Ars Magica - By Hook or By Crook
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A game of wizards in medieval Ireland using Ars Magica 5th edition, GM'd by MrPrim

- The magi of the covenant. See also: the planner.
- Aoife an Taotalas, a mischievous imaginem maga, played by Cannonball
- Joan Of Ex Miscellanea, Plant maga with a healing touch, played by Zaleramancer
- Maelrys ferch Brochfael, of House Guernicus, Mind maga and Quaesitor, played by Andrensath
- Nioclás of Ex Miscellanea, Sidhe blooded weather magus, played by Cadaeic
- Urien Mab Carreg of House Jerbiton, Terram magus raised by and who worships a rock spirit, played by Illtry
- Diarmud Sucach, of Ex Miscellanea, bardic master in his own mind, played by Meriss
- The companions living with them.
- Bran, veteran soldier and Diarmud's uncle played by Meriss.
- Maryam bint Ya'qub, Saracen and Redcap, played by Andrensath
- Máthair Isolde, An intimidating older lady who aids the magi of the covenant, played by Illtry
- The grogs and covenfolk protecting and protected by the magi.
- And the NPCs of the saga, be they family, acquaintances, servants, friend or foe.
- The covenant library where the spells and books of the Magi are kept.
- Magic items we own?
- Our vis stocks?
- Our relations with other covenants and tribunals?
- Other stuff I'm sure!