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* A common power: Increased Strength
* A common power: Increased Strength

go jupiterrrrr
'''Greater Goddess''' Queen of the Gods. Wife of Jupiter and mother of Mars
* Spheres of Influence: Marriage, Motherhood, and Wives.
* Spell colleges granted to priests: All except Gate, Illusion and Creation, Making and Breaking, Mind Control, Necromantic, and Technological.
* Required spell college: Healing
* Common Advantages: High Pain Threshold
* Common Disadvantages: Dependents
* A common power:

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* A common power: Amphibious
* A common power: Amphibious

'''Supported Demi-Goddess''' Wife of Neptune.

== Headline text ==
While she is honored by the priests of Neptune she is not worshipped in her own right.
'''Bold text'''[[Link title]]''Italic text''nepturn suckssss


Revision as of 20:51, 28 July 2009

The Gods, their spheres of influence, and the spells and powers they grant to their priests. The Gods and their associated Priests and Minions use the capsystem rules from The Primal Order. It is important for the priest to remember that unlike the mage or necromancer spell prerequisites do not apply. Minimum level of power investiture equal to the minimum magery for the spell is still required though. Spell colleges listed as required mean the priest must have at least 1 spell of that college for each level of power investiture that he has.

Priests often take on some of the personalities of their deity. Because of this some common advantages and disadvantages are also listed. Common powers typically granted to priests are also listed. These are guidelines only, not requirements.

Jupiter king of the gods.


Supreme Deity King of the Gods. Husband of Juno, and father of many.

  • Spheres of Influence: Courage, Oaths, Strength, and Weather.
  • Spell colleges granted to priests: All except Animal, Illusion and Creation, Mind Control, Necromantic, Plant, and Technological.
  • Required spell college: Weather
  • Common Advantages: Charisma
  • Common Disadvantages: Overconfidence
  • A common power: Increased Strength


Greater Goddess Queen of the Gods. Wife of Jupiter and mother of Mars

  • Spheres of Influence: Marriage, Motherhood, and Wives.
  • Spell colleges granted to priests: All except Gate, Illusion and Creation, Making and Breaking, Mind Control, Necromantic, and Technological.
  • Required spell college: Healing
  • Common Advantages: High Pain Threshold
  • Common Disadvantages: Dependents
  • A common power:


Greater God Brother of Jupiter, husband of Salacia.

  • Spheres of Influence: Disasters, Horses, and the Ocean.
  • Spell colleges granted to priests: All except Fire, Illusion and Creation, Necromantic, Sound, Plant, and Technological.
  • Required spell college: Water
  • Common Advantages: Animal Empathy
  • Common Disadvantages: Bad Temper
  • A common power: Amphibious


Supported Demi-Goddess Wife of Neptune.

While she is honored by the priests of Neptune she is not worshipped in her own right.


Greater God Brother of Jupiter, and husband of Prosperina.

  • Spheres of Influence: Death, Night, the Underworld.
  • Spell colleges granted to priests: All except Earth, Healing, Illusion and Creation, Making and Breaking, Technological, and Water.
  • Required spell college: Necromantic
  • Common Advantages: Dark Vision
  • Common Disadvantages: Absent Mindedness
  • A common power: Obscure

Unlike the gods of death in most pantheons Pluto is not evil. Although they are the only Priests capable of casting necromantic spells priests of Pluto are forbidden from raising undead. The walking dead are seen as an affront to Pluto his priests are sworn to destroy them.


Supported Demi-Goddess Daughter of Ceres and wife of Pluto.

While she is honored by the priests of Pluto and Ceres she is not worshipped in her own right.


Greater God Son of Jupiter and Juno, lover of Venus, and father of Remus the first Emperor by a mortal woman.

  • Spheres of Influence: War
  • Spell colleges granted to priests: All except Animal, Enchantment, Mind Control, Necromantic, Plant, and Technological.
  • Required spell college: Protection and Warning.
  • Common Advantages: Combat Reflexes
  • Common Disadvantages: Bloodlust
  • A common power:


Supported Demi-Goddess Young wife of Mars.

While she is honored by the priests of Mars she is not worshipped in her own right.


Supported Demi-Goddess Assistant to Mars, also rumored to be his mistress.

