Flight for lifting or attacking.
Indiscrete - The character's flight apparatus is visible, bulky and inconvenient, especially when not in flight. He may sport large wings, an integrated biomechanical jet-pack or be constantly wreathed in a cracking miasma of energy. This can cause difficulties in flight, requiring extra space, somewhere to run for a launch, or other conditions to be met. It typically looks a bit odd too, depending on the company, and may apply social penalties at the discretion of the ST. Characters without this weakness may have wings or other visible apparatus of flight, but they fold away neatly, disappear or otherwise aren't an issue unless this weakness is taken.

Class: Alpha
Class: Alpha

Cost: Varies
Cost: 0

Dice Pool: Dexterity + (Athletics) + Force Bolt – (target’s armor + defense)
Dice Pool: Strength + Brawl

Action: Instant
Action: Instant

Range: (Power Level + Force Bolt) x 5 yards
Range: Melee

Area: N/A
Area: N/A
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Duration: Instant
Duration: Instant

Effect: The character blasts a target with a blast of energy; common examples include plasma blasts, fireballs, lightning bolts, laser beams, telekinetic waves, or simply generic "energy blasts" with no other defining characteristics.  The Bolt deals bashing damage.
Effect: The character can extrude sharp claws from her fingertips, turn her fists to sharp-edged stone, summon a nimbus of deadly energy around her hands, or else enhance her unarmed attacks in some way.  

A character may elect to deal either bashing or lethal damage with this power; Force Bolts that deal bashing damage have no Verve cost, while Force Bolts that deal lethal damage cost one Verve to use.  In either case, the power’s activation roll counts as the attack roll, and the target’s armor (if any) and other appropriate ranged-attack penalties apply to the activation rollAs usual, the character can use the aiming rules for the attack if they wish.
The character effectively has a natural weapon which can be used at any time. It has an initiative modifier of (-3 + Force Strike), meaning that when first purchased the power has an initiative modifier of -2, and by the fifth dot it has a +2 modifier. The damage rating is equal to the character's Power Level.  
The power should take the form of some sort of connected weapon, like fangs, claws, spiked fists, an energy discharge or anything else that seems like it would use the same rules.

Extras: <br>
Variation: Different rationals may allow for a different form of defense to be applicable. For example, if the strike is a discharge of psychic energy, it may use the lower of Resolve or Composure for the applicable armor.  
'''Lethal''' - The Bolt does lethal damage. <br>
'''Armor Piercing''' - The Armor Piercing quality is applied to the Bolt. <br>
Force Strike has an associated [[MTH:Power_Trees|Power Tree]].
'''Rapid Fire''' - The character can use the rules for autofire (WoD pg160) when attacking with this power.  Medium bursts take and additional point of verve, and long bursts take an additional two. <br>
'''Improved Range''' - the "x 5 yards" part of the range calculation becomes "x 10 yards". <br>
'''Homing Bolt''' - The projectile created by the power is able to home in on a particular kind of target. The player chooses the type when the power is purchased. Example types include 'heat', 'metal', 'ice', 'sinners (Morality 5 or lower)', 'humans' and anything else the ST will allow.  If a bolt aimed at the correct type misses it's target, it will turn to try to strike the target on the following turn, with half the original die pool, rounded down. Should it miss again, the same will happen the following turn, cutting the die pool in half again. This process repeats until the die pool becomes zero or less, after penalties are applied. A target with access to the Stylish Execution ability can cut short these rebounds with an appropriately cinematic dodge. <br>

Class: Beta
Class: Alpha

Cost: 1 Verve
Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: Stamina + (Survival) + Force Field
Dice Pool: N/A

Action: Extended
Action: Reflexive

Range: Self
Range: Self
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Area: N/A
Area: N/A

Duration: One scene
Duration: Scene
Effect: The character projects a field of energy that protects him from harm.  Each success gained on the activation roll imposes a –1 penalty to any physical or energy-based attack that targets the character.  Using Force Field is an extended action, and the character may roll and gain successes a number of times per scene up to his effective Stamina.  Each roll takes one turn.
'''Alternate version of Force Field (not rolled):'''
Effect: The character projects a field of energy that protects him from harm.  Each level in this power success imposes a –2 penalty to any physical or energy-based attack that targets the character.
Extras (For both versions): Bulletproof - (While the character’s force field is active, firearms deal bashing rather than lethal damage), Force Wall - (The character is able to project his force field outward from his body a distance of [Force Field x 3] yards, covering an area of up to [[Force Field x 3 x Power Level]^2] square yards), Mental Shield - (the character’s force field also protects him from psychic attacks).
NOTE FOR EDITORS: This power is broken when you do the "Non-Rolled" version. Each attack takes -10 (instead of likely -5) and potentially reduces all lethal to bashing for the cost of 1 verve. This is for a full scene. I'm not sure how your balance works so I am not going to edit it myself, but work needs done.
Class: Beta
Cost: None
Dice Pool: Wits + Gadgeteer's Foresight + Power Level

Action: Simple (or Instant, if the character has the Quickdraw Merit)
Effect: The character is able to absorb the damage from physical, mental, magic or energy-based attacks (choose two when the power is purchased).  Whenever the character takes damage from the appropriate source, she may activate this power reflexively. Treat the rating in this power as general and ballistic armor against the appropriate attack type while active.

