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* [[Project VIGILANCE issue #0]]: ONLINE through the Month of December 2005.  Campaign Development & Introductions.
[[Game Dates & Notes]]: Actual schedule and other out of game notes.

==A Crisis at Crusader's Citadel==

==Project VIGILANCE, Vol. #1==
In this story arc we meet the main characters.  We follow them from .....

===issue #1===
[[Image:LWissue01.jpg|right|frame|First cover peers down upon Seattle.]] ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[A Crisis at Crusader Citadel]], part I" ''',  January 11, 2006.  '''GM: KARL'''  <br> RECAP:  Recently, the L.A. team, the Crusaders have disappeared! You team is sent to find out what has happened to them… <br> It seems some previously unknown terrorist group, calling themselves FORCE is blackmailing the US government for 10 Billion dollars. If the ransom is not paid within 48 hours, their will release a Retro-Virus Super-Flu somewhere within the heartland of America. Your team is brought in to help out… <br> '''ROSTER:''' <br> Talon <br> Clockwork <br> Magus <br> Omega-Boy <br> Portal <br> Strobe <br clear="all">

* '''issue # 1''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[Project VIGILANCE: A Crisis at Crusader's Citadel]]" ''',  January 11, 2006.  '''GM: KARL'''   <br> RECAP:  Recently, the L.A. team, the Crusaders have disappeared! You team is sent to find out what has happened to them… <br> It seems some previously unknown terrorist group, calling themselves FORCE is blackmailing the US government for 10 Billion dollars. If the ransom is not paid within 48 hours, their will release a Retro-Virus Super-Flu somewhere within the heartland of America. Your team is brought in to help out…
===issue #2===
''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[A Crisis at Crusader Citadel]], part II" ''',  January 25, 2006.  '''GM: KARL''' <br> RECAP:  .... <br> '''ROSTER:''' <br> Talon <br> Clockwork <br> Magus <br> Omega-Boy <br> Portal <br> Strobe <br clear="all">

* '''issue # 2''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[A Crisis at Crusader's Citadel, part II]]" ''',  January 25, 2006.  '''GM: KARL'''  <br> RECAP:  ....
===issue #3===
''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[A Crisis at Crusader Citadel]], part III" ''',  February 8, 2006.  '''GM: KARL'''  <br> RECAP:  .... At the end the tally is - F.I.S.T.:  Temper (captured), Mecury Mercenary, Vulture (captured), Bull (captured).  With these bad guys free: The Shrew, Mocker, Hornet, Shocker, Mace, Stormlord, Marionette <br> '''ROSTER:''' <br> Talon <br> Clockwork <br> Magus <br> Omega-Boy <br> Portal <br> Strobe <br clear="all">

* '''issue # 3''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[A Crisis at Crusader's Citadel, part III]]" ''',  ??? , 2006.  '''GM: KARL'''  <br> RECAP:  .... At the end the tally is - F.I.S.T.:  Temper (captured), Mecury Mercenary, Vulture (captured), Bull (captured)With these bad guys free: The Shrew, Mocker, Hornet, Shocker, Mace, Stormlord, Marionette
===issue #4===
''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[A Crisis at Crusader Citadel]], part IV" ''',  February 22, 2006.  '''GM: KARL'''  <br> PREVIEWTomorrow night at 6pm... the final battle between the Crushers and the new kids on the block... wow will come out on top?! Will Omega-Boy break the hold of the miniture mind-controller or will he destory his friends? Will the old hero Talon survive against the mercenary? Will the mage out of time stop the tech-freak with a bug fethish? Will Clockwork stop the boxing fiend or ask her out on a date after she is imprisoned? Who will Strobe face as there are already so many targets? What will Portal do against a flying mace at the face??? Toon in tomorrow and find out!!!! <br> RECAP:  .... <br> '''ROSTER:''' <br> Talon <br> Clockwork <br> Magus <br> Omega-Boy <br> Portal <br> Strobe <br clear="all">
==Pre-Emptive Strike==
===issue #6===
''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[Pre-Emptive Strike]]" ''', March 22, 2006'''GM: JOHN'''  <br> RECAP:  .... <br> '''ROSTER:''' <br> Talon <br> Clockwork <br> Magus <br> Omega-Boy <br> Portal <br clear="all"> (This is the last games with Sammy/MAGUS & Cat/OMEGA BOY playing)

* '''issue #4''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[A Crisis at Crusader's Citadel, part IV]]" ''',  February 8, 2006. '''GM: KARL'''  <br> RECAP:  ....

