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<i>Dawn Caste sword-saint</i> | <i>Dawn Caste sword-saint</i> | ||
Revision as of 07:15, 11 September 2009

Dawn Caste sword-saint
A petite young woman whose face reflects her mixed Southern and Eastern heritage with tanned skin and forest green eyes. Clad in the traditional fighting robes shared by martial artists all across the East she might be thought a warrior monk if not for her long black hair, which she ties back with hair clips of carved wood. Matched by the color of her clothes her eyes are calm and compassionate, reminiscent of a still pool of water deep in the woods. The only adornment she wears is a pendant carved into the form of an opening flower which she carries on a piece of string around her neck. At her side she carries slightly a curved sword, of mortal manufacture but very old and of great artistry.
To free the people of the east from false prophets and tyranny, starting with the Mask of Winters, so they can find their way to enlightenment.
The Noble Path leads to enlightenment and the Art of the Sword guides my steps.
A strange bond exists between Dhiren and me, something intriguing, exciting and a little frightening. (Lunar Bond, Eternal Vow, True Love)
My sifu, Wisdom of the East Wind, is like a father to me.
Wherever possible I must avoid needless deaths, but for some people reincarnation is the only way they will learn.
Blessed Radiance was my friend. I will remember him, the good and the bad.
It is our duty as Exalted to protect this world and guide its people to a better future.
Slavery chains people in mind and body, creating only suffering.
(Intimacies in bold are protected by Elusive Dream Defense)
When Nuwa taps into peripheral essence her castemark shimmers in rose-tinged gold. With further expenditures the cloak of her Anima becomes visible, a deep gold suffused by the glorious red of the sunrise that surrounds her as a coruscating aura. At its maximum it coalesces into its iconic form, a ring of flying blades high over Nuwa's head - the Crown of Swords, a banner that has struck fear into the hearts of her opponents since times immemorial.
Nuwa can spend 10m to appear as the epitome of martial perfection, unconquered as her patron and utterly invincible. Mortals and mundane animals automatically flee in holy terror if they try to oppose, Heroic Mortals, non-noble Fair Folk and Demons of the First Circle may avoid that by succeeding on a Difficulty five Valor roll. Against any opponents remaining her DV increases by five as they are unable to look directly or even strongly oppose her. These effects come into play automatically once she spends 11+ motes of Peripheral Essence.
PHYSICAL: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4
SOCIAL: Charisma 5, Manipulation 1, Appearance 3
MENTAL: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 5
Caste Abilities
Martial Arts 5 (Unarmed +1), Melee 6 (Swords +3), War 3 --- [7 BP]
Favored Abilities
Integrity 4, Presence 5, Resistance 3, Lore 3, Medicine 3, Athletics 3, Awareness 5 (Join Battle +1) --- [5.5 BP]
Unfavored Abilities
Performance 1, Survival 1, Craft (Wood) 2, Investigation 2, Occult 2, Linguistics 3 (Forest-tongue, Riverspeak, Old Realm, Low Realm), Socialize 1
Face 4
Nuwa's name is known and much respected among practitioners of the martial arts all across the East. Her reputation began as that of a teen prodigy when she won her first contest at the age of 15 and was given the affectionate name of 'East Wind's Iron Blossom' by the presiding master. Since then as her talent matured and her mastery of the blade grew this reputation has steadily increased. News of the hard lessons she gave to the godblooded High-Flying Silver and Steady Iron Heart and her many other victories have spread quickly through the martial arts world. Her triumph over the Glorious Saint of Blood-Stained Steel was witnessed by dozens of martial artists who carried the tale far into every direction. And since then as the light of the Dawn within her has raised her skill to heights not seen in the world for centuries her reputation has reached all but the most isolated of martial artists. Among some her name is tainted by her Anathema nature, but her flawless skill, her deep understanding of the sword, and her unswerving virtue none can deny.