Range: Self

Duration: Scene
Versatile - The character's Force Field may absorb damage from an additional damage category.

Effect: The character notices they just happened to have an obscure item that would be useful in the given situation on their person, or, alternatively, if they are in their home or somewhere they frequent, the item is hidden nearby. It was, despite all likelihood, hidden well enough to be missed in any searches and undamaged in any wreckage of the character's effects. Some situations may take some rationalization.  
Distant Field - (cannot be taken with the Set Extra, below) The character may activate Force Field to protect someone else within Power Level + Force Field yards.

If the item is reasonably likely to be possessed by the character and on hand, one success is all that is necessary to confirm it's presence. If the object is rare, expensive, unusual or if circumstances otherwise make it unlikely to be on hand, the Storyteller can apply a penalty to the roll.
Boosting - Each level of damage absorbed by this power creates a 'charge'. The charge grants a +1 bonus to some roll involving one chosen Attribute. These charges dissipate at the end of scene.

This power cannot produce unique and specific items, such as the specific key needed for a specific door.  The item also cannot require any new game mechanics to function, so it must be relatively simple, conceptually. Likewise the item cannot be larger than the level of this power in Size.  Lastly the item cannot be a weapon or armor, and thus cannot be used to cause damage directly.
Charging - If at least 3 damage is absorbed by this power at once, the next Verve cost paid by the character in the same scene is reduced by 1.

If the character has used the item before with this power, the roll is given a +1 bonus.
Evocative - If at least 3+ damage is absorbed by this power over the course of the scene the character gains a condition chosen at the time the power is taken.


'''Possible (Cumulative) Penalty Guidelines''' <br>
Ablative - Each level of damage absorbed by this power reduces the field's effectiveness by one until it is activated again.
A tool used only for a specific job, but which definitely exists (lock picks).  -1 <br>
A tool which may or may not exist, but physically could (Horse Attracting Whistle).  -2 <br>
A tool only makes sense in the loose physics of comic books (Bat Shark Repellent).  -3 <br>
The area/character has already been searched.  -1 <br>
The area/character has sustained significant damage.  -1 <br>
If doesn't seem like there is enough room for the item. -2 <br>
The item requires exotic materials (Gold, Argon).  -1 <br>
The item requires established fictional materials (Kryptonite, Adamantium).  -2 <br>
The item requires unestablished fictional materials (the soul of a ginger).  -4 <br>

Typical Flaw: Object Dependent (Example= utility belt)
Specialized - The character's Force Field may absorb damage from only one damage category.

Class: Gamma
Class: Beta
Cost: Varies
Dice Pool: Varies
Action: Varies
Range: Varies
Area: Varies
Duration: Varies

Effect: The character is able to manipulate gravitational forces.  The character knows one of the following techniques for each dot in Gravity Control she possesses; she may attempt to use a technique that she does not specifically know, but doing so increases the Verve cost of the technique by one and imposes a –1 penalty to the activation roll (if any).
Extras: None.
Cost: Varies
Dice Pool: Dexterity + (Athletics) + Gravity Control
Action: Instant
Range: (Power Level + Gravity Control) x 5 yards
Area: N/A
Duration: Instant
Effect: The character creates vortices of intense, rapidly changing gravity around the target, crushing it or tearing it apart.  Every success gained on the activation roll deals one level of damage; note that the target's armor does NOT apply as a penalty to the activation roll.  It costs one Verve to activate a Gravitic Blast that deals bashing damage; a lethal blast costs two Verve to activate.
Cost: 1 Verve
Cost: 1 Verve

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Duration: Concentration
Duration: Concentration

Effect: Each success on the activation roll allows the character to either increase the gravity of the affected area by 2g or decrease it by 0.5g.  As a general rule, characters in a Gravitational Field of 0.5g or less gain +1 Strength, while those in a field of 3g or greater suffer –2 Strength.  A Gravitational Field of sufficient strength (say, 5g or greater) may also be capable of pinning opponents to the ground, or inflicting bashing (9g) or even lethal damage (15+g) through crushing, and objects can be made so heavy that they collapse under their own weight (15+g).  On the other hand, characters and objects in a 0g field will become completely weightless, and characters or objects in a negative gravity field will actually fall upwards until they leave the field.  A character that takes falls through a Gravitational Field multiplies the number of yards fallen through the field by the strength of the field for the purposes of taking falling damage, rounding fractions up; for example, a character that falls 3 yards through a 1.5g field counts as falling 5 yards, while a character that falls 10 yards, 8 of which were through a 0g field, counts as having fallen only 2 yards.  Using Gravitational Field is an extended action, and the character may roll and gain successes a number of times per scene up to his effective Stamina.  Each roll takes one turn.
Effect: The character is able to manipulate gravitational forces.  