* '''issue #5''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[A Crisis at Crusader's Citadel, part V:  Battle Royal in the Crusader's Basement!!!]]" ''',  February 22, 2006.  '''GM: KARL'''  <br> PREVIEWTomorrow night at 6pm... the final battle between the Crushers and the new kids on the block... wow will come out on top?! Will Omega-Boy break the hold of the miniture mind-controller or will he destory his friends? Will the old hero Talon survive against the mercenary? Will the mage out of time stop the tech-freak with a bug fethish? Will Clockwork stop the boxing fiend or ask her out on a date after she is imprisoned? Who will Strobe face as there are already so many targets? What will Portal do against a flying mace at the face??? Toon in tomorrow and find out!!!! <br> RECAP:  ....
===issue #5===
''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[F.O.R.C.E.]], Dark FORCE Winds come to Town" ''',  March 8, 2006.  '''GM: KARL'''  <br> RECAP:  .... <br> '''ROSTER:''' <br> Talon <br> Clockwork <br> Magus <br> Omega-Boy <br> Portal <br> Strobe <br clear="all"> (Following this game Karl decides he needs a few weeks off gaming)

* '''issue #6''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[F.O.R.C.E., Dark FORCE winds comes to town]]" ''',  March 8, 2006.  '''GM: KARL'''  <br> PREVIEWall kinds of things are a happening in Project VIGILANCE Seattle – 1. The Governor of Washington, Brent Whitman, has been Assassinated! Right on the steps of the Space Needle on Live TV and in front of hundreds of witnesses! Who could have done it! Cause there are NO clues to be found so far!!!! The Lieutenant Governor, Lori Flanagan, has order the Last Watch to solve this crime at all costs and to make it their top priority. 2. High-Tech Weapons Robbers have struck the downtown Core with terror and wanton destruction!!! 3. A nuclear bomb has gone missing from a Montana Missile Silo! Even worst; a Super-Flu Retro Virus from the C.D.C. was stolen on the same day from a secure facility in Maryland. 4. Terrorist are threatening to bring the Space Needle down, and to set up the nuclear bomb somewhere in the Pacific West Coast unless $500 million dollars worth of diamonds are paid to them in one week! 5. F.I.S.H. has issued a nation wide state of emergency!!! 6. Turn in tomorrow night for this questions… and many more! To be relieved inside!!! (like who is the mysterious winged-shadow the news has dubbed the `Murder of Crows'? – could he be related to Magnus or Talon or no-one? Is he a vigilantly or a murder who just happens to target drug dealers and criminals? Why is Will'o'wisp been so sick lately? She never gets colds?? John Dee has disappeared again and left Kid Omega with some business decisions to make, but does he have the time? The lawyers say no… and what new message of dread and doom has Adam Last been spouting down on backstreets of Seattle??)  Governor Assassination Clues • The Governor of Washington, Brent Whitman, has been Assassinated! Right on the steps of the Space Needle on Live TV and in front of hundreds of witnesses! Who could have done it! Because there are NO clues to be found so far!!!! The Lieutenant Governor, Lori Flanagan, has order the Last Watch to solve this crime at all costs and to make it their top priority. • He was giving a speech about the `opening of space' via the Space Needle and the importance of Seattle to the world. He was a large backer of Randle Cross and sponsored a number of bills that built the Needle. • Whitman was shot with some kind of high power destructive ray from a nearby Skyscraper. There was an almost perfectly cauterized 6" hole blown through his chest, the steel-reinforced podium he was standing behind and the security guard standing behind the Gov. It also bore a hole into the sidewalk behind them both… about a foot or so. • Cameras were trained on all nearby buildings, etc. Two cameras focused on the Westin-Seattle Towers went `dark' for about one minute, but there seems to have been no malfunction or tapering reported to security monitoring the area. There was a Federal sniper on a nearby tower who was assisted to monitor that area but he disappeared and has not been seen sense. Security cameras recorded him going to the tower but don't have any recording of him coming back down. No evidence of him leaving or whereabouts have been found. • On the roof, two sets of boot prints were found, one in combat boots and one in slippers. Also a mini-EMP pulse must have gone off on the roof. Nuclear Bomb Thief • The Military and F.I.S.H. have identified Oliver Harris, a disgruntled Air Force Lieutenant. He also stole a prototype automatic blaster pistol and force field protector device. • Little to no background clues on Lt. Harris have been found. He was single, his parents were dead, he seemed to have no fiends, no debts etc. Flu Thief Clues • None at this time. Only that it was on the same day as the as the nuclear bomb was stolen. Terrorist Clues • Pervious unknown group calling itself FORCE. No agenda or demands besides money have been made by them. • They have not made their demands public at this time. They are threatening to bring the Space Needle down with a nuclear bomb AND they will release the Virus somewhere in the Pacific West Coast unless $500 million dollars worth of diamonds are paid to them. • AFTER DIAMOND DROP – Helicopter was rented by one John Jones, with cash. Pilot's license and business were both bogus with no clues called "Shy-High Advertising". • Area where teleporter goes is an Office Building renting two months ago by Shell/Dummy Company called `World Tours in Paradise" in San Francisco. Dumped bags that diamonds were in and there the office looks like no one has been here in over a month. Murder of Crows Mystery Clues • Three drug-dealers in and around the Yesler area of downtown have been killed in the last 4 weeks. Two of them dealt in a variety of different drugs, but they all dealt something called "Jazz" – a new auditory hallucinate and stimulate that has come to the streets for the last few weeks. • Witnesses all describe a large number of crows or ravens being in the area just before the deaths… all making a great deal of noise. This is where the newspapers' name `the Murder of Crows' came from. • One homeless man claims to have seen a "dark figure, with the black wings of a crow and a face like the death carrion bird itself" in the area of the last murder. • All of them have had their necks snapped by someone with incredible strength. One had an emptied 9mm Glock next to his body. 14 shell casings and some bullets were recovered but no blood. Will'o'wisp sickness • She has been having a fever with sweats and chills for the last week. She has not gotten sick sense she gained her powers. Nothing new has been happening in her life and she can think of nothing out of the ordinary. Adam Last's Crazy Predictions • "Fire shall fall from the sky and Daemons will appear out of no where to terrorize the faithful" • "They will claim to be `holy' but their words have been corrupted by greed and their curses are hollow" • "The last days of the first man are upon us… repents and be forewarned on the dark host… the savior behind the mask of humility" • His Visions included 1.) a Forest (that looked like Seattle) with a huge tree falling down and destroying the forest; 2.) a Huge Shark at sea with a multi-colored robe wearing dude summoning daemons to attack some points of light; and 3.) a giant beautiful man (mesia like) standing on a mountain on an island grabbing stars from the sky. Little human figures are worshipping the beautiful man who then turns into a daemon. Fire appeared in all three visions.  Last but not least… the man who approached Talon in the park has asked to meet him there. His message was that he had information about `the FORCE'. When he got there, just before he dies he said "Stop them… you must stop them before… ARCK!" and then feel. Just before he died he muttered "…Fo… for… Shadowhawk…" and then died!!!! <br> RECAP:  ....  (Following this game Karl decides he needs a few weeks off gaming)
===issue #7===
''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[F.O.R.C.E.]], Acts of Terror" ''',  April 5, 2006.  '''GM: KARL'''  <br> RECAP:  .... <br> '''ROSTER:''' <br> Talon <br> Clockwork <br> Portal <br> Strobe <br clear="all">

