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- [ Moochava]
- [ Moochava]
[ 中央吸尘][ 新风系统]
[ 杭州通诚投资公司][ 成人用品]
"My god, that's the dumbest beast I've ever heard of. Seriously, this is worse than a modron that rides an owlbear into battle wielding a gun that shoots svirfneblin."
[ 成人用品][ 杭州婚庆][ 屏蔽器]
[ 手机信号屏蔽器][ 网站建设] [ 杭州网络公司]
-[ randomgamer8466]
[ 网站建设][ 虚拟主机][ 域名注册]
[ 网站推广][ 企业邮箱][ 域名申请]
"GM: "The super Nazi closes on you."
[ 物流][ 电子][ IC]
Player 1: "Er... Don't shoot, I'm Hitler!"
[ 网站建设] [ 虚拟主机]
GM: "Right, roll for it, oh bugger. Right what skill have you got in German?"
[ 域名注册] [ 网站推广]
Player 1: "Er [checks his sheet] none at all."
[ 企业邮局][ 癌症] [ vi设计] [ 网页设计] [ 杭州婚庆]
Player 2: "Tell him that you forgot how to speak German after the brain-transplant. It was a side-effect or something."
[ 杭州婚庆司仪][ 杭州婚庆主持]
Player 1: "Yes! That's the one!""
[ 腰带] [ 平面设计]
[ 标志设计] [ 手机信号屏蔽器] [ 屏蔽器]
-[ celebrityomnipath]
"Because you know nothing says gritty fantasy like a whacky leprechaun knifing you in the junk..."
-[ Ab3]

Latest revision as of 03:23, 6 December 2007

A list of great quotes from the RPGNet forums, complete with links to the discussion.

"B__: Why slip over the wall and drop the steaks off when we can light our meat cart on fire and push it down a hill into the wall, where it'll smash through, hurling flaming meat through the air and lighting the lions on fire when they try to eat the flaming meat?
WP&P: That makes sense."

- Moochava

"My god, that's the dumbest beast I've ever heard of. Seriously, this is worse than a modron that rides an owlbear into battle wielding a gun that shoots svirfneblin."


"GM: "The super Nazi closes on you." Player 1: "Er... Don't shoot, I'm Hitler!" GM: "Right, roll for it, oh bugger. Right what skill have you got in German?" Player 1: "Er [checks his sheet] none at all." Player 2: "Tell him that you forgot how to speak German after the brain-transplant. It was a side-effect or something." Player 1: "Yes! That's the one!""


"Because you know nothing says gritty fantasy like a whacky leprechaun knifing you in the junk..."