Each success on the activation roll allows the character to either increase the gravity of the affected area.  As a general rule, each success put towards increasing local gravity decreases the effective Strength of all in the field by 1 per success, and penalizing all physical actions by the same amount (user included). Characters with less Strength then the successes rolled are pinned in place (going prone) unless they succeed in a Strength + Athletics check, penalized by the user's Power Level, each turn. An equal penalty is applied to everyone's initiative.
Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: N/A
When falling, add the number of successes rolled to the distance fallen in yards for the purposes of damage.

Action: Reflexive
Using the power to decrease the local gravity reverses this effect; everyone in the field gains 1 effective Strength per success. Unfortunately, moving around in lower gravity is strange and disruptive, so the penalties to initiative remain.

Range: Self
When falling, subtract the number of successes rolled to the distance fallen in yards for the purposes of damage.

Area: N/A
These Strength adjustments effect combat, athletics effects, and secondary stats as usual.

Duration: One scene
Gravity Control can work as a rational for several other powers, such as flight and telekinesis.

Effect: The character is able to reduce her own gravity, allowing her to fly.  She gains a flying Speed of (Gravity Control x 10).  Gravitic Flight normally requires no dice rolls; however, the Storyteller may require Dexterity + Athletics + Gravity Control rolls in order to successfully perform aerial acrobatics or other stunts.
Gravity Control has an associated [[MTH:Power_Trees|Power Tree]].

Cost: 1 Verve
Class: Gamma

Dice Pool: N/A
Cost: Varies

Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Intelligence + (Medicine) + Healing

Range: Self
Action: Extended

Area: N/A
Range: Touch
Duration: One Scene
Effect: Waves of negative gravity project outward from the character’s body, repulsing and deflecting attacks.  Each dot in Gravity Control the character has imposes a –1 penalty on all physical attacks directed against her while the Gravitic Shield is active.  Energy-based attacks (and damage from energy sources such as fire or electricity) are unaffected.
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: Dexterity + (Athletics) + Gravity Control
Action: Instant
Range: (Power Level + Gravity Control) x 5 yards

Area: N/A
Area: N/A
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Duration: Instant
Duration: Instant

Effect: The character manipulates the force of gravity of an object, allowing her to levitate and move it.  This power functions identically to the Telekinesis powerHowever, Gravitokinesis may not be used to attack other characters directly; this is the purview of the Gravitic Blast and Gravitational Field techniques.
Effect: This power has three main uses: to treat injury, to treat disease, and to purge poisons or toxinsIn each case, the character must spend one Verve per success in order to gain these effects; if the character has insufficient Verve or chooses not to spend it, any excess successes are wasted.
Class: Beta
Cost: Varies

Dice Pool: Intelligence + (Medicine) + Healing
If used to treat injury, each success on the activation roll allows the character or her patient to heal one level of bashing damage, or downgrade one level of higher damage.

Action: Extended
This power may also be used to regenerate ruined organs or severed limbs, but doing so requires 5 successes per body part and a week of rest for the patient. 

Range: Touch
If used to treat disease, the character or her patient may immediately make an additional Stamina + Resolve roll to try and fight off the disease, with a number of bonus dice equal to the number of successes gained on the Healing activation roll. 

Area: N/A
If used to purge poisons or toxins, the poison or toxin is successfully neutralized if a number of successes are gained on the Healing activation roll in excess of the substance’s toxicity rating. 

Duration: Instant
Using Healing is an extended action. The character may choose to continue healing next turn, adding her successes together, up to the number of dice in her unmodified pool. This power only takes effect and costs Verve when the character decides to stop rolling, and the character may roll a number of times up to her effective Stamina. Each roll takes one turn.

Effect: This power has three main uses: to treat injury, to treat disease, and to purge poisons or toxins.  In each case, the character must spend one Verve per success in order to gain these effects; if the character has insufficient Verve or chooses not to spend it, any excess successes are wasted.  If used to treat injury, each success on the activation roll allows the character or her patient to heal one level of lethal damage or two levels of bashing damage, to turn two levels of lethal damage into bashing damage, or to turn one level of aggravated damage into lethal damage.  This power may also be used to regenerate ruined organs or severed limbs, but doing so requires the expenditure of a Willpower ''dot''.  If used to treat disease, the character or her patient may immediately make an additional Stamina + Resolve roll to try and fight off the disease, with a number of bonus dice equal to the number of successes gained on the Healing activation roll.  If used to purge poisons or toxins, the toxin or poison is successfully neutralized if a number of successes are gained on the Healing activation roll in excess of the substance’s toxicity rating.  Using Healing is an extended action, and the character may roll and gain successes a number of times per scene up to her effective Stamina.  Each roll takes one turn.
By spending 1 Verve before rolling, the character can extend the range of this power to (Power Level + Healing) x 5 yards, taking a -1 penalty to the activation roll per 5 yards.

Extras: Efficient (the character need only spend one Verve per roll to gain the full benefit from Healing, not one Verve per success).

Efficient - The character need only spend one Verve per roll before rolling to gain the full benefit from Healing, not one Verve per success after rolling. Healing organs does not require the week long rest period.

