DnD Desert Raiders Campaign DM Notes: Difference between revisions

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* DM Bas
* DM Bas

* htf do I edit again
An old "friend", Alan Triplemain, shows up in Alice Springs looking for the group of goblins to settle old debts. After visiting many bars he manages to track down the group and has a discussion with them.
After getting into an argument with Loak about the advance payment on the previous request he had for the group, he ends up requesting a more private conversation with Raven and You.
After many drinks he agrees with Raven and You to forget about the old deal if they can assist him with an old favor:
-Group will have to return a small chest for Alan which has been stolen from him by a group of notorious robbers: the Weird Sisters. The Weird Sisters have been described as two old ladies who use magic to rob people who travel through a certain area to the south of Alice Springs. Alan claims he can't retrieve it himself since he doesn't want to be known as someone who beats up old ladies. Better to leave that for a bunch of goblins.
-Alan provided horses for the party and someone to take care of the horses (Jim).
-Party travels to the location marked on the map for the quest they picked up from Billy.
-They arrive at a camp of gypsies near <unnamed small town>.
-As the party gets lead to the leader of the camp, Nathan, they notice some odd spectacle. Just as they arrive and a woman puts her cloths back on they see their own faces painted on the back of the woman.
-Nathan discusses his problem after trying to influence the party with the magical organ they were looking for.
-Nathan described the camp of gypsies as something else, which is a private army full of specialists each in their own area and is looking to expand it with one more member.
-There are 3 candidates for the position in/around <unnamed small town> and Nathan knows from some sort of scrying/spell that those goblins can help him in making the correct choice for the candidate.
-Group has to deliver the candidate who they judge fitting to the camp.
-Group and Nathan are in discussion about the price. Nathan offered 4k gp, group wants 4k and the organ, later lowers that to 1k and the organ.   


Revision as of 15:58, 8 November 2009


Anything the next DM's may need to know, i.e;

  • Maps of area's
  • (additional) Plot hooks
  • Un-ID'd items
  • NPC's hidden agenda
  • etc...

Note that all of the above should be considered suggestions to make for a more complex and rewarding storyline.

Anyone DM'ing should feel free to make any changes as he sees fit.

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Current DM only, Scroll down .

10/06/09 - Session I - Caravan Caper

  • wand of cure light wounds has 6 charges (worth 90gp party treasure)


17/06/09 - Session II - Caravan Caper


25/06/09 - Session III - Path to Hale

  • DM Anand

Full map

zoom partially

Zoom to region


The trader post of Hale

  • Caravan that the goblins fought is still inside the town
  • Goblins are disliked by all people as normal
  • Traders and bar-owners are aware that even goblins carry gold and are therefore made welcome
  • Officers of the guard are aware that they are paid by the traders and know how to behave to the carriers of money pouches.
  • There is no fighting allowed in or near the settlement.


  • medium Rations, trail (15sp total)
  • medium Waterskin (3gp total)
  • medium desert outfit (6gp)
  • money pouch scorpion's dinner (100 CP total)
  • money pouch caravan guards (session 1, DM Maurits) (30gp total)
  • 1 charge of the wand used this session


02/07/09 - Session IV - Troublemaker in Hale

  • map + quest gained


09/07/09 - Session V - Path to the haunted mine


  • 2 waterskins and 2 oil flasks filled with healing water + waterskin with half charge (worth 112.5gp)
  • 7 bloodstone fragments (10gp each) [unfound]


15/07/09 - Session VI - Inside the haunted mine part 2

  • DM Anand
  • party deeper into the mine, find temple and dwarfish tunnels
  • party level's to level 2. Total gold needed 900 per person (5 x 900 = 4500)
  • treasure gained so far: (90+1.50+3+6+1+30+112.5+ 70gp =) 312.5gp


  • Cursed gem: Worth 1000gp, causes random level 1 magical effect. (hard to sell in normal shops)
  • 200gp in coins from the altar, divided on the spot



22/07/09 - Session VII - Hangover

  • DM Bas
  • party exits mine and returns to town
  • party is introduced to Allan Triplemain. Allan offers reward (1000gp) for information about origin of certain stone. Is too drunk to remember if party wants to take on quest without down payment or not so instead makes a down payment of 500gp and gives party a 6 day grace period to make up their minds.
  • stone = magical item which resembles certain psionic items but it's different. It does not look like a psionic powerstone/Dorje but looks like a normal rock, and power of the stone is activated on touch when certain requirements are met (when an arcane caster touches the stone it affects the caster with an intelligence drain. Stone has a fixed amount of charges.
  • party level's to level 2. Total gold needed 900 per person (5 x 900 = 4500)
  • treasure gained so far: (90+1.50+3+6+1+30+112.5+1000+200+70gp =) 1512.5gp


  • noble outfit, medium 75gp
  • masterwork stone cutting tools, total of 150gp
  • 17 bloogstone fragments 10gp each, 170gp
  • magical warhammer, 1316gp
  • 500gp down payment on favor for Allan Triplemain
  • 10 drankjes credit by Inn: priceless


29/07/09 - Session VIII - ...


05/08/09 - Session IX - ...


12/08/09 - Session X - ...


19/08/09 - Session XI - Cult of Palor part 4

  • DM Anand

short reminder: after finishing their "harvesting" of items from the Sungods temple the party tries to return to the trader's city of Hale. The party (after a not too friendly encounter at the gate of Hale) chose to flee into the desert. there an argument broke lose over the collected valuables and the party split up. unknown to each other they all head to the western city of Alice Springs. This is a very large city on the crossroad of three important trading roads.

  • party levels to level 3. Total gold needed 2700 per person (5 x 2700 = 13500)
  • treasure gained so far: (90+1+3+6+1+30+112+1000+200+70+1316+75+150+170+500gp =) 3723gp
  • treasure needed for level 4 (5x5400 = 27000) (27000-3723 = 23.277gp to go)
  • session end: Party traveled to Alice springs

Intelligent Orb:

  • Int: 13
  • Cha 13:
  • Wis 10
  • Empathy: The possessor feels urges and sometimes emotions from the item that encourage or discourage certain courses of action.
  • 60 ft. vision and hearing
  • Ego score 20
  • weight 0

Abilities - Cast cure light wounds 3/day (1d8+3) - Item has 10 ranks in sense motive - Teleport Self only (not owner or carrier)

Mentality: The orb doesn’t take orders from goblins. It likes its personal boundaries. It will not subject to any kind of identify. It will teleport itself to a new location when it feels threatened or unconvertible. This generally someone’s backpack or pocket. The orb will try to influence the carrier every now and then, just for its own entertainment. (Will save 15 for the carrier to detect the influence and discard encouragement. Carrier gains +10 will save against this effect if the encouragement is against its nature. Instant danger auto success both checks)

Bracers of Defenselessness: These appear to be bracers of armor +5 and actually serve as such until the wearer is attacked in anger by an enemy with a Challenge Rating equal to or greater than her level. At that moment and thereafter, the bracers cause a –5 penalty to AC. Once their curse is activated, bracers of defenselessness can be removed only by means of a remove curse spell. Extra drawback: Item continually emits a disturbing sound when its dark around it Moderate conjuration; CL 16th; Create Wondrous Item, mage armor, bestow curse; Price 1,200 gp.

Pipes of the Sewers: These wooden pipes appear ordinary, but if the possessor learns the proper tune, he can attract 1d3 rat swarms if rats are within 400 feet. For each 50-foot distance the rats have to travel, there is a 1-round delay. The piper must continue playing until the rats appear, and when they do so, the piper must make a DC 10 Perform (wind instruments) check. Success means that they obey the piper’s telepathic commands so long as he continues to play. Failure indicates that they turn on the piper. If for any reason the piper ceases playing, the rats leave immediately. If they are called again within a day, the Perform check DC is 15. If the rats are under the control of another creature, add the HD of the controller to the Perform check DC. Once control is assumed, another check is required each round to maintain it if the other creature is actively seeking to reassert its control. Faint conjuration; CL 2nd; Craft Wondrous Item, charm animal, summon nature’s ally I, wild empathy ability; Price 1,150 gp;Weight 3 lb.

Elixir of Love: This sweet-tasting liquid causes the character drinking it to become charmed with the first creature she sees after consuming the draft (as charm person—the drinker must be a humanoid of Medium or smaller size, Will DC 14 negates). The charm effects wear off in 1d3 hours. Faint transmutation; CL 4th; Craft Wondrous Item, charm person; Price 150 gp.


  • Intelligent orb 4000gp
  • Bracers of Defenselessness 1200gp
  • 6x golden neckless 600gp
  • 9x golden rings 450gp
  • 2x Pipes of the Sewers 2300gp
  • 9x Elixir of Love 1350gp
  • 2000 gp
  • total 11.900 gp


4/11/09 - Session - An old Friend

  • DM Bas

An old "friend", Alan Triplemain, shows up in Alice Springs looking for the group of goblins to settle old debts. After visiting many bars he manages to track down the group and has a discussion with them. After getting into an argument with Loak about the advance payment on the previous request he had for the group, he ends up requesting a more private conversation with Raven and You.

After many drinks he agrees with Raven and You to forget about the old deal if they can assist him with an old favor:

-Group will have to return a small chest for Alan which has been stolen from him by a group of notorious robbers: the Weird Sisters. The Weird Sisters have been described as two old ladies who use magic to rob people who travel through a certain area to the south of Alice Springs. Alan claims he can't retrieve it himself since he doesn't want to be known as someone who beats up old ladies. Better to leave that for a bunch of goblins. -Alan provided horses for the party and someone to take care of the horses (Jim). -Party travels to the location marked on the map for the quest they picked up from Billy. -They arrive at a camp of gypsies near <unnamed small town>. -As the party gets lead to the leader of the camp, Nathan, they notice some odd spectacle. Just as they arrive and a woman puts her cloths back on they see their own faces painted on the back of the woman. -Nathan discusses his problem after trying to influence the party with the magical organ they were looking for. -Nathan described the camp of gypsies as something else, which is a private army full of specialists each in their own area and is looking to expand it with one more member. -There are 3 candidates for the position in/around <unnamed small town> and Nathan knows from some sort of scrying/spell that those goblins can help him in making the correct choice for the candidate. -Group has to deliver the candidate who they judge fitting to the camp. -Group and Nathan are in discussion about the price. Nathan offered 4k gp, group wants 4k and the organ, later lowers that to 1k and the organ.
