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[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]:  :D  
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]:  :D  
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]] and P/Y/R walk up to [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]].
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: Hey [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] here are our gifts.
They hand several vials of a whitish liquid and a black book.
P/Y/R: The liquid is milk of Shub-Niggurath, to help you in the reproduction department.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: The book is currently blank, but will fill itself with the story of your lives. It will stand testament to everything you stand for.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Thanks  :embarrass

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Narrator: RUN AWAY!
Narrator: RUN AWAY!

[[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] taps Dendril on the shoulder. her turns, to see [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]]s smiling face. in an instant [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] lands a punch on him. sending Dendril almost thirty feet away and crashing into a pillar. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] casts a simple mirror image spell. creating ten duplicates of himself. each of them proceeds to chant a different spell. fake lightning and fire courses all over Dendrils form, the real [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] on the other hand steps forwards his claws glowing in an eerie light.
Dendril pulls himself from the dirt, and launches a hail of bolts at [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]]. all of which are dodged. Dendril aims and sends all his will down the bolt. it rockets into [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]]s form causing the image to ripple and vanish. A sudden sharp pain fills Dendrils back area, followed by the warm feeling of blood. The Images of [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] dart back licking their bloodied claws,  Dendril unleashes a dispel magic spell. All of the Sa’vors shimmer and vanish. The real Sa’vor stepped forwards. A pair of wands held aimed at Dendril.
Sa’vor opened fire with the wands. Sending magic missiles and lightning bolts streaming towards Dendril.
They struck home causing minimal damage. Sa’vor charged into combat slashing away with his claws, but Dendril was faster and stronger. He easily avoided or parried Sa’vors attacks.  Dendril saw an opening when Sa’vor made a particularly wild slash towards his head. He ducked the attack and drove his Spear spikard into the weak spot in Sa’vors armour. Sa’vor grimaced slightly as Dendril twisted and pulled the spikard out, before Dendril could remove it completely Sa’vor managed to land a claw attack on his opponents face.  Sa’vor felt his life force slowly ebbing away from his wound. He didn’t have much time, he wouldn’t last any longer. Hopefully it would be enough…
Dendril landed a particularly strong attack on  Sa’vor knocking him sprawled onto the floor twenty feet away.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Tara|Tara]]: *to Naz’roth* we should do something!! 
Naz’roth: I think Sa’vors beginning to understand what 13 told him. He’s already dead. He died a long time ago, he doesn’t have anything to lose.
Dendril lowered his Spikard and fired. Every shot hit Sa’vor in the chest. Sa’vors form trembled, he attempted to pull himself up to face Dendril. But he collapsed. All of Sa’vors body burned with a horrible pain. He felt his chest spasm and he coughed, blood splattered onto his armour.
Sa’vor: *weakly* well that didn’t go as well as I had hoped…
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]] - they never learn *click*
A series of mines completely mires DEndril.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - *blinks in* Stop right now, don't force me to do something I'll enjoy immensly.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]] - [[Forgotten_Freedom:Andrea|Andrea]] please heal the idiot on the ground.
Dendril: I guess the Elder Sign didn't stop as many of you as I'd hoped. A well the continued battles will make my revenge all the sweeter when justice is served.
Dendril says a quick chant and easily slides out of the paint. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] rushes at the now free Dendril.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]: You're going down!  :devil:
Dendril says another incantation. Hundreds of magic missles spring from his hand and rip through [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]'s body. She fall to the floor blood pouring from her wounds.
Dendril: Funny that you in all of your infinate power failled to cast a simple shield  :D . Die a fool's death. So sure of your own power that you fail to prepare proper defenses.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] swings her legs around in a masive kick that sends Dendril across the ship.
Dendril: Tougher than I thought. *gets up* Now it's time to finish what I came here for. He lifts his spikard at Urial.
Urial: What do you hope to accomplish by killing us Dendril. Tomoko is dead. Killing us won't bring her back.
Dendril: Dead! That can't be. No, you're lying. You have her here. You took her.
Urial: No, we killed her right in fron to you.
Dendril: She can't be dead. She can't be. 
Urial: ...
Dendril: Give her back!
Dendril rushes toward her, spikard in hand. Urial draws her scythe. The blade glows with a faint red halo.
Urial: Must I do this again.
Urial wispers a quick incantation. What are left of Dendril's legs crumple under him and he falls to the ground.
Dendril: Give her back. Give her back. *breaks down into sobs*