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Latest revision as of 07:03, 1 July 2023


Class: Alpha

Cost: --

Dice Pool: N/A

Range: 1 yard

Area: N/A

Duration: Permanent

Effect: The character's blood is a highly corrosive substance, and opponents who strike the character in melee risk being burned by his blood. Whenever a character comes in contact with this character's blood (such as by dealing at least one level of lethal or aggravated damage to the character), the character takes bashing damage equal to the in this power. This is not an optional effect. The attackers's Defense does not apply to this effect, but armor does. Nearby objects may also be affected.

Extras: Potent Acid - The Acid deals lethal damage. This Extra can be taken twice, making it a Gamma Power, and dealing aggravated.

Blood Spurt - The character's blood pressure spikes when damaged. The spurt deals Acid Blood + Power Level in damage.


Class: Beta

Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: Dexterity + (Brawl) + Afflict – (Power Level + armor)

Action: Instant

Range: Touch

Area: N/A

Duration: (Afflict - target's Stamina) turns, minimum 1

Effect: The character is able to fundamentally weaken living things. Every 2 successes on the activation roll incurs a -1 penalty to the target's physical actions and Speed for the duration. These penalties can be removed by any effect that removes bashing damage on a 1:1 basis. Multiple uses of Afflict do not fully stack, but increase the previous affliction by 1 and reset the duration. Non-living targets are unaffected.

Extras: Distance - The Range increment becomes (Power Level x 5) yards


Class: Beta

Cost: N/A

Dice Pool: N/A

Action: N/A

Range: Self

Area: N/A

Duration: Permanent

Effect: The character is covered in layers of chitin or scales, or his flesh is simply incredibly resistant to damage. When damaged, each dot in Armor downgrades one level of damage one category.

If the player wishes to be able to switch Armor on or off at the start of the character's turn, this can be arranged, but he always starts a scene with Armor off, making him vulnerable to surprise attacks.


Bulletproof - The character's armor reduces damage levels as opposed to downgrading them.

Alternate Rule: In more lethal chronicles, the Storyteller may decide the Bulletproof extra adds the character's dots in Armor to his armor stat, in addition to downgrading damage but instead of reducing damage. If the player wants this power to reduce damage, that's an extra named Impervious and counts as two extras.


Bypass - This power does not apply to one category of damage (physical, mental, energy or magic) which must be relatively common.


Class: Alpha

Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: Intelligence + (Occult) + Banishment

Action: Instant or Extended

Range: (Power Level + Banishment) x 2 yards

Area: N/A

Duration: N/A

Effect: The character attempts to send a being not of this world back to where it belongs. To do so the character needs to achieve successes equal to the Rank of the spirit or the Summoning Rating of a corporeal being. This can be done as an instant or extended action, as needed. Any character with an occult rating equal to the target number required may participate in the ritual if it is an extended action.

Only beings which have a Summoning Rating or which are spirits may be subject to Banishment.

Creating a ritual area, with whatever trappings are appropriate to the character's mystic style, aids in extended rituals of this type. Assume each 1/2 hour of effort put in to preparation of the ritual adds one die to the roll, up to the character's Power Level.

At the STs discretion, some beings may require special materials to be obtained or situations to arise before they can be banished.


Class: Beta

Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: N/A

Action: Simple (takes an action to perform)

Range: Self

Area: N/A

Duration: One scene

Effect: The character is able to temporarily increase one of his Attributes, selected when the power is bought. When this power is activated, the character gains one dot in the selected Attribute for every dot he has in Boost. This is an unnatural effect, and so will not affect the character’s derived stats (such as Speed or Willpower). A character is allowed to benefit from only one use of Boost for a given Attribute at a time; for example, a character with Boost (Strength) 3 would not be able to activate it twice per scene to gain +6 Strength.


Extra Attribute - Power increases two Attributes simultaneously instead of one.

Mega-Boost - The effect can be activated cumulatively, stacking up to once per Power Level.

Boost Other - The character may use this power on other people they are currently touching. One activation covers one person. Alternatively, the character can take this ability in place of being able to boost themselves. This alternative does not count as an Extra.


Specific - The effect increases a Skill instead of an Attribute.

Highly Specific - The effect increases a Specialty instead of an Attribute, but unlike other specialties, this specialty can go above 1 dot.

Conditional Activation - The effect can only be activated when the character has a specific Condition on them (You wouldn't like me when I am angry...).


Class: Alpha

Cost: 0 Verve

Dice Pool: N/A

Action: Reflexive

Range: Self

Area: N/A

Duration: One scene

Effect: The character is able to leap a far greater distance than would normally be expected. The character can jump equally well running as not, and equally well vertically as horizontally. The character can jump 10ft on a simple success on a normal jumping roll (Strength + Athletics + equipment). For each additional 10ft the character wishes to jump, apply a -1 modifier to the roll.

For each dot in this power, after the first, the increment adds 10ft. Thus at three dots the character can jump 30ft with a simple success, or 150ft with a -5 penalty.

Extras: None.


