Hira of the Seven: Difference between revisions

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== Rank ==
== Rank ==
*L6 Antiquarian Witch (Enchantress)
*L6 Antiquarian Witch (Enchantress)
*XP: 46,685/65,000
*XP: 55,626/65,000
*Neutral Alignment
*Neutral Alignment
*Henchman of the PC [[Karag Two-Blades]]
*Henchman of the PC [[Karag Two-Blades]]
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**''Ventriloquism'' (60', 2 turns)
**''Ventriloquism'' (60', 2 turns)
**''Unseen Servant'' (30', 6 turns + 1 turn/level, invisible valet/assistant can fetch items, open doors, hold chairs, clean, and perform other simple tasks)
**''Unseen Servant'' (30', 6 turns + 1 turn/level, invisible valet/assistant can fetch items, open doors, hold chairs, clean, and perform other simple tasks)
*Third Level: 2/day (0/2 remain)
*Third Level: 2/day (2/2 remain)
**''Alter Self'' (self, 6 turns + 1 turn/level, alter shape to any other humanoid creature, can be used with Disguise to appear as a specific individual)
**''Alter Self'' (self, 6 turns + 1 turn/level, alter shape to any other humanoid creature, can be used with Disguise to appear as a specific individual)
**''Cause Disease'' (touch, save vs Spells to avoid, wasting plague -2 to attacks cannot be magically healed, fatal in 2d12 days)
**''Cause Disease'' (touch, save vs Spells to avoid, wasting plague -2 to attacks cannot be magically healed, fatal in 2d12 days)
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**''Remove Curse*''  
**''Remove Curse*''  
**''Speak with Dead'' (10', 1 turn, 1 question / 2 caster levels)
**''Speak with Dead'' (10', 1 turn, 1 question / 2 caster levels)
*Fourth Level: 2/day (0/2 remain)
*Fourth Level: 2/day (1/2 remain)
**''Chimerical Force'' (240' range, concentration + 2 rounds, visual + auditory illusion of 30'x30'x30')
**''Chimerical Force'' (240' range, concentration + 2 rounds, visual + auditory illusion of 30'x30'x30')
**''Clairaudience'' (60' range, 12 turns, hear through ears of subject creature)
**''Clairaudience'' (60' range, 12 turns, hear through ears of subject creature)
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**3# Comfrey, 1# Goldenrod, 1# Woundwort, 1# Wolfsbane, Candle - tallow (x6), Lantern, Flask of Oil - common (x3), Flint & steel, Iron rations (1 day)
**3# Comfrey, 1# Goldenrod, 1# Woundwort, 1# Wolfsbane, Candle - tallow (x6), Lantern, Flask of Oil - common (x3), Flint & steel, Iron rations (1 day)

Wealth: 9141.43 gp (kept safe with Mr. Hand), 111.23 gp on person
Wealth: 12,650.9 gp (kept safe with Mr. Hand), 111.24 gp on person

Latest revision as of 21:46, 1 November 2017

The Wilderlands of Absalom


  • L6 Antiquarian Witch (Enchantress)
  • XP: 55,626/65,000
  • Neutral Alignment
  • Henchman of the PC Karag Two-Blades
  • Titles/Holdings: none
  • Age: 25

Assigned to Karag's dominion a decade ago by her family, the witch-woman Hira of the Seven keeps account of the raider's victories, caring for those in his command and making peace with the mystical entities stirred up by his conquering passage. While no crone, her hair is snow white, making her appear ageless.

  • Hira gets stimulation from new things, and wants to travel and see the world (report | the world)
  • Hira has a criminal side, and is generally involved in some way in Karag's schemes. (abuse | justice)
  • Hira likes being close to the action, and wants to be one of the powers behind the throne. (accompany | prosperity)


  • STR 8 (-1)
  • INT 13 (+1)
  • WIS 18 (+3)
  • DEX 12
  • CON 14 (+1)
  • CHA 9


  • Languages
    • Common
    • Faery
  • General Proficiencies
    • Adventuring
    • Diplomacy The character is smooth tongued and familiar with protocol. She receives a +2 bonus on all reaction rolls when she attempts to parley.
    • Healing III on 14+ can neutralize poison, cure disease, or cure serious wounds (2d6+3) once per day per patient; 11+ to identify if a disease is magical or mundane and diagnose mundane diseases; supervise six patients for an extra 1d3 natural healing per day
  • Class Proficiencies
    • Alchemy The character can identify common alchemical substances, potions, and poisons with a proficiency throw of 11+.
    • Beast Friendship She can identify plants and fauna with a proficiency throw of 11+, and understands the subtle body language and moods of birds and beasts (though they may not understand the character). She gains +2 to all reaction rolls when encountering normal animals, and can take animals as henchmen.
    • Brew potions and Research spells
    • Cure Moderate Wounds (2d6) once per 8 hours (takes 10 minutes)
    • Familiar


