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| Game: [[Ars Magica - By Hook or By Crook]]
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| [[https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Pm8GZ|Inspirational Image by Camila Vielmond]]
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| Backstory goes here.
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| '''Characteristics:'''
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| Int +3, Per 0, Pre +3, Com +2, Str -3, Sta +2, Dex -2, Qik +1
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| '''Size:''' 0
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| '''Age:''' 25
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| '''Decrepitude:''' None
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| '''Warping Score:''' 0 (0)
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| '''Confidence Score:''' 3
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| '''Virtues and Flaws:'''
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| Skilled Parens, Strong Faerie Blood, Gentle Gift, Cautious Sorcerer, Magical Memory, Mastered Spells, Hermetic Magus, Free Study , Common Sense, Intuition, Venus' Blessing, Second Sight
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| Twilight Prone, Compassionate, Ambitious, Wrathful (Major), Plagued by Supernatural Entity, Faerie Friend, Magical Animal Companion
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| ''Note:'' Sidhe Blood: You are descended from one of the noble fay who rule the lands of Summer and sunlight. Because of the striking and unusual qualities of your nature add +1 to your Presence, but not to more than +3. Many mortals may consider you fascinating or alluring.
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| '''Personality Traits:'''
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| Charismatic +2, Passionate +3, Vengeful +3
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| '''Reputations:''' None
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| '''Combats:''' Dodging: Init +1, Attack n/a, Defense +1, '''Damage:''' n/a
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| '''Soak:''' +2
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| '''Fatigue Levels:''' OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious
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| '''Wound Penalties:''' –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20)
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| '''Abilities:'''
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| Second Sight 1 (illusory disguises)
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| Gaelic 5 (poetry), Folk Ken 2 (townsfolk), Charm 2 (first impressions), Guile 2 (elaborate lies),
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| Carouse 1 (staying sober), English 3 (slang), Brawl 1 (fisticuffs), Music 2 (singing), Faerie Lore 1 (relatives), Bargain 2 (hard sell), Etiquette 1 (faeries)
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| Artes Liberales 2 (Rhetoric), Latin 5 (Hermetic usage), Magic Theory 4 (Creo), Parma Magica 1 (Auram)
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| Order of Hermes Lore 1, Magic Lore 1 (creatures), Finesse 2 (grace), Penetration 2 (Creo), Profession (Scribe) 2, Concentration 2 (spell concentration)
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| '''Arts:'''
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| Creo 10 (55XP), Rego 4 (10xp), Auram 5 (15xp), Aquam (15xp)
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| '''Twilight Scars:''' None (yet)
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| '''Equipment:''' Wizard clothes
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| '''Encumbrance:''' 0 (0)
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| '''Spells Known:'''
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| Air’s Ghostly Form (CrAu 5) - Mastery 1
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| Jupiter’s Tears (CrAu 5)
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| Chamber of Spring Breezes (CrAu 5)
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| Jupiter's Resounding Blow (CrAu 10) - Mastery 2
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| Broom of the Winds (CrAu 15) - Mastery 1
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| Circling Winds of Protection (CrAu 20)
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| True Sight of the Air (InAu 15)
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| Dagger of Ice (Cr(Re)Aq 10) - Mastery 1
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| Column of the Deluge (CrAq 10) - Mastery 2
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| Wall of Protecting Ice (CrAq 15)
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| Mighty Torrent of Water (CrAq 20)
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| Distill Water (ReAq 5)
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| Cloak of the Duck’s Feathers (ReAq 5) - Mastery 1
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| Clear Sight of the Naiad (InAq 5)
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| Comfort of the Drenched Traveller (PeAq 5)
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| '''Air's Ghostly Form'''
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| CrAu 5
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| R: Touch, D: Diam, T: Ind
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| A thick fog forms around the magus, extending outwards for several paces. A breeze can push the fog around. The fog dissipates at its natural rate, and may be too thin to restrict sight within a minute. (Base 2, +1 Touch, +1 Diam, +1 unnatural (the spell can be cast indoors))
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| '''Jupiter’s Tears'''
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| CrAu 5
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| R: Sight, D: Conc, T: Ind
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| This spell makes a single cloud on an overcast day release its mois-
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| ture, causing a light drizzle.
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| (Base 1, +1 Conc, +3 Sight)
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| '''Chamber of Spring Breezes'''
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| CrAu 5
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| R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
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| Creates a breeze of fresh air that continually moves throughout a room, keeping the air
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| continuously breathable even if the room is airtight. Rose of Jerbiton’s version of this spell always causes the air to smell of roses. The breeze can be created outdoors, but there it has little effect.