Class: Beta

Cost: 1+ Verve

Dice Pool: N/A

Action: Instant

Range: (Power Level + Clone) yards

Area: N/A

Duration: One scene

Effect: The character creates multiple copies of herself within range, up to her dots in Clone + 1 at once, at a cost of at least one Verve per clone, and taking one turn. Each clone is an almost-identical copy of the originating character, with the same Attributes, Skills, powers, clothing and equipment, etc. (The player may opt to give her clones a distinct appearance to suit the rationale for this power, but gains no mechanical benefit in exchange.)

The clones are not as powerful as the original character; each clone suffers a -2 penalty to all dice pools, and possess no super powers themselves. Clones have no Health, and disappear if they take any damage. Clones share no mental link with each other or the originating character, and must communicate normally. It is assumed that the clones have the same memories and agenda as the character and thus act in accordance (unless the player says otherwise, which would indicate the character being torn on the issue in question). A clone lasts until the end of the scene or until the originating character wills it out of existence. Clones have no verve or willpower.

Clones act on the same initiative, but may not act on the turn they are created.

The character may only have a number of clones at a time equal to twice her dots in Clone.

This power is similar to the Duplicate power. Players considering Clone for their character may wish to look over the Duplicate power as well.


Haste - The clones may act on the turn they are created.

Hive Mind - The clones share thoughts and senses with the originating character.

Robust - Each clone has health levels equal to their Stamina.

CONDITIONING (Condition)[edit]

Class: Alpha

Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: Varies

Action: Instant

Range: (Power Level + Power) yards

Area: N/A

Duration: Until Resolved

Effect: This is a catch-all power description for a power whose sole effect is to create a specific Condition in the target. Choose a Condition upon taking the power. A rational for how the Condition is created must be supplied by the player, and that rational should be used to determine the die pool. It is assumed to be a temporary Condition. The Condition cannot be use to generate beats for any given character more than once a story unless the ST says otherwise.

If appropriate, a variation of this power "Tilting (Tilt)" can be taken for a given Tilt.


Class: Beta

Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: Composure + (Computer) + Cyberkinesis

Action: Instant

Range: (Power Level + Cyberkinesis) x 5 yards

Duration: Concentration

Effect: The character is able to manipulate computers and technology. The character can take control of any device with mechanical, or electronic parts. A single success is all that’s required for the character to control a given piece of technology; if another character wishes to take control away from the cyberkineticist, the opponent must make an appropriate contested roll (such as Strength + Drive, Dexterity + Drive, or Intelligence + Computer) and score more successes than the character scored on her initial activation roll.

While under the character's control the piece of technology can take any action it could logically take if a person who was trained in it's use was using it to do. If the character wishes to make an attack with the item, the base pool is Wits + Cyberkinesis. The Storyteller may well want to impose penalties due to the appropriateness of the item being used (generally it would have to at least be mobile, as this power doesn't make things fly that can't under their own power). Likewise the object's damage modifier, if any, is up to the ST.

If the piece of technoligy requires power to function, the system in question must be powered on to use this power effectively. An activation roll of the power can be used to power up the device if it has access to a power source though (usually meaning it's plugged in), and without a roll.

Cyberkinesis has an associated Power Tree.


Class: Beta

Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: Stamina + (Survival) + Density Control

Action: Extended

Range: Self

Area: N/A

Duration: One scene

Effect: The character may increase or decrease his density. If the character is increasing his density, each success gained on the activation roll doubles the character’s weight and grants the character +1/+1 armor.

If the character is decreasing his density, every two successes increases their Defense by 1. In addition, a less dense character has an easier time slipping through cracks and getting through tight openings. For every two successes, lower their effective size by one for the purposes of moving through spaces only.


Class: Alpha

Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: Intelligence + (Science) + Disrupt - target's Resolve, Stamina, or Composure

Action: Instant

Range: Touch

Area: N/A

Duration: One scene

Effect: The character is able to disrupt other characters' superpowers, of the same type. If this power is bought as a Mystic power it disrupts Mystic Powers for example.

Each success on the activation roll creates one point of disruption which rests on one superpower the target has. The character must know the target has the specific power to target it. Each time the target rolls to activate that power they have one success negated for each point of disruption on that power, and one point of disruption is removed from the pool. Powers that do not need to roll to activate are unaffected. The pool of disruption fades at the end of the scene.

The resistance trait applied is whichever one is appropriate for the activation roll for the power (Stamina for physical attributed powers for example).



Class: Beta

Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: Intelligence + (Persuasion) + Domination vs. target's Resolve + Power Level

Action: Contested; resistance is reflexive

Range: (Power Level + Domination) x 5 yards

Area: N/A

Duration: See below

Effect: The character is able to control the minds of others. In order to use this power, the character must be able to communicate effectively with her victim, either vocally or through some other means (Telepathy, sign language etc.). Mind control works in stages. For each success on the activation roll over the resistance roll, the target may be subjected to one stage of the character's mind control, or freed from one stage of an opposing mind control, but subjecting a target to multiple stages at once costs 1 additional Verve per additional stage.