Heirloom 1
The Rose's Thorns, a set of paired swords, were a gift to Nuwa from her sifu Wisdom of the Eastern Wind when she left his dojo behind to learn from the world. Originally forged by a Shogunate master smith the red-tinged blades represent the very pinnacle of mortal craft and art and are no less sharp today than when they first saw the light of day almost a thousand years ago. It is said that five times five gods of war and conflict, among them the Maiden of Battles herself, were petitioned to bless the swords and empower the thaumaturgic rituals upon them. The hilts, being of lesser resistance against the ages than the blades, were recently recreated from a rare red wood from the far eastern jungles by Wisdom of the Eastern Wind. Properly treated this wood creates a bond between the weapon and its bearer akin to the attunement of an Exalt's magical weapon.
The Rose's Thorns are in rules terms a pair of perfect straight swords (Spd 4, Acc +4, Dmg +3L, Def +2, Rate 3). However as mortal weapons they do not possess the indestructibility of artifact weapons.
Artifact 2
The silksteel fighting robes Nuwa was gifted by the warrior monks of Varsi are her second most valuable possession and the only luxury she allows herself. Originally she was embarrassed when the monks offered the artifact to her, especially since they had marked it with a stylized Crown of Blades in the place of a mon. But upon consideration she did not want to deny them the gesture and the peace of mind it would allow them - and from a realistic perspective the robes were much less restricting than the buff jacket she had worn previously. She still keeps the old armor, knowing that it too has its uses, but day to day she can always be seen in the miraculously always clean silk robes.
Mentor 1
Born a Dynast and raised on the Blessed Isle as a member of the Immaculate Order V'neef Tokaro journeyed far and wide serving the Order. During one of these travels he met an old man sitting under a tree, surrounded by students. Curiously he joined them and soon realized with sadness that the man's teachings were heresy to the Immaculate Doctrine. But no matter how eloquently he argued, no matter how much essence he poured into his words to change the mind of these mere mortal, he could not change their minds. And after a time he discovered that the old man's questions revealed deeply hidden flaws in his beliefs, gaps that required better answers. A year later Tokaro returned to the Blessed Isle to share his newfound wisdom, the revelation of the Noble Path of which the Immaculate Faith was a mockery twisted by politics, with his fellow Immaculates. But he was not well received and Wisdom of the East Wind as he now called himself to reject his former allegiances had to flee as an apostate to the Order. In the woods of the south-eastern forests he founded a monastery and invited scholars, thinkers and fighters all to join him in seeking enlightenment.
Many years later while ensuring the safety of the blooming monastery's lands he found a young girl, half starved and close to death, who would soon become as a daughter to him. Certainly his pride was that of a parent as her star rose among the initiates of the martial arts and she took readily to the lessons of wisdom he had inherited from the old mortal man that had been his own teacher. But the time has come for her to see the world for herself. Maybe one day she will return, ready to take up his mantle as a teacher.
Manse 2
Some time after her Exaltation while traveling toward Nexus Nuwa rested underneath a great and very old apple tree in the wilderness. She was fascinated with its vitality that allowed it to bear so many small but sweet apples despite its branches being gnarled with age and scarred by lightning. When she continued her journey she carried a small bag of the tree's apples with her, one of which was not a fruit in truth. By the time she noticed the semi-crystalline nature of it she was astonished, but finally decided that the tree must have been a manse of extremely subtle design. And being without owner it would not mind giving her the benefit of its hearthstone, she thought, at least for a while.
The Stone of Life's Gift allows its bearer to gift the old tree's great vitality to other beings, adding three dice to medicine rolls or letting plants grow unusually quickly and healthy, depending on how it is employed. The second option Nuwa has often used to amuse herself or others by growing seeds into beautiful flowers in mere minutes, to which end she carries a collection of seeds with her. It is, she thinks, a harmless indulgence as far as those things go.
The Old Tree has the following properties (as per Oadenol's Codex): Minimally Habitable, Geomantic Subtlety, Well-Flavored Aspect (Wood), Subtle Breath of Sextes Jylis and Provider. It is hard to recognize as a manse and while not providing the shelter an actual house would give, it is cool in summer, warm in winter and passably dry underneath when it's raining. Apart from its own fruit there are many kinds of berries and edible roots growing around it, providing even a large group of modest people with enough food to survive.