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| (Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 unnatural)
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| '''Jupiter's Resounding Blow'''
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| CrAu 10
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| R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Ind
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| Creates a thunderclap; anyone directly underneath must make a Stamina stress roll of 9+ or be deafened. If deafened, the target gets another Stamina simple roll each minute and recovers with a roll of 9+. If the first roll botches, the victim is rendered deaf for a month. (Base 3, +2 Voice, +1 unnatural (the spell functions indoors))
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| '''Broom of the Winds'''
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| CrAu 15
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| R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Ind
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| Whips up violent, swirling winds around the target. The target must make a Size stress roll of 9+ to remain standing. If the target is braced or holding onto some support, he may also make a Strength stress roll of 9+. If both rolls fail, the target is knocked in a random direction. The target may be damaged, depending on whether he strikes anything. (Base 3, +2 Voice, +2 unnatural)
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| '''Circling Winds of Protection'''
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| CrAu 20
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| R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind Req: Rego
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| Surrounds you with winds that circle at great speed. Since the wind picks up dust and other small, loose objects, you may be obscured. Anyone standing near enough to attack you with a hand weapon must make a Size stress roll of 9+ at the beginning of each
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| '''True Sight of the Air'''
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| InAu 15
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| R: Per, D: Sun, T: Vision Lets you see clearly through all manner of obfuscation in the air nearby, including smoke, fog, and dust, even if the obfuscation is magical. (Base 1, +2 Sun, +4 Vision)
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| '''Dagger of Ice'''
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| Cr(Re)Aq 10
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| R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Ind
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| Creates a foot-long, sharp icicle and hurls it at a target. The icicle always hits, provided it penetrates Magic Resistance. It inflicts +5 damage (partly because of its sharp point). After impact, the icicle shatters to tiny fragments, which promptly disappear.
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| (Base 3, +2 Voice, +1 Rego requisite)
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| '''Column of the Deluge'''
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| CrAq Level 10
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| R: Voice D: Momentary T: Individual
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| Creates 700 gallons of water suspended in the air, in the shape of a column, 1 pace across and 30 paces high which then will rush to the ground with great force. This will destroy unfortified small buildings, and cause some damage to larger ones, especially to their contents. If created over a human sized target, a Finess + Per roll is required vs the target's defense. Such a target is delt +10 damage. The target, and any persons within 5 paces of the impact site must make Dex + Athletics rolls of 6+ or be knocked down suffering +0 damage.
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| (Base 4, +2 Voice)
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| '''Wall of Protecting Ice'''
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| Creo Aquam 15, R: Touch, D: Diameter, T: Wall
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| This spell conjures a wall of ice in a simple shape and orientation chosen by the caster. The ritual will create 5600 cubic feet of liquid; akin to a wall roughly 6 feet tall, 3 feet thick, and 300 feet long (roughly 90 yards); for the duration. The wall contains simple crenellations atop for improved defence.
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| (Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Diameter, +1 Wall, +1 size)
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| '''Mighty Torrent of Water'''
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| CrAq 20
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| R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Ind
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| A 3-foot-diameter jet of water sprays from your outstretched arms towards your target. The target of this gusher of water takes +10 damage and must make a Strength + Size stress roll of 9+ or be sent flying back. Marbaid of Flambeau’s wizard’s sigil is connected to his obsession with blood. In his version of the spell the target is hit by a gush of blood, and the stains do not go away until sunrise/sunset. This does not require a requisite, as it is a purely cosmetic effect. (Base 10, +2 Voice)
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| '''Distill Water'''
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| Rego Aquam 5,
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| R: Voice, D: Momentary, T: Individual
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| This spell instantly performs the work of manually distilling fresh water from either saltwater or an impure source. The spell emulates the work of evaporation, which will remove almost all sizeable contaminants and salt.
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| To be effective the caster must succeed a moderate Finesse check vs 9.
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| (Base 3, +2 Voice)
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| '''Cloak of the Duck's Feathers'''
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| Rego Aquam 5
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| R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind Makes water run off one object or creature, protecting the target and the target’s apparel from dampness. The spell is broken if the target is submerged in water. (Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 for slightly unnatural control)
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| '''Clear Sight of the Naiad'''
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| InAq 5
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| R: Per, D: Mom, T: Vision You can see as clearly through water as through air, for a single moment. (Base 1, +4 Vision)
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| '''Comfort of the Drenched Traveller'''
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| PeAq 5
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| R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind Dries a person and his or her clothes. (Base 4, +1 Touch)
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