  • Stage 1: The character may issue a single negative command (and don't even think about using double negatives!), such as "don't attack me" or "don't make eye contact with anyone", that the target must not defy, but the target is otherwise free to choose his actions.
  • Stage 2: The character may issue a single negative or positive command, such as "purchase a rifle at the local sporting goods store" or "stand perfectly still for one minute", that the target must follow to the best of his ability.

Commands given at stages 1 and 2 cannot be longer than 10 words, cannot be blatantly impossible ("count all the grains of sand on this beach"), cannot pose any apparent danger to the target or his allies ("walk off this cliff"), and cannot end a conflict instantly ("go to the police station and turn yourself in").

  • Stage 3: As stage 2, except conflict-ending commands are allowed.
  • Stage 4: As stage 3, except impossible or dangerous commands are allowed.
  • Stage 5: As stage 4, except the command can be as long and complex as the character wants.

A target can be subjected to any number of stages of mind control beyond 5 to increase the effect's duration. If the command takes longer than 10 minutes to perform, the target may make a reflexive Resolve roll each 10 minutes to free himself from one stage of mind control, possibly invalidating the command. If the command takes longer than one minute to perform and is physically or mentally taxing (such as the aforementioned sand-counting command), he may make this roll each minute instead. If following the command would result in direct harm to the target character or his allies, he may make this roll each turn at the end of his turn instead. So long as the character remains dominated, however, he will resist any attempts to prevent him from following his commands. A dominated character remains dominated until his task is complete, until he successfully breaks all stages of mind control, or until the source of his domination issues a different command.


Mind Blank - The target does not realize it was dominated even after the effect ends.

Telepathic Domination - The character need not be able to communicate effectively with her target in order to use Domination.


Class: Alpha

Cost: Varies

Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy + Oneiromancy

Action: Varies

Range: (Power Level + Oneiromancy) x 10 yards (This refers to the distance between the target and user of this power. Distance within a dream is meaningless.)

Duration: Scene

Effect: The character is automatically able to detect a dreaming target in her set radius. She is able to determine the exact mood of the dream within (Example: Nightmare, Night Terror, Good Dream, Passionate Dream, etc.), also automatically. The character is able to discern the duration of the dream thus far, or if the target is near to waking. The physical representation of this skill is up to the player.

Use of this power does not tell the character where the sleeper is, aside from knowing they are in the radius of the power. Likewise the user of this power does not know what the sleeper looks like in real life, or any other details about them (though they can make inferences as usual). They simply know that, as a dreamer, the individual is active on the astral plane and their general state.

Oneiromancy has an associated Power Tree.


Class: Omega

Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: N/A

Action: Instant

Range: Self

Area: N/A

Duration: Permanent (Until merged, see below)

Effect: The character splits themselves into two identical people, at a cost of 1 Verve, and taking one turn. Each is an identical copy of the originating character, with the same Attributes, Skills, powers (meaning the duplicates can duplicate), and clothing. Equipment important enough to have game traits will not be duplicated in this manner. Duplicates share a Verve pool. Multiple uses of or replenishment of Verve in the same turn do not stack. Willpower is shared in the same fashion, and likewise does not stack for the purposes of replenishment or expenditure. Essentially, the group is treated as one individual for the purposes of gaining or using Verve or Willpower. Duplicates remain until reabsorbed, which also takes a turn and body contact. Duplicates merging together take the average wounds of both, rounded up.

Duplicates share no mental link with each other or with the originating character, and must communicate as normal (unless they possess additional powers which would allow otherwise). Knowledge gained by one is shared by both upon merging. This power has the side effect of allowing the character to train multiple traits at once. One or more duplicates can train while one or more are otherwise active. Duplicates share an experience pool, but spend the points individually. Thus if one remains at home while the other travels, either may spend points on a trait increase while the other doesn’t, but only one would get the trait increase until the two merge again. Should the more learned duplicate die before merging, the experience points are lost.

Duplicates act on the same initiative. The character may have a number of bodies at a time equal to his dots in Duplicate + 1.

Note that this power is very similar to the power Clone. Players considering this power for their character may also want to consider that power.

Extras: None


Shared Health - The group is treated as one individual for the purpose of taking damage.


Class: Gamma

Cost: --

Dice Pool: N/A

Action: N/A

Range: Self

Area: N/A

Duration: Permanent

Effect: The character is incredibly resilient, able to take massive amounts of damage before showing signs of injury. Every dot in Durability grants the character one additional health level.

Extras: None.


Class: Beta

Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: Dexterity + Craft + Elemental Mastery

Action: Instant or Extended

Range: (Power Level + Elemental Mastery) x 5 yards

Area: Varies

Duration: Scene

Effect: The character is able to control one specific “element,” chosen when this power is purchased. The Storyteller is the final arbiter of what constitutes a viable “element” for this power; possible examples include the classical Aristotelian and Feng Shui elements (Fire, Air, Water, Wood, and Earth and Metal respectively), ice, electricity, light, darkness, and sound. As a guideline, assume an element must be physical and must be naturally occurring, at least some of the time.

In order to use this power, the character must have a significant source of the element nearby. It is up to the player and Storyteller to determine what constitutes "a significant source" for the action attempted.

