Midnight RPG - Chapter 14.43: Difference between revisions
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== | =='''ZAL'KAZZIR's''' PRIVATE talk with Nazif, your courtesan imp=== | ||
'''"MASTER? T'would I be impolite were I to call you by your given name? Zal'Kazzir, is it that your fellow pathwalkers call you? May I speak to you in such a familiar tone?"''', the small green-gray skinned imp quaries as its eyelids slowly flicker as if the very light beyond its former cage, burns its bulbous eyes... Looking to you in hopes of acceptance... | |||
'''"I can only hope that you would speak to me in kind. I am Nazif by name, those I call friend know me as the king-maker and riches-finder. I am most happy to make your aquaintence. Is it true that you have the glory of destroying an eye of the dark god... a mirror into his soul?? I would be in debt to you good sir, if you were to tell the tale of this most wounderous of deads."''', Nazif, sits his bottom to the wooden floors that grow unnaturally out of the obsidian gemstone of the Spire. He sits without bending his body, focusing his eyes looking into your's directly. He seems ever-so inquisitive and even aids you when he notices you picking up anything or moving anything. | |||
== Adam/Zal'Kazzir == | |||
[Kev, I don't want to bias your opinion of this conversation, but to get the 'voice' for how this is said, think Palpatine from Star Wars] | |||
Nazif, it is a tale of both glory and serendipidy, and one that I would be glad to recount for you. However, before the fires burn low, and the time for tales comes around again, let us make use of the lively hours yet remaining us to discuss a few... minor points. | |||
What I am about to propose to you is likely not what you expect, but is, I believe more than hoped to hear. I have no use for a toady or a slave; you are better than that, and we both know it. I shant treat you as a servant, and you should not treat me as a fool. You are, as you say, a king-maker and a riches-finder, and of this, I have no doubt. But we now live in a world where no kings rule and where riches are worthless, and it is with this in mind that I must bestow upon you new titles, roles in which I expect you will perform admirably. | |||
Nazif, I wish for you to be my deal-maker and my spirit-bringer; my knower-of-names, and my herald and envoy to great powers and to small. Correct me if I am remiss, but I understand that there are many 'outsiders' as you call yourselves, who are trapped, or who are bodiless and who wander in search of substance and purpose. Again, correct me if I am remiss, but I also understand that many of them seethe with hatred and a lust for vengeance on the corpse-god and all of his works; I know that the harm done them has been grievous, and there is no greater poultice for such bitter wounds than sweet revenge. | |||
As my herald and envoy, I want you to seek other outsiders who wish to fight the dark one, not in suicidal, foolish battle, but those who wish to corrupt the corrupt, to infiltrate and poison the very veins of his power; to put out his foul soul-eyes and see their stain expunged as with a great fire, leaving his minions blinded and in chaos. Find them, find their names and together we shall call them, initiate them and grant them freedom to join with us in our profound work. | |||
Bring my call to them, Nazif, and let us bind them together into a force; a beautiful, terrible, secret network of power and freedom and righteous fury! ''*Zal'Kazzir's ink-black eyes stare unblinkingly into Nazif's, as a wry smile crosses his face*'' In fact, it may be I, and not you who becomes the kingmaker, and though you are richly garbed now, we both know that power feels much softer than sable. Do this for me, be my true herald and envoy and serve me faithfully, and we shall both be softly clothed indeed! What say you, Nasif? Will you join me? Will you spread the clarion call? Will you help me to sow the seeds that will bear many bitter fruits for Izrador and all his minions? What say you. What say you! | |||
[Kev, there is a social check here, I prefer diplomacy, obviously, but you might also consider this an intimidate check, as there is definately an unspoken consequence if he says no] | |||
== kevin / Belal, sworn-rider and herald of hope, first of the faithful== | |||
'''Q: ''' [Kev, there is a social check here, I prefer diplomacy, obviously, but you might also consider this an intimidate check, as there is definately an unspoken consequence if he says no] | |||
'''A: ''' No need. I'd rather use the role-play to dictate my answers. With the note (for myself) that Nazif's intentions "need" to be slanted your way. From this point on I will treat Nazif/Banal as a full NPC as I do Eranon's worf or your and Kyuad's familiars. Moreso, I'll treat him as your hireling - your words and actions will further temper his feelings. | |||
'''''"Forgive MASTER, the name burns my heart. I thank you for the new moniker of Belal. And with this my MASTER I offer you what I promised - my open togue. Do not take my words as agressors against yours, take them as the road you have not yet taken. See my challenges to your thoughts not as disrespect, but utmost respect and well intention. If I do not give you that, I do not give... I take.''''' | |||
'''''As you speak open and plainly, in private so shall I. You are astute and correct in your thought. I AM neither slave nor toady. While my words in front of your lesser companions, with minds that do not know the ways of words and word-smithing - I do intend to give them this falsehood. For it is my intention to support you within their troupe. I see the sneer in their lip when they speak with you well enough to know that while they travel with you, you have not yet earned their trust. That is sad happenstance. It is obvious that such men, elf and orc of lesser means are want to disbelieve your good intention. They see your educated tongue as forked. They know not what it takes to survive within the halls of evil.''''' | |||
'''''Consider ma-lord, how is it that you think I am alive at the hands of the Vile, who seemed to hold his only hope within the newly made cadavers for which he opened looking for what he has not in his soul. Did he find heart within the husks? No. His fate is bound to the world, though he does not yet know it... Yet I live. Flowery word and seemingly misguided guile I laid open, offering the Vile that I was less than dangerous specifically because I seemed less than challenging to his wisdom. Let HIM have his pride. I was the victor. I held and hold what I hoped... Life, to serve another. And if my observations of your troupe ring true I shall have something else entirely that I had not formerly thought possible. I will see the Vile's head on a spit. And I will gaze up at it and wave... Like this...''''', as the little jester tilts his head exposing his pearl white pointed toothy smile, slowly twinkling his fingers in a half-wave up at Vrolk's disembodied head... | |||
'''''Can you not see then, Zal'Kazzir Ghulvenne, I am content allowing your merry band believe they are more the wiser and more the learned than I... They fail in their false sanctity while I wink my eye knowing the truth of the matter. For that is when I am the master...''''' | |||
== Adam/Zal'Kazzir == | |||
''*Zal'Kazzir smiles abashedly, chucking softly at Belal's gesture, a lets out a small tension-relieving sigh*'' | |||
Indeed Belal, there is much truth in what you say, and you certainly speak more directly to my heart with this talk. | |||
You speak of your actions in the same words I had hoped to describe mine; however far it may be from the truth. My people are stong, Belal, but pride has always been a vice of Sarcosa, and I fear that mine has not been as carefully controlled as I would like to believe. If my words to you seemed overly harsh or defensive, I apologize; it was merely reaction born of long isolation from others who do not speak in a manner unfit for even the meanest Sheol. | |||
I appreciate your support, and I hope that our combined efforts might bear greater fruits than mine alone. The Caransil, Eranon, is friendly enough, and I believe my generosity and kindness are winning him closer; and I think this new Erenlander, Shadaar, will prove an ally if the others allow him to continue with us; try to help him in this, as I will be. | |||
The Orc is a challenging case; he is the ''de facto'' leader of our company, simply because we depend on his strength for protection, and if he goes one way, we have little choice but to follow. He seems fair enough, and is honorable, but is ridgid and quick to accuse and pass judgement. Also, beware his touch, and mind your posessions, for he posesses the seer's sight, and can learn your past and deeds with but a touch to you, or something you long possess. | |||
My real concern is the other Erenlander, Kyuad. He is a channeler of no mean skill, and is crafty and paranoid. These traits, coupled with his bumpkin prejudices are no friend to those who do not fit his world-view, including the both of us. I have attempted numerous times to speak with him, to get him to have a conversation, but he is cold and distant; highly judgemental, easily angered and seemingly posessed of neither companionability nor compassion. Any help you can give me with him would be deeply appreciated. | |||
Please, Belal, continue. | |||
== kevin / Belal, sworn-rider and herald of hope, first of the faithful== | |||
'''''So. Your request it seems has made promise of my test put upon you. You counter my quiz noting my silver tongue and therefore I shall not be your servant and you will not be MY fool. I must say again though, it is with flourish for sure that I spoke of king and coin, but it is not with disbelief of the hope. Would you not take the court of 'Traitor Prince' so that you could aid your sphere? Perhaps altering the fallen fates of one thousand? Ten Thousand? One Hundred Thousand? There are places even in this hollow world that holds value in moneys...''''' | |||
'''''So give me your epitaphs... call me your deal-maker and your spirit-bringer; your knower-of-names, and your herald and envoy to great powers and to small. Sell that favor to your friends. But remember my place at your side and I will remember my debt to you, even beyond your years. Your children will be watched by my golden eyes should we see eye to eye.''''' | |||
== Adam/Zal'Kazzir == | |||
''*Looking sincere, but unconvinced*'' | |||
Belal, again, I appreciate your words. However I wonder if you are not merely testing me again. The false sussars hold on power is a dangerous one, and they can be removed and replaced '''very''' easily. While it would certainly be possible to take a court for my own, I would need deeply loyal and highly skilled ministers to run much of the bureaucracy of state such that I could pursue the shadow's downfall, and even then it seems a terribly dangerous gamble. I would be open to hear your case, but I have no love of a throne, especially one with a sword suspended above it by a single hair. | |||
== kevin / Belal, sworn-rider and herald of hope, first of the faithful== | |||
'''''Of the Outsiders, the trapped... It is true there are many others. And too true it is that many of us... rather each of us hold hate for the Hate-Bringer, but what you cannot know is that we are not kin as you and your Sarcosan forefathers. Each demon, each devil, each seraph, each angel - we are all individual. I have no sway over their intentions or inspirations. And were it my place to steer them, our ideals would be a difficult selling point to such servants of self. Were I to take up your challenge things not yet known to the world of man would hold hate on my handsome hide... Were I to steal their wills with name or initiation through falsehoods and falicies they would hang my hide on the same spike I spoke earlier of and not care to pay it another thought.''''' | |||
== Adam/Zal'Kazzir == | |||
''*Clearly surprised, and slightly disappointed by Belal's response*'' | |||
I asked you to steal no will, nor to offer falsehoods or fallacies! | |||
I asked you to contact others who also seek the downfall of the Bane of All Life, just as a diplomat might contact neighboring powers with offers of treaty and alliance. Certainly, if there are so many, and they hold such hate as you say, there must be many who might, were the invitation made, and perhaps some necessary aid rendered, join us in forming a network to oppose the will of the Corpse-God. I care not what they look like, or whether they be demon, devil, seraph, angel or something as yet unnamed; so long as they are free of the Dark One's influence, and would be willing to join with us, I would organize and coordinate them. | |||
== kevin / Belal, sworn-rider and herald of hope, first of the faithful== | |||
'''''You speak of a secret network... I cannot offer that which you or I donot have. Were we to gather a collection against the Shadow the venture might be worthwhile to the powerful and predators of the Fear-Monger. But first it is Arythian goals we must seek to have currency to lay sway to the things beneath the mountains, the beasts behind the jungles, the monsters malignant across Eradane. You, Zal'Kazzir Ghulvenne, you give me that which is gold to those things that you so loosely call my kin and I can promise perhaps an audience within the halls of the Heralds of the Outside.''''' | |||
== Adam/Zal'Kazzir == | |||
Now you intrigue me, Belal. ''*A curious smile come over Zal'Kazzir's Face*'' | |||
I asked for no network, I was proposing that we build one. | |||