Resources 1
What little money Nuwa has she was given as gifts on in thanks for her help and is usually given away again just as quickly. As a consequence she has enough to live a modest life but does not suffer the temptation of greater luxuries. Sometimes, especially in Nexus, it is inconvenient, but then a honest plea can get you pretty far as well.
Lunar Bond 5 & Eternal Vow, True Love
Nuwa's Exaltation has its counterpart in that of one of the Lunar Exalted and in a past life an Eternal Vow was forged between them. A few confusing dreams and the knowledge that someone is out there somewhere to whom she is connected in a deep and troubling way, that was all she knew until a short while ago. Now she has met Dhiren and it's a bit confusing, but also nice. The two of them are meant to complement each other, she has realized, to be each other's strength and together be more than they could be alone. What exactly that means for their future relationship she doesn't know, but she hopes ... Certainly the thought of losing him again is a dreadful one.
Merits and Flaws
[-6 BP]
Enemy 2
The Glorious Saint of Blood-Stained Steel has not forgotten his shame. It burns in his heart like poisonous fire, waiting to be unleashed once he is ready to face Nuwa again. Nothing less than her death can erase his failure and prove himself worthy of his master's faith - but perhaps breaking her body and mind, enslaving her to the same darkness that commands him and making her the spear point of his future crusade will be even better. Even while weighing these options the Saint has spent the last few months honing his skills and mastering the new gifts his Deathlord has bestowed on him. Nothing shall keep him from enacting justice!
Known Anathema 2
In her travels Nuwa has disdained the paranoia that afflicts many of the Lawgivers returned into an age that fears and hates them. While does not needlessly flare her Anima she does not hesitate or reconsider should the circumstances require more strength than she can manage with subtlety. Not doing what is right for fear that she might be hurt, she argues, would be worse than dying in the pursuit of a noble cause. Consequently tales of a woman with the power of the morning sun and crowned by swords have spread far, not rarely mentioning her name as well. Nuwa has even gone so far as to argue philosophy with monks of the Order of the Immaculate Dragons, not denying her nature when asked (but not going out of her way to bring up the subject either).
Wanted 3
Nuwa knows it not, but someone or something is after her. After the separation from her parents - and who was really responsible for their flight all across the Riverlands and their sudden disappearance? - the trail to her had gone cold and for a long time she was well protected. But now she walks through the world openly, leaving people knowing her name and appearance in her wake. And somewhere it was decided that what began so many years ago must now be finished. And maybe they have the means to be a danger even to one of the Dawn ...
Prodigy:Melee 2 & Legendary Ability: Melee 2
Ever since she first laid hands on a blade Nuwa has known that the sword was her destiny and even as a mortal she has shown extraordinary talent with such weapons, instinctively knowing techniques that only a master of many decades should have any right to understand. It is no accident that the Exaltation that came upon her was that bearing the Anima of the Crown of Blades, renowned for its affinity for the sword in every incarnation since before the Primordial War.
Diminished Social Attribute: Manipulation 3
Growing up in the sheltered environment of a monastery Nuwa was late to discovering the concept of lying and having been taught the value of truth from a young age has never much practiced it. As a consequence she would likely be the epitome of obviousness if she tried.