Urial: I would if I could. I didn't want to kill her. Don't you remember? We were all at Thronehold.
Dendril: Yes, Tomoko had gone ahead. When I go there she was tied up and you, you killed her. You cut her open right as I got there, you monster. 
Urial: You think I enjoyed killing my own sister? We may have been enemies, but family is family. She had tried to break free.
Urial bushes aside her hair to reveal the other side of her face. Where her eye should be there is a mummified orb, rotating with as if with a life of it's own.
Urial: If I hadn't killed her she most certainly would have killed me.
Dendril: There's is nothing left for me then. Look at me I gave up everything to rescue a woman who was already dead. I just destroyed the soul of one of my best friends. Kill me. Kill me, and send me to the hell I have earned.
Urial: As you wish. Razorwind
Urial walks away as the very air around Denril rips the skin from his body.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] looks away from the hot paladin chicks he’s hitting on as they turn to stare at the battle between Sa’vor and Dendril.  He nods to the ladies to excuse himself and walks over to the bloodied Sa’vor as Uriel dispatches Dendril. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Andrea|Andrea]] is in the process of healing the bleeding half-dragon as [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] places his hand on her shoulder to stop her.
“Let me handle this,” [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] says.
“I’ve got this.  Trust me.”  [[Forgotten_Freedom:Andrea|Andrea]] backs away as [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] leans over Sa’vor’s unconscious body.  “Fools.  So much power and all they can do is kill each other with it,” he mumbles to himself.  Then he turns to those gathered around the battlefield and says, “I’m taking him to my plane. I hope that when we return, he’ll be better off than he was before.”
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terrek|Terrek]] opens a portal and steps through, carrying Sa’vors bleeding body in his chains.
Silver: And yet this is not the weirdest wedding I've been to.
Crow: :bored: Needs more feuding.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: I assume you aren't going to do anything.
Greyfeline: :nonono:
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Help me out here: what did he say?
Silver: Never assume we won't do anything.
Crow: It makes it all the more likely that we will.
Silver: But no.
Crow: Feuding is something that's no fun unless it happens on its own.
Silver: Does Dendril count?
Crow: It's only feuding if the parties arrived because they have some connection to the people being married.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Better nor be.
13: If Elminster was smeared over the hull……and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] smeared the "Essence of Jarlot" over the hull……then—
Elminster Jarlot Sr.: [command issued to someone on the basis of race or skin color]!  [disparaging comment about someone's religion].  [sexist pickup line]?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - You are so dead. :D
Elminster Jarrlot Sr. - guhgauhgk
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - How many times do i have to kill this joke?
Black pearl flashes...
After tending to some of the wounded, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] stands over Dendril's corpse next to Urial. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] walks up next to her as well.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: *sigh* I was wondering who was causing all the ruckus below decks...
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: It's pretty obvious you knew him.
Urial: We met him when Tomoko decided to hunt me down. I was the first of my family to study the Necromatic arts, which she considered blasphemous.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: But...why would she want to kill you? Why go to such extremes?
Urial: The Silver Torch got to her. Turned her into one of their fanatical assassins. After all they put her through, she became obsessed with 'purifying' our family of my 'taint'.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: We defeated her and meant to leave her for her comrades, but she managed to get free.
Urial: She took my eye, and would have taken my life if I hadn't killed her.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Unfortunately, Dendril came upon us at that time. He loved her dearly, and the sight of us killing her drove him mad. We managed to take him down as well, but we didn't kill him.
Urial: I was in pretty bad shape at the time, so we had to leave him. He came after us several times after that. Sometimes it was in revenge for her death, others it was to get her back, depending on how insane he was when we encountered him.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: I guess...this time he had just had enough...
During one of the quieter moments of the reception [[Forgotten_Freedom:Caralot|Caralot]] enters the tent with freakish creature [].
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Ugh, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Caralot|Caralot]], what is that thing?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Caralot|Caralot]]: Oh this?  Well Kani-poo was going to be busy for a bit with Krozen so I deciede to bring along my first real success produced by my breeding experiments.  He's bigger, faster, stronger, superior in all catagories.
Creature: (in a very deep, growling voice with the slighest hint of malevolence) PIIIIIIIIII-KAAAAAAAA
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Caralot|Caralot]]: (sheepishly) Well actually I haven't been able to do anything about the speach impediment yet but I'm working on it.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]:  :uh-huh: Ooooook then.  Good enough for me.