You mention several things of which I would know more; who are the things beneath the mountains? I am sure you do not speak of dwarves, and yet I have not heard tell any anthing else. Though it seems that Vrolk, our absent host, found Items of dark and terrible power deep under the mountains... are these things related to the creatures of which you speak? | |||
More importantly however, what is this currency? Magic perhaps? Host bodies, ripe for posession? Knowledge? Names? Cults and followers? Positions of power? None of these? All of them? | |||
Tell me of the coins of the Outside, and then let us gather them as the Orcs gather food. | |||
== kevin / Belal, sworn-rider and herald of hope, first of the faithful== | |||
'''''So do you believe in my will, my MASTER? Can you concede that my words are not flowery to your ears, but instead fertile with alternatives along the roads that might formerly go untrodden by you and your companions... I will spread the clarion call. I will help to sow the seeds that will bear many bitter fruits for Izrador and all his minions.''''' | |||
'''''I knelt in full view of your friends, Nazif Kor'ahn - I accepted your kindness and rose just as it was forseen in the old legends as Belal, sworn-rider and herald of hope, first of the faithful. I did so, I do so with faith and fair unbuckled tongue. So yes, my MASTER... I owe this to you. I owe my honesty. Now what say you to my sharp words of bitter advocacy? What say you, my MASTER?!?!! | |||
== Adam/Zal'Kazzir == | |||
''*Eyes Wild, a flame almost visible in the abyss*'' | |||
I say that together, we shall weep tears of joy as we dance the dance of ruin for the Corpse-God and all of his festering works! | |||
''Agh burzum-ishi krimpatul!'' Out of darkness we shall bind them! | |||
== Belal == | |||
...shuddering and afraid the imp is clearly disturbed... perhaps not hearing much of Zal'Kazzir's intention. The tiny negotiator cautions his new MASTER... | |||
"... forgive me ma-MASTER...! As I have spoke afore please PLEASE let me talk plainly now. I mean not to abash you but what you say, the words that come from your mouth. I fear you KNOW NOT the power of the words you speak. I fear you lay your dictum lightly. Too lightly for the power that they contain! Forgive MASTER but I must say - please. Do not speak in such terms." calming itself, the advisor covers his dagger toothed mouth - then working his long spindly fingers up along his head finally covering its eyes before unveiling them to expand on the tone that quite frankly surprised himself... | |||
'''''"...Those words... they... they are blasphemous and would insight beatings on even the most staunch of Shadow Kings, ma-lord. And the dance... what know you of a 'dance of ruin'?? For if you blindly spoke of such a think, I fear that destiny is finding us once more. Perhaps we, good-MASTER, were fated to meet. For that very thing. That 'Dance of Ruin' is something that I have tried to forget. It was one of mine-own kin among the Outsiders that dared dance not long ago to bring ruin to the woodland people. The beast for which the Vile made pact with, danced such a thing and in doing so it devoured its own kind to become one such as that of the misguided and damned elf-kind that the Vile decorated his Spire with to taunt your orc-bread companion and Eranon the elf-kind into swarming the Black Nail. It danced the dance to BECOME the elf called Valendil following the Vile's speaking with him after death. The Vile has ways of learning the deepest secrets and so he did with the kin of your elf-companion. Even the Witch Queen would not be able to resist the un-Arythly abilities of the seer when he put his questions to the corpse. I knew not who you were prior, I knew not what the meaning of the questions for which the Vile gave the elf-corpse... But now I see. His mark, the secret language of the elven-trackers... The Vile and his pact-made demon spawn used this, did he not? To draw you here... I see the puzzle laid down now. Insidious. I must beg you MASTER, watch your way when winding near the vrok-beast... Tread lightly and speak softly ma-lord. I should not wish to see you dead and giving up your secrets to the Vile's sight..."''''' | |||
...seeing the little imp's fear flee from him as if he washed it away when speaking it aloud, the newly anointed Belal, quickly changes it's demeanor and ablely tumbles into another conversation that he had wanted to speak too... | |||
'''''"My MASTER... you spoke to the mentally-touched Erenlander before, you spoke of lacking the wizardly might. You spoke of subtlety and sly method more akin to court and salon. You spoke of no fire on your finger-tips, nor transmogrification at your calling, nor levitation beneath your feet... I fell in jest within my heart when you taunted lord-Shadaar of your cooking ability, your passable prose - while noting you lacked potion-lore and scroll ensorcering... You speak well my MASTER. You give your companions just enough to whet their conversation pallets, but only hint at your true ability. You tease them with your true mastery of wordsmithing, by calling point to your fallacies. This I see as a powerful ally. I can only hope that you can offer your insight to my tongue and should you be open to advice I shall offer you the same.''''' | |||
'''''... in fact, something I can offer ma-lord... something that I should ask you for your needs on. I have already learned so much from the words and actions of your compatriates. I feel it only my duty to compel that we, together, should begin to compile informations on those that surround your court-to-be. I should like to offer you this.... the first bit of bobbles for our collection on the internals of those that which we walk...''''' as the imp looks devilishly around in the direction of Durgaz, who seems to be trying on armors and helms of the Vile's collection. | |||
'''''... I have this ma-lord. The orc. Durgaz, the mirror-killer... He has told me that he cannot be tempted with the flesh of elf. A woodland princess, he said, would not make marry in his bed. While he tried to compell me that he WOULD NOT lie with an elven-lady, his true mind spoke to me. Should we find one that would see the beast for the man that his is... Nay... for the man he hopes to become... Should we find a mate for him of the woodland realm, we could have his heart and soul. He says he wants NONE of it. But his heart screams for the love of a nature-queen. Give him a heart that will walk with him, make him believe her heart is free and you will have his soul... I can feel this true.''''' The imp looks to see how Zal'Kazzir takes this interesting tidbit of a tool, before continuing... | |||
'''''... the mirror-killer also spoke of not needing acclaim, not wanting the tales of his legend to be spread. He spoke of the triviality of songs and poems made in his honor. But I can see with my spying-eye a glimpse of pride that COULD be exploited... Nay, cultivated! Were we to inspire and enhance such tales, without his knowledge - but yet so that it WOULD return to him with kind, I am sure that you would have some sway over his inner mind. His pride is stronger than he thinks it is... and it will lead directly to his hidden love as I noted before... were we to build tales of his prowess and legend he would even further believe that, even an ensorcerored elven-princess, his orc-hide COULD flutter a woodland heart.''''' ....twisting his fingers, arms behind his hunched back... | |||
'''''... ma-lord, your orc companion's heart is hurt. I should caution you that if you like, you might attempt to have him council with you - but do not make use directly of these words. For if you were to do that, my own dipomatic insurtion into his heart will be blocked. I suggest that you use my findings to ask questions of your own, while I continue my delving into the newly brightened heart of the Shadow-minion turned traitor to his kind... Consider this tale of horror he poured from his heart to my ear... Consider it and consider how he is begging for a confidant to share his hate and hellish deeds with. I believe he is giving that to me, I offer it to you, to ensure his loyalty ma-MASTER... Durgaz Mirror-Breaker spoke of a story of the time that he and five orc under his command captured two elfish scouts, a husband and wife, seven miles outside of Zorgetch. Of how he kept them, sending the elf-kind one at a time into each town they passed, instructing them to enter the town and beg for shelter, then come back and tell the orcen-hoard who had obliged, or they would kill the other elf. They then descended upon the town, dragged those whom the elves had named from their homes, and lashed them to death in the town square. Durgaz did this for nearly a half year, until one day while the male had been sent scouting, Naarghash, the orc who was charged with watching the woman, instead raped and killed her; and the male, upon his return, went mad with grief and rage and had to be killed in turn.''''' | |||
'''''He then spoke the name Valendil, the one of elven-make that died today, after being captured, held and tortured into unlife by my previous master, the Vile. He spoke of Velendil as a close friend, that Valendil had led a band of brave elves with a hand that was wise and true, and that he did many great things, among them extending that hand to Durgaz when he was still struggling free of the darkness, and how he felt Valendial died in a manner horribly unbefitting to one of his stature. Durgaz spoke of how it was Velendil, not he that deserved honor and memory. Forgive me, ma-lord but this ... pathetic heart-string, while seeming sincere, is only acknowledgement of my previous ascertation that the orc seeks redemption both through the love and acceptance of elf-kind and his admonishment of his former friend, whom he HIMSELF killed - did he not??. His speak of the elf, smacks of a misplaced pride. Oh, no... he seeks the love of elf-kind and the songs and poems of his own deeds, no matter how much he says he does not. This I know true. How then ma-lord, shall I continue weaving the ways of diplomacy with the others my MASTER?...''''' ...Belal looks to you and for a moment Zal'Kazzir can see the fact that THIS is a demon for which he is dealing with. But then soon that devious tingle moves from the bulbous eyes of the little aid and he seeks guidence from his new MASTER. | |||
'''''NOTE''': you CAN continue this Bluebook, but please do so ONLY beneath this line or it will NOT be counted for xp. Also note the updated scene description of when/where following this point. Thank you.'' | |||
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== Belal == | |||
...The tiny negotiator's guile seems dropped for the moment... it seems he looks to speak plainly with Zal'Kazzir, yet he presists with questions and thoughts left unanswered.... | |||
'''''"...MASTER... You spoke of dealing with devils, making pacts with angles... It was one of mine-own kin among the Outsiders that dared dance that 'Dance of Ruin' and it is something that I have tried to forget. The vrock did so not long ago to bring ruin to the elf-flesh-friend that your orc companion threw from the Spire. The beast for which the Vile made pact with, danced such a thing and in doing so it devoured its own kind to become one such as that of the misguided and damned elf-kind that the Vile decorated his Spire with to taunt your orc-bread companion and Eranon the elf-kind into swarming the Black Nail. It danced the dance to BECOME the elf called Valendil following the Vile's speaking with him after death. The Vile has ways of learning the deepest secrets and so he did with the kin of your elf-companion. Even the Witch Queen would not be able to resist the un-Arythly abilities of the seer when he put his questions to the corpse. Nor did the Vile walk unaware of you pathwalkers, as he saw daily through visions of clairvoyance and seer sight. I knew not who you were prior, I knew not what the meaning of the questions for which the Vile gave the elf-corpse... But now I see. His mark, the secret language of the elven-trackers... The Vile and his pact-made demon spawn used this, did he not? To draw you here... I see the puzzle laid down now. Insidious. I must beg you MASTER, watch your way when winding near the vrok-beast... Tread lightly and speak softly ma-lord. I should not wish to see you dead and giving up your secrets to the Vile's sight... Yet - if anything or anyone were to hold sway over the Vile it could be that beast or it's master. There is one, another of Elf-flesh, traitor to his people as is Vrolk... The blood they share, both in treachery and in elf-flesh may make them strange allies against the Sarcosan Priest. I know only this. The Master of the Shadowspawn sought to devour the heart of knowledge within the most favored by the Witch-Queen... the ShadowWall. It is this last jealousy that makes him vulnerable to the Vile and open to aid. the vrok-beast descended on the Black Nail to aid the Vile at the behest of the porcelain-skinned master magus and before the Vile falls I would assure you that the jealous elf will come to collect the payment."''''' | |||
...seeing the little imp's fear flee from him as if he washed it away when speaking it aloud, Belal, quickly changes it's demeanor and ablely tumbles into another conversation that he had wanted to speak too... | |||
'''''"My MASTER... you spoke to the mentally-touched Erenlander before, you spoke of lacking the wizardly might. You spoke of subtlety and sly method more akin to court and salon. You spoke of no fire on your finger-tips, nor transmogrification at your calling, nor levitation beneath your feet... I fell in jest within my heart when you taunted lord-Shadaar of your cooking ability, your passable prose - while noting you lacked potion-lore and scroll ensorcering... You speak well my MASTER. You give your companions just enough to whet their conversation pallets, but only hint at your true ability. You tease them with your true mastery of wordsmithing, by calling point to your fallacies. This I see as a powerful ally. I can only hope that you can offer your insight to my tongue and should you be open to advice I shall offer you the same.''''' | |||