[21.5 BP]
Call the Blade (1m, call your weapon to your hand from Ess*10 meters away)
Summoning the Loyal Steel (1m, banish your weapons to Elsewhere)
Glorious Solar Weaponry (6m, 1wp, turn mortal weapons into an instrument worthy of a Solar swordmaster)
Master's Subtle Edge (+4m, add Ess in damage and the Piercing tag to Glorious Solar Weaponry)
Speed of Light Understanding (--, Glorious Solar Weaponry becomes reflexive, adds +(Melee/2) sux to Join Battle)
Piercing Rays of Dawn Meditation (--, increases the enhancement points provided by GSW by the character's Essence)
Heart Moves The Blade (--, enhances GSW, unlimited weapon transformation, Reach up to 6', regain 4m when using Merciful Bodhisattva Attitude)
Dipping Swallow Defense (2m, use full PDV against one attack)
Bulwark Stance (5m, negate all penalties to PDV for one action)
Heavenly Guardian Defense (4m, perfect defense with the Temperance Flaw)
Defense of Silence Ascendant x2 (+1wp, extends HGD to all attacks from one opponent for one action; +4m, 1wp, extends HGD to all attacks from any source for one action)
Fivefold Bulwark Stance (5m, 1wp, DV penalties for actions reduced by 1, no onslaught penalties)
Eye of the Storm Meditation (--, FFBS also negates coordinated attacks and Surprise-Anticipation Method can be used for free)
Army-Slaying Stance (+5m, improves FFBS, provides great advantages in Mass Combat)
Gilded Champion Refuge (2m, extend PDV and defense Charms to others within your Dexterity in meters for one tick)
Solar Counterattack (3m, reflexively strike back at an attacker)
Redirecting Lightning Method (+1wp, when using HGD redirect attack against any valid target within range)
Ready in Eight Directions Stance (5m, reflexively counterattack for every incoming attack for the rest of the action)
One Weapon, Two Blows (1m, increase Accuracy and Rate of weapons by one)
Peony Blossom Attack (2m/attack, make up to (Essence)+1 attacks at full pool)
Iron Whirlwind Attack (5m, 1wp, make (Dexterity)+1 attacks at full pool)
Hungry Tiger Technique (1m, double attack threshold successes for purposes of damage)
Merciful Bodhisattva Attitude (3m, turn a killing stroke into an incapacitating one)
Pale Waters Benediction (--, painlessly send target's soul to Lethe instead of the normal effect of Merciful Bodhisattva Attitude)
Heart-Breaking Blade (2m/wp, deal wp damage instead of health levels)
Spell-Cutting Strike (2m+X, terminate enemy Charm or Spell, +3x(Ess)m for Charms, +5x(Circle)m for Spells)
Irresistible Salesman Spirit (3m, double successes of a Presence roll)
Truth Shines Like The Sun (4m, leave listeners unable to doubt your truthfulness, UMI, 3wp to resist)
Temptation-Resisting Stance (6m, add Temperance to mental DVs)
Elusive Dream Defense (5m, create an inviolable intimacy that works as perfect social defense)
Ox-Body Technique (--, gain -1, -2, -2 Healthlevels)
Wound-Mending Care Technique (10m, roll Int+Med, heal sux HL, if patient rests heal sux+Ess HL at the end of the day)
Flawless Diagnosis Technique (1m, always make correct diagnoses)
Instant Treatment Methodology (7m, use Medicine as Simple (Spd 5, DV -1) action instead of dramatic action)
Contagion-Curing Touch (2m, use Medicine without instruments and without penalties due to circumstances)
Graceful Crane Stance (3m, gain perfect balance)
Monkey Leap Technique (3m, jump as move action, double jump distances)
Surprise-Anticipation Method (1m, be aware of any mortal danger and surprise attack)
Sagacious Reading of Intent (3m, perfectly understand a speaker or writer's intentions, perfect social defense if those are inimical to Motivation)
Calling the Inner Light
Pure white light shines from the eyes, the mouth and all open wounds of the patient as Nuwa calls upon the perfection that exists within each and every human being, no matter how deeply hidden. Damage and imperfections cannot coexist with this power when thus roused and simply disappear. (Wound-Mending Care Technique, Instant Treatment Methodology, Contagion-Curing Touch)
Essence & Health
Essence: 5 --- [14 BP]
Personal: 23/23
Peripheral: 53/53 (55)
Committed to Charms: 3m peripheral (Summoning the Loyal Steel)
Committed to Artifacts: 2m peripheral (Silken Armor)
Anima Status: Totemic
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated
(wounds are designated as bashing, lethal or aggravated)
OOOOO OOO (Willpower 4/8)
Mental Dodge DV: 8
[3 BP]
Compassion: 4 - Strength is only a virtue when it is used to protect the weak and for the benefit of all.