Kanatash: (floating in just then) My business is concluded with the cardinal.  Well at least for the moment, his true suffering has only begun.  Well then, when does the dancing begin [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]?

[[Forgotten_Freedom:74|Last Plot]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Plot_Lines|Plot Line Home]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:76|Next Plot]]
[[Forgotten_Freedom:74|Last Plot]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Plot_Lines|Plot Line Home]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:76|Next Plot]]

Latest revision as of 23:04, 7 August 2006

Last Plot -- Plot Line Home -- Next Plot

A portal opens and the real Terra and Lisa step through it.

Everyone: THE HELL?!!

Terra: Stupid plot devices. *turns to alt-Terra posing as her* All right, b*tch, it go time!

Alt-Terra: Crap!

Lisa: And YOU! *points at Alt-Lisa* You're going down!

Alt-Lisa: :eek:

  • flashy moves, pyrotechnics, and lots of smiting later*

Terra: Ok, now that that's taken care of...

Satnak: How did you do all that while still in you wedding dresses?! That was awesome!

Lisa: Plot devices work both ways.

Urial: *covered in blood* I thought you were still acting weird...

Chibi Nalfein: *from somewhere off screen* It hurts... :weep:

After a bit, Chibi Nalfein walks up to the mic.

Chibi Nalfein: First of all, I want to say congrats to Lisa and Terra, glad you guys are happy. Second, :rant: (looks at rest of crew) Because YOU guys made me look like this, I hate you guys soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much.

Before anyone can get to Nalfein, Urial is already there.

Urial: :ahem: Let's go.

And proceeds to drag him off and out of sight. No sound is heard for a few seconds, then everyone hears Chibi Nalfein being introduced to Stabitty Death, scythe style.

Caralot: :weep: How could she do that to something SOOOOOOO cute!?!

Terra: Urial doen't like cute things.

Kithle - ... You know there isn't a rule against chibifying jarlot.

SC trooper - EVILGLEAM :schemes:

Kithle - Anyway, In honor of the occaasion... Let there be Lightshows.

Kithle wips out 6 remote detonaters, and proceeds to activate them in intricate sequences. A barrage of rockets streaks for the skies, each exploding in a flurry of colored light paint and chalk upon reaching the proper altitude.

Terrek: Wow, and not a drop of blood on either of your dresses. Impressive. (Steps over corpses and turns to Lisa.) I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Terrek, I’m fairly new on the ship but was present for the wedding. Quite a beautiful ceremony… and I believe I’ve already me your lovely bride. (Turns to Terra) I apologize for our earlier… misunderstanding. I hope these gifts will help to make amends. (Produces gifts from inside his open jacket and hands them over.) I trust that you’ll figure out their properties on your own in due time so I won’t waste your time now with it.

Terra: (Eyeing Terrek suspiciously) … Thanks…

Terrek: Not at all. Now, I’ve heard you’re both going plane-hopping for the honeymoon? Be sure to drop by. I’ve got a small demi-plane located in the northern Kani section of the Astral Plane. It’s quite lovely this time of year. I’m sure you’d both enjoy it. But I’ll let you get back to the reception. I’m sure there are plenty of other people that wish to talk to you. Terra: Well, I guess I had you pegged wrong. What say we start over? Friends?

Terrek: It would be my pleasure.

Lisa: We only have a few places set that we're going, after that we'll just be exploring. We'll stop by then.

Terrek: I look forward to it.

(Terrek bows and wanders off into the crowd.)

Naz'roth and Tara walk over to Terra and Lisa.

Tara: we would of given a speech. but we find thats more Sa'vors area. but we have decided to give you both a two gifts. The first is not a material one, since i am niether skilled in creation nor have any thing that would be of use to you.

Lisa: then what it it?

Tara: my blessing *raises her left hands and plaves them on both of their foreheads* I bless you so that even when you are apart, even in the darkest of times. that you shall renember your love for each other and it shall guide you through. * quick incantation*.

Naz'roth: The second is a material gift. *summons a box, opens it and displays two shimmering Diamond and platinum necklaces. their very craftmans ship and beauty that make the eternal beauty of nature or that of the greatest gems pale in comparison* i spent the last month making these. it was no easy task i can assure you. they possess some of my most powerful enchantments. they can never be stolen from you while your love for each other remains. simply touching one of them will clear your mind and calm your thoughts. they also possess many other enchantments and minor spells that you'll have to discover yourself.

He closed the box and handed it to them. Tara and Naz'roth bowed and walked away to mingle once more.

Lisa: Thank you, Tara. A sincere blessing like that can be just as, if not more valuable, than any gift.

Tara: :embarrass

Terra: Indeed. Thank you, Tara. And Naz'roth, these are absolutely beautiful. I really think you've outdone yourself.

Naz'roth: :D If you have any questions about them, feel free to ask.

Satnak - I offer my patronage should your descendents (bio or adopted) ever wish to study at the ISland, and these. *holds out a pair of simple silver bracelets made of two wires twisted together* They will transport either one of you to the other, regardless of distance or boundary.

Terra: Our own kids with your kind of power? Wow. I can't even imagine it...

Lisa: We'll definitely consider it should the possibility come up. And thank you for the bracelets. We'll be sure to make good use of them.

Satnak: :D

Volrath and P/Y/R walk up to Terra and Lisa. Volrath: Hey Terra here are our gifts. They hand several vials of a whitish liquid and a black book. P/Y/R: The liquid is milk of Shub-Niggurath, to help you in the reproduction department. Volrath: The book is currently blank, but will fill itself with the story of your lives. It will stand testament to everything you stand for. Terra: Thanks :embarrass

Igor approaches next.

Igor: There ith nothing in being Igor that allowth me to know what to thay at a time like thith.

Igor shuffles on stage. He sits carefully in front of a piano. He adjusts the seat, he tests the pedals and the keys. Finally, when all that is done, he takes out a pair of shades and puts them on.

He strikes out a lone cord. It stops. The other member of the Greyside appear from the shadows of the stage. Roosevelt is at the drums. Mr. T has the sax. 13 has the bass guitar. Caralot has the lead guitar. Lucky carries a backup guitar. Jaela Jarlot (batjaela) sports a vairety of bangles and chains that rattle and ring. Word Being supports a massive bass (a kind of really big chello) on one shoulder. Silver has a fluit. They are all wearing matching sunglasses and grey robes.