'''''...'tis true, de-throning the old king SHALL be a tricky proposition. Yet forgive, ma-MASTER, but the Night King Jahzir can hardly be thought an old king. Giving him such discredit would undermine any hope of defeat. The current King of Erenland is strong, his rule is iron. His naming of the generals on the Spring will solidify his power for a new age. The failures of his former and current generals will be brought to fire, and the failure that MIGHT be seen as HIS will be pressed on the necks of those that fail to take the Kaldrunes and the Erethor. Three Oaks, Caradul, and the unfound Dwarven forges that plague the Spine of the World are HIS failures but this king will not have them. And perhaps THAT is his undoing... His reluctance to accept responsibility. In a manner of speaking, The Priest of Shadow has given the Vile a plot in which to play that speaks to the King of Erenland's greatest weakness. Should those outside or inside of Shadow find a way to exploit these failings the king will be unhinged... There is also the twisted dealings that the Vile seems to be weaving with his traitor-kin, the Lord of the Shadowspawn, the little spoken of Night King of Sorcery. What they intend I do not know but their is no love between that Elf-kind and the Priest of Shadow. Lord Sunulael surely sees the Sorceror's lack of piety to the Corpse-God. And for the veiled hate that Sunulael seems to be garnering from the King of Erenland, it would be a simple thing to topple any one of the Night Kings if given the right plot. The Sorceror hates the Priest who is now being questioned by the Sword of Shadow who has no favor or feeling for the Sorceror, but it is the Sword who's devout intent would bare hate on the Sorceror were his intentions known truely. It is a web of fickle hate for which each holds. Only the Wrath of Shadow seems unaffected, being nothing more than an automaton... If it is true that the heartlands of the south are indeed ripe for revolution how is it MASTER that these seeds will be sewn, may I beg your guile? And should it become a goal of would-be world rebuilders, where would the construction begin? Surely should this revolution beging in the deep south, the usurpers would be backed into the corners of the continent with the sea to their backside and the more dangerous sea of Shadow-Minion to rain down on such cities like waves on the rock. What place would be legitiment realities for revolution?''''' ... the little advocate looks confused and unsure of himself, as he paces back-hunched over with a fist stumping the ground as a makeshift cane now and again as his kingly cloak drags the wooden floor. He then slows and stops looking up to the humans... | |||
'''''"...this twisted plot resembles that of you and your companions in ways you have likely not looked at before. Let me offer you thoughts ma-lord. Do not believe me thinking them, this is what my heart and mind has seen. I offer it to you for adocacy... Pay heed my MASTER... through subtle speak and innuendo with a keen observation of their body habits when speaking with yourself and others I believe at least the orc and the necromancer feel the goals and intents we hold are most likely not in line with there own. They may see the only purpose in joining their quest is little more than survival and the desire to use some capable allies.''''' | |||
'''''Forgive me MASTER but I fear the necromancer has seen your willingness to give in to the tempting power of the Shadow taint... I saw it in his eyes within the tower on the manipulations of enemies, and eagerness to play with one of the Shadow's legates. This will likely only solidifies the silver-tongued necromancer's suspicion that you only hunger for power with virtually no bounds.''''' | |||
'''''However, I am pleased to suggest that despite this assumed weaknesses, they can only see that you could be of great use to their cause. You did manage to convince the lorekeeper in the tower that not only yourself but also they were friends. ''''' | |||
'''''They know too true that an elf cannot be trusted by minions of Shadow. An orc should be trusted, and it is unacceptably dangerous for lord Durgaz to be called upon to prove loyalty to their side. Shadaar, the tragic once-man found in the tower, is at so much of a risk when close to priests of Shadow that the necromancer has been working on ways to protect him from being used against their causes if that were to happen. ''''' | |||
'''''And have you noticed ma-lord the necromancer (Kyuad) exhibits a pallor, disturbing, and skin cold and blue. The... condition of his birth seems to be getting worse, and this will help none at all were they to be forced to deal with legates.''''' | |||
'''''Face the glorious facts my friend, my MASTER: YOU Lord Zal'Kazzir are their only means of hoping to ever survive a non-violent encounter with those of the unholy priesthood, or for that matter, any of his ilk of the idle rich.''''' | |||
'''''And make no mistake - all of their events so far point to a direct conflict with the Priest of Shadow himself. The living denizens of Cambrial, and there are many, will warm to your Sarcosan heart and mind and none of the rest of of them. I can think of no other option open to them but to use your skills at least until such time as they have finished with the Vile and Sunulael.''''' | |||
'''''This is where I fear they will plot against us MASTER... In the meantime they will work out ways to keep us in check and to prevent you from endangering them, whatever that means to them... Surely they see a hunger for power as a primary concern because it has such far-reaching dangers to their short minds. They will never allow you to feel as though you have any power over the rest of them at any time. They will seek to do all they can to hold power over you and your actions, not only to prevent you from turning against them, but also to prevent you from feeling the freedom to act without their pathetic and patronized blessing. You are an exceptionally smart man MASTER, but I fear they see this as an inability to recognize the most obvious dangers to yourself and others marking you fool - they will seek to give you the freedom of a fool.''''' | |||
'''''They will seek to ensure that you do not know too much of their secrets, because they fear your mind dangerous in the hands of the enemy. They will surely seek your future ignorance as essential. This will be difficult until they establish a power over you. ''''' | |||
'''''Durgaz respects Lord Kyuad's opinion. I understand that the orc and the necromancer (Kyuad) have had only one quarrel, in letting his legate friend go. The orc must believe that a dangerous mistake, but I believe he might have done the same thing in Kyuad's position.''''' | |||
'''''Lord Kyuad seems to be set on our goals being no more complex than a lust for power. However I have seen that Durgaz has thought your motivations honorable ... but at the same time thinking you might just telling them what you think the orc wanted to hear. But considering their reaction I am sure they believe it makes no difference, as any intentions have now been overshadowed by your actions.''''' | |||
'''''The orc can surely see it is of best interest to avoid Shadow encounters ... ANY encounters, violent or not ... whenever possible. Certainly not to actively seek them out, as you have shown them. They only think of that as the key to continued survival.''''' | |||
'''''At the same time, they cannot keep all of their plans from you MASTER or you will have no stake at all in seeing them accomplished. They know all too well that if you would choose to, you could very easily enslave them all with your magics,and there is very little they could do about it. ''''' | |||
'''''I believe they will seek to avoid simple threats to you or myself. Instead, they may seek our greatest fears, to make them a reality and make themselves your only reprive from them. Were it me, I would also seek to keep you and I busy. Occupying our time and mind as much as possible with activities and duties that keep us out of earshot when they discuss 'important matters'.''''' | |||
'''''They will likely find ways to make it seem that decision come from only one of of them, and the others will then defer as though that person were leading everyone, showing a false respect to the other to decieve you and I. ''''' | |||
'''''One of the obvious means by which they may seek to exert control over you is through Shadaar. Having a capable undead ally with them means that at any time, if necessary, you - ma-lord could be eliminated. Your intent could be to give Shadaar such an overwhelming reason to serve our purposes and not the necromancer, orc or elf's.... So that there will never be any question as to his allegiance. Surely they are doing the same though the purposes behind the coming ritual to 'help' Shadaar for which Lord Kyuad builds.''''' | |||
'''''Once they are assured that you will not act without permission or guidance from them, they will think it easy to have friendly relations. ''''' | |||
'''''... in fact, something I can offer ma-lord... something that I should ask you for your needs on. I have already learned so much from the words and actions of your compatriates. I feel it only my duty to compel that we, together, should begin to compile informations on those that surround your court-to-be. I should like to offer you this.... the first bit of bobbles for our collection on the internals of those that which we walk...''''' as the imp looks devilishly around in the direction of Durgaz, who seems to be trying on armors and helms of the Vile's collection. | |||
'''''... I have this ma-lord. The orc. Durgaz, the mirror-killer... He has told me that he cannot be tempted with the flesh of elf. A woodland princess, he said, would not make marry in his bed. While he tried to compell me that he WOULD NOT lie with an elven-lady, his true mind spoke to me. Should we find one that would see the beast for the man that his is... Nay... for the man he hopes to become... Should we find a mate for him of the woodland realm, we could have his heart and soul. He says he wants NONE of it. But his heart screams for the love of a nature-queen. Give him a heart that will walk with him, make him believe her heart is free and you will have his soul... I can feel this true.''''' The imp looks to see how Zal'Kazzir takes this interesting tidbit of a tool, before continuing... | |||
'''''... the mirror-killer also spoke of not needing acclaim, not wanting the tales of his legend to be spread. He spoke of the triviality of songs and poems made in his honor. But I can see with my spying-eye a glimpse of pride that COULD be exploited... Nay, cultivated! Were we to inspire and enhance such tales, without his knowledge - but yet so that it WOULD return to him with kind, I am sure that you would have some sway over his inner mind. His pride is stronger than he thinks it is... and it will lead directly to his hidden love as I noted before... were we to build tales of his prowess and legend he would even further believe that, even an ensorcerored elven-princess, his orc-hide COULD flutter a woodland heart.''''' ....twisting his fingers, arms behind his hunched back... | |||
'''''... ma-lord, your orc companion's heart is hurt. I should caution you that if you like, you might attempt to have him council with you - but do not make use directly of these words. For if you were to do that, my own dipomatic insurtion into his heart will be blocked. I suggest that you use my findings to ask questions of your own, while I continue my delving into the newly brightened heart of the Shadow-minion turned traitor to his kind... Consider this tale of horror he poured from his heart to my ear... Consider it and consider how he is begging for a confidant to share his hate and hellish deeds with. I believe he is giving that to me, I offer it to you, to ensure his loyalty ma-MASTER... Durgaz Mirror-Breaker spoke of a story of the time that he and five orc under his command captured two elfish scouts, a husband and wife, seven miles outside of Zorgetch. Of how he kept them, sending the elf-kind one at a time into each town they passed, instructing them to enter the town and beg for shelter, then come back and tell the orcen-hoard who had obliged, or they would kill the other elf. They then descended upon the town, dragged those whom the elves had named from their homes, and lashed them to death in the town square. Durgaz did this for nearly a half year, until one day while the male had been sent scouting, Naarghash, the orc who was charged with watching the woman, instead raped and killed her; and the male, upon his return, went mad with grief and rage and had to be killed in turn.''''' | |||