Conviction: 2 - Don't focus on your goals to the point of obsession - you will lose sight of the big picture.
Temperance: 4 - Worldly desires and attachments are the source of all suffering. Free yourself from them.
Valor: 2 - Courage means facing your fears, not self-aggrandizing quests for glory.
(Virtue Channels used: 2x Compassion, 2x Temperance)
Limit Break
Ascetic Drive
When the pressure becomes too great Nuwa often leaves her material possessions behind and retreats into seclusion to meditate far away from worldly affairs.
Limit Condition: Being confronted with her own failures and human weaknesses.
Limit: XXXXX X----
Equipment & Combat
Join Battle: 11
DDV: 5
Soak: 7L/7B/5A
Punch: Spd 5, Acc 12, Dmg 5B, PDV 7, Rate 3
Kick: Spd 5, Acc 11, Dmg 8B, PDV 6, Rate 2
Clinch: Spd 6, Acc 11, Dmg 5B (P), Rate 1
Wooden Stick: Spd 4, Acc 16, Dmg 8B, PDV 8, Rate 3
The Rose's Thorns (unmodified): Spd 4, Acc 19, Dmg 8L, PDV 9, Rate 3
The Rose's Thorns (w/ GSW): Spd 4, Acc 25, Dmg 8L, PDV 12, Rate 4
The Rose's Thorns (w/ GSW+MSE): Spd 4, Acc 25, Dmg 13L (P), PDV 12, Rate 4
Nuwa's memories of her early childhood are vague. Her mother's love, the feeling of safety in her father's arms, a place she only knows as 'home'. Then there's the frightening images of her father returning home with fear in his eyes one day, her mother helping her to pack her toys and then a hasty flight from home. A succession of strange and foreign places follows in her mind's eye as the young family travels far and wide, never staying in one place for more than a few days. But clearest in her memories are the moments as her mother admonishes her to wait while she and father go to take care of something and the awful feeling of abandonment as even after hours and then days neither of them returns to her.
Subsequently, so she has been told, she was found close to death by a group of monks, among them Wisdom of the Eastern Wind who saved Nuwa and brought her with him back to his monastery. A time of safety and learning followed and as the years passed Nuwa found some happiness again among the eclectic collection of monks, philosophers and martial artists her surrogate father had gathered around him. From the scholars she learned lessons of writing and history, the wise instructed her in the teachings of the Noble Path that leads to the cessation of suffering, and the warrior monks taught her the arts martial. It was in that last field that her true talent was found as she learned with astonishing speed not just the physical but also the metaphysical aspects of the arts. Her aptitude for the sword in particular was shown to be extraordinary as she won her first tournament at the age of 15, surpassing even much more experienced fighters. And since then her talent has only blossomed more and more.
At the age of twenty Nuwa and her teachers both came to the conclusion that it would do Nuwa good to leave the monastery behind and wander through the world for a time. In that way she would be able to learn more of Creation than was possible staying at her new home, and benefit from the wisdom of different and perhaps even greater masters. Privately her hope was also that she might discover something about her parents, find the traces they left or maybe even find them alive and well somewhere. However the lessons the world had to teach were horrific to the naive young woman. People outside the monastery and the lands under its protection were beset by bandits, monsters and most often of all pitiable poverty, they lied and stole and murdered, and they laughed when she told them this was not the way to enlightenment. Many times she had to demonstrate her skills with the blade to protect herself or someone else from the depredations of the wicked or desperate, more than once ending in death. And that she had killed only in self-defense was of small comfort to Nuwa, who strained to keep to the Noble Path's purity and avoidance of violence.