===issue #8===
''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[F.O.R.C.E.]], Mayham on FORCE Island,  part I" ''',  April 19, 2006.  '''GM: KARL'''  <br> RECAP:  .... <br> '''ROSTER:''' <br> Talon <br> Clockwork <br> Portal <br clear="all"> (John/STROBE is out for the game in Mexico)
* '''issue #7''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[Pre-emptive Strike]]" ''',  March 22, 2006.  '''GM: JOHN'''  <br> RECAP:  .... (Karl is out taking time away from the gamesThis is the last games with Sammy/MAGUS & Cat/OMEGA BOY playing)
===issue #9===
''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[F.O.R.C.E.]], Mayham on FORCE Island,  part II" ''',  May 3, 2006.  '''GM: KARL'''  <br> RECAP:  ....  <br> '''ROSTER:''' <br> Talon <br> Clockwork <br> Portal <br> Strobe <br clear="all">

* '''issue #8''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[F.O.R.C.E., Acts of Terror]]" ''',  April 5, 2006.  '''GM: KARL'''  <br> RECAP:  ....
===issue #10===
''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[F.O.R.C.E.]], Mayham on FORCE Island,  part III" ''',  May 17, 2006.  '''GM: KARL'''  <br> RECAP:  .... <br> '''ROSTER:''' <br> Talon <br> Clockwork <br> Portal <br> Strobe <br clear="all">

* '''issue #9''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[F.O.R.C.E., Mayham on FORCE Island,  part I]]" ''',  April 19, 2006.  '''GM: KARL'''  <br> RECAP:  ....  (John/STROBE is out for the game in Mexico)
==Death Duel with the Destroyers==

* '''issue #10''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[F.O.R.C.E.: Mayham on FORCE Island,  part II]]" ''',  May 3, 2006.  '''GM: KARL'''  <br> RECAP:  ....

* '''issue #11''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[F.O.R.C.E., Mayham on FORCE Island,  part III]]" ''',  May 17, 2006.  '''GM: KARL'''  <br> RECAP:  ....
===issue #11===
''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[Death Duel with the Destroyers]],  part I" ''',  June 2, 2006.  '''GM: PETE'''  <br> RECAP:  .... <br> '''ROSTER:''' <br> Talon <br> Clockwork <br> Portal <br> Strobe <br> Big Chill (first appearance) <br clear="all">

* '''issue #12''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[Death Duel with the Destoryers,  part I]]" ''',  June 2, 2006.  '''GM: PETE'''  <br> RECAP:  ....
===issue #12===
[[Image:LWissue12.jpg|right|frame|A giant menace known as Doombot wreaks havoc at 4th and Pine!]] ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[Death Duel with the Destroyers]],  part II" ''',  June 16, 2006.  '''GM: PETE'''  <br> RECAP:  .... <br> '''ROSTER:''' <br> Talon <br> Clockwork <br> Portal <br> Strobe <br> Big Chill <br clear="all">

* '''issue #13''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[Death Duel with the Destoryers,  part II]]" ''',  June 16, 2006.  '''GM: PETE'''  <br> RECAP:  ....
==The Dawn of DNA==

===ANNUAL #1===
* '''issue #1.4''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[TRAINING DAY]]" ''',  June 30, 2006.  '''GM: KEVIN'''  <br> RECAP:  The opening game for the "Dawn of DNA" adventure....

