Danae Kalar, Female Aasimar Gunslinger/Paladin: Difference between revisions

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CMD: 22<br>  
CMD: 22<br>  
Fort: +15 (+4 Gunslinger +3 Paladin +5 Divine Grace +2 Con mod +1 resistance)<br>  
Fort: +15 (+4 Gunslinger +3 Paladin +5 Divine Grace +2 Con mod +1 resistance)<br>  
Ref: +17 (+4 Gunslinger +5 Divine Grace +7 Dex mod +1 resistance)<br>  
Ref: +18 (+4 Gunslinger +1 Paladin +5 Divine Grace +7 Dex mod +1 resistance)<br>  
Will: +12/+14 (+1 Gunslinger +4 Paladin +5 Divine Grace +1 Wis mod +1 lucky +2 vs charms and compulsions +1 resistance)<br>  
Will: +12/+14 (+1 Gunslinger +3 Paladin +5 Divine Grace +1 Wis mod +1 lucky +2 vs charms and compulsions +1 resistance)<br>  


Latest revision as of 13:36, 3 July 2013

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Danae Kalar
LG Female Azata-Blooded Aasimar Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger, Pistolero) 5 / Paladin (Sacred Servant, Oath of Vengeance) 3


Str 7
Dex 17 +4 racial +2 level +2 item (25/+7)
Con 14 +2 item (14/+2)
Int 12/+1
Wis 12/+1
Cha 16 +2 racial +2 item (20/+5)


Init: +9 (+7 Dex +2 Gunslinger's Initiative)
AC: 22 (base 10 +7 Dex +1 buckler +4 armor)
HP: 10 + 7d10 + 14 (70 hp)
BAB: +8
Attacks: +1 revolver +16/+11, 1d8+8 B/P, 20/x4, range 20ft.
CMB: +5
CMD: 22
Fort: +15 (+4 Gunslinger +3 Paladin +5 Divine Grace +2 Con mod +1 resistance)
Ref: +18 (+4 Gunslinger +1 Paladin +5 Divine Grace +7 Dex mod +1 resistance)
Will: +12/+14 (+1 Gunslinger +3 Paladin +5 Divine Grace +1 Wis mod +1 lucky +2 vs charms and compulsions +1 resistance)


Birthmark: Skin-based holy symbol, +2 saves vs charms and compulsions.
Magical Knack (Paladin): +2 CL for paladin, may not increase CL above your HD)


Acrobatics 8 ranks +7 Dex mod +3 class skill (+18)
Bluff 1 rank + 5 Cha mod (+6)
Craft (alchemy) 1 rank +1 Int mod (+2)
Diplomacy 8 ranks +2 racial +5 Cha mod +3 class skill (+18)
Handle Animal 1 rank +5 Cha mod +3 class skill (+9)
Perception 7 ranks +2 Wis mod +3 class skill (+12)
Perform (sing) 1 rank +2 racial +5 Cha mod (+8)
Ride 1 rank +7 Dex mod +3 class skill (+11)
Sense Motive 8 ranks +2 Wis mod +3 class skill (+13)


Gunslinger 1: Gunsmithing
Level 1: Point Blank Shot
Level 3: Rapid Shot
Gunslinger 4: Precise Shot
Level 5: Deadly Aim
Level 7: Leadership

Racial Features[edit]

Celestial Resistance: acid/cold/electricity resistance 5
Skilled: +2 racial bonus to Diplomacy, +2 Perform
Spell-like Ability (Sp): Glitterdust 1/day (replaced by +2 Dex)
Senses: 60ft. Darkvision

Class Features[edit]

Gunslinger 2: Lucky +1 (+1 luck bonus to Will saves)
Pistolero 5: Pistol Training (+Dex mod to damage with pistols, pistol misfires only increase misfire value by 2 instead of 4)
Mysterious Stranger 5: Ignore up to 3 firearms misfires/day as a free action

Paladin 1: Aura of Good (2 HD)
Paladin 1: Detect Evil (at will)
Paladin 1: Smite Evil (+3 hit, +2 damage) 1/day
Paladin 2: Divine Grace
Paladin 2: Lay On Hands 1d6, 6/day
Paladin 3: Aura of Courage (immune to fear, people around her get +4 morale bonus to saves vs fear)
Paladin 3: Divine Health (immune to disease)
Paladin 3: Mercy (?)


Daily grit: 4
Pistolero 1: Up Close And Deadly (before making attack roll, spend 1 GP to deal +2d6 precision damage on a hit. On a miss do half the extra damafe anyway)
Mysterious Stranger 1: Focused Aim (for 1 GP as a swift action, add +4 to all firearms damage rolls until the end of the turn)
Gunslinger 1: Gunslinger's Dodge (imm action when targeted by a ranged attack: spend 1 GP to move 5ft. This grants +2 AC vs the triggering attack. Alternatively may drop prone and gain +4 AC instead. Can only be done in light/medium armor)
Gunslinger 3: Gunslinger Initiative (with at least 1 GP, gain +2 init. With Quick Draw fear and both hands free, draw one firearm as part of the init check)
Gunslinger 3: Pistol Whip (std action; spend 1 GP to use firearm as melee bludgeon, on hit make CMB check to knock target prone as free action)
Gunslinger 3: Utility Shot (with at least 1 GP, may perform the Blast Lock, Scoot Unattended Object and Stop Bleeding utility shots)


Battered dragon pistol (gratis)
+1 Revolver (self-made) (4150 gp)*
100 metal cartridges (750gp)*
20 dragonsbreath cartridges (400gp)
20 alchemical paper cartridges (100gp)
Gunsmith's kit (15gp)

+2 Dex Belt (2k)*
+2 Cha Headband (2k)*

+1 mithril parade armor (2175k)
Masterwork Buckler (155 gp)

Beneficial Bandolier (500)*
Cloak of the Hedge Wizard (Abjuration) (1250)*
Boots of Speed+Cat (6750)*

"Dashie", Mega-Pegasus Mount (2000 from egg; she hand-raised him)
Masterwork chain shirt (550gp)
Exotic saddle (60 gp)
Masterwork Handle Animal Tool (Manual: How To Train Your Pegasus) (50gp)