  • Belladonna = save vs lycanthropy
  • Birthwort = +2 to neutralize poison
  • Comfrey = restore 1d3 damage immediately after battle
  • Garlic = 1d4 rounds vampire cringing
  • Goldenrod = +2 to cure disease
  • Wolfsbane = drive off lycanthropes
  • Woundwort = +2 proficiency on CLW and CSW Healing throws


  • AC 0
  • HP 23
  • Movement Rate: 120' exploration/running, 40' combat
  • Initiative Modifier: +0
  • Attacks
    • Primary Melee Attack: Staff 10+, 1d4-1/1d6-1 (two-handed)
    • Secondary Melee Attack: Dagger 10+, 1d4-1
    • Primary Ranged Attack: Dagger 9+, 1d4
  • Saves (+3 WIS bonus vs spells and magic items, +1 bonus to all when Finore the Crow is around):
    • Petrification & Paralysis 11+
    • Poison & Death 8+
    • Blast & Breath 14+
    • Staves & Wands 11+
    • Spells 10+ (includes WIS bonus)


  • First Level: 3/day (3/3 remain)
    • Cause Fear
    • Command Word
    • Cure Light Wounds* (1d6+1)
    • Delay Disease
    • Detect Magic
    • Detect Poison
    • Faerie Fire
    • Light*
    • Locate Animal or Plant
    • Predict Weather
    • Protection from Evil*
    • Purify Food and Water*
    • Read Languages
    • Resist Cold
    • Salving Rest
    • Trance
  • Second Level: 3/day (3/3 remain)
    • Augury (see into future 3 turns about good/bad result at 70% + 1% per caster level)
    • Bane (50' radius, 6 turns, enemies are filled with fear and doubt for -1 to attack throws, damage, morale, and saves vs fear)
    • Charm Animal (60', charm normal or giant animal to treat as trusted friend or ally, intelligent animals allowed save vs Spells, unintelligent aren't, wears off over day/week/month dependent on HD)
    • Chameleon (touch, 1 turn/level, +8 to hide in shadows)
    • Choking Grip (30', invisible grip, save vs Death each round or choke for 1d6 damage/round and cannot take action, lasts until caster stops concentrating or target makes save)
    • Delay Poison (touch, 1 turn/level, temporarily immune to poison until effect ends, or returns to life until duration if died within caster level turns)
    • Enthrall (60', 1 hour or less, capture the attention of a group, must perform without interruption for 1 round, must have Performance proficiency, save vs Paralysis or give caster undivided attention and be Friendly, take no action for duration of performance for up to 1 hour, and for 1d3 rounds after, Hostile creatures get +4 to saves and some creatures can get Indifferent result instead of Friendly; also Heckling)
    • Hold Person (180', 9 turns, paralyze any living non-undead humanoid creature of 4 or fewer HD, or humans and demi-humans of any level, save vs Paralysis negates, single person saves -2 or a group of 1d4)
    • Locate Object (120', 6 turns)
    • Magic Mouth (30', non-living object speaks message = 3 words/caster level over 10 minutes, at volume of whisper to yell, when triggered by the pre-set condition within 10'/caster level)
    • Resist Fire (touch, 6 turns, temporary immunity to fire and heat, +2 bonus on saves and -1 point of damage per die against significant sources)
    • Speak with Animals (6 turns, any one normal or giant animal, changeable once/round)
    • Sleep (240' range, 4d4 turns, targets one creature of 4+1 HD or less or group of 2d8 HD of creatures of 4 HD or less)
    • Ventriloquism (60', 2 turns)
    • Unseen Servant (30', 6 turns + 1 turn/level, invisible valet/assistant can fetch items, open doors, hold chairs, clean, and perform other simple tasks)
  • Third Level: 2/day (2/2 remain)
    • Alter Self (self, 6 turns + 1 turn/level, alter shape to any other humanoid creature, can be used with Disguise to appear as a specific individual)
    • Cause Disease (touch, save vs Spells to avoid, wasting plague -2 to attacks cannot be magically healed, fatal in 2d12 days)
    • Charm Person (60' range, humanoid creatures no greater than 4 HD, save vs Spells negates, variable duration)
    • Continual Light (360' range, daylight to 30', can be used to blind with save vs Death, can sustain one per level)
    • Cure Disease (touch, cures diseases including magical diseases)
    • Cure Major Wounds* (2d6+3)
    • Detect Curse* (30' range, 3 turns, 5% chance / level to determine exact nature with 1 turn of concentration)
    • Detect Invisible (60' range, 6 turns)
    • ESP (60' range, 12 turns, detect surface thoughts, concentrate for a turn to hear thoughts, understood regardless of language, aware creatures may save vs Spells to avoid)
    • Growth of Animals (120', 12 turns, 2x size, 8x weight, double normal damage, AC +2)
    • Invisibility (touch, 24 hours)
    • Levitate (touch, 6 turns + 1 turn/level, up or down 20'/round)
    • Mirror Image (self, 6 turns, 1d4 images)
    • Phantasmal Force (240', concentration, visual illusion 20'x20'x20')
    • Remove Curse*
    • Speak with Dead (10', 1 turn, 1 question / 2 caster levels)
  • Fourth Level: 2/day (1/2 remain)
    • Chimerical Force (240' range, concentration + 2 rounds, visual + auditory illusion of 30'x30'x30')
    • Clairaudience (60' range, 12 turns, hear through ears of subject creature)
    • Clairvoyance (60' range, 12 turns, see through eyes of subject creature)
    • Cure Serious Wounds (2d6+6)
    • Dispel Magic (120' range, end ongoing spells)
    • Divination
    • Fate (touch, prophetic insight)
    • Fly (touch, 1 turn/level, speed of 120'/round or 360'/turn)
    • Infravision (touch, 1 day, see in dark for 60')
    • Neutralize Poison*
    • Nondetection (touch, 1 hour/level, protects the target from being spied upon by crystal balls or ESP)
    • Protection from Evil, Sustained* (12 turns, moves with caster, concentration not needed)
    • Speak with Plants (30' range, 3 turns)
    • Telepathy (90' range, concentration)
    • Tongues* (speak and understand the language of any intelligent creature within a 60' radius, 1 turn)
    • Water Breathing (30', 1 day duration)