There is a hush.

Then the group launches into a great meddly of tunes. None of the instruments performs exactly the sound they are supposed to, only the sound that's needed at the time. Greyfeline pops onto center stage in a cloud of smoke, Crow on its shoulder.

Crow grabs the mic. "This is from all of us." Greyfeline steps up to the mic admidst the music.

Greyfeline: "How in the name of all that is forbidden and probably fun did these two get together? One is the queen of organized crime who rules and lives with enough toughness to make most good people look evil. The other is a follower of a religion which is best known for making you hate it, yet despite her class requirement being a 'stick up your ass', she's very flexible. I suppose the real question is whether or not we care about the how. The past is like a box of chocolates: you never know if the box was made by the Monty Python people. Now we could wish you many things. But we won't. Death's a pretty good option by comparison to life, so why bother? You live on the Forgotten Freedom. But in conclusion, from all of us…" Greyfeline grabs the mic in both hands and leaps into the air. "…I hope your descendants are insane, BECAUSE IT'S WORKED FINE FOR YOU!"

End music. Take bow.

Michael slowly walks out of the crowd toward Lisa, trying to fight back tears

Michael:sadly) Hey Lisa :(

Lisa:Oh, hey Michael...whats up?

Michael:*mustering up all the courage he can find* Ijust wanted to *snif* congradulate you two on your special day...I hope you have plenty more to come :weep:

Lisa: Aww, thanks Michael, that was really sweet...come here :D *gives Micheal huge hug*

Michael: :bigeyes: I...thanks.

Michael(to Terra):*falls to his knees* Terra, as much as i hate to give you the sattisfaction of hearing win :surrender

Terra:Thank you for realizing that :D But Lisa was never a prize to be won! I cannot believe you would even THINK of WINNING a human being!

Micheal walks away with his head down, and as he leaves he pulls something from his pocket, winces, and throws it away

Terra: What was that?

Lisa:I dunno, lets check *walks over and picks it up* Oh my Gods....


Lisa:Look :(

Lisa holds up a small velvet box, and inside is a slip of paper with a date on it, and a beutiful, platinum edged gold ring with a saphire embeded in its swirling patterns. The paper is a reciept, and date is from a few months ago.the inside of the ring is etched "To my angel, Lisa Hopeforge"

Terra: Oh...well, lets worry about this after the party....this is supposed to be a happy day. :D

Lisa: Yea, i guess your right...I'll talk to him later :(

Lucky: Okay, I know there was a plate of wyvern over here.

Silence: That's the second thing that's gone missing. Oh well, just take out the steamed giant spider.

Lucky: :nonono: I seriously question letting Greyfeline add to the menu.

Mr. T comes in holding a bone that's been stripped.

Mr. T: Ah found this under one a' the tables.

Lucky notices the teeth marks. She waves Erk over.

Erk: More food gone missing?

Lucky: But we've got a clue.

Erk takes the offered bone and examines it. The group has learned that Word Being is a master at solving puzzles, and mysteries fall into that category.

Erk: Similar to a wolf's…but not as deep…odd carnassal pattern…more like molars……

Nyarlathotep: Kanatash, may I speak with you for a second.

Kanatash: Of course deranged one. (stepping outside)

Nyarlathotep: I've been meaning to speak with you since I arrived but I've been rather busy. I must say you have done excelent work with this ship, madness as far as the eye can see.

Kanatash: I would like to take credit for the insanity on this ship but most of it was here before I was. I just try and insert a few spikes on the madness-o-meter of my own.

Nyarlathotep: Of course, now the thing I really wanted to speak to you about is my son, Volrath. I asked you to keep tabs on him for me and I want to know what you think of him.

Kanatash: All and all, I would say he is a prodegy. Shortly after his arrival he assembled an abberant army and made a power grab. He was put down handily but considering the forces he was up againt that is certainly not his fault. I hope you will excuse it but even I was against him, I **** off people too on this ship too much already to turn against them there.

Nyarlathotep: How is he handling the losses, I can't imagine this wedding was easy for him.

Kanatash: That was actually why he made the grab at power, to try and break up Lisa and Terra. There have certainly been some rough patches with the wedding planning as well but he has managed remarkably well. His potential is far greater than any of your other children.

Nyarlathotep: That conforts me greatly. What about this girlfriend I have heard about?

Kanatash: (evil grin) P/Y/R? Oh she's a fine lass. (hands him an image crystal) Take a look at this, she's almost as kinky as Caralot and myself.

Nyarlathotep: :mymy: Dear sweet madness. You know I always hoped he'd settle down some day with a nice aberration girl but I still must applaud his taste in women.

Kanatash: I concure, he's a son to be proud of.

Nyarlathotep: I am glad to hear it. Say is it just my imagination or have you been rather quiet the last few days? I know you've been working on Krozen but still...