===issue #13===
'''Annual #1''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[Dawn of DNA]] part I, TRAINING DAY" ''',  June 30, 2006.  '''GM: KEVIN'''  <br> RECAP:  The opening game for the "Dawn of DNA" adventure.... The opening game for the "Dawn of DNA" adventure....  The Emerald City celebrates the Last Watch with a gala event held on the [[The USS HAMMERHEAD]] tethered high above Seattle.  The team is given the key to the city, with the release of a toy line in their images. Talon demands the team use this as a practice excerise, hiding key devices throughout the crowd. But the cermony is torn apart in DISASTER when a plane comes hurtling toward the deck of the F.I.S.H. carrier!<br>  '''ROSTER:''' <br> Talon ''(NPC)'' <br> Clockwork <br> Portal <br> Strobe (last appearance) <br> Big Chill <br clear="all"> 

* '''"GAME CANCELLED''',  July 14, 2006.
===issue #14===
'''Annual #1''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[Dawn of DNA]] part II, ENTER THE ERRANTS" ''',  July 28, 2006.  '''GM: KEVIN'''  <br> RECAP: As the team works to stop disaster from striking Portal spies the culprit, in a firey form in the distance.  But there is no time to investigate as a new menace emerges!  A massive man-giant tosses cars carelessly sitting on the back of a short flatbed truck arriving on the Seattle highway!  Portal leads the team in finding '''[[MONGO]]''' the massive brute [ singing] while trashing I-5 without thought or care.  The team stop the menace creating a massive piling crash on the highway as Mongo's friends aid their simple companion.  Cockroach's legion strikes from beneath swarming the team as Magnetron uses the field of metal from the traffic to hold off the Last Watch.  Mongo is captured but the remaining Errants escape.  The Errants are in town!<br>  '''ROSTER:''' <br> Talon ''(NPC)'' <br> Clockwork <br> Portal <br> Big Chill <br> Jetboy (First Appearance) <br clear="all"> 

===ANNUAL #1===
* '''issue #1.5''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[ENTER THE ERRANTS]]" ''',  July 28, 2006.  '''GM: KEVIN'''  <br> RECAP:  ....

===ANNUAL #1===  
===issue #15===  
* '''issue #1.6''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[ ??? ]]" ''',  August 11, 2006.  '''GM: KEVIN, played at John's House'''  <br> RECAP:  ....
'''Annual #1''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[Dawn of DNA]] part III, CROSSROADS" ''',  August 11, 2006.  '''GM: KEVIN'''  <br> RECAP:  (played at John's)  Having followed the unknowning Errants across Lake Washington.  The team assembles for recon and info gathering on The Errants.  F.I.S.H. rallies with details on a heist at [ Horizon Labs] ... cockroach carcases are present!  Although it is unknown for what purpose the Watch determines that DNA stands have been manipulated and stolen.  Interestingly a new shipment of a new drink sensation '''[[CLEAN SWEEP]]''' has recently been delivered to the Horizon Lab cafes, the same water that was being given out freely when I-5 was down the day prior... <br> '''ROSTER:''' <br>  Talon ''(NPC)'' <br> Clockwork <br> Portal <br> Big Chill <br> Jetboy <br clear="all">
===issue #16===
'''Annual #1''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[Dawn of DNA]] part IV, DNA COMPACT" ''',  August 25, 2006.  '''GM: KEVIN'''  <br> RECAP: Following the leads discovered from Horizon Labs, Jetboy & Clockwork continue studying the samples.  The Watch determines that '''[[CLEAN SWEEP]]''' has a devious ability to open consumers to suggestion - MIND CONTROL!!  Portal becomes the leader and face of the Last Watch going on national television warning the world to stay away from the new drink sensation...  They soon realize that it seems their announcement is just days too late.  As Clockwork continues working with renown DNA scientists remotely from [[Smith Tower]], the Last Watch tracks the Clean Sweep water trucks to the grocery market source in the [ Crossroads Shopping Center PDF map], Bellevue, WA. The team confirms the Errants are working from this location just as Dr. DNA offers his [ devious deal] to the world. <br> '''ROSTER:''' <br>  Talon ''(NPC)'' <br> Clockwork (NPC) <br> Portal <br> Big Chill <br> Jetboy <br clear="all"> 

===ANNUAL #1===  
===issue #17===  
* '''issue #1.7''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[ ??? ]]" ''',  August 25, 2006.  '''GM: KEVIN'''  <br> RECAP:  ....
'''Annual #1''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[Dawn of DNA]] part V, DNA SHOWDOWN" ''',  September 8, 2006.  '''GM: KEVIN'''  <br> RECAP:  Now fully understanding Dr. DNA's plan for domination the Last Watch seek out the '''[[CLEAN SWEEP]]''' production facility.  Clockwork relays that a cure is soon to come as the team venture deep beneath the Crossroad's HQ.  They are quickly outmatched by the legions of DNAgents and the remaining Errants pulling themselves out of their quarters and med-bay to defend the good Doctor!  The Dr. DNA escapes while his unfinished masterpiece is unleashed - [[GHOULASH]]... Jetboy proves his worth as a new team members saving the fallen team racing back to regroup at Smith TowerWhile he aids Clockwork in the last pieces of what they hope will be a cure/defense against DNA's serum Big Chill discovers horrible news while recovering in front of the TV set.  Dr. DNA and his Ghoulash now lead a DNA-Zomibe army crossing  [ The 520 Floating Bridge]!! <br> The Last Watch rush to the scene, Jetboy distracts Ghoulash (now in command of Last Watch's powers) as Portal and Big Chill sieze Dr. DNA portalling him to [ Husky Stadium] for a final showdown. <br>  When all is said and done Dr. DNA's plan is thwarted, Jetboy and Clockwork's cure works and Ghoulash turns on his master's dream.  But this adventure holds remaining impact on the Last Watch.  Portal begins his steps over the edge, willingly tossing Dr. DNA (who had possessed a friend's body) into a Dimension only described as "Hell".  Ghoulash in command of immense powers is convinced that one such as he will soon out-evolve mankind and the only place appropriate for him would be to relocate to [ Jupiter]  "king" of planets.  Jetboy offers the former-monster a new name...  [[GHOULASH / ZEUS]]<br>  '''ROSTER:''' <br> Talon ''(NPC)'' <br> Clockwork (NPC) <br> Portal <br> Big Chill <br> Jetboy <br clear="all">

