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'''Lilijana Ab Theron Ul Katah'''<br>
'''Lilijana Ab Theron Ul Katah'''<br>

Revision as of 12:13, 6 September 2009

Game: Once more, with feeling.

Lilijana Ab Theron Ul Katah
Caste: Changing moon
Concept: Cunning warlord

A short and lightly built women, her black hair is roughly cut short. Her most notable feature is her light blue eyes that often seem to full of mirth, but they can change suddenly to become pitless as the northern wastes. She wears simple garb of her tribe a short wove kilt and loose sleeveless top that allow for unencumbered movement.


To protect the downtrodden and abused of creation, and lead them against their oppressors.


Kelga and Urond my blood sworn (+)
The guild (-)


At lower levels a swirling purple mist. With a pair of bright Silver orbs. As reaches totemic level the orbs resovle themselves into the eyes of a hunting cat.


PHYSICAL: Strength 4, Dexterity 4* (Stealth +2), Stamina 3
SOCIAL: Charisma 4, Manipulation 5*(+2 Deceitful), Appearance 3 (Seduction +1)
MENTAL: Perception 5, Intelligence 5, Wits 4


Favored Abilities

Survival 2 War 5 Presence 3


Athletics 2 Awareness 3 Melee 3 Thrown 5 Dodge 5 Resistance 2


Craft: 2 Stealth 3 Larceny 3 Socialize 3


Lore 2 Medicine 2


Solar Bond 5


Followers 3

Lili loyal band of fighters most are survivors of Guild dealings escaped slaves, those who had the lively hoods destroyed by the guild. The rest are the destitute of the places she has travelled through those who feel betrayed and abused by those in power and desire a chance to strike back.

They are equipped equivalent to light troops and trained in guerilla fighting techniques.

Ally 2

Kelga is a survivor of the village massacre and one of Lili closest friends. She is the daughter of a human mother and a forest spirit. She acts as confidant and aide to Lili, treating her as a younger sister even after Lili exaltation. She is a calm and steady voice suggesting restraint and rational planning.

Ally 1

Urond is another survivor of the village and the last of the trio. He is a normal human, but is a highly skilled hunter and tracker. He often acts as a unit leader and scout, he is Lili advisor and sounding board for ideas favouring quick and decisive action.

Artifact 3

Falcons cry Moonsilver Sky-cutter. A gift from her Lunar mentor, she greatly treasures the item and will not willingly part with it for any length of time. Can form into either a small dagger or short Diaklaive at the cost of 2 essence.

Resources 2

Lili band travels as a trade caravan and manges to make a reasonable profit.

Contacts 1

lili maintains good standing with several other travelling caravans that occasionally pass on news.


Prey skins disguise Twin-faced Hero Quicksilver second face Deadly Beastman Transformation Life of the Humming bird



Instinct-Driven Beast Movment Furious Hound Pursuit Golden Tiger Stance Wasp sting blur


Face of the moon Concealment Maintaining the pack Instinct Memory Insertion Perfect fear scent Terrifying Lust Inflection Cobra Hypnotic Method


School becomes shark Formation School in the reeds Technique


Essence: 3
Personal: #
Peripheral: #
Committed: #




Compassion: 2
Conviction: 3
Temperance: 3
Valor: 3

Limit Break

Spitefulness of the wet cat When limit breaks she will do everything in her power to avenge herself on a person she feels has insulted her. Risking everything in order to destroy the person in a way that the person knows who bought them low.

Reduced version: Can be convinced not to take actions that would directly risk themselves or close friends/relatives.


Lameller Armour Target shield


Lilijana was the eldest child of the village chieftain, as was the custom of the tribe she was taught the art of war and the way of the warrior, to prepare her to either led the tribe or as a suitable wife for another chieftain. The tribe lived on the edge of a great forest and earned most of their living their trading rare herbs and plants for the goods they needed.

Lili was proud and head strong child, but she quickly realized that she was not as strong as many of the others her age, she was however more cunning. Even at a young age she was able to best others by planning ahead, setting the terrain in her favor or waiting till they had forgotten an incident and she got her revenge.

She had a quick tongue and quicker mind, she usually was able to talk her way out of (and into trouble with ease) and was the village favorite and they spoiled her utterly, she did however avoid becoming a brat mostly due to her two close friends Kelga and Urond, who would cut her down to size if she began to show a big head.

The three of them tended to range far in order to explore and gather the goods the tribe needed. It was at this time the guild began to show greater interest in some of the herbs that the tribe found, they tried to buy exclusive rights and where refused, they tried to buy the location and where refused. A short while later Lilijana and her friends where returning to the village when they spotted smoke rising in the direction of the village they rushed back, but found the village destroyed, most of the people had been slaughtered.

Lilijana found her mother and farther's bodies, they had been tortured to try and learn what the guild wanted to know. It was then that Lili swore a blood oath that she would destroy the Guild for what they had done. She gathered the survivors and convinced them to follow her to rescue their breathen and bring vengeance down on their foes. She quickly led them through the forest to a ford that the caravan would have to cross their, she launched an ambush as the caravan was in the middle of the river. The battle was a total success the Guild routed, the people free.

As word of her fight grew more people who had felt the harsh hand of the guild sought her out, as did the guild who placed a large bounty on her head. Events came to a head at the mizar pass, when she was betrayed her forces where ambushed and many cut down refusing to give into despair she organized a rear guard action, which she personally led knowing that the enemy would pay her extra attention. She was able to rescue a substantial portion of her forces and dispite her wounds stayed on her feet till they had lost the pursuit. It was then in a fevered dream that Luna appeared, she talked to Lili about what had happened showed her how across creation, good people where oppressed for and used for benefit of the few, they might not be slaves in name but in every other way they where. "My dutiful cat, you must remeber that even a single pebble can start an avalanche. Become the rock that will change the path."

Most of her followers who survived the battle have stayed with her since then. They trust in their leader and consider her blessed by the gods, the guild have come to hate her with a passion for her continued raids.


Although she has become grimmer since her crusade against the guild, she still manages to maintain much of her carefree and easy going spirit. She does not smile as much as used to do, but still is often the one to lighten the mood when things seem grim. She does however have a vindictive streak if she feels she has been crossed, this has only gotten worse since she exalted.

If you are happy was thinking of a custom Limit flaw.

Merits and Flaws

Goals and Motivations


+1 Stm (4)
+2 War (2)
+2 Thrown (4)
+2 Dodge (4)
Intimacies (3)
+1 Essence (10)
+2 Dex speciality (1)
+2 Main Speciality (1)
+1 App speciality (1)
+1 artifact background (1)
+1 Contacts background (1)