Kanatash: :devil: Oh I've been lying low, Terra may be a friend but she'll still dismember me if I screw with the wedding too much. Other than that I've been preparing my coup de'ta with Krozen. I wanted to wait with it until the reception, no one will miss him here and I don't have to worry about someone else waiting behind me. Now if you'll excuse me I have work to do. (floats off)

Nyarlathotep: (shaking his head) That poor, poor cardinal.

Kanatash has positioned himself and is preparing to snatch Krozen away when Terra suddenly appears from the shadows.

Terra: (arms crossed) And WHAT do you think you're doing?

Kanatash: I've been planning something special for Krozen and I've been saving it until now.

Terra: You can't grab him in the middle of my reception!

Kanatash: :bigeyes:

Terra: The anime eyes aren't going to work with me.

Kanatash: Awh, come on. It's not like anyone will miss him, he's been avoiding everyone, particularly Lisa, since the ceremony. I've read his mind, he's just waiting to slip away in the night and leave this ship once and for all.

Terra: Hmph, fine. However, I don't want driven insane.

Kanatash: How about scarred for life?

Terra: I can live with that, but I'm not sure I can trust you to restrain yourself.

Kanatash: (hands her a crystal) Then keep tabs on me with this and you can even use it to contact me at any time if you want me to stop. You won't object to this, trust me he deserves it completely.

Terra: Ok, but you owe me for this.

Kanatash: Oh, all right. Now if you excuse me, I'm hunting Cardnals.

Lisa: Did you know?

Terra: About what?

Lisa: Michael.

Terra: No, actually. I tend to keep out of areas of people's minds I have no reason to enter. I knew he was hiding something, but I could feel it wasn't something bad. I also knew he had had something made for you, but it didn't occur to me that he was planning to propose. He never struck me as the commitment type.

Lisa: What would you have done if he had asked first?

Terra: Honestly, I don't know. It crossed my mind several times, and I always hoped that if it came to that and you said yes that I could respect your decision. As for what I really would have done...I'm not sure.

After a few moments of silence, Lisa has to ask.

Lisa: you want to know what I would have said?

Terra: *smiles* I do admit, I am curious. But I can tell you in all honesty that, even if you had chosen him, I would never have stopped loving you. If nothing else, I would still have wanted to be your friend. I know he feels much the same way.

Lisa: *kisses her* It's times like this that make me love you even more. We'll have to make sure to talk to him later.

Terra: It's a date. :D

After a short chase, violent capture, and a pinch of psionic manipulation Kanatash has Krozen on a couch in the counselor's room. Kanatash, once again in guise of "Doctor Frueden von Quackenstien", is trying to "help" the cardinal with his psychologial "issues." :devil:

Dr. Quackenstien: Master Krozen, I understand you haze been having ze problems most recently. Your sleep, it iz troubled yes?

Krozen: Doctor, I just don't know what it is. I have nightmares every night but I can never remember what actually happened in the morning, just that it is somehow familiar.

Dr. Quackenstien: Zes means under ze normal circumstances that you has ze guilt over somzing you haz done in ze past. Perhaps if I enter you mind I can ze what has you troubled, yes?

Krozen: I'm not sure doc, there's some pretty sensitive information in my head.

Dr. Quackenstien: I am, how you say it, a doctor, zes means ze laws, zey mandate zat I keep ze secrets I am told. Now I zink you knowz more zan you iz telling me about zes dreams.

Krozen: Well... I suppose... You see I did some things, things to Lisa, when she was young you see...

Dr. Quackenstien: I see you arez having ze trouble speaking of zit. Why do I not simply zee it in your mind.

The doctor concentrates for a moment and Krozen goes limp. After a moment the doctor reels back in horror and revulsion so great that his disquise slips and resumes his normal form as Kanatash.

Kanatash: By the deranged lords! That was so sick, WRONG... (stuttering) I, I, I... There is no hell in Doruth, Kyber, Dal Quor, Mabar, or even Xoriat foul enough for you for doing that.

Krozen: AHHHHH, wait, your the counselor?!

Kanatash: ****, time for some quick memory alteration.

Several minutes of mental tweeking later Kanatash is back in his disquise and Krozen remembers nothing of the outburst.

Dr. Quackenstien: Zes iz most troubling insight, yes? Zes iz an act zat iz most terrible in ze conscience of a man zet I see no great guilt in ze mind, more of ze embarresment.

Krozen: Well... I...

Dr. Quackenstien: Zes implies zat zere is zomething else in ze mind which haz had ze effect on you. Zomething which would put ze idea of this into ze mind, zomething which would make ze act not zeem like something to have ze guilt over. I will need to put ze into to ze deep hypnosis zo I can zee deep into ze memories from long ago.

Dr. Quackenstien reaches out and touches Krozen's head and Krozen becomes completely comatose. With Krozen out Kanatash resumes his normal form.

Kanatash: (glancing down at Krozen) You sick *** bastard. I'm screwed with the minds of tyrants, mass murderers, crimes against both reality and unreality, and hippies for years but in all this time I have never met a being or witnessed a crime as foul as what you did to that little girl. When you die I swear by any and all gods that when you die I will find your soul and I will torture you for an eternity with things fouler than my demented mind can comprehend. And throughout it all I will never give you the release of having your sanity leave you, no you will fully comprehend every incomprehensible deed I commit against you. This will still not be adaquate punishment for your sick crime but I will put the utmost effort into it. Until then... (glances up at the ceiling) Terra, I can only assume you are watching so you won't blame me for what I am about to do, it's more than you allowed me but far less than he deserves.

