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Some progress was made on the whole 'Donal issue'. Carl recalled something from our earlier meeting with Milo (which, sadly, sits in that area of time that I've mostly forgotten). There is a high probability that Donal is an alchemist. Presumably, at least one of the American and Russian that he met (and argued) with in Laura's recollection is also an alchemist. There's an American hanging around the area, a Mr. Parsons, so I suppose it would behoove me to see if he has a scar on his hand.
'''Memory problems'''<br>
'''Memory problems'''<br>

Revision as of 17:08, 1 July 2010


Some progress was made on the whole 'Donal issue'. Carl recalled something from our earlier meeting with Milo (which, sadly, sits in that area of time that I've mostly forgotten). There is a high probability that Donal is an alchemist. Presumably, at least one of the American and Russian that he met (and argued) with in Laura's recollection is also an alchemist. There's an American hanging around the area, a Mr. Parsons, so I suppose it would behoove me to see if he has a scar on his hand.

Memory problems

Carl has mentioned that the 'Oracle' at Tibet has the ability to 'predict' the past as well as the future. It is only in cases where someone of importance is involved, however. There is probably also some requisite amount of data that needs to be entered corresponding to the event, though I didn't fully confirm this, as it didn't seem overly relevant in my situation. While I do not imagine the Tibetan library (or so-called 'Worldsoul' or whatever is required to take notice) considers me to be sufficiently valuable, it seems reasonably likely that the event itself involved someone of importance. If I can find the time, a trip to Tibet may be more valuable than a trip to New York.

Brotherhood of the Beast

So, it sounds like there may be a schism of sorts within the BotB, related to the disappearance of Baron Hauptmann. It appears that a man named Roger LaForge has ascended to leadership. Carl mentioned the names of a few people who had formerly been of high rank, in particular, a woman named Diana. He claimed she was 'pragmatic', which I take to mean that she was not a 'worshipper', but was instead someone more 'self-interested'. My thought, is that if this LaForge character doesn't seem too interested in helping us with our cause (which seems likely, given that he is purportedly trying to locate/resurrect Baron Hauptmann), we could instead seek to assist this Diana in seizing power, in return for certain considerations.


Like everyone else I've talked to, the King of Fate indicated that it would not be possible to understand the Outsiders. (Also, like Carl, he suggested I talk to Chandler). On one hand, I should heed their words, given that they have encountered more of the Outsiders than I have, and they have been... involved in this world longer than I have. However, I wonder if this is a case of 'when the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail.' I suspect they may have blinders on. Has anyone really tried to understand their culture, history, language, etc.? How quickly did we move from 'they are harmful' to 'they are evil'?
When negotiation is discussed, it generally sounds like we are viewing it as a 'zero-sum' game. In essence, we need to move from this 'mercantilist' viewpoint to one of 'free trade.' In the end, of course, I could very well be wrong. Not, I think, that we can't come to understand the Outsider's motives, but that understanding their motives may not lead to fruitful exchange.

The scroll

I wonder if the Dark Pharaoh could assist me with the translation of the scroll. Or maybe the snake people in South America. Given the location where we found it, it certainly seems possible. Some of the pictures make it seem as though it could have some bearing on the current crisis, but it could also, I suppose, be a giant waste of time.

'til death...
Now that Henrik has 'died', I wonder if he and Rebecca need to get married again...

Destroying the 'magic'
The more I think about it, the more I wonder what is/was wrong with the KoF's plan to cap the 'Well of Souls'. Sure, it'll 'kill' all of the magic in the world or somesuch. But why should anyone care? The world certainly seemed to be getting along fine for the first 30 years of my life, without any magic (well, until the governments overexpanded credit distorting the markets... but that's a different story). I know I wouldn't miss it.
It has also been mentioned that this would leave the KoF ascendant, while crippling the KoB and KoL. Again, who cares? We could, presumably, do something to shackle the power of the KoF, and if there is no magic, what does it matter that the other Kings have no power?
It has further been mentioned that this would leave the world unprepared for the next time that Outsiders came. But this wouldn't be for another 100,000 years or so. Who knows what mankind will have done in that time. We've made remarkable advances over the last 200 years. With 500 times that much time, we'll have likely built planes that can fly into space. We can colonize the rest of the universe. Maybe we'll have already taken the fight to the Outsiders and made peace with them on our own terms. If nothing else, if capping the well causes them to ignore us this time, why wouldn't it be more of the same the next time?
It has also been said that mankind will do itself great damage, somehow, with machines in the next 50-100 years. But that's just a vision induced by 'magic'. Seeing as how the magic is said to be (in some ways) a living force, is it not possible that it is acting in self-preservation? Showing us images that get it the outcome it wants? Again, if nothing else, this is just a possible outcome. Forewarned is forearmed.
One additional thought: Why is it that we couldn't just 'cap the well' until the 'time of crisis' passed? It's only supposed to last a couple more years, I think. Is it because the world can't fix itself without the magic, so that the 'time of crisis' becomes everlasting? But that doesn't sound right, because it is my understanding that the well was capped previously. Hmmm. I guess I'll need to ask somebody about this.