Neximus Delmirev: Difference between revisions

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(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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<div style="column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2">
<div style="column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2">
:'''Level''': 2
:'''Level''': 3
:'''Alignment''': Neutral
:'''Alignment''': Neutral
:'''Ht:''' 6'8"  
:'''Ht:''' 6'8"  
Line 110: Line 110:

'''Spell Slots:'''  L1 | 3 || L2 | 0
'''Spell Slots:'''  L1 | 4 || L2 | 2

'''Spell DC:''' (8 + Prof 2 + Stat 3) 12
'''Spell DC:''' (8 + Prof 2 + Stat 3) 12
Line 116: Line 116:
'''Spell Att Mod:''' (Prof 2 + Stat 3) +5
'''Spell Att Mod:''' (Prof 2 + Stat 3) +5

'''Sorcery Points:''' 2
'''Sorcery Points:''' 3

'''Metamagic:''' Careful Spell, Subtle Spell

Line 129: Line 130:

:'''Level 1'''
:'''Magic Missile''': 120 ft range, 3 missiles, 1d4+1 force damage
:'''Magic Missile''': 120 ft range, 3 missiles, 1d4+1 force damage
:'''Charm Person''': 30 ft range, 1 hour duration, DC 13 Wisdom save(advantage if in combat), if failed targets regards you as friendly acquaintance. When the spell ends target knows you charmed them
:'''Armor of Agathys''': Self, 1 hour duration, ice coats you granting 5 temporary hit points and dealing 5 cold damage to anyone who hits you in melee while the temporary hit points last
:'''Armor of Agathys''': Self, 1 hour duration, ice coats you granting 5 temporary hit points and dealing 5 cold damage to anyone who hits you in melee while the temporary hit points last
:'''Burning Hands''': 15 ft cone, 3d6 fire damage, Dex save for half
:'''Burning Hands''': 15 ft cone, 3d6 fire damage, Dex save for half
:'''Level 2'''
:'''Flaming Sphere''': 60 ft range, 1 minute duration (conc), Any creature within 5 feet of the sphere 2d6 fire damage, Dex save for half. Can be moved 30 ft as a Bonus Action.


Latest revision as of 13:47, 28 December 2023

Back to The Fightin' Fables

Metallic Dragonborn Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer Criminal[edit]


Level: 3
Alignment: Neutral
Ht: 6'8"
Wt: 180lbs
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet
Appearance: xxxxxxxxxx
  • STR 10 (+0) Save (+0)
  • DEX 15 (+2) Save (+2)
  • CON 14 (+2) Save (+4)
  • INT 12 (+1) Save (+1)
  • WIS 8 (-1) Save (-1)
  • CHA 16 (+3) Save (+5)

Skills & Proficiencies[edit]

Skills (Proficiencies in bold):
  • Acrobatics (Dex) +2
  • Animal Handling (Wis) -1
  • Arcana (Int) +3
  • Athletics (Str) +0
  • Deception (Cha) +5
  • History (Int) +1
  • Insight (Wis) -1
  • Intimidation (Cha) +3
  • Investigation (Int) +1
  • Medicine (Wis) -1
  • Nature (Int) +1
  • Perception (Wis) -1
  • Performance (Cha) +3
  • Persuasion (Cha) +5
  • Religion (Int) +1
  • Sleight of Hand (Dex) +2
  • Stealth (Dex) +4
  • Survival (Wis) -1
Passive Perception: 9
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Tools: Thieves' Tools, Playing Cards Set
Weapons & Armour: Sorcerer weapons
Languages: Common Tongue | Draconic |Undercommon|


AC 15 | HP 23 | Hit Dice 1d6 | Initiative +2

Weapon To Hit Damage Range/Reach Weapon To Hit Damage Range/Reach
Quarterstaff +2 1d6 N/A XX +X XX XX
XX +X X N/A Dagger +4 1d4+2 20/60
  • Common Action:
  • Common Action:
  • Common Action:
  • Common Action:
  • Common Action:


Spell Slots: L1 | 4 || L2 | 2

Spell DC: (8 + Prof 2 + Stat 3) 12

Spell Att Mod: (Prof 2 + Stat 3) +5

Sorcery Points: 3

Metamagic: Careful Spell, Subtle Spell


Frostbite: 60 ft range, DC 13 Constitution save or target takes 1d6 cold damage and has disadvantage on next attack
Ray of Frost: 60 ft range, +5 spell attack, 1d8 damage and target is slowed by 10 feet
Dancing Lights: 120 ft range, Concentration, summon up to three orbs of light within range, bonus action to move lights
Mage Hand: 30 ft range, 1 minute duration, summon a ghostly hand, action to manipulate objects, can only carry 10 lbs
Friends: Targets self, 1 minute duration, Concentration, grants advantage on Charisma rolls, target knows they have been effected when duration ends.
Minor Illusion: 30 ft range, 1 minute duration, make a illusory sound or a 5 foot cube worth of visual illusion, if investigated is a DC 13 Investigation check to disbelieve
Source: xxx: Description


Level 1
Magic Missile: 120 ft range, 3 missiles, 1d4+1 force damage
Armor of Agathys: Self, 1 hour duration, ice coats you granting 5 temporary hit points and dealing 5 cold damage to anyone who hits you in melee while the temporary hit points last
Burning Hands: 15 ft cone, 3d6 fire damage, Dex save for half
Level 2
Flaming Sphere: 60 ft range, 1 minute duration (conc), Any creature within 5 feet of the sphere 2d6 fire damage, Dex save for half. Can be moved 30 ft as a Bonus Action.


Magic Initiate Gain Friends and Minor Illusion cantrips from Warlock spell list, can cast Armor of Agathys 1/long rest

Racial Features (Race)[edit]

Draconic Resistance: Resistant to cold damage
Breath Weapon: 15 foot cone, DC 12 Dexterity save, 1d10 cold damage, 2/long rest
Metallic Breath Weapon: At 3rd level can exhale a 15 foot cone of gas. Choice of Envervating, DC 12 Constitution save or be incapacitated, or Repulsion, DC 12 Strength save or be pushed back 20 feet, 1/long rest

Class Features (Class)[edit]

Sorcerous Origin Draconic Bloodline
Deity: Bahamut

Draconic Resilience: AC is 13+Dexterity, +1 HP/level.
Draconic Bloodline(Silver): Advantage on Charisma rolls involving dragons, cold element for other features

Background Features (Background)[edit]

Proficiencies: Deception, Stealth, Thieves' Tools
Criminal Specialty - Smuggler
Criminal Contact: You have a reliable and trustworthy contact who acts as your liaison to a network of other criminals. You know how to get messages to and from your contact, even over great distances; specifically, you know the local messengers, corrupt caravan masters, and seedy sailors who can deliver messages for you.
Personality Trait: I would rather make a new friend than a new enemy.
Ideal: People. I'm loyal to my friends, not to any ideals, and everyone else can take a trip down the Styx for all I care.
Bond: I'm paying off debts to the kind of people you don't want to be in debt to
Flaw: I turn tail and run when things look bad.



0 gems
0 pp
110 gp
0 ep
312 sp
0 cp


2 Daggers




Backpack 5lb ?
Component Pouch 2lb
Dungeoneer's Pack Xlb
Crowbar Xlb
Common Clothing Xlb
Thieves' Tools 1lb
Clothes, xxxxx Xlb
2 Garnets(worth 25 GP each) Xlb
Gold ring engraved with Karakas (worth 10 GP) Xlb
1 Potion of Healing Xlb
Tinderbox Xlb
A dragon-shaped, jade figurine (worth 20 gp),
A crystal goblet (5 gp)
Twenty-four pieces of fine silverware (1 gp each).
A sealed scroll case carved of bone. Runes in the Dwarvish alphabet spell out the word "Khundrukar."
ornate cerimonial dagger (worth 125gp)
two silver rings (15gp each)
a silver amulet (15gp)
220sp & 50gp



Magic Items



Good little dragonborn from Waterdeep, made bad choices as a teenager, got into debt with bad people, working it off as a smuggler


For his religious leanings he's a lapsed church of Bahamut.