'''''He then spoke the name Valendil, the one of elven-make that died today, after being captured, held and tortured into unlife by my previous master, the Vile. He spoke of Velendil as a close friend, that Valendil had led a band of brave elves with a hand that was wise and true, and that he did many great things, among them extending that hand to Durgaz when he was still struggling free of the darkness, and how he felt Valendial died in a manner horribly unbefitting to one of his stature. Durgaz spoke of how it was Velendil, not he that deserved honor and memory. Forgive me, ma-lord but this ... pathetic heart-string, while seeming sincere, is only acknowledgement of my previous ascertation that the orc seeks redemption both through the love and acceptance of elf-kind and his admonishment of his former friend, whom he HIMSELF killed - did he not??. His speak of the elf, smacks of a misplaced pride. Oh, no... he seeks the love of elf-kind and the songs and poems of his own deeds, no matter how much he says he does not. This I know true. How then ma-lord, shall I continue weaving the ways of diplomacy with the others my MASTER?...''''' ...Belal looks to you and for a moment Zal'Kazzir can see the fact that THIS is a demon for which he is dealing with. But then soon that devious tingle moves from the bulbous eyes of the little aid and he seeks guidence from his new MASTER. | |||
'''Kevin:'''<br>OOC: some thoughts to continue out conversations at the end of last session... Last game in controlling the Legate you (Adam) went to great lengths to use the abilities that you have worked very hard to get. It's exactly the same as Kyuad constantly requiring huge amounts of time for things like study and making stuff. I think those are equivalent abilities in the minds of you and Bill as players (Zal'Kazzir using diplomacy with legates = Kyuad learning and creating). But I think it's the putting everything else at risk just to ''do'' the Big Cool Thing you can do is what is making things really difficult and really detrimental to the rest of the player characters. Consider all the talk (from Belal) above and see how you (Zal) wants to handle it all. I don't think you have to worry too much about the other players not wanting you to play Zal anymore. But I do think that you can alter the way you're playing the "political game" to best suit your favor. Cutting off some of their attempts to control YOU by "giving" them that same control BEFORE they ask or try to take it... Thereby - YOU will control the situation. | |||
the little ambassador dips his head in respect to his new MASTER..... | |||
'''''"... forgive me MASTER. As am I the servant, the herald... I might too be the teacher. Let me recount how I am wiling my way into your orc-friend's heart... perhaps you will see my nod to his superiority, yet still urging him to consider OUR way oh so slowly..."''''' | |||
The little ambassador takes a moment to sit and speaks in play as he were speaking to the orc, Durgaz... | |||
'''''".... I have not given due thought to your turmoil. So many elf-kind have I seen put to the pike, hung from the Black Nail, and fired in the hell that is the Burning Lines. Sometimes I forget the life that each takes when they pass. Not only is their personal soul squelched but so too are their friends, their family, the very light and heart of elf-kind and the Shadow Resistance is torn. Forgive me, I know of the torture you must be going through. As I have councilled Elven and Human-kind, so too have I walk with Orc WarMasters, Generals and Matriarchs. I know of the torture you see when you close your eyes at night. And it pains me that you must too see such dispair with eyes wide open. For in all my time I have never met one such as you... one that chose to turn from the cool embrace of Shadow... The heart of you must be wide and strong. and for you to lash out after this incident is fair and just."''''' the sadness on the face of the imp is real... there's no doubting that. For all his bluster, for all his tangled words there is something still inside the old beast that wishes of good things. And with this he is humbled. And for several moments a lose for words... | |||
starting to walk away, the old beast considers and then does not leave... Perhaps he can feel the solitare hate that he's punishing himself with... Perhaps his nature as an advisor makes him pause... Perhaps the little imp does have something buried beneath the twisting words and these words of this orc have taken the heart of the old beast... Perhaps... | |||
'''''"... of slavery of the heart or mind you speak, of the tainted tendrils that you may think my 'new' MASTER would have friend-Durgaz - I must tell you plainly, I must tell you honestly... I do not have them. Nor do I know the methods of which you speak. True, my ways with words in the ears of kings act as would your swords - but I would offer ... could YOU change the course of a river with but a word, would you not? Consider the will of Kings and BattleMasters. Consider their wills are as mighty waters ready to crash down on any that would oppose their way. Would you not seek to stop them? Even if that sword be in form of the tongue? I am not ashamed of my gifts for gab dear-Durgaz, as you are not hindered by the mastery of your blade and shield."''''' | |||
'''''"... if I am quick to offer payment for our parlay, you must understand friend-Durgaz that across many centuries and many countries and many men YOU are the first to not ask for such return. You are the first to not expect such things. This is the hinderance of my existance, but we must muddle through our existance and if lucky we will find our calling. Would you say that in the lose of the cool touch of the Corpse-God's whispers, would you say that you have found your's? You are not elf in body my friend but you have the spirit left over from the elthedar not tainted by the Shadow in the North... If that has nothing in kinship with the 'nsil, then I donot know what does..."''''' | |||
Considering Durgaz's unwanted need for songs of honor, the old bard offers this... | |||
'''''"friend-Durgaz... answer me this. What reason do you take the longer road? For what means do you stuggle in the lost furnace away from the Shadow's cool embrace? Why ever would you forsake all that you knew and know to walk with those that you inherently do not know or trust? In your words, the only thing that has come from this is lose. Most recently with the fall of your elven friend. Why do you serve your heart and not the will that tells you your heart is wrong? Why do you fight when you could reign?"''''' | |||
The little imp looks to the orc, this time with conviction in his eye. He has a point to make... and he knows that he must make it quickly, for any good will he has left with the orc cannot, shouldnot be tested long. | |||
'''''"... but does your answer really matter? It is your heart, your will. Will that change the hearts of men? ... No. Not likely. Not without witness. Not without example. I ask you lord-Durgaz, why do you fight... but that is not the point I search to make when I ask your acceptance and your honor in sharing your deeds... I search to remind you that you fight now... NOT for yourself alone. You fight for generations to come. Those that are not yet thoughts in their mother's minds are your legacy. When I suggest that you award them with stories and songs in honor of heroes against the Shadow I speak not to bolster YOUR ego. No. Lord-Durgaz... I speak to give hope and heart to the unknown. Those that cannot speak out. Those that must take the whip because they cannot stand with the stuff of hero-made will."''''' | |||
'''''"...you see friend-Durgaz, I seek not to bluster your ego. I seek not to engratiate you to me. I seek not to ensourcel your mind. I seek to enlighten you to the vast legacy that you lay with every new step. You are but an orc. One in a sea of hate. The pebble on the beach that will not be washed into the ocean. You as Durgaz are but a terrorist to the Shadow and those that they punish for your difference. Have your eyes turned so far from those times in the village, forcing the poor elf-kind to betray kind hearts... have you lost their memory so long that you clear it away to avoid the pain it causes you? If you have, bless you. That is a difficult task, however you cannot forget the hate brought down on the people of the land for every orc, for every legate, for every minion of Shadow you take. Surely you are not blind to the plight that likely happened to any of the villagers or denizens of the swamp when they came searching for you and your band... With whips on their backs and their family's heads on pikes they were likely tourtured to give up your whereabouts that they did not know.... I say this to remind you. Because you are but one orc.... As such you cannot change or save those desperate souls... Not with your sword arm you cannot......"''''' | |||
the old beast stands up tall and sincere... | |||
'''''"...and then I gave him what he needed to hear most... I then said... what I speak of Lord Durgaz is were you to become an idea, where you to become something MORE than one orc, were you to become an ideal... THEN friend-Durgaz you become LEGEND."''''' | |||
===='''''"Then orc... you can save the world."'''''==== | |||
...Belal looks to the ground and then to the open sky. The old beast has never spoken a more true word. Of course this may all be part of his flourishing tongue. But can that tongue not ring true? | |||
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Here's what we'll do... | Here's what we'll do... | ||
'''ROLL:''' Za'Kazzir (Know: Nobility +4) ROLLED: 15+4 = 19 '' <br> ''SO... with this roll - I will BOLD FACE all the text below that Zal'Kazzir WOULD know. Keep in mind what Zal DOES NOT know. You might want to copy/paste out the things that he KNOWS for certain about Nazif's race. Obviously SOME of the information may be more or less true. I'm treating Nazif as a FULL NPC in this regard. He'll be loyal to Zal, or friendly as according to how HE is treated... "like a hireling". | '''ROLL:''' Za'Kazzir (Know: Nobility +4) ROLLED: 15+4 = 19 '' <br> ''SO... with this roll - I will BOLD FACE all the text below that Zal'Kazzir WOULD know. Keep in mind what Zal DOES NOT know. You might want to copy/paste out the things that he KNOWS for certain about Nazif's race. Obviously SOME of the information may be more or less true. I'm treating Nazif as a FULL NPC in this regard. He'll be loyal to Zal, or friendly as according to how HE is treated... "like a hireling". | ||
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'''Collaborators first attracts the attention of evil powers outside the perview of Izrador and gains a courtesan imp as a hireling, if he wants one. A courtesan imp improves over time''': it gains one Hit Die for every three levels the collaborator gains in any class. | '''Collaborators first attracts the attention of evil powers outside the perview of Izrador and gains a courtesan imp as a hireling, if he wants one. A courtesan imp improves over time''': it gains one Hit Die for every three levels the collaborator gains in any class. | ||
===COMBAT=== | ===COMBAT=== | ||
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* Vanish (Su): As a full-round action, a courtesan imp can vanish from sight. So long as the courtesan imp doesn’t attack or move more than its speed per round, it’s effectively invisible. Courtesan imps often use this ability and the spider climb spell to escape dangerous situations. | * Vanish (Su): As a full-round action, a courtesan imp can vanish from sight. So long as the courtesan imp doesn’t attack or move more than its speed per round, it’s effectively invisible. Courtesan imps often use this ability and the spider climb spell to escape dangerous situations. | ||
* Spells Known (5 points of spell energy/day; DC 15 +spell level): 0—mage hand, prestidigitation, virtue; 1st—jump, pass without trace; 2nd—cat’s grace, spider climb, tree shape; 3rd—meld into stone. | * Spells Known (5 points of spell energy/day; DC 15 +spell level): 0—mage hand, prestidigitation, virtue; 1st—jump, pass without trace; 2nd—cat’s grace, spider climb, tree shape; 3rd—meld into stone. | ||
==What do YOU know about Outsiders in general?== | |||
'''ROLL:''' Za'Kazzir (Know: Arcana +8, at a higher DC than Know: Spirits) ROLLED: 2+8 = 19 '' <br> ''SO... with this roll - Crap roll... sorry Adam. But with that, here's what you know about Outsiders in general: | |||
Outsiders are a special case on Aryth, having been trapped there for thousands of years with no way to get home or call others from their planes of origin. Because the elthedar had built great civilizations and were master practitioners of the arts of magic, there was a significant outsider presence on Aryth before the Sundering. That event caused some outsiders to go mad instantly, affecting them in unexplainable and never-before-seen ways. Some consider these the lucky ones. Others were merely frustrated by their inability to return home, and they endeavored to find a way to break the Veil that enveloped the world. | |||
'''Outsiders Around Aryth''' | |||
The demon-infested jungles of the Aruun are perhaps the most regarded place on Eredane when the subject of demons is broached—and for good reason. Its humid confines house the majority of outsiders in the world. | |||
Elsewhere, angels, demons, and devils alike have tried to blend in as best they can. Indeed, good and evil outsiders often find common cause, and in many cases old hatreds have fallen by the wayside in light of their new circumstances. For a chance to return home, there is barely an angel on Aryth who would not work with a demon or devil, but their natures remain unchanged, and such alliances often do not last long, too strained by old prejudices and differences in philosophy that often have lethal consequences. | |||
Latest revision as of 08:28, 16 May 2007
- [This scene takes place some time after Zal'Kazzir frees the imp, in the time FOLLOWING his introduction "speach" to the group. In the time when you're looking around Vrolk's Laboratory and into the evening when you rest, the little Imp (who has said he is now "bound" to Zal'Kazzir) comes up to you to chat... Think of it as "networking" or "small talk"... hehe...]