But the greatest upheaval in her life was still to come. As Nuwa guested at a friendly master's dojo in Varsi the Deathknight calling himself The Glorious Saint of Blood-Stained Steel attacked, seeking to test his new hammer on the martial artists in attendance. Among the burning ruins of the dojo and the shattered bodies of her hosts Nuwa met the Saint with bright steel in her hands and the calm acceptance of death in her heart, for she fought not for herself or glory but for every man or woman that might be able to flee while she held the monster off. And though the Deathknight broke bones and dealt terrible damage with every successful strike Nuwa's virtuous cause gave her strength and she managed to cut him as well, once, twice, thrice. Taunting her the so-called Saint asked her why she even tried, why she risked her life when she could not win - after all he had died once before and yet here he stood. Just then in a moment of transcendent brilliance Nuwa saw a way, a move that would send the Abyssal back into the screaming void that had spawned him. And she began executing the maneuver, pushing the limits of mortal ability to the utmost and penetrating the Deathknight's defenses in a way he had never before considered. But as the Dark Exalt stumbled backwards in shock, grasping at the wound at his throat Nuwa spoke in reply, surrounded by rose-tinged golden light: "It is not your death I seek, to reduce the suffering in the world that is my goal. But I can see that you suffer as well, that pain drives you to violence." And she withdrew her sword, having deliberately missed the deadly stroke by fractions of an inch. "But suffering can cease. Let me instruct you." The Saint however, blinded by fear and misconceptions, fled.
Six months of wandering through Creation, of seeing its lowest depths and its highest heights, have left their mark on Nuwa. No longer is she the naive young woman who walked out the gates of the monastery and did not understand why anyone would lie or commit crimes against her neighbor. But while she has accepted that living in the world is more difficult than it is in a sheltered monastery that is to her mind only more reason to hold on to her ethics, even if they seem plainly unreasonable to most everybody else. And so Nuwa keeps speaking the truth no matter how inconvenient, helping anyone she can and assuming the best of people. She tolerates no tyranny over the mind or the body, as that impedes the ability of the individuals in question to find their way to enlightenment.
Though she approaches many matters with great seriousness Nuwa is quick to laugh in circumstances of less consequence and not having seen much of the world yet remains curious about many of its aspects. Humbleness she sees as a great virtue and she is very aware that despite her skill she has not yet attained the wisdom that marks a true master, though realistically in the absence of one any help or guidance that she can give will have to do.
Goals and Motivations
XP gained: 178
XP spent: 171 (Heart Moves The Blade: 8 XP, Defense of Silence Ascendant: 8 XP, Gilded Champion Refuge: 8 XP, Defense of Silence Ascendant II: 8 XP, Speed of Light Understanding: 8 XP, Piercing Rays of Dawn Meditation: 8 XP, Army-Slaying Stance: 8 XP, Face 4: 3 XP, Monkey Leap Technique: 8 XP, Heart-Breaking Blade: 8 XP, Spell-Cutting Strike: 8 XP, Solar Counterattack: 8 XP, Redirecting Lightning Method: 8 XP, Flawless Diagnosis Technique: 8 XP, Instant Treatment Methodology: 8 XP, Calling the Inner Light (Combo: Wound-Mending Care Technique+Instant Treatment Methodology): 5 XP, Ready in Eight Directions Stance: 8 XP, One Weapon Two Blows: 8 XP, Peony Blossom Attack: 8 XP, Iron Whirlwind Attack: 8 XP, Contagion-Curing Touch: 8 XP, Add CCT to Combo: 3 XP, Pale Waters Benediction: 8 XP)
XP unspent: 7
XP spending plans: Wholeness-Restoring Meditation (8 XP), Soul-Bound Weapon Mastery (8 XP), Transcendant Melee Understanding (8 XP), Melee 7 (6 XP), Infinite Mirror Sphere (8 XP), Invincible Fury of the Dawn (8 XP).
Custom Charms
See Nuwa's custom Charms here.
Questions & Answers
How old are you? I will turn 21 sometime this year, but I am not sure when exactly. When I was very young my parents would tell me when my birthday arrived, but that was before I understood dates or calenders. Later as a child I used to secretly pretend that the Calibration festivities were for me. These days I understand why and I do not pretend anymore, although I still think of Calibration as my date of birth. A time outside of time, in the nowhere between one year and the next, I like that. It is a reminder not to think too highly of myself.