Kanatash proceeds to weave into Krozen's mind a memory glaringly similar to that of what he did to Lisa...

In memories...

10 year old Krozen: Daddy, what are you doing...

Dendril walks up to the reception, spikard in hand. Terra, Volrath, and Urial look up in terror.

Volrath: You're still alive?

Urial: But how?

All of the abberations, half-dragons, and various other minion types on deck rush toward him. Dendril reaches into his pocket producing a gem. In the gem is a little spirit bashing up against the inside, as if stuggling to get out.

Dendril: In death you will achieve more than you could possibly in life, old friend.

He lifts the gem up high and shouts a brief incantation. The soul is drawn out of the stone. It is ripped apart by an unseen force. As it is torn from existance the tortured spirit lets out the cry of a child, a child who is still fighting until the very last minute, desperately clinging to life. The shreaded pieces of soul forms an elder sign. All of the lesser crew members and minions are frozen in place by the sign's power.

Dendril: (shouting across the entire deck) Terra, you destroyed my chance at love. It only seems fitting that I kill yours.

He pulls out an ebony bolt with a cracked scepter carved onto its head. All of the ubers can recognize this as an bolt of human slaying. Dendril then loads it into his spikard and fires...

Kithle - *Clicks a button on his detonator*


Dendril is bowled over by a paintmine exploding and covered in sticky pastels. The bolt is glued to the bow hopelesly mired.

Kithle - I don't think so my good idiot.

Krozen has had enough. Secretly signalling to his personal guards, he slips into a crowd. He remains uninterrupted as he reaches his coach.

Lisa: Your leaving?

Krozen freezes.

Krozen: I told you, I wanted no part of this. I've done what I need to. Now leave me in peace.

He turns back and grabs the handle of the coach door.

Lisa: Just remember I know secrets about you. And if i ask nicely enough, I'm sure 13 and Crow will tell me all the rest.

Krozen: But you won't. You're not evil enough. You won't even tell Terra, because you know she would. (looks back at Lisa's surprised face) Did you think I rose to this position on a miracle?

They both hear the growl. Turning to the left they see it: a white, emaciated wolf, missing patches of fur. It was baring its teeth, its ears back, its tail and hackles raised. It had a look in its eyes…almost as if it understood who was standing in front of it.

It accelerated and leapt at Krozen.

Lisa: *grunt* (thud)

Krozen watched, stunned, as his (*shudder*) daughter tried to fight off a wolf with her bare hands while wearing her wedding dress. She tried to get her hands around the muzzle, but the wolf bit her right hand and drew blood.

Then a dart zipped into its neck, and it's grip slacked, falling into unconcious. Lisa looked up to see Caralot and Terra racing over.

Terra: Let me see that hand. (healing spell)

Caralot takes out a muzzle and some cord, binding the wolf.

Caralot: Wonder why it attacked you? Hey, something's—

Krozen: Kill it.

EVeryone turns to look at him.

Krozen: Kill it. It's…obviously dangerous.

Terra: Why the interest in its fate? It can't harm you now.

Lisa: Or can it?

Krozen doesn't answer. Instead he calls for his guards. They ready the carriage, and speed away. Lisa lets them go.

Caralot (lifting the wolf onto her shoulders): You don't mind if I examine him?

Terra: It'll still be alive?

Caralot: If what Erk told me about this wolf is true, I'm definitely keeping him alive.

Meanwhile, in Krozen's coach.

Krozen (i.h.h., very scared): *No, no, no, no, no, no…*

Krozen finds himself sitting on solid water (not ice, just solid water) he looks above to see a sky made up of a dusty, cracked, lake bed. The "sky" starts to shudder and thunder, and drops of liquid dust start to fall to the water below.The dust hits the water and makes small splashes. the splashes hover for a second, then race up toward the desert above where the dust hits krozen, horibble gaping tears appear in his flesh, and hairlike tendrils sprout them, franticaly whipping about and clawing at his skin, trying to sepparate themselves from him. They pull so hard as to yank him inside out through the wounds, only to be turned right-side in by another wound. Through his twitches and spasms, he sees the entire area shudder and warp , and he sees himself a mile or so off, almost as if he is seeing around the world to see the back of his head.The place bends in on itself and the very fabric of existance seems to tie knots around Krozen. Then, as soon as all of it began, everything suddenly snaps like a rubber-band back into place, leaving Krozen spitting up bile and bleeding through his ears. Something nags at him to look down, into the depths of the water.

A brown hooded figure stares back at him. Krozen yelps and jumps back as the hooded figure rises slowly out of the water. It stands there, motionless, staring deep into Krozens eyes, seeming to pierce his soul. Krozen starts to sweat, knowing that this creature knows all his thoughts, desires, and pains that reside in his head just by looking at him. Then, the creature, agonizingly slow, raises an out-stretched arm to point at Krozen. "What do you want from me?!" he shouts. The hooded figure stands, as motionles as ever. Then the creatures finger jerked, and Krozen fell through the suface of the water.