ZAL'KAZZIR's PRIVATE talk with Nazif, your courtesan imp=[edit]
"MASTER? T'would I be impolite were I to call you by your given name? Zal'Kazzir, is it that your fellow pathwalkers call you? May I speak to you in such a familiar tone?", the small green-gray skinned imp quaries as its eyelids slowly flicker as if the very light beyond its former cage, burns its bulbous eyes... Looking to you in hopes of acceptance...
"I can only hope that you would speak to me in kind. I am Nazif by name, those I call friend know me as the king-maker and riches-finder. I am most happy to make your aquaintence. Is it true that you have the glory of destroying an eye of the dark god... a mirror into his soul?? I would be in debt to you good sir, if you were to tell the tale of this most wounderous of deads.", Nazif, sits his bottom to the wooden floors that grow unnaturally out of the obsidian gemstone of the Spire. He sits without bending his body, focusing his eyes looking into your's directly. He seems ever-so inquisitive and even aids you when he notices you picking up anything or moving anything.
[Kev, I don't want to bias your opinion of this conversation, but to get the 'voice' for how this is said, think Palpatine from Star Wars]
Nazif, it is a tale of both glory and serendipidy, and one that I would be glad to recount for you. However, before the fires burn low, and the time for tales comes around again, let us make use of the lively hours yet remaining us to discuss a few... minor points.
What I am about to propose to you is likely not what you expect, but is, I believe more than hoped to hear. I have no use for a toady or a slave; you are better than that, and we both know it. I shant treat you as a servant, and you should not treat me as a fool. You are, as you say, a king-maker and a riches-finder, and of this, I have no doubt. But we now live in a world where no kings rule and where riches are worthless, and it is with this in mind that I must bestow upon you new titles, roles in which I expect you will perform admirably.
Nazif, I wish for you to be my deal-maker and my spirit-bringer; my knower-of-names, and my herald and envoy to great powers and to small. Correct me if I am remiss, but I understand that there are many 'outsiders' as you call yourselves, who are trapped, or who are bodiless and who wander in search of substance and purpose. Again, correct me if I am remiss, but I also understand that many of them seethe with hatred and a lust for vengeance on the corpse-god and all of his works; I know that the harm done them has been grievous, and there is no greater poultice for such bitter wounds than sweet revenge.
As my herald and envoy, I want you to seek other outsiders who wish to fight the dark one, not in suicidal, foolish battle, but those who wish to corrupt the corrupt, to infiltrate and poison the very veins of his power; to put out his foul soul-eyes and see their stain expunged as with a great fire, leaving his minions blinded and in chaos. Find them, find their names and together we shall call them, initiate them and grant them freedom to join with us in our profound work.
Bring my call to them, Nazif, and let us bind them together into a force; a beautiful, terrible, secret network of power and freedom and righteous fury! *Zal'Kazzir's ink-black eyes stare unblinkingly into Nazif's, as a wry smile crosses his face* In fact, it may be I, and not you who becomes the kingmaker, and though you are richly garbed now, we both know that power feels much softer than sable. Do this for me, be my true herald and envoy and serve me faithfully, and we shall both be softly clothed indeed! What say you, Nasif? Will you join me? Will you spread the clarion call? Will you help me to sow the seeds that will bear many bitter fruits for Izrador and all his minions? What say you. What say you!
[Kev, there is a social check here, I prefer diplomacy, obviously, but you might also consider this an intimidate check, as there is definately an unspoken consequence if he says no]
kevin / Belal, sworn-rider and herald of hope, first of the faithful[edit]
Q: [Kev, there is a social check here, I prefer diplomacy, obviously, but you might also consider this an intimidate check, as there is definately an unspoken consequence if he says no]
A: No need. I'd rather use the role-play to dictate my answers. With the note (for myself) that Nazif's intentions "need" to be slanted your way. From this point on I will treat Nazif/Banal as a full NPC as I do Eranon's worf or your and Kyuad's familiars. Moreso, I'll treat him as your hireling - your words and actions will further temper his feelings.
"Forgive MASTER, the name burns my heart. I thank you for the new moniker of Belal. And with this my MASTER I offer you what I promised - my open togue. Do not take my words as agressors against yours, take them as the road you have not yet taken. See my challenges to your thoughts not as disrespect, but utmost respect and well intention. If I do not give you that, I do not give... I take.
As you speak open and plainly, in private so shall I. You are astute and correct in your thought. I AM neither slave nor toady. While my words in front of your lesser companions, with minds that do not know the ways of words and word-smithing - I do intend to give them this falsehood. For it is my intention to support you within their troupe. I see the sneer in their lip when they speak with you well enough to know that while they travel with you, you have not yet earned their trust. That is sad happenstance. It is obvious that such men, elf and orc of lesser means are want to disbelieve your good intention. They see your educated tongue as forked. They know not what it takes to survive within the halls of evil.
Consider ma-lord, how is it that you think I am alive at the hands of the Vile, who seemed to hold his only hope within the newly made cadavers for which he opened looking for what he has not in his soul. Did he find heart within the husks? No. His fate is bound to the world, though he does not yet know it... Yet I live. Flowery word and seemingly misguided guile I laid open, offering the Vile that I was less than dangerous specifically because I seemed less than challenging to his wisdom. Let HIM have his pride. I was the victor. I held and hold what I hoped... Life, to serve another. And if my observations of your troupe ring true I shall have something else entirely that I had not formerly thought possible. I will see the Vile's head on a spit. And I will gaze up at it and wave... Like this..., as the little jester tilts his head exposing his pearl white pointed toothy smile, slowly twinkling his fingers in a half-wave up at Vrolk's disembodied head...
Can you not see then, Zal'Kazzir Ghulvenne, I am content allowing your merry band believe they are more the wiser and more the learned than I... They fail in their false sanctity while I wink my eye knowing the truth of the matter. For that is when I am the master...
*Zal'Kazzir smiles abashedly, chucking softly at Belal's gesture, a lets out a small tension-relieving sigh*
Indeed Belal, there is much truth in what you say, and you certainly speak more directly to my heart with this talk.
You speak of your actions in the same words I had hoped to describe mine; however far it may be from the truth. My people are stong, Belal, but pride has always been a vice of Sarcosa, and I fear that mine has not been as carefully controlled as I would like to believe. If my words to you seemed overly harsh or defensive, I apologize; it was merely reaction born of long isolation from others who do not speak in a manner unfit for even the meanest Sheol.
I appreciate your support, and I hope that our combined efforts might bear greater fruits than mine alone. The Caransil, Eranon, is friendly enough, and I believe my generosity and kindness are winning him closer; and I think this new Erenlander, Shadaar, will prove an ally if the others allow him to continue with us; try to help him in this, as I will be.
The Orc is a challenging case; he is the de facto leader of our company, simply because we depend on his strength for protection, and if he goes one way, we have little choice but to follow. He seems fair enough, and is honorable, but is ridgid and quick to accuse and pass judgement. Also, beware his touch, and mind your posessions, for he posesses the seer's sight, and can learn your past and deeds with but a touch to you, or something you long possess.
My real concern is the other Erenlander, Kyuad. He is a channeler of no mean skill, and is crafty and paranoid. These traits, coupled with his bumpkin prejudices are no friend to those who do not fit his world-view, including the both of us. I have attempted numerous times to speak with him, to get him to have a conversation, but he is cold and distant; highly judgemental, easily angered and seemingly posessed of neither companionability nor compassion. Any help you can give me with him would be deeply appreciated.
Please, Belal, continue.
kevin / Belal, sworn-rider and herald of hope, first of the faithful[edit]
So. Your request it seems has made promise of my test put upon you. You counter my quiz noting my silver tongue and therefore I shall not be your servant and you will not be MY fool. I must say again though, it is with flourish for sure that I spoke of king and coin, but it is not with disbelief of the hope. Would you not take the court of 'Traitor Prince' so that you could aid your sphere? Perhaps altering the fallen fates of one thousand? Ten Thousand? One Hundred Thousand? There are places even in this hollow world that holds value in moneys...
So give me your epitaphs... call me your deal-maker and your spirit-bringer; your knower-of-names, and your herald and envoy to great powers and to small. Sell that favor to your friends. But remember my place at your side and I will remember my debt to you, even beyond your years. Your children will be watched by my golden eyes should we see eye to eye.
*Looking sincere, but unconvinced*
Belal, again, I appreciate your words. However I wonder if you are not merely testing me again. The false sussars hold on power is a dangerous one, and they can be removed and replaced very easily. While it would certainly be possible to take a court for my own, I would need deeply loyal and highly skilled ministers to run much of the bureaucracy of state such that I could pursue the shadow's downfall, and even then it seems a terribly dangerous gamble. I would be open to hear your case, but I have no love of a throne, especially one with a sword suspended above it by a single hair.
kevin / Belal, sworn-rider and herald of hope, first of the faithful[edit]
Of the Outsiders, the trapped... It is true there are many others. And too true it is that many of us... rather each of us hold hate for the Hate-Bringer, but what you cannot know is that we are not kin as you and your Sarcosan forefathers. Each demon, each devil, each seraph, each angel - we are all individual. I have no sway over their intentions or inspirations. And were it my place to steer them, our ideals would be a difficult selling point to such servants of self. Were I to take up your challenge things not yet known to the world of man would hold hate on my handsome hide... Were I to steal their wills with name or initiation through falsehoods and falicies they would hang my hide on the same spike I spoke earlier of and not care to pay it another thought.
*Clearly surprised, and slightly disappointed by Belal's response*
I asked you to steal no will, nor to offer falsehoods or fallacies!
I asked you to contact others who also seek the downfall of the Bane of All Life, just as a diplomat might contact neighboring powers with offers of treaty and alliance. Certainly, if there are so many, and they hold such hate as you say, there must be many who might, were the invitation made, and perhaps some necessary aid rendered, join us in forming a network to oppose the will of the Corpse-God. I care not what they look like, or whether they be demon, devil, seraph, angel or something as yet unnamed; so long as they are free of the Dark One's influence, and would be willing to join with us, I would organize and coordinate them.
kevin / Belal, sworn-rider and herald of hope, first of the faithful[edit]
You speak of a secret network... I cannot offer that which you or I donot have. Were we to gather a collection against the Shadow the venture might be worthwhile to the powerful and predators of the Fear-Monger. But first it is Arythian goals we must seek to have currency to lay sway to the things beneath the mountains, the beasts behind the jungles, the monsters malignant across Eradane. You, Zal'Kazzir Ghulvenne, you give me that which is gold to those things that you so loosely call my kin and I can promise perhaps an audience within the halls of the Heralds of the Outside.