  • Spheres of Influence: The horrors of war.
  • Common Advantages: Resistant to Disease
  • Common Disadvantages: Berserk
  • A common power:

While she is honored by the priests of Mars she is seldom worshipped in her own right. The few priests who do worship her have the same spells as priests of Mars.


Greater Goddess Daughter of Jupiter and Metis.

  • Spheres of Influence: Crafts, Warriors, and Wisdom.
  • Spell colleges granted to priests: All except Animal, Earth, Food, Necromantic, Plant, and Technological.
  • Required spell college: Enchantment
  • Common Advantages: Common Sense
  • Common Disadvantages: Sense of Duty
  • A common power:


Lesser God The Sun God. Son of Jupiter and Latona.

  • Spheres of Influence: Healing, Music, and the Sun.
  • Spell colleges granted to priests: All except Earth, Making and Breaking, Mind Control, Necromantic, Technological, and Water.
  • Required spell college: Light and Darkness.
  • Common Advantages: Musical Ability
  • Common Disadvantages: Alcoholism
  • A common power:


Lesser Goddess Sister of Jupiter, and mother of Prosperina.

  • Spheres of Influence: Plants, and the Harvest.
  • Spell colleges granted to priests: All except Gate, Illusion and Creation, Mind Control, Necromantic, Sound, and Technological.
  • Required spell college: Plant
  • Common Advantages: Green Thumb
  • Common Disadvantages: Bad Temper
  • A common power: Baldness


Lesser Goddess Daughter of Jupiter and Latona.

  • Spheres of Influence: The Hunt, Women.
  • Spell colleges granted to priests: All except Gate, Illusion and Creation, Making and Breaking, Mind Control, Necromantic, and Technological.
  • Required spell college: Animal
  • Common Advantages: Animal Empathy
  • Common Disadvantages: Curious
  • A common power: Catfall


Lesser Goddess

  • Spheres of Influence: Justice, and Luck
  • Spell colleges granted to priests: All except Air, Animal, Mind Control, Necromantic, Plant, and Technological.
  • Required spell college: None
  • Common Advantages: Danger Sense, Luck
  • Common Disadvantages: Unluckiness
  • A common power: Serendipity


Lesser God Son of Jupiter and Maia.

  • Spheres of Influence: Commerce and Travel.
  • Spell colleges granted to priests: All except Animal, Mind Control, Making and Breaking, Necromantic, Plant, and Technological.
  • Required spell college: Movement
  • Common Advantages: Very Fit
  • Common Disadvantages: Greed
  • A common power: Increased Move


Lesser God The old man. Father of Jupiter, and husband of Ops.

  • Spheres of Influence: Agriculture and Magic.
  • Spell colleges granted to priests: All except Communication and Empathy, Making and Breaking, Mind Control, Necromancy, Sound, and Technological.
  • Required spell college: None
  • Common Advantages: Unfazeable
  • Common Disadvantages: Stubbornness
  • A common power: Damage Resistance

Shortly before the Empire was founded he was the King of the Gods. Though overthrown by his son Jupiter they now have an amicable relationship. The priests of Jupiter and Saturn have a good natured rivalry. Those wizards that honor any god often claim Saturn as it was he that first taught magic to humans so they might hold their own against the elves.


Supported Demi-Goddess Wife of Saturn.

While she is honored by the priests of Saturn she is not worshipped in her own right.


Lesser Goddess Sister of Jupiter.

  • Spheres of Influence: Family, the Hearth.
  • Spell colleges granted to priests: All except Fire, Movement, Mind Control, Necromantic, Sound, and Technological.
  • Required spell college: Food
  • Common Advantages: Voice
  • Common Disadvantages: Chummy
  • A common power: Oracle


Lesser God The smith, the artificer. Husband of Venus.

  • Spheres of Influence: Creation, Fire.
  • Spell colleges granted to priests: All except Animal, Mind Control, Gate, Necromantic, Plant, and Technological.
  • Required spell college: Making and Breaking.
  • Common Advantages: Artificer
  • Common Disadvantages: Workaholic
  • A common power:


Lesser Goddess Wife of Vulcan and lover of Mars.

  • Spheres of Influence: Beauty, and Love.
  • Spell colleges granted to priests: All except Earth, Fire, Gate, Necromantic, Technological, and Weather.
  • Required spell college: Body
  • Common Advantages: Appearance
  • Common Disadvantages: Lecherousness
  • A common power: Empathy

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