Krozen tries to swim back, but his arms and legs are as heavy as stone. he looks up, hoping to fing something to hold onto, but only sees the hooded figure staring back at him, getting smaller and smaller as it gets farther away.....

Gaurd:*shaking Krozen* Sir! wake up!

Krozen wakes with a start

Krozen:*gasp* Gah! What? a dream...

And with that, he puts his head in his hand and starts sobbing

A strange mangled shape crawls out from between two of John's spikes.

Elminster: Elminster is okay.

Mrs. Fuzzy Logic: That's good to hear, deary. Have a funny hat.

The funny hat instantly restores Elminster's body.

Elminster: Thank you. Now I must go off and not do a d*mn bit of good with my great power.

Klaz: Crickey! This here's one of the most bizzare creatures ever to exist: a very powerful yet useless NPC…

Norbaz: Sweet Kyber, he was still down there? I mean we hit him MONTHS ago.

Chalky: Oh yeah, he was basicly reduced to paste by the impact and all the stabbity death from John but when was the last time you heard of anyone cleaning the hull. Now that he's gone I'm going to miss taunting him.

Norbaz: There's no way he could have survived all that for so long though.

Narrator: Plot device.

Norbaz: I was figuring it would be something like that.

Chalky: ALRIGHT, a narrator! I haven't seen one of them in ages, I was starting to think they had gone extinct. (licking his lips) Now the only question is pan-fried or barbeque.

Narrator: RUN AWAY!

Sa'vor taps Dendril on the shoulder. her turns, to see Sa'vors smiling face. in an instant Sa'vor lands a punch on him. sending Dendril almost thirty feet away and crashing into a pillar. Sa'vor casts a simple mirror image spell. creating ten duplicates of himself. each of them proceeds to chant a different spell. fake lightning and fire courses all over Dendrils form, the real Sa'vor on the other hand steps forwards his claws glowing in an eerie light. Dendril pulls himself from the dirt, and launches a hail of bolts at Sa'vor. all of which are dodged. Dendril aims and sends all his will down the bolt. it rockets into Sa'vors form causing the image to ripple and vanish. A sudden sharp pain fills Dendrils back area, followed by the warm feeling of blood. The Images of Sa'vor dart back licking their bloodied claws, Dendril unleashes a dispel magic spell. All of the Sa’vors shimmer and vanish. The real Sa’vor stepped forwards. A pair of wands held aimed at Dendril. Sa’vor opened fire with the wands. Sending magic missiles and lightning bolts streaming towards Dendril. They struck home causing minimal damage. Sa’vor charged into combat slashing away with his claws, but Dendril was faster and stronger. He easily avoided or parried Sa’vors attacks. Dendril saw an opening when Sa’vor made a particularly wild slash towards his head. He ducked the attack and drove his Spear spikard into the weak spot in Sa’vors armour. Sa’vor grimaced slightly as Dendril twisted and pulled the spikard out, before Dendril could remove it completely Sa’vor managed to land a claw attack on his opponents face. Sa’vor felt his life force slowly ebbing away from his wound. He didn’t have much time, he wouldn’t last any longer. Hopefully it would be enough… Dendril landed a particularly strong attack on Sa’vor knocking him sprawled onto the floor twenty feet away.

Tara: *to Naz’roth* we should do something!!

Naz’roth: I think Sa’vors beginning to understand what 13 told him. He’s already dead. He died a long time ago, he doesn’t have anything to lose.

Dendril lowered his Spikard and fired. Every shot hit Sa’vor in the chest. Sa’vors form trembled, he attempted to pull himself up to face Dendril. But he collapsed. All of Sa’vors body burned with a horrible pain. He felt his chest spasm and he coughed, blood splattered onto his armour.

Sa’vor: *weakly* well that didn’t go as well as I had hoped…

Kithle - they never learn *click*


A series of mines completely mires DEndril.

Satnak - *blinks in* Stop right now, don't force me to do something I'll enjoy immensly.

Kithle - Andrea please heal the idiot on the ground.

Dendril: I guess the Elder Sign didn't stop as many of you as I'd hoped. A well the continued battles will make my revenge all the sweeter when justice is served.

Dendril says a quick chant and easily slides out of the paint. Satnak rushes at the now free Dendril.

Satnak: You're going down! :devil:

Dendril says another incantation. Hundreds of magic missles spring from his hand and rip through Satnak's body. She fall to the floor blood pouring from her wounds.

Dendril: Funny that you in all of your infinate power failled to cast a simple shield :D . Die a fool's death. So sure of your own power that you fail to prepare proper defenses.

Satnak swings her legs around in a masive kick that sends Dendril across the ship.

Dendril: Tougher than I thought. *gets up* Now it's time to finish what I came here for. He lifts his spikard at Urial.