What was your family life like? My parents loved and protected me, but there was something they feared, which they needed to run from. I am afraid that whatever that was found them, but I am even more afraid that the reason they left me behind might have been something else. One day I will find out. After that Wisdom of the Eastern Wind and his friends were my parents. It is probably not normal to grow up among such people, wise, weird, powerful, learned, peculiar and any possible combination thereof. And apparently not everyone is taught to read and write, to think and fight from such an early age. Radiance thinks they filled my head with strange ideas, but I count myself privileged to have grown up among and be allowed to learn from them all.
Where are you from? Originally? I'm not sure, though I have put together some fragments of memory that suggest my parents and I passed through Nexus from the North-East. More recently my home was the monastery of Wisdom of the Eastern Wind, where I lived until ten months ago when I was sent out to learn of the world.
How were you Exalted? Afterward I was made out to be some sort of hero, but really all I did was do my best to help the people that had been nice to me. I had been forced to defend myself before and I had made mistakes - been too lenient and allowed others to come to harm or been too zealous and had killed. It was with that Deathknight that I first found the right balance. I saw a way to end his life and the suffering that he might bring to the world, but I also saw that I might help him. I do not know exactly why there are those such as him, but I believe it is a choice they make - and choices can be reconsidered if there is someone to remind them that they should. And so I took the middle way, defeating him but not ending his current incarnation, hoping that I might stimulate some insight in him, help him. Perhaps that was why I was given this ... catalyst of enlightenment. But I cannot be sure.
When did you meet your companions? There is a story for each of them. Larana I found following her reputation among the learned. I came to her for help and she was very kind in giving it to me. We spoke of many things and I found myself sympathetic to her plans to build a better world. At first sight my own path appears to be quite different, but just like her I am hoping that changes I can bring about in the world will help people. So that much we do have in common.
Radiance I encountered at a crossroads and immediately recognized as a martial artist from his walk. We tested our respective skills against one another and I found him a true master of his chosen weapon as well as a fellow Solar Exalted. Since we were both on our way to the city of Nexus we agreed to make the rest of the journey together. Though he is unmistakably a good man Radiance dearly needs to learn the virtue of patience, self-control and temperance and I have decided to help him with that.
How has power changed you? I dearly hope that is has not. Strength lacked or possessed should not be a factor in determining my thoughts and actions. Regardless of success or failure, if my intentions are pure then so is my karma. Certainly I am not as perfect as I would like, but I do my best. That I am now more likely to succeed ... it is nice, but I do fear that I might lose sight of what is truly important.
What do you think of mortals? None of us Exalted are immortal, nor are gods from what I have learned. So why that distinction? Merely because some live longer than others? In any case, every mortal has the capability to reach enlightenment, if not in this life then in the next or one of the infinite number after that. Certainly I now have great power, but that in no way sets me above them just as my strength did not set me above those weaker than myself before I was Exalted. It does not change anything in that regard, really.
What motivates you to be a hero? *shrug* I am who and what I am. I do what I do because I think it is the right thing to do, the same as everybody else.
Who or what do you worship? I do not worship. I follow the Noble Path as taught to me by my teacher and I will be glad to speak to you about it in more detail, but it is not worship. I have spoken to gods and they might have called it prayer, but they do not, perhaps cannot, understand. If Sol Invictus, Luna and the five Maidens came before me I would be respectful, just as I would in the presence of a mortal teacher. But any more than that and I would have lost sight of the things that truly matter.
What would drive you to commit murder? I ... I would like to say that there is nothing that could drive me to murder. But that would be dishonest. I am not perfect, I am not a saint despite what have said, I have not reached the transcendent enlightenment I seek. So sadly it is quite possible, that I could be driven to murder despite my best efforts. I do not know what someone adept at manipulating me might induce me to do. I do not know what I would do if I lost one whom I love. I can only hope.