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Revision as of 05:44, 5 June 2010

Game: Exalted The End of an Age.

Name: The Lady of Verdigris Virtue
Caste: Malefactor
Concept: Cult Leader
Description: The Lady is fairly unmistakable. Mainly because she's gorgeous, her eyes seem to be actually faceted in the right light, her hair is a strange verdigrised bronze hue, and she's normally dressed in either a white shift or completely naked, depending on whether she is (relatively) hiding or not.


  • To convert all to the worship of Cecelyne


Natural Intimacies

  • None

Unnatural Intimacies

  • None


  • None



  • Strength 1
  • Dexterity 2
  • Stamina 4


  • Charisma 4
  • Manipulation 4
  • Appearance 4


  • Perception 3
  • Intelligence 3
  • Wits 3


Slayer Caste Abilities

  • Archery
  • (F) Martial Arts 3
  • Melee
  • Thrown
  • War

Malefactor Caste Abilities

  • (C) Integrity 2
  • (C) Performance 3
  • (C) Presence 3
  • (C) Resistance 2
  • (C) Survival 2

Defiler Caste Abilities

  • Craft
    • Craft (Sub Craft...)
  • Investigation 1
  • Lore 1
  • Medicine
  • (F) Occult 2

Scourge Caste Abilities

  • Athletics
  • Awareness 3
  • (F) Dodge 3
  • Larceny
  • Stealth

Fiend Caste Abilities

  • Bureaucracy
  • (F) Linguistics 1
    • Native
      • Native Language -High Realm
    • Learned
      • Learned Languages -Old Realm
  • Ride
  • Sail
  • (F) Socialize 2


Cult (**)

  • The Lady's cultists are an eclectic bunch. In general, they all are fluent in Old Realm, and run the gamut from street person to white collar worker.

Influence (*)

  • Having members of her cult throughout the city pays many dividends, from hiding places when necessary to food when she feels like eating...

Backing (*)

  • The Lady has the backing of her patron in Malfeas, although that tends to not do her much good on Earth...

Unwoven Coadjutator (*****)

  • Agatae-Two Dice Bonus to all Perception Rolls, 4 dice bonus to Join Battle rolls, one free demon-related specialty (Performance-Prayers to Cecelyne), 2 die bonus to all Social rolls against demons and Yozi cultists, can sense Yozi cultists unfailingly

Sifu (*)

  • Her Coadjutator knows a fair amount of things related to Infernal Items, Charms, and Martial Art stylings. (Can teach the Lady only. Knows Black Claw, Infernal Monster, Laughing Imp, and Hellfire Ballet styles, but is sworn only to teach the Lady one style at a time until she masters it. Currently working on Infernal Monster.[This way,she can't learn any Sidereal styles or any non-Infernal origin Celestial styles without finding another teacher...])



  • First Malfean Excellency
  • By Pain Reforged- (Infernals, pg. 108)Pay one lethal health level, ignore wound penalties for all bashing damage taken. No effect on lethal or aggravated wound penalties.
  • Insignificant Embers Intuition-(Infernals, pg. 112) 2 motes to enhance any standard Perception + Awareness roll to observe someone. Included with any gleaned information is the strength and aspect of target's Essence relative to the user's. (P+A roll at diff 4 to notice a green glint in the user's eyes when used)
  • Green Sun Nimbus Flare-(Infernals, pg. 114) 3 motes, enhances any physical attack that inflicts a level of damage or more. Green fire erupts from the wound, inflicting an additional 2 levels of unsoakable lethal damage.
  • Cold Fire Desolation Brand-(Infernals, pg. 116) Upgrades above. All wounds inflicted by the above automatically inflict the enemy with Green Sun Wasting. (Infernals, pg. 110)


  • First Cecelyne Excellency
  • Sorcerous Enlightenment of Cecelyne
  • Cecelyne Mythos Exultant
  • Cecelyne Inevitability Technique

  • Hellscry Chakra(Infernals, pg. 118)- 5 motes, perceives all of the following: Dematerialized demons, possessing demons, adds Essence in bonus successes on all rolls to notice, track, or pierce the disguise attempts of all Malfean natives. Upon recognizing a demon or Yozi, its nature becomes Obvious to the user (ST provides a basic synopsis of target's capabilities and Motivations)[also applies to Infernal relics]. Also automatically recognizes non-demon Malfean natives, although no other information is given automatically.
  • Transcendant Desert Creature (Infernals, pg. 121)- Suffers no negative penalties from exposure, all foraging rolls with a diff. of 4+ instead have a diff. of 1, total penalty for starvation or thirst cannot rise above -3 (side effect of this is that the Exalt's body never produces waste of any kind), All mundane tracking attempts fail unless the user allows it, magically assisted tracking instead suffers a penalty = Infernal's Essence rating. (All of this only applies in places of desolation.)
  • Holy Land Infliction (Infernals, pg. )- 15 motes and 1 WP, creates a 10 yard square encroachement of Cecelyne. May spread through either regular worship ceremonies or ritual sacrifice of Exalts or gods.
  • Sand Through Fingers Defense (Infernals, pg. )- Physical Perfect Dodge. Can not be used against blows that would strike a dematerialized creature. Imperfection of the Endless Desert.
  • Withered Soul Wastes (Infernals, pg. )- 10 motes and 1 WP, expands 'place of desolation' to also include regions of spiritual desolation that aren't part of the Underworld.
  • Verdant Emptiness Endowment (Infernals, pg. 128)- 10 motes and 1 WP, can grant one dot of an Attribute, Ability, or specialty as a training effect.
  • Scoured Perfection of Form (Infernals, pg. 129)- Expands above to be able to bestow or remove mutations too.
  • Demonic Primacy of Essence (Infernals, pg. 120)- Whenever this character makes a Social attack against a Malfean native with a lower Essence, target suffers a MDV penalty = difference in Essence ratings and the attack is considered unnatural mental influence.
  • Penitents Like Scattered Grains (Infernals, pg. 120)- 5 motes, duration is indefinite. Allows user to hear individual prayers spoken from places of desolation as though she were a spirit. Listening to all prayers inflicts a -3 internal penalty to all non-reflexive actions, unless the user turns them out. If she does, ST only relays most widely repeated or urgent prayers.

She Who Lives In Her Name


The Ebon Dragon


  • Permanent Essence: 3
    • Personal Motes: 15/15
    • Peripheral Motes: 22/36


Six Permanent, Five Dots remaining.


  • Compassion: ***
  • Conviction: **
  • Temperance: ***
  • Valor: *


  • Torment of Cecelyne: Roll permanent Essence. Suffers one lethal damage per success, soakable only with natural Stamina. Any Intimacies disapproved by Cecelyne also suffer the damage.
  • Limit Condition: Acts contrary to Compassion (by spending Willpower), spending Willpower to resist unnatural mental influence, and whenever she acts contrary to her Urge (by spending Willpower)
  • Limit 0/10


Combat Stats


  • Join Battle 9
  • DDV 4


  • Charms/Spells: None
  • Unarmoured: 4B/2L


  • Charms:
  • -0 [ ]
  • -1 [ ] [ ]
  • -2 [ ] [ ]
  • -4 [ ]
  • I [ ]
  • D [ ] [ ]


  • Join Debate 9
  • MDDV 6

  • Investigation -Speed 5 ACC +5 / MPDV 3 / Rate 2-
  • Performance -Speed 6 ACC +7 / MPDV 4 / Rate 1-
  • Presence -Speed 4 ACC +7 / MPDV 4 / Rate 2-


  • Join War


  • None


  • None


  • None

Experience 0/0


  • None


  • None


  • None


  • None


  • None


  • None