Gear, Armor, Weapons: 4 stone, 3 items

  • Clothing: fur-lined winter cloak w/hood, dress, leather belt, low boots, gloves (20.4 gp)
  • Weapons: Staff, dagger (4 gp)
  • Medallion of ESP: The medallion allows the wearer to read the thoughts of any creature within 30' after concentrating for one round. The wearer may move at half speed, but is unable to cast spells or attack while concentrating. There is a 1 in 6 chance (roll 1 on 1d6) that, unknown to the user of the medallion, his thoughts are heard by all beings within 30' instead of the usual effect. The creature whose mind is read may make a saving throw versus Staffs to negate the effect if it suspects it is being spied on.
  • Belt: Waterskin, Potion of Animal Control, coin pouch (1.1 gp)
  • Backpack (3st, 141.6 gp)
    • 3# Comfrey, 1# Goldenrod, 1# Woundwort, 1# Wolfsbane, Candle - tallow (x6), Lantern, Flask of Oil - common (x3), Flint & steel, Iron rations (1 day)

Wealth: 12,650.9 gp (kept safe with Mr. Hand), 111.24 gp on person

Coriander, Medium Riding Horse HP 17/17, 40 gp

  • Saddle & Tack, 10 gp
  • Saddlebag One (305 gp): 9# Comfrey, 3# Wolfsbane, 9# Woundwart, 9# Birthwort
  • Saddlebag Two (58.2 gp): Iron rations - 1 week, Stakes & Mallet, Blanket (x3), dress (x2), waterskin - full (x2), cloak - hooded, 3# Goldenrod

Rosemary, Medium Draft Horse, HP 13/13 30 gp

  • Saddlebag One (117.8 gp): 400' rope, 4 grappling hooks, 6 sacks - large
  • Saddlebag Two (12 gp): Tent, Iron rations - 1 week
  • Saddlebag Three (12.6 gp): 4 sacks - large, 8 flasks of oil - common
  • Saddlebag Four (68.6 gp): 12 flasks of oil - common, 3# Belladonna, 3# Goldenrod