The character cannot manipulate the element if it is part of a living being.

The basic use of this power allows the character to craft the element without tools and without damaging themselves. Even if the shape the character wishes to leave the element in is unnatural for it the element will remain in that shape until the end of the scene, when normal physics takes over. By spending additional Verve the object may be able to persist. If the character spends a point of Verve at the beginning of each new scene the created item will continue. Normal crafting rules otherwise govern whatever the character is making, except that they use the die pool above.

The character may give their creation up to (Power Level) Durability.

If you are looking to have your character fling the element forward as an attack, see the Force Strike power with the Force Bolt Merit. If you want the character to be able to propel themselves along with the power, use a variant of the flight power.

Elemental Mastery has a rather large Power Tree associated with it.


Narrow Purview - The character can only effect a subset of one of the typical elements (gold or glass instead of earth, saltwater or blood instead of water, etc.) and cannot have Elemental Instantiation (because otherwise this isn't much of a weakness).


Empathic manipulation was removed as it essentially duplicates several Mega Skills and Mega Attributes for a cheaper cost.


Class: Beta

Cost: N/A

Dice Pool: Stamina + (Survival) + Energy Leech - target's Stamina

Action: Instant

Range: Touch

Area: N/A

Duration: Instant

Effect: The character is able to draw energy from other characters in order to fuel her own abilities. Each success on the activation roll reduces the target's Verve* total by one, and increases the character's Verve total by one; the character may not increase her Verve total above its allowed maximum in this manner. If the target character has no Verve remaining, each success on the activation roll instead reduces the character's Willpower point total by one; if the character has no Verve and no Willpower points remaining, each success on the activation roll deals one level of lethal damage to the target.

Variant: The character may be able to drain a different fuel stat, such as Mana or Essence, either converting it to Verve or holding it in the same state.

Extras: None


Class: Alpha

Cost: N/A

Dice Pool: N/A

Action: N/A

Range: Self

Area: N/A

Duration: Permanent

Effect: The character possesses more than the standard human complement of dexterous appendages: two added for every dot he has in this power. Whenever this character attempts to grapple an opponent, he may add a number of dice to his dice pool equal to the number of dots he possesses in Extra Arms.

He may also attempt to grapple multiple opponents at once, to a maximum of one opponent for every dot in Extra Arms the character possesses; the character suffers a cumulative -1 penalty to all grappling rolls for each additional opponent grappled after the first. The character may still only make one attack per turn in combat (unless Merits such as Fighting Style: Boxing or Fighting Style: Kung Fu are purchased).

Furthermore, if the character is able to hold multiple automatic weapons and elects to fire a burst as his attack, he may elect to fire all of the guns at once and allocate the bullets fired between each weapon.

Out of combat, of course, there are a great many benefits to having more than the standard number of hands; the Storyteller is the final arbiter as to what effect this has in-game, but as a general rule, the character should not be able to perform more tasks at once than his Wits or Intelligence (whichever is lower), and only if the tasks are not particularly mentally taxing.

Note: In this game, there are many ways to increase your chance of escaping a grapple or bypass a grapple entirely, while the grappler relies on Strength alone to prevent escape. Storytellers should consider giving characters with this power higher effective Strength for the purpose of holding a grapple.


Coordinated - As part of an all-out attack using Brawl, the character may add his Extra Arms dots to his dice pool.


Indiscrete - The appendages may not be hidden or unmade when not in use. Otherwise assume they have some convenient means of being hidden.


Class: Beta

Cost: None

Dice Pool: N/A

Action: Reflexive

Range: Self

Area: N/A

Duration: One scene

Effect: The character is able to soar through the air. She gains a flying Speed equal to her (Flight x 10). Flight normally requires no dice rolls; however, the Storyteller may require Dexterity + Athletics + Flight rolls in order to successfully perform aerial acrobatics or other stunts.

When flying, strength isn't useful for lifting. In general, strength requires something to push against. When attempting to lift something while flying, us Flight + Athletics as opposed to Strength + Athletics. The same applies to attacks that would usually use Strength but are being done from the air. Flight + Weaponry or Brawl becomes the appropriate pool.

The character can make a aerial attack provided they can get up to full speed before doing so, slamming their target with their body, or striking them with a limb or weapon. To get up to this speed, the character must spend one or more turns doing nothing but accelerating. This effectively works like an aiming, except that the character does not need to have a target until the turn in which they attack, and they may 'aim' this kind of attack for a number of turns up to their power's rating plus Power Level. The aerial attack isn't limited to the three bonus dice limit that aiming is, and it does not benefit from rules that further benefit aiming.


Gravitic Grounding - The character's flight method circumvents physics to some degree. They can use Strength in place of Flight for lifting or attacking.


Indiscrete - The character's flight apparatus is visible, bulky and inconvenient, especially when not in flight. He may sport large wings, an integrated biomechanical jet-pack or be constantly wreathed in a cracking miasma of energy. This can cause difficulties in flight, requiring extra space, somewhere to run for a launch, or other conditions to be met. It typically looks a bit odd too, depending on the company, and may apply social penalties at the discretion of the ST. Characters without this weakness may have wings or other visible apparatus of flight, but they fold away neatly, disappear or otherwise aren't an issue unless this weakness is taken.