Urial: What do you hope to accomplish by killing us Dendril. Tomoko is dead. Killing us won't bring her back.

Dendril: Dead! That can't be. No, you're lying. You have her here. You took her.

Urial: No, we killed her right in fron to you.

Dendril: She can't be dead. She can't be.

Urial: ...

Dendril: Give her back!

Dendril rushes toward her, spikard in hand. Urial draws her scythe. The blade glows with a faint red halo.

Urial: Must I do this again.

Urial wispers a quick incantation. What are left of Dendril's legs crumple under him and he falls to the ground.

Dendril: Give her back. Give her back. *breaks down into sobs*

Urial: I would if I could. I didn't want to kill her. Don't you remember? We were all at Thronehold.

Dendril: Yes, Tomoko had gone ahead. When I go there she was tied up and you, you killed her. You cut her open right as I got there, you monster.

Urial: You think I enjoyed killing my own sister? We may have been enemies, but family is family. She had tried to break free.

Urial bushes aside her hair to reveal the other side of her face. Where her eye should be there is a mummified orb, rotating with as if with a life of it's own.

Urial: If I hadn't killed her she most certainly would have killed me.

Dendril: There's is nothing left for me then. Look at me I gave up everything to rescue a woman who was already dead. I just destroyed the soul of one of my best friends. Kill me. Kill me, and send me to the hell I have earned.

Urial: As you wish. Razorwind

Urial walks away as the very air around Denril rips the skin from his body.

Terrek looks away from the hot paladin chicks he’s hitting on as they turn to stare at the battle between Sa’vor and Dendril. He nods to the ladies to excuse himself and walks over to the bloodied Sa’vor as Uriel dispatches Dendril. Andrea is in the process of healing the bleeding half-dragon as Terrek places his hand on her shoulder to stop her.

“Let me handle this,” Terrek says.


“I’ve got this. Trust me.” Andrea backs away as Terrek leans over Sa’vor’s unconscious body. “Fools. So much power and all they can do is kill each other with it,” he mumbles to himself. Then he turns to those gathered around the battlefield and says, “I’m taking him to my plane. I hope that when we return, he’ll be better off than he was before.”

Terrek opens a portal and steps through, carrying Sa’vors bleeding body in his chains.

Silver: And yet this is not the weirdest wedding I've been to.

Crow: :bored: Needs more feuding.

Terra: I assume you aren't going to do anything.

Greyfeline: :nonono:

Terra: Help me out here: what did he say?

Silver: Never assume we won't do anything.

Crow: It makes it all the more likely that we will.

Silver: But no.

Crow: Feuding is something that's no fun unless it happens on its own.

Silver: Does Dendril count?

Crow: It's only feuding if the parties arrived because they have some connection to the people being married.


Terra: Better nor be.

13: If Elminster was smeared over the hull……and Satnak smeared the "Essence of Jarlot" over the hull……then—

Elminster Jarlot Sr.: [command issued to someone on the basis of race or skin color]! [disparaging comment about someone's religion]. [sexist pickup line]?

Satnak - You are so dead. :D

Elminster Jarrlot Sr. - guhgauhgk

Satnak - How many times do i have to kill this joke?

Black pearl flashes...

After tending to some of the wounded, Terra stands over Dendril's corpse next to Urial. Lisa walks up next to her as well.

Terra: *sigh* I was wondering who was causing all the ruckus below decks...

Lisa: It's pretty obvious you knew him.

Urial: We met him when Tomoko decided to hunt me down. I was the first of my family to study the Necromatic arts, which she considered blasphemous.

Lisa: But...why would she want to kill you? Why go to such extremes?

Urial: The Silver Torch got to her. Turned her into one of their fanatical assassins. After all they put her through, she became obsessed with 'purifying' our family of my 'taint'.

Terra: We defeated her and meant to leave her for her comrades, but she managed to get free.

Urial: She took my eye, and would have taken my life if I hadn't killed her.

Terra: Unfortunately, Dendril came upon us at that time. He loved her dearly, and the sight of us killing her drove him mad. We managed to take him down as well, but we didn't kill him.

Urial: I was in pretty bad shape at the time, so we had to leave him. He came after us several times after that. Sometimes it was in revenge for her death, others it was to get her back, depending on how insane he was when we encountered him.

Lisa: I guess...this time he had just had enough...

During one of the quieter moments of the reception Caralot enters the tent with freakish creature [1].

Terra: Ugh, Caralot, what is that thing?

Caralot: Oh this? Well Kani-poo was going to be busy for a bit with Krozen so I deciede to bring along my first real success produced by my breeding experiments. He's bigger, faster, stronger, superior in all catagories.

Creature: (in a very deep, growling voice with the slighest hint of malevolence) PIIIIIIIIII-KAAAAAAAA

Caralot: (sheepishly) Well actually I haven't been able to do anything about the speach impediment yet but I'm working on it.

Terra: :uh-huh: Ooooook then. Good enough for me.

Kanatash: (floating in just then) My business is concluded with the cardinal. Well at least for the moment, his true suffering has only begun. Well then, when does the dancing begin Terra?

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