Now you intrigue me, Belal. *A curious smile come over Zal'Kazzir's Face*
I asked for no network, I was proposing that we build one.
You mention several things of which I would know more; who are the things beneath the mountains? I am sure you do not speak of dwarves, and yet I have not heard tell any anthing else. Though it seems that Vrolk, our absent host, found Items of dark and terrible power deep under the mountains... are these things related to the creatures of which you speak?
More importantly however, what is this currency? Magic perhaps? Host bodies, ripe for posession? Knowledge? Names? Cults and followers? Positions of power? None of these? All of them?
Tell me of the coins of the Outside, and then let us gather them as the Orcs gather food.
kevin / Belal, sworn-rider and herald of hope, first of the faithful[edit]
So do you believe in my will, my MASTER? Can you concede that my words are not flowery to your ears, but instead fertile with alternatives along the roads that might formerly go untrodden by you and your companions... I will spread the clarion call. I will help to sow the seeds that will bear many bitter fruits for Izrador and all his minions.
I knelt in full view of your friends, Nazif Kor'ahn - I accepted your kindness and rose just as it was forseen in the old legends as Belal, sworn-rider and herald of hope, first of the faithful. I did so, I do so with faith and fair unbuckled tongue. So yes, my MASTER... I owe this to you. I owe my honesty. Now what say you to my sharp words of bitter advocacy? What say you, my MASTER?!?!!
*Eyes Wild, a flame almost visible in the abyss*
I say that together, we shall weep tears of joy as we dance the dance of ruin for the Corpse-God and all of his festering works!
Agh burzum-ishi krimpatul! Out of darkness we shall bind them!
...shuddering and afraid the imp is clearly disturbed... perhaps not hearing much of Zal'Kazzir's intention. The tiny negotiator cautions his new MASTER...
"... forgive me ma-MASTER...! As I have spoke afore please PLEASE let me talk plainly now. I mean not to abash you but what you say, the words that come from your mouth. I fear you KNOW NOT the power of the words you speak. I fear you lay your dictum lightly. Too lightly for the power that they contain! Forgive MASTER but I must say - please. Do not speak in such terms." calming itself, the advisor covers his dagger toothed mouth - then working his long spindly fingers up along his head finally covering its eyes before unveiling them to expand on the tone that quite frankly surprised himself...
"...Those words... they... they are blasphemous and would insight beatings on even the most staunch of Shadow Kings, ma-lord. And the dance... what know you of a 'dance of ruin'?? For if you blindly spoke of such a think, I fear that destiny is finding us once more. Perhaps we, good-MASTER, were fated to meet. For that very thing. That 'Dance of Ruin' is something that I have tried to forget. It was one of mine-own kin among the Outsiders that dared dance not long ago to bring ruin to the woodland people. The beast for which the Vile made pact with, danced such a thing and in doing so it devoured its own kind to become one such as that of the misguided and damned elf-kind that the Vile decorated his Spire with to taunt your orc-bread companion and Eranon the elf-kind into swarming the Black Nail. It danced the dance to BECOME the elf called Valendil following the Vile's speaking with him after death. The Vile has ways of learning the deepest secrets and so he did with the kin of your elf-companion. Even the Witch Queen would not be able to resist the un-Arythly abilities of the seer when he put his questions to the corpse. I knew not who you were prior, I knew not what the meaning of the questions for which the Vile gave the elf-corpse... But now I see. His mark, the secret language of the elven-trackers... The Vile and his pact-made demon spawn used this, did he not? To draw you here... I see the puzzle laid down now. Insidious. I must beg you MASTER, watch your way when winding near the vrok-beast... Tread lightly and speak softly ma-lord. I should not wish to see you dead and giving up your secrets to the Vile's sight..."
...seeing the little imp's fear flee from him as if he washed it away when speaking it aloud, the newly anointed Belal, quickly changes it's demeanor and ablely tumbles into another conversation that he had wanted to speak too...
"My MASTER... you spoke to the mentally-touched Erenlander before, you spoke of lacking the wizardly might. You spoke of subtlety and sly method more akin to court and salon. You spoke of no fire on your finger-tips, nor transmogrification at your calling, nor levitation beneath your feet... I fell in jest within my heart when you taunted lord-Shadaar of your cooking ability, your passable prose - while noting you lacked potion-lore and scroll ensorcering... You speak well my MASTER. You give your companions just enough to whet their conversation pallets, but only hint at your true ability. You tease them with your true mastery of wordsmithing, by calling point to your fallacies. This I see as a powerful ally. I can only hope that you can offer your insight to my tongue and should you be open to advice I shall offer you the same.
... in fact, something I can offer ma-lord... something that I should ask you for your needs on. I have already learned so much from the words and actions of your compatriates. I feel it only my duty to compel that we, together, should begin to compile informations on those that surround your court-to-be. I should like to offer you this.... the first bit of bobbles for our collection on the internals of those that which we walk... as the imp looks devilishly around in the direction of Durgaz, who seems to be trying on armors and helms of the Vile's collection.
... I have this ma-lord. The orc. Durgaz, the mirror-killer... He has told me that he cannot be tempted with the flesh of elf. A woodland princess, he said, would not make marry in his bed. While he tried to compell me that he WOULD NOT lie with an elven-lady, his true mind spoke to me. Should we find one that would see the beast for the man that his is... Nay... for the man he hopes to become... Should we find a mate for him of the woodland realm, we could have his heart and soul. He says he wants NONE of it. But his heart screams for the love of a nature-queen. Give him a heart that will walk with him, make him believe her heart is free and you will have his soul... I can feel this true. The imp looks to see how Zal'Kazzir takes this interesting tidbit of a tool, before continuing...
... the mirror-killer also spoke of not needing acclaim, not wanting the tales of his legend to be spread. He spoke of the triviality of songs and poems made in his honor. But I can see with my spying-eye a glimpse of pride that COULD be exploited... Nay, cultivated! Were we to inspire and enhance such tales, without his knowledge - but yet so that it WOULD return to him with kind, I am sure that you would have some sway over his inner mind. His pride is stronger than he thinks it is... and it will lead directly to his hidden love as I noted before... were we to build tales of his prowess and legend he would even further believe that, even an ensorcerored elven-princess, his orc-hide COULD flutter a woodland heart. ....twisting his fingers, arms behind his hunched back...
... ma-lord, your orc companion's heart is hurt. I should caution you that if you like, you might attempt to have him council with you - but do not make use directly of these words. For if you were to do that, my own dipomatic insurtion into his heart will be blocked. I suggest that you use my findings to ask questions of your own, while I continue my delving into the newly brightened heart of the Shadow-minion turned traitor to his kind... Consider this tale of horror he poured from his heart to my ear... Consider it and consider how he is begging for a confidant to share his hate and hellish deeds with. I believe he is giving that to me, I offer it to you, to ensure his loyalty ma-MASTER... Durgaz Mirror-Breaker spoke of a story of the time that he and five orc under his command captured two elfish scouts, a husband and wife, seven miles outside of Zorgetch. Of how he kept them, sending the elf-kind one at a time into each town they passed, instructing them to enter the town and beg for shelter, then come back and tell the orcen-hoard who had obliged, or they would kill the other elf. They then descended upon the town, dragged those whom the elves had named from their homes, and lashed them to death in the town square. Durgaz did this for nearly a half year, until one day while the male had been sent scouting, Naarghash, the orc who was charged with watching the woman, instead raped and killed her; and the male, upon his return, went mad with grief and rage and had to be killed in turn.
He then spoke the name Valendil, the one of elven-make that died today, after being captured, held and tortured into unlife by my previous master, the Vile. He spoke of Velendil as a close friend, that Valendil had led a band of brave elves with a hand that was wise and true, and that he did many great things, among them extending that hand to Durgaz when he was still struggling free of the darkness, and how he felt Valendial died in a manner horribly unbefitting to one of his stature. Durgaz spoke of how it was Velendil, not he that deserved honor and memory. Forgive me, ma-lord but this ... pathetic heart-string, while seeming sincere, is only acknowledgement of my previous ascertation that the orc seeks redemption both through the love and acceptance of elf-kind and his admonishment of his former friend, whom he HIMSELF killed - did he not??. His speak of the elf, smacks of a misplaced pride. Oh, no... he seeks the love of elf-kind and the songs and poems of his own deeds, no matter how much he says he does not. This I know true. How then ma-lord, shall I continue weaving the ways of diplomacy with the others my MASTER?... ...Belal looks to you and for a moment Zal'Kazzir can see the fact that THIS is a demon for which he is dealing with. But then soon that devious tingle moves from the bulbous eyes of the little aid and he seeks guidence from his new MASTER.
NOTE: you CAN continue this Bluebook, but please do so ONLY beneath this line or it will NOT be counted for xp. Also note the updated scene description of when/where following this point. Thank you.
...The tiny negotiator's guile seems dropped for the moment... it seems he looks to speak plainly with Zal'Kazzir, yet he presists with questions and thoughts left unanswered....
"...MASTER... You spoke of dealing with devils, making pacts with angles... It was one of mine-own kin among the Outsiders that dared dance that 'Dance of Ruin' and it is something that I have tried to forget. The vrock did so not long ago to bring ruin to the elf-flesh-friend that your orc companion threw from the Spire. The beast for which the Vile made pact with, danced such a thing and in doing so it devoured its own kind to become one such as that of the misguided and damned elf-kind that the Vile decorated his Spire with to taunt your orc-bread companion and Eranon the elf-kind into swarming the Black Nail. It danced the dance to BECOME the elf called Valendil following the Vile's speaking with him after death. The Vile has ways of learning the deepest secrets and so he did with the kin of your elf-companion. Even the Witch Queen would not be able to resist the un-Arythly abilities of the seer when he put his questions to the corpse. Nor did the Vile walk unaware of you pathwalkers, as he saw daily through visions of clairvoyance and seer sight. I knew not who you were prior, I knew not what the meaning of the questions for which the Vile gave the elf-corpse... But now I see. His mark, the secret language of the elven-trackers... The Vile and his pact-made demon spawn used this, did he not? To draw you here... I see the puzzle laid down now. Insidious. I must beg you MASTER, watch your way when winding near the vrok-beast... Tread lightly and speak softly ma-lord. I should not wish to see you dead and giving up your secrets to the Vile's sight... Yet - if anything or anyone were to hold sway over the Vile it could be that beast or it's master. There is one, another of Elf-flesh, traitor to his people as is Vrolk... The blood they share, both in treachery and in elf-flesh may make them strange allies against the Sarcosan Priest. I know only this. The Master of the Shadowspawn sought to devour the heart of knowledge within the most favored by the Witch-Queen... the ShadowWall. It is this last jealousy that makes him vulnerable to the Vile and open to aid. the vrok-beast descended on the Black Nail to aid the Vile at the behest of the porcelain-skinned master magus and before the Vile falls I would assure you that the jealous elf will come to collect the payment."