Class: Alpha

Cost: 0

Dice Pool: Strength + Brawl

Action: Instant

Range: Melee

Area: N/A

Duration: Instant

Effect: The character can extrude sharp claws from her fingertips, turn her fists to sharp-edged stone, summon a nimbus of deadly energy around her hands, or else enhance her unarmed attacks in some way.

The character effectively has a natural weapon which can be used at any time. It has an initiative modifier of (-3 + Force Strike), meaning that when first purchased the power has an initiative modifier of -2, and by the fifth dot it has a +2 modifier. The damage rating is equal to the character's Power Level.

The power should take the form of some sort of connected weapon, like fangs, claws, spiked fists, an energy discharge or anything else that seems like it would use the same rules.

Variation: Different rationals may allow for a different form of defense to be applicable. For example, if the strike is a discharge of psychic energy, it may use the lower of Resolve or Composure for the applicable armor.

Force Strike has an associated Power Tree.


Class: Alpha

Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: N/A

Action: Reflexive

Range: Self

Area: N/A

Duration: Scene

Effect: The character is able to absorb the damage from physical, mental, magic or energy-based attacks (choose two when the power is purchased). Whenever the character takes damage from the appropriate source, she may activate this power reflexively. Treat the rating in this power as general and ballistic armor against the appropriate attack type while active.


Versatile - The character's Force Field may absorb damage from an additional damage category.

Distant Field - (cannot be taken with the Set Extra, below) The character may activate Force Field to protect someone else within Power Level + Force Field yards.

Boosting - Each level of damage absorbed by this power creates a 'charge'. The charge grants a +1 bonus to some roll involving one chosen Attribute. These charges dissipate at the end of scene.

Charging - If at least 3 damage is absorbed by this power at once, the next Verve cost paid by the character in the same scene is reduced by 1.

Evocative - If at least 3+ damage is absorbed by this power over the course of the scene the character gains a condition chosen at the time the power is taken.


Ablative - Each level of damage absorbed by this power reduces the field's effectiveness by one until it is activated again.

Specialized - The character's Force Field may absorb damage from only one damage category.


Class: Beta

Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: Intelligence + (Science) + Gravity Control

Action: Extended

Range: (Power Level + Gravity Control) x 5 yards

Area: (Power Level + Gravity Control) yards

Duration: Concentration

Effect: The character is able to manipulate gravitational forces.

Each success on the activation roll allows the character to either increase the gravity of the affected area. As a general rule, each success put towards increasing local gravity decreases the effective Strength of all in the field by 1 per success, and penalizing all physical actions by the same amount (user included). Characters with less Strength then the successes rolled are pinned in place (going prone) unless they succeed in a Strength + Athletics check, penalized by the user's Power Level, each turn. An equal penalty is applied to everyone's initiative.

When falling, add the number of successes rolled to the distance fallen in yards for the purposes of damage.

Using the power to decrease the local gravity reverses this effect; everyone in the field gains 1 effective Strength per success. Unfortunately, moving around in lower gravity is strange and disruptive, so the penalties to initiative remain.

When falling, subtract the number of successes rolled to the distance fallen in yards for the purposes of damage.

These Strength adjustments effect combat, athletics effects, and secondary stats as usual.

Gravity Control can work as a rational for several other powers, such as flight and telekinesis.

Gravity Control has an associated Power Tree.


Class: Gamma

Cost: Varies

Dice Pool: Intelligence + (Medicine) + Healing

Action: Extended

Range: Touch

Area: N/A

Duration: Instant

Effect: This power has three main uses: to treat injury, to treat disease, and to purge poisons or toxins. In each case, the character must spend one Verve per success in order to gain these effects; if the character has insufficient Verve or chooses not to spend it, any excess successes are wasted.

If used to treat injury, each success on the activation roll allows the character or her patient to heal one level of bashing damage, or downgrade one level of higher damage.

This power may also be used to regenerate ruined organs or severed limbs, but doing so requires 5 successes per body part and a week of rest for the patient.

If used to treat disease, the character or her patient may immediately make an additional Stamina + Resolve roll to try and fight off the disease, with a number of bonus dice equal to the number of successes gained on the Healing activation roll.

If used to purge poisons or toxins, the poison or toxin is successfully neutralized if a number of successes are gained on the Healing activation roll in excess of the substance’s toxicity rating.

Using Healing is an extended action. The character may choose to continue healing next turn, adding her successes together, up to the number of dice in her unmodified pool. This power only takes effect and costs Verve when the character decides to stop rolling, and the character may roll a number of times up to her effective Stamina. Each roll takes one turn.

By spending 1 Verve before rolling, the character can extend the range of this power to (Power Level + Healing) x 5 yards, taking a -1 penalty to the activation roll per 5 yards.


Efficient - The character need only spend one Verve per roll before rolling to gain the full benefit from Healing, not one Verve per success after rolling. Healing organs does not require the week long rest period.