===ANNUAL #1===
==From the Deeps of Space==
* '''issue #1.8''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[DNA SHOWDOWN]]" ''',  September 8, 2006.  '''GM: KEVIN'''  <br> RECAP:  ....

* '''"GAME CANCELLED''',  September 22, 2006.
===issue #20===
''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[From the Deeps of Space]]" ''',  November 17, 2006. '''GM: JOHN'''  <br> RECAP:  ''Pete is absent''.  Gladiator battles in SPACE, one-shot issue..... <br> '''ROSTER:''' <br> Talon <br> Clockwork <br> Big Chill <br clear="all">

==The Island of Dr. Apocalypse==

* '''"GAME CANCELLED''',  October 6, 2006.

* '''issue #19''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[Island of Dr. Apocalypse,  part I]]" ''',  October 20, 2006.  '''GM: JOHN'''  <br> RECAP: ''Wayne RETURNS from baby delivery!'' ....
===issue #18===
[[Image:LWissue18.jpg|right|frame|The Femmebots catch a glimpse of an avian avenger on their sensors.]] ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[The Island of Dr. Apocalypse]],  part I" ''',  October 20, 2006.  '''GM: JOHN'''  <br> RECAP:  .... <br> '''ROSTER:''' <br> Talon <br> Clockwork <br> Portal <br> Big Chill <br clear="all">

* '''issue #20''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[Island of Dr. Apocalypse,  part II]]" ''',  November 3, 2006.  '''GM: JOHN'''  <br> RECAP:  ....
===issue #19===
[[Image:LWissue19.jpg|right|frame|Big Chill discovers the tunnels under the island.]] ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[The Island of Dr. Apocalypse]],  part II" ''',  November 3, 2006.  '''GM: JOHN'''  <br> RECAP:  .... <br> '''ROSTER:''' <br> Talon <br> Clockwork <br> Portal <br> Big Chill <br clear="all">

* '''issue #21''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[ ???  ]]" ''',  Novermber 17, 2006.  '''GM: JOHN'''  <br> RECAP:  ''Pete is absent''.  Gladiator battles in SPACE, one-shot issue.....
===issue #21===
[[Image:LWissue21.jpg|right|frame|Clockwork eats a minisub (left), Talon witnesses Portal cross the line. (right)]] ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[The Island of Dr. Apocalypse]],  part III" ''',  December 1, 2006.  '''GM: JOHN'''  <br> Last Watch regroups after being fought back by Dr. Apocalypse's underlingsWith a little luck and going with their best guess, the team heads down to the beach.  From there they take mini-subs down and discover a hidden underwater structure. Focusing their efforts, they seem to be working as a cohesive team. Dr. Apocalypse is defeated but all falls apart when the team rifts again. In his anger, Portal kills captured criminals.  Talon fumes, "You're off the team!" to which Portal retorts "You can't ''fire'' me, I quit!" and leaves to team stranded underwater with the base collapsing around themBig Chill manages an ice bubble, but the team is stunned at what has happened. <br> '''ROSTER:''' <br> Talon <br> Clockwork <br> Portal ''(last appearance)'' <br> Big Chill <br clear="all">

* '''issue #22''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[Island of Dr. Apocalypse,  part III]]" ''',  December 1, 2006.  '''GM: JOHN'''  <br> RECAP:  ....
==Kobayashi Maru==

* '''issue #23''' ''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[ Kobayashi Maru, part I]]" ''',  December 15, 2006.  '''GM: WAYNE'''  <br> RECAP:  After returning from the Island of Dr. Apocalypse, the team heads out for cards and beerBut Talon is contacted by someone calling him by his birth name, Harlan Robinson.  The mysterious message promises info about Dr. Apocalypse, but only provides confusion as the unmasked Harlen is tricked into walking in on the Last Watch poker game.  The team received and emergency transmission from First Watch, a smaller more investigative wing of Watch.  They arrive in Belleview and join First Watch to take on an Apocalypod in a battle which stalemates.  The Apocalypod leaps away, but Hyper-Sonic manages to alter its massive jump so that it ''just'' misses the cities skyscrapers and lands in the drink.  While the rest of the team takes a breather, Jetboy's keen eye tracks something moving underground, eastbound below Yesler Way...
===issue #22===
[[Image:LWissue22.jpg|right|frame|The guys drop uniform for cards and beer.]]''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[Kobayashi Maru]], part I" ''',  December 15, 2006.  '''GM: WAYNE'''  <br> After returning from the Island of Dr. Apocalypse, the team is raked over the coals about the whereabouts of Portal.  Since Last Watch is exhausted, Clockwork takes them out to a bar as regular guys.  Naturally, Talon refusesLater Talon is contacted by someone calling him by his birth name, Harlan Robinson.  The mysterious message promises info about Dr. Apocalypse, but only provides confusion as the unmasked Harlen is tricked into walking in on the Last Watch poker game.  Suddenly they receive an emergency transmission from First Watch, a smaller investigative wing of Watch.  They arrive in Bellevue and join First Watch to take on an Apocalypod in a battle which stalemates.  The Apocalypod leaps away, but Hyper-Sonic manages to alter its massive jump so that it ''just'' misses the cities skyscrapers and lands in the drink.  While the rest of the team takes a breather, Jetboy's keen eye tracks something moving underground, eastbound below Yesler Way... <br> '''ROSTER:''' <br> Talon <br> Clockwork ''(NPC)'' <br> Jetboy <br> Hyper-Sonic ''(first appearance)'' <br> Demon ''(guest appearance) <br clear="all">

===issue #23===
[[Image:LWissue23.jpg|right|frame|Last Watch brings down Smith Tower.]]''V&V/M&M presents:'' ''' "[[Kobayashi Maru]], part II" ''',  December 15, 2006.  '''GM: WAYNE''' <br> Gathering at the foot of the Smith Tower, Last Watch focuses on clearing the area of the pedestrians.  Hyper-Sonic leaves a note on every person in the building in a matter of seconds.  Clockwork almost manages a smart ass comment only to be jammed through the granite wall by the Apocalypod as it bursts from the pavement.  Tossing aside the fact he is without his armor, Talon rushes to his fallen teammate while the rest of the team hit the monster with a myriad of attacks.  Then tragedy: Talon is crushed underfoot by the monster and Magus is backhanded by a tentacle, dying in Big-Chill's arms.  Seeing all this, Omega-Boy cracks open his Terminus energies in a rage of power.  Jetboy shields Clockwork from the explosion, saving his life.  Later, returned as the Great Owl, Talon forces Last Watch to regroup.  Out of seven heroes: Two are dead, one is badly injured, and one is missing?  While the team scrambles to recover Jetboy, they realize the Apocalypod is struggling to hold up the crumbling Smith Tower.  Jetboy figures out that it is counting down,  Big-Chill remembers his vision, but it is Talon that makes the choice without hesitation.  Destroy Smith Tower.  Crush the bomb. <br>  '''ROSTER:''' <br> Talon <br> Clockwork ''(NPC)'' <br> Big Chill <br> Jetboy <br> Hyper-Sonic <br clear="all">

Latest revision as of 17:33, 13 December 2008

Game Dates & Notes: Actual schedule and other out of game notes.

A Crisis at Crusader's Citadel[edit]

issue #1[edit]

First cover peers down upon Seattle.

V&V/M&M presents: "A Crisis at Crusader Citadel, part I" , January 11, 2006. GM: KARL
RECAP: Recently, the L.A. team, the Crusaders have disappeared! You team is sent to find out what has happened to them…
It seems some previously unknown terrorist group, calling themselves FORCE is blackmailing the US government for 10 Billion dollars. If the ransom is not paid within 48 hours, their will release a Retro-Virus Super-Flu somewhere within the heartland of America. Your team is brought in to help out…

issue #2[edit]

V&V/M&M presents: "A Crisis at Crusader Citadel, part II" , January 25, 2006. GM: KARL
RECAP: ....

issue #3[edit]

V&V/M&M presents: "A Crisis at Crusader Citadel, part III" , February 8, 2006. GM: KARL
RECAP: .... At the end the tally is - F.I.S.T.: Temper (captured), Mecury Mercenary, Vulture (captured), Bull (captured). With these bad guys free: The Shrew, Mocker, Hornet, Shocker, Mace, Stormlord, Marionette

issue #4[edit]

V&V/M&M presents: "A Crisis at Crusader Citadel, part IV" , February 22, 2006. GM: KARL
PREVIEW: Tomorrow night at 6pm... the final battle between the Crushers and the new kids on the block... wow will come out on top?! Will Omega-Boy break the hold of the miniture mind-controller or will he destory his friends? Will the old hero Talon survive against the mercenary? Will the mage out of time stop the tech-freak with a bug fethish? Will Clockwork stop the boxing fiend or ask her out on a date after she is imprisoned? Who will Strobe face as there are already so many targets? What will Portal do against a flying mace at the face??? Toon in tomorrow and find out!!!!
RECAP: ....

Pre-Emptive Strike[edit]

issue #6[edit]

V&V/M&M presents: "Pre-Emptive Strike" , March 22, 2006. GM: JOHN
RECAP: ....
(This is the last games with Sammy/MAGUS & Cat/OMEGA BOY playing)


issue #5[edit]

V&V/M&M presents: "F.O.R.C.E., Dark FORCE Winds come to Town" , March 8, 2006. GM: KARL
RECAP: ....
(Following this game Karl decides he needs a few weeks off gaming)

issue #7[edit]

V&V/M&M presents: "F.O.R.C.E., Acts of Terror" , April 5, 2006. GM: KARL
RECAP: ....

issue #8[edit]

V&V/M&M presents: "F.O.R.C.E., Mayham on FORCE Island, part I" , April 19, 2006. GM: KARL
RECAP: ....
(John/STROBE is out for the game in Mexico)

issue #9[edit]

V&V/M&M presents: "F.O.R.C.E., Mayham on FORCE Island, part II" , May 3, 2006. GM: KARL
RECAP: ....

issue #10[edit]

V&V/M&M presents: "F.O.R.C.E., Mayham on FORCE Island, part III" , May 17, 2006. GM: KARL
RECAP: ....

Death Duel with the Destroyers[edit]

issue #11[edit]

V&V/M&M presents: "Death Duel with the Destroyers, part I" , June 2, 2006. GM: PETE
RECAP: ....
Big Chill (first appearance)

issue #12[edit]

A giant menace known as Doombot wreaks havoc at 4th and Pine!

V&V/M&M presents: "Death Duel with the Destroyers, part II" , June 16, 2006. GM: PETE
RECAP: ....
Big Chill

The Dawn of DNA[edit]

issue #13[edit]

Annual #1 V&V/M&M presents: "Dawn of DNA part I, TRAINING DAY" , June 30, 2006. GM: KEVIN
RECAP: The opening game for the "Dawn of DNA" adventure.... The opening game for the "Dawn of DNA" adventure.... The Emerald City celebrates the Last Watch with a gala event held on the The USS HAMMERHEAD tethered high above Seattle. The team is given the key to the city, with the release of a toy line in their images. Talon demands the team use this as a practice excerise, hiding key devices throughout the crowd. But the cermony is torn apart in DISASTER when a plane comes hurtling toward the deck of the F.I.S.H. carrier!
Talon (NPC)
Strobe (last appearance)
Big Chill

issue #14[edit]

Annual #1 V&V/M&M presents: "Dawn of DNA part II, ENTER THE ERRANTS" , July 28, 2006. GM: KEVIN
RECAP: As the team works to stop disaster from striking Portal spies the culprit, in a firey form in the distance. But there is no time to investigate as a new menace emerges! A massive man-giant tosses cars carelessly sitting on the back of a short flatbed truck arriving on the Seattle highway! Portal leads the team in finding MONGO the massive brute singing while trashing I-5 without thought or care. The team stop the menace creating a massive piling crash on the highway as Mongo's friends aid their simple companion. Cockroach's legion strikes from beneath swarming the team as Magnetron uses the field of metal from the traffic to hold off the Last Watch. Mongo is captured but the remaining Errants escape. The Errants are in town!
Talon (NPC)
Big Chill
Jetboy (First Appearance)

issue #15[edit]

Annual #1 V&V/M&M presents: "Dawn of DNA part III, CROSSROADS" , August 11, 2006. GM: KEVIN
RECAP: (played at John's) Having followed the unknowning Errants across Lake Washington. The team assembles for recon and info gathering on The Errants. F.I.S.H. rallies with details on a heist at Horizon Labs ... cockroach carcases are present! Although it is unknown for what purpose the Watch determines that DNA stands have been manipulated and stolen. Interestingly a new shipment of a new drink sensation CLEAN SWEEP has recently been delivered to the Horizon Lab cafes, the same water that was being given out freely when I-5 was down the day prior...
Talon (NPC)
Big Chill

issue #16[edit]

Annual #1 V&V/M&M presents: "Dawn of DNA part IV, DNA COMPACT" , August 25, 2006. GM: KEVIN
RECAP: Following the leads discovered from Horizon Labs, Jetboy & Clockwork continue studying the samples. The Watch determines that CLEAN SWEEP has a devious ability to open consumers to suggestion - MIND CONTROL!! Portal becomes the leader and face of the Last Watch going on national television warning the world to stay away from the new drink sensation... They soon realize that it seems their announcement is just days too late. As Clockwork continues working with renown DNA scientists remotely from Smith Tower, the Last Watch tracks the Clean Sweep water trucks to the grocery market source in the Crossroads Shopping Center PDF map, Bellevue, WA. The team confirms the Errants are working from this location just as Dr. DNA offers his devious deal to the world.
Talon (NPC)
Clockwork (NPC)
Big Chill

issue #17[edit]

Annual #1 V&V/M&M presents: "Dawn of DNA part V, DNA SHOWDOWN" , September 8, 2006. GM: KEVIN
RECAP: Now fully understanding Dr. DNA's plan for domination the Last Watch seek out the CLEAN SWEEP production facility. Clockwork relays that a cure is soon to come as the team venture deep beneath the Crossroad's HQ. They are quickly outmatched by the legions of DNAgents and the remaining Errants pulling themselves out of their quarters and med-bay to defend the good Doctor! The Dr. DNA escapes while his unfinished masterpiece is unleashed - GHOULASH... Jetboy proves his worth as a new team members saving the fallen team racing back to regroup at Smith Tower. While he aids Clockwork in the last pieces of what they hope will be a cure/defense against DNA's serum Big Chill discovers horrible news while recovering in front of the TV set. Dr. DNA and his Ghoulash now lead a DNA-Zomibe army crossing The 520 Floating Bridge!!
The Last Watch rush to the scene, Jetboy distracts Ghoulash (now in command of Last Watch's powers) as Portal and Big Chill sieze Dr. DNA portalling him to Husky Stadium for a final showdown.
When all is said and done Dr. DNA's plan is thwarted, Jetboy and Clockwork's cure works and Ghoulash turns on his master's dream. But this adventure holds remaining impact on the Last Watch. Portal begins his steps over the edge, willingly tossing Dr. DNA (who had possessed a friend's body) into a Dimension only described as "Hell". Ghoulash in command of immense powers is convinced that one such as he will soon out-evolve mankind and the only place appropriate for him would be to relocate to Jupiter "king" of planets. Jetboy offers the former-monster a new name... GHOULASH / ZEUS
Talon (NPC)
Clockwork (NPC)
Big Chill

From the Deeps of Space[edit]

issue #20[edit]

V&V/M&M presents: "From the Deeps of Space" , November 17, 2006. GM: JOHN
RECAP: Pete is absent. Gladiator battles in SPACE, one-shot issue.....
Big Chill

The Island of Dr. Apocalypse[edit]

issue #18[edit]

The Femmebots catch a glimpse of an avian avenger on their sensors.

V&V/M&M presents: "The Island of Dr. Apocalypse, part I" , October 20, 2006. GM: JOHN
RECAP: ....
Big Chill

issue #19[edit]

Big Chill discovers the tunnels under the island.

V&V/M&M presents: "The Island of Dr. Apocalypse, part II" , November 3, 2006. GM: JOHN
RECAP: ....
Big Chill

issue #21[edit]

Clockwork eats a minisub (left), Talon witnesses Portal cross the line. (right)

V&V/M&M presents: "The Island of Dr. Apocalypse, part III" , December 1, 2006. GM: JOHN
Last Watch regroups after being fought back by Dr. Apocalypse's underlings. With a little luck and going with their best guess, the team heads down to the beach. From there they take mini-subs down and discover a hidden underwater structure. Focusing their efforts, they seem to be working as a cohesive team. Dr. Apocalypse is defeated but all falls apart when the team rifts again. In his anger, Portal kills captured criminals. Talon fumes, "You're off the team!" to which Portal retorts "You can't fire me, I quit!" and leaves to team stranded underwater with the base collapsing around them. Big Chill manages an ice bubble, but the team is stunned at what has happened.
Portal (last appearance)
Big Chill

Kobayashi Maru[edit]

issue #22[edit]

The guys drop uniform for cards and beer.

V&V/M&M presents: "Kobayashi Maru, part I" , December 15, 2006. GM: WAYNE
After returning from the Island of Dr. Apocalypse, the team is raked over the coals about the whereabouts of Portal. Since Last Watch is exhausted, Clockwork takes them out to a bar as regular guys. Naturally, Talon refuses. Later Talon is contacted by someone calling him by his birth name, Harlan Robinson. The mysterious message promises info about Dr. Apocalypse, but only provides confusion as the unmasked Harlen is tricked into walking in on the Last Watch poker game. Suddenly they receive an emergency transmission from First Watch, a smaller investigative wing of Watch. They arrive in Bellevue and join First Watch to take on an Apocalypod in a battle which stalemates. The Apocalypod leaps away, but Hyper-Sonic manages to alter its massive jump so that it just misses the cities skyscrapers and lands in the drink. While the rest of the team takes a breather, Jetboy's keen eye tracks something moving underground, eastbound below Yesler Way...
Clockwork (NPC)
Hyper-Sonic (first appearance)
Demon (guest appearance)

issue #23[edit]

Last Watch brings down Smith Tower.

V&V/M&M presents: "Kobayashi Maru, part II" , December 15, 2006. GM: WAYNE
Gathering at the foot of the Smith Tower, Last Watch focuses on clearing the area of the pedestrians. Hyper-Sonic leaves a note on every person in the building in a matter of seconds. Clockwork almost manages a smart ass comment only to be jammed through the granite wall by the Apocalypod as it bursts from the pavement. Tossing aside the fact he is without his armor, Talon rushes to his fallen teammate while the rest of the team hit the monster with a myriad of attacks. Then tragedy: Talon is crushed underfoot by the monster and Magus is backhanded by a tentacle, dying in Big-Chill's arms. Seeing all this, Omega-Boy cracks open his Terminus energies in a rage of power. Jetboy shields Clockwork from the explosion, saving his life. Later, returned as the Great Owl, Talon forces Last Watch to regroup. Out of seven heroes: Two are dead, one is badly injured, and one is missing? While the team scrambles to recover Jetboy, they realize the Apocalypod is struggling to hold up the crumbling Smith Tower. Jetboy figures out that it is counting down, Big-Chill remembers his vision, but it is Talon that makes the choice without hesitation. Destroy Smith Tower. Crush the bomb.
Clockwork (NPC)
Big Chill

V&V meets M&M in ... "PROJECT VIGILANCE"