...seeing the little imp's fear flee from him as if he washed it away when speaking it aloud, Belal, quickly changes it's demeanor and ablely tumbles into another conversation that he had wanted to speak too...
"My MASTER... you spoke to the mentally-touched Erenlander before, you spoke of lacking the wizardly might. You spoke of subtlety and sly method more akin to court and salon. You spoke of no fire on your finger-tips, nor transmogrification at your calling, nor levitation beneath your feet... I fell in jest within my heart when you taunted lord-Shadaar of your cooking ability, your passable prose - while noting you lacked potion-lore and scroll ensorcering... You speak well my MASTER. You give your companions just enough to whet their conversation pallets, but only hint at your true ability. You tease them with your true mastery of wordsmithing, by calling point to your fallacies. This I see as a powerful ally. I can only hope that you can offer your insight to my tongue and should you be open to advice I shall offer you the same.
...'tis true, de-throning the old king SHALL be a tricky proposition. Yet forgive, ma-MASTER, but the Night King Jahzir can hardly be thought an old king. Giving him such discredit would undermine any hope of defeat. The current King of Erenland is strong, his rule is iron. His naming of the generals on the Spring will solidify his power for a new age. The failures of his former and current generals will be brought to fire, and the failure that MIGHT be seen as HIS will be pressed on the necks of those that fail to take the Kaldrunes and the Erethor. Three Oaks, Caradul, and the unfound Dwarven forges that plague the Spine of the World are HIS failures but this king will not have them. And perhaps THAT is his undoing... His reluctance to accept responsibility. In a manner of speaking, The Priest of Shadow has given the Vile a plot in which to play that speaks to the King of Erenland's greatest weakness. Should those outside or inside of Shadow find a way to exploit these failings the king will be unhinged... There is also the twisted dealings that the Vile seems to be weaving with his traitor-kin, the Lord of the Shadowspawn, the little spoken of Night King of Sorcery. What they intend I do not know but their is no love between that Elf-kind and the Priest of Shadow. Lord Sunulael surely sees the Sorceror's lack of piety to the Corpse-God. And for the veiled hate that Sunulael seems to be garnering from the King of Erenland, it would be a simple thing to topple any one of the Night Kings if given the right plot. The Sorceror hates the Priest who is now being questioned by the Sword of Shadow who has no favor or feeling for the Sorceror, but it is the Sword who's devout intent would bare hate on the Sorceror were his intentions known truely. It is a web of fickle hate for which each holds. Only the Wrath of Shadow seems unaffected, being nothing more than an automaton... If it is true that the heartlands of the south are indeed ripe for revolution how is it MASTER that these seeds will be sewn, may I beg your guile? And should it become a goal of would-be world rebuilders, where would the construction begin? Surely should this revolution beging in the deep south, the usurpers would be backed into the corners of the continent with the sea to their backside and the more dangerous sea of Shadow-Minion to rain down on such cities like waves on the rock. What place would be legitiment realities for revolution? ... the little advocate looks confused and unsure of himself, as he paces back-hunched over with a fist stumping the ground as a makeshift cane now and again as his kingly cloak drags the wooden floor. He then slows and stops looking up to the humans...
"...this twisted plot resembles that of you and your companions in ways you have likely not looked at before. Let me offer you thoughts ma-lord. Do not believe me thinking them, this is what my heart and mind has seen. I offer it to you for adocacy... Pay heed my MASTER... through subtle speak and innuendo with a keen observation of their body habits when speaking with yourself and others I believe at least the orc and the necromancer feel the goals and intents we hold are most likely not in line with there own. They may see the only purpose in joining their quest is little more than survival and the desire to use some capable allies.
Forgive me MASTER but I fear the necromancer has seen your willingness to give in to the tempting power of the Shadow taint... I saw it in his eyes within the tower on the manipulations of enemies, and eagerness to play with one of the Shadow's legates. This will likely only solidifies the silver-tongued necromancer's suspicion that you only hunger for power with virtually no bounds.
However, I am pleased to suggest that despite this assumed weaknesses, they can only see that you could be of great use to their cause. You did manage to convince the lorekeeper in the tower that not only yourself but also they were friends.
They know too true that an elf cannot be trusted by minions of Shadow. An orc should be trusted, and it is unacceptably dangerous for lord Durgaz to be called upon to prove loyalty to their side. Shadaar, the tragic once-man found in the tower, is at so much of a risk when close to priests of Shadow that the necromancer has been working on ways to protect him from being used against their causes if that were to happen.
And have you noticed ma-lord the necromancer (Kyuad) exhibits a pallor, disturbing, and skin cold and blue. The... condition of his birth seems to be getting worse, and this will help none at all were they to be forced to deal with legates.
Face the glorious facts my friend, my MASTER: YOU Lord Zal'Kazzir are their only means of hoping to ever survive a non-violent encounter with those of the unholy priesthood, or for that matter, any of his ilk of the idle rich.
And make no mistake - all of their events so far point to a direct conflict with the Priest of Shadow himself. The living denizens of Cambrial, and there are many, will warm to your Sarcosan heart and mind and none of the rest of of them. I can think of no other option open to them but to use your skills at least until such time as they have finished with the Vile and Sunulael.
This is where I fear they will plot against us MASTER... In the meantime they will work out ways to keep us in check and to prevent you from endangering them, whatever that means to them... Surely they see a hunger for power as a primary concern because it has such far-reaching dangers to their short minds. They will never allow you to feel as though you have any power over the rest of them at any time. They will seek to do all they can to hold power over you and your actions, not only to prevent you from turning against them, but also to prevent you from feeling the freedom to act without their pathetic and patronized blessing. You are an exceptionally smart man MASTER, but I fear they see this as an inability to recognize the most obvious dangers to yourself and others marking you fool - they will seek to give you the freedom of a fool.
They will seek to ensure that you do not know too much of their secrets, because they fear your mind dangerous in the hands of the enemy. They will surely seek your future ignorance as essential. This will be difficult until they establish a power over you.
Durgaz respects Lord Kyuad's opinion. I understand that the orc and the necromancer (Kyuad) have had only one quarrel, in letting his legate friend go. The orc must believe that a dangerous mistake, but I believe he might have done the same thing in Kyuad's position.
Lord Kyuad seems to be set on our goals being no more complex than a lust for power. However I have seen that Durgaz has thought your motivations honorable ... but at the same time thinking you might just telling them what you think the orc wanted to hear. But considering their reaction I am sure they believe it makes no difference, as any intentions have now been overshadowed by your actions.
The orc can surely see it is of best interest to avoid Shadow encounters ... ANY encounters, violent or not ... whenever possible. Certainly not to actively seek them out, as you have shown them. They only think of that as the key to continued survival.
At the same time, they cannot keep all of their plans from you MASTER or you will have no stake at all in seeing them accomplished. They know all too well that if you would choose to, you could very easily enslave them all with your magics,and there is very little they could do about it.
I believe they will seek to avoid simple threats to you or myself. Instead, they may seek our greatest fears, to make them a reality and make themselves your only reprive from them. Were it me, I would also seek to keep you and I busy. Occupying our time and mind as much as possible with activities and duties that keep us out of earshot when they discuss 'important matters'.
They will likely find ways to make it seem that decision come from only one of of them, and the others will then defer as though that person were leading everyone, showing a false respect to the other to decieve you and I.
One of the obvious means by which they may seek to exert control over you is through Shadaar. Having a capable undead ally with them means that at any time, if necessary, you - ma-lord could be eliminated. Your intent could be to give Shadaar such an overwhelming reason to serve our purposes and not the necromancer, orc or elf's.... So that there will never be any question as to his allegiance. Surely they are doing the same though the purposes behind the coming ritual to 'help' Shadaar for which Lord Kyuad builds.
Once they are assured that you will not act without permission or guidance from them, they will think it easy to have friendly relations.
... in fact, something I can offer ma-lord... something that I should ask you for your needs on. I have already learned so much from the words and actions of your compatriates. I feel it only my duty to compel that we, together, should begin to compile informations on those that surround your court-to-be. I should like to offer you this.... the first bit of bobbles for our collection on the internals of those that which we walk... as the imp looks devilishly around in the direction of Durgaz, who seems to be trying on armors and helms of the Vile's collection.
... I have this ma-lord. The orc. Durgaz, the mirror-killer... He has told me that he cannot be tempted with the flesh of elf. A woodland princess, he said, would not make marry in his bed. While he tried to compell me that he WOULD NOT lie with an elven-lady, his true mind spoke to me. Should we find one that would see the beast for the man that his is... Nay... for the man he hopes to become... Should we find a mate for him of the woodland realm, we could have his heart and soul. He says he wants NONE of it. But his heart screams for the love of a nature-queen. Give him a heart that will walk with him, make him believe her heart is free and you will have his soul... I can feel this true. The imp looks to see how Zal'Kazzir takes this interesting tidbit of a tool, before continuing...
... the mirror-killer also spoke of not needing acclaim, not wanting the tales of his legend to be spread. He spoke of the triviality of songs and poems made in his honor. But I can see with my spying-eye a glimpse of pride that COULD be exploited... Nay, cultivated! Were we to inspire and enhance such tales, without his knowledge - but yet so that it WOULD return to him with kind, I am sure that you would have some sway over his inner mind. His pride is stronger than he thinks it is... and it will lead directly to his hidden love as I noted before... were we to build tales of his prowess and legend he would even further believe that, even an ensorcerored elven-princess, his orc-hide COULD flutter a woodland heart. ....twisting his fingers, arms behind his hunched back...
... ma-lord, your orc companion's heart is hurt. I should caution you that if you like, you might attempt to have him council with you - but do not make use directly of these words. For if you were to do that, my own dipomatic insurtion into his heart will be blocked. I suggest that you use my findings to ask questions of your own, while I continue my delving into the newly brightened heart of the Shadow-minion turned traitor to his kind... Consider this tale of horror he poured from his heart to my ear... Consider it and consider how he is begging for a confidant to share his hate and hellish deeds with. I believe he is giving that to me, I offer it to you, to ensure his loyalty ma-MASTER... Durgaz Mirror-Breaker spoke of a story of the time that he and five orc under his command captured two elfish scouts, a husband and wife, seven miles outside of Zorgetch. Of how he kept them, sending the elf-kind one at a time into each town they passed, instructing them to enter the town and beg for shelter, then come back and tell the orcen-hoard who had obliged, or they would kill the other elf. They then descended upon the town, dragged those whom the elves had named from their homes, and lashed them to death in the town square. Durgaz did this for nearly a half year, until one day while the male had been sent scouting, Naarghash, the orc who was charged with watching the woman, instead raped and killed her; and the male, upon his return, went mad with grief and rage and had to be killed in turn.
He then spoke the name Valendil, the one of elven-make that died today, after being captured, held and tortured into unlife by my previous master, the Vile. He spoke of Velendil as a close friend, that Valendil had led a band of brave elves with a hand that was wise and true, and that he did many great things, among them extending that hand to Durgaz when he was still struggling free of the darkness, and how he felt Valendial died in a manner horribly unbefitting to one of his stature. Durgaz spoke of how it was Velendil, not he that deserved honor and memory. Forgive me, ma-lord but this ... pathetic heart-string, while seeming sincere, is only acknowledgement of my previous ascertation that the orc seeks redemption both through the love and acceptance of elf-kind and his admonishment of his former friend, whom he HIMSELF killed - did he not??. His speak of the elf, smacks of a misplaced pride. Oh, no... he seeks the love of elf-kind and the songs and poems of his own deeds, no matter how much he says he does not. This I know true. How then ma-lord, shall I continue weaving the ways of diplomacy with the others my MASTER?... ...Belal looks to you and for a moment Zal'Kazzir can see the fact that THIS is a demon for which he is dealing with. But then soon that devious tingle moves from the bulbous eyes of the little aid and he seeks guidence from his new MASTER.
OOC: some thoughts to continue out conversations at the end of last session... Last game in controlling the Legate you (Adam) went to great lengths to use the abilities that you have worked very hard to get. It's exactly the same as Kyuad constantly requiring huge amounts of time for things like study and making stuff. I think those are equivalent abilities in the minds of you and Bill as players (Zal'Kazzir using diplomacy with legates = Kyuad learning and creating). But I think it's the putting everything else at risk just to do the Big Cool Thing you can do is what is making things really difficult and really detrimental to the rest of the player characters. Consider all the talk (from Belal) above and see how you (Zal) wants to handle it all. I don't think you have to worry too much about the other players not wanting you to play Zal anymore. But I do think that you can alter the way you're playing the "political game" to best suit your favor. Cutting off some of their attempts to control YOU by "giving" them that same control BEFORE they ask or try to take it... Thereby - YOU will control the situation.
the little ambassador dips his head in respect to his new MASTER.....
"... forgive me MASTER. As am I the servant, the herald... I might too be the teacher. Let me recount how I am wiling my way into your orc-friend's heart... perhaps you will see my nod to his superiority, yet still urging him to consider OUR way oh so slowly..."
The little ambassador takes a moment to sit and speaks in play as he were speaking to the orc, Durgaz...
".... I have not given due thought to your turmoil. So many elf-kind have I seen put to the pike, hung from the Black Nail, and fired in the hell that is the Burning Lines. Sometimes I forget the life that each takes when they pass. Not only is their personal soul squelched but so too are their friends, their family, the very light and heart of elf-kind and the Shadow Resistance is torn. Forgive me, I know of the torture you must be going through. As I have councilled Elven and Human-kind, so too have I walk with Orc WarMasters, Generals and Matriarchs. I know of the torture you see when you close your eyes at night. And it pains me that you must too see such dispair with eyes wide open. For in all my time I have never met one such as you... one that chose to turn from the cool embrace of Shadow... The heart of you must be wide and strong. and for you to lash out after this incident is fair and just." the sadness on the face of the imp is real... there's no doubting that. For all his bluster, for all his tangled words there is something still inside the old beast that wishes of good things. And with this he is humbled. And for several moments a lose for words...
starting to walk away, the old beast considers and then does not leave... Perhaps he can feel the solitare hate that he's punishing himself with... Perhaps his nature as an advisor makes him pause... Perhaps the little imp does have something buried beneath the twisting words and these words of this orc have taken the heart of the old beast... Perhaps...
"... of slavery of the heart or mind you speak, of the tainted tendrils that you may think my 'new' MASTER would have friend-Durgaz - I must tell you plainly, I must tell you honestly... I do not have them. Nor do I know the methods of which you speak. True, my ways with words in the ears of kings act as would your swords - but I would offer ... could YOU change the course of a river with but a word, would you not? Consider the will of Kings and BattleMasters. Consider their wills are as mighty waters ready to crash down on any that would oppose their way. Would you not seek to stop them? Even if that sword be in form of the tongue? I am not ashamed of my gifts for gab dear-Durgaz, as you are not hindered by the mastery of your blade and shield."
"... if I am quick to offer payment for our parlay, you must understand friend-Durgaz that across many centuries and many countries and many men YOU are the first to not ask for such return. You are the first to not expect such things. This is the hinderance of my existance, but we must muddle through our existance and if lucky we will find our calling. Would you say that in the lose of the cool touch of the Corpse-God's whispers, would you say that you have found your's? You are not elf in body my friend but you have the spirit left over from the elthedar not tainted by the Shadow in the North... If that has nothing in kinship with the 'nsil, then I donot know what does..."
Considering Durgaz's unwanted need for songs of honor, the old bard offers this...
"friend-Durgaz... answer me this. What reason do you take the longer road? For what means do you stuggle in the lost furnace away from the Shadow's cool embrace? Why ever would you forsake all that you knew and know to walk with those that you inherently do not know or trust? In your words, the only thing that has come from this is lose. Most recently with the fall of your elven friend. Why do you serve your heart and not the will that tells you your heart is wrong? Why do you fight when you could reign?" The little imp looks to the orc, this time with conviction in his eye. He has a point to make... and he knows that he must make it quickly, for any good will he has left with the orc cannot, shouldnot be tested long.
"... but does your answer really matter? It is your heart, your will. Will that change the hearts of men? ... No. Not likely. Not without witness. Not without example. I ask you lord-Durgaz, why do you fight... but that is not the point I search to make when I ask your acceptance and your honor in sharing your deeds... I search to remind you that you fight now... NOT for yourself alone. You fight for generations to come. Those that are not yet thoughts in their mother's minds are your legacy. When I suggest that you award them with stories and songs in honor of heroes against the Shadow I speak not to bolster YOUR ego. No. Lord-Durgaz... I speak to give hope and heart to the unknown. Those that cannot speak out. Those that must take the whip because they cannot stand with the stuff of hero-made will."
"...you see friend-Durgaz, I seek not to bluster your ego. I seek not to engratiate you to me. I seek not to ensourcel your mind. I seek to enlighten you to the vast legacy that you lay with every new step. You are but an orc. One in a sea of hate. The pebble on the beach that will not be washed into the ocean. You as Durgaz are but a terrorist to the Shadow and those that they punish for your difference. Have your eyes turned so far from those times in the village, forcing the poor elf-kind to betray kind hearts... have you lost their memory so long that you clear it away to avoid the pain it causes you? If you have, bless you. That is a difficult task, however you cannot forget the hate brought down on the people of the land for every orc, for every legate, for every minion of Shadow you take. Surely you are not blind to the plight that likely happened to any of the villagers or denizens of the swamp when they came searching for you and your band... With whips on their backs and their family's heads on pikes they were likely tourtured to give up your whereabouts that they did not know.... I say this to remind you. Because you are but one orc.... As such you cannot change or save those desperate souls... Not with your sword arm you cannot......"
the old beast stands up tall and sincere...
"...and then I gave him what he needed to hear most... I then said... what I speak of Lord Durgaz is were you to become an idea, where you to become something MORE than one orc, were you to become an ideal... THEN friend-Durgaz you become LEGEND."
"Then orc... you can save the world."[edit]
...Belal looks to the ground and then to the open sky. The old beast has never spoken a more true word. Of course this may all be part of his flourishing tongue. But can that tongue not ring true?
What do YOU know about the Outsiders referred to as a Courtesan Imp?[edit]
Duh?... You know all this Adam. Zal'Kazzir doesn't though.
Here's what we'll do...
ROLL: Za'Kazzir (Know: Nobility +4) ROLLED: 15+4 = 19
SO... with this roll - I will BOLD FACE all the text below that Zal'Kazzir WOULD know. Keep in mind what Zal DOES NOT know. You might want to copy/paste out the things that he KNOWS for certain about Nazif's race. Obviously SOME of the information may be more or less true. I'm treating Nazif as a FULL NPC in this regard. He'll be loyal to Zal, or friendly as according to how HE is treated... "like a hireling".
While all courtesan imps are out to make themselves powerful, every one is a coward first, and a traitor second. Courtesan imps survive through stealth and trickery, lying and stealing as it suits them.
Collaborators first attracts the attention of evil powers outside the perview of Izrador and gains a courtesan imp as a hireling, if he wants one. A courtesan imp improves over time: it gains one Hit Die for every three levels the collaborator gains in any class.
Courtesan imps consider combat to be the same as dying. The promise of protection in combat is often enough to keep a courtesan imp loyal. When caught in a fight, a courtesan imp attempts to talk or feint its way out.
- Entreat (Ex): A courtesan imp is an expert intermediary. This ability gives the imp the benefit of a permanent tongues spell and predisposes NPCs to treat the imp with open-minded indifference rather than hostility. Courtesan imps use this ability to approach new collaborators and open peaceful dialogues with would-be enemies.
- Rumormonger (Ex): A courtesan imp has a flawless memory for details, rumors, gossip, and secrets. Plus, its tiny body and ability to vanish lets it eavesdrop with confidence. Acourtesan imp uses its Hide or Move Silently skill to make Gather Information checks, without ever engaging in questioning or social interaction of any kind. With 1d6+1 hours to eavesdrop and a successful check (DC 22), the courtesan imp can learn enough information to gain a +4 bonus on Diplomacy or Bluff checks against a single person for one day.
- Spell-Dealing (Su): In the old days, courtesan imps traded in spells as part of their duties on Aryth. A courtesan imp can “carry” a spell from a book or scroll to a channeler who wants to learn it. The channeler must spend the time, money and XP necessary to learn the spell from a book as usual, but does not have to physically see or handle the book or scroll himself. This ability destroys the scroll the spell was taken from. A courtesan imp can carry only one spell at a time, which must be of a level equal to or less than the imp’s Charisma modifier. The courtesan imp does not have to be able to use or understand the spell itself. The spell comes seemingly written on the imp’s body. Typically, a courtesan imp charges 25 gp/spell level for this service.
- Vanish (Su): As a full-round action, a courtesan imp can vanish from sight. So long as the courtesan imp doesn’t attack or move more than its speed per round, it’s effectively invisible. Courtesan imps often use this ability and the spider climb spell to escape dangerous situations.
- Spells Known (5 points of spell energy/day; DC 15 +spell level): 0—mage hand, prestidigitation, virtue; 1st—jump, pass without trace; 2nd—cat’s grace, spider climb, tree shape; 3rd—meld into stone.
What do YOU know about Outsiders in general?[edit]
ROLL: Za'Kazzir (Know: Arcana +8, at a higher DC than Know: Spirits) ROLLED: 2+8 = 19
SO... with this roll - Crap roll... sorry Adam. But with that, here's what you know about Outsiders in general:
Outsiders are a special case on Aryth, having been trapped there for thousands of years with no way to get home or call others from their planes of origin. Because the elthedar had built great civilizations and were master practitioners of the arts of magic, there was a significant outsider presence on Aryth before the Sundering. That event caused some outsiders to go mad instantly, affecting them in unexplainable and never-before-seen ways. Some consider these the lucky ones. Others were merely frustrated by their inability to return home, and they endeavored to find a way to break the Veil that enveloped the world.
Outsiders Around Aryth
The demon-infested jungles of the Aruun are perhaps the most regarded place on Eredane when the subject of demons is broached—and for good reason. Its humid confines house the majority of outsiders in the world.
Elsewhere, angels, demons, and devils alike have tried to blend in as best they can. Indeed, good and evil outsiders often find common cause, and in many cases old hatreds have fallen by the wayside in light of their new circumstances. For a chance to return home, there is barely an angel on Aryth who would not work with a demon or devil, but their natures remain unchanged, and such alliances often do not last long, too strained by old prejudices and differences in philosophy